

Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                                  Date: August 7, 2010
Federal Communicatons Commission
Authorization and Evalution Dbision
7485 Oakland Mits Rd
Colimbia M21048—1000

Subject: Reqest for condentalty
reo io: TPH—A3607

To whern it may concorn
Short—term contidentialty
Pursuant to DA 041706 of the Commission‘s pubic notice, n erderto complywith the markstngrequltions in
47GFR 52009 and the importation rules in 47 GFR $2.1204, while ensuring thabusiness senstive nformaton
remains confidenl unt he actual marketng of newly authorized deviees. We are requesting the commizsionto
grant short—erm confidentialy request on the folowing attachments untl 5—52p 2019.
B Inteal Photographs
B Extemal Photographs
B Users manual
B Test Set up photo
Permanent contidentiality
Pursuantto Sections 0.457 and 0.459 ofthe Commiion‘s Rules, the Appleant Herety requests contidental
treatment ofnformation accompanying this Applicaton As outined below:
B Block Diagram
B Schomates
E Operatonal Descrbten
The abave materils contain rade seerels and propretry nformation not customaly released tothe puble
The publlc disclosure of these materils may be harmfultothe applcant and provide unfustfe benelts to ts
The applicant understands that pursuant t Secton 0487 ofthe Rules, lelosure ofths applation and all
secompanying documentaion wil not be madle beore the date of the Grant forths appliaton
Should you require any further nformation, Blease contactthe undersigned
"Thank you for your consideraionin this mattr

Applcants company      International Gertiication Corp.
Applcants company     No&—1, Lane 6, Wen San 9rd St. Kiei Shan Dist, Too Yuan City 383,
eddress               Tawan (R.0.0)

Signature                                     ow

Job Tile and Dept.     Manager
Email                  GaryChang@lco

Tel.   : 886-3-271-8628

Document Created: 2019-08-07 10:45:23
Document Modified: 2019-08-07 10:45:23

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