Test Report (2)

FCC ID: IPH-03645

Test Report

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                                 FCC/ISED DXX Part 15.225
                                       Test Report

        Prepared for:                     Garmin International Inc.

        Address:                          1200 E. 151st Street
                                          Olathe, Kansas, 66062, USA

        Product:                          A03645

        Test Report No:                   R20181219-20-15B

        Approved By:

                                          Nic S. Johnson, NCE
                                          Technical Manager
                                          iNARTE Certified EMC Engineer #EMC-003337-NE

        DATE:                             14 August 2019

        Total Pages:                      23

The Nebraska Center for Excellence in Electronics (NCEE) authorizes the above named company to reproduce
this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety for use by the company’s employees only. Any use that a
third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions made based on it, are the responsibility of such
third parties. NCEE accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of
decisions made or actions based on this report. This report applies only to the items tested.

            Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                                    Rev      B

                Prepared for: Garmin

                                                 Revision Page
Rev. No.                             Date                                        Description
Original                         21 June 2019                 Original – Prepared by KVepuri
                                                              Approved by NJohnson
A                                15 July 2019                 Includes NCEE Labs report R20181219-20-15 and
                                                              its amendment in full. -NJ
B                              14 August 2019                 Includes NCEE Labs report R20181219-20-12A
                                                              and its amendment in full. -NJ

       The Nebraska Center for Excellence in Electronics
       4740 Discovery Drive
       Lincoln, NE 68521                                   Page 2 of 23

      Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                                                                               Rev              B

           Prepared for: Garmin

                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

1      Summary of Test Results ............................................................................................................ 4
    1.1       Emissions Test Results .......................................................................................................... 4
2      EUT Description ............................................................................................................................ 5
    2.1       Equipment under Test (EUT) ................................................................................................. 5
    2.2       Laboratory Description ........................................................................................................... 5
    2.3       EUT Setup .............................................................................................................................. 5
3      Test Results .................................................................................................................................. 6
    3.1       Radiated Emissions, Band Width, Output Power and Band edge ......................................... 6
    3.2       Frequency Error ................................................................................................................... 15
    3.3       Conducted Emissions ........................................................................................................... 17
Annex A: Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................ 20
Annex B: Sample Field Strength Calculation ................................................................................. 21
REPORT END ...................................................................................................................................... 23

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                             Rev       B

         Prepared for: Garmin

1 Summary of Test Results
The EUT was tested for compliance to the following standards and/or regulations;

    1.1 Emissions Test Results
The EUT was tested for compliance to:

         US CFR Title 47 FCC Part 15.225
         RSS-210 Issue 9

Below is a summary of the test results. Complete results of testing can be found in Section

                                        Table 1 – Emissions Test Results
     Emissions Tests                                 Test Method and Limits      Result
 Radiated Emissions                FCC Part 15.225 (a), (b), (c), (d)          Complies
                                   RSS-210 Issue 5, Sec 4.3
 Frequency Error                   FCC Part 15.225 (e)                         Complies
                                   RSS-210 Issue 5, Annex D
 Conducted Emissions               FCC Part 15.207                             Complies
                                   RSS-Gen Issue 5, Sec 8.8

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                                 Rev    B

         Prepared for: Garmin

2 EUT Description
The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was a portable transceiver from Garmin.

    2.1 Equipment under Test (EUT)
                                    Table 2 – Equipment under Test (EUT)
      Model                    A03645
      EUT Received             16 April 2019
      EUT Tested               16 April 2019 - 21 June 2019
      Serial No.               3991631270 (radiated unit)
      Operating Band           13.56 MHz
      Device Type              Low-power
      Antenna                  Trace Antenna
                               Internal Battery/ Charger: Garmin (Phi Hong) MN: PSAI10R-
      Power Supply
                               050Q (Representative Power Supply)

    2.2 Laboratory Description
All testing was performed at the following Facility:

         The Nebraska Center for Excellence in Electronics (NCEE Labs)
         4740 Discovery Drive
         Lincoln, NE 68521

         A2LA Certificate Number:                                  1953.01
         FCC Accredited Test Site Designation No:                  US1060
         Industry Canada Test Site Registration No:                4294A-1
         NCC CAB Identification No:                                US0177

Environmental conditions varied slightly throughout the tests:
       Relative humidity of 28  4%
       Temperature of 22  3 C

    2.3 EUT Setup
The EUT was powered by 120 VAC / 60Hz (5 VDC Output) for all tests.

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                                          Rev           B

         Prepared for: Garmin

3 Test Results

    3.1 Radiated Emissions, Band Width, Output Power and Band
  Test:                                  FCC Part 15.225 (a), (b), (c), (d)
  Test Specifications:                   Class A
  Test Result:                           Complies                         Date:      6/5/2019- 6/21/2019

         3.1.1          Test Description
Radiated emissions measurements were made from 30MHz to 1GHz at a distance of 3m
(Radiated Emissions) and 1m (Band width, Output Power and Band edges) inside a semi-
anechoic chamber. The EUT was rotated 360°, the antenna height varied from 1-4 meters
and both the vertical and horizontal antenna polarizations examined. The results were
compared against the limits. Measurements were made by first using a spectrum analyzer
to acquire the signal spectrum; individual frequencies were then measured using a CISPR
16.1 compliant receiver with the following bandwidth setting:
       30MHz – 1GHz:120kHz IF bandwidth, 60kHz steps
       10 – 30MHz, 9kHz RBW, 5 kHz steps

Intermodulation products were investigated by measuring spurious emissions with each of
the two 2.4 GHz radios running in parallel with the NFC radio. No intermodulation products
were found above the labs system sensitivity.

         3.1.2          Test Results
No radiated emissions measurements were found in excess of the limits. Test result data
can be seen below.

         3.1.3          Test Environment
Testing was performed at the NCEE Labs Lincoln facility in the 10m semi-anechoic
chamber. Laboratory environmental conditions varied slightly throughout the test:
       Relative humidity of 30 ± 5%
       Temperature of 23 ±2o C

         3.1.4          Test Setup
See Section 2.3 for further details.

         3.1.5          Test Equipment Used
     Serial No.            Manufacturer                  Model             Description        Last Cal.
 1647                    EMCO                       3142B            Bicon Antenna          02 Aug 2017*
 00024936                EMCO                       6512             Loop Antenna           30 Jan 2018*
 100037                  Rohde & Schwarz            ES126            EMI Test Receiver      30 Jan 2018*
 2575                    Rohde & Schwarz            ES-K1            Software v.1.60        N/A
*Two Year Calibration Cycle

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                              Rev       B

         Prepared for: Garmin

         3.1.6          Test Pictures and/or Figures

        Figure 1 – Radiated Emissions Peak Plot, Horizontal Polarization, 10 MHz- 30 MHz

Limit: 30 µV/m at 30m = 29.54 dBµV/m = 59.08 dBµV/m at 1m

Maximum Spurious = 107 – FS(dBm) + CL + AF = 107 – 118.51 + 0.9 + 35 = 24.39 dBuV/m
@ 1m

         CL = cable loss = 0.90 dB
         AF = antenna factor = 35.00 dB
         107 = conversion from dBm to dBµV on a 50Ω measurement system

         Loop antenna was used in all three axis, worst axis is reported.

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                                   Rev   B

         Prepared for: Garmin

                         Figure 2 – Radiated Emissions Peak Plot, 30 MHz- 1 GHz

                                    Table 3 – Radiated Emissions QP Data
             Frequency           Level  Limit             Margin   Height   Angle   Pol
                MHz             dBµV/m dBµV/m               dB      cm.      deg
              54.360000          15.60  40.00              24.40    100       60    VERT
              84.540000          14.27  40.00              25.70    156      330    VERT

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                        Rev   B

         Prepared for: Garmin

                                  Figure 3 - 99% Occupied Bandwidth, NFC

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                           Rev       B

         Prepared for: Garmin

                                          Figure 4 – Output Power, NFC

                                             Figure 5 – Output Power
                                Raw         Corrected Limit Margin
                                band          band
                                level         level
                                dBm          dBµV/m
                                -82.17        60.73   113.54* 52.81  PASS

         Maximum power = 107 – 82.17 + 0.9 + 35 = 60.73 dBuV/m @ 1m
         CL = cable loss = 0.90 dB
         AF = antenna factor = 35.00 dB
         107 = conversion from dBm to dBµV on a 50Ω measurement system

         * Extrapolated limit from 30 m to 1 m; Measurement performed at 1m distance.

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                                             Rev     B

         Prepared for: Garmin

                                          Band Edge Measurements:

                                                               Corrected     Limit    Margin
                 Band edge                   Uncorrected         band
               /Measurement                   band level         level                         Result
              Frequency (MHz)                   dBµV            dBµV/m
                                                                 @ 1m
                   13.11-13.41                      -3.25            32.65   70.51*   37.86     PASS
                   13.41-13.553                     17.25            53.15   80.02*   26.87     PASS
                   13.71-14.01                      17.61            53.51   70.51*   17.00     PASS
                   13.567-13.71                     -4.39            31.51   80.02*   48.51     PASS

* Extrapolated limit from 30 m to 1 m. Corrected band level = uncorrected band level +
cable loss + antenna facor

                                           Figure 6 – Lower Bandedge

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                    Rev   B

         Prepared for: Garmin

                                           Figure 7 – Lower Bandedge

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                      Rev   B

         Prepared for: Garmin

                                           Figure 8 – Higher Band edge

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                      Rev   B

         Prepared for: Garmin

                                           Figure 9 – Higher Band edge

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                                             Rev           B

         Prepared for: Garmin

    3.2 Frequency Error
  Test:                                  FCC Part 15.225 (e)
  Test Result:                           Complies                          Date:     6/21/2019

         3.2.1          Test Description
Radiated power was measured on a spectrum analyzer with resolution bandwidth and video
    bandwidth set to 3 kHz and 10 kHz respectively. The center frequency was found by
measuring the frequency of the signal 10dB below the peak on the high and low end of the
 signal. The frequency half way in between these frequencies was recorded as the center
       frequency. The temperature was varied from -20°C to -50°C. Limit: 100 PPM

         3.2.2          Test Results
No results were found to be in excess of the limits. A plot of the results can be seen below.

         3.2.3          Test Environment
Testing was performed at the NCEE Labs Lincoln facility on the 10-meter chamber ground
plane. Laboratory environmental conditions varied slightly throughout the test:
       Relative humidity of 30 ± 5%
       Temperature of 23 ±2o C

         3.2.4          Test Setup
See Section 2.3 for further details.

         3.2.5          Test Equipment Used
      Serial No.           Manufacturer                  Model             Description           Last Cal.
 31373                   Thermotron                 SE1000-5-5       Temp chamber              NA
 100007                  Rohde & Schwarz            ESIB7            EMI Test Receiver         2018 Jul 31
 00024936                EMCO                       6512             Loop Antenna              2018 Jan 30*
 ID # 2130155            Omega                      iTHX-SD          3m Temp. Humidity Meter   2018 Jan 31
*Two Year Calibration Cycle

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                               Rev   B

         Prepared for: Garmin

         3.2.6          Test results

                                  Table 4 - Frequency Range Measurements
                                                        Channel (MHz)
                                  Temperature (°C)             13.56000 Nom.
                                      -20°C                13.559970
                                         -10°C             13.560000
                                           0°C             13.560000
                                          10°C             13.560000
                                          20°C             13.560039
                                          30°C             13.559970
                                          40°C             13.560000
                                          50°C             13.560000
                                               Limit: 100 PPM

                                Table 5 - Voltage Range Measurements
                                                          Channel (MHz)
                       Temperature (°C)    (VDC)            13.56000
                            20°C            3.20           13.55990982
                            20°C            3.90           13.55996994
                               20°C                 4.75 13.56003900
                    Voltage ranges provided by the manufacturer, Limit: 100 PPM

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                                              Rev        B

         Prepared for: Garmin

    3.3 Conducted Emissions
  Test Method:                           ANSI C63.10-2013, Section(s) 6.2
  Test Result:                           Complies                  Date:              6/7/2019

         3.3.1          Test Description
Conducted emissions measurements were made from 150kHz to 30MHz via a 50µH Line
Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN). The results were compared against the limits.
Measurements were made on both the line and neutral conductors by first using a spectrum
analyzer to acquire the signal spectrum; individual frequencies were then measured using a
CISPR 16.1 compliant receiver with the following bandwidth setting:
       150kHz – 30MHz: 9kHz IF bandwidth, 5kHz steps

         3.3.2          Test Results
No results were found to be in excess of the limits. A plot of the results can be seen below.

         3.3.3          Test Environment
Testing was performed at the NCEE Labs Lincoln facility. Laboratory environmental
conditions varied slightly throughout the test:
        Relative humidity of 30 ± 5%
        Temperature of 23 ±2o C

         3.3.4          Test Setup
To produce the highest possible emissions, the WiFi mode that produced the highest output
power was set to transmit simultaneously. See Section 2.3 for further details.

         3.3.5          Test Equipment Used
     Serial No.            Manufacturer                  Model               Description       Last Cal.
 836679/010              Rohde & Schwarz            ESH3-Z5          Artificial Mains        26 Jul 2018
 100037                  Rohde & Schwarz            ES126            EMI Test Receiver       30 Jan 2018*
 2575                    Rohde & Schwarz            ES-K1            Software v.1.60         N/A
*Two Year Calibration Cycle

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                         Rev   B

         Prepared for: Garmin

         3.3.6          Test Pictures and/or Figures

                                    Figure 10 - Conducted Emissions, Line
All Measurements were found to be at least 10 dB below the limits.

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                          Rev   B

         Prepared for: Garmin

                                  Figure 11 - Conducted Emissions, Neutral

All Measurements were found to be at least 10 dB below the limits.

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                                Rev         B

         Prepared for: Garmin

                          Annex A: Measurement Uncertainty
Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been for tests
performed in this test report:

Test                                                Frequency Range   Uncertainty Value (dB)
Radiated Emissions, 3m                                30MHz - 1GHz           ±3.82 dB
Radiated Emissions, 3m                                1GHz - 18GHz           ±4.44 dB
Emissions limits, conducted                          30MHz – 18GHz           ±3.30 dB
Antenna port conducted                               9 kHz – 25 GHz          ±0.50 dB

Values were calculated per CISPR 16-4-2:2011

Expanded uncertainty values are calculated to a confidence level of 95%.

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                            Rev         B

         Prepared for: Garmin

               Annex B: Sample Field Strength Calculation
Radiated Emissions

The field strength is calculated in decibels (dB) by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable
Factor, and subtracting the Amplifier Gain (if any) from the measured reading. The basic
equation with a sample calculation is as follows:

         FS = R + AF – (-CF + AG)

where FS = Field Strength

         R = Receiver Amplitude Receiver reading in dBµV

         AF = Antenna Factor

         CF = Cable Attenuation Factor

         AG = Preamplifier Amplifier Gain

Assume a receiver reading of 55.00 dBV is obtained. The Antenna Factor of 12.00 and a
Cable Factor of 1.10 is added. The Amplifier Gain of 20 dB is subtracted, giving a field
strength of 48.10 dBV/m.

FS = 55.00 + 12.00 – (-1.10 + 20.00) = 48.1 dBV/m

The 48.1 dBV/m value can be mathematically converted to its corresponding level in V/m.

Level in V/m = Common Antilogarithm [(48.1 dBV/m)/20]= 254.1 V/m

Conducted Emissions

Receiver readings are compared directly to the conducted emissions limits in decibels (dB)
by adding the cable loss and LISN insertion loss to the receiver reading. The basic
equations with a sample calculation is as follows;

         FS = R + IL – (-CF)

where V = Conducted Emissions Voltage Measurement

         R = Receiver reading in dBµV
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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                               Rev       B

         Prepared for: Garmin

         IL = LISN Insertion Loss

         CF = Cable Attenuation Factor

Assume a receiver reading of 52.00 dBV is obtained. The LISN insertion loss of 0.80 dB
and a Cable Factor of 1.10 is added. The Amplifier Gain of 20 dB is subtracted, giving a
field strength of 48.1 dBV/m.

V = 52.00 + 0.80 – (-1.10) = 53.90 dBV/m

The 53.90 dBV/m value can be mathematically converted to its corresponding level in

Level in V/m = Common Antilogarithm [(48.1 dBV/m)/20]= 495.45 V/m

*Note: NCEE Labs uses the Rohde and Schwarz ES-K1 software package. In this software,
all cable losses are listed as negative. This is why cable loss is subtracting in the preceding

Margin is calculated by taking the limit and subtracting the Field

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     Report Number: R20181219-20-15                                 Rev   B

         Prepared for: Garmin

                                                    REPORT END

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Document Created: 2019-08-15 09:17:42
Document Modified: 2019-08-15 09:17:42

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