User Manual

FCC ID: IPH-B03111

Users Manual

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Quick Start Manual

Getting Started                            Microphone for hands-free
See the Important Safety and Product       Volume control
Information guide in the product box       Power key
for product warnings and other             Micro USB power and data port
important information.
                                           Map and data memory card slot
1   Update the maps and software
    on your device.                        3.5mm audio jack
2   Set up a Garmin Explore™               Magnetic mount interface with
    account (page 6).                      14 pin connector
3   Mount the device in your vehicle       Speaker
    and connect it to power
    (page 2).
                                       Mounting and Powering the
4   Set up a vehicle profile           Device in Your Vehicle
    (page 4).
5   Navigate to your destination
    (page 5).                          This product contains a lithium-ion
                                       battery. To prevent the possibility of
Device Overview                        personal injury or product damage
                                       caused by battery exposure to
                                       extreme heat, store the device out of
                                       direct sunlight.
                                       Both the device and its mount contain
                                       magnets. Under certain
                                       circumstances, magnets may cause
                                       interference with some internal
                                       medical devices and electronic
                                       devices, including pacemakers,
                                       insulin pumps, or hard drives in
                                       laptop computers. Keep the device
                                       away from medical devices and
                                       electronic devices.
                                       Before you use your device on
                                       battery power, you should charge it.

2                                                        Quick Start Manual

1   Press the mount      onto the
    suction cup ball    until it snaps
    into place.

                                         6   Place the back of the device onto
2   Open the lever , press the               the mount.
    suction cup to the windshield,       7   Plug the other end of the vehicle
    and flip the lever back toward the       power cable into a power outlet in
    windshield.                              your vehicle.
    The lever must be oriented           Installing the Ball Mount
    toward the top of the windshield.
                                         Your device includes a one-inch ball
                                         mount compatible with other third-
                                         party mounting solutions.
                                             Secure the ball adapter to the
                                             mount using the included
                                             screws .
3   Extend the suction cup arm      .
4   If necessary, rotate the mount so
    the Garmin logo faces right-side

5   Plug the vehicle power cable
    into the port on the mount.
                                         Home Screen
                                         NOTE: The home screen layout may
                                         vary if it has been customized.

Quick Start Manual                                                           3

                                      locations in the maps used by your
                                      device. Keeping maps up to date
                                      helps your device find recently added
                                      locations and calculate more
                                      accurate routes. Map updates are
                                      large and may take several hours to
                                      Software updates provide changes
    Swipe down to view                and improvements to the device
    notifications.                    features and operation. Software
    Swipe down twice to quickly       updates are small and take a few
    change settings and backlight     minutes to complete.
    brightness.                       You can update your device using
    Hold to customize the wallpaper   two methods.
    or add widgets to the home        • You can connect the device to a
    screen.                               Wi‑Fi network to update directly

    Select to view road navigation        on the device (recommended).
    features and search for points        This option allows you to update
    of interest.                          your device conveniently without
                                          connecting it to a computer.
    Select to view the Garmin
    Explore app, which provides       • You can connect the device to a
    off-road navigation information       computer and update it using the
    and detailed topographical            Garmin Express™ application
    maps.                                 ( This
                                          option allows you to install map
    Select to open the app drawer.        data onto a memory card if the
    The app drawer contains               updated maps are too large to fit
    shortcuts to all the apps             on the internal storage.
    installed on your device.
                                      Vehicle Profiles
Map and Software Updates                              WARNING
For the best navigation experience,   Entering your vehicle profile
you should keep the maps and          characteristics does not guarantee
software on your device up to date.   that your vehicle's characteristics will
Map updates provide the newest        be accounted for in all route
available changes to roads and        suggestions or that you will receive

4                                                         Quick Start Manual

the warning icons in all cases.             2   Select a vehicle option which
Limitations may exist in the map data           most closely resembles your
such that your device cannot account            vehicle configuration.
for these restrictions or road              3   Follow the on-screen instructions
conditions in all cases. Always defer           to enter the vehicle
to all posted road signs and road               characteristics.
conditions when making driving
decisions.                                  Navigating to Your
Routing and navigation are calculated
differently based on your vehicle           Starting a Route
profile. The activated vehicle profile is   1   Select , and search for a
indicated by an icon in the status bar.         location.
The navigation and map settings on          2   Select a location.
your device can be customized               3   Select Go!.
separately for each vehicle type.
When you activate a camper vehicle
                                            Your Route on the Map
                                            As you travel, the device guides you
profile, the device avoids including
                                            to your destination using voice
restricted or impassable areas in
                                            prompts and information on the map.
routes based on the dimensions,
                                            Instructions for your next turn, exit, or
weight, and other characteristics you
                                            other action appear across the top of
entered for your vehicle.
                                            the map.
Adding a Vehicle Profile
The vehicle profile is an optional
feature that provides routing based
on the height and weight of large
vehicles, such as campers or trailers.
If you have a large vehicle or if you
are towing a trailer, you should set up
a vehicle profile. You can set a
vehicle profile for each vehicle
configuration used with your                     Next action in the route.
Overlander device.                               Indicates the next turn, exit, or
                                                 other action and the lane in
1 Select > .                                     which you should travel, if
                                                 Distance to the next action.

Quick Start Manual                                                                   5

    Name of the street or exit         Changing the Search Area
    associated with the next action.   By default, the device searches near
    Opens the Garmin Explore app       your current location. You can also
    for off-road navigation.           search other areas, such as near
                                       your destination, near another city, or
    Route highlighted on the map.      along your active route.
    Next action in the route. Arrows   1 Select .
    on the map indicate the location
    of upcoming actions.               2 Select .
    Vehicle speed.                     3 Select an option.
    Name of the road on which you      Garmin Explore
    are traveling.                     The Garmin Explore website and
                                       mobile app allow you to plan trips and
    Estimated arrival time.            use cloud storage for your waypoints,
    TIP: You can touch this field to   routes, and tracks. Garmin Explore
    change the information it          offers advanced planning both online
    shows.                             and offline, allowing you to share and
    Select to start a new route or     sync data with your device. You can
    search for points of interest.     use the included app to download
                                       maps for offline access, and then
    Map tools. Provides tools to       navigate anywhere without using your
    show you more information          mobile data service.
    about your route and
    surroundings.                      The Garmin Explore app is included
                                       on your device. You can also
                                       download the Garmin Explore app
Finding a Location by                  from the app store on your
Category                               smartphone, or you can go to
1 Select .                   
2 Select a category, or select
3   If necessary, select a
4   Select a location.

6                                                         Quick Start Manual

     Select to open the map settings             automatically, select Sync
     menu.                                       My Data.
     Select to add waypoints and            • If you want to create a
     create routes.                              Garmin Explore account
                                                 without synchronizing data,
     Select to change the map                    select Not Now.
                                        5   Select an option:
     Select to view the map.
                                            • If you have a Garmin Explore
     Select to manage waypoints,                 account, enter your email
     tracks, routes, and activities.             address and password, and
     Select to view Garmin Explore               select Next.
     account information and                • If you do not have a Garmin
     settings.                                   Explore account, select
                                                 Create One.
Logging In to a Garmin                  6   Follow the on-screen instructions
Explore Account                             to create or log in to your Garmin
The first time you use your device,         Explore account.
you are prompted to log in to a         Downloading Garmin Explore
Garmin Explore account.                 Maps
1 Select Explore.                       1   From the Explore app, select
                                            > Maps > Download Maps.
2   Read and agree to the End User
    License Agreement.                      A list of maps for your location
    NOTE: If you do not agree with
    the license terms, you can select   2   Select Show More Map Types
        to exit the Garmin Explore          to view additional map types
    app. You cannot use the Garmin          (optional).
    Explore app until you accept the    3   Select a map type, and select
    license agreements.                         .
3   Select Next.                        4   If necessary, select Select
                                            Region or Select Waypoint to
4   Select an option:
                                            download maps for a different
    • If you want to sync your              region or waypoint location.
        device data with your Garmin
        Explore account

Quick Start Manual                                                             7

Updating Garmin Explore                  More Information
Maps                                     Garmin Support Center
1   From the Explore app, select         Go to for help
    > Maps > Map Updates.                and information, such as product
    A list of map updates appears.       manuals, frequently asked questions,
2   Select an option:                    videos, and customer support.
    • To download a specific map,        Getting the Owner's Manual
         select .                        The owner's manual includes
    • To download all map                instructions for using device features
         updates, select Update All.     and accessing regulatory information.
                                              Go to
inReach Remote

The inReach remote function allows
you to control your inReach device       Device Information
using your Overlander device. You        Viewing E-label Regulatory
can send messages, view weather          and Compliance Information
reports, trigger an SOS alert, and       1   From the settings menu, swipe to
more. Go to to                the bottom of the menu.
purchase an inReach device.
                                         2   Select About device >
Connecting an inReach Device                 Regulatory information.
1   Bring the inReach device within      Specifications
    3 m (10 ft.) of your Overlander
    device.                              Operating       From -20° to 55°C
2   On your Overlander device,           temperature     (from -4° to 131°F)
    select .                             range
3   Select the Explore tab.              Charging        From 0° to 45°C
                                         temperature     (from 32° to 113°F)
4   Select inReach.
5    Follow the on-screen instructions
                                         Radio           2.4 GHz @ 15 dBm
     on your Overlander device to
     complete the pairing process.       frequency/
After the pairing process is complete,
the inReach and Overlander devices
connect automatically when they are
within range.

8                                                          Quick Start Manual

Power input    Vehicle power using
               the included vehicle
               power cable. AC
               power using an
               optional accessory
               (for home and office
               use only).
Battery type   Rechargeable

Quick Start Manual                    9

© 2019 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
Garmin , the Garmin logo, and inReach are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries,
       ®                              ®

registered in the USA and other countries. Garmin Express™, Garmin Explore™, and
Overlander™ are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not
be used without the express permission of Garmin.
The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of

such name by Garmin is under license. microSD™ is a trademark of SD-3C. Wi‑Fi is a

registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance.

                                                               Printed in Taiwan
                                                                     March 2019

Document Created: 2019-03-28 10:20:49
Document Modified: 2019-03-28 10:20:49

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