Premio Computer Inc PREMIO486VDT
938 Radecki Court, City of Industry, CA 91748 United States
Application Frequency Range | Final Action Date Granted |
j1TesoLQIVMBP2l06FqX1g== - |
1993-06-08 APPROVED |
Application Details:
Equipment | Desktop Computer |
FRN | 9999999999 |
Grantee Code | IW2 |
Product Code | PREMIO486VDT |
Applicant Business | Premio Computer Inc |
Business Address | 938 Radecki Court , City of Industry,California United States 91748 |
TCB Scope | |
TCB Email | |
Applicant | Gary Li – |
Applicant Phone | |
Applicant Fax | 626 839-3191 |
Applicant Email | |
Applicant MailStop | |
Test Firm | |
Test Firm Contact | |
Test Firm Phone | |
Test Firm Fax | |
Test Firm Email | |
Certified By | – |
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