SAR Test Report_Part 1 of 4


Test Report

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                                                                             Test Report Serial Number:       45461468 R2.0
                                                                                     Test Report Date:        11 January 2019
                                                                                       Project Number:        1422

                                 SAR Test Report - New Certification
                                                                                      Maximum Reported 10g SAR

                                                                       FCC              Extremity                     0.30

                                                                       ISED              Extremity                    0.30
Garmin International Inc.
1200 East 151 St.                                                             General Pop. Limit:                     4.00
Olathe, KS, 66062

                   FCC ID:                                                                  ISED Registration Number
                IPH-A2670                                                                       1792A-A2670
       Product Model Number / HVIN                                                            Product Name / PMN
                  AA2670                                                                             AA2670

In Accordance With:

FCC 47 CFR §2.1093
             Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure Evaluation: Portable Devices
IC RSS-102 Issue 5
             Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance of Radiocommunication Apparatus (All Frequency Bands)

Approved By:

Ben Hewson, President
Celltech Labs Inc.
21-364 Lougheed Rd.
Kelowna, BC, V1X 7R8

Test Lab Certificate: 2470.01                      IC Registration 3874A-1                       FCC Registration: CA3874

               This report shall not be reproduced in any form w ithout the expressed w ritten consent of Celltech Labs Inc.

                                                                                                                                   Test Report S/N:                      45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                                             Test Report Issue Date:                     11 January 2019

Table of Contents

1.0 DOCUMENT CONTROL ................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.0 CLIENT AND DEVICE INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 5
3.0 SCOPE OF EVALUATION ................................................................................................................................................ 6
4.0 NORMATIVE REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 7
5.0 STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE ..................................................................................................................................... 8
6.0 SAR MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ...................................................................................................................................... 9
7.0 RF CONDUCTED POWER MEASUREMENT................................................................................................................ 10
   TABLE 7.0 CONDUCTED POWER MEASUREMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 10
8.0 NUMBER OF TEST CHANNELS (NC) AND CONFIGURATIONS ................................................................................. 10
9.0 ACCESSORIES EVALUATED ........................................................................................................................................ 11
   TABLE 9.0 ACCESSORIES EVALUATED ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
10.0 SAR MEASUREMENT SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 12
   TABLE 10.0: MEASURED RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
11.0 SCALING OF MAXIMUM MEASURED SAR ................................................................................................................ 13
   TABLE 11.0 SAR SCALING ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
   TABLE 11.1 FLUID SENSITIVITY CALCULATION (10G) ....................................................................................................................................... 14
12.0 SAR EXPOSURE LIMITS ............................................................................................................................................. 15
   TABLE 12.0 EXPOSURE LIMITS .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
13.0 DETAILS OF SAR EVALUATION ................................................................................................................................. 16
   13.0 DAY LOG ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
   13.1 DUT SETUP AND CONFIGURATION....................................................................................................................................................... 17
   13.2 DUT POSITIONING ........................................................................................................................................................................... 17
   13.3 GENERAL PROCEDURES AND REPORT.................................................................................................................................................... 18
   13.4 FLUID DIELECTRIC AND SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE CHECK ........................................................................................................................... 19
   13.5 SCAN RESOLUTION 100MHZ TO 2GHZ ................................................................................................................................................ 19
   13.6 SCAN RESOLUTION 2GHZ TO 3GHZ ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
   13.7 SCAN RESOLUTION 5GHZ TO 6GHZ ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
14.0 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES ............................................................................................................................ 21
   TABLE 14.0 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY................................................................................................................................................... 21
   TABLE 14.1 CALCULATION OF DEGREES OF FREEDOM ..................................................................................................................................... 22
15.0 FLUID DIELECTRIC PARAMETERS ........................................................................................................................... 23
   TABLE 15.0 FLUID DIELECTRIC PARAMETERS 150MHZ HEAD TSL ................................................................................................................... 23
   TABLE 15.1 FLUID DIELECTRIC PARAMETERS 150MHZ HEAD TSL ................................................................................................................... 24
16.0 SYSTEM VERIFICATION TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................................. 25
   TABLE 16.0 SYSTEM VERIFICATION RESULTS 30MHZ HEAD TSL ..................................................................................................................... 25
17.0 SYSTEM VALIDATION SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. 26
   TABLE 17.0 SYSTEM VALIDATION SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................. 26
18.0 MEASUREMENT SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 27

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                                                                                                                               Test Report S/N:                     45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                                         Test Report Issue Date:                    11 January 2019

   TABLE 18.0 MEASUREMENT SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 27
19.0 TEST EQUIPMENT LIST .............................................................................................................................................. 29
   TABLE 19.0 EQUIPMENT LIST AND CALIBRATION ............................................................................................................................................ 29
20.0 FLUID COMPOSITION ................................................................................................................................................. 30
   TABLE 20.0 FLUID COMPOSITION 150MHZ HEAD TSL ................................................................................................................................. 30
APPENDIX A – SYSTEM VERIFICATION PLOTS............................................................................................................... 31
   SPC‐30H OCT 17 2018 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 31
APPENDIX B – MEASUREMENT PLOTS OF MAXIMUMUM MEASURED SAR ............................................................... 33
   GARMIN AA2670 150H OCT 18 2018 ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
APPENDIX C - SETUP PHOTOS ......................................................................................................................................... 35
APPENDIX D – DUT AND ACCESSORY PHOTOS ............................................................................................................ 41
APPENDIX E – PROBE CALIBRATION ............................................................................................................................... 46
APPENDIX F – DIPOLE CALIBRATION .............................................................................................................................. 47
APPENDIX G - PHANTOM ................................................................................................................................................... 48

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                                                                                                             Test Report S/N:                45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                       Test Report Issue Date:               11 January 2019


Samples Tested By:            Trevor Whillock
Report Prepared By:           Art Voss
Report Reviewed By: Ben Hewson
Report Issue Number                                             Description                                                     By                    Report Issue Date
         R0.0                                                   Draft                                                      Art Voss                    31 October 2018
         R1.0                                            Inital Release                                                 Trevor Whillock               01 December 2018
         R2.0                              Revised Center frequency-Throughout Report                                   Trevor Whillock                11 January 2019

  ©2018 Celltech Labs Inc. This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the expressed written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.   Page 4 of 48

                                                                                                             Test Report S/N:                45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                       Test Report Issue Date:               11 January 2019


                                                                    Client Information
 Applicant Name                                           Garmin International Inc.
                                                          1200 East 151 St.
 Applicant Address                                        Olathe, KS,66062
                                                                        DUT Information
                                                            FCC ID       IPH-A2670
 Device Identifier(s):
                                                             ISED:  1792A-A2670
                                                          General Radio Service Equipment Operating in the Band(26.960-27.410MHz)
 Type of Equipment:
 Device Model(s) / HVIN:                                  AA2670
 Device Marketing Name / PMN:                             AA2670
 Test Sample Serial No.:                                  T/A Sample - Identical Prototype
 Transmit Frequency Range:                                27.045 MHz Fixed
 Number of Channels:                                      See Section 8.0
 Manuf. Max. Avg Rated Output Power:                      28.71 dBm, Peak
 Modulation:                                              CW
 Duty Cycle:                                              100.0%
 DUT Power Source:                                        5V USB, Internal Li-ion battery

 Deviation(s) from standard/procedure:                    None

 Modification of DUT:                                     None

  ©2018 Celltech Labs Inc. This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the expressed written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.   Page 5 of 48

                                                                                                             Test Report S/N:                45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                       Test Report Issue Date:               11 January 2019


 The AA2670, FCC ID: IPH-A2670, ISED: 1792A-A2670 is a hand held transceiver with one transmitter that operates in the
 26.960-27.410 MHz frequency band at a fixed transmit frequency of 27.045 MHz. The device is intended for General
 Population Use. The product operates from an internal proprietary Li-ion rechargeable battery which can be connected to
 a compliant USB interface port, AC or DC adapter for charging. Test samples provided by the manufacturer were capable
 of transmitting at select frequencies and modulations preset by the manufacturer. An additional antenna modification was
 prepared for one sample allowing the ability to connect test equipment for antenna port conducted power analysis. The
 DUT was evaluated for SAR at the maximum conducted output power level, preset by the manufacturer and in accordance
 with the procedures described in IEEE 1528, IEC 62209-2, FCC KDB 865646, 447498, RSS 102 and 236.

  ©2018 Celltech Labs Inc. This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the expressed written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.   Page 6 of 48

                                                                                                              Test Report S/N:                45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                        Test Report Issue Date:               11 January 2019


                                                                 Normative References*
ANSI / ISO 17025:2017              General Requirements for competence of testing and calibration laboratories

FCC CFR Title 47 Part 2            Code of Federal Regulations
                   Title 47:       Telecommunication
               Part 2.1093:        Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure Evaluation: Portable Devices

Health Canada
    Safety Code 6 (2015)           Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy in the Frequency Range
                                   from 3kHz to 300GHz

Industry Canada Spectrum Management & Telecommunications Policy
        RSS-102 Issue 5:           Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance of Radiocommunication Apparatus (All Frequency Bands)

Industry Canada Spectrum Management & Telecommunications Policy

        RSS-236 Issue 1:           General Radio Service Equipment Operating in the Band 26.960 to 27.410MHz (Citizens Band)

IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety
         IEEE 1528-2013:           IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
                                   in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques

IEC International Standard
        IEC 62209-2 2010           Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and body-mounted wireless communication
                                   devices - Part 2

 KDB 865664 D01v01r04              SAR Measurement Requirements for 100MHz to 6GHz

    KDB 447498 D01v06              Mobile and Portable Devices RF Exposure Procedures and Equipment Authorization Policies

* When the issue number or issue date is omitted, the latest version is assumed.

   ©2018 Celltech Labs Inc. This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the expressed written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.   Page 7 of 48

                                                                                                                Test Report S/N:               45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                          Test Report Issue Date:              11 January 2019


  This measurement report demonstrates that samples of the product model(s) were evaluated for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) on the
  date(s) shown, in accordance with the Measurement Procedures cited and were found to comply with the Standard(s) Applied based on
  the Exposure Limits of the Use Group indicated for which the product is intended to be used.
  Applicant:                                                    Model / HVIN:

     Garmin International Inc.                                      AA2670
  Standard(s) Applied:                                          Measurement Procedure(s):

     FCC 47 CFR §2.1093                                             FCC KDB 865664, FCC KDB 447498
     Health Canada’s Safety Code 6                                  Industry Canada RSS-102 Issue 5 and RSS-236 Issue 1
                                                                    IEEE Standard 1528-2013, IEC 62209-2
  Reason For Issue:                                             Use Group:                                                Limits Applied:

     x     New Certification                                        x    General Population / Uncontrolled                          1.6W/kg - 1g Volume
           Class I Permissive Change                                                                                                8.0W/kg - 1g Volume
           Class II Permissive Change                                    Occupational / Controlled                           x      4.0W/kg - 10g Volume
  Reason for Change:                                                                                                      Date(s) Evaluated:

  Original Filing                                                                                                                      October 18th &19th, 2018

  The results of this investigation are based solely on the test sample(s) provided by the applicant which was not adjusted, modified or altered in any manner whatsoever
  except as required to carry out specific tests or measurements. A description of the device, operating configuration, detailed summary of the test results, methodologies and
  procedures used during this evaluation, the equipment used and the various provisions of the rules are included in this test report.

I attest that the data reported herein is true and accurate w ithin the tolerance of the
Measurement Instrument Uncertainty; that all tests and measurements w ere performed in
accordance w ith accepted practices or procedures; and that all tests and measurements                             Art Voss, P.Eng.
w ere performed by me or by trained personnel under my direct supervision. The results of
                                                                                                                  Technical Manager
this investigation are based solely on the test sample(s) provided by the client w hich w ere
not adjusted, modified or altered in any manner w hatsoever, except as required to carry                          Celltech Labs Inc.
out specific tests or measurements. This test report has been completed in accordance                               11 January 2019
w ith ISO/IEC 17025.                                                                                                     Date

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                                                                                                                 Test Report S/N:                45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                           Test Report Issue Date:               11 January 2019


                                                            SAR Measurement System

Cel l tech La bs Inc. SAR mea s urement fa ci l i ty empl oys a Dos i metri c As s es s ment Sys tem (DASY™) ma nufa ctured by
Schmi d & Pa rtner Engi neeri ng AG (SPEAG™) of Zuri ch, Swi tzerl a nd. The DASY6 mea s urement s ys tem i s compri s ed of
the mea s urement s erver, a robot control l er, a computer, a nea r‐fi el d probe, a probe a l i gnment s ens or, a n El l i pti ca l
Pl a na r Pha ntom (ELI) pha ntom a nd a s peci fi c a nthropomorphi c ma nnequi n (SAM) pha ntom for Hea d a nd/or Body
SAR eva l ua ti ons . The robot i s a s i x‐a xi s i ndus tri a l robot performi ng preci s e movements to pos i ti on the probe to the
l oca ti on (poi nts ) of ma xi mum el ectroma gneti c fi el d (EMF). A cel l control l er s ys tem conta i ns the power s uppl y,
robot control l er a nd a tea ch penda nt (Joys ti ck) to control the robot’s s ervo motors . The Sta ubl i robot i s connected
to the cel l control l er to a l l ow s oftwa re ma ni pul a ti on of the robot. A da ta a cqui s i ti on el ectroni c (DAE) ci rcui t
performs the s i gna l a mpl i fi ca ti on, s i gna l mul ti pl exi ng, AD‐convers i on, offs et mea s urements , mecha ni ca l s urfa ce
detecti on, col l i s i on detecti on, etc. i s connected to the El ectro‐opti ca l coupl er (EOC). The EOC performs the
convers i on from the opti ca l form the DAE to di gi ta l el ectroni c s i gna l a nd tra ns fers da ta to the DASY6 mea s urement
s erver. The DAE4 uti l i zes a hi ghl y s ens i ti ve el ectrometer‐gra de prea mpl i fi er wi th a uto‐zeroi ng, a cha nnel a nd ga i n‐
s wi tchi ng mul ti pl exer, a fa s t 16‐bi t AD‐converter, a comma nd decoder a nd a control l ogi c uni t. Tra ns mi s s i on to the
DASY6 mea s urement s erver i s a ccompl i s hed through a n opti ca l downl i nk for da ta a nd s ta tus i nforma ti on a nd a n
opti ca l upl i nk for comma nds a nd cl ock l i nes . The mecha ni ca l probe‐mounti ng devi ce i ncl udes two di fferent s ens or
s ys tems for fronta l a nd s i dewi s e probe conta cts . The s ens or s ys tems a re a l s o us ed for mecha ni ca l s urfa ce
detecti on a nd probe col l i s i on detecti on. The robot uti l i zes a control l er wi th bui l t i n VME‐bus computer.

    DASY 6 SAR System with SAM Phantom                                                             DASY 6 Measurement Controller

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                                                                                                               Test Report S/N:                45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                         Test Report Issue Date:               11 January 2019


Table 7.0 Conducted Power Measurements

                                       Conducted Power Measurements - AA2670
                                                                   Measured           Rated         Rated                    SAR Test
                                              Frequency                                                          Delta
                                                                      Power           Power        Power                      Channel
                                                  (MHz)               (dBm)           (dBm)         (W)         (dBm)          (Y/N)

                                   1                                   28.71           28.71       0.743        0.00               Y

The rated power and tolerance are stated for typical transmission modes and data rates. Some modes and data rates may produce
lower than rated conducted power levels. Power measurements did not produce levels in excess of the Rated Power plus
Tolerance.SAR was evaluated using the power level setting specified by the manufacture to be the max output power and produce the
most conservative SAR. SAR was evaluated at the maximum average tune up tolerance.
See section 2.0 Client and Device Information for details. The reported SAR was not scaled down.


Due to the nature of the device, the device was capable of operating at a single fixed transmit frequency of 27.045 MHz preset by the
manufacturer. As a result, SAR test evaluation was limited to one (1) test channel.

See Section 13.1 for DUT Setup and Configuration details

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                                                                                                                 Test Report S/N:                   45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                           Test Report Issue Date:                  11 January 2019


Table 9.0 Accessories Evaluated

 Test Report ID Manufacturer's                                                                                                 Type II         SAR(3)  SAR(4)
                                                                                                           (1)                         (2)
    Number       Part Number                       Description                                  UDC Group                      Group         Evaluated Tested

      B1         010-11022-20               Carabiner Clip (BLK/SLV)                                 n/a                         n/a            Y        Y
      B2         010-11022-10              Belt-Clip, Swivel (BLK/BLK)                               n/a                         n/a            Y        N
      B3         010-11734-20           Belt Clip, Spine Mount (BLK, BLK)                            n/a                         n/a            Y        N

      B6         010-12525-01                  Floatation Lanyard                                    n/a                         n/a            Y        N
      B7         010-11733-00                Quick Release Lanyard                                   n/a                         n/a            Y        N
     B10         010-11855-00                   Backpack Tether                                      n/a                         n/a            Y        N

     B11         010-10888-00                 Retractable Lanyard                                    n/a                         n/a            Y        N
     B12         010-11854-00                  Lanyard Carabiner                                     n/a                         n/a            Y        N
      P1         362-00091-00      AC Adapter, 5.0V, 1.0A, USB-A Rect No Plugs                       n/a                         n/a            N        N
      P2         330-00490-00                Conn, AC Plug Adapter                                   n/a                         n/a            N        N
      P3         320-00541-01      Cable, Assy, Mini B to A Style Mass Storage                       n/a                         n/a            N        N

All relevant accessories were evaluated for SAR on another product with a similar form factor reference report 454614444R1.0.
Although the device is not intended to be used or transmit while attached to the users body; the device was tested using the worst case
accessory type. See Section 10.0 for details

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                                                                                                             Test Report S/N:               45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                       Test Report Issue Date:              11 January 2019


Table 10.0: Measured Results

                                                                         Measured SAR Results (10g) - BODY(FCC/ISED)
                                                                                                                                                                                             Meas.      Measured
                                                                                                                                   Accessories                        DUT Spacing                                   SAR
                Plot    DUT                                                         Test Freq.                                                                                               Cond.        SAR
    Date                                 Test Type              DUT Type                           Modulation                                                                                                       Drift
                ID #    Model                                                                                                                                                                Power
                                                                                                                Antenna           Battery      Body       Audio DUT Antenna                               10g
                                                                                       (MHz )                      ID               ID          ID         ID   (mm ) (mm )                  (dBm )      (W/kg )    (dB )
                                                                                                     Extremity SAR
  18 Oct 2018    B1     AA2670             Back Side        Hand-held Transceiver       27.045           CW             n/a          n/a         n/a        n/a     <5mm          30mm        28.71        0.295    0.540
  18 Oct 2018    B2     AA2670             Back Side        Hand-held Transceiver       27.045           CW             n/a          n/a          B1        n/a     <5mm          <5mm        28.71        0.065    -0.690
  19 Oct 2018    B3     AA2670             Front Side       Hand-held Transceiver       27.045           CW             n/a          n/a         n/a        n/a     <5mm          <5mm        28.71        0.024    1.750
  19 Oct 2018    B4     AA2670             Left Side        Hand-held Transceiver       27.045           CW             n/a          n/a         n/a        n/a     <5mm          <5mm        28.71        0.058    -1.090
  19 Oct 2018    B5     AA2670             Right Side       Hand-held Transceiver       27.045           CW             n/a          n/a         n/a        n/a     <5mm          <5mm        28.71        0.034    0.150
  19 Oct 2018    B6     AA2670            Bottom Side       Hand-held Transceiver       27.045           CW             n/a          n/a         n/a        n/a     <5mm          <5mm        28.71        0.007    0.510
                                                        SAR Limit                                                                                      Spatial Peak                            RF Exposure Category
                FCC 47 CFR 2.1093                                         Health Canada Safety Code 6                            Extremity 10g Average                  4.0 W/kg                   General Population

See Section 8.0 for details

Note: This device is not intended to be used or transmit while placed in the user’s pocket or within the user’s apparel.

                              ©2018 Celltech Labs Inc. This document is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the expressed written permission of Celltech Labs Inc.    Page 12 of 48

                                                                                                                                         Test Report S/N:                     45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                                                   Test Report Issue Date:                    11 January 2019


Table 11.0 SAR Scaling

                                                                    Scaling of Maximum Measured SAR (1)
                                                                               Measured                                            Measured                          Measured             Measured
                                     Freq                                  Fluid Deviation                                      Conducted Power                          Drift            SAR (10g)
  Plot ID     Configuration          (MHz)                  Permittivity                  Conductivity                               (dBm)                               (dB)               (W/kg)
    B1      Extremity-Back Side      27.045                   -8.55%                          1.87%                                   28.7                               0.540               0.295
                                                                                                  Step 1
                                                                                        Fluid Sensitivity Adjustment
                                        Scale                                                                                      Measured                                             Step 1 Adjusted
                                        Factor                                                                                        SAR                                                 SAR (10g)
  Plot ID                                   (%)                                           x                                          (W/kg)                                      =          (W/kg)
    B1                                 3.006%                                             x                                           0.295                                      =           0.304
                                                                                                  Step 2
                                                                                    Manufacturer's Tune-Up Tolerance
                          Measured                                              Rated                                                                                                   Step 2 Adjusted
                                                                                                                                                  Step 1 Adjusted SAR
                     Conducted Power                                            Power                                  Delta                                                              SAR (10g)
  Plot ID                  (dBm)                                                (dBm)                                  (dB)            +                  (W/kg)                 =          (W/kg)
    B1                       28.7                                                28.7                                   0.0            +                  0.304                  =           0.304
                                                                                              Step 3 (ISED)
                                                                                              Drift Adjustment
                                      Measured                                                                                                                                          Step 3 Adjusted
                                                                                                                               Step 2 Adjusted SAR
                                         Drift                                                                                                                                            SAR (10g)
  Plot ID                                (dB)                                             +                                          (W/kg)                                      =          (W/kg)
    B1                                  0.540                                             +                                           0.304                                      =           0.304
                                                                                               Step 4 (FCC)
                                                                           Simultaneous Transmission - Bluetooth and/or WiFi
              Rated Output                                         Separation                          Estimated SAR                                                                    Step 4 Adjusted
                                                                                                                                                  Step 2 Adjusted SAR
              Power (Pmax)           Freq                            Distance                                 SAR                                                                         SAR (10g)
  Plot ID         (mW)               (MHz)                             (mm)                                 (W/kg)                     +                  (W/kg)                 =          (W/kg)
    B1              n/a               n/a                                  0                                  n/a                      +                  0.304                  =           0.304
                                                                                                  Step 5
                                                                                              Reported SAR
                                                         FCC                                                                                                 ISED
                                                  From Steps 1, 2 and 4                                                                              From Steps 1 through 3
  Plot ID                                           10g SAR (W/kg)                                                                                      10g SAR (W/kg)

    B1                                                   0.304                                                                                              0.304
*Fluid dielectric targets above and below 30MHz are not publish. Fluid deviation is based on the 30MHz target.

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                                                                                                                                Test Report S/N:                     45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                                          Test Report Issue Date:                    11 January 2019

                                                                                        NOTES to Table 11.0
 (1) Scaling of the Maximum Measured SAR is based on the highest, 100% duty cycle, Face, Body and/or Head SAR measured of ALL test channels, configurations and
 accessories used during THIS evaluation. The Measured Fluid Deviation parameters apply only to deviation of the tissue equivalent fluids used at the frequencies which produced
 the highest measured SAR. The Measured Conducted Power applies to the Conducted Power measured at the frequencies producing the highest Face and Body SAR. The
 Measured Drift is the SAR drift associated with that specific SAR measurement. The Reported SAR is the accumulation of all SAR Adjustments from the applicable Steps 1 through 5.
 The Plot ID is for indentification of the SAR Measurement Plots in Annex A of this report.
 NOTE: Some of the scaling factors in Steps 1 through 5 may not apply and are identified by light gray text.
  Step 1
 Per IEC-62209-1 and FCC KDB 865664. Scaling required only when Measured Fluid Deviation is greater than 5%. If the Measured Fluid Deviation is greater than 5%,
 Table 11.1 will be shown and will indicate the SAR scaling factor in percent (%). SAR is MULTIPLIED by this scaling factor only when the scaling factor is positive (+).
  Step 2
 Per KDB 447498. Scaling required only when the difference (Delta) between the Measured Conducted Power and the Manufacturer's Rated Conducted Power is (-) Negative.
 The absolute value of Delta is ADDED to the SAR.
  Step 3
 Per IEC 62209-1. Scaling required only when Measured Drift is (-) Negative. The absolute value of Measured Drift is added to Reported or Simultaneous Reported SAR.
  Step 4
 Per KDB 447498 4.3.2. The SAR, either measured or calculated, of ANY and ALL simultaneous transmitters must be added together and includes all contributors.
  Step 5
 Per RSS-102. The SAR, either measured or calculated, of ANY and ALL simultaneous transmitters must be added together and includes all contributors.
  Step 6
 The Reported SAR is the Maximum Final Adjusted Cumulative SAR from the applicable Steps 1 through 5 are reported on Page 1 of this report.

 Table 11.1 Fluid Sensitivity Calculation (10g)

                Fluid Sensitivity Calculation (10g)
             Delta SAR = Ce * Delta Er + C(sigma)*Delta Sigma
           Frequency (GHz)                                          Plot ID
               0.027046                                                B1
                    Ce                                              -0.1839

                   Cσ                                                0.7664

                   ∆E                                               -8.5500

                    ∆σ                                               1.8700

                ∆SAR                                                 3.0059

                   Scale Factor Is Positive. Scaling Required

I attest that the data reported herein is true and accurate w ithin the tolerance of the Measurement
Instrument Uncertainty; that all tests and measurements w ere perf ormed in accordance w ith
accepted practices or procedures; and that all tests and measurements w ere perf ormed by me or                                                                    Trevor Whillock
by trained personnel under my direct supervision. The results of this investigation are based                                                                     Test Lab Engineer
solely on the test sample(s) provided by the client w hich w ere not adjusted, modif ied or altered in
                                                                                                                                                                  Celltech Labs Inc.
any manner w hatsoever, except as required to carry out specif ic tests or measurements. This
test report has been completed in accordance w ith ISO/IEC 17025.                                                                                                   11 January 2019

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Table 12.0 Exposure Limits

                                                         SAR RF EXPOSURE LIMITS
                                                                                  General Population /                        Occupational /
  FCC 47 CFR§2.1093               Health Canada Safety Code 6                                                   (4)
                                                                              Uncontrolled Exposure                     Controlled Exposure(5)
                          Spatial Average
                                                                                         0.08 W/kg                                0.4 W/kg
                (averaged over the whole body)
                            Spatial Peak(2)
                                                                                          1.6 W/kg                                8.0 W/kg
   (Head and Trunk averaged over any 1 g of tissue)
                            Spatial Peak (3)
                                                                                          4.0 W/kg                               20.0 W/kg
    (Hands/Wrists/Feet/Ankles averaged over 10 g)

 (1) The Spatial Average value of the SAR averaged over the whole body.

 (2) The Spatial Peak value of the SAR averaged over any 1 gram of tissue, defined as a tissue volume in the
 shape of a cube and over the appropriate averaging time.

 (3) The Spatial Peak value of the SAR averaged over any 10 grams of tissue, defined as a tissue volume in the
 shape of a cube and over the appropriate averaging time.

 (4) Uncontrolled environments are defined as locations where there is potential exposure to individuals who
 have no knowledge or control of their potential exposure.

 (5) Controlled environments are defined as locations where there is potential exposure to individuals who have
 knowledge of their potential exposure and can exercise control over their exposure.

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13.0 Day Log

                                                                                     Fluid Dielectric
                              DAY LOG
                    Ambient    Fluid


      Date                            Humidity                        TSL
                    Temp o C Temp o C
  17 Oct 2018            24            23.4            30%            150H               X              X
  18 Oct 2018            23            23.7            31%            150H                                         X
  19 Oct 2018            24            24.0            31%            150H                                         X
  19 Oct 2018            24            24.1            28%            150H               X                               *
 * Testing exceeded 48hrs, additional measurement per IEEE 1528

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13.1 DUT Setup and Configuration

                                                                 DUT Setup and Configuration
       The DUT was evaluated for SAR in accordance with the procedures described in IEEE 1528, FCC KDB 865646 and 447498. The
 1     device was evaluated at a phantom separation distance of <5mm.

       All relevant accessories were evaluated for SAR on another product with a similar form factor reference report 454614444R1.0.
 2     Although the device is not intended to be used or transmit while attached to the users body; the device was tested using the worst
       case accessory type.

       The DUT was evaluated for SAR at the maximum conducted output power level, preset by the manufacturer.Each SAR evaluation was
 3     performed with a fully charged battery.

13.2 DUT Positioning

                                                                          DUT Positioning
 The DUT Positioner was securely fastened to the Phantom Platform. Registration marks were placed on the DUT and the Positioner to
 ensure consistent positioning of the DUT for each test evaluation.
 FACE Configuration
 This device is not intended to be held to the face and was not tested in the FACE configuration.
  The DUT was securely clamped into the device holder. The surfaces and edges of the DUT normally in contact with the body were
 placed in direct contact with the bottom of the phantom, or <5mm separation from the DUT's accessory to the phantom.
 HEAD Configuration
 This device is not intended to be held to the ear and was not tested in the HEAD configuration.

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13.3 General Procedures and Report

                                                           General Procedures and Reporting
 General Procedures

 The fluid dielectric parameters of the Active Tissue Simulating Liquid (TSL) were measured as described in this Section, recorded and entered
 into the DASY Measurement Server. Active meaning the TSL used during the SAR evaluation of the DUT. The temperature of the Active TSL
 was measured and recorded prior to performing a System Performance Check (SPC). An SPC was performed with the Active TSL prior to the
 start of the test series. The temperature of the Active TSL was measured throughout the day and the Active TSL temperature was maintained to
       o                                                                o
 ± 0.5 C. The Active TSL temperature was maintained to within ±2.0 C throughout the test series. The liquid parameters shall be measured within
 24 hours before the start of a test series and if it takes longer than 48 hours, the liquid parameters shall also be measured at the end of the test

 An Area Scan exceeding the length and width of the DUT projection was performed and the locations of all maximas within 2dB of the Peak
 SAR recorded. A Zoom Scan centered over the Peak SAR location(s) was performed and the 1g and 10g SAR values recorded. The resolutions
 of the Area Scan and Zoom Scan are described in the Scan Resolution table(s) in this Section. A Power Reference Measurement was taken at
 the phantom reference point immediately prior to the Area Scan. A Power Drift measurement was taken at the phantom reference point
 immediately following the Zoom Scan to determine the power drift. A Z-Scan from the Maximum Distance to Phantom Surface to the fluid
 surface was performed following the power drift measurement.

 The 1g SAR, 10g SAR and power drift measurements are recorded in the SAR Measurement Summary tables in the SAR Measurement
 Summary Section of this report. The SAR values shown in the 100% DC (Duty Cycle) column are the SAR values reported by the SAR
 Measurement Server with the DUT operating at 100% transmit duty cycle. These tables also include other information such as transmit channel
 and frequency, modulation, accessories tested and DUT-phantom separation distance.

 In the Scaling of Maximum Measured SAR Section of this report, the highest measured SAR in the BODY configuration, within the entire scope
 of this assessment, are, when applicable, scaled for Fluid Sensitivity, Manufacturer's Tune-Up Tolerance, Simultaneous Transmission and Drift.
 With the exception of Duty Cycle correction/compensation, SAR values are ONLY scaled up, not down. The final results of this scaling is the
 reported SAR which appears on the Cover Page of this report.

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                                                                                                        Test Report Issue Date:               11 January 2019

13.4 Fluid Dielectric and Systems Performance Check

                                               Fluid Dielectric and Systems Performance Check
 Fluid Dielectric Measurement Procedure
 The fluid dielectric parameters of the Tissue Simulating Liquid (TSL) are measured using the Open-Ended Coax Method connected to
 an Agilent 8753ET Network Analyzer connected to a measurement server running Aprel Dielectric Property Measurement System. A
 frequency range of ± 100MHz for frequencies > 300MHz and ± 50MHz for frequencies ≤ 300MHz with frequency step size of 10MHz is
 used. The center frequency is centered around the SAR measurement probe's calibration point for that TSL frequency range. A
 calibration of the setup is performed using a short-open-deionized water (at 23oC in a 300ml beaker) method. A sample of the TSL is
 placed in a 300ml beaker and the open-ended coax is submerged approximately 8mm below the fluid surface in the approximate
 center of the beaker. A check of the setup is made to ensure no air is trapped under the open-ended coax. The sample of TSL is
 measured and compared to the FCC KDB 865664 targets for HEAD or BODY for the entire fluid measurement range. Fluid adjustment
 are made if the dielectric parameters are > 5% in range that the DUT is to be tested. If the adjustments fail to bring the parameters to
 ≤ 5% but are < 10%, the SAR Fluid Sensitivity as per IEC 62201-1 and FCC KDB 865664 are applied to the highest measured SAR. A
 TSL with dielectric parameters > 10% in the DUT test frequency range are not used.

 Systems Performance Check
 The fluid dielectric parameters of the Active TSL are entered into the DASY Measurement Server at each of the 10MHz step size
 intervals. Active meaning the TSL used during the SAR evaluation of the DUT. The DASY Measurement System will automatically
 interpolate the dielectric parameters for DUT test frequencies that fall between the 10MHz step intervals.
 A Systems Performance Check (SPC) is performed in accordance with IEEE 1528 "System Check" and FCC KDB 865664 "System
 Verification". A validation source, dipole or Confined Loop Antenna (CLA), is placed under the geometric center of the phantom and
 separated from the phantom in accordance to the validation source's Calibration Certificate data. A CW signal set to the frequency of
 the validate source's and SAR measurement probe's calibration frequency with a forward power set to the validation source's
 Calibration Certificate data power setting is applied to the validation source. An Area Scan is centered over the projection of the
 validation source's feed point and an Area Scan is taken. A Zoom Scan centered over the Peak SAR measurement of the Area Scan
 and the 1g and 10g SAR is measured. The measured 1g and 10g SAR is compared to the 1g and 10g SAR measurements from the
 validation source's Calibration Certificate. When required, the measured SAR is normalized to 1.0W and compared to the normalized
 SAR indicated on the validation source's Calibration Certificate. The SPC is considered valid when the measured and normalized SAR
 is ≤ 10% of the measured and normalize SAR of the validation source's Calibration Certificate.
 The fluid dielectric parameters of the Active TSL and SPC are repeated when the Active TSL has been in use for greater than 84 hours
 or if the Active TSL temperature has exceed ± 1oC of the initial fluid analysis.

13.5 Scan Resolution 100MHz to 2GHz

                                       Scan Resolution 100MHz to 2GHz
  Maximum distance from the closest measurement point to phantom surface:
                                                                                                               4 ± 1 mm
  (Geometric Center of Probe Center)
  Maximum probe angle normal to phantom surface.
                                                                                                               5o ± 1o
  (Flat Section ELI Phantom)
  Area Scan Spatial Resolution ∆X, ∆Y                                                                          15 mm
  Zoom Scan Spatial Resolution ∆X, ∆Y                                                                          7.5 mm
  Zoom Scan Spatial Resolution ∆Z
                                                                                                               5 mm
  (Uniform Grid)
  Zoom Scan Volume X, Y, Z                                                                                     30 mm
  Phantom                                                                                                      ELI
  Fluid Depth                                                                                                  150 ± 5 mm
  An Area Scan with an area extending beyond the device was used to locate the candidate maximas
  within 2dB of the global maxima.
  A Zoom Scan centered over the peak SAR location(s) determined by the Area Scan was used
  to determine the 1-gram and 10-gram peak spatial-average SAR

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13.6 Scan Resolution 2GHz to 3GHz

                                         Scan Resolution 2GHz to 3GHz
  Maximum distance from the closest measurement point to phantom surface:
                                                                                                               4 ± 1 mm
  (Geometric Center of Probe Center)
  Maximum probe angle normal to phantom surface.
                                                                                                               5o ± 1o
  (Flat Section ELI Phantom)
  Area Scan Spatial Resolution ∆X, ∆Y                                                                          12 mm
  Zoom Scan Spatial Resolution ∆X, ∆Y                                                                          5 mm
  Zoom Scan Spatial Resolution ∆Z
                                                                                                               5 mm
  (Uniform Grid)
  Zoom Scan Volume X, Y, Z                                                                                     30 mm
  Phantom                                                                                                      ELI
  Fluid Depth                                                                                                  150 ± 5 mm
  An Area Scan with an area extending beyond the device was used to locate the candidate maximas
  within 2dB of the global maxima.
  A Zoom Scan centered over the peak SAR location(s) determined by the Area Scan was used
  to determine the 1-gram and 10-gram peak spatial-average SAR

13.7 Scan Resolution 5GHz to 6GHz

                                         Scan Resolution 5GHz to 6GHz
  Maximum distance from the closest measurement point to phantom surface:
                                                                                                               4 ± 1 mm
  (Geometric Center of Probe Center)
  Maximum probe angle normal to phantom surface.
                                                                                                               5o ± 1o
  (Flat Section ELI Phantom)
  Area Scan Spatial Resolution ∆X, ∆Y                                                                          10 mm
  Zoom Scan Spatial Resolution ∆X, ∆Y                                                                          4 mm
  Zoom Scan Spatial Resolution ∆Z
                                                                                                               2 mm
  (Uniform Grid)
  Zoom Scan Volume X, Y, Z                                                                                     22 mm
  Phantom                                                                                                      ELI
  Fluid Depth                                                                                                  100 ± 5 mm
  An Area Scan with an area extending beyond the device was used to locate the candidate maximas
  within 2dB of the global maxima.
  A Zoom Scan centered over the peak SAR location(s) determined by the Area Scan was used
  to determine the 1-gram and 10-gram peak spatial-average SAR

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                                                                                                           Test Report Issue Date:             11 January 2019


Table 14.0 Measurement Uncertainty

                          UNCERTAINTY BUDGET FOR DEVICE EVALUATION (IEEE 1528-2013 Table 9)
                                              IEEE                                                                               Uncertainty      Uncertainty
                                                          Uncertainty       Probability                          ci       ci                                        Vi or
     Uncertainty Component                    1528                                               Divisor                          Value ±%         Value ±%
                                                           Value ±%         Distribution                         1g      10g                                         Veff
                                             Section                                                                                (1g)             (10g)

Measurement System
Probe Calibration*                               E.2.1         6.6             Normal               1             1       1          6.60               6.60            
Axial Isotropy*                                  E.2.2         4.7          Rectangular      1.732050808         0.7     0.7          1.9                1.9            
Hemispherical Isotropy*                          E.2.2         9.6          Rectangular      1.732050808         0.7     0.7          3.9                3.9            
Boundary Effect*                                 E.2.3         8.3          Rectangular      1.732050808          1       1           4.8                4.8            
Linearity*                                       E.2.4         4.7          Rectangular      1.732050808          1       1           2.7                2.7            
System Detection Limits*                         E.2.4         1.0          Rectangular      1.732050808          1       1           0.6                0.6            
Modulation Response                              E.2.5         4.0          Rectangular      1.732050808          1       1           2.3                2.3            
Readout Electronics*                             E.2.6         1.0             Normal               1             1       1           1.0                1.0            
Response Time*                                   E.2.7         0.8          Rectangular      1.732050808          1       1           0.5                0.5            
Integration Time*                                E.2.8         1.4          Rectangular      1.732050808          1       1           0.8                0.8            
RF Ambient Conditions - Noise                    E.6.1         0.0          Rectangular      1.732050808          1       1           0.0                0.0            
 RF Ambient Conditions - Reflection              E.6.1         0.0          Rectangular      1.732050808          1       1           0.0                0.0            
 Probe Positioner Mechanical
Tolerance*                                       E.6.2         0.4          Rectangular      1.732050808          1       1           0.2                0.2            
 Probe Positioning wrt Phantom
Shell*                                           E.6.3         2.9          Rectangular      1.732050808          1       1           1.7                1.7            
 Extrapolation, interpolation &
integration algorithms for max. SAR
evaluation*                                      E.5           3.9          Rectangular      1.732050808          1       1           2.3                2.3            
Test Sample Related
Test Sample Positioning                          E.4.2         0.3             Normal               1             1       1           0.3                0.3            5
Device Holder Uncertainty*                       E.4.1         3.6             Normal               1             1       1           3.6                3.6            
SAR Drift Measurement**                          E.2.9         0.0          Rectangular      1.732050808          1       1           0.0                0.0            
SAR Scaling***                                   E.6.5         2.0          Rectangular      1.732050808          1       1           1.2                1.2            
Phantom and Tissue Parameters
Phantom Uncertainty*                             E.3.1         4.0          Rectangular      1.732050808          1       1           2.3                2.3            
SAR Correction Uncertainty                       E.3.2         1.2             Normal               1             1     0.84          1.2                1.0            
Liquid Conductivity (measurement)                E.3.3         6.8             Normal               1           0.78    0.71          5.3                4.8            10
Liquid Permittivity (measurement)                E.3.3         5.3             Normal               1           0.23    0.26          1.2                1.4            10
Liquid Conductivity (Temperature)                E.3.2         0.1          Rectangular      1.732050808        0.78    0.71          0.1                0.0            
Liquid Permittivity Temperature)                 E.3.2         0.0          Rectangular      1.732050808        0.23    0.26          0.0                0.0            
Effective Degrees of Freedom                                                                                                                             Veff = 873.2
Combined Standard Uncertainty                                                   RSS                                                  12.59              12.40
Expanded Uncertainty (95% Confidence Interval)                                   k=2                                                 25.18              24.80
                                      Measurement Uncertainty Table in accordance with IEEE Standard 1528-2003
(1) The Effective Degrees of Freedom is > 30 therefore a coverage factor of k=2 represents an approximate confidence level of 95%.
* Provided by SPEAG

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Table 14.1 Calculation of Degrees of Freedom

       Calculation of the Degrees and Effective Degrees of Freedom

                                                veff =                m
              vi = n - 1
                                                                     ∑           vi

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Table 15.0 Fluid Dielectric Parameters 150MHz HEAD TSL

                                                                  Aprel Laboratory
                                                    Test Result for UIM Dielectric Parameter
                                                            Wed 17/Oct/2018 10:37:55
                                                            Freq       Frequency(GHz)
                                     FCC_eH FCC OET 65 Supplement C (June 2001) Limits for Head Epsilon
                                     FCC_sH FCC OET 65 Supplement C (June 2001) Limits for Head Sigma
                                                             Test_e Epsilon of UIM
                                                              Test_s Sigma of UIM
                                             Freq                 FCC_eH FCC_sH Test_e Test_s
                                               0.0250              55.00      0.75      50.41     0.76
                                               0.0300              55.00      0.75      50.13     0.77
                                               0.0350              55.00      0.75      48.66     0.76

                   Fluid dielectric targets above and below 30MHz are not published. Deviation based on 30MHz target.

                                                    FLUID DIELECTRIC PARAMETERS
                      17 Oct
           Date:       2018          Fluid Temp:       23.4            Frequency:            150MHz                         Tissue:              Head

             Freq (MHz)             Test_e        Test_s             Target_e               Target_s               Deviation                 Deviation
                                                                                                                  Permittivity              Conductivity
        25.0000                    50.4100        0.7600              55.0000                  0.75                 -8.35%                    1.33%
        27.0450           *        50.2980        0.7640              55.0000                  0.75                  -8.55%                     1.87%
        30.0000                    50.1300        0.7700              55.0000                  0.75                  -8.85%                     2.67%
        35.0000                    48.6600        0.7600              55.0000                  0.75                  -11.53%                    1.33%
                                                                    *Channel Frequency Tested

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Table 15.1 Fluid Dielectric Parameters 150MHz HEAD TSL

                                                                  Aprel Laboratory
                                                    Test Result for UIM Dielectric Parameter
                                                             Fri 19/Oct/2018 15:40:05
                                                            Freq       Frequency(GHz)
                                     FCC_eH FCC OET 65 Supplement C (June 2001) Limits for Head Epsilon
                                     FCC_sH FCC OET 65 Supplement C (June 2001) Limits for Head Sigma
                                                             Test_e Epsilon of UIM
                                                              Test_s Sigma of UIM
                                             Freq                 FCC_eH FCC_sH Test_e Test_s
                                               0.0250              55.00      0.75      49.58     0.75
                                               0.0300              55.00      0.75      50.38     0.75
                                               0.0350              55.00      0.75      49.59     0.75

                Fluid dielectric targets above and below 30MHz are not published. Deviation based on 30MHz target.
        *According to IEEE1528, when testing exceeds 48hrs, fluid parameters must be measured at the end of the test series.

                                                    FLUID DIELECTRIC PARAMETERS
                      19 Oct
           Date:       2018          Fluid Temp:       24.1            Frequency:            150MHz                         Tissue:              Head

             Freq (MHz)             Test_e        Test_s             Target_e               Target_s               Deviation                 Deviation
                                                                                                                  Permittivity              Conductivity
        25.0000                    49.5800        0.7500              55.0000                  0.75                 -9.85%                    0.00%
            0             *        49.9000        0.7500              55.0000                  0.75                  -9.27%                     0.00%
        30.0000                    50.3800        0.7500              55.0000                  0.75                  -8.40%                     0.00%
        35.0000                    49.5900        0.7500              55.0000                  0.75                  -9.84%                     0.00%
                                                                    *Channel Frequency Tested

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Table 16.0 System Verification Results 30MHz HEAD TSL

                      System Verification Test Results
                                    Frequency                          Validation Source
                                         (MHz)                          P/N                         S/N
         17 Oct 2018                        30                       CLA-150                       1005
                      Fluid             Ambient           Ambient             Forward            Source
 Fluid Type           Temp               Temp             Humidity             Power             Spacing
                         o                  o
                          C                  C                (%)               (mW)               (mm)
    Head               23.4                 24                30%               1000                  0
                                           Fluid Parameters
                  Permittivity                                             Conductivity
 Measured             Target           Deviation          Measured             Target           Deviation
    50.13              55.00             8.85%                0.77               0.75              2.60%
                                             Measured SAR
                      1 gram                                                  10 gram
 Measured             Target           Deviation          Measured             Target           Deviation
    1.24               1.25              -0.80%              0.776              0.775              0.13%
                               Measured SAR Normalized to 1.0W
                      1 gram                                                  10 gram
 Normalized           Target           Deviation         Normalized            Target           Deviation
    1.24               1.27              -2.36%              0.776              0.790             -1.77%
Prior to the SAR evaluations, system checks were performed on the planar section of the
phantom and a SPEAG validation dipole in accordance with the procedures described in
IEEE 1528-2013, FCC KDB 846224 and IEC 62209-1.

The dielectric parameters of the simulated tissue mixture were measured prior to the
system performance check using a Dielectric Probe Kit and a Network Analyzer.

The forward power was applied to the dipole and the system was verified to a tolerance of
+10% from the system manufacturer’s dipole calibration target SAR value.

The forward power applied was same forward power applied by the calibration lab during
the calibration of this validation source.

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Table 17.0 System Validation Summary

                                                             System Validation Summary
 Frequency    Validation      Probe       Probe      Validation Source             Tissue Dielectrics          Validation Results
   (MHz)         Date        Model         S/N         Source     S/N           Permitivity Conductivity Sensitivity Linearity Isotropy
     30       24‐Sep‐18      EX3DV4        3600        CLA‐30     1005    Head    50.15         0.72       Pass        Pass       Pass
     150      03‐May‐17      EX3DV4        3600       CLA‐150     4007    Body    66.48         0.79       Pass        Pass       Pass
     150      04‐May‐17      EX3DV4        3600       CLA‐150     4007    Head    51.51         0.81       Pass        Pass       Pass
     450      08‐May‐17      EX3DV4        3600       D450V3      1068    Body    54.65         0.95       Pass        Pass       Pass
     450      16‐May‐17      EX3DV4        3600       D450V3      1068    Head    43.70         0.83       Pass        Pass       Pass
     835      03‐May‐18      EX3DV4        3600       D835V2     4d075    Body    53.31         1.00       Pass        Pass       Pass
     835      19‐May‐17      EX3DV4        3600       D835V2     4d075    Head    42.01         0.89       Pass        Pass       Pass
     900      08‐May‐18      EX3DV4        3600       D900V2       045    Body    54.46         1.10       Pass        Pass       Pass
     900      02‐Aug‐17      EX3DV4        3600       D900V2       045    Head    39.10         0.93       Pass        Pass       Pass
    1640      06‐May‐18      EX3DV4        3600       1620‐S‐2 207‐00102 Body     39.87         1.27       Pass        Pass       Pass
    1640      07‐May‐18      EX3DV4        3600       1620‐S‐2 207‐00102 Head     39.87         1.27       Pass        Pass       Pass
    1800       21‐Jul‐17     EX3DV4        3600       D1800V2      247    Body    54.77         1.53       Pass        Pass       Pass
    1800       18‐Jul‐17     EX3DV4        3600       D1800V2      247    Head    40.70         1.33       Pass        Pass       Pass
    2450      23‐May‐18      EX3DV4        3600       D2450V2      825    Body    49.51         1.92       Pass        Pass       Pass
    2450      24‐May‐18      EX3DV4        3600       D2450V2      825    Head    37.95         1.87       Pass        Pass       Pass
    5250       24‐Jul‐18     EX3DV4        3600      D5GHzV2      1031    Body    46.42         5.69       Pass        Pass       Pass
    5250       24‐Jul‐18     EX3DV4        3600      D5GHzV2      1031    Head    35.96         4.99       Pass        Pass       Pass
    5750       25‐Jul‐18     EX3DV4        3600      D5GHzV2      1031    Body    47.10         5.60       Pass        Pass       Pass

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Table 18.0 Measurement System Specifications

                                                         Measurement System Specification
  Positioner                                       Stäubli Unimation Corp. Robot Model: TX90XL
  Repeatability                                    +/- 0.035 mm
  No. of axis                                      6.0
  Data Acquisition Electronic (DAE) System
  Cell Controller
  Processor                                        Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700
  Clock Speed                                      3.60 GHz
  Operating System                                 Windows 10 Professional
  Data Converter
  Features                                         Signal Amplifier, multiplexer, A/D converter, and control logic
                                                   Measurement Software: DASY6, V / DASY52 V52.10.0.1446
                                                   Postprocessing Software: SEMCAD X, V14.6.10( Deployment Build )
  Connecting Lines                                 Optical downlink for data and status info., Optical uplink for commands and clock

  DASY Measurement Server

  Function                                         Real-time data evaluation for field measurements and surface detection
  Hardware                                         Intel ULV Celeron CPU 400 MHz; 128 MB chip disk; 128 MB RAM
  Connections                                      COM1, COM2, DAE, Robot, Ethernet, Service Interface
  E-Field Probe
  Model                                            EX3DV4
  Serial No.                                       3600
  Construction                                     Triangular core fiber optic detection system
  Frequency                                        10 MHz to 6 GHz
  Linearity                                        0.2 dB (30 MHz to 3 GHz)
  Type                                             ELI Elliptical Planar Phantom
  Shell Material                                   Fiberglass
  Thickness                                        2mm +/- .2mm
  Volume                                           > 30 Liter

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                                                                                                            Test Report S/N:                45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                      Test Report Issue Date:               11 January 2019

                                                       Measurement System Specification
                                                                      Probe Specification
                            Symmetrical design with triangular core;
    Construction:           Built-in shielding against static charges
                            PEEK enclosure material (resistant to organic solvents, glycol)
                            In air from 10 MHz to 2.5 GHz
      Calibration:          In head simulating tissue at frequencies of 900 MHz
                            and 1.8 GHz (accuracy  8%)
      Frequency:            10 MHz to > 6 GHz; Linearity:  0.2 dB (30 MHz to 3 GHz)
                             0.2 dB in head tissue (rotation around probe axis)
                             0.4 dB in head tissue (rotation normal to probe axis)
  Dynamic Range:            5 W/g to > 100 mW/g; Linearity:  0.2 dB
   Surface Detect:           0.2 mm repeatability in air and clear liquids over diffuse reflecting surfaces
                            Overall length: 330 mm; Tip length: 16 mm;
     Dimensions:            Body diameter: 12 mm; Tip diameter: 6.8 mm
                            Distance from probe tip to dipole centers: 2.7 mm
     Application:           General dosimetry up to 3 GHz; Compliance tests of mobile phone                                         EX3DV4 E-Field Probe
                                                                    Phantom Specification

The ELI V5.0 phantom is an elliptical planar fiberglass shell phantom with a shell thickness of
2.0mm +/- .2mm at the planar area. This phantom conforms to OET Bulletin 65, Supplement C,
IEEE 1528-2013, IEC 62209-1 and IEC 62209-2.

                                                                                                                                          ELI Phantom
                                                               Device Positioner Specification

The DASY device positioner has two scales for device rotation (with respect to the body axis)
and the device inclination (with respect to the line between the ear openings). The plane
between the ear openings and the mouth tip has a rotation angle of 65 . The bottom plate
contains three pair of bolts for locking the device holder. The device holder positions are
adjusted to the standard measurement positions in the three sections.

                                                                                                                                       Device Positioner

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                                                                                                              Test Report S/N:                45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                        Test Report Issue Date:               11 January 2019


Table 19.0 Equipment List and Calibration

                                              Test Equipment List
                                                    ASSET                                    DATE            CALIBRATION
              DESCRIPTION                                          SERIAL NO.
                                                     NO.                               CALIBRATED                   DUE
 Schmid & Partner DASY 6 System                         -                  -                    -                     -
    -DASY Measurement Server                         00158              1078                  CNR                   CNR
    -Robot                                           00046           599396-01                CNR                   CNR
    -DAE4                                            00019               353               20-Apr-18             20-Apr-19
    -EX3DV4 E-Field Probe                            00213              3600               25-Apr-18             25-Apr-19
    -CLA 30 Validation Dipole                        00300              1005               23-Nov-17             23-Nov-20
    -CLA150 Validation Dipole                        00251              4007               27-Apr-17             27-Apr-20
    -D450V3 Validation Dipole                        00221              1068               23-Apr-18             23-Apr-21
    -D835V2 Validation Dipole                        00217             4D075               20-Apr-18             20-Apr-21
    -D900V2 Validation Dipole                        00020                54               24-Apr-17             24-Apr-20
    -D1640/1620-S-2 Validation Dipole                00299           207-00102             07-Nov-17             07-Nov-20
    -D2450V2 Validation Dipole                       00219               825               24-Apr-18             24-Apr-21
    -D5GHzV2 Validation Dipole                       00126              1031               26-Apr-18             26-Apr-21
 ELI Phantom                                         00247                 -                  CNR                   CNR
 HP 85070C Dielectric Probe Kit                      00033              none                  CNR                   CNR
 Gigatronics 8652A Power Meter                       00110            1835801              29-Feb-16             29-Feb-19

 Gigatronics 80701A Power Sensor                     00248            1833687              29-Feb-16             29-Feb-19
 HP 8753ET Network Analyzer                          00134          US39170292             29-Dec-17             29-Dec-20
 Rohde & Schwarz SMR20 Signal
 Generator                                           00006             100104             29-May-17              29-May-20
 Amplifier Research 10W1000C Power
 Amplifier                                           00041              27887                 CNR                   CNR
 Amplifier Research 5S1G4 Power
 Amplifier                                           00106              26235                 CNR                   CNR
 Narda Directional Coupler 3020A                     00064                 -                  CNR                   CNR
 Traceable VWR Thermometer                           00291                 -               19-Nov-16             19-Nov-19
 Traceable VWR Jumbo
 Humidity/Thermometer                                00295           170120555             17-Feb-17             17-Feb-20
 DC-18G 10W 30db Attenuator                          00102                 -                  COU                   COU

 R&S FSP40 Spectrum Analyzer                         00241             100500             15-May-18              15-May-21
 RF Cable-SMA                                        00311                 -                  CNR                   CNR
 HP Calibration Kit                                  00145                 -               10-Feb-17             10-Feb-20
 CNR = Calibration Not Required
 COU = Calibrate on Use

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                                                                                                              Test Report S/N:                 45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                        Test Report Issue Date:                11 January 2019


Table 20.0 Fluid Composition 150MHz HEAD TSL

                            Tissue Simulating Liquid (TSL) Composition
                                        Component by Percent Weight
                                                     (1)            (2)                                                                  (3)
       Water                        Sugar        Salt           HEC                                               Bacteriacide
       38.35                         55.5         5.15           0.9                                                   0.1
  (1) Non-Iodinized
  (2) HydroxyEthyl-Cellulose: Sigma-Aldrich P/N 54290-500g
  (3) Dow Chemical Dowicil 75 Antimicrobial Perservative

Note: 150MHz HEAD TSL formulation was used during this evaluation.

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                                                                                                               Test Report S/N:                45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                         Test Report Issue Date:               11 January 2019


Date/Time: 10/17/2018 11:28:09 AM

Test Laboratory: Celltech Labs

SPC-30H Oct 17 2018

DUT: CLA-30; Type: CLA-30; Serial: 1005

Communication System: UID 0, CW (0); Communication System Band: FullSpan (0.0 - 6000.0 MHz); Frequency: 30 MHz;Communication System PAR:
0 dB; PMF: 1

Medium: TSL_150H[17OCT18]
Medium parameters used: f = 30 MHz; σ = 0.77 S/m; εr = 50.13; ρ = 1000 kg/m
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5 (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19-2011)

DASY Configuration:

         Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3600 --add ConvF; ConvF(12.17, 12.17, 12.17); Calibrated: 11/23/2017, ConvF(12.17, 12.17, 12.17); Calibrated:
          11/23/2017, ConvF(12.17, 12.17, 12.17); Calibrated: 11/23/2017;
               o Modulation Compensation:
         Sensor-Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection), z = 16.0, 31.0, 151.0
         Electronics: DAE4 Sn353; Calibrated: 4/20/2018
         Phantom: ELI V5.0 (20deg probe tilt); Type: QD OVA 002 Ax;
         DASY52 52.10.1(1476);

Frequency: 30 MHz

SPC 150H/SPC 150H Input=1.0W, Target=1.25W/kg/Area Scan (8x9x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.15 W/kg

SPC 150H/SPC 150H Input=1.0W, Target=1.25W/kg/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=7.5mm, dy=7.5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 41.60 V/m; Power Drift = 0.00 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.00 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 1.24 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.776 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.33 W/kg

SPC 150H/SPC 150H Input=1.0W, Target=1.25W/kg/Z Scan (1x1x19): Measurement grid: dx=20mm, dy=20mm, dz=20mm
Penetration depth = n/a (n/a, 12.55) [mm]
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.73 W/kg

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                                                                                                     Test Report Issue Date:               11 January 2019

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                                                                                                               Test Report S/N:                45461468 R2.0
                                                                                                         Test Report Issue Date:               11 January 2019


Plot B1

Date/Time: 10/18/2018 2:24:28 PM,

Test Laboratory: Celltech Labs

Garmin AA2670 150H Oct 18 2018

DUT: Garmin AA2670; Type: Sample; Serial: IMEI Number

Communication System: UID 0, CW(0); Communication System Band: CW; Frequency: 27 MHz;Communication System PAR: 0 dB; PMF: 1

Medium: TSL_150H[17Oct18]
Medium parameters used (interpolated): f = 27 MHz; σ = 0.764 S/m; εr = 50.298; ρ = 1000 kg/m
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5 (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19-2011)

DASY Configuration:

         Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3600 --add ConvF; ConvF(12.17, 12.17, 12.17); Calibrated: 11/23/2017, ConvF(12.17, 12.17, 12.17); Calibrated:
          11/23/2017, ConvF(12.17, 12.17, 12.17); Calibrated: 11/23/2017;
               o Modulation Compensation:
         Sensor-Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection (Locations From Previous Scan Used)), Sensor-Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface
          Detection), z = -1.5, 31.0, 151.0
         Electronics: DAE4 Sn353; Calibrated: 4/20/2018
         Phantom: ELI V5.0 (20deg probe tilt); Type: QD OVA 002 Ax;
         DASY52 52.10.1(1476);

Frequency: MHz

150H/B1-AA2670,Body Config Back Side, 27.045MHz/Area Scan (7x14x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm

Info: Interpolated medium parameters used for SAR evaluation.
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.496 W/kg

150H/B1-AA2670,Body Config Back Side, 27.045MHz/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=7.5mm, dy=7.5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 15.10 V/m; Power Drift = 0.54 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.11 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 0.551 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.295 W/kg

Info: Interpolated medium parameters used for SAR evaluation.
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.589 W/kg

150H/B1-AA2670,Body Config Back Side, 27.045MHz/Z Scan (1x1x19): Measurement grid: dx=20mm, dy=20mm, dz=20mm

Info: Interpolated medium parameters used for SAR evaluation.
Penetration depth = n/a (n/a, 11.57) [mm]
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.260 W/kg

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                                                                                                     Test Report Issue Date:               11 January 2019

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Document Created: 2019-01-11 14:34:45
Document Modified: 2019-01-11 14:34:45

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