Test Report

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Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                     FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

Cover Letter

Federal Communications Commission
Authorization and Evaluation Division

Re:     Application for Cellular Transceiver Type Acceptance

QUALCOMM herein submits the Application for Equipment Authorization (FCC Form 731) and
Exhibits for Type Acceptance of a Cellular Transceiver, FCC ID J9CQCP-1960.

Applicant:      QUALCOMM, INC.
                6455 Lusk Blvd.
                San Diego, California 92121

Manufacture:    QUALCOMM, INC.
                10300 Campus Point Drive
                San Diego, California 92121

The equipment, QUALCOMM model # QCP 1960, is for mobile station cellular system use, and is
in full compliance with all parts of ANSI J-STD-008, Personal Station-Base Station Compatibility
Requirements for 1.8 to 2.0 GHz Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Personal
Communications Systems, issue August 1995.


Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                      FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

Request of Confidentiality

Federal Communications Commission
Authorization and Evaluation Division

Re:     Request of Confidentiality

Pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission’s Rules, the Applicant hereby requests
confidential treatment of information accompanying this Application as outlined below:


        All schematics/block diagrams
        All parts lists

The above materials contain trade secrets and proprietary information not customarily released to
the public. The public disclosure of these matters might be harmful to the Applicant and provide
unjustified benefits to its competitors.

The Applicant understands that pursuant to Rule 0.457, disclosure of this Application and all
accompanying documentation will not be made before the date of the Grant for this Application.


Jay Moulton
Director, Engineer


Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                 FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

List of Exhibits

Exhibit      Description                                       FCC Reference
1            Certification of Test Data                        2.911
2            General Information                               2.983(c), (d), 2.1061,
3            RF Output Power Measured Data                     2.985
4            Occupied Bandwidth Measured Data                  2.989, 22.917
5            Conducted Spurious Emissions Measured Data        2.991
6            Frequency Stability vs. Temperature and Voltage   2.995
             Measured Data
7            Measurement Procedures and Techniques


Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                       FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

Exhibit 1

Certification of Test Data

The data , data evaluation and equipment configuration represented herein are a true and
accurate representation of the measurements of the sample’s radio frequency interference
emissions characteristics as of the dates and at the times of the test under the conditions herein
specified. This applies to all tests that where performed that did not require an Open Area Test
Site (OATS). Test that required an OATS site were performed by TUV Product Services.

Equipment Tested:

Dates of Test: December 17 – 30, 1998

                                                 Test Performed by:

                                                 Engineer:        Robert J. Scodellaro,



Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                        FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

Exhibit 2

General Information

1.         Production Plans - Section 2.983 (c)

           Quantity Production Planned

2.         Technical Description - Section 2.983 (d)

     (1)       Types of emission


     (2)       Frequency range

               The frequency range of the equipment is the Personal Communications Services
               (PCS) bands, 1851.25 – 1908.75 MHz and 1931.25 – 1988.75 MHz. The channel
               spacing is 1.25 MHz for CDMA.

     (3)       Operating power levels

               The equipment will respond to commands from the Land Station to change power
               levels as defined in the J-STD 008 Specification.

     (4)       Maximum output power

               The equipment is within the limited 2 watts E.I.R.P.peak power of CFR 47 Part 24.232
               (b) and is able to limit the output power to the minimum necessary for successful

     (5)       DC supply voltage and current range

               The equipment is powered by lithium ion rechargeable batteries which have a voltage
               range of 6.6 to 8.6 Vdc.

     (6)       List of semiconductor active devices

               See separate parts list.


Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                     FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

   (7)     Circuit diagram

           See separate schematics.

   (8)     User’s manual

           See separate user’s guide.

   (9)     Transmitter adjustment procedure

           All frequency adjustments are set at the factory and there are no frequency field
           adjustments for this product. Under digital mode, frequency is locked to the base
           station and controlled by VCTCXO adjustments to offset any possible errors.

   (10)    Frequency stability device

           A voltage controlled, temperature compensated, crystal oscillator (VCTCXO) is
           employed as a frequency reference for all of the transceiver local oscillators. This
           crystal oscillator is specified to remain within +/- 2.5 ppm over temperature and
           voltage variations. The lock status indicator of all synthesizers is monitored by the
           microprocessor and an out of lock condition will inhibit transmission. The mobile
           receiver monitors the received signal and adjusts the frequency of the VCTCXO, this
           corrects any errors between the mobile frequency and the base station transmitter.
           The mobile is locked to the base station.

   (11)    Spurious radiation suppression devices

          Reference     Part Name           Function
          FL1           duplexer            Provides protection against transmitter
                                            spurious emissions and receiver local
                                            oscillator leakages.
          FL2           RX ceramic filter   Provides protection against receiver local
                                            oscillator leakages.
          FL 3 and 4    TX filter           Provides suppression of spurious energy and
                                            transmitter harmonics.

   (12)    Modulation techniques


           The CDMA modulation is described in the following pages from the TIA/EIA /IS-95
           Standard. The justification for the CDMA bandwidth of 1.25 MHz is that the chip rate
           is 1.228 MHz (see page 6-10 of IS-95 ). When we look 3 dB down from the signal we
           find 1.25 MHz. Channel spacing is normally set at this 1.25 MHz. Also, one can
           reference baseband filtering requirements (page 6-27 TIA/EIA/IS-95) for filtering
           frequency response limits.


 613 MotitinChanaenites
6131 Rivese CDMA Chanee Siguls
Te Revese CDMA Channl i compesed of esChanndsand Revere Tritc Chamnls
‘These channclshallakurethe ue CDMA frequeny anignment uning direc anquence
CDM tchniqus, Pigur 61201 ahows an example ofall ofthesignale mceved ty a
basewaton on the ReveseCDMCA Channel Each uts Oiine in datfed by divins
wser ongcode equence each Accens Channe i identiid y a duinet Acvess Channel
lonce aequenc, Mitiple Revee CDMNA Chanols may be sd y a base staioin a
frueny disiion mltled manoen
 The Reverse CDMA Channel hastheoveallstructueshownin Feure 61.3 2 Data
tranamitedon the Reverse CDMA Channe is groupedinto 20 ma ramen. Alldata
teanunited on the Revers CDMA Channe is wrelatoaly encaded, eck iterasnd
modilted by the Btayorthognal modulaion. and dit sequencespeadpror t

                                   i cpimcmooy

                             oi     ottetel nrenecouctinate nncoives
                                  aa Bae Sition

               Figue 62.10. Reverse CPMA Channet Strictare

Aftr addingframe qualiyintiatorsforbath the 2600 bpn and £200 bpsraes ue
612. and addingeight BncoderTail B e .122 data romes may be
Arassmitted on the Revese PafléChanneatdat ater o9600 4800, 2800. d tato
Ips ThRevene Tie Channelmay un any ofthere ds rates for transmiaion. The
tranuminion duty ol on theReveve Praffe Channal varis withthe cramamimion datn
tate. Speifcaly,thetrinsmiriondity celefor 9000 bps femesis 100 peront the
teanamision dusy ce fr $00 bp frames is 0 pecent, thetrinominionduty ycor
2400 byofrumein 23 percn, and che tranmmion duy y or 1200 bpsframen is 123
percent asshown in Table 6..9.14—1.. As the duty cycle fotransmision varies
propraonatey withthe datarate, theactual burst trnsmimion rate i d ar 2880

cote spabols ersecand. Sinc i cod mbolare madulted as onof 4 modulation
ssrnbols for ransmiasion. the modulaton ymbe ransminionratis fixed at 800
modataionsvatols per accond. Thisrsat in a d Walsh chin ie f 3072 ky The
rateaf he readingPX sequencis fxed at 12388 Mepuso thateach Walsh chip is
appoad byfotPX chip. Table613.14 1 dain thenigl ate and theirrelionship
fo the vaou transminion ites on tReverne Taitc Chanel
"The mumeloy is itentialo the Acces Channel arept that the tansmision rte is
Aedat 400 boateraddingoight Enooder Til it en 6182 2. Bc nteaynbali
repentl onandthe trinsmiaiondity ce in 10 perven. Table615.1.12 dtinen
the signal ratsand theie elathnahy on the Aces Channl
61311 Moliaton Paramctes
"The modulation parameter i the Revere Tafic Channl and the Aress Channese
shown in Table 611. 1« 1 and Table 64. .2ropectvely
       uie 61.9.15. Revese TafteChaonel Motulation Poraneters
Pusmete             saco asso seo0 tzco |snie
im Chpfe            raase |se| use 1se |mere
coir e                is us us ta" [owrarom
[RazemDuy oc         Tmon ma zso is |w
ce Smtaiiore        zoo sn neo zn noo 2n000 e
wotuiaton              6|    s      &      6 |soicmm/nadameet
wotuaton spmbainare arco asoo s ao Je
m chip rae          sorzo|sorzo soras |sors Je
wot SvabetDernien se sns 0e 0s| ness [1n
Ti Clip/GetcOmmbet saer «er se| 07 |PNcupreats amtol
miChimeampaied        ase mss se |_2%6_|mcsimofamint
im cuparitam cho          a      a       a      4    [rnicierint on

            Table6.1.3.14—2. Accon Channel Modtation Paremeters
                                Buaate orn
      Prsmetee                      ssco      |viie
      T tyTo                        z>        Jige
         mm                          S        Wtam
           Symtolpeti                 z        ambnWrois am
            i Day crae              e         |n
      TateSyatotce                 Eoo        (i
      Noditaten                       o       coicam/nad nmiel
      Welaten Syetal Rare           1800 Je
      Sm Chyfare                              ie
      Ne SrnialDunstim             m          s
      TN Chsstte Srate                  it     |PNciproie m
      PNCipaNiet watol               En       TNchipimal stt
      TN Ciaitamoup                   a        TNCchipaNtabiin

6812 Da Raves
 The Ares Channlshllsupport ud daerateopertion c as00tys
 The Revese Traffe Channeatalaupport vaiall data rate poraionat ennasoo 400
 and 1200 tps
6113 Commutonl Enoting
The mobil taionshallcomolatiaa y enode thdata trasmitidonthe Reersematle
ChannlandtheAecos Chann rg tnteavig. Thconltioaende sall e mte
179 andhas a consraine langth f 9. The gonrator fnctions fothis codeshull e go
equals 7 cta) y oquals 663 otel) and gyequal 713 foal}This is a rate 1/3 cod
qrerting theecodesybals o each data biinput o the encodr,Thesce snbels
aball e ouat o that thecde m rntel epenededi gonenstr funcion goaall o
outpatfirt, thcode symbole ncoded withgoneror functon y hallbeoutput
wecon.and he code syabale eneoel wth goeratrfincton g sha lb outat lt
"The state f heconsoltionl eneoder. upontntliaton.ahal b tallzerstat,The
Aivcodesyatal output e nitliation tallbea ndesymbalencoded with genenttr
Auncin t
Consolitonl neatig involve themodule t additonofaeleted tapofa serialy umee
      ed dats aequerc, Te lech ofthedataanquence elay in oqual t &1 where Kin
theconsraint eneh ofthecod, gure 601 2 1 iletrates the encuder o he code
apeife in thisscion

$101,10 Basband Pitering
Ploning theapreadingapertiontheLand 9ulie ae appledt th inpute othe1
and 9 baschand Aiters ashown in Fipure 62.3.7. The baschand Atershall have a
Armqueny raonse (0thatsaiatsthe mt iven in Figure 1. 1.101. Speifcaly
the normalized frequency esponse ofthe Ateshllbecontaind within 204 in the
poosbond 1t( and ahailhefeas than oequalto 62 in thentopoad fay, The
mamereal valus fothe parametersare dy» 1. db9 10 4B = 500 ¢and 4 = 10

p     |_ T —»f"


         Figure 6191104 Bascband Pilrs Fequeney Response Limits

Let s(0 e thimpuls responseofthbasehand flter, The s(should saist the
filowing equaten
    MeanSquared Brvee$ bety»0— moaf coos,
wheethe comtana and t se used to minmizethe mean squarerv: The contant To
is equl to298491 . whichequals one auarter of a PN chip—The valuen of he
cveftionts b0d, o ced ane given in able .122 10 0d =0 fr t 8. Note thae
Wleanalehre y

Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

 Exhibit 3

 Transmitter RF Power - FCC part 2.985 (a)

Transmitter RF Power Output - FCC part 2, Paragraph 2.985 (a)

The RF output power was measured using a HP 8594 Spectrum Analyzer that has the
CDMA personality option. Terminated to a resistive coaxial load of 50 ohms.

                              RF output power (W)
carrier frequency   channel         CDMA
    1851.25           25            0.15
     1880             600           0.15
    1908.75          1175           0.14


Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                        FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

Transmitter RF Power Output - FCC part 24, Paragraph 24.232 (b)

The RF output power was measured using the isptropic equation, P=(ExD)squared/30,
where E is the field strenght in V/m, D is the distance at 3 meters and P is the output power in watts.

                                RF output power (W)
carrier frequency    channel           CDMA
    1851.25            25               0.403
     1880              600              0.403
    1908.75           1175              0.370


Applicant : QUALCOMM                      FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

 Exhibit 4

 Occupied Bandwidth Measured Data

 Plots are in a separate PDF file.


Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                             FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

  Exhibit 5

  Conducted Emissions Test Results

Conducted Emission Test Results - FCC Part 2.991, 24.238

Measured with a HP 8593 spectrum analyzer.
Total measured cable loss in front of spectrum analyzer :                                       0.8 dB

                       low band - channel 25                                           mid band - channel 600
        freq (MHz)    measured     actual level        specification   freq (MHz)     measured      actual level   specificatio
                     level (dBm)     (dBm)              limit (dBm)                  level (dBm)      (dBm)         limit (dBm

    1    1851.25          21.7          22.5                -             1880           21.7              22.5         -
    2     3702.5         -48.4         -47.6               -13            3760          -49.9             -49.1        -13
    3    5553.75         -49.3         -48.5               -13            5640          -48.6             -47.8        -13
    4      7405          -55.8         -55.0               -13            7520          -55.1             -54.3        -13
    5    9256.25         -57.8         -57.0               -13            9400          -67.1             -66.3        -13
    6    11107.5        <-78.3        <-77.5               -13           11280         <-79.8            <-79.0        -13
    7   12958.75        <-76.8        <-76.0               -13           13160         <-77.0            <-76.2        -13
    8     14810         <-76.9        <-76.1               -13           15040         <-87.7            <-86.9        -13
    9   16661.25        <-88.2        <-87.4               -13           16920         <-85.1            <-84.3        -13
   10   18512.5         <-87.6        <-86.8               -13           18800         <-86.5            <-85.7        -13


Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                            FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

  Exhibit 6

Transmitter RF Carrier Frequency Stability

Transmitter RF Carrier Frequency Stability - FCC part 2, Paragraph 2.995
Phone transmitting in CDMA mode, but with no modulation on the

Measured with a HP8560A Spectrum Analyzer

               Carrier Frequency :               1880 MHz           CDMA

                                           transmitter carrier frequency (MHz)                                     specification
temperature 6.6V            7.0V           7.3V        7.6V         7.9V       8.2V           8.6V           lower limit upper l
         -30         1105           1218         1176        1160        1151          1140           1093        -4700        4
         -20          378            365          356         428         398           390            381        -4700        4
         -10          380            386          343         358         362           370            375        -4700        4
           0          447            452          448         405         420           409            442        -4700        4
          10          423            428          405         412         429           430            427        -4700        4
          20           47             45           48           0          48            55             32        -4700        4
          30          215            192          185         273         245           228            210        -4700        4
          40         -486           -493         -388        -420        -436          -468           -485        -4700        4
          50         -686           -703         -718        -610        -631          -646           -673        -4700        4
          60        -1595          -1581        -1538       -1523       -1570         -1588          -1563        -4700        4


Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                                FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

                                                      Carrier Frequency Stability




 Frequency Error (Hz)


                        -1000                                                                              8.2V
                        -1500                                                                              low er limit
                                                                                                           upper limit


                                -30   -20   -10   0       10       20       30        40      50      60
                                                         Temperature (C)


Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                       FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

Exhibit 7

 Measurement Procedures and Techniques

 List of Equipment

 Computer with Phone_T software

 Spectrum Analyzers
      HP8560E, S/N 3643A0680, CAL DUE 8/99
      HP8594E, S/N 3733U03464, CAL DUE 12/17/99
      HP8593E, S/N 3501A01547, CAL DUE 2/23/99

 DC Power Supply

 Measurement Procedures

 RF Output Power

                     Spectrum Analyzer
                             HP 8594E

              RF output

              PC                         DC Power Supply

 Definition - The output power rating of the transmitter is the power available at the output
 terminal of the transmitter when the terminal is connected to the normal load.

 Method of Measurement - Measure the transmitter output carrier power with CDMA
 modulation. An HP 8594E spectrum analyzer with the CDMA personality was used to make the

 Minimum Standard - The transmitter output power shall be maintained within +2 / -4 dB.


Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                     FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

 Occupied Bandwidth

                          Spectrum Analyzer
                           HP8593E or HP8560E

              RF output

             PC                           DC Power Supply

 Definition - The occupied bandwidth is defined as the spectrum noise produced at discrete
 frequency separations from the carrier due to all sources of unwanted noise within the
 transmitter in a modulated condition.

 Method of Measurement - Use the spectrum analyzer and measure the CDMA spectrum,
 modulate with full rate.

 Minimum Standard - The mean power of emissions from the transmitter with modulated carrier
 shall be attenuated below the mean power of the modulated carrier in accordance with the

 (1)   Any frequency outside the licensed PCS frequency block, the power of any emission shall
       be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) by at least 43 + 10 log (P) dB, which is 35
 (2)   For the 1 MHz bands immediately outside and adjacent to the frequency block a
       resolution bandwidth of at least one percent of the emission bandwidth of the fundamental
       emission of the transmitter may be employed. The emission bandwidth is defined as the
       width of the signal between two points, one below the carrier center frequency and one
       above the carrier center frequency, outside of which all emissions are attenuated at least
       26 dB below the transmitter power.


Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                      FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

 Conducted Spurious and Harmonic Emissions at Antenna Terminal

                          Spectrum Analyzer

              RF output

              PC                              DC Power Supply

 Definition - The conducted harmonic and spurious emissions are emissions at the antenna
 terminals on a frequency or frequencies that are outside the authorized bandwidth of the

 Method of Measurement - The transmitter shall be modulated with CDMA at full rate. The
 measurement shall be made with a spectrum analyzer from the lowest radio frequency
 generated in the equipment to the 10th harmonic of the carrier.

 Minimum Standard - Conducted harmonic and spurious emissions shall be attenuated below
 the level of emissions of the carrier frequency by at least 43 + 10 log (mean output power in
 Watts) dB.

 Radiated Spurious and Harmonic Radiation

 Definition - The radiated spurious emissions are emissions from the subscriber unit with the
 attached antenna fully extended. The radiated spurious emissions include those emissions
 radiated from the attached antenna as well as the equipment cabinet and attached cables.

 Method of Measurement - The measurement shall be conducted at standard radiation test site
 with a search antenna which is movable vertically and is rotatable 90 degrees for vertially and
 horizontally polarized signals.

 Minimum Standard - Radiated spurious emissions shall be attenuated below the maximum
 level of emission of the carrier frequency by at least 43 + 10 log (mean output power in Watts)


Applicant : QUALCOMM                                                           FCC ID: J9CPDQ-1900

 Frequency Stability

            HP 8560

                                     RF output

                                    PC                       DC Power Supply

 Definition - The frequency stability is the ability of the transmitter to maintain an assigned
 carrier frequency.

 Method of Measurement - Use the spectrum analyzer to sample the transmitter RF output
 signal and measure its frequency. Very the ambient temperature from -30 to +60 °C, and also
 vary the DC supply voltage to the equipment from 3.4 to 4.1 V at each temperature.

Minimum Standard - The transmitter carrier frequency shall be maintained within ± 2.5 ppm.


Document Created: 2001-07-09 16:14:29
Document Modified: 2001-07-09 16:14:29

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