Test Report

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                                                                               Cert. No. 1152.01
                                                                               Electrical (EMC)

                                       DATE: 02 July 2008

                    I.T.L. (PRODUCT TESTING) LTD.
                    FCC EMC/Radio Test Report

                                             Risco Ltd.
                                           Equipment under test:

                                  2-Button Panic Keyfob

                             Written by:   _____________________________
                                              E. Ever, Documentation

                             Approved by: _____________________________
                                             A. Sharabi, Test Engineer

                           Approved by: _____________________________
                                           I. Raz, EMC Laboratory Manager

       This report must not be reproduced, except in full, without the written
                    permission of I.T.L. (Product Testing) Ltd.
                           This report relates only to items tested.

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FCC ACC M Ver 1.1   05Mayl 2000

                                                                                    Cert. No. 1152.01
                                                                                    Electrical (EMC)

                                  Measurement/Technical Report for
                                                Risco Ltd.
                                       2-Button Panic Keyfob

                                        FCC ID: JE4RWT5XP
                                       IC ID: 6564A-RWT5XP

                                             02 July 2008
               This report concerns:             Original Grant x      Class II change

               Class B verification       Class A verification         Class I change

               Equipment type:         Part 15 Security/Remote Control Transceiver
               Request Issue of Grant:
                  x Immediately upon completion of review

               Limits used:
               47 CFR Part 15 Subpart B, C

               Measurement procedure used is ANSI C63.4-2003.

               Application for Certification             Applicant for this device:
               prepared by:                              (different from "prepared by")
                   Ishaishou Raz                         Efi Goren
                   ITL (Product Testing) Ltd.            Risco Ltd.
                   Kfar Bin Nun                          Rishon LeT'zion
                   D.N. Shimshon 99780                   14 Hachoma St. 75655
                   Israel                                Israel
                   e-mail Sraz@itl.co.il                 Tel: +972-3-9637742
                                                         Fax: +972-03-9616584
                                                         e-mail: Efig@riscogroup.com

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                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

        1.          GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
                       1.1 Administrative Information ................................................................................. 4
                       1.2 List of Accreditations ......................................................................................... 5
                       1.3 Product Description ........................................................................................... 6
                       1.4 Test Methodology .............................................................................................. 6
                       1.5 Test Facility ....................................................................................................... 6
                       1.6 Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................. 6
        2.          PRODUCT LABELING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7
        3.          SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
                       3.1 Justification ........................................................................................................ 8
                       3.2 EUT Exercise Software ..................................................................................... 8
                       3.3 Special Accessories .......................................................................................... 8
                       3.4 Equipment Modifications ................................................................................... 8
                       3.5 Configuration of Tested System ........................................................................ 8
        4.          BLOCK DIAGRAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9
                       4.1 Schematic Block/Connection Diagram .............................................................. 9
                       4.2 Theory of Operation .......................................................................................... 9
                       4.3 Average Factor Calculation ............................................................................... 9
        5.          SPURIOUS EMISSIONS TRANSMISSION MODE ------------------------------------------------10
                       5.1 Test Specification ............................................................................................ 10
                       5.2 Test Procedure ................................................................................................ 10
                       5.3 Measured Data ................................................................................................ 10
                       5.4 Test Instrumentation Used .............................................................................. 18
        6.          MAXIMUM TRANSMITTING POWER ----------------------------------------------------------------19
                       6.1 Test Specification ............................................................................................ 19
                       6.2 Test Procedure ................................................................................................ 19
                       6.3 Test Data ......................................................................................................... 20
        7.          PERIODIC OPERATION REQUIREMENTS---------------------------------------------------------21
                        7.1 Test Specification ............................................................................................ 21
                        7.2 Test Procedure ................................................................................................ 21
                        7.3 Test Data ......................................................................................................... 22
                        Test Instrumentation Used ........................................................................................ 24
        8.          OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------25
                       8.1 Test Specification ............................................................................................ 25
                       8.2 Test procedure ................................................................................................ 25
                       8.3 Test Data ......................................................................................................... 26
                       8.4 Test Equipment Used. ..................................................................................... 27
        9.          APPENDIX A – AVERAGE FACTOR DESIGNATION -------------------------------------------28
        11.         APPENDIX C - CORRECTION FACTORS ----------------------------------------------------------31
                       11.1 Correction factors for CABLE ......................................................................... 31
                       11.2 Correction factors for LOG PERIODIC ANTENNA ........................................ 32
                       11.3 Correction factors for BICONICAL ANTENNA ............................................... 33

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                             1.   General Information

  1.1          Administrative Information
            Manufacturer:                    Risco Ltd.

            Manufacturer's Address:          14 Hachoma St. 75655
                                             Rishon LeT'zion
                                             Tel: +972-3-9637742
                                             Fax: +972-03-9616584

            Manufacturer's Representative:   Efi Goren

            Equipment Under Test (E.U.T):    2-Button Panic Keyfob

                Equipment Model No.:         RWT52P43300A

                Equipment Serial No.:        Not Designated

            Date of Receipt of E.U.T:        15/06/2008

            Start of Test:                   15/06/2008

            End of Test:                     17/06/2008

            Test Laboratory Location:        I.T.L (Product Testing) Ltd.
                                             Kfar Bin Nun,
                                             ISRAEL 99780

            Test Specifications:             FCC Part 15 Sub-part C

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  1.2     List of Accreditations
 The EMC laboratory of I.T.L. is accredited by the following bodies:
       1. The American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)
           (U.S.A.), Certificate No. 1152.01.
       2. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) (U.S.A.),
           Registration No. 90715.
       3. The Israel Ministry of the Environment (Israel), Registration No.
       4. The Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information
           Technology Equipment (VCCI) (Japan), Registration Numbers: C-
           1350, R-1285.
       5. Industry Canada (Canada), File No. IC 4025.
       6. TUV Product Services, England, ASLLAS No. 97201.
       7. Nemko (Norway), Authorization No. ELA 207.

I.T.L. Product Testing Ltd. is accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation
(A2LA) and the results shown in this test report have been determined in accordance with I.T.L.'s
terms of accreditation unless stated otherwise in the report.

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  1.3          Product Description
               The EUT is a wireless 433.92MHz panic transmitter. The unit includes a small
               PCB powered by a 3V CR123 lithium battery, inside a plastic enclosure.
               The unit has an integral PCB printed antenna, and a transmitter IC manufactured
               by Melexis. The unit transmits at approximately 666 bps.

  1.4          Test Methodology
               Both conducted and radiated testing were performed according to the procedures
               in ANSI C63.4: 2003. Radiated testing was performed at an antenna to EUT
               distance of 3 meters.

  1.5          Test Facility
               The radiated emissions tests were performed at I.T.L.’s testing facility at Kfar
               Bin-Nun, Israel. This site is a FCC listed test laboratory (FCC Registration
               No. 90715, date of listing August 22, 2006).
               I.T.L.’s EMC Laboratory is also accredited by A2LA, certificate No. 1152.01.

  1.6          Measurement Uncertainty

               Radiated Emission

               The Open Site complies with the ±4 dB Normalized Site Attenuation
               requirements of ANSI C63.4-2003. In accordance with Paragraph of this
               standard, this tolerance includes instrumentation calibration errors, measurement
               technique errors, and errors due to site anomalies.

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                                  2.     Product Labeling

                                              Figure 1. FCC Label


                                       Figure 2. Location of Label on EUT

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                    3.            System Test Configuration

  3.1          Justification
               To determine the E.U.T. antenna orientation for all tests, the product carrier
               field level was measured with the E.U.T. in 3 orthogonal positions.
               The vertical position of the E.U.T. was selected as the worst case final
               orientation position.

  3.2          EUT Exercise Software
               Manufacturing software was used for all the tests.

  3.3          Special Accessories
               A test jig was used to support the E.U.T.

  3.4          Equipment Modifications
               No modifications were needed in order to achieve compliance

  3.5          Configuration of Tested System



                                         Internal Battery

                                   Figure 3. Configuration of Tested System

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                                  4.   Block Diagram

  4.1          Schematic Block/Connection Diagram

                                       Figure 4. Block Diagram

  4.2          Theory of Operation

               Modulation is On-Off keying using Manchester code. The unit has two kinds of
               1. Panic alarm transmission - transmitted when the button (or 2-buttons) are
               2. Low battery - generated when the battery voltage drops below 2.6V.

  4.3          Average Factor Calculation

               Average Factor Calculation = -10.1

               See Section 9 Appendix A – Average Factor Designation.

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 5.           Spurious Emissions Transmission Mode

  5.1          Test Specification
               F.C.C., Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.231(e)

  5.2          Test Procedure
               The E.U.T. operation mode and test set-up are as described in Section 3.
               The E.U.T. was placed on a non-conductive table, 0.8 meters above the
               O.A.T.S. ground plane.
               The EMI receiver was set to the E.U.T. Fundamental Frequency (433.9 MHz)
               and Peak Detection.
               The turntable and antenna mast were adjusted for maximum level reading on the
               EMI receiver.
               The measurement was performed for vertical and horizontal polarizations of the
               test antenna.
               The average result is:
                       Peak Level(dBµV/m) + E.U.T. Duty Cycle Factor, in 100msec time
                       window (dB)

  5.3          Measured Data
               JUDGEMENT:                  Passed by 17.0 dB

               The margin between the emission level and the specification limit was 17.0 dB
               in the worst case at the frequency of 496.50 MHz, horizontal polarization.

               The EUT met the FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.231(e) specification
               The details of the highest emissions are given in Figure 5 to Figure 6.

               TEST PERSONNEL:
               Tester Signature: __________________               Date: 02.07.2008
               Typed/Printed Name: A. Sharabi

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                        Spurious Emission Transmission Mode

                                  E.U.T Description     2-Button Panic Keyfob
                                  Type                  RWT52P43300A
                                  Serial Number:        Not Designated

                        Specification: F.C.C., Part 15, Subpart C, 15.231(e)

 Antenna Polarization: Horizontal/Vertical
 Test Distance: 3 meters                                            Detector: Peak

                          Freq.          Pol.          Peak         Peak         Margin
                                                       Amp       Specification

                          (MHz)          V/H          (dBµV/m)       (dBµV/m)        (dB)

                         372.00           V            30.3              80.8        -50.5
                         372.00           H            35.7              80.8        -45.1
                         496.50           V            36.8              80.8        -44.0
                         496.50           H            42.1              80.8        -37.7
                         805.40           V            33.1              80.8        -47.7
                         805.40           H            44.9              80.8        -35.9
                         930.50           V            37.5              80.8        -43.3
                         930.50           H            34.7              80.8        -46.1
                        1239.50           V            52.2              74.0        -21.8
                        1239.50           H            50.2              74.0        -23.8
                        2169.40           V            52.5              80.8        -28.3
                        2169.40           H            55.3              80.8        -25.5

 Figure 5. Field Strength of Fundamental. Antenna Polarization: HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL.
                                           Detector: Peak

           1. Margin refers to the test results obtained minus specified
               requirement; thus a positive number indicates failure, and a
               negative result indicates that the product passes the test.
           2. “Peak Amp.” (dBµV/m) included the “Correction Factors”.
           3. “Correction Factors” (dB) = Test Antenna Correction
               Factor(dB) + Cable Loss.

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               Spurious Emission Transmission Mode

                                  E.U.T Description    2-Button Panic Keyfob
                                  Type                 RWT52P43300A
                                  Serial Number:       Not Designated

                        Specification: F.C.C., Part 15, Subpart C, 15.231(e)

 Antenna Polarization: Horizontal/Vertical
 Test Distance: 3 meters                                                Detector: Peak (Average

                        Freq.             Pol.        Average         Average         Margin
                                                       Amp          Specification

                         (MHz)            V/H         (dBµV/m)           (dBµV/m)       (dB)

                        372.0              V           35.5               60.8         -25.3
                        372.0              H           34.4               60.8         -26.4
                        496.5              V           41.6               60.8         -19.2
                        496.5              H           43.0               60.8         -16.8
                        805.4              V           27.0               60.8         -32.8
                        805.4              H           24.2               60.8         -36.6
                        930.5              V           22.7               60.8         -38.1
                        930.5              H           34.5               60.8         -26.3
                       1239.5              V           26.4               54.0         -27.6
                       1239.5              H           31.7               54.0         -22.3
                       2169.4              V           19.8               60.8         -41.0
                       2169.4              H           25.2               60.8         -35.6

 Figure 6. Field Strength of Fundamental. Antenna Polarization: HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL.
                                           Detector: Average

           1. Margin refers to the test results obtained minus specified
               requirement; thus a positive number indicates failure, and a
               negative result indicates that the product passes the test.
           2. “Peak Amp.” (dBµV/m) included the “Correction Factors”.
           3. “Correction Factors” (dB) = Test Antenna Correction
               Factor(dB) + Cable Loss.

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                           Spurious Emission Harmonics
                                  E.U.T Description   2-Button Panic Keyfob
                                  Type                RWT52P43300A
                                  Serial Number:      Not Designated

                        Specification: F.C.C., Part 15, Subpart C, 15.231(e)

 Antenna Polarization: Horizontal                             Second Harmonic
 Test Distance: 3 meters                                      Detectors: Peak, Quasi-peak, Average

                                                      Figure 7. 867.8113 MHz

                              Avg Limit = 80.8 dBuV/m – 20dB = 60.6 dBuV/m
                                                   Peak =70.1 dBuV/m
                                           Avg = 70.1 -10.1 = 60.0 dBuV/m

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                       Spurious Emission Harmonics

                                  E.U.T Description    2-Button Panic Keyfob
                                  Type                 RWT52P43300A
                                  Serial Number:       Not Designated

                        Specification: F.C.C., Part 15, Subpart C, 15.231(e)

 Antenna Polarization: Vertical                                Third Harmonic
 Test Distance: 3 meters                                       Detectors: Peak, Quasi-peak, Average

                                            Figure 8. Center Frequency 1.302 GHz

                                                      Restricted band
                                              Peak Limit = 74.0 dBuV/m
                                            Average Limit = 54.0 dBuV/m
                                             Peak Result = 64.7 dBuV/m
                                           Average Result = 49.6 dBuV/m

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               Spurious Emission Harmonics

                                  E.U.T Description   2-Button Panic Keyfob
                                  Type                RWT52P43300A
                                  Serial Number:      Not Designated

                        Specification: F.C.C., Part 15, Subpart C, 15.231(e)

 Antenna Polarization: Vertical                               Fourth Harmonic
 Test Distance: 3 meters                                      Detectors: Peak, Quasi-peak, Average

                                                       Figure 9. 1.736 GHz

                                                         Restricted band
                                                    Peak Limit = 80.8 dBuV/m
                                                   Average Limit = 60.8 dBuV/m
                                                    Peak Result = 58.2 dBuV/m
                                                   Average Result = 45.2 dBuV/m

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                           Spurious Emission Harmonics

                                  E.U.T Description     2-Button Panic Keyfob
                                  Type                  RWT52P43300A
                                  Serial Number:        Not Designated

                        Specification: F.C.C., Part 15, Subpart C, 15.231(e)

 Antenna Polarization: Horizontal/Vertical
 Test Distance: 3 meters                                                 Detector: Peak

                        Freq.             Pol.        Peak Amp          Peak              Margin

                         (MHz)            V/H          (dBµV/m)           (dBµV/m)         (dB)

                       867.81              H            70.1               80.8            -10.7
                      1302.00              V            64.7               74.0            -9.3
                      1736.00              V            58.2               80.8            -22.6

Figure 10. Field Strength of Fundamental. Antenna Polarization: HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL.
                                           Detector: Average

           1. Margin refers to the test results obtained minus specified
               requirement; thus a positive number indicates failure, and a
               negative result indicates that the product passes the test.

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                           Spurious Emission Harmonics

                                  E.U.T Description    2-Button Panic Keyfob
                                  Type                 RWT52P43300A
                                  Serial Number:       Not Designated

                        Specification: F.C.C., Part 15, Subpart C, 15.231(e)

 Antenna Polarization: Horizontal/Vertical
 Test Distance: 3 meters                                                Detector: Average (with Peak

                        Freq.             Pol.        Average          Peak           Margin
                                                       Amp          Specification

                         (MHz)            V/H         (dBµV/m)           (dBµV/m)       (dB)

                       867.81              H           60.0               60.8          -0.8
                      1302.00              V           49.6               54.0          -4.4
                      1736.00              V           45.2               60.8          -15.6

Figure 11. Field Strength of Fundamental. Antenna Polarization: HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL.
                                           Detector: Average

           1. Margin refers to the test results obtained minus specified
               requirement; thus a positive number indicates failure, and a
               negative result indicates that the product passes the test.

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      5.4          Test Instrumentation Used

 Instrument             Manufacturer      Model        Serial Number      Calibration       Period

EMI Receiver                    HP        85422E       3411A00102      November 12, 2007   1 year

 RF Section                    HP        85420E        3427A00103      November 12, 2007   1 year
  Antenna                                                              November 22, 2007
                              ARA      LPD-2010/A            1038                          1 year
Log Periodic
Antenna Mast                  ARA       AAM-4A              1001             N/A            N/A

 Turntable                    ARA      ART-1001/4           1001             N/A            N/A
Mast & Table
                              ARA       ACU-2/5             1001             N/A            N/A
   Printer                      HP     LaserJet 2200   JPKGC19982            N/A            N/A

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               6.            Maximum Transmitting Power

  6.1          Test Specification
               F.C.C., Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.231(e)

 6.2      Test Procedure
The test was performed to measure the transmitter maximum transmitting power. The EUT
was setup as shown in Figure 3 and its proper operation was checked.

                                  Figure 12. Field Strength of Fundamental

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  6.3          Test Data

               E.U.T Description: 2-Button Panic Keyfob
               Model: RWT52P43300A
               Serial Number: Not Designated

               JUDGEMENT:                       Passed

               The EUT met the requirements of the F.C.C. Part 15, Subpart C specification

                                    Peak           Specification        Margin
                                  (dBuV/m)           (dBuV/m)            (dB)
                                     77.4              100.8             -22.6

                                             Figure 13. Peak Result

                                   Average         Specification        Margin
                                  (dBuV/m)           (dBuV/m)            (dB)
                                    67.2*               80.8             -13.6

                                         Figure 14. Average Result

               EUT: Max power at vertical orientation

               * Average Result = Peak Result – Avg Factor = 77.3 – 10.1

               TEST PERSONNEL:
               Tester Signature: __________________                    Date: 02.07.2008
               Typed/Printed Name: A. Sharabi

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          7.            Periodic Operation Requirements
  7.1          Test Specification
               30 - 2000 MHz, F.C.C., Part 15, Subpart C: 15.231(a)(1-5)

  7.2          Test Procedure
               The EUT was set up as shown in Figure 3. The spectrum analyzer center
               frequency was adjusted to the EUT carrier, the span was set to zero and the
               video triggered for transmissions. The transmitter was activated manually until
               it was fully functional. The button for activation was released and the
               transmission time was captured.

               The EUT was verified for compliance with periodic operation requirements.
                   1. Continuous transmissions was not permitted.
                   2. A mutually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will
                       automatically deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 seconds
                       of being released.
                   3. Periodic transmission, excluding polling or supervision transmissions, at
                       regular predetermined intervals are not permitted.
               The rationale for compliance with the above requirements was determined by
               test results and a supplier declaration.

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  7.3          Test Data
               JUDGEMENT:                Passed

               The EUT met the requirements of the F.C.C. Part 15, Subpart C specification

               The EUT was found not to operate continuously and it deactivated within 1.725
               seconds of being released. The EUT did not have periodic transmission,
               excluding polling or supervision transmissions, at regular predetermined

               TEST PERSONNEL:
               Tester Signature: __________________             Date: 02.07.2008
               Typed/Printed Name: A. Sharabi

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                                  Periodic Operation Requirements
                                       E.U.T Description   2-Button Panic Keyfob
                                       Type                RWT52P43300A
                                       Serial Number:      Not Designated

                                   Specification: FCC Part 15, Subpart C

Antenna Polarization: Horizontal                           Center Frequency: 433.92
Antenna: 3 meters distance                                 Detectors: Peak

                                       Figure 15. Transmitter Shut Down Result

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       Test Instrumentation Used

 Instrument             Manufacturer      Model        Serial Number      Calibration        Period

EMI Receiver                    HP        85422E       3411A00102      November 12, 2007    1 year

 RF Section                    HP        85420E        3427A00103      November 12, 2007    1 year
  Antenna                                                               March 28, 2008
                              ARA      BCD 235/B            1041                            1 year
  Antenna                                                              November 22, 2007
                              ARA      LPD-2010/A            1038                           1 year
Log Periodic
Antenna-Log                                                             February 4, 2007
                        A.H.System     SAS-200/511          253                             2 year
Antenna Mast                  ARA       AAM-4A              1001             N/A             N/A

 Turntable                    ARA      ART-1001/4           1001             N/A             N/A
Mast & Table
                              ARA       ACU-2/5             1001             N/A             N/A
   Printer                      HP     LaserJet 2200   JPKGC19982            N/A             N/A

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                            8.    Occupied Bandwidth

  8.1          Test Specification

  F.C.C. Part 15, Subpart C: 15.231(c)

  8.2          Test procedure

           The transmitter unit operated with normal modulation. The spectrum analyzer was
           set to 120 kHz resolution BW and center frequency of the transmitter fundamental.
           The spectrum bandwidth of the transmitter unit was measured and recorded. The
           test was performed to measure the transmitter occupied bandwidth. The EUT was
           set up as shown in Figure 3, and its proper operation was checked. The transmitter
           occupied bandwidth was measured with the spectrum analyzer as frequency delta
           between reference points on modulation envelope.

                                   Figure 16. 433.92 Center Frequency

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  8.3          Test Data

E.U.T Description: 2-Button Panic Keyfob
Model: RWT52P43300A
Serial Number: Not Designated

                                  Bandwidth         Specification       Margin
                                   Reading               (1)
                                   (MHz)               (MHz)            (MHz)
                                    0.428            < 1.08 MHz          -0.652

                                              Figure 17 Test Results

JUDGEMENT:                             Passed by 0.652 MHz

Tester Signature: __________________                            Date: 02.07.2008
Typed/Printed Name: A. Sharabi

(1) 0.25% of the E.U.T. fundamental frequency, Section 15.231(c).

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      8.4          Test Equipment Used.

 Instrument             Manufacturer       Model       Serial Number      Calibration       Period

EMI Receiver                    HP        85422E        3411A00102     November 22, 2007   1 year

 RF Section                    HP         85420E        3427A00103     November 22, 2007   1 year
  Antenna                                                              November 30, 2007
                              ARA       LPD-2010/A           1038                          1 year
Log Periodic
Antenna Mast                  ARA        AAM-4A             1001             N/A            N/A

 Turntable                    ARA      ART-1001/4           1001             N/A            N/A
Mast & Table
                              ARA        ACU-2/5            1001             N/A            N/A
   Printer                      HP     LaserJet 2200    JPKGC19982           N/A            N/A

                                       Figure 18 Test Equipment Used

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              9.             APPENDIX A – Average Factor

1. Transmission pulse duration (ANSIC63.4 section 13.1.4) – Declaration: 0.75msec

2. Transmission pulse period (ANSIC63.4 section 13.1.4) – Declaration: 1.5msec

3. Burst duration = 62.5 msec

4. Average Factor = 20 log [(Pulse duration/Pulse period) * (burst duration/100msec) *
   Num of burst within 100msec)

             Average Factor Calculation = 20 log [(0.75/1.5)*(62.5/100)*1)] = -10.1

                                  Figure 19 Transmission Burst Duration

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       APPENDIX A – Average Factor Designation (Cont'd)

                                  Figure 20 Burst Period

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   10. APPENDIX B - Comparison requirement FCC
                                       with Industry Canada
   EUT                           FCC            According FCC Standard    IC Standard
                           Spurious Emissions           FCC                 RSS- 210
2 Button                   Transmission Mode        Part 15.231 (e)        Section 2.6
Panic                                                                       Annex 1
                       Maximum Transmitting              FCC                RSS- 210
                             Power                  Part 15.231 (b)      Annex 1 A1.1.2,
                                                                           Section 2.6

                           Periodic Operation            FCC                RSS- 210
                             Requirements         Part 15.231 (a)(1-5)     Section 2.6
                                                                         Annex 1, A1.1.1

                          Occupied Bandwidth            FCC                RSS- 210
                                                    Part 15.231 (c)       Section 2.6
                                                                         Annex 1 A1.1.3

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  11.1              Correction factors for              CABLE
                                                          from EMI receiver
                                                          to test antenna
                                                          at 3 meter range.

            FREQUENCY                  CORRECTION         FREQUENCY         CORRECTION
                                         FACTOR                               FACTOR
                    (MHz)                  (dB)                (MHz)            (dB)

                     10.0                    0.3               1200.0              7.3
                     20.0                    0.6               1400.0              7.8
                     30.0                    0.8               1600.0              8.4
                     40.0                    0.9               1800.0              9.1
                     50.0                    1.1               2000.0              9.9
                     60.0                    1.2               2300.0             11.2
                     70.0                    1.3               2600.0             12.2
                     80.0                    1.4               2900.0             13.0
                     90.0                    1.6
                    100.0                    1.7
                    150.0                    2.0
                    200.0                    2.3
                     250.0                   2.7
                     300.0                   3.1
                     350.0                   3.4
                     400.0                   3.7
                     450.0                   4.0
                     500.0                   4.3
                     600.0                   4.7
                     700.0                   5.3
                     800.0                   5.9
                     900.0                   6.3
                    1000.0                   6.7

                                  1. The cable type is RG-214.
                                  2. The overall length of the cable is 27 meters.
                                  3. The above data is located in file 27MO3MO.CBL on the
                                     disk marked "Radiated Emission Tests EMI Receiver".

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  11.2              Correction factors for     LOG PERIODIC ANTENNA
                                                 Type LPD 2010/A
                                                 at 3 and 10 meter ranges.

              Distance of 3 meters                            Distance of 10 meters

       FREQUENCY                   AFE                 FREQUENCY              AFE
          (MHz)                   (dB/m)                  (MHz)              (dB/m)
           200.0                    9.1                    200.0               9.0
           250.0                   10.2                    250.0              10.1
           300.0                   12.5                    300.0              11.8
           400.0                   15.4                    400.0              15.3
           500.0                   16.1                    500.0              15.6
           600.0                   19.2                    600.0              18.7
           700.0                   19.4                    700.0              19.1
           800.0                   19.9                    800.0              20.2
           900.0                   21.2                    900.0              21.1
          1000.0                   23.5                   1000.0              23.2

           1. Antenna serial number is 1038.
           2. The above lists are located in file number 38M3O.ANT for a 3 meter range,
                   and file number 38M100.ANT for a 10 meter range.
           3. The files mentioned above are located on the disk marked "Radiated Emission
              Test EMI Receiver".

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  11.3              Correction factors for                  BICONICAL ANTENNA
                                                              Type BCD-235/B,
                                                              at 3 meter range

                                           FREQUENCY               AFE
                                              (MHz)               (dB/m)
                                                20.0               19.4
                                                30.0               14.8
                                                40.0               11.9
                                                50.0               10.2
                                                60.0                9.1
                                                70.0                8.5
                                                80.0                8.9
                                                90.0                9.6
                                               100.0               10.3
                                               110.0               11.0
                                               120.0               11.5
                                               130.0               11.7
                                               140.0               12.1
                                               150.0               12.6
                                               160.0               12.8
                                               170.0               13.0
                                               180.0               13.5
                                               190.0               14.0
                                               200.0               14.8
                                               210.0               15.3
                                               220.0               15.8
                                               230.0               16.2
                                               240.0               16.6
                                               250.0               17.6
                                               260.0               18.2
                                               270.0               18.4
                                               280.0               18.7
                                               290.0               19.2
                                               300.0               19.9
                                                310                20.7
                                                320                21.9
                                                330                23.4
                                                340                25.1
                                                350                27.0

                                  1. Antenna serial number is 1041.
                                  2. The above list is located in file 19BC10M1.ANT on the disk marked
                                      "Radiated Emissions Tests EMI Receiver".

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Document Created: 2008-07-22 14:37:29
Document Modified: 2008-07-22 14:37:29

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