Part 22 24 Test Setup Photos


Test Setup Photos

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                                                                                                                                    Report No.: EH/2010/10004
                                                                               IC; 2723A—GOBI2000                                   Issue Date: Apr. 02, 2010
                                                                           FCC ID: J9CGOBI2000—H                                    Page: 38 of 48

                                                                              APPENDIX 1

                                                      PHOTOGRAPHS OF SETUP

Unfessathenviceatted the recuts shown in ts tetreport refer any to the ample(e)tested and such camplee) are retained for 0days only
Vedsn remmieinmimerniitictinsm. miveclinsieeriroon o cedmdmuim o rormnires >
This document is isued byte Company subjectto ts General Conditons af Service printed overlea, avalable on requestor acceculble atuow ses comermand condtins hi and,foreleeroniformat
daniment, stijetto Tarme andl Candtionfor Rortnrie Annimnts t wane oge.commtarms odocumenthim Affitlonin drmwn to he limtation af Iabity,indormileaion and iniedieinn Insimn detined
therein. Any hoider of ie dacument is advised that nformation cantaied herean rafeets tne Company‘ indings atthe tme of t nterventon only and witin the Iimis f Cllents Instuctions, i any. The
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                                     $08 Tahwan Li         Ne 134 WirKing Road, Wuku ncusral on, Tapel Gount, Tavan 6 Jofbt 2 9t s 210 194 9t
                        6 nmirts minal (oos—2) 2200—3079                                   1(Bee—2) 2e08—0i8s        
                                                       I                                                                       Member o 5GS Group

                                                                                                                                      Report No.: EH/2010/10004
                                                                                IC; 2723A—GOBI2000                                    Issue Date: Apr. 02, 2010
                                                                            FCC ID: J9CGOBI2000—H                                     Page: 39 of 48

                                                                 Radiated Emission Set up Photos

Unless athanviseatted the resuls shoun in thstetreport efe ony to the sample(s) tested and such samples) are rtainedfor 20days only
tedsfiian ce mimbreiiucin m> Messeerenor + cedino mue o movmines >
This document is ied by the Company subjectto s General Condiions of Serviee prited overleal, aalable on request or searsslbleat ywow 5es comhers and condions im and, or lecronk ormat
docsment, stt to Taims and Candrion for Fietaric Mowimants t wane ogs commterms o.documonthm Atention in drrwn to he Imiation f Habify,indemnifeaion aed iiedotan inntes defind
thetein. Any holder of ts docament is acised that nformation eantaned herean refeats the Company‘s ndings atthe tme of ts nterventon only and within the lmts of Cllents insvuetions, i any. The
Company s sole responstoliy is to ts Clent and thi document daes not exnerite patles o a transaetion from exereiing althel rgits and oblgatons under the ransaction douments, This docsment eannat
be teprodieed exeepti fl, wiholt pror rtten approval f the Company. Any unauthaized ateraton, argery or falffeaton of ie content or appearance ol ts document is unfawiul and offenders may be
prosseuted to the ulest eent of e law
                                                         No.19%, Wu King Reat, Wiku Industral Zone, TapelCountTamen / J£428 6221194 5t
                        6 ibind minal                    (oos—2) 2200—3079                   1(ses—2) 2z08—0108        
                                                                                                                                 Member o 5GS Group

Document Created: 2010-04-12 14:44:49
Document Modified: 2010-04-12 14:44:49

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