tune up procedure


Parts List/Tune Up Info

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SDM FCC Certification Report                                                          Operational Description

Chanasgn is the channel assignment given to the terminal for the packet

NumChan is the number of return link frequency channels

C.4 Tune-up procedure
Refer to session C.1 through C.3.

C.5 Frequency stability device
A voltage controlled, temperature compensated, crystal oscillator (VCTCXO) is
employed as a frequency reference for all of the transceiver local oscillators. This
crystal oscillator is specified to remain within +/- 8 ppm over temperature and
voltage variations. The lock status indicator of all synthesizers is monitored by the
microprocessor and an out of lock condition will inhibit transmission.

C.6 Spurious suppression

C.6.1 Suppression device
                               Part Name                                Function
                                                  Provides protection against receive spurious
    Rx amp filters       Image reject BPF
                                                  emissions and receiver local oscillator leakage
                                                  Provides protection against transmitter spurious
    Tx amp filters       TX BPF
                                                  emissions and transmit local oscillator leakage
    Rx amp mixer                                  Provides protection against receiver local oscillator
                         Rx PA filter
    filters                                       leakage
    Tx amp mixer                                  Provides suppression of spurious energy and
                         TX PA filter
    filters                                       transmitter harmonics
    Rx IF filter         RX_IF BPF                Provides other than RX_IF emission
    Tx IF filter         TX_IF BPF                Provides other than TX_IF emission
                         SHSH1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10,   Provides on-board shielding of critical circuits that
    Sheet shields
                         11, 13, 14, 15, 21       might generate spurious emission
                                                  Provides suppression of emission from power
    LC filters           numerous
                                                  switch and digital circuit

C.6.2 Frequency hopping correction factor
The RF spurious emissions being radiated in carrier-on state by the SDM are
harmonically related to the local oscillators (and their mixed products) in the digital

80-JXXXX-X Rev. A                         QUALCOMM Proprietary                                            C-9

Operational Description                                       SDM FCC Certification Report

and RF CCA. The local oscillators are tuned to different frequencies every 20 ms
(half of the hopping period) to switch between the receive frequency and the hopped
transmit frequency and vice versa. Due to this constant re-tuning of the local
oscillators, the frequencies of the spurious emissions are constantly changing, or
hopping, every 20 ms as well. This hopping of the spurious emissions allows us to
spread their power over the entire hopping bandwidth (36 MHz for domestic
system) of the transmitted signal. If the measurement bandwidth is 100 kHz, there
is a spreading factor of:

                                    ⎛ 36,000 ⎞
                              10 log⎜        ⎟ = 25.6 dB
                                    ⎝ 100 ⎠

The hopping of the spurious emissions can also be seen in factory mode by setting
up the spectrum analyzer to measure a spurious emission in any given 100 kHz
band, and simply changing the transmit frequency on the display unit screen. The
spurious response of the SDM will change depending on the transmit frequency in

The above spread factor of 25.6 dB can be taken into account in the measurement of
carrier-on spurious emissions.

C-10                            QUALCOMM Proprietary                   80-JXXXX-X Rev. A

Document Created: 2006-04-28 09:40:03
Document Modified: 2006-04-28 09:40:03

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