Chapter 8


Users Manual

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    Configuring the DecisioNet System

               This chapter describes how to configure the DecisioNet System
               environment after the software is installed. Most of the configuration
               options are the same for the Windows NT, NCR UNIX, and SCO UNIX
               environments. In the following list of configuration topics discussed in
               this chapter, the topic applies to all three environments unless
               indicated otherwise.
               •   Setting performance boost in Windows NT
               •   Configuring the CBS communications port
               •   Configuring the DecisioNet System software
               •   Starting the DecisioNet System software
               •   Configuring Windows NT services
               •   About passwords
               Windows NT screens are used to illustrate the option entry (dialog
               box) screens. Where applicable, system-specific steps and differences
               are described. The following navigation section identifies how to move
               from field to field, option to option, and screen to screen in the UNIX
               Note: DecisioNet software permits additional customization for site-
               specific requirements through modification of system defaults and the
               optionally installed features. Refer to Appendix D, “Customizing the
               DecisioNet System,” for information about system features that permit
               modification beyond the modifications described in this chapter.

8-2   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

                          Note: When you modify the application parameters in EPL
                          Administration or the configuration files (*.cfg), stop EPL Applications
                          and restart EPL Applications so that the system acknowledges the
                          changes made to the configuration.

How to Navigate in a DecisioNet UNIX Environment
                          Since the UNIX environment does not utilize a mouse to move through
                          the system, and since the screen view is different from that of Windows
                          NT, please refer to the following topics for instructions on navigating
                          DecisioNet in UNIX.
                          Once you have started the DecisioNet software (refer to “Starting
                          DecisioNet” later in this section) and have selected the desired
                          maintenance or administration function, there are three main areas
                          through which to navigate. They are:
                          •    menu bar
                          •    pulldown menu
                          •    dialog box

                          Each area uses specific keys or key combinations to:
                          •    move the current position forward
                          •    move the current position backwards
                          •    highlight and make a selection
                          •    confirm or cancel information entered
                          •    exit

                                   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-3

                         Menu Bar Navigation
F10                Toggle key that activates and deactivates menu
←→                 Moves from choices in the active menu
Hot Key            The underlined or highlighted character in the active
                   menu choice that will execute that menu choice
Enter or Space     From active menu choice, displays either pulldown
                   or dialog box
↓                  Displays pulldown

                         Pulldown Navigation
←→                 Leaves pulldown and returns to menu bar
↑↓                 Moves through pulldown
Space or Enter     Executes pulldown choice
Hot Key            Executes - From active menu choice, displays either
                   pulldown or dialog box

              Keystrokes for Navigating in the Dialog Box
Tab                Moves the current position forward, field by field.
Shift + Tab        Moves the current position backward, field by field
Space(bar)         (1) From a radio list, selects the current button
                   (2) From a check box, selects or deselects the box
                   (3) From a list box, selects the current item in the
                   list item
←→                 In a list or field, moves the current position forward
                   or backward within the field or list field.
↑↓                 In a list box, moves up or down the list. Use the
                   spacebar to select an item in the list.
Enter              (1) From a field, executes the default (highlighted)
                   (2) From a button, executes the current, selected

8-4   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment


                                              Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-5

Setting Performance Boost in Windows NT 4.0
           Following installation, set the foreground and background
           applications to get equal time.
           1. Select the Control Panel from the Settings menu from the Start icon.
           2. Choose the System icon.
           3. Click on the Performance tab.
           4. Slide the Boost Selector to “None” to indicate “No Performance
           5. Click on Apply to accept these changes.
           6. Click on OK in the Performance Dialog Box.
           7. Close the Control Panel.
           Configure the system as described in this chapter, beginning with the
           section “Configuring the CBS Communications.”

8-6   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

Configuring the CBS Communications Port
                          Before you can run the DecisioNet software, you must configure the
                          CBSCOMM Port variable in the basesw.cfg file. This ASCII file is in the
                          following directories in a default system:
                                  Windows NT          \epl\data
                                  NCR UNIX            /appl/epl/data
                                  SCO UNIX            /appl/epl/data

                          To change these parameters you must edit them from the DOS or
                          UNIX prompt with an editor.
                          Locate the following section in the file and set the variable to the serial
                          port or serial device where the EPL converter is connected in your
                          system. The serial port used by the DecisioNet software must not be
                          used by other applications within the system.

                          #Specifies RS-232 device name
                          # Mandatory.
                          "CBSCOMM_PORT", <port/device name>

                          For example:
                                  Windows NT          "COM1" or "COM2"
                                  NCR UNIX            "/dev/term/s001"
                                  SCO UNIX            "/DEV/TTY1a"

                          Caution: Other variables in the base software configuration file are set
                          to system defaults and may be modified using the EPL Administration
                          application. Editing them directly with a ASCII editor may cause
                          system problems. Refer to Appendix C for a sample listing of all the
                          basesw.cfg file variables.

                                                Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-7

Starting the DecisioNet System
               You must start the DecisioNet System before performing the EPL tag

To Start the DecisioNet System in Windows NT
              From the EPL Applications Programs group, select Start EPL
              Applications. To stop the application software, select Stop EPL
              Note: If the DecisioNet software has been configured to start as an
              automatic service on your system, there is no need to start the
              application manually.

To Start the DecisioNet System in NCR UNIX or SCO UNIX
              At the UNIX command line, type startepl. The command to shut
              down the DecisioNet System is stopepl.

8-8   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

Configuring the DecisioNet System Software
                          After installing new software, you must configure the following
                          DecisioNet System parameters for your store's environment:
                          •    Application Configuration
                          •    Base Hardware
                          •    Label Data Maintenance (LDM)
                          Note: Basic LDM functionality is provided in the EPL Base
                          Application Runtime software. To access all the options described
                          within this configuration chapter, you must purchase and install the
                          EPL Information Messaging System package for enhanced LDM

                          To access these parameters you must start EPL Administration.
                          1. Access and start EPL Administration as follows:
                                 Windows NT           Select EPL Administration from the EPL
                                                      Applications Programs group.
                                 NCR UNIX and         Type esadmin at the UNIX prompt and
                                 SCO UNIX             press Enter.

                          2. In the Username and Password fields, enter hardware and config1.
                             (These are the default entries that access EPL Administration and
                             permit modification to the Base Hardware Configuration screen
                             parameters. Other default entries, system and manager, only
                             permit viewing of the base hardware parameters but permit access
                             to all other EPL Administration functions.) Refer to the “About
                             Passwords” section later in this chapter for details about password

                                  Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-9

3. Select Config from the EPL Administration main menu bar.

   The EPL Administration screen displays when you select Config
   from the EPL Administration Main menu bar.

4. Highlight Application and select Appl. Parameters from the
   pulldown list to display the Application Configuration Parameters

5. Enter the date format and select one or more application settings
   from this screen. Select OK to return to the EPL Administration
   main menu bar.

8-10   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

                           Field Descriptions
                           Below are field descriptions of the Application Configuration
                           Parameters dialog.

                           Date Format
                           Set the date format to mmddyy, ddmmyy, or yymmdd. The specified
                           format is used on all display screens, reports, and logs.

                           Item Descriptions in Bedcheck Report
                           This parameter lists the descriptions for each item (e.g., coffee) when
                           you run a bedcheck report.

                           Display Price for Random Weight Items
                           This parameter enables you to display the unit price for random weight
                           items in the price field. For example, the system can handle random
                           weight items by the pound, such as hamburger meat.

                           Expand UPC-E
                           Each item is usually associated with the a Universal Product Code
                           number. This option determines whether the UPC-Es are expanded.
                           UPC numbers are typically 12 digits, but a UPC-E is seven or eight
                           digits. The series type “E” in a UPC is the compressed form of the
                           standard UPC-A.

                           Check Digit for UPC-E Expansion
                           Every UPC number is divided into four parts: NSC character,
                           manufacturer number, item number, and check digit. The check digit
                           verifies the validity of the UPC number. When an item is scanned, the
                           scanner can be configured to whether to strip the Check Digit. This
                           information is necessary so that you can accurately expand an item
                           with the UPC-E to its original form.

                                  Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-11

6. Highlight Application and select EPL Add Defaults from the
   pulldown list to display the EPL Add Defaults Configuration

7. Enter the parameters for your system on this screen. Select OK to
   return to the EPL Administration main menu bar.

Field Descriptions
The following are field descriptions of the EPL Add Defaults dialog.

8-12   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

                           Unit of Measure
                           The following table shows the units of measure available in the
                           esmeasur.tbl configuration file. Additional values may be added by
                           editing the file. The value selected here is the default value that
                           displays in the Unit of Measure field of all EPL Maintenance dialog
                           boxes. Refer to Appendix C for additional information about the
                             OZ                        mL                    CT                    Pint
                             LB                        Gal.                  Kg                    100 Units
                             g                         QT                    Pound                 50 Sq. Ft.
                             L                         PT                    Quart                 100 Sq. Ft.

                           Unt Prc Plcmnt
                           This parameter identifies where the Unit Price displays on the
                           SmarTalker tags used in your environment. The value selected
                           determines the default value that displays in the EPL Type field of Add
                           EPL Maintenance dialog boxes.

                             Parameter         Add EPL Maintenance dialog EPL Type field default
                             Lft/Top                     Standard, Left Unit Price (1 Std. LUP)
                                                         Small, Left Upper Unit Price (3 Sml. UUP)
                                                         Standard, Left Unit Price (5 V2 Std.LUP)
                                                         Small, Upper Euro Price (8 V2 Euro Sml.)
                                                         Standard, Upper Left Euro Price (7 V2 Euro Std)
                             Rt/Btm                      Standard, Right Unit Price (2 Std. RUP)
                                                         Small, Right Lower Unit Price (4 Sml. RUP)
                                                         Standard, Right Unit Price (6 V2 Std.RUP)
                                                         Small, Lower Unit Price (9 V2 Small)

                                   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-13

Flash Periods (seconds)
This is the default length of flash periods for adding an EPL. It
indicates the number of seconds the entries for Price, Promo-1, Promo-
2, and Promo-3 display before changing to the next display field.
Available options are:

Log All Pre-EPL Recs
If this option is checked, when you add a pre-EPL file to the system, an
entry for each EPL record successfully added, is written to the EPL
Audit Log. The Audit Log could then be printed and saved for
reference, and then cleared to free up the disk space. Pre-EPL records
that fail are recorded in the EPL System Error log. Using this option for
an initial pre-EPL file load requires additional disk space for the Audit
Log records. This option may be more useful when adding pre-EPL
files following the initial load to maintain a record of what was added.

8-14   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

                           8. Highlight Application and select EPL Display from the pulldown
                              list to display the EPL Add Display Parameter Configuration

                           9. Enter the parameters for your system on this screen. The
                              parameters shown are the DecisioNet System defaults. Select OK to
                              return to the EPL Administration main menu bar.

                           Field Descriptions
Default EPL Display Handling section

                           Price Overflow
                            If the retail price is greater than the maximum number of allowable
                           digits, you can either choose DROP UNIT PRICE, which ceases to
                           display the unit price, or you can choose DROP SIGNIFICANT
                           DIGITS, which drops the least significant digit. If you are dropping
                           the least significant digit and the price is 1,350.45, only 1,350 would
                           display on the EPL. For example, the maximum number of allowable
                           digits for SmarTalker I and II standard tags is four digits, SmarTalker II
                           2x6s allow six digits and 2x5s allow five digits.

                                                        Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-15

                   Rounding Type

                     If the digit to the right of the least significant digit is a 5 or greater,
                     round up. Otherwise, round down. Example: 38.78 cents becomes
                     38.8 cents, 38.71 cents becomes 38.7 cents.
                     If a digit to the right of the least significant digit is not zero, round
                     up. Example: 38.78 cents becomes 38.8 cents. 38.71 becomes 38.8
                     Ignore digits to the right of the least significant digit. Example:
                     37.78 cents becomes 38.7 cents. 38.71 cents becomes 38.7 cents.

                   Unit Price Display
                   When adding an EPL tag to the system, this parameter gives you the
                   option to: ALWAYS or NEVER display the unit price, or ASK the user
                   during EPL Maintenance Add or Change EPL functions whether or not
                   the unit price should be displayed on a particular EPL tag. If ASK is
                   selected as the default here, the EPL Maintenance screen displays an
                   additional check box next to the Mark for Printing check box. The
                   additional check box is then used to indicate if the unit price for the
                   new EPL is to be displayed.

Purged/Removed EPL Display Parameters section

                   On EPL Removal / On EPL-Purge
                   This option allows you to display a configurable message when an
                   item is deleted and/or purged from the system. The options are:
                   •   Last Price: Indicates no change to the tag. The price on the tag when
                       the tag is deleted and/or purged will remain on the tag.
                   •   Enunciators: Indicates that all text will be cleared from the tag and
                       that all “.s” and “,s” (dots and commas) will be turned on.

8-16   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

                           •    Text: Allows you to enter text that will be displayed on the tag
                                when the tag is deleted and/or purged.

                                 Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-17

10. Highlight Application and select Currency Display from the
    pulldown list to display the EPL Currency Display Configuration

11. Enter the parameters for your system on this screen. The
    parameters shown are the DecisioNet System defaults. Select OK to
    return to the EPL Administration main menu bar.

Note: Unit Price Currency Symbol and Euro Pricing are mutually

8-18   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

                           Field Descriptions

                           Number of Decimal Places
                           This parameter (0, 2 or 3), identifies the decimal position used when
                           displaying price data on the SmarTalker tags.
                                0: 00 (No decimal point)
                                2: 0.00 (2 digits to the right of the decimal point)
                                3: 0.000 (3 digits to the right of the decimal point)

                           Unit Price Currency Symbol
                           This field gives you three options: Cent, Euro, and None. If the cent
                           option is selected, the cent sign (¢) is displayed with the unit price on
                           the SmarTalker. For example, a unit price of 12.79 would display as
                           12.7¢. With the option off, it would display as 12.79. If Euro Pricing is
                           selected, do not select Cent as the Unit Price Currency Symbol.

                           Currency Decimal Symbol
                           Two options are available. A decimal point (.) and a comma (,). When a
                           comma is selected as the currency symbol, it displays on the screen and
                           in DecisioNet System reports, but does not display on the SmarTalker.
                           This option turns on the Euro symbol on the 7 V2 Euro Std. and 8 V2
                           Euro Sml. EPL tag types. The symbol will display on a tag the first time
                           a price change is made after this option has been set. This option is
                           intended for use with Euro pricing only.

                           Euro Pricing
                           This option turns on the Euro symbol on the 7 V2 Euro Std. and 8 V2
                           Euro Sml. EPL tag types. The symbol will display on a tag the first time
                           a price change is made after this option has been set. This option is
                           intended for use with Euro pricing only.

                           Leading 0 on Fractional Prices
                           This option places a zero before the decimal. For example, choosing
                           this option will change “.25” to “0.25.”

                                                Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-19

Base Hardware Configuration
              The CBS, power supply, and receive antenna configuration is identified
              the Base Hardware Configuration screen. This information must match
              the physical layout of the store. It is used by the Failure Detection and
              Analysis software to monitor the store’s EPL hardware and cable
              integrity. The cable illustration in the section “System Cable
              Connection” of Chapter 4 may be helpful when making the entries
              required in the following sections.
              To access the Base Hardware Configuration screen, use the left and
              right arrow keys to select Config. from the EPL Administration main
              menu, highlight Base, and press Enter.
              The Base Hardware Configuration screen displays.

              The following are explanations of the parameters on the Base
              Hardware Configuration screen.

8-20   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

                           Master CBS Address
                           Identify the address of the Master CBS. This is the CBS connected to the
                           RS-232/RS422 Converter. On the previous screen, 00 is the Master CBS.
                           1. Use the Tab key to move the Master CBS Address selection box.
                           2. Use the down and up arrow keys to highlight the desired address.
                           3. Press the Tab key.

                           Number of Power Supplies
                           Identify the number of power supplies installed in your system. One
                           power supply is required for each five (5) CBSs. There are 4 power
                           supplies in the example configuration
                           1. Use the down and up arrow keys to highlight the desired number.
                           2. Press the Tab key.
                           Note: Additional screens are provided for configuring CBS Address
                           and Receive Antenna locations when more than two (2) power supplies
                           are defined. Navigational buttons (Next and Previous) are provided to
                           access the additional screens. In the example layout, there would be
                           two screens with Power Supplies A, B, C, D corresponding to the
                           Power Supply 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the illustration.

                           CBS Address
                           Identify the CBS Address for each CBS installed in the store, including
                           the Master CBS. CBS Addresses range from 0-19. Addresses for the
                           CBSs associated with Power Supply A (Power Supply 1 in the example)
                           would be 00, 01, 02, 03, and 04.
                           1. Use the Tab key to move the CBS Address selection box.
                           2. Use the down and up arrow keys to highlight the desired address.
                           3. Press the Tab key.
                           Note: CBSs associated with Power Supply B would be 05, 06, 07, 08
                           and 09.

                                   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-21

CBS Enabled
This options lets you disable a CBS in the situation where you might
not want it communicating within the store. The default option is
disabled. You must enable all the CBSs initially.
1. Use the Tab key to move to each CBS Enabled check box. The
   cursor position or focus is actually an area to the right of the check
2. Press the Space bar to check the box

Receive Antenna
For each CBS, identify the ports (A, B, C, and D) where receive
antenna are connected.
1. Use the Tab key to move to corresponding check box.
2. Press the Space bar to check the box

8-22   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

                           Label Data Maintenance (LDM)
                           LDM tracks changes affecting SmarTalker overlays. It converts change
                           data from data files into ASCII text files that can be printed and used
                           for creating new overlays. Basic LDM functionality is provided in the
                           EPL Base Application Runtime software. To access all the options
                           described within this configuration chapter, you must purchase and
                           install the EPL Information Messaging System package.
                           To access the Label Data Maintenance Configuration screen, use the
                           left and right arrow keys to select Config. from the EPL Administration
                           main menu, use the up or down arrow key to highlight Label Data
                           Maintenance, and press Enter. The following screen displays.

                           The following are explanations of the parameters on the Label Data
                           Maintenance Configuration screen.

                                                        Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-23

Track Label Data when these fields change section
                     Identify the label data fields to track by checking the associated option
                     box. When changes are made to EPL table records through EPL
                     maintenance functions, a flag corresponding to the selected fields is set
                     to mark the record for printing. Depending on the type of print option
                     selected, flags are reset following the label print operation.

                     PLU Number
                     Track label data when the PLU number of an EPL item changes.

                     Price Level
                     Track label data when the price level of an item changes. The price
                     level is an item specification that is defined by the user. An example of
                     its use could be if different sizes of an item are on the same PLU
                     number, and the price level could be used to differentiate the sizes.

                     Serial Number
                     Track label data when the SmarTalker serial number assigned to an
                     EPL record changes.

                     Track label data when the measure changes. Measure is a conversion
                     factor necessary to calculate the correct unit price (price per)
                     information by converting the product’s unit of measure to the
                     displayed unit price unit of measure. The displayed unit price unit of
                     measure is the price per unit of measure.
                     For example, if the store wants the unit price of a 12 ounce can of cola
                     to be per ounce, the measure is 1 because the product unit of measure
                     and the unit price unit of measure are the same. If the unit price unit of
                     measure is to be displayed as price per quart in this example, the
                     measure is 32, the number of ounces in a quart.

                     Unit of Measure
                     Track label data when the unit of measure changes. The unit of
                     measure is how this product is packaged. A 12 ounce can of cola has a
                     unit of measure of ounce or oz. Other units of measure include pound,
                     kilogram, and liter which are abbreviated as lb, kg, and L.

8-24   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

                           Package Size
                           Track label data when the package size changes. The package size is
                           the number of units of measure in the package. For example, if the Unit
                           of Measure is “oz,” the package size might be 3.2 to denote 3.2 ounces
                           per package.
Maximum Number of Print Files section
                           Each time you run each of the types of reports discussed below, a file is
                           generated. The number in the field next to each type of report
                           determines how many versions of the report are kept. For example, if
                           the number 5 is in the Quick field, the last 5 versions of the Quick
                           report are kept in the directory, epl\data\ldffiles for Window NT and
                           /appl/epl/data/ldffiles for NCR UNIX and SCO UNIX. The minimum
                           number is one (1) which would keep only the current file.

                           The maximum number of quick print files that can be stored in the
                           LDM files directory. Quick print files are in data format and have not
                           yet been converted to ASCII. Quick print files contain information on
                           description changes gathered in the previous scan of the PLU file and
                           current EPL Table changes. All flags are reset with this print option.

                           The maximum number of ASCII print files containing change
                           information that can be stored in the LDM files directory. These files do
                           not contain information on every EPL record, only the records that
                           have been changed. This includes current PLU file description changes
                           if extended LDM functionality is installed and current EPL Table
                           changes. All flags are reset with this print option.

                           The maximum number of ASCII print files containing all EPL records
                           that can be stored in the LDM files directory. An All print file contains
                           information on all EPL labels regardless of whether the specified fields
                           have changed or not and the latest descriptions from the PLU file if
                           extended LDM functionality is installed. Flags are not reset with this
                           print option.

                                                     Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-25

                  The maximum number of Select ASCII print files that can be stored in
                  the LDM files directory. Select print files contain label information for
                  EPL Table records specified by the user for a range of serial numbers or
                  PLU item numbers. Flags are not reset with this print option.

                  The maximum number of Date ASCII print files that can be stored in
                  the LDM files directory. Date print files contain label information for
                  EPL Table records added within the given date range. Flags are not
                  reset with this print option.
LDM System Parameters section
                  The following settings can be viewed on the Label Data Maintenance
                  Configuration screen, but can only be changed in the basesw.cfg file.
                  Refer to Appendix C and Appendix D for information about
                  Configuration Files and Customizing the DecisioNet System. These are
                  extended LDM functions available only when the EPL Information
                  Messaging System package is installed.

                  The time interval (in seconds) between the times that LDM checks the
                  PLU file for description field changes. The default is 300 seconds.

                  Number of Records
                  The maximum number of records LDM reads at one time when
                  checking for description field changes. The larger this number the
                  faster LDM performs the checks. However, LDM reads this number of
                  records into memory, so more memory is required for larger values.
                  The default is 100.

8-26   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

Configuring Windows NT Services
                           You can start or stop the EPL system software:
                           •    as console applications from
                                •     the DOS prompt, or
                                •     the programs in the EPL Applications Programs group;
                           •    or as manual or automatic services on Windows NT. Automatic
                                service is the method recommended for the reasons specified
                           Services can start automatically or manually. The advantages of
                           running the applications as automatic services are:
                           •    Ease of Use - When an application runs as an automatic service, no
                                one has to log in and start it. It starts and runs by itself in the
                                background when the system boots.
                           •    Security - Someone who wants to log on and start or run software
                                that was not started as a service must know and use the Windows
                                NT account ID and Password, and the application account ID and
                                The following software can be run as services for the indicated
                                DecisioNet applications:

                                    EPL Package            Applications Available as Services
                                    EPL Base Runtime       EPL Bedcheck
                                    Package                EPL CBS Manager
                                                           EPL Logger
                                                           EPL Data Scheduler
                                                           EPL Table Manager
                                                           EPL Bridge
                                    EPL Standalone PLU     EPL Standalone PLU Reader
                                    EPL System             EPL Failure Detection and Analysis
                                    Information Package    EPL Log Monitor

                                                  Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-27

                  EPL Package                Applications Available as Services
                                             EPL Status Tag Manager
                  EPL Price                  EPL Sale Price Verifier
                  Redundancy Package         EPL Price Verifier
                                             EPL Price Checker
                  EPL Information            EPL Label Data Manager
                  Messaging System           EPL External Data Interface
                  Package                    EPL Promotional Message Verifier

Automatic Start When Running DecisioNet as a Service
              If you want the DecisioNet software, or parts of it, to start
              automatically as services, configure the Windows NT Service as
              described here.
              Note: There must be an entry in the base software configuration file
              for each service you want to start automatically. Refer to the “Windows
              NT Automatic Services” section in Appendix D for details.

              1. From the Control Panel, double click on the Services icon.
              2. For the EPL service you want to automatically start:
                 a. Highlight the service.
                 b. Click on the startup button.
                 c. Select the Automatic radio button in the Startup Type box.
                 d. Select System Account or This Account in the “Log On As” box. If
                    This Account is selected, enter the valid user account
                    information previously created using the Windows NT User
                 e. Click on OK in the Service dialog box.
              4. Repeat Step 2 for each service you want to start automatically.
              5. When done, click on Close in the Services dialog box.
              6. Reboot the system to start the configured services.

8-28   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

Manual Start When Running DecisioNet as a Service
                           You can start the DecisioNet software, or parts of it, manually as a
                           service at a DOS prompt.
                           Note: The default setting is manual for the services listed in the table
                           at the beginning of this section. Any services that have been changed
                           from manual will not start using the following procedure.

                           1. To start services manually, type runepl startservices from the
                              \epl\bin directory at the DOS prompt. A script file starts the
                              services that you have configured to run manually.
                           2. To stop services, type stopepl from the \epl\bin directory. A
                              script file stops the services that are configured to run manually.

Manually Starting DecisioNet as an Application
                           You can start DecisioNet applications using the following two
                           •    From a DOS prompt:
                                •    Type startepl from the \epl\bin directory.
                           •    From the Programs Group:
                                •    Select Start EPL Applications from the EPL Applications
                                     Programs group.
                           For information on using the DecisioNet EPL applications, see the NCR
                           DecisioNet System User’s Guide (B005-0000-1087).

                                                            Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-29

About Passwords
                    You must enter the Username and Password to operate any of the three
                    major function areas. You can assign the Username and Password in
                    EPL Administration with any of three security levels.

Assigning Security
                    The DecisioNet System provides three security levels for the users. The
                    default Username is system and the default password is manager, and
                    this Username has Level 3 security access.
                    The following table summarizes the security levels in the DecisioNet

   Security Level        EPL              EPL           Password          Display        Standalone EPL
                         Administration   Maintenance   Maintenance       Register       Item Maintenance
   Level 3 (Highest      √                √             √                 √              √
   and Default)
   Level 2               √                √                                              √
   Level 1 (Lowest)                       √                                              √

                    To protect the DecisioNet System from unauthorized access, you must
                    change the password on the system Username to a password other
                    than manager once you have installed the system. Adding additional
                    users with less security access also helps to protect the DecisioNet

Maintaining Username/ Password
                    You can add, change, or delete a Username and Password by going to
                    the EPL Administration window and clicking on the Password menu.
                    The Username/Password Maintenance screen displays.

8-30   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

                           By selecting Add, you can assign a new Username and Password. The
                           Security Level of the user may also be assigned.
                           By selecting Change, you can change the Password or Security Level of
                           the selected user, but not the Username.

                                Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment   8-31

On the Username/Password Maintenance screen, you can delete a
username/password by highlighting a username, selecting delete, and
confirming the deletion.

8-32   Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment

Document Created: 2001-06-11 10:40:43
Document Modified: 2001-06-11 10:40:43

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