RF exposure calculations


RF Exposure Info

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March 20, 2000

TO:           Federal Communications Commission
              Office of Engineering Technology Laboratory

FROM:         Jeffrey L. Zwiebel
              Systems Development Staff Engineer
              Wireless Access

SUBJECT:      RF Exposure Calculations for FCC ID JF69928RT

The 9928RT unit uses an integral parabolic antenna with a diameter of 26 cm. The antenna has a
nominal gain of 34.5 dBi. The transmitter section of the 9928RT operates at a fixed gain over a
nominal frequency range of 27500 to 27850 MHz. The RT gain is adjusted at installation to
compensate for distance from the base station and for IF cable losses. The IF input level varies
to compensate for fading conditions.

The maximum RF output power under normal operating conditions is +12 dBm (16 mW).
However if the RT fixed gain has not been properly set, the unit can be driven into compression
with a maximum RF power output of +18 dBm (63 mW). Calculations for RF exposure are
based on this condition.

The maximum power density in mW/cm2 for the near field of a parabolic antenna is

       W = (16 x P)/(π x D2)

where P = average transmitter power in mW and D = antenna diameter in cm.

This results in a near field power density of W = (16 x 63)/ (π x 332) = 0.295 mW/cm2. This
level is less than the maximum uncontrolled exposure limit of 1 mW/cm2 for the general
population as listed in Table 1 of 47 CFR Part 1.1310. Therefore the transmitter is safe for all
distances outside of the interior of the antenna dish. The antenna on the 9928RT has a front
cover that is sealed to the dish, preventing normal access to the interior.

A statement that the equipment meets the RF exposure limits of 47 CFR Part 1.1310 is included
on the FCC ID label for the 9928RT.

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Document Created: 2000-03-20 14:22:32
Document Modified: 2000-03-20 14:22:32

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