Modular Cover


Cover Letter(s)

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Applicant/Grantee       QUALCOMM Incorporated
FCC ID:                 J9CIEM6270
Request for Modular Approval                   Request for Limited Modular Approval
                        Requirements                              EUT Conditions              Comply (Y/N)
                                   Single Modular Approval Requirements
  1      The final device is designed for mobile    Host devices are not specifically         Yes
         or fixed operation (Portable is not        identified for the IEM6270. Only fixed
         permitted – Reference                      and mobile host devices are approved in
         TCB Exclusion List (17 July 2002) II       the Limited Modular Approval.
  2      The maximum antenna gain to allow          850 MHz: Documented 5dBi in MPE           Yes
         compliance with RF exposure                report to allow declared collocated
         requirements is listed on the Grant of     operation.
         Certification for the module.              1900MHz: 3dBi for compliance with the
                                                    Part 24 maximum transmit power
  3      The licensed module must have a FCC        The IEM6270 has a label on the device.    Yes
         ID label on the module itself. That FCC Final devices must comply with FCC
         ID label must be visible through a         label requirements.
         window on the final device or it must be
         visible when an access panel, door or
         cover is easily removed. If not, a second
         label must be placed on the outside of
         the final device that contains the
         following text: Contains “FCC
         ID: XXXYYYY”
  4      The Grant should include the following     Transmit Module                           Yes
         words in the device description or grant
         notes:“modular transmitter” or
         “transmitter module”.

Document Created: 2011-07-13 22:38:22
Document Modified: 2011-07-13 22:38:22

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