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Users Manual

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NCR DecisioNet™ System
Release 2.0

Installation and Service

Issue A

The product described in this book is a licensed product of NCR Corporation.
NCR is a registered trademark of NCR Corporation.
NCR DecisioNet, NCR SmarTalker, and NCR SmarTalker II are trademarks of NCR Corporation.
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All Rights Reserved

                                             Installation and Service Guide   iii


This book describes the hardware and software installation,
configuration, customization, and service procedures for the NCR
DecisioNet System.

iv   Installation and Service Guide

                                                                     Installation and Service Guide   v

Table of Contents

   About This Manual......................................................... 1-1
        Chapter Summaries ................................................. 1-2
        Information Sources................................................. 1-4

Pre-Installation Procedures
   Overview of the Installation Process ........................... 2-1
        Phase 1: Survey Site and Plan the Installation ..... 2-2
        Phase 2: Scan the Site and Develop SmarTalker
        Overlays..................................................................... 2-3
        Phase 3: Contract the Purchase of SmarTalker
        Mounting Devices and Schedule Labor for
        Installation................................................................. 2-4
        Phase 4: Install the DecisioNet Software and
        Hardware Infrastructure ......................................... 2-5
        Phase 5: Install the SmarTalker Tags..................... 2-6
        Phase 6: Validate Quality of the Installation........ 2-6
   Example List of Install Tasks ........................................ 2-7

Preparing the Installation Site
   Preparing the Site............................................................ 3-1
   Customer Responsibilities............................................. 3-2
   Power, Grounding and Distribution Requirements .. 3-3
        Power Requirements................................................ 3-3
        Grounding Requirements ....................................... 3-4
        Power Distribution Requirements ......................... 3-4
   Environmental Requirements ....................................... 3-6
        Temperature and Humidity ................................... 3-6

vi   Installation and Service Guide

                                          CBS ......................................................................... 3-6
                                          SmarTalker............................................................ 3-7
                                          SmarTalker II (Standard Size and Small Size) . 3-7
                                          SmarTalker II (Signage) ...................................... 3-8
                                      Altitude and Temperature ...................................... 3-9
                                      Health and Safety..................................................... 3-9
                                Component Characteristics ......................................... 3-10
                                      CBS ........................................................................... 3-10
                                      Power Supply.......................................................... 3-12
                                      Transmit Antenna .................................................. 3-13
                                      Receive Antenna..................................................... 3-13
                                      Patch Antenna ........................................................ 3-14
                                      SmarTalker .............................................................. 3-15
                                          SmarTalker Displays and Symbols.................. 3-15
                                      SmarTalker II .......................................................... 3-17
                                          SmarTalker II Displays and Symbols.............. 3-18
                                      Weight and Dimension Table............................... 3-20

                           Installing the Hardware Infrastructure
                                Installing the DecisioNet RF System............................ 4-1
                                      Technician Supply Checklist .................................. 4-2
                                      Key Points to Remember During Installation ...... 4-3
                                Cables Required for Installation ................................... 4-4
                                      General Layout Instructions ................................... 4-4
                                      System Cable Connection ....................................... 4-6
                                          Connector Location ............................................. 4-7
                                          Cables .................................................................... 4-9
                                Installing Primary and Secondary CBSs.................... 4-12
                                      Installation Process ................................................ 4-12
                                          Things to Remember ......................................... 4-12
                                      Preparing the CBS .................................................. 4-13

                                                                    Installation and Service Guide   vii

         DIP Switch Settings ........................................... 4-14
         Rotary Switch Settings ...................................... 4-14
         Setting the CBS Address ................................... 4-15
         Communication Speed...................................... 4-15
     Installing CBSs........................................................ 4-16
Cable Connections for a Type 1 (Lab)
Configuration ................................................................ 4-18
     Connecting an RS-232/RS-422 Converter to the
     Primary CBS............................................................ 4-20
         Converter Strapping Information.................... 4-21
     Connecting Power Supplies to AC Power.......... 4-21
     Connecting a Power Supply to a Primary CBS.. 4-22
Cable Connections for a Type 2 (Store)
Configuration ................................................................ 4-23
     Connecting an RS-232/RS-422 Converter to the
     Primary CBS............................................................ 4-25
     Connecting Power Supplies to AC Power.......... 4-26
     Connecting a Power Supply to a Primary CBS.. 4-26
     Connecting a Power Supply to a Secondary
     CBS ........................................................................... 4-27
     Connecting RS-485 Cables between Secondary
     CBSs.......................................................................... 4-27
     Connecting RS-485 Cables between a non-
     powered (Secondary) CBS and a powered CBS 4-28
Installing CBS Antennas .............................................. 4-29
     Installing Transmit and Receive Antennas ........ 4-30
         Installing an Antenna on a Ceiling Tile.......... 4-31
         Installing an Antenna on a Roof Truss ........... 4-32
     Installing a Patch Antenna.................................... 4-33

viii   Installation and Service Guide

                             DecisioNet Software on a Windows NT System
                                  System Environment for Windows NT ....................... 5-1
                                  DecisioNet Software for Windows NT........................ 5-2
                                        Backup Copies .......................................................... 5-3
                                        Installing DecisioNet Software on a Windows
                                        NT System ................................................................. 5-3
                                           EPL Base and Application Runtime.................. 5-3
                                           EPL Standalone PLU Maintenance ................... 5-4
                                           EPL Scan Process Package .................................. 5-5
                                           EPL Price Redundancy Package ........................ 5-6
                                           EPL System Information Package ..................... 5-6
                                           EPL Information Messaging System Package . 5-7
                                           EPL ACS 4.0 POS Runtime Package ................. 5-7
                                           EPL ScanMaster 1.1.5 POS Runtime Package .. 5-8
                                        Configuring and Customizing the DecisioNet
                                        System........................................................................ 5-8

                             DecisioNet Software on an NCR UNIX System
                                  System Environment for NCR UNIX........................... 6-1
                                  DecisioNet Software for NCR UNIX............................ 6-2
                                        Checking the System for Existing Packages......... 6-2
                                        Installing DecisioNet Software on an NCR
                                        UNIX System ............................................................ 6-3
                                           Disabling UNIX Port Monitoring ...................... 6-3
                                           Starting the Install Process ................................. 6-4
                                           Installing EPL Base and Application Runtime
                                           Software (eplbaseap) ........................................... 6-4
                                           Installing the Optional EPL Standalone PLU
                                           Maintenance Software (saplumexe) .................. 6-6
                                           Installing the Optional EPL Scan Process
                                           Package (scanproc) .............................................. 6-7

                                                                    Installation and Service Guide   ix

          Installing the EPL Price Redundancy
          Package (PriceRed) .............................................. 6-8
          Installing the EPL System Information
          Package (SystmInfo) ............................................ 6-9
          Installing the EPL Information Messaging
          System Package (InfoMsg) ............................... 6-10
       Configuring and Customizing the DecisioNet
       System...................................................................... 6-10

DecisioNet Software on an SCO UNIX System
   System Environment for SCO UNIX ........................... 7-1
   DecisioNet Software for SCO UNIX ............................ 7-2
       Installing DecisioNet Software on an SCO
       UNIX System ............................................................ 7-2
          Checking the System for Existing Packages .... 7-3
          Copying Files from the Install Tapes ................ 7-3
          Installing EPL Base and Application Runtime
          Software (NCR:eplbaseapp) ............................... 7-4
          Installing the Optional EPL Standalone PLU
          Maintenance Software (NCR:saplumexe) ........ 7-5
          Installing the Optional Scan Process Package
          (NCR:ScanProcess) .............................................. 7-6
          Installing the EPL Price Redundancy
          Package (NCR:PriceRed) .................................... 7-7
          Installing the EPL System Information
          Package (NCR:SystmInfo) .................................. 7-7
          Installing the EPL Information Messaging
          System Package (NCR:InfoMsg)........................ 7-8
       Configuring and Customizing the DecisioNet
       System........................................................................ 7-8

x   Installation and Service Guide

                          Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment
                               Overview.......................................................................... 8-1
                                     How to Navigate in a DecisioNet UNIX
                                     Environment ............................................................. 8-2
                               Setting Performance Boost in Windows NT 4.0 ......... 8-4
                               Configuring the CBS Communications Port............... 8-5
                               Starting the DecisioNet System .................................... 8-6
                                     To Start the DecisioNet System in Windows NT. 8-6
                                     To Start the DecisioNet System in NCR UNIX
                                     or SCO UNIX ............................................................ 8-6
                               Configuring the DecisioNet System Software............ 8-7
                                        Field Descriptions ................................................ 8-9
                                        Field Descriptions .............................................. 8-10
                                        Field Descriptions .............................................. 8-13
                                        Field Descriptions .............................................. 8-16
                                     Base Hardware Configuration ............................. 8-17
                                        Label Data Maintenance (LDM) ...................... 8-20
                               Configuring Windows NT Services ........................... 8-24
                                     Automatic Start When Running DecisioNet as a
                                     Service ...................................................................... 8-25
                                     Manual Start When Running DecisioNet as a
                                     Service ...................................................................... 8-26
                                     Manually Starting DecisioNet as an Application8-26
                               About Passwords.......................................................... 8-27
                                     Assigning Security ................................................. 8-27
                                     Maintaining Username/ Password..................... 8-27

                                                                   Installation and Service Guide   xi

Loading the Pre-EPL File
   Initializing SmarTalker Tags......................................... 9-1
        Pre-EPL File Layout ................................................. 9-1
        Pre-EPL File as a CSV File....................................... 9-6
        Loading a Pre-EPL File............................................ 9-7
   Checking SmarTalker Initialization ........................... 9-11
        Viewing EPL Data Send Log ................................ 9-11
        Resending the EPL Data........................................ 9-14

SmarTalker and Rail Installation
   SmarTalkers ................................................................... 10-1
        Attaching the Rail .................................................. 10-1
            Key Points ........................................................... 10-1
        Attaching SmarTalkers to C-channels................. 10-4
        Attaching SmarTalkers to Angled Rails ............. 10-5
        Attaching SmarTalkers to Individual Clips ....... 10-5
        Installing and Removing a SmarTalker .............. 10-6

SmarTalker II and Rail Installation
   SmarTalker IIs ............................................................... 11-1
        Attaching the Bracket ............................................ 11-2
        Installing SmarTalker II Shelf Rails ..................... 11-4
        Installing SmarTalker II C-channel Clips ........... 11-5
        Installing a SmarTalker II in a C-channel Clip... 11-7

Testing the System
   CBS Diagnostics and Troubleshooting ...................... 12-1
        Initiating CBS Diagnostics .................................... 12-2
            Opening the CBS................................................ 12-2
            DIP Switch Settings ........................................... 12-2

xii   Installation and Service Guide

                                       Self-Diagnostics ...................................................... 12-3
                                          With EPL Software Not Running .................... 12-4
                                          With EPL Software Running ............................ 12-4
                                          Using the CBS LEDs to Diagnose Problems .. 12-5
                                       DIP Switch Diagnostics ......................................... 12-6
                                       EPL Administration Diagnostics ......................... 12-7
                                          CBS Level 1 Diagnostics - Read or CBS Level
                                          1 Diagnostics - Read/Reset .............................. 12-9
                                          CBS Tally - Read or CBS Tally - Read/Reset 12-11
                                          Using CBS Tally Read Information to
                                          Diagnose Problems .......................................... 12-14
                                          CBS Initial Reset ............................................... 12-14
                                          CBS Address Check ......................................... 12-14
                                          CBS Manager Tally - Read or CBS Manager
                                          Tally - Read/Reset ........................................... 12-15
                                          RS-232 Loop Test.............................................. 12-16
                                       Diagnostic Logs .................................................... 12-16
                                          EPL System Error Log ..................................... 12-17
                                          EPL Data Send Log .......................................... 12-18
                                          EPL Audit Log.................................................. 12-20
                                       Using Failure and Detection Analysis Software12-21
                                          Running FDA from a System Prompt........... 12-23
                                          Running FDA from EPL Administration ..... 12-26
                                       Bedcheck................................................................ 12-27
                                       Analyzing SmarTalker Problems....................... 12-28

                                 Replacing DecisioNet Hardware................................ 13-1
                                          Replacing a CBS ................................................. 13-2
                                          Replacing a Receive Antenna........................... 13-3
                                          Replacing a Patch Antenna .............................. 13-3

                                                                    Installation and Service Guide   xiii

            Replacing a Transmit Antenna ........................ 13-4
            Replacing a Power Supply................................ 13-5
            Replacing a SmarTalker .................................... 13-5
            Replacing a SmarTalker II ................................ 13-5
   Battery Replacement..................................................... 13-6
            SmarTalker Battery Replacement .................... 13-6
            SmarTalker II Battery Replacement ................ 13-6

Parts Order Information
   Communication Base Station Model Number........... A-1
        Major Model Code .................................................. A-1
        Sub Model Code ...................................................... A-1
        Power Code.............................................................. A-2
        Language Code........................................................ A-2
   Kit Numbers ................................................................... A-3
   Other Items ..................................................................... A-5

DecisioNet System Cables
   Cable Diagrams...............................................................B-1

Configuration Files
   DecisioNet Windows NT Configuration Files............C-2
        Base Software Configuration File (basesw.cfg) ...C-2
        Application Configuration File (esappl.cfg) ........C-9
        Measurement Units Configuration Table
        Serial Number Configuration Table
        Log Monitor Configuration File (logmon.cfg) ...C-15
        EPL Backup Information File (eplbackup.ini) ...C-20

xiv   Installation and Service Guide

                                       EPL Status Tag Manager Configuration File
                                       (status.cfg) ...............................................................C-21
                                 DecisioNet UNIX Configuration Files .......................C-23
                                       Base Software Configuration File (basesw.cfg) .C-23
                                       Application Configuration File (esappl.cfg) ......C-30
                                       CBS Parameter File (cbsparam.tbl) ......................C-34
                                       Measurement Units Configuration Table
                                       Log Monitor Configuration File (logmon.cfg) ...C-35
                                       EPL Backup Information File (eplbackup.ini) ...C-40
                                       EPL Status Tag Manager Configuration File
                                       (status.cfg) ...............................................................C-41

                            Customizing the DecisioNet System
                                 Overview......................................................................... D-1
                                       Default Directories .................................................. D-2
                                       DecisioNet System Start and Stop Scripts ........... D-2
                                 Label Data Manager ...................................................... D-4
                                       Setting the Granularity and Records Number
                                       Options ..................................................................... D-4
                                       LDM Parameters in the Application
                                       Configuration File ................................................... D-5
                                       Prescript and Postscript Files ................................ D-6
                                       Label Data Manager - Print File layout................ D-6
                                 Promotional Message Verifier ..................................... D-8
                                       Changing the Promotional Message Verifier
                                       Time Interval............................................................ D-8
                                 External Data Interface (with AMS).......................... D-10
                                       Changing the External Data Interface Time
                                       Interval.................................................................... D-10
                                 Automated Messaging System .................................. D-12
                                       Running the Automated Messaging Program.. D-12

                                                                Installation and Service Guide   xv

Price Verifier................................................................. D-14
     Changing the Price Verifier Time Interval ........ D-14
Sale Price Verifier......................................................... D-16
     Changing the Sale Price Verifier Time Interval D-16
Log Monitor.................................................................. D-18
     Log Monitor Report .............................................. D-18
     Log Monitor basesw.cfg File Options ................ D-21
         Log Monitor Editor........................................... D-21
         User-defined Actions ....................................... D-21
     Changing the Log Monitor Time Interval ......... D-22
     Log Monitor Configuration File.......................... D-24
Orphan Tag Report...................................................... D-25
Unattended EPL Backup............................................. D-27
     Starting EPL Backup at a DOS or UNIX PromptD-27
     Backup File List ..................................................... D-28
     Backup File Location for Windows NT.............. D-28
     Backup File Location for UNIX ........................... D-29
Failure Detection and Analysis.................................. D-30
     Changing the Failure Detection and Analysis
     Time Interval.......................................................... D-30
Status Tag Manager..................................................... D-32
         Displaying Status Information........................ D-33
     Status Tag Configuration File Parameters......... D-34
         Sample Status file:............................................. D-36
     Starting the Status Tag Manager......................... D-38
     Creating a Status File ............................................ D-38
Windows NT Automatic Services ............................. D-40
UNIX Automatic Restart............................................. D-43

xvi   Installation and Service Guide

                                    Installation and Service Guide   xvii

Revision Record

Issue   Date       Remarks
A       April 99   First printing

xviii   Installation and Service Guide

Radio Frequency Interference Statements

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
                              Information to User
                              This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A
                              digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
                              reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in
                              a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
                              frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction
                              manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this
                              equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user
                              will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
                              NCR is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized
                              modification of this equipment or the substitution or attachment of connecting cables
                              and equipment other than those specified by NCR. The correction of interference
                              caused by such unauthorized modification, substitution or attachment will be the
                              responsibility of the user. The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not
                              expressly approved by NCR may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Canadian Department of Communications
                              This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions
                              from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian
                              Department of Communications.
                              Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les
                              limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le
                              Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectriques édicté par le ministrère des
                              Communications du Canada.

Voluntary Control Council For Interference (VCCI)

Document Created: 2001-06-11 11:05:54
Document Modified: 2001-06-11 11:05:54

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC