Test Report


Test Report

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                                                TEST REPORT

                                         Report Number: 3063068-001
                                          Project Number: 3063068

     Evaluation of the Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0 /
                DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

                                                 FCC ID: IYL4050E
                                     Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E

                                          Tested to the Criteria in
                                       FCC Part 15 Subpart C (15.247)
                                        ICES-003 and RSS-210 Issue 5

                                               Lexmark International

       Test Performed by:                                                       Test Authorized by:
             Intertek                                                          Lexmark International
      731 Enterprise Drive                                                   740 West New Circle Road
      Lexington, KY 40510                                                      Lexington, KY 40550

Prepared By:_______________________________Date:____8/12/2004________

                      Jason Centers, Project Engineer

Approved By:______________________________Date:____8/12/2004_________

                      Bryan C. Taylor, EMC Team Leader

This report may be reproduced only with the written permission of Intertek and if reproduced must be reproduced in its entirety.

This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government.

The results contained in this report were derived from measurements performed on the identified test samples. Any implied
performance of other samples based on this report is dependent on the representative adequacy of the samples tested.

                                           Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc.
                                             731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington, KY 40510

                                                                                           731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0
                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS
1     JOB DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................... 4
    1.1       TEST SAMPLE INFORMATION ....................................................................................................... 4
    1.2       TEST SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS ...................................................................................................... 5
      1.2.1       System Support Equipment...................................................................................................... 6
      1.2.2       Cables associated with EUT ................................................................................................... 6
      1.2.3       System Block Diagram ............................................................................................................ 6
    1.3       JUSTIFICATION ............................................................................................................................. 7
      1.3.1       Mode(s) of operation............................................................................................................... 7
    1.4       MODIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR COMPLIANCE ............................................................................ 7
    1.5       RELATED SUBMITTAL(S) GRANTS ............................................................................................... 7

2     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................. 8

3     TEST FACILITY................................................................................................................................ 9
    3.1       TEST EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................................... 9

4     CONDUCTED RF POWER, 6DB BANDWIDTH, AND POWER DENSITY ........................... 10
    4.1    TEST PROCEDURE (FCC RULE: §15.247(B), RSS-210 RULE §6.2.2(O)(B) CONDUCTED RF
    POWER) 10
      4.1.1       Conducted Output Power Criteria ........................................................................................ 10
    4.2       TEST PROCEDURE (FCC RULE: §15.247(A), RSS-210 RULE §6.2.2(O)(B) 6DB BANDWIDTH). 10
      4.2.1       6dB Bandwidth Criteria ........................................................................................................ 10
    4.3       TEST PROCEDURE (FCC RULE: §15.247(D), RSS-210 RULE §6.2.2(O)(B) POWER DENSITY) .. 10
      4.3.1       Power Density Criteria ......................................................................................................... 10
    4.4       TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 11

5     RADIATED RF POWER................................................................................................................. 13
    5.1    TEST PROCEDURE (FCC RULE: §15.247(B), RSS-210 RULE §6.2.2(O)(B) RADIATED RF
    POWER) 13
      5.1.1       Radiated Output Power Criteria ........................................................................................... 13
    5.2       TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 14

6     MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE) CALCULATIONS ...................................... 15
    6.1       TEST PROCEDURE (FCC RULE: §15.247(B)(5), RSS-102 §4.3) ................................................ 15
    6.2       TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 15

7     OUT OF BAND EMISSIONS AT ANTENNA TERMINALS ..................................................... 16
    7.1       TEST PROCEDURE (FCC RULE §15.247(C), RSS-210 RULE §6.2.2(O)(E1)).............................. 16

File: 3063068                                                Page 2 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                                             731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0
       7.1.1       Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals Criteria......................................................... 16
    7.2         TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 17

RESTRICTED BAND REQUIREMENTS) ........................................................................................... 18
    8.1   TEST PROCEDURE (FCC RULE §15.247(C), RSS-210 §6.2.2(O)(E1) FOR RADIATED
    MEASUREMENTS).................................................................................................................................... 18
       8.1.1       Field Strength of Spurious Radiation Criteria ...................................................................... 18
    8.2         TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 19

9      POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS................................................................................. 25
    9.1         TEST PROCEDURE (FCC §15.207, ICES-003 §5.3) ................................................................... 25
       9.1.1       Power Line Conducted Emissions Criteria ........................................................................... 25
    9.2         TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 26

10          RECEIVER SPURIOUS EMISSIONS ...................................................................................... 28
    10.1        TEST PROCEDURE (FCC §15.109, ICES-003 §5.6) ................................................................... 28
    10.2        RECEIVER SPURIOUS EMISSIONS CRITERIA ............................................................................... 28
       10.2.1          Test Results ....................................................................................................................... 29

File: 3063068                                                 Page 3 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                           731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

1.1    Test Sample Information

                                     Company Information
        Manufacturer:                             Lexmark International
          Address:                             740 West New Circle Road
                                                  Lexington KY 40550
        Contact Name:                                  Paul Ramey
      Telephone Number:                              (859)-825-4469
         Fax Number:                                 (859)-232-7345
        Email Address:                            pramey@lexmark.com

                                           Test sample
        Model Number:                                   4032-2W0
        Serial Number:                                  Not Labled
           FCC ID:                                      IYL4050E
     Industry Canada ID:                              2376A-4050E
       Device Category:                                   Mobile
    RF Exposure Category:              General Population/Uncontrolled Environment
     Transmission Modes:               802.11b                          802.11g
    Frequency Range, MHz:         2412MHz – 2462MHz              2412MHz – 2462MHz
     Type of Transmission:          QPSK, BSK, CCK          BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM
     Maximum RF Output
                                         19.2dBm                             20dBm
        Antenna Type:                                 PCB Mount Antenna
      Antenna Location:                                    Internal
        Antenna Gain:                                       3dBi
         Power Supply             Manufacturer          Model Number            Serial Number
                                 Delta Electronics
                                                           ADP-10SB            AXW0422017025

          Test Signal Mode
       Test Commands:            X
    Base Station Simulator:

File: 3063068                          Page 4 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                           731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

1.2   Test Sample Photographs
                                   Figure 1 – 4032-2W0 (Front)

                                    Figure 2 – 4032-2W0 (Back)

File: 3063068                          Page 5 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                                 731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

1.2.1    System Support Equipment
Table 1-1 contains the details of the support equipment associated with the Equipment Under Test during the testing.

                                        Table 1-1: System Support Equipment
                   Description             Manufacturer                Model Number           Serial Number
                     Printer                 Lexmark                     4500-202               89021XR

1.2.2    Cables associated with EUT
Table 1-2 contains the details of the cables associated with the EUT.

                          Table 1-2: Interconnecting cables between modules of EUT

        Description           Length       Shielding        Ferrites
                                                                                    From                      To
        Serial Cable             6 ft           None            None         Programming Port        Comm. 1 on Laptop
                                                                                                     AC Input of AC/DC
    AC Power Cable               6 ft           None            None         AC Power Source
                                                                          DC Output of AC/DC        DC Input of the 4032-
    DC Power Cable               6 ft           None            None
                                                                              Converter                    2W0

1.2.3    System Block Diagram
The diagram shown below details the interconnection of the EUT and its accessories during the testing. The Laptop
was used to configure force the 4050e Print Server to transmit.

                 To AC     AC
                 Power                                 4050e      Serial Cable
                 Source                 5 VDC           Print

File: 3063068                                     Page 6 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                    731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

1.3     Justification
The EUT was operated in the stand-alone configuration.

1.3.1    Mode(s) of operation
The 4050e Print Server was powered by the AC to DC power supply provided with the sample.

1.4     Modifications required for compliance
No modifications were implemented by Intertek. All results in this report pertain to the un-modified sample
provided to Intertek.

1.5     Related Submittal(s) Grants

File: 3063068                                 Page 7 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                 731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

Testing performed for: Lexmark International
Equipment Under Test: 4032-2W0

      FCC RULE            IC RULE                  DESCRIPTION OF TEST              RESULT       PAGE
                          RSS-210          Conducted RF Power, 6dB Bandwidth,
    §15.247(a)(b)(d)                                                                               11
                         §6.2.2(o)(b)      and Power Density                        Compliant
      §15.247(b)                           Radiated RF Power                                       14
                         §6.2.2(o)(b)                                               Compliant
                                           Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
     §15.247(b)(5)      RSS-102 §4.3                                                Compliant      15
                                           Out of Band Emissions at Antenna
                           RSS-210         Terminals
       §15.247(c)                                                                                  17
                         §6.2.2(o)(e1)                                              Compliant

                                           Field Strength of Spurious Radiation
     c15.247(c) and        RSS-210
                                           (General Requirements and Restricted                    18
       §15.209(f)        §6.2.2(o)(e1)                                              Compliant
                                           Band Requirements)

    §15.107, §15.207    ICES-003 §5.3      Power Line Conducted Emissions                          26

        §15.109         ICES-003 §5.6      Receiver Spurious Emissions                             28

File: 3063068                                  Page 8 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                  731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

The INTERTEK-Lexington is located at 731
Enterprise Drive, Lexington Kentucky, 40510. The
radiated emission test site is a 10-meter semi-
anechoic chamber. The chamber meets the
characteristics of CISPR 16-1: 1993 and ANSI
C63.4: 1992. For measurements, a remotely
controlled flush-mount metal-top turntable is used to
rotate the EUT a full 360 degrees. A remote
controlled non-conductive antenna mast is used to
scan the antenna height from one to four meters.

3.1     Test Equipment
       Description         Manufacturer          Model Number        Serial Number     Calibration due date
                            Thermotron                  SM-8C            32692             12/18/2004
    Signal Generator           HP                   83620B            3614A00199            8/21/2004
     Horn Antenna        Antenna Research         DRG-118/A              1086               6/29/2005
     Horn Antenna             EMCO                   3115                6556               7/21/2005
     EMI Receiver        Rohde & Schwarz            ESI 26             1088.7490            10/2/2004
          LISN                  FCC                                      1026                1/12/05
      Bilog Antenna            EMCO                 3142B                1674                8/2004
       Preamplifier              HP                     8449B         3008A00775             12/2004

File: 3063068                                  Page 9 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                    731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

4.1     Test Procedure (FCC Rule: §15.247(b), RSS-210 Rule §6.2.2(o)(b) Conducted RF Power)
The antenna port of the 4050e Print Server was connected to the input of a peak power meter. The power was read
directly from the power meter and corrected for cable loss to obtain the power at the antenna terminals. Conducted
power was measured on the high, middle and low channels for all data rates and modulation modes.

4.1.1    Conducted Output Power Criteria
The maximum allowable transmitter power for antennas with gains of 6dBi or less is 1watt (30dBm).

4.2     Test Procedure (FCC Rule: §15.247(a), RSS-210 Rule §6.2.2(o)(b) 6dB Bandwidth)
The antenna port of the 4050e Print Server was connected to the input of a spectrum analyzer. The analyzer
amplitude was offset for the associated cable loss. The analyzer resolution and video bandwidths were set to
100kHz and the max hold function was turned on. A marker peak search was performed on the resultant trace to
find the peak amplitude. Markers were then positioned on either side of the peak amplitude such that they were 6dB
lower than that amplitude. The 6dB bandwidth was the frequency difference between the marker on the lower side
and the marker on the higher side of the peak amplitude. The 6dB bandwidth was measured for the highest data rate
for each possible modulation mode on the high, middle, and low channels.

4.2.1    6dB Bandwidth Criteria
The minimum 6dB bandwidth shall be at least 500kHz

4.3     Test Procedure (FCC Rule: §15.247(d), RSS-210 Rule §6.2.2(o)(b) Power Density)
The antenna port of the 4050e Print Server was connected to the input of a spectrum analyzer. The analyzer
amplitude was offset for the associated cable loss. The analyzer resolution and video bandwidths were set to 3kHz
and the max hold function was turned on. The frequency span was set to 600kHz around the highest amplitude
occurring in the peak emission envelope. The total sweep time was calculated as follows:
                            Sweep time (Sec.) = (Fstop – Fstart)/Resolution Bandwidth
                                        Sweep time (Sec) = 600kHz / 3kHz
                                         Sweep time (Sec) = 200 Seconds
A peak search was then performed on the resultant trace. The amplitude of that peak was recorded as the maximum
power density in dBm. Power density was measured for all data rates and modulation modes on the middle channel.
For the high and low channels, power density was measured at the data rate and modulation mode that resulted in
the highest and lowest conducted power for that channel.

4.3.1    Power Density Criteria
The peak power spectral density shall not be greater than 8dBm in any 3kHz band during any time interval of
continuous transmission.

File: 3063068                                Page 10 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                  731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

4.4   Test Results
The 4050e Print Server met the RF power output, 6dB bandwidth, and power density requirements of FCC Part 15
Subpart C (15.247). The test results are located in Table 4-1.

                Table 4-1 RF Output Power, 6dB Bandwidth, Power Density Measurements
                                     Data                                               Power        6dB
 Frequency                                      Conducted Power     Conducted Power
              Mode     Modulation    Rate                                               Density   Bandwidth
   (MHz)                                            (dBm)               (mW)
                                    (Mbps)                                              (dBm)       (MHz)
                         BPSK          1              19.2              83.176377       -12.61
                         QPSK          2              19.2              83.176377        -6.99
                         QPSK         5.5             19                79.432823       -11.26      12.525
                         CCK           11             19                79.432823        -13.4      11.523
                         BPSK          6              20                   100          -18.52
   2437                  BPSK          9              20                   100          -11.03       16.33
 Channel 6               QPSK          12            19.67              92.682982       -10.27
                         QPSK          18            19.54              89.949758       -11.44      16.232
                        16QAM          24             19.3              85.113804       -12.56
                        16QAM          36            18.96              78.704579       -12.66      16.433
                        64QAM          48             17.1              51.286138       -15.62
                        64QAM          54            17.12              51.522864       -15.46      16.533
                         BPSK          1             16.39              43.551187
                         QPSK          2             16.39              43.551187
                         QPSK         5.5            16.05              40.271703        4.63        10.02
                         CCK           11             16.1              40.738028                    11.52
                         BPSK          6              18.2              66.069345
   2412                  BPSK          9              18.2              66.069345                    16.33
 Channel 1               QPSK          12             18.9              77.624712
                         QPSK          18            18.71              74.301914                    16.23
                        16QAM          24            19.24              83.945999       -11.89
                        16QAM          36            18.91              77.803655                    16.53
                        64QAM          48             17.3              53.70318
                        64QAM          54            17.35              54.325033                   16.533
   2462                  BPSK          1             14.71              29.580125
                         QPSK          2             14.71              29.580125
    11       802.11b
                         QPSK         5.5            19.14              82.035154       -11.18      12.324
                         CCK           11            14.48              28.054336        -10.6      11.523
             802.11g     BPSK          6             16.85              48.417237
                         BPSK          9             16.86              48.52885                    16.132
                         QPSK          12            17.75              59.566214
                         QPSK          18             17.5              56.234133                   16.432
                        16QAM          24            18.18              65.765784
                        16QAM          36            17.74              59.429216                    16.53
                        64QAM          48            17.28              53.456436

File: 3063068                                Page 11 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                           731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0
                      64QAM        54           17.32            53.951062                 16.3

File: 3063068                           Page 12 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                      731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0


5.1      Test Procedure (FCC Rule: §15.247(b), RSS-210 Rule §6.2.2(o)(b) Radiated RF Power)
The 4050e Print Server was placed on a non-conductive turntable. It was then set to operate at the maximum output
power and data rate that produced the highest conducted output power in both 802.11b and 802.11g modes.
The radiated emission at the fundamental frequency was measured at 3m with a test antenna and EMI receiver. This
was performed with the antenna in both vertical and horizontal polarities.
During the measurement of the EUT, the receiver resolution bandwidth was set to 3 MHz and the video bandwidth
was set to 3 MHz. The highest emission was recorded with the rotation of the turntable and the raising and lowering
of the test antenna. The receiver reading was recorded (E in dBuV).
The radiated power was measured using a substitution method as described in TIA-603-B Section 2.2.17 (Radiated
Power Output). The EUT was replaced with a substitution antenna (tuned dipole below 1 GHz; Horn antenna above
1 GHz) and was fed with an input power from a signal generator set to output 15 dBm. The cable loss between the
signal generator and substituting antenna was a known value. The receiver reading was recorded and EIRP was
calculated as follows:

          EIRP = E1 - E2 + Vsub + G
          E1 is the receiver reading in dBµV when measuring the field strength of the EUT
          E2 is the receiver reading in dBµV when measured field strength from the generator
          Vsub is the power delivered to the substitution antenna (generator output in dBm – cable loss between the
          generator and the substitution antenna)
          G is the gain of the transmitting antenna in dBi.

5.1.1     Radiated Output Power Criteria
The maximum allowable transmitter power for antennas with gains of 6dBi or less is 1watt (30dBm).

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                                                                        731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

5.2    Test Results
The 4050e Print Server met the radiated power requirements of FCC §15.247(b). The test results are located in
Table 5-1. All results are less than the 30dBm limit.

                                              Table 5-1 Radiated RF Power
                                                                                           Tx       Signal
                                                 Device                  Sub.    Cable   Antenna   Generator
   EUT         TX                    TX         Reading    Sub. TX     Reading   Loss     Gain      Output     EIRP
   Mode      Channel   Polarity   Frequency     (dBuV)    Frequency    (dBuV)    (dB)     (dBi)     (dBm)      (dBm)
 (802.11b)      1         V       2.4139 GHz     106.31   2.4138 GHz   115.52    3.994    9.141       15       10.937
 (802.11b)      6         V       2.437 GHz      107.5    2.4369 GHz   115.247   4.029    9.211       15       12.435
 (802.11b)     11         V       2.4621 GHz     102.64   2.462 GHz    115.55    4.066    9.286       15        7.31
 (802.11b)      1         H       2.4121 GHz     108.6    2.4117 GHz   117.574   3.991     9.1        15       11.135
 (802.11b)      6         H       2.437 GHz      111.05   2.4366 GHz   117.511   4.028    9.184       15       13.695
 (802.11b)     11         H       2.4621 GHz     106.49   2.4619 GHz   116.962   4.066    9.27        15        9.732
  9 Mbps
 (802.11g)      1         V       2.4139 GHz     106.7    2.4138 GHz   115.52    3.994    9.141       15       11.327
  9 Mbps
 (802.11g)      6         V       2.437 GHz      110.91   2.4369 GHz   115.247   4.029    9.211       15       15.845
  9 Mbps
 (802.11g)     11         V       2.4621 GHz     106.76   2.462 GHz    115.55    4.066    9.286       15        11.43
  9 Mbps
 (802.11g)      1         H       2.4121 GHz     108.01   2.4117 GHz   117.574   3.991     9.1        15       10.545
  9 Mbps
 (802.11g)      6         H       2.437 GHz      113.2    2.4366 GHz   117.511   4.028    9.184       15       15.845
  9 Mbps
 (802.11g)     11         H       2.4621 GHz     106.84   2.4619 GHz   116.962   4.066    9.27        15       10.082

File: 3063068                                    Page 14 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                     731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0
The § 1.1310 Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits are listed in the table below.
                                                                 Frequency         Power Density
                                                                Range (MHz)       Limit (mW/cm2)
                                                                   0.3-3.0              100
                                                                    3.0-30        900/ Frequency2
                   Limits for Occupational/Controlled              30-300                1.0
                               Exposures                          300-1500         Frequency/300
                                                                1500-100,000             5.0
                                                                  0.3-1.34              100
                                                                   1.34-30        180/Frequency2
                          Limits for General                       30-300                0.2
                   Population/Uncontrolled Exposure               300-1500        Frequency/1500
                                                                1500-100,000             1.0

6.1    Test Procedure (FCC Rule: §15.247(b)(5), RSS-102 §4.3)
The ERP and EIRP were measured in section 5, Radiated RF Power The radiated RF power was used to calculate
the maximum RF exposure at a 20 cm distance using the formula:

                          Maximum RF Exposure at 20cm = (EIRP in mW)/(4Pi(20cm)2)

Where ERP was measured in section 5, Radiated RF Power, a 2.15dB conversion factor was added to the reading to
convert it to EIRP before applying the Maximum RF Exposure formula above. Once the Maximum RF Exposure
calculations were complete the results were compared to the MPE limits above.

6.2    Test Results
The following calculations show the Maximum RF Exposure from the 4050e Print Server at 20cm for the worst case
measured EIRP. The MPE level is well below the limits for the general population described in the table above.

                               Maximum Measured EIRP = 15.845dBm = 38.41mW

                                 MPE = 38.41mW / (4Pi(20cm)2) = 0.007 mW/cm2

File: 3063068                                 Page 15 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                    731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

7.1     Test Procedure (FCC Rule §15.247(c), RSS-210 Rule §6.2.2(o)(e1))
The antenna port of the 4050e Print Server was connected to the input of a spectrum analyzer. The analyzer
resolution and video bandwidths were set to 3MHz. The 4050e Print Server was set to transmit at its highest output
power level and with the modulation scheme that produced the highest conducted output power level. The spectrum
analyzer was scanned from 30MHz to 25GHz using the max hold function to detect any out of band spurious
emissions. The resulting trace was corrected for the cable loss between the test sample and the spectrum analyzer.

7.1.1    Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals Criteria
In any 100kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the transmitter is operating, the RF power shall be at
least 20dB below that of the carrier.

File: 3063068                                Page 16 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                                                 731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

7.2                    Test Results
The 4050e Print Server met the out of band emission at antenna terminal requirements. The following plots
illustrate the output power of channels 1, 6, and 11and also show that there are no spurious emissions within 20dB
of the peak carrier power.

                                  Figure 7-1: Out of band emissions at antenna terminals – Channel 1, 6, and 11

                                                                Conducted Spurious Emissions                                      Channel 1
                                                                                                                                  Channel 1
                                                                          At antenna terminals                                    Channel 6
                                                                                                                                  Channel 6
                                                                                                                                  Channel 11
                        30.0                                                                                                      Channel 11

      Amplitude, dBm








                          30.0M        2.0G        4.0G      6.0G         8.0G          10.0G       12.0G     14.0G      16.0G     18.0G       20.0G
                                     RBW: 3 MHz                                    Frequency, MHz                       Lexmark
                                     VBW: 3 MHz
                09:41:44 AM, Friday, August 06, 2004

Figure 7-2: Out of band emissions at antenna terminals – Channel 1, 6, and 11 (Zoomed Around Carrier

                                                                Conducted Spurious Emissions                                      Channel 1
                                                                                                                                  Channel 1
                                                                          At antenna terminals1                                   Channel 6
                                                                                                                                  Channel 6
                                                                                                                                  Channel 11
                        30.0                                                                                                      Channel 11

      Amplitude, dBm








                         2.3000G      2.3300G     2.3600G   2.3900G      2.4200G       2.4500G      2.4800G   2.5100G   2.5400G   2.5700G      2.6000G
                                     RBW: 3 MHz                                    Frequency, MHz                       Lexmark
                                     VBW: 3 MHz
                09:42:43 AM, Friday, August 06, 2004

File: 3063068                                                         Page 17 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                     731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0


8.1     Test Procedure (FCC Rule §15.247(c), RSS-210 §6.2.2(o)(e1) for Radiated Measurements)
The 4050e Print Server was placed on a non-conductive turntable. It was then set to transmit at its highest output
power level and with the modulation scheme that produced the highest conducted output power level. The
measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the EUT. During the tests, the antenna height and
EUT azimuth were varied in order to identify the maximum level of emissions from the EUT.
The frequency range up to tenth harmonic was investigated for each of three fundamental frequencies (low, middle,
and high channels) in each operating band. Once spurious emissions were identified, the power of the emission was
determined using the substitution method described in TIA-603-B section 2.2.12 (Radiated Spurious Emissions).
The spurious emissions attenuation was calculated as the difference between radiated power at the fundamental
frequency and at the spurious emissions frequency.
Also, a scan was performed looking specifically at the band edge of channel 11 in order to show that the restricted
band ranging from 2483.5MHz to 2500 MHz was not intruded upon. To perform this measurement, the spectrum
analyzer was manually set to show the band edge of channel 11 and the entire restricted band. The amplitude was
offset to account for cable loss, antenna factor, and preamplifier gain. The turntable and tower were maximized with
the analyzer set to max hold.

8.1.1    Field Strength of Spurious Radiation Criteria
In any 100kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the transmitter is operating, the RF power shall be at
least 20dB below that of the carrier. In addition, emissions within the restricted bands as specified in §15.205(a),
must also comply with the limits specified in §15.209(a). Those Limits are in the table below.

                           Table 8-1 Radiated Emission Limit for FCC §15.209(a)

                                      Radiated Emission Limits at 3 meters
                       Frequency                                             Quasi-Peak limits,
                         (MHz)                                                  dB (µV/m)
                         30 to 88                                                    40.0
                        88 to 216                                                    43.5
                       216 to 960                                                    46.0
                       960 and up                                                    54.0

File: 3063068                                 Page 18 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                                                          731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

8.2                        Test Results
The 4050e Print Server met the field strength of spurious radiation requirements of FCC §15.209 and §15.247(c).
See Figure 8-1 through Figure 9-1 for the graphical peak scans. The substitution measurements performed on
spurious emissions are shown in Table 8-2.

                                                   Table 8-2 Substitution Measurements on Spurious Emissions
                                                                                                                                   Tx        Signal
                                                                                  Device                     Sub.      Cable     Antenna    Generator
    EUT                              TX                         TX Frequency     Reading     Harmonic      Reading     Loss       Gain       Output     EIRP
   Mode                            Channel     Polarity         (Fundamental)    (dBuV)      Frequency     (dBuV)      (dB)       (dBi)      (dBm)      (dBm)
  802.11g                                                                                     4923.97
  (9Mbps)                             11           V              2462 MHz         45.9        MHz           71.19      5.7        10.8           -30   -50.19
  802.11g                                                                                     4923.97
  (9Mbps)                             11           H              2462 MHz        43.87        MHz           70.37      5.7        10.8           -30   -51.4
  802.11b                                                                                     4923.97
 (11Mbps)                             11           V              2462 MHz        45.96        MHz           71.19      5.7        10.8           -30   -50.13
  802.11b                                                                                     4923.97
 (11Mbps)                             11           H              2462 MHz        44.03        MHz           70.37      5.7        10.8           -30   -51.24

                                        Figure 8-1: Field Strength of Spurious Radiation Channel 1 (30MHz – 1GHz)

                               FCC Part 15 Class B (3 Meters)                     Intertek Testing Service            Set to transmit on channel 1
                               c_bi_v                                         Electric Field Radiated Emissions       120 VAC Powered
                               c_bi_h                                   30 MHz - 1 GHz; Vertical and Horizontal Polarity

      Amplitude (dBuV/M)





                              10.0M                                                              100.0M                                                    1.0G
                                                                                            Frequency (Hz)                    EUT: 3063068
               Operator: Taylor                                                                                               Customer: Goliath
               12:01:33 PM, Tuesday, August 03, 2004                                                                          Company: Lexmark

File: 3063068                                                                   Page 19 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                                                  731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

      Figure 8-2: Field Strength of Spurious Radiation Channel 1 (1GHz – 3GHz Showing the Carrier)

                                    Vertical                              Intertek Testing Service            Field Strength of Spurious Radiation
                                    Horizontal                          Electric Field Radiated Emissions     Channel 1 (2412 MHz)
                                    pk_hn_noamp_horz                       1 - 3 GHz (3 Meter Distance)       2MBPS data rate (QPSK Modulation)

   Amplitude (dBuV/M)






                                    1.0G          1.2G   1.4G    1.6G         1.8G        2.0G        2.2G        2.4G        2.6G        2.8G       3.0G
                                                                                     Frequency (Hz)                  EUT: 3063068
                        Operator: Taylor                                                                             Customer: Goliath
                        02:13:31 PM, Monday, August 02, 2004                                                         Company: Lexmark

                                           Figure 8-3: Field Strength of Spurious Radiation Channel 1 (3GHz – 20GHz)

                                    Vertical                              Intertek Testing Service            Field Strength of Spurious Radiation
                                    Horizontal                          Electric Field Radiated Emissions     Channel 1 (2412 MHz)
                                    pk_hn_vert                            3 - 20 GHz (3 Meter Distance)       2MBPS data rate (QPSK Modulation)


           Amplitude (dBuV/M)







                                   3.0G           4.7G   6.4G    8.1G         9.8G        11.5G       13.2G       14.9G      16.6G       18.3G       20.0G
                                                                                     Frequency (Hz)                  EUT: 3063068
                        Operator: Taylor                                                                             Customer: Goliath
                        02:25:25 PM, Monday, August 02, 2004                                                         Company: Lexmark

File: 3063068                                                           Page 20 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                                                               731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

                                             Figure 8-4: Field Strength of Spurious Radiation Channel 6 (30MHz – 1GHz)

                                    FCC Part 15 Class B (3 Meters)                    Intertek Testing Service            Set to transmit on channel 6
                                    c_bi_h                                        Electric Field Radiated Emissions       120 VAC Powered
                                    c_bi_v                                  30 MHz - 1 GHz; Vertical and Horizontal Polarity

           Amplitude (dBuV/M)





                                   10.0M                                                              100.0M                                                     1.0G
                                                                                                  Frequency (Hz)                EUT: 3063068
                        Operator: Taylor                                                                                        Customer: Goliath
                        11:41:33 AM, Tuesday, August 03, 2004                                                                   Company: Lexmark

      Figure 8-5: Field Strength of Spurious Radiation Channel 6 (1GHz – 3GHz Showing the Carrier)

                                    Vertical                                           Intertek Testing Service           Field Strength of Spurious Radiation
                                    Horizontal                                       Electric Field Radiated Emissions    Channel 6 (2437 MHz)
                                    pk_hn_noamp_horz                                    1 - 3 GHz (3 Meter Distance)      2MBPS data rate (QPSK Modulation)

   Amplitude (dBuV/M)






                                    1.0G           1.2G              1.4G     1.6G         1.8G        2.0G        2.2G       2.4G        2.6G           2.8G    3.0G
                                                                                                  Frequency (Hz)                EUT: 3063068
                        Operator: Taylor                                                                                        Customer: Goliath
                        02:06:29 PM, Monday, August 02, 2004                                                                    Company: Lexmark

File: 3063068                                                                        Page 21 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                                                       731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

                                     Figure 8-6: Field Strength of Spurious Radiation Channel 6 (3GHz – 20GHz)

                            Vertical                                           Intertek Testing Service            Field Strength of Spurious Radiation
                            Horizontal                                       Electric Field Radiated Emissions     Channel 6 (2437 MHz)
                            pk_hn_vert                                         3 - 20 GHz (3 Meter Distance)       2MBPS data rate (QPSK Modulation)


    Amplitude (dBuV/M)







                           3.0G            4.7G              6.4G     8.1G         9.8G        11.5G       13.2G       14.9G      16.6G       18.3G       20.0G
                                                                                          Frequency (Hz)                  EUT: 3063068
             Operator: Taylor                                                                                             Customer: Goliath
             02:35:20 PM, Monday, August 02, 2004                                                                         Company: Lexmark

                                   Figure 8-7: Field Strength of Spurious Radiation Channel 11 (30MHz – 1GHz)

                            FCC Part 15 Class B (3 Meters)                    Intertek Testing Service            Set to transmit on channel 11
                            c_bi_h                                        Electric Field Radiated Emissions       120 VAC Powered
                            c_bi_v                                  30 MHz - 1 GHz; Vertical and Horizontal Polarity

    Amplitude (dBuV/M)





                           10.0M                                                              100.0M                                                      1.0G
                                                                                          Frequency (Hz)                  EUT: 3063068
             Operator: Taylor                                                                                             Customer: Goliath
             02:02:07 PM, Tuesday, August 03, 2004                                                                        Company: Lexmark

File: 3063068                                                                Page 22 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                                                 731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

   Figure 8-8: Field Strength of Spurious Radiation Channel 11 (1GHz – 3GHz Showing the Carrier)

                                    Vertical                             Intertek Testing Service            Field Strength of Spurious Radiation
                                    Horizontal                         Electric Field Radiated Emissions     Channel 11 (2462 MHz)
                                    pk_hn_noamp_horz                      1 - 3 GHz (3 Meter Distance)       2MBPS data rate (QPSK Modulation)

   Amplitude (dBuV/M)






                                    1.0G          1.2G   1.4G   1.6G         1.8G        2.0G        2.2G        2.4G        2.6G        2.8G       3.0G
                                                                                    Frequency (Hz)                  EUT: 3063068
                        Operator: Taylor                                                                            Customer: Goliath
                        01:57:26 PM, Monday, August 02, 2004                                                        Company: Lexmark

  Figure 8-9: Field Strength of Spurious Radiation Channel 11 (3GHz – 20GHz Showing the Carrier)

                                    Vertical                             Intertek Testing Service            Field Strength of Spurious Radiation
                                    Horizontal                         Electric Field Radiated Emissions     Channel 11 (2462 MHz)
                                    pk_hn_vert                           3 - 20 GHz (3 Meter Distance)       2MBPS data rate (QPSK Modulation)


           Amplitude (dBuV/M)







                                   3.0G           4.7G   6.4G   8.1G         9.8G        11.5G       13.2G       14.9G      16.6G       18.3G       20.0G
                                                                                    Frequency (Hz)                  EUT: 3063068
                        Operator: Taylor                                                                            Customer: Goliath
                        02:47:41 PM, Monday, August 02, 2004                                                        Company: Lexmark

File: 3063068                                                          Page 23 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                              731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0
 Figure 8-10: Channel 11 Band Edge Showing the Restricted Band from 2483.5 to 2500 MHz (802.11g)
                                            Marker 1 [T1]              RBW   1 MHz   RF Att   20 dB
                           Ref Lvl                    38.08 dBÌ V      VBW   1 MHz
                            91.6 dBÌ V            2.48358717 GHz       SWT   10 s    Unit       dBÌ V
                            -0.4 dB Offset



                      60                                                                                IN1
                            1MAX                                                                        1AV
                            D1 54 dBÌ V

                      40                                               1




                           Start 2.45 GHz                     6 MHz/                   Stop 2.51 GHz

                    Date:          6.AUG.2004   10:08:54

 Figure 8-11: Channel 11 Band Edge Showing the Restricted Band from 2483.5 to 2500 MHz (802.11b)
                                            Marker 1 [T1]              RBW   1 MHz   RF Att   20 dB
                           Ref Lvl                    37.02 dBÌ V      VBW   1 MHz
                            91.6 dBÌ V            2.48358717 GHz       SWT   10 s    Unit       dBÌ V
                            -0.4 dB Offset



                      60                                                                                IN1
                            1MAX                                                                        1AV
                            D1 54 dBÌ V

                      40                                               1




                           Start 2.45 GHz                     6 MHz/                   Stop 2.51 GHz

                    Date:          6.AUG.2004   10:06:59

File: 3063068                                      Page 24 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                      731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0


9.1     Test Procedure (FCC §15.207, ICES-003 §5.3)
Measurements are carried out using quasi-peak and average detector receivers in accordance with CISPR 16. An
AMN is required to provide a defined impedance at high frequencies across the power feed at the point of
measurement of terminal voltage and also to provide isolation of the circuit under test from the ambient noise on the
power lines. An AMN as defined in CISPR 16 shall be used.
The EUT is located so that the distance between the boundary of the EUT and the closest surface of the AMN is
Where a flexible mains cord is provided by the manufacturer, this shall be 1m long or if in excess of 1m, the excess
cable is folded back and forth as far as possible so as to form a bundle not exceeding 0.4m in length.
The EUT is arranged and connected with cables terminated in accordance with the product specification.
Conducted disturbance is measured between the phase lead and the reference ground, and between the neutral lead
and the reference ground. Both measured values are reported.
The EUT, where intended for tabletop use, is placed on a table whose top is 0.8m above the ground plane. A
vertical, metal reference plane is placed 0.4m from the EUT. The vertical metal reference-plane is at least 2m by 2m.
The EUT shall be kept at least 0.8m from any other metal surface or other ground plane not being part of the EUT.
The table is constructed of non-conductive materials. Its dimensions are 1m by 1.5m, but may be extended for
larger EUT.
Floor standing EUTs are placed on a horizontal metal ground plane and isolated from the ground plane by 3 to 12
mm of insulating material. The metal ground plane extends at least 0.5m beyond the boundaries of the EUT and has
minimum dimensions of 2m by 2m.
Equipment setup for conducted disturbance tests followed the guidelines of ANSI C63.4: 1992.

9.1.1    Power Line Conducted Emissions Criteria
The RF energy radiated back onto the public utility (AC Power Lines) shall not exceed the values in the following
table when measured with the corresponding detector function.

                           Table 9-1 Conducted Emission Limit for FCC §15.207(a)
                         Frequency Range       FCC Part 15.207(a)      FCC Part 15.207(a)
                               (MHz)            Quasi Peak Limit         Average Limit
                                                     (dBuV)                  (dBuV)
                           0.15 – 0.5 MHz            66 to 56                56 to 46
                           0.5 – 5.0 MHz                56                      46
                            5.0 - 30 MHz                60                      50

File: 3063068                                 Page 25 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                                                  731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

9.2                      Test Results
The 4050e Print Server met the power line conducted emission requirements of FCC §15.107 and §15.207. The test
results are located in Figure 9-1Error! Reference source not found.. The graphical data, measured with peak
detection, was all below the class B quasi-peak and average limits.

                                    c_low_Line1                    Intertek Testing Services          120 VAC Powered
                                    c_high_Line1                                                      Receive Mode on Channel 6
                                                                    Conducted Voltage Emissions
                                    c_high_Line2                          10 kHz - 30 MHz
                                    Average Limit
                                    Quasi Peak limit

      Amplitude (dBuV)








                                     10.0K               100.0K                      1.0M                         10.0M                           100.0M
                                                                               Frequency (Hz)                 EUT: 3063068

      Operator: Taylor                                                                                        Customer: Goliath

      10:31:23 AM, Monday, August 02, 2004                                                                    Company: Lexmark

                                    Figure 9-1: FCC §15. Power Line Conducted Emissions Receiver Mode (Lines 1 and 2 )

                                     Figure 9-2: FCC §15. Power Line Conducted Emissions TX Channel 1 (Lines 1 and 2 )

                                    c_low_Line1                     Intertek Testing Services          120 VAC Powered
                                    c_high_Line1                                                       Transmit Mode 802.11b, 11mbps, Channel 1
                                                                    Conducted Voltage Emissions
                                    c_high_Line2                           10 kHz - 30 MHz
                                    Average Limit
                                    Quasi Peak limit

              Amplitude (dBuV)








                                      10.0K              100.0K                      1.0M                         10.0M                           100.0M
                                                                                Frequency (Hz)                EUT: 3063068

               Operator: Taylor                                                                               Customer: Goliath

               11:26:50 PM, Monday, August 02, 2004                                                           Company: Lexmark

File: 3063068                                                      Page 26 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                                              731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0
                                 Figure 9-3: FCC §15. Power Line Conducted Emissions TX Channel 6 (Lines 1 and 2 )

                                c_low_Line1                    Intertek Testing Services          120 VAC Powered
                                c_high_Line1                                                      Transmit Mode 802.11b, 11mbps, Channel 6
                                                                Conducted Voltage Emissions
                                c_high_Line2                           10 kHz - 30 MHz
                                Average Limit
                                Quasi Peak limit

          Amplitude (dBuV)








                                  10.0K              100.0K                      1.0M                         10.0M                           100.0M
                                                                           Frequency (Hz)                 EUT: 3063068

           Operator: Taylor                                                                               Customer: Goliath

           11:39:18 PM, Monday, August 02, 2004                                                           Company: Lexmark

                                Figure 9-4: FCC §15. Power Line Conducted Emissions TX Channel 11 (Lines 1 and 2 )

                                c_low_Line1                    Intertek Testing Services          120 VAC Powered
                                c_high_Line1                                                      Transmit Mode 802.11b, 11mbps, Channel 11
                                                                Conducted Voltage Emissions
                                c_high_Line2                          10 kHz - 30 MHz
                                Average Limit
                                Quasi Peak limit

    Amplitude (dBuV)








                                 10.0K               100.0K                     1.0M                         10.0M                            100.0M
                                                                          Frequency (Hz)                 EUT: 3063068

     Operator: Taylor                                                                                    Customer: Goliath

     11:47:13 PM, Monday, August 02, 2004                                                                Company: Lexmark

File: 3063068                                                  Page 27 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                    731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

10.1 Test Procedure (FCC §15.109, ICES-003 §5.6)
Measurements are made over the frequency range of 30 MHz to five times the highest frequency operating within
the device. The measuring receiver meets the requirements of Section One of CISPR 16 and the measuring antenna
correlates to a balanced dipole. From 30 to 1000 MHz, a quasi-peak detector was used for measurement. Above
1000 MHz, average measurements were performed.
Measurements of the radiated field are made with the antenna located at a distance of 3 meters from the EUT. If the
field-strength measurements at 3m cannot be made because of high ambient noise level or for other reasons,
measurements may be made at a closer distance, for example 1m. An inverse proportionality factor of 20 dB per
decade should be used to normalize the measured data to the specified distance for determining compliance.
The antenna is adjusted between 1m and 4m in height above the ground plane for maximum meter reading at each
test frequency.
The antenna-to-EUT azimuth is varied during the measurement to find the maximum field-strength readings.
The antenna-to-EUT polarization (horizontal and vertical) is varied during the measurements to find the maximum
field-strength readings.
The EUT, where intended for tabletop use, is placed on a table whose top is 0.8m above the ground plane. The table
is constructed of non-conductive materials. Its dimensions are 1m by 1.5m, but may be extended for larger EUT.
Equipment setup for radiated disturbance tests followed the guidelines of ANSI C63.4: 1992.

10.2 Receiver Spurious Emissions Criteria

                            Table 10-1 Radiated Emission Limit for FCC §15.109

                                      Radiated Emission Limits at 3 meters
                       Frequency                                             Quasi-Peak limits,
                         (MHz)                                                  dB (µV/m)
                        30 to 88                                                    40.0
                        88 to 216                                                   43.5
                       216 to 960                                                   46.0
                       960 and up                                                   54.0

File: 3063068                                Page 28 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                                                                           731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0
10.2.1 Test Results
The 4050e Print Server is compliant with the radiated disturbance requirements of FCC §15.109 for a class B
device as of 3/26/2004. The maximized quasi peak data can be found in Figure 10-3.

                                                 Figure 10-1 FCC §15.109Worse Case Receiver Spurious Emission (Horizontal)

                                           FCC Part 15 Class B (3 Meters)                Intertek Testing Service
                                           c_horn_h                                                                              Set to receive on channel 6
                                                                                       Electric Field Radiated Emissions         120 VAC Powered
                                           Corrected Quasi Peak Reading               30 MHz - 20 GHz; Horizontal Polarity
                                          Corrected Average Reading

                   Amplitude (dBuV/M)





                                           10.0M                             100.0M                        1.0G                               10.0G             100.0G
                                                                                                     Frequency (Hz)                      EUT: 3063068

             Operator: Taylor                                                                                                            Customer: Goliath

             10:20:25 AM, Monday, August 02, 2004                                                                                        Company: Lexmark

                                                    Figure 10-2 FCC §15.109Worse Case Receiver Spurious Emission (Vertical)

                                        FCC Part 15 Class B (3 Meters)                 Intertek Testing Service
                                        c_horn_v                                                                                Set to receive on channel 6
                                                                                      Electric Field Radiated Emissions         120 VAC Powered
                                        Corrected Quasi Peak Reading                  30 MHz - 20 GHz; Vertical Polarity
                                      Corrected Average Reading

      Amplitude (dBuV/M)





                                        10.0M                               100.0M                        1.0G                              10.0G              100.0G
                                                                                                    Frequency (Hz)                      EUT: 3063068

      Operator: Taylor                                                                                                                  Customer: Goliath

      10:20:31 AM, Monday, August 02, 2004                                                                                              Company: Lexmark

File: 3063068                                                                         Page 29 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

                                                                731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington KY 40510
Evaluation For:Lexmark International              FCC ID: IYL4050E; Industry Canada ID: 2376A-4050E
Lexmark 4050e Print Server Model Number: 4032-2W0
DELL 3300 Print Server Model Number 4032-dW0

      Figure 10-3 FCC §15.109 Maximized Quasi Peak and Average Emissions (Sorted by Delta)

 Frequency      Polarity   Cab.   Ant.    Corr. Reading.     Limit    Delta    Azimuth   Tower
   (MHz)         (H/V)     (dB)   (dB)      (dBuV/m)       (dBuV/m)   (dB)      (deg)     (cm)    Results
 518.38 MHz        H       2.12   19.43        36           46.02     -10.02     280      116    Compliant
 345.59 MHz        H       1.77    16         34.48         46.02     -11.54     87       100    Compliant
 691.24 MHz        H       2.39   22.2        34.44         46.02     -11.58     339      268    Compliant
 666.36 MHz        V       2.36   21.3        33.66         46.02     -12.36     35       172    Compliant
 546.8 MHz         H       2.17   19.51       32.79         46.02     -13.23     287      124    Compliant
 518.5 MHz         V       2.12   19.42       31.57         46.02     -14.45     271      195    Compliant
 92.591 MHz        V       0.8    8.54        22.65         43.52     -20.87     305      124    Compliant

File: 3063068                               Page 30 of 30 FCC Part 15, ICES-003, and RSS-210 Evaluation

Document Created: 2004-08-20 13:49:48
Document Modified: 2004-08-20 13:49:48

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