Chapter 6


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    DecisioNet Software on an NCR UNIX System

    System Environment for NCR UNIX
               The DecisioNet System requirements are as follows:
              •   IBM AT Compatible PC with an Intel Pentium 90 mHz or higher
              •   Minimum memory: 16 MB for dedicated PCs and 32 MB for all
              •   Hard Disk - per number of SmarTalker tags:

                                              Disk Space Required
                   Number of EPL Records    Default        Maximum
                   5,000                   30 MB            69 MB
                   10,000                  32 MB            73 MB
                   15,000                  34 MB            77 MB
                   25,000                  38 MB            84 MB
                   50,000                  47 MB           103 MB
                   65,000                  53 MB           114 MB

              •   Flex Disk Drive (FDD): 3.5” 1.4 MB High Density
              •   Color CRT (VGA)
              •   RS-232 Port
              •   NCR UNIX SVR 4, MP-RAS (Ver. 3.02 or later)

6-2    DecisioNet Software on an NCR UNIX System

DecisioNet Software for NCR UNIX
                          The DecisioNet software for NCR UNIX is provided on tape cartridges.

Name                                               UNIX Package Name   LPIN
EPL Base and Application Runtime for eplbaseap                         G370-1167-0000
EPL Standalone PLU Maintenance       saplumexe
EPL Scan Process Package             scanproc
EPL Price Redundancy Package                       PriceRed            G370-1170-0000
EPL System Information Package                     SystmInfo           G370-1173-0000
EPL Information Messaging System                   InfoMsg             G370-1176-0000
EPL ACS 4.0 POS Runtime               POS-AC40                         G370-1179-0000
(For Advanced Checkout Solution only)

Checking the System for Existing Packages
                          Note: Before installing new DecisioNet software, remove any old
                          DecisioNet software from the system.

                          Use the following procedures to list and remove existing software
                          packages from the system.
                          1. List software packages using the following command:
                               Pkginfo –c application

                          2. Remove software packages using the following command:
                               pkgrm <package name>

                                                 DecisioNet Software on an NCR UNIX System   6-3

Installing DecisioNet Software on an NCR UNIX System
              The following sections describe how to install DecisioNet software on
              an NCR UNIX system. After installation, refer to Chapter 8,
              “Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment,” and Appendix D,
              “Customizing the DecisioNet System,” for any additional information
              you may need.
              Before installing the DecisioNet software, make sure the hard disk has
              at least 20 megabytes of free space in additon to the normal 10% free
              space required on UNIX systems. Refer to the table on the first page of
              this chapter for space recommendations.
              The following instructions assume that UNIX is already installed.

              Disabling UNIX Port Monitoring
              Before installing the DecisioNet software, you must disable UNIX port
              monitoring for the port on which you want to install the software.
              1. Log in as root.
              2. At the UNIX prompt, type sysadm and press Enter. While in
                 sysadm if you make a mistake, you can press the F7 key and
                 choose Cancel to back up.
              3. Select Ports and press Enter.
              4. Select Port Monitors and press Enter.
              5. Select Disable and press Enter. Look for a port monitor with a
                 name matching the port to which you are going to install the
                 DecisioNet software. Example: /dev/term/xxxx.
              6a. If there is no port monitor that matches, press the F7 key and
                  choose Exit to return to the UNIX prompt. You do not need to
                  disable a port monitor. Skip Steps 7 and 8 and go on to the
                  installation procedure below.

6-4   DecisioNet Software on an NCR UNIX System

                         6b. If there is a port monitor name, highlight that port monitor and
                             press F2.
                         7. Press Enter to disable that port monitor.
                         8. Press the F7 key and choose Exit to return to the UNIX prompt.

                         Starting the Install Process
                         The installation procedure uses the UNIX package add facility.
                         1. Put the tape containing the base application software in the tape
                         2. Type pkgadd -d <device name with path>.

                              The device corresponding to the tape drive should be in this
                              directory path (for example, /dev/rmt/c0t3d0s0).
                         3. A package list displays with a selection number in front of each
                            choice. These packages should be installed in this order:

                              1) Electronic Price Label Base Software - eplbaseap

                              2) EPL Standalone PLU Maintenance Software – saplumexe

                              3) EPL Scan Process Package – scanproc

                         Installing EPL Base and Application Runtime Software
                         1. Type the selection number for the eplbaseap package.

                              The eplbaseap package install begins.

                              UNIX asks where to install the base application software. The
                              default (/appl/epl) is recommended.

                                   DecisioNet Software on an NCR UNIX System   6-5

2. Press Enter to accept the default or type the new destination path
   and then press Enter.

   UNIX asks you to enter a new user ID for the eplbaseap package.
   The default is epl. If you want to use a different user ID, make sure
   the ID is not already in use
3. Press Enter to accept the default or type a NEW user ID and press

   UNIX asks you to specify a home directory for the new user being
   added. The default is /appl/epl.
4. Press Enter to accept the default or type the new home directory
   path and then press Enter.

   UNIX now asks for group ID. The default is epl.
5. Press Enter to accept the default or type the new group ID, then
   press Enter.

   UNIX now starts the installation of eplbaseap, and gives you
   messages to show progress.

   If any UNIX kernel parameters for EPL are different from what is
   already configured in UNIX, messages will show kernel
   parameters that are being modified (tuned).

   UNIX then rebuilds the operating system, if necessary. When
   UNIX finishes the installation, it displays the message:

   Installation of EPL base application was

6-6   DecisioNet Software on an NCR UNIX System

                         Installing the Optional EPL Standalone PLU Maintenance
                         Software (saplumexe)
                         This optional UNIX package is on the EPL Base and Application
                         Runtime tape. You must install the eplbaseap package before installing
                         the EPL Standalone PLU Maintenance software.
                         1. Type pkgadd -d <device name with path>.

                              The device corresponding to the tape drive should be in this
                              directory path (for example, /dev/rmt/c0t3d0s0).
                         2. Type the number for the saplumexe package.

                              UNIX starts the installation for saplumexe, and gives messages to
                              show progress.

                              When UNIX finishes the installation, it displays the message:

                              Installation of saplumexe was successful

                              If you are installing some other POS specific item maintenance
                              package instead of the Standalone PLU Maintenance package, type
                              q and remove the tape. Follow the instructions that come with that

                                    DecisioNet Software on an NCR UNIX System   6-7

Installing the Optional EPL Scan Process Package (scanproc)
This optional UNIX package is on the EPL Base and Application
Runtime tape. You must install the eplbaseap package before installing
the EPL Scan Process software.
1. Type pkgadd -d <device name with path>.

   The device corresponding to the tape drive should be in this
   directory path (for example, /dev/rmt/c0t3d0s0
2. Type the number for the scanproc package.

   The scanproc package install begins.
3. UNIX asks you to enter customer name.
4. Press Enter to set the default or type a new customer name and
   then press Enter.
5. UNIX asks you to enter store number.
6. Press Enter to set the default or type the store number and then
   press Enter.
7. UNIX asks you to enter scanner device port.
8. Press Enter to set the default or type the scanner device port and
   then press Enter.
9. UNIX asks you to enter the host file name.
10. Press Enter to set the default or type the host file name and then
    press Enter.
11. UNIX continues the installation for the scanproc package, and
    gives messages to show progress.

   When UNIX finishes the installation, it displays the message:

   Installation of scanproc was successful

6-8   DecisioNet Software on an NCR UNIX System

                         Installing the EPL Price Redundancy Package (PriceRed)
                         The EPL Base and Application Runtime package (eplbaseap) must be
                         installed prior to installing this optional package.
                         1. Insert the tape with the EPL Price Redundancy package.
                         2. Type pkgadd -d <device name with path>.

                              The device corresponding to the tape drive should be in this
                              directory path (for example, /dev/rmt/c0t3d0s0).
                         3. A package list displays with a selection number in front of each
                            choice. The following package should be displayed:

                              --Electronic Price Label Price Redundancy Package (PriceRed)
                         4. Type the selection number for the PriceRed package.

                              UNIX now starts the installation for PriceRed and gives messages
                              to show progress.

                              When UNIX finishes the installation, it displays the message:

                              Installation of <PriceRed> was successful

                                   DecisioNet Software on an NCR UNIX System   6-9

Installing the EPL System Information Package (SystmInfo)
The EPL Base and Application Runtime package (eplbaseap) must be
installed prior to installing this optional package.
1. Insert the tape with the EPL System Information package.
2. Type pkgadd -d <device name with path>.

   The device corresponding to the tape drive should be in this
   directory path (for example, /dev/rmt/c0t3d0s0).
3. A package list displays with a selection number in front of each
   choice. The following package should be displayed:

   --Electronic Price Label System Information Package (SystmInfo)
4. Type the selection number for the SystmInfo package.

   UNIX now starts the installation for SystmInfo and gives messages
   to show progress.

   When UNIX finishes the installation, it displays the message:

   Installation of <SystmInfo> was successful

6-10   DecisioNet Software on an NCR UNIX System

                          Installing the EPL Information Messaging System Package
                          The EPL Base and Application Runtime package (eplbaseap) must be
                          installed prior to installing this optional package.
                          1. Insert the tape with the EPL Information Messaging System
                          2. Type pkgadd -d <device name with path>.

                               The device corresponding to the tape drive should be in this
                               directory path (for example, /dev/rmt/c0t3d0s0).
                          3. A package list displays with a selection number in front of each
                             choice. The following package should be displayed:

                               --Electronic Price Label System Information Messaging System
                          4. Type the selection number for the InfoMsg package.

                               UNIX now starts the installation for InfoMsg and gives messages to
                               show progress.

                               When UNIX finishes the installation, it displays the message:

                               Installation of <InfoMsg> was successful

Configuring and Customizing the DecisioNet System
                          After the software is installed, refer to Chapter 8, “Configuring the
                          DecisioNet System Environment,” for instructions on how to configure
                          and start the DecisioNet software. Refer to Appendix D, “Customizing
                          the DecisioNet System,” for information about system features that
                          permit modification to meet additional site-specific requirements
                          beyond those described in the configuration chapter.

Document Created: 2001-06-11 10:46:46
Document Modified: 2001-06-11 10:46:46

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