User Manual 3


Users Manual

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                                                       WCN1320™ User Guide

                                                                                                             80-VT321-1 B
                                                                                                  September 10, 2009

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                                                   QUALCOMM Incorporated
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        1 Introduction...................................................................................................... 4
               1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 4
               1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................... 4
               1.3 Conventions ......................................................................................................................... 4
               1.4 Revision history ................................................................................................................... 4
               1.5 References ........................................................................................................................... 5
               1.6 Technical assistance ............................................................................................................ 5
               1.7 Acronyms ............................................................................................................................ 5

        2 STA ................................................................................................................... 6
               2.1 STA configuration tools ...................................................................................................... 6
               2.2 STA hardware...................................................................................................................... 6
               2.3 Connecting to STA .............................................................................................................. 7
                     2.3.1 Wireless network connectivity ............................................................................... 7

        3 AP ..................................................................................................................... 8
               3.1 AP configuration tools......................................................................................................... 8
               3.2 AP hardware ........................................................................................................................ 8
               3.3 Connecting to the AP .......................................................................................................... 8

        4 Feature Configuration ..................................................................................... 9
               4.1 Configuring the AP ............................................................................................................. 9
               4.2 Configuring the STA ......................................................................................................... 10
               4.3 Making the connection ...................................................................................................... 12
               4.4 Creating a new network on the STA ................................................................................. 12

        5 Performance Test Configuration .................................................................. 13
               5.1 Qualcomm recommendations for best performance .......................................................... 13
               5.2 Interference........................................................................................................................ 13
               5.3 Connecting wired device to AP and STA.......................................................................... 14
               5.4 Throughput performance test tools .................................................................................... 15
                     5.4.1 Ixia Chariot ........................................................................................................... 15
                     5.4.2 IPerf ...................................................................................................................... 15

        6 Regulatory ...................................................................................................... 16
               6.1 FCC certifications.............................................................................................................. 16
               6.2 Caution .............................................................................................................................. 16
               6.3 FCC Radiation Exposure Statement .................................................................................. 16

80-VT321-1 B                                            2                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary


        Figure 5-1 Connecting wired device to AP and STA ................................................................... 14

        Table 1-1    Revision history .............................................................................................................. 4
        Table 1-2    Reference documents and standards ............................................................................... 5
        Table 2-1    Supported STA hardware ............................................................................................... 6
        Table 3-1    Supported AP hardware .................................................................................................. 8
        Table 4-1    Useful commands while logged in to the AP ................................................................. 9
        Table 4-2    Useful commands while logged in to the STA ............................................................. 10

80-VT321-1 B                                        3                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary

 1   1 Introduction

 2   1.1 Purpose
 3           The purpose of this document is to provide information to customers evaluating Qualcomm
 4           reference designs and software based on the WCN1320™ chipset. This document provides
 5           information relating to the installation, upgrade, configuration, and testing of WCN1320-based
 6           reference designs. This document covers both Access Points (APs) and Wi-Fi Stations (STAs),
 7           and can be used by customers that receive either or both types of WCN1320-based reference
 8           designs.

 9   1.2 Scope
10           This document is intended for those who are responsible for installing and testing the Qualcomm
11           WCN1320 evaluation kits, which typically include an AP router and at least one STA. These
12           evaluation kits are intended to allow customers to evaluate the core wireless functionality of the
13           Qualcomm WCN1320-based 802.11n solution, and are not intended to represent complete
14           products (i.e., no web UI is provided for AP or STA configuration, most router functionality —
15           NAT, etc. — is not supported, no GUI-based client configuration utility is provided, etc.). Only
16           Open mode (no security) is covered in this guide.

17   1.3 Conventions
18           Function declarations, function names, type declarations, and code samples appear in a different
19           font, e.g., #include.
20           Code variables appear in angle brackets, e.g., <number>.
21           Commands and command variables appear in a different font, e.g., copy a:*.* b:.

22   1.4 Revision history
23           The revision history for this document is shown in Table 1-1.

24           Table 1-1 Revision history

               Version         Date                                       Description
                    A      Jul 2009        Initial release
                    B      Sep 2009        Updated for regulatory information

     80-VT321-1 B                                        4                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary


 1   1.5 References
 2           Reference documents, which may include QUALCOMM®, standards, and resource documents,
 3           are listed in Table 1-2. Reference documents that are no longer applicable are deleted from this
 4           table; therefore, reference numbers may not be sequential.

 5           Table 1-2 Reference documents and standards

               Ref.                                             Document

                Q1    Application Note: Software Glossary for Customers        CL93-V3077-1

 7   1.6 Technical assistance
 8           For assistance or clarification on information in this guide, submit a case to Qualcomm CDMA
 9           Technologies at
10           If you do not have access to the CDMATech Support Service website, register for access or send
11           email to

12   1.7 Acronyms
13           For definitions of terms and abbreviations, refer to [Q1].

     80-VT321-1 B                                      5                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary

 1   2 STA

 2           This chapter provides information regarding STA software and hardware compatibility.

 3   2.1 STA configuration tools
 4           Qualcomm WCN1320 STA evaluation kits currently support Wireless Extension (WEXT) only.
 5           The STA can be configured using the following applications based on a Command-Line Interface
 6           (CLI):
 7           „      iwconfig
 8           „      iwpriv
 9           „      wpa_cli
10           Qualcomm recommends using the wpa_cli application for standard STA configuration and using
11           iwpriv for configuring Qualcomm proprietary parameters.

12   2.2 STA hardware
13           One device in your hardware kit should be clearly labeled as STA.
14           This release supports the reference designs listed in Table 2-1.

15           Table 2-1 Supported STA hardware

                 Common name      Part number                              Description
                 STA             DC544D_1        Router with 4x4 WLAN PCIe daughter card and STA software
                 STA             EA544D_1        4x4 WLAN Ethernet adapter card and STA software


     80-VT321-1 B                                        6                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary


 1   2.3 Connecting to STA
 2           You can control the STA by connecting an Ethernet cable to one of its four LAN ports on the AP
 3           router or to a single LAN port on a dongle STA.
 4           The CLI-based applications are run from the shell on the STA. The shell is accessible through
 5           any of the four LAN ports using telnet. The LAN ports’ default IP address is with
 6           a subnet mask of
 7           Telnet login is “root” with no password.

 8   2.3.1 Wireless network connectivity
 9           The Qualcomm STA will bridge packets between the wired LAN ports and the wireless interface
10           after the STA clones the Agent PC’s Ethernet MAC address.
11           Follow the procedure below to clone the Agent PC’s Ethernet MAC address on the STA:
12           1. Telnet into the STA from the Agent PC:
13                  # iwpriv wlan0 set_clone_addr <Agent PC MAC Address>
14                  For example, # iwpriv wlan0 set_clone_addr 00:de:ad:be:ef:00
15           2. Use the following command to confirm if the cloned MAC address was configured correctly:
16                  # iwpriv wlan0 get_clone_addr (this will list the cloned MAC address)
17           3. All configurations on the STA can be saved by issuing the following command:
18                  # wext-conf save all
19           The Qualcomm STA will automatically configure itself with the saved configuration if rebooted.

     80-VT321-1 B                                        7                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary

 1   3 AP

 2           This chapter provides information regarding AP software and hardware compatibility.

 3   3.1 AP configuration tools
 4           The Qualcomm WCN1320-based evaluation AP runs on Linux 2.6.25 and is based on an AMCC
 5           processor. The AP can be configured using aniSdkTool, a CLI-based utility application. Note that
 6           many common broadband gateway functions are not included in this release (NAT, firewall, etc.).

 7   3.2 AP hardware
 8           One device in your hardware kit should be clearly labeled as AP.
 9           This release supports the reference designs listed in Table 3-1.

10           Table 3-1 Supported AP hardware

               Common name       Part number                               Description
               AP               DC544D_2         Router with 4x4 WLAN PCIe daughter card and AP software
               AP               DC544D_3         Router with 4x4 WLAN PCIe daughter card and AP software
               AP               EA544D_2         4x4 WLAN Ethernet adapter card and AP software
               AP               EA544D_3         4x4 WLAN Ethernet adapter card and AP software

11   3.3 Connecting to the AP
12           You can control the AP by connecting an Ethernet cable to one of its four LAN ports on the AP
13           router or to a single LAN port on a dongle AP.
14           The CLI-based application, aniSdkTool, is run from the shell on the AP. The shell is accessible
15           through any of the four LAN ports using telnet. The LAN ports’ default IP address is
16  with a subnet mask of
17           Telnet login is “root” with no password.

     80-VT321-1 B                                      8                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary

 1   4 Feature Configuration

 2           This chapter provides information related to configuring the client and AP for performance
 3           testing.

 4   4.1 Configuring the AP
 5           AP configuration is accomplished via a telnet and CLI.
 6           To telnet into the AP, use following commands at the Windows command prompt on the Agent
 7           PC:
 8           1. Telnet
 9           2. The login is “root” (no password is required).
10           aniSdk Tool is a CLI that uses the Application Programming Interface (API) provided with the
11           AP SDK. The format of aniSdkTool commands is as follows:
12           „      For global commands – aniSdkTool –x cmd {arguments}
13           „      For radio-specific commands – aniSdkTool –x cmd {radioId} {arguments} (where x is
14                  either an “s” for set or a “g” for get)
15           aniSdkTool –s cga (commit global all) must be issued before configuration set (-s) commands
16           can be applied to the system.
17           When logged in, the commands listed in Table 4-1 are useful.

18           Table 4-1 Useful commands while logged in to the AP

                          Command                                            Description
                 aniSdkTool –g ver            Provides build version information
                 aniSdkTool –a rstdef         Restores the default WLAN configuration; default WLAN configuration is
                                              stored in the firmware image
                 qctPersist                   Commits the current WLAN configuration to nonvolatile memory, allowing
                                              the current configuration to be retained across reboots and power cycles
                 aniSdkTool –s cga            Issues commit all; required to make any aniSdkTool –s command take
                 aniSdkTool –s ssid XYZ       Sets the current SSID to XYZ
                 aniSdkTool –g ssid           Provides current SSID

     80-VT321-1 B                                          9                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary

                                                                                                       Feature Configuration

                          Command                                               Description
                 aniSdkTool –g rad               Provides current channel and bandwidth information
                 aniSdkTool –s chn 0 X Y 1       Sets the channel; channel X is the primary channel and Y is the secondary
                                                 Channel Y must equal X +/- 4; the primary channel will be used in 20 MHz
                                                 mode, and for beacons and management traffic in 40 MHz modes.
                                                 In 40 MHz mode, the signal will be centered at (X+Y)/2
                 aniSdkTool –s bond 0 0          Turns off 40 MHz mode; the “aniSdkTool –s rte 0 X” command shall be
                                                 issued after this command
                 aniSdkTool –s bond 0 1          Turns on 40 MHz mode; the “aniSdkTool –s rte 0 X” command shall be
                                                 issued after this command
                 aniSdkTool                      Lists all available API configuration commands; if you have any questions
                                                 about commands not mentioned above, contact your Qualcomm support

      NOTE       No aniSdk Tool –s command takes effect until an aniSdk Tool –s cga command has been

      NOTE       The output of aniSdkTool –g only accurately reflects the state of the system after an
                 aniSdkTool –s cga has been issued. Prior to the issuance of aniSdkTool –s cga, the result of
                 aniSdkTool –g may reflect settings that are pending but have not yet taken effect.

4   4.2 Configuring the STA
5            The client driver is based on WEXT.
6            When logged in, the commands listed in Table 4-2 are useful.

7            Table 4-2 Useful commands while logged in to the STA

                                      Command                                            Description
                 wpa_cli –iwlan0 status                             Provides status of wlan0
                 wpa_cli -iwlan0 remove_network 0                   Removes your default network
                 wpa_cli -iwlan0 add_network 0                      Adds a network (0) to connect to
                 wpa_cli -iwlan0 set_network 0 ssid '"your_ssid"'   Sets your network’s SSID
                 wpa_cli -iwlan0 set_network 0 proto WPA            Sets your network’s security protocol to WPA
                 wpa_cli -iwlan0 set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE        Sets your network to open (no security)
                 wpa_cli -iwlan0 enable_network 0                   Enables your default network
                 iwpriv set_clone_addr 00:de:ad:be:ef:00            Clones Agent PC’s MAC address to STA
                 iwpriv get_clone_addr                              Gets cloned MAC address
                 wext-conf save all                                 Saves and persists the configuration on the STA

             1 The available channels are governed by regulatory law. The STA hardware contains an ISO country code
             programmed into EEPROM which defines the operational channels for a given regulatory domain. For
             operation in countries governed by FCC regulations, operation in the 5150 to 5250 MHz band is limited to
             indoor use.

    80-VT321-1 B                                          10                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary

                                                                                                Feature Configuration

                                 Command                                           Description
              wext-conf default all                          Sets the current configuration to factory default
              wpa_cli –help                                  Lists all the options available in wpa_cli


    80-VT321-1 B                                       11                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary

                                                                                            Feature Configuration

 1   4.3 Making the connection
 2            The AP and STA both come configured with Open mode security (no security) and SSID set to
 3            Qualcomm. The user has to only clone MAC address of the device connected to the Qualcomm
 4            STA in order to get the link up and running:
 5            1. On STA – iwpriv set_clone_addr <Agent_PC_MAC_ADDRESS>
 6                  For example, iwpriv set_clone_addr 00:de:ad:be:ef:00
 7            2. On STA – wpa_cli –iwlan0 status (this should list the BSSID and SSID of the AP you
 8               are connected to)
 9            3. On STA – wext-conf save all (this will save current configuration)
10            4. On AP – aniSdkTool –g sta (this should list the MAC address of the STA’s Agent PC
11               indicating that STA is connected)
12            5. At this point you are ready to send and receive pings from both the Agent PCs.
13            If you would like to use a different SSID, use the appropriate commands to set the SSID on the
14            AP and then set the default network on the STA with that particular SSID in order to make the
15            connection.

16   4.4 Creating a new network on the STA
17            If you change the SSID on the AP, then create a new network on the STA by doing the following
18            on the STA in order to make the association:
19            # wpa_cli -iwlan0 remove_network 0
20            # wpa_cli -iwlan0 add_network 0
21            # wpa_cli -iwlan0 set_network 0 ssid '"your_ssid"'
22            # wpa_cli -iwlan0 set_network 0 proto WPA
23            # wpa_cli -iwlan0 set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE
24            # wpa_cli -iwlan0 enable_network 0

       NOTE    SSID has to be in format ‘”your_ssid”’, i.e., open single quote, followed by open double quote,
               followed by your ssid, followed by end double quote, and finally end single quote.

27            Make sure the MAC address of your Agent PC is cloned to your STA by issuing:
28            # iwpriv wlan0 get_clone_addr
29            Now you can check association status:
30            # wpa_cli –iwlan0 status
31            Save the configuration by issuing:
32            #wext-conf save all

     80-VT321-1 B                                       12                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary

 1   5 Performance Test Configuration

 2           This chapter provides some guidelines for throughput performance testing of Qualcomm
 3           WCN1320-based reference designs.

 4   5.1 Qualcomm recommendations for best performance
 5           TCP/IP settings on systems sourcing and syncing data may impact throughput performance. For
 6           example, on PCs loaded with Windows XP, Qualcomm recommend the following TCP/IP
 7           settings:
 8           „      TcpMaxDupAcks-2
 9           „      TcpWindowSize-256960 or greater
10           These TCP settings can be done using Windows registry or a GUI-based tool like TCPOptimizer
11           available free on the Internet.
12           Qualcomm has observed in its performance testing that to completely saturate the wireless link it
13           may be required to use 10 or more TCP/UDP streams when using test tools like Chariot or IPerf.

14   5.2 Interference
15           As with all other 802.11-based equipment, interference (802.11 and non-802.11-based
16           interference from outside sources and ambient noise from PC platforms) impacts throughput
17           performance. In many environments, it may be necessary to use the 5 GHz band to find an
18           interference free channel for performance testing. Note that because of differences in propagation
19           characteristics between 2.4 and 5 GHz, maximum range in the 5 GHz band will typically be less
20           than maximum range in 2.4 GHz.
21           In an environment with heavy interference, better throughput results may be obtained using a
22           20 MHz mode instead of a 20/40 MHz mode. In an interference free environment, 20/40 MHz
23           mode produces better throughput results.

     80-VT321-1 B                                       13                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary

                                                                                 Performance Test Configuration

 1   5.3 Connecting wired device to AP and STA
 2           The typical throughput test configuration is to have one wired device connected to the AP and
 3           one to the STA, and measure throughput between the two wired devices. These devices can be
 4           PCs, STBs, etc.
 5           Figure 5-1 shows how to connect the wired device to the AP and STA.


 7           Figure 5-1 Connecting wired device to AP and STA
 8           Qualcomm WCN1320-based AP and STA reference designs are equipped with four 1000Base-T
 9           LAN ports on an AP router or a single port on a dongle AP/STA. Using these ports on the AP and
10           STA and a PC equipped with a 1000Base-T will yield the best throughput results.

     80-VT321-1 B                                     14                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary

                                                                                         Performance Test Configuration

 1   5.4 Throughput performance test tools
 2           There are a multitude of throughput performance test tools available that can be used to
 3           characterize throughput performance over a Qualcomm WCN1320-based wireless link.
 4           Qualcomm tests extensively with two of these tools: Chariot (available for purchase from Ixia)
 5           and IPerf (free). Configuration considerations for each are provided below.

 6   5.4.1 Ixia Chariot
 7           When using Chariot, a Chariot endpoint must be installed on any PC that will source or sink
 8           traffic (PC1 and PC2, in this case). A Chariot console is required on any PC that has IP
 9           connectivity to PC1 and PC2 (it can be on PC1, PC2, or a third PC with IP connectivity).
10           To obtain maximum throughput results, the following configuration options Chariot are
11           recommended:
12           „      Select the High Performance Throughput script.
13           „      Run bidirectional traffic with at least 10 endpoint pairs in each direction of traffic (i.e., 10
14                  endpoint pairs from PC1 to PC2 and 10 endpoint pairs from PC2 to PC1).
15           „      Tests can be run in Batch mode (as opposed to Real-Time) to prevent Chariot control traffic
16                  from loading the wireless link; however, the impact of running in Real-Time mode is
17                  negligible.
18           „      Take a look at Qualcomm’s recommendation for best performance in Section 5.1.

19   5.4.2 IPerf
20           When using IPerf, one PC must be configured as the client and one must be configured as the
21           server. For maximum performance, we recommend configuring two servers on PC2, and two
22           clients on PC1, and running a bidirectional throughput test between each client server pair.
23           An example command-line configuration is:
24           „      On PC1:
25                  iperf –c –p 6000 –w 128k –i .5 –d –t 30 –P 10
26                  iperf –c –p 6001 –w 128k –i .5 –d –t 30 –P 10
27           „      On PC2:
28                  iperf –s -p 6000 –w 128k –i .5
29                  iperf –s –p 6001 –w 128k –i .5

     80-VT321-1 B                                        15                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary

 1   6 Regulatory

 2   6.1 FCC certifications
 3           This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
 4           pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
 5           against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can
 6           radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
 7           may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
 8           interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
 9           interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment
10           off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
11           following measures:
12           „      Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
13           „      Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
14           „      Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
15                  connected.
16           „      Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

17   6.2 Caution
18           Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the
19           user’s authority to operate the equipment.
20           This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two
21           conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept
22           any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

23   6.3 FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
24           This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
25           environment, and users must follow specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure
26           compliance. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other
27           transmitter or antenna.

     80-VT321-1 B                                        16                 Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary

Document Created: 2009-09-10 16:31:29
Document Modified: 2009-09-10 16:31:29

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