Manual Chapter 8


Users Manual

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    Chapter 8: Maintenance

    Replacing DecisioNet Hardware
               Except for the ESL battery replacement described in this chapter, the
               DecisioNet System hardware does not require any preventive
               maintenance. If there is a problem, trained NCR Customer Service
               personnel or other trained personnel can use the information in
               Chapter 7, "Testing and Troubleshooting," to analyze and isolate the
               DecisioNet hardware is not field repairable. If it is determined that a
               CBS, antenna, power supply, or ESL is defective, use the procedures
               described in this chapter to replace the unit with a new one. If
               appropriate, contact your NCR representative for information on
               where to send the defective unit for repair.
               Important Information: After removing or replacing the CBS or a
               transmit antenna, it is recommended that you re-certify RF
               communications. It is also recommended that the change in the site
               configuration be noted for support purposes. For more information,
               contact your NCR representative and reference the following:
               •   DecisioNet Implementation Guide (B005-0000-1250)
               •   Certification/Re-Certification Site Survey Policy (497-0410343)

8-2   Chapter 8: Maintenance

Replacing a CBS
                          Use this procedure to replace a suspected malfunctioning CBS with
                          another one.
                          1. Stop CBS communication using the DNCBSMTEST > 2. CBS Test
                             > 6. Disable Communications option.
                          2. Power off all the CBSs in the system by powering off the power
                          3. After noting its switch positions, disconnect and remove the
                             malfunctioning CBS.
                          4. Set the switches in the new CBS to match the switches in the CBS
                             you are replacing.
                          5. Install the new CBS and reconnect the cables where they were
                             connected before.
                          6. Power up all CBSs in the system.
                          7. Re-start CBS communication using the DNCBSMTEST
                             DNCBSMTEST > 2. CBS Test > 3. Enable Normal Mode
                             Communications option.
                          8. Confirm that errors related to the replaced CBS are no longer being

                                                               Chapter 8: Maintenance   8-3

Replacing Antennas

             Replacing a Receive Antenna
             Use this procedure to replace a suspected malfunctioning receive
             1. Disconnect and remove the malfunctioning receive antenna.
             2. Install and re-connect the new receive antenna.
             3. Confirm that errors related to the replaced antenna are no longer
                being logged.
             Replacing a Transmit Antenna
             Use this procedure to replace a suspected malfunctioning transmit
             antenna. You MUST remove power from the CBSs during this
             procedure. Removing a transmit antenna from a powered CBS can
             damage the CBS transmitter circuitry.
             1. Stop CBS communication using he DNCBSMTEST > 2. CBS Test >
                6. Disable Communications option.
             2. Power off all the CBSs in the system by powering off the power
             3. Disconnect and remove the malfunctioning transmit antenna.
             4. Install the new transmit antenna.
             5. Power up all CBSs in the system.
             6. Re-start CBS communication using the DNCBSMTEST
                DNCBSMTEST > 2. CBS Test > 3. Enable Normal Mode
                Communications option.

8-4   Chapter 8: Maintenance

Replacing a Power Supply
                          Use this procedure to replace a suspected malfunctioning power
                          1. Stop CBS communication using the DNCBSMTEST > 2. CBS Test
                             > 6. Disable Communications option.
                          2. Power off all the CBSs in the system by powering off the power
                          3. Disconnect and remove the malfunctioning power supply.
                          4. Install a new power supply.
                          5. Power up all power supplies in the system.
                          6. Re-start CBS communication using the DNCBSMTEST
                             DNCBSMTEST > 2. CBS Test > 3. Enable Normal Mode
                             Communications option.
                          7. Confirm that errors related to the replaced power supply are no
                             longer being logged.

                                                               Chapter 8: Maintenance   8-5

Battery Replacement
           When an ESL's battery becomes weak, the battery symbol in the
           display lights indicating that its lithium battery must be replaced. After
           removing the ESL from the shelf, follow these steps to replace the
           1. Open the battery cover by inserting a coin in the slot and turning
              counter-clockwise to its detented position as shown in the
              following illustration.

           2. Attach the Power Saver Tool.
              Note: This tool is planned for GCA . It serves as a temporary
              power source while replacing ESL batteries.

           3. Remove the battery cover.

           4. Remove the battery.

           5. Place a new battery in the battery cavity, remove the Power Saver
              Tool, and replace the battery cover.

           Caution: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
           Replace only with same or equivalent type as recommended by the
           manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer's

8-6   Chapter 8: Maintenance

Updating a CBS's Firmware Images
                               Periodically updates may be required to add enhancements or
                               correct problems in the CBS firmware. Firmware updates are
                               distributed on diskette as a self-extracting executable file that
                               automatically updates all CBS firmware images. Instructions for
                               performing the update are included with the diskette.

Document Created: 2001-04-16 07:24:24
Document Modified: 2001-04-16 07:24:24

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