User Manual

FCC ID: IPH-03491

Users Manual

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Owner‘s Manual

© 2019 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Garmin. Garmin reserves the right to change or improve its
products and to make changes in the content of this manual without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements. Go to for current updates
and supplemental information concerning the use of this product.
Garmin and the Garmin logo are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the USA and other countries. Garmin Connect™, Garmin Express™ and Xero are trademarks of
       ®                                                                                                                                                            ®

Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without the express permission of Garmin.
The BLUETOOTH word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Garmin is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their

respective owners.

                         Table of Contents
Getting Started............................................................... 1
Device Overview ......................................................................... 1
Tripod Adjustments ..................................................................... 1
Installing the Tripod .................................................................... 1
Adjusting the Tripod Angle ......................................................... 2
Charging the Device ................................................................... 2
Turning On the Device ................................................................ 2
Adding a Gun Profile...................................................... 2
Activating a Gun Profile .............................................................. 2
Trap Game Modes.......................................................... 2
Starting a Trap Shooting Session ............................................... 2
Changing The Shooting Station .................................................. 3
Upland Training Mode.................................................... 3
Positioning the Device for Upland Training ................................ 3
Starting an Upland Training Session .......................................... 3
Shot Analysis.................................................................. 4
Scores............................................................................. 4
Break Factor Score ..................................................................... 4
Scorecards .................................................................................. 4
Accuracy Summary ..................................................................... 4
Clay Angle and Distance ............................................................ 5
Upland Factor ............................................................................. 5
Xero App ......................................................................... 5
Pairing Your Smartphone ........................................................... 5
Customizing Your Device.............................................. 5
Device Settings ........................................................................... 5
System Settings .......................................................................... 5
Device Information......................................................... 5
Product Updates ......................................................................... 5
Device Care ................................................................................ 6
Cleaning the Outer Casing ......................................................... 6
Cleaning the Touchscreen .......................................................... 6
Cleaning the Camera Lens ......................................................... 6
Specifications .............................................................................. 6
Viewing E-label Regulatory and Compliance Information .......... 6
Troubleshooting............................................................. 6
The device is showing incorrect distances ................................. 6
Resetting Data and Settings ....................................................... 6
Getting More Information ............................................................ 6
Index................................................................................ 7

Table of Contents                                                                                 i

                     Getting Started                                   ©                          Swpe to scroll hrough Teatures, data
                                                                                                  sereens, and menus
UAwarhiNe                                                              Touchscree                 "Tap to select
This device is intended to provide accurate alming   solutions         ©                          Remove before using the device.
based on calibrated measurements of current conditions only.           Protective cover           Replace when not in use.
Depending on your environment, conditions may change rapidly.
Changes in environmental conditions, like wind gusts or
downrange winds, may have an effect on the accuracy of your            Tripod Adjustments
shot. Aiming solutions are suggestions only based upon your            The tripod adjustment controls are located on the underside of
input into the device. Always allow a margin of safety for             the Xero S1 device.
changing conditions and reading errors.
Always inspect your equipment before using a firearm. You are
responsible for understanding and complying with any
applicable regulations for using a firearm.
Always understand your target and what lies beyond your target
before taking a shot. Failure to account for your shooting
environment could cause property damage, injury, or death.
See the Important Safety and Product Information quide in the
product box for product warnings and other important
The Xero S1 trapshooting trainer helps you improve your
trapshooting score by tracking a clay target and your shot using
a combination of radarand camera sensors. The device can
track orange, green, and pink clays in both 108 mm and 110 mm
sizes. Othersizes and colors are not supported.
NOTE: This device is intended to track one clay and one shot at
a time. Doubles trap and trap games that allow multiple shots
are not supported.                                                     ©                         Adjusts the angle of the Xero 51 device on
                                                                       ‘Tripod adjustment button the tripod ball mount
Device Overview                                                        ©                         ‘Opens the socket to install the inpod ball
                                                                       (Tripod release lever     |M°U"t

                                                                       Installing the Tripod
                                                                       1: Screw the ripod ball mount ® onto the tripod assembly ®.

                                                                          NOTE: The ripod ball mount uses 1/4"—20 thread size and is
                                                                          compatible with most fripods. For best performance, do not
                                                                          raise the device beyond waist height or a total height of 1.2 m
                                                                       2. Completely depress and hold the tripod release lever ®.

®                           Press to lum on the device
Power button                Hold to tur off the device
©                           Connect a compat ble USB cable to charge
Micro—USB power and         |he device or transfer data using your
(data port (under weather   |COMPUS—

                                                                       3. While depressing the tripod release lever, insert the tripod
                                                                           ball mount into the socket @.
Getting Started

     NOTE: The ball mount should insert easily into the socket. If                    Adding a Gun Profile
     itis diffcult to insert, you should confirm the tripod release
     lever is depressed completely.                                    The device uses gun profiles with each shooting session. The
                                                                       gun profile you enter should match the firearm you are using for
Adjusting the Tripod Angle                                             each session. You can add up to 10 gun profiles.
You can adjust the angle of the device on the tripod ball mount        1: Select & > GUN PROFILES > ADD PROFILE.
to align it with your target.                                          2: Select a field to enter information about your firearm.
1. While holding the tripod adjustment button ®, ti the device.        3 Select 6.

                                                                       Activating a Gun Profile
                                                                       Before you can activate a gun profile, you must add a gun profile
                                                                       (Adding a Gun Profile, page 2).
                                                                       1. Select & > GUN PROFILES.
                                                                       2 Select a profile.
                                                                       3 Select ACTIVATE.

                                                                                         Trap Game Modes
                                                                       The device includes various trap game modes to best suit your
                                                                       shooting needs.
                                                                       PRACTICE: Practice mode lets you shoot a standard round of
                                                                          American trap, or work through a custom practice session.
                                                                          Each round consists of 25 shots. Feedback is provided after
                                                                          each shot.
                                                                       LEAGUE: League mode consists of a standard round of
                                                                          American Trap. Shooters take five shots from five stations.
2. Release the tripod adjustment button to set the position.              You can choose to receive rea—time feedback or use the
                                                                          device for scorekeeping. When the device is configured for
 Charging the Device                                                      scorekeeping only, each shot is recorded for review at the
                                                                          end of a round.
                                                                       TOURNAMENT: You can customize tournament mode to work
To prevent corrosion, thoroughly dry the USB port, the weather
                                                                          with the rules of your tournament. If necessary, you can set
cap, and the surrounding area before charging or connecting to
                                                                          the display mode to present feedback only when a round is
a computer.
NOTE: The device does not charge when it is outside the                   NOTE: This product is not intended for double trap
approved temperature range (Specifications, page 6).                      environments or games that allow multiple shots for each
 1. Lift the weather cap ®.                                               target.

                                                                       Starting a Trap Shooting Session
                                                                       1. Position the device directly in front of you at your shooting

     Plug the small end of the power cable into the USB port ® on

     the device.
     Plug theother end of the powercable into the included AC

     power adapter.
     Plug the AC power adapterinto a standard wall outlet.

     Charge the device completely.
     NOTE: A complete charge may take up to 3 hours.
                                                                       2. Stand direcily behind the Xero S1 device with yourfront foot
Turning On the Device                                                     no more than 46 cm (18 in.) away from it.
     Press POWER.                                                         Select TRAP MODE.
                                                                      n w

     The first time you turn on the device, you must follow the on—       Select a trap game mode (Trap Game Modes, page 2).
     screen instructions to complete the setup process.                   If necessary, select a data field to change information about
                                                                          your shooting session.

                                                                                                                       Adding a Gun Profie

        TIP: Information entered on the setup screen is used to           1. Position your trap thrower so it consistently launches clays
        calibrate the device for your shooting session. You should           into an area that is safe for shooting.
        verify all information is accurate.                               2. Place your Xero S1 device 1.5 m (5 ft.) away from the trap
        Select /.                                                             thrower in the 7 o‘clock ® or 5 o‘clock @ position.
o ~ o

        Select your current shooting station, and select /.
        Align the device so the point of the arrow ® is centered
        above the trap house ®.

                6 ‘              Auch untr              ‘ &

        NOTE: The arrow and trap house could appearin different
        positions depending on your shooting station. You should          3. Stand directly behind the Xero S1 device with yourfront foot
        verify the top of the alignment window is aligned with the top       no more than 46 cm (18 in.) away from it.
        edge of the trap house.
  9. Select /.                                                            Starting an Upland Training Session
  10 Whenthe READY noffication appears, begin your shooting               1 Select UPLAND MODE.
     session.                                                             2. Select the number of shooters.
     NOTE: The device will not detect a shot until the READY              3. Select the shooter who owns the device, and select /.
     notification is on the screen. You should always confirm the
     device is ready before taking a shot.                               4. If necessary, select a data field to change information about
                                                                            your shooting session.
  After five shots, you are prompted to change shooting stations.
  Follow the on—screen instructions to set up your device at a              TIP: Information entered on the setup screen is used to
  different shooting station.                                               calibrate the device for your shooting session. You should
                                                                            verify all information is accurate.
  Changing The Shooting Station                                             Select /.

  After five shots, you are automatically prompted to change             6. Position the device for an upland training session (Positioning
  shooting stations. If necessary, you can change stations                  the Device for Upland Training, page 3), and select /.
  manually.                                                              7. Align the device so the line at the bottom of the screen is
  1. During a shooting session, select E2 > CHANGE STATION.                   aligned with the horizon, and select /.
  2. Select a shooting station, and select /.                             8. Rotate the device so the trap thrower is in view at the edgeof
                                                                              the screen, and select /.
  3. Follow the on—screen instructions to align the device for your
     shooting station.                                                   9 Rotate the device the opposite direction until the trap thrower
                                                                              is no longer visible on the screen, and select .
                                                                          10 Launch a test clay, observing the screen where the clay ®
                    Upland Training Mode                                      first appears on the view screen.
  Upland training mode lets you practice yourskills with a
  compatible trap throwerin environments outside of the trap field.
  A standard round of upland shooting consists of 25 targets. Up
                                                                                      *                auoh un                ‘ &
  to six shooters can compete against each otherin a single round
  of upland shooting. Each shooter must stand behind the Xero
  S1 device when taking their shot.

  Positioning the Device for Upland Training
  Never stand in front of the shooting position when operating this
  device or a trap thrower. Always understand your target and
  whatlies beyond your target before taking a shot. Fallure to            11 Confirm the clay is visible on the view screen through its
  accountfor your shooting environment could cause property                  entire flight path.
  damage, injury, or death.
                                                                          12Select the area at the edge of the screen ® where the clay
  Use upland training mode only with a remote—operated                        enters the field of view.
  electronic trap thrower. Compatible trap throwers must be                   NOTE: if the clay does not pass through one of the
  capable of launching clay targets in a consistent trajectory each           selectable areas, adjust the angle of the device untl it does.
  time. This device does not support hand throwers or manually
                                                                          13Select /.
  operated throwers.
                                                                          14When the READY noffication appears, begin your shooting

  Upland Traiing Mode

             NOTE: The device will not detect a shot until the READY
             notification is on the screen. You should always confirm the
             device is ready before taking a shot.

                                Shot Analysis
 After each shot, the device shows you an analysis of your shot.
 You can use this information to improve your accuracy and
 consistency.                                                                                               M6AGIEAIE


                                                                                                          Tolal targels hit per station
                                                                                                          Round score
                                                                                                          Score distnbution
             The location of the shot pattem in relation to the clay                                      Break factor score
0|00 9 0 9

             The distance from the clay to the center of the shot pattem
             The direction of the shot pattemin relation to the clay                 Viewing Saved Scorecards
                                                                                     1. From the main menu, select
             The distance of the clay at the moment it was broken
                                                                                     2: Select a scorecard.
             The numberof clays hit out of the total number of shots
             Shooting station information ({rap mode) or shooter number (upland      Accuracy Summary
             training mode)                                                          When viewing your scorecard, you can select w to view the
                                                                                     accuracy summary for the round. The accuracy summary shows
                                                                                     the distance and direction of each shot in relation to the clay
                                       Scores                                        target. You can use this information to see your aiming trends
                                                                                     through each round.
  Break Factor Score
 Each of your shots earns a point value based on how well you
 break a clay target. You can eamn up to 100 points for each 25—
 shot round.
   Trapshooting Value                                   Point Value
   SMASH                                                4
   CLEAN                                                3
   CHIP                                                 1
   MISS                                                 0

   Upland Training Value                                    Point Value
   CLEAN                                                    4
   BLASTED                                                  3
   WOUND                                                    1
   MISS                                                     0

                                                                                                     Indicates if the shot was a hit or miss
                                                                                  o| 0| 0|0|0|@|9)

 You can review the scorecard at the end of each round.                                              The dislance of the shot group from the center of the clay target
 Scorecards are saved to the device memory automatically. You                                        The angle of the shot group in relation to the clay target
 can select w to view additional information about the round.
                                                                                                     A graphical represontation of each shot in relation to the clay target
                                                                                                     The average distance of the shot in relation to the clay target when
                                                                                                     hiting or missing
                                                                                                     The average distance of l shots in relation to the clay target for
                                                                                                     the entire round
                                                                                                     A graphical represontation ofall shots in relation to the clay target
                                                                                                     forthe entie round

                                                                                                                                                              Shot Analysis

Clay Angle and Distance                                                  Pairing Your Smartphone
When viewing your scorecard, you can select w to view clay               To use the connected features of the Xero S1 device, it must be
angle and distance information for each round. The clay angle            paired directly through the Xero app, instead of from the
and distance page shows your success rate when the clay is               Bluetooth® seftings on your smartphone.
thrown at different angles. You can use this information to see          1. From the app store on your smartphone, install and open the
your accuracy trends when the clay is thrown at different angles.           Xero app.
                                                                         2 Bring your smartphone within 10 m (33 ft.) of your device.
                                                                         3 On your Xero S1 device, select & > PHONE > ADD NEW.
                                                                         4. From the Xero app, select 4, and follow the on—screen

                                                                                    Customizing Your Device
                                                                         Device Settings
                                                                         From the main menu, select &.
                                                                         GUN PROFILES: Sets custom profiles for your firearm and
                                                                           ammunition (Adding a Gun Profile, page 2).
                                                                         PHONE: Sets options for pairing the device with a compatible
                                                                           phone and the Xero app (Paiting Your Smartphone, page 5).
                                                                         DISPLAY: Sets the screen timeout and brightness (Adjusting
                                                                           the Screen Timeout and Brightness, page 5).
 @] The angle of the cay:                                                LED INDICATOR: Enables or disables the status LED located
                                                                           below the device screen.
 (@)Clay targets hit or missed at diferent distances. You can tap the
    grid to view additional shots, if available                          SYSTEM: Configures seftings for how the system operates
 ®| The number of hits out of the tolal number of clay targets at each     (System Settings, page5).
    angle.                                                               Adjusting the Screen Timeout and Brightness
                                                                         You can adjust the screen timeout and backlight brightness to
 Upland Factor                                                           extend battery life.
When viewing your scorecard after an upland         ing session,         1 Select & > DISPLAY.
you can select w to view upland factor information for each
round. The upland factor shows how you hit or miss at different          2: Select an option:
distances. You can use this information to find your optimal                + To adjust the screen timeout, select SCREEN TIMEOUT.
distance for upland shooting based on your accuracy trends.                 + To adjust the screen brightness, select BRIGHTNESS.
                                                                         3. Select a time or brightness level.

                                                                         System Settings
                                                                         From the main menu, select & > SYSTEM.
                                                                         DATE AND TIME: Sets options for the time and date.
                                                                         AUTO OFF: Sets the device to turn off automatically after one
                                                                            hour of inactivity.
                                                                         LANGUAGE: Sets the device language.
                                                                         UNITS: Sets the units of measure (Changing the Units of
                                                                            Measure, page5).
                                                                         RESET: Sets options for resetting the device settings, formatting
                                                                           the device storage, or returning the device to factory settings
                                                                            (Resetting Data and Settings, page 6).
                                                                         REGULATORY INFO: Displays regulatory and compliance
                                                                         ABOUT: Displays technical information about the device.
        Target number

                                                                         Changing the Units of Measure
        Set number
                                                                         You can customize units of measure displayed on the device.
        A graph of hils or misses at different distances                 1 Select & > SYSTEM > UNITS.
        Distance of the clay target                                      2: Select measurement system.

                              Xero App                                                   Device Information
The Xero app stores information from each round for historical           Product Updates
review and statistical analysis. You can download the Xero app
from the app store on your smartphone.                                   On your computer, install Garmin Express" (

Xero App

This provides easy access to these services for Garmin®                1 Select &.
devices:                                                               2. Select SYSTEM.
+ Software updates                                                     3. Select REGULATORY INFO.
+ Product registration

Device Care                                                                               Troubleshooting
                            [lories                                    The device is showing incorrect distances
Do not store the device where prolonged exposure to extreme            + When using trap mode, verify that no part of the trap thrower
temperatures can occur, because it can cause permanent                   extends above the alignment window.
                                                                       + When using upland mode, verify that no part of the trap
Never use a hard or sharp object to operate the touchscreen, or          thrower is visible on the device screen.
damage may result.
                                                                       + Verify the clay target is visible on the screen during its entire
Avoid chemical cleaners, solvents, and insect repellents that can         fight path.
damage plastic components and finishes.
Secure the weather cap tightly to prevent damage to the USB            Resetting Data and Settings
port.                                                                  The device offers several options for deleting your user data and
                                                                       resetting all settings to factory default values.
Cleaning the Outer Casing                                              1 Select©> SYSTEM > RESET.
                           [lories                                     2. Select an option:
Avoid chemical cleaners and solvents that can damage plastic              * To reset all settings to default values, select SETTINGS.
components.                                                               + To format and erase all user data stored on the device,
1. Clean the outer casing of the device (not the screen) using a             select FORMAT STORAGE.
   cloth dampened with a mild detergent solution.                         * Todelete all user data and reset all settings to factory
2. Wipe the device dry.                                                      default values, select FACTORY RESET.

Cleaning the Touchscreen                                               Getting More Information
                                                                       You can find more information about this product on the Garmin
1. Use a soft, clean, lint—free cloth.
2. If necessary, lightly dampen the cloth with water.
                                                                       + Go to for additional manuals, articles,
3. If using a dampened cloth, turn off the device and disconnect          and software updates.
   the device from power.
                                                                       + Go to, or contact your Garmin dealer for
4. Gently wipe the screen with the cloth.                                 information about optional accessories and replacement
Cleaning the Camera Lens
Avoid chemical cleaners and solvents that can damage plastic
You should clean the camera lens regularly to keep the camera
lens free of dirt and debris.
1. Wipe the lens with a non—scratch lens cloth, optionally
   dampened with isopropy! alcohol.
2. Allow the lens to air dry.

Battery type                 Rechargeable, buitin Ithium—ion battery
(Wireless frequency/protocol 24 GHz @—0.74 dbm nommnal
                             24 GHz @ 3.87 dBm nominal
Operating temperature range From —20° to 60°C (from —4° to 140°F)
Charging temperature range From 7° to 43°C (from 45° to 100°F)
(Water resistance            1EC 60520 IPX7*

*The device withstands incidental exposure to water of up to 1 m
for up to 30 min. For more information, go to

Viewing E—label Regulatory and Compliance
The labelfor this device is provided electronically. The e—label
may provide regulatory information, such as identification
numbers provided by the FCC or regional compliance markings,
as well as applicable product and licensing information.

6                                                                                                                          Troubleshootng

accessories 6
applications 5
apps, smartphone 5
battery 6
   charging 2
break factor score 4
cleaning, device 6
cleaning the device 6
cleaning the touchscreen 6
customizing the device 5
   storing 5
   transferring 5
   care 6
   cleaning 6
game modes 2
Garmin Express, updating software 5
gun profile 2
history, sending to computer 5
keys 1
menu 1
pairing, smartphone 5
power key 2
resetting the device 6
scorecard 4, 5
screen 5
settings 5
shot analysis 4
smartphone 5
    pairing 5
software, updating 5
specifications 6
storing data 5
system settings 5
temperature 6
touchscreen 1
trap shooting 2, 3
tripod 1
    adjusting 2
    installing 1
troubleshooting 6
units of measure 5
upland training mode 3
    position 3
water rating 6

Index                                 7

 K. c €                     April 2019
 mm                  190—02532—00_0A

Document Created: 2019-07-15 09:51:35
Document Modified: 2019-07-15 09:51:35

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