User Manual 2

FCC ID: IPH-03437

Users Manual

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a uie   Go to                                      8 Select Rest> Type.
        Create and save a new workout.                                    9. Select Distance, Time, or Open.
        Select Send to Device, and follow the on—screen                   10 f necessary, enter a distance or time value for the rest
        instructions.                                                        interval, and select /.
  5. Disconnect the device.                                               11 Select BACK.
  Starting a Workout                                                      12Select one or more options:
  Before you can start a workout, you must download a workout                + To set the number of repetitions, select Repeat.
  from your Garmin Connect account.                                          * To add an open—ended warm up to your workout, select
  1. From the watch face, select @.                                             Warm Up > On.
  2 Select an activity.                                                      + To add an open—ended cool down to your workout, select
                                                                                 Cool Down > On.
  3 Hold MENU
  4 Select Training > My Workouts.                                        Starting an Interval Workout
                                                                                  From the watch face, select

                                                                     o ue w n 4
  5 Select a workout.
     NOTE: Only workouts that are compatible with the selected                    Select an activity.
     activity appearin the list.                                                  Hold MENU.
  6 Select Do Workout.                                                            Select Training > Intervals > Do Workout.
  7 Select ®to start the timer.                                                   Select @to start the timer.
  After you begin a workout, the device displays each stepof the                  When your interval workout has a warm up, select LAP to
  workout, step notes (optional), the target (optional), and the                  begin the first interval.
  current workout data.                                                   7. Follow the on—screen instructions.
  About the Training Calendar                                             After you complete all of the intervals, a message appears.
  The training calendaron your device is an extension of the
                                                                          Stopping an Interval Workout
  training calendar or schedule you set up in Garmin Connect.
  After you haveadded a few workouts to the Garmin Connect                + At any time, select LAP to stop the current interval or rest
  calendar, you can send them to your device. All scheduled                 period and transition to the next interval or rest period.
  workouts sent to the device appearin the training calendar list         + After all intervals and rest periods are complete, select LAP
  by date. When you select a day in the training calendar, you can          to end the interval workout and transition to a timer that can
  view or do the workout. The scheduled workout stays on your               be used for cool down.
  device whether you complete it or skip it. When you send                * At any time, select @to stop the timer. You can resume the
  scheduled workouts from Garmin Connect, they overvrite the                      timer or end the interval workout.
  existing training calendar.
  Using Garmin Connect Training Plans                                     Segments
  Before you can download and use a training plan from Garmin             You can send running or cycling segments from your Garmin
  Connect, you must havea Garmin Connect account (Garmin                  Connect account to your device. After a segment is saved to
  Connect, page 6).                                                       your device, you can race a segment, trying to match or exceed
  You can browse Garmin Connect to find a training plan,                  your personal record or otherparticipants who have raced the
  schedule workouts and courses, and download the plan to your            segment.
  device.                                                                 NOTE: When you download a course from your Garmin
  1. Connect the device to your computer.                                 Connect account, you can download all of the available
                                                                          segments in the course.
  2. Go to
  3 Select and schedule a training plan.                                  Strava" Segments
                                                                          You can download Strava segments to your fenix 5/!5S/5X Plus
  4: Review the training plan in your calendar.
                                                                          device. Follow Strava segments to compare your performance
  5 Select [~] and follow the on—screen instructions.                     with your past rides, friends, and pros who have ridden the
                                                                          same segment.
  Interval Workouts                                                       To sign up for a Strava membership, go to the segments widget
  You can create interval workouts based on distance or time. The         in your Garmin Connect account. For more information, go to
  device saves your custom interval workout until you create    
  anotherinterval workout. You can use open intervals for track           The information in this manual applies to both Garmin Connect
  workouts and when you are running a known distance.                     segments and Strava segments.
  Creating an Interval Workout                                            Viewing Segment Details
  1. From the watch face, select @.                                               Select @.
                                                                     o ue w n 4

  2 Select an activity.                                                           Select an activity.
  3 Hold MENU                                                                     Hold MENU.
  4     Select Training > Intervals > Edit > Interval> Type.                      Select Training > Segments.
  5 Select Distance, Time, or Open.                                               Select a segment.
    TIP: You can create an open—ended interval by selecting the                   Select an option:
    Open option.
                                                                                  * Select Race Time to view the time and average speed or
    Select Duration, enter a distance or time interval value for

                                                                                     pace for the segment leader.
    the workout, and select /.
                                                                                  * Select Map to view the segment on the map.
  7 Select BACK.

  Training                                                                                                                                   19

                * Select Elevation Plot to view an elevation plot of the                *
                                                                                      Select Distance and Pace or Distance and Speed to
                  segment.                                                            select a distance and pace or speed target.
       Racing a Segment                                                            The training target screen appears and displays your
                                                                                   estimated finish time. The estimated finish time is based on
      Segments are virtual race courses. You can race a segment,
                                                                                   your current performance and the time remaining.
      and compare your performance to past activities, others‘
      performance, connections in your Garmin Connect account, or                6 Select @to start the timer.
      other members of the running orcycling communities. You can
      upload your activity data to your Garmin Connect account to                Cancelling a Training Target
      view your segment position.                                                1. During an activity, hold MENU.
      NOTE: if your Garmin Connect account and Strava account are                2 Select CancelTarget > Yes.
      linked, your activity is automatically sent to your Strava account
      so you can review the segment position.                                    Racing a Previous Activity
       1 Select @.                                                              You can race a previously recorded or downloaded activity. This
                                                                                feature works with the Virtual Partner feature so you can see
      2: Select an activity.                                                    how far ahead or behind you are during the activity.
       3. Go for a run or ride.                                                 NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.
         When you approach a segment, a message appears, and                            From the watch face, select @

                                                                            a n w n 4
         you can race the segment.
                                                                                        Select an activity.
      4: Start racing the segment.
                                                                                        Hold MENU.
      A message appears when the segment is complete.
                                                                                        Select Training > Race an Activity.
      Setting a Segment to Adjust Automatically                                         Select an option:
      You can set your device to automatically adjust the target race
      time of a segment based on your performance during the                            * Select From History to select a previously recorded
      segment.                                                                             activity from your device.
      NOTE: This setting is enabled for all segments by default.                        * Select Downloaded to select an activity you downloaded
                                                                                           from your Garmin Connect account.
      1 Select@.
                                                                                 6 Select the activity.
      2: Select an activity.
                                                                                    The Virtual Partner screen appears indicating yourestimated
      3. Hold MENU                                                                  finish time.
      4: Select Training > Segments > Auto Effort.                               7. Select @to start the timer.
                                                                                 8. After you complete your activity, select @ > Save.
       Using Virtual Partner®
      Your Virtual Partneris a training tool designed to help you meet           Personal Records
      your goals. You can set a pace for the Virtual Partner and race
                                                                                When you complete an activity, the device displays any new
      against it.
                                                                                personal records you achieved during that activity. Personal
      NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.                   records include yourfastest time over several typical race
         Hold MENU                                                              distances and longest run or ride.
o ~ o e en —4

                Select Settings > Activities & Apps.                            NOTE: For cycling, personal records also include most ascent
                Select an activity.                                             and best power (power meter required).
                Select the activity settings.                                   Viewing Your Personal Records
                Select Data Screens > Add New > Virtual Partner.                 1. Hold MENU
                Enter a pace or speed value.                                     2. Select History > Records.
                Start your activity (Starting an Activity, page 2).              3. Select a sport.
                Select UP or DOWN to scroll to the Virtual Partner screen       4. Select a record.
                and see who is leading.                                          5. Select View Record.

       Setting a Training Target                                                 Restoring a Personal Record
                                                                                You can set each personal record back to the one previously
      The training target feature works with the Virtual Partner feature
      so you can frain toward a set distance, distance and time,
                                                                                   Hold MENU.
                                                                            e w n 4

      distance and pace, or distance and speed goal. During your
      training activity, the device gives you real—time feedback about             Select History > Records.
      how close you are to achieving your training target.                         Select a sport.
       1. From the watch face, select @.                                           Select a record to restore.
      2: Select an activity.                                                       Select Previous > Yes.
      3. Hold MENU                                                                 NOTE: This does not delete any saved activities.
      4. Select Training > Seta Target.
       5. Select an option:
                                                                                 Clearing a Personal Record
                                                                                 1. Hold MENU
          * Select Distance Only to select a preset distance or enter
             a custom distance.                                                  2 Select History > Records.
          * Select Distance and Time to select a distance and time               3. Select a sport.
             target.                                                            4: Select a record to delete.
                                                                                 5. Select Clear Record > Yes.

      20                                                                                                                                  Training

         NOTE: This does not delete any saved activities.                  Adding Alternate Time Zones
  Clearing All Personal Records                                           You can display the current time of day in additional time zones
  1. Hold MENU                                                            on the Alt. Time Zones widget. You can add up to four alternate
                                                                          time zones.
  2. Select History > Records.
                                                                          NOTE: You may need to add the Alt. Time Zones widget to the
     NOTE: This does not delete any saved activities.                     widget loop.
   3. Select a sport.                                                      1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  4: Select ClearAll Records > Yes.                                        2: Select Clock > Alt. Time Zones > Add Zone.
     The records are deleted for that sport only.                          3 Select a time zone.
                                                                          4 If necessary, select Yes to rename the zone.
                                                                           Setting Clock Alerts
   Setting an Alarm                                                        1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
  You can set up to ten separate alarms. You can set each alarm            2: Select Clock > Alerts.
  to sound once orto repeat regularly.                                     3. Select an option:
  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.                                          + To set an alert to sound a specific number of minutes or
     Select Clock > Alarm Clock > Add Alarm.                                     hours before the actual sunset occurs, select Til Sunset >
m w ie

     Select Time, and enter the alarm time.                                      Status > On, select Time, and enterthe time.
     Select Repeat, and select when the alarm should repeat                   + To set an alert to sound a specific number of minutes or
      (optional).                                                                hours before the actual sunrise occurs, select Til Sunrise
                                                                                 > Status > On, select Time, and enterthe time.
     Select Sounds, and select a type of notification (optional).
o a

                                                                              + To set an alert to sound every hour, select Hourly > On.
     Select Backlight > On to turn on the backlight with the alarm.
  7 Select Label, and select a description for the alarm                   Syncing the Time with GPS
      (optional).                                                         Each time you turn on the device and acquire satellites, the
   Deleting an Alarm                                                      device automatically detects your time zones and the current
                                                                          time of day. You can also manually sync the time with GPS
  1. From the watch face, hold MENU.
                                                                          when you change time zones, and to update for daylight saving
  2. Select Clock > Alarm Clock.                                          time.
   3 Select an alarm.                                                      1. From the watch face, hold MENU
  4 Select Delete.                                                         2. Select Clock > Sync With GPS.
                                                                           3. Wait while the device locates satelites (Acquiing Satellte
   Starting the Countdown Timer                                               Signals, page 33).
     From the watch face, hold MENU.
m uw 4

     Select Clock > Timer.
     Enter the time.
     If necessary, select Restart > On to automatically restart the        Saving Your Location
     timer after it expires.
                                                                          You can save your current location to navigate back to it later.
  5. If necessary, select Sounds, and select a type of nofification.
                                                                          1. Hold LIGHT.
  6 Select Start Timer.
                                                                          2 Select 0.
   Using the Stopwatch                                                     3. Follow the on—screen instructions.
   1. From the watch face, hold MENU.                                      Editing Your Saved Locations
  2. Select Clock > Stopwatch.                                            You can delete a saved location or edit its name, elevation, and
  3. Select @ to start the timer.                                         position information.
  4. Select LAP to restart the lap timer®.                                 1. From the watch face, select @ > Navigate > Saved
                                                                           2: Select a saved location.
                                                                           3. Select an option to edit the location.

                                                                           Projecting a Waypoint
                                                                          You can create a new location by projecting the distance and
                                                                          bearing from your current location to a new location.
                                                                           1. If necessary, select @ > Add > Project Wpt. to add the
                                                                                  project waypoint app to the apps list.
    Thetotal stopwatch time @ continues running.                                  Select Yes to add the app to your list of favorites.
                                                                       ~o ue en

  5 Select @ to stop both timers.                                                 From the watch face, select @ > Project Wpt..
  6 Select an option.                                                             Select UP or DOWN to set the heading.
                                                                                  Select @.
                                                                                  Select DOWN to select a unit of measure.
                                                                                  Select UP to enter the distance.

  Clock                                                                                                                                      21

   8: Select @ to save.                                                    The device creates up to three courses. You can select
   The projected waypoint is saved with a default name.                    DOWN to view the courses.
                                                                        7. Select @ to select a course.
    Navigating to a Destination                                         8 Select an option:
   You can use your device to navigate to a destination or follow a       + To begin navigation, select Go.
   course.                                                                + To view the course on the map and pan or 2com the map,
           From the watch face, select @ > Navigate.
m uw 4

                                                                             select Map.
      Select a category.                                                  + To view a list of turns in the course, select Turn By Turn.
      Respond to the on—screen prompts to choose a destination.           * To view an elevation plot of the course, select Elevation
      Select Go To.                                                          Plot.
      Navigation information appears.
    5 Select @ to begin navigation.
                                                                        Marking and Starting Navigation to a Man
                                                                        Overboard Location
    Navigating to a Point of Interest                                   You can save a man overboard (MOB) location, and
                                                                        automatically start navigation back to it.
    If the map data installed on your device includes points of
    interest, you can navigate to them.                                 TIP: You can customize the hold function of the keys to access
                                                                        the MOB function (Customizing the Hot Keys, page 30).
           From the watch face, select @.
m uw 4

                                                                           From the watch face, select @ > Navigate > Last MOB.
      Select an activity.
                                                                           Navigation information appears.
      Hold MENU
      Select Navigation > Points of Interest, and select a              Navigating with Sight ‘N Go
                                                                        You can point the device at an object in the distance, such as a
      A list of points of interest nearyour current location appears.   water tower, lock in the direction, and then navigate to the
   5. If necessary, select an option:                                   object.
      + To search near a different location, select Search Near,        1. From the watch face, select @ > Navigate > Sight N Go.
          and select a location.                                        2. Point the top of the watch at an object, and select @.
      * To search for a point of interest by name, select Spell            Navigation information appears.
          Search, enter a name, select Search Near, and select a
          location.                                                     3. Select @ to begin navigation.
   6 Select a point of interest from the search results.
                                                                        Navigating to Your Starting Point During an
   7 Select Go.
      Navigation information appears.                                   You can navigate back to the starting point of your current
   8: Select @ to begin navigation.                                     activity in a straight line or along the path you traveled. This
                                                                        feature is available only for activities that use GPS.
    Points of Interest
   A point of interest is a place that you may find useful or           1. During an activity, select@> Back to Start.
   interesting. Points of interest are organized by category and can    2. Select an option:
   include popular travel destinations such as gas stations,               + To navigate back to the starting point of your activity along
   restaurants, hotels, and entertainment venues.                             the path you traveled, select TracBack.
                                                                           +. If you do not have a supported map or are using direct
    Creating and Following a Course on Your                                   routing, select Route to navigate back to the starting point
    Device                                                                    of your activity in a straight line.
    1.     From the watch face, select @ > Navigate > Courses >            +. If you are not using direct routing, select Route to
           Create New.                                                        navigate back to the starting point of your activity using
           Enter a name for the course, and select /.                         turn—by—turn directions.
o e w n

     Select Add Location.
     Select an option.
     If necessary, repeat steps 3 and 4.
     Select Done > Do Course.
     Navigation information appears.
   7 Select ® to begin navigation.

    Creating a Round—Trip Course
   The device can create a round—rip course based on a specified           Your current location ®, the track to follow @, and your
   distance and direction of navigation.                                   destination @ appearon the map.
           From the watch face, select @.
o ue n 4

                                                                        Navigating to the Starting Point of Your Last
           Select Run or Bike.
                                                                        Saved Activity
           Hold MENU
                                                                        You can navigate back to the starting point of your last saved
           Select Navigation > Round—Trip Course.                       activity in a straight line or along the path you traveled. This
           Enter the total distance for the course.                     feature is available only for activities that use GPS.
           Select a direction heading.                                  1. Select @ > Navigate > Back to Start > Route.


   Turn—by—turn directions help you navigate to the starting point           Icons indicating points of interest and waypoints appearon
   of your last saved activity if you have a supported map or are            the map.
   using direct routing. A line appears on the map from your                 Select UP or DOWN to highlight a section of the map.

   current location to the starting point of the last saved activity
   if you are not using direct routing.                                 4 Select@.
   NOTE: You can start the timer to prevent the device from                  A list of points of interest and waypoints in the highlighted
   timing out to watch mode.                                                 map section appear.
2. Select DOWN to view the compass (optional).                               Select @ to select a location.

                                                                       o a
   The arrow points toward your starting point.                              Select an option:
                                                                             + To start navigating to the location, select Go.
Stopping Navigation                                                          + To view the location on the map, select Map.
1. During an activity, hold MENU                                             + To save the location, select Save Location.
2. Select Stop Navigation.                                                   + To view information about the location, select Review.

Map                                                                     Compass
Your device comes preloaded with maps and can display                   The device has a 3—axis compass with automatic calibration.
several types of Garmin map data, including topographical               The compass features and appearance change depending on
contours and nearby points of interest. To purchase additional          your activity, whether GPSis enabled, and whether you are
map data and view compatibility information, go to           navigating to a destination. You can change the compass
/maps.                                                                  settings manually (Compass Settings, page 28). To open the
A represents yourlocation on the map. When you are navigating           compass seftings quickly, you can select @ from the compass
to a destination, your route is marked with a line on the map.          widget.
Viewing the Map                                                         Altimeter and Barometer
1. From the watch face, select @ > Map.                                 The device contains an internal altimeter and barometer. The
2. Hold MENU, and select an option:                                     device collects elevation and pressure data continuously, even
   * To pan or 20om the map, select Pan/Zoom.                           in low—power mode. The altimeter displays your approximate
                                                                        elevation based on pressure changes. The barometer displays
      TIP: You can select @ to toggle between panning up and            environmental pressure data based on the fixed elevation where
     down, panning left and right, or zooming. You can hold @           the altimeter was most recently calibrated (Altimeter Settings,
     to select the point indicated by the crosshairs.                   page 29). To open the altimeter or barometer settings quickly,
   + To see nearby points of interest and waypoints, select             select @ from the altimeter or barometer widgets.
     Around Me.
Saving or Navigating to a Location on the Map                                                        History
You can select any location on the map. You can save the
location or start navigating to it.                                     History includes time, distance, calories, average pace or speed,
                                                                        lap data, and optional sensorinformation.
1. From the map, hold MENU.
                                                                        NOTE: When the device memory is full, your oldest data is
2 Select Pan/Zoom.
   Controls and crosshairs appearon the map.
                                                                        Using History
                                                                        History contains previous activities you have saved on your
                                                                        1. Hold MENU
                                                                        2. Select History > Activities.
                                                                        3. Select an activity.
                                                                        4. Select an option:
                                                                           + To view additional information about the activity, select
3. Pan and z00m the map to centerthe location in the                          Details.
   crosshairs.                                                             + To select a lap and view additional information about each
4: Hold @ to select the point indicated by the crosshairs.                    lap, select Laps.
5. If necessary, select a nearby point of interest.                        + To select an interval and view additional information about
                                                                              each interval, select Intervals.
6 Select an option:
                                                                           + To select an exercise set and view additional information
   * To start navigating to the location, select Go.
                                                                                about each set, select Sets.
   + To save the location, select Save Location.
                                                                             + To view the activity on a map, select Map.
   + To view information about the location, select Review.
                                                                             + To view the impact of the activity on your aerobic and
Navigating with the Around Me Feature                                          anaerobic finess, select Training Effect (About Training
You can use the around me feature to navigate to nearby points                 Effect, page 14).
of interest and waypoints.                                                   + To view your time in each heart rate zone, select Time in
NOTE: The map data installed on your device must include                       Zone (Viewing Your Time in Each Heart Rate Zone,
points of interest to navigate to them.                                        page 24).
1. From the map, hold MENU.                                                  * To view an elevation plot of the activity, select Elevation
2. Select Around Me.

History                                                                                                                                      23

     • To delete the selected activity, select Delete.               Alerts: Sets the training or navigation alerts for the activity.
Multisport History                                                   Auto Climb: Enables the device to detect elevation changes
                                                                        automatically using the built-in altimeter.
Your device stores the overall multisport summary of the activity,
                                                                     Auto Lap: Sets the options for the Auto Lap feature (Auto Lap,
including overall distance, time, calories, and optional accessory
data. Your device also separates the activity data for each sport       page 26).
segment and transition so you can compare similar training           Auto Pause: Sets the device to stop recording data when you
activities and track how quickly you move through the                   stop moving or when you drop below a specified speed
transitions. Transition history includes distance, time, average        (Enabling Auto Pause, page 26).
speed, and calories.                                                 Auto Run: Enables the device to detect ski runs automatically
Viewing Your Time in Each Heart Rate Zone                               using the built-in accelerometer.
Before you can view heart rate zone data, you must complete an       Auto Scroll: Enables you to move through all of the activity data
activity with heart rate and save the activity.                         screens automatically while the timer is running (Using Auto
Viewing your time in each heart rate zone can help you adjust           Scroll, page 26).
your training intensity.                                             Auto Set: Enables the device to start and stop exercise sets
1 Hold MENU.                                                            automatically during a strength training activity.
                                                                     Background Color: Sets the background color of each activity
2 Select History > Activities.
                                                                        to black or white.
3 Select an activity.
                                                                     ClimbPro: Displays ascent planning and monitoring screens
4 Select Time in Zone.                                                  while navigating.
                                                                     Countdown Start: Enables a countdown timer for pool
Viewing Data Totals                                                     swimming intervals.
You can view the accumulated distance and time data saved to         Data Screens: Enables you to customize data screens and add
your device.                                                            new data screens for the activity (Customizing the Data
1 Hold MENU.                                                            Screens, page 24).
2 Select History > Totals.                                           GPS: Sets the mode for the GPS antenna. Using the GPS +
3 If necessary, select an activity.                                     GLONASS or GPS + GALILEO options provides increased
                                                                        performance in challenging environments and faster position
4 Select an option to view weekly or monthly totals.                    acquisition. Using the GPS and another satellite together can
                                                                        reduce battery life more than using the GPS option only.
Using the Odometer                                                      Using the UltraTrac option records track points and sensor
The odometer automatically records the total distance traveled,         data less frequently (UltraTrac, page 26).
elevation gained, and time in activities.                            Lap Key: Enables you to record a lap or a rest during the
1 Hold MENU.                                                            activity.
2 Select History > Totals > Odometer.                                Lock Keys: Locks the keys during multisport activities to
3 Select UP or DOWN to view odometer totals.                            prevent accidental key presses.
                                                                     Map: Sets the display preferences for the map data screen for
Deleting History                                                        the activity (Activity Map Settings, page 25).
1 Hold MENU.                                                         Metronome: Plays tones at a steady rhythm to help you
                                                                        improve your performance by training at a faster, slower, or
2 Select History > Options.                                             more consistent cadence (Using the Metronome, page 3).
3 Select an option:                                                  Pool Size: Sets the pool length for pool swimming.
  • Select Delete All Activities to delete all activities from the
                                                                     Power Save Timeout: Sets the power-save timeout options for
                                                                        the activity (Power Save Timeout Settings, page 27).
  • Select Reset Totals to reset all distance and time totals.
                                                                     Rename: Sets the activity name.
    NOTE: This does not delete any saved activities.
                                                                     Repeat: Enables the Repeat option for multisport activities. For
4 Confirm your selection.                                               example, you can use this option for activities that include
                                                                        multiple transitions, such as a swimrun.
                                                                     Restore Defaults: Allows you to reset the activity settings.
             Customizing Your Device
                                                                     Routing: Sets the preferences for calculating routes for the
                                                                        activity (Routing Settings, page 25).
Activities and App Settings
These settings allow you to customize each preloaded activity        Scoring: Enables or disables scorekeeping automatically when
app based on your needs. For example, you can customize data            you start a round of golf. The Always Ask option prompts you
pages and enable alerts and training features. Not all settings         when you begin a round.
are available for all activity types.                                Segment Alerts: Enables prompts that alert you to approaching
Hold MENU, select Settings > Activities & Apps, select an               segments.
activity, and select the activity settings.                          Stat Tracking: Enables statistics tracking while playing golf.
3D Distance: Calculates your distance traveled using your            Stroke Detect.: Enables stroke detection for pool swimming.
   elevation change and your horizontal movement over ground.        Transitions: Enables transitions for multisport activities.
3D Speed: Calculates your speed using your elevation change
   and your horizontal movement over ground (3D Speed and            Customizing the Data Screens
   Distance, page 26).                                               You can show, hide, and change the layout and content of data
                                                                     screens for each activity.
Accent Color: Sets the accent color of each activity to help
   identify which activity is active.                                1 Hold MENU.
                                                                     2 Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
24                                                                                                             Customizing Your Device

3 Select the activity to customize.                                    Alert Name Alert Type      Description
4 Select the activity settings.                                        Stroke Rate Range          You can set high or low strokes per
5 Select Data Screens.
                                                                       Time        Event,         You can set a time interval.
6 Select a data screen to customize.                                               recurring
7 Select an option:
  • Select Layout to adjust the number of data fields on the           Setting an Alert
      data screen.                                                     1 Hold MENU.
  • Select a field to change the data that appears in the field.       2 Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
  • Select Reorder to change the location of the data screen           3 Select an activity.
      in the loop.                                                        NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.
  • Select Remove to remove the data screen from the loop.             4 Select the activity settings.
8 If necessary, select Add New to add a data screen to the             5 Select Alerts.
                                                                       6 Select an option:
  You can add a custom data screen, or select one of the
  predefined data screens.                                                • Select Add New to add a new alert for the activity.
                                                                          • Select the alert name to edit an existing alert.
Adding a Map to an Activity
You can add the map to the data screens loop for an activity.
                                                                       7 If necessary, select the type of alert.
1 Hold MENU.
                                                                       8 Select a zone, enter the minimum and maximum values, or
                                                                          enter a custom value for the alert.
2 Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
                                                                       9 necessary, turn on the alert.
3 Select the activity to customize.
                                                                       For event and recurring alerts, a message appears each time
4 Select the activity settings.                                        you reach the alert value. For range alerts, a message appears
5 Select Data Screens > Add New > Map.                                 each time you exceed or drop below the specified range
                                                                       (minimum and maximum values).
You can set alerts for each activity, which can help you to train      Activity Map Settings
toward specific goals, to increase your awareness of your              You can customize the appearance of the map data screen for
environment, and to navigate to your destination. Some alerts          each activity.
are available only for specific activities. There are three types of   Hold MENU, select Settings > Activities & Apps, select an
alerts: event alerts, range alerts, and recurring alerts.              activity, select the activity settings, and select Map.
Event alert: An event alert notifies you once. The event is a          Configure Maps: Shows or hides data from installed map
   specific value. For example, you can set the device to alert           products.
   you when you reach a specified elevation.                           Use Sys. Settings: Enables the device to use the preferences
Range alert: A range alert notifies you each time the device is           from the system map settings.
   above or below a specified range of values. For example, you        Orientation: Sets the orientation of the map. The North Up
   can set the device to alert you when your heart rate is below          option shows north at the top of the screen. The Track Up
   60 beats per minute (bpm) and over 210 bpm.                            option shows your current direction of travel at the top of the
Recurring alert: A recurring alert notifies you each time the             screen.
   device records a specified value or interval. For example, you      User Locations: Shows or hides saved locations on the map.
   can set the device to alert you every 30 minutes.
                                                                       Auto Zoom: Automatically selects the zoom level for optimal
Alert Name Alert Type      Description                                    use of your map. When disabled, you must zoom in or out
Cadence     Range          You can set minimum and maximum                manually.
                           cadence values.                             Lock on Road: Locks the position icon, which represents your
Calories    Event,         You can set the number of calories.            position on the map, onto the nearest road.
                                                                       Track Log: Shows or hides the track log, or the path you have
Custom      Recurring      You can select an existing message or          traveled, as a colored line on the map.
                           create a custom message and select an
                           alert type.                                 Track Color: Changes the track log color.
Distance    Recurring      You can set a distance interval.            Detail: Sets the amount of detail shown on the map. Showing
Elevation   Range          You can set minimum and maximum                more detail may cause the map to redraw more slowly.
                           elevation values.                           Marine: Sets the map to display data in marine mode (Marine
Heart Rate Range           You can set minimum and maximum heart          Map Settings, page 29).
                           rate values or select zone changes. See     Draw Segments: Shows or hides segments, as a colored line
                           About Heart Rate Zones, page 17 and            on the map.
                           Heart Rate Zone Calculations, page 17.
                                                                       Draw Contours: Shows or hides contour lines on the map.
Pace        Range          You can set minimum and maximum pace
                           values.                                     Routing Settings
Power       Range          You can set the high or low power level.    You can change the routing settings to customize the way the
Proximity   Event          You can set a radius from a saved           device calculates routes for each activity.
                           location.                                   Hold MENU, select Settings > Activities & Apps, select an
Run/Walk    Recurring      You can set timed walking breaks at         activity, select the activity settings, and select Routing.
                           regular intervals.
                                                                       Activity: Sets an activity for routing. The device calculates
Speed       Range          You can set minimum and maximum                routes optimized for the type of activity you are doing.
                           speed values.

Customizing Your Device                                                                                                                 25

Popularity Routing: Calculates routes based on the most                  • To pause the timer automatically when you stop moving,
  popular runs and rides from Garmin Connect.                              select When Stopped.
Courses: Sets how you navigate courses using the device. Use             • To pause the timer automatically when your pace or
  the Follow Course option to navigate a course exactly as it              speed drops below a specified level, select Custom.
  appears, without recalculating. Use the Use Map option to
  navigate a course using routable maps, and recalculate the          Enabling Auto Climb
  route if you stray from the course.                                 You can use the auto climb feature to detect elevation changes
                                                                      automatically. You can use it during activities such as climbing,
Calculation Method: Sets the calculation method to minimize
                                                                      hiking, running, or biking.
  the time, distance, or ascent in routes.
Avoidances: Sets the road or transportation types to avoid in
                                                                      1 Hold MENU.
  routes.                                                             2 Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
Type: Sets the behavior of the pointer that appears during direct     3 Select an activity.
  routing.                                                               NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.
Auto Lap                                                              4 Select the activity settings.
Marking Laps by Distance                                              5 Select Auto Climb > Status.
You can use Auto Lap to mark a lap at a specific distance             6 Select Always or When Not Navigating.
automatically. This feature is helpful for comparing your             7 Select an option:
performance over different parts of an activity (for example,            • Select Run Screen to identify which data screen appears
every 1 mile or 5 kilometers).                                              while running.
1 Hold MENU.                                                             • Select Climb Screen to identify which data screen
2 Select Settings > Activities & Apps.                                      appears while climbing.
3 Select an activity.                                                    • Select Invert Colors to reverse the display colors when
    NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.                 changing modes.
4 Select the activity settings.                                          • Select Vertical Speed to set the rate of ascent over time.
5 Select Auto Lap.                                                       • Select Mode Switch to set how quickly the device
                                                                            changes modes.
6 Select an option:
                                                                         NOTE: The Current Screen option allows you to
    • Select Auto Lap to turn Auto Lap on or off.                        automatically switch to the last screen you were viewing
    • Select Auto Distance to adjust the distance between                before the auto climb transition occurred.
Each time you complete a lap, a message appears that displays
                                                                      3D Speed and Distance
the time for that lap. The device also beeps or vibrates if audible   You can set 3D speed and distance to calculate your speed or
tones are turned on (System Settings, page 30).                       distance using both your elevation change and your horizontal
                                                                      movement over ground. You can use it during activities such as
If necessary, you can customize the data pages to display             skiing, climbing, navigating, hiking, running, or biking.
additional lap data (Customizing the Data Screens, page 24).
Customizing the Lap Alert Message                                     Turning On and Off the Lap Key
You can customize one or two data fields that appear in the lap       You can turn on the Lap Key setting to record a lap or a rest
alert message.                                                        during an activity using LAP. You can turn off the Lap Key
                                                                      setting to avoid recording laps due to accidental key presses
1 Hold MENU.                                                          during an activity.
2 Select Settings > Activities & Apps.                                1 Hold MENU.
3 Select an activity.                                                 2 Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
    NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.
                                                                      3 Select an activity.
4 Select the activity settings.
                                                                      4 Select the activity settings.
5 Select Auto Lap > Lap Alert.
                                                                      5 Select Lap Key.
6 Select a data field to change it.                                      The lap key status changes to On or Off based on the current
7 Select Preview (optional).                                             setting.
Enabling Auto Pause                                                   Using Auto Scroll
You can use the Auto Pause feature to pause the timer                 You can use the auto scroll feature to cycle through all of the
automatically when you stop moving. This feature is helpful if        activity data screens automatically while the timer is running.
your activity includes stop lights or other places where you must
                                                                      1 Hold MENU.
NOTE: History is not recorded while the timer is stopped or
                                                                      2 Select Settings > Activities & Apps.
paused.                                                               3 Select an activity.
1 Hold MENU.                                                             NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.
2 Select Settings > Activities & Apps.                                4 Select the activity settings.
3 Select an activity.                                                 5 Select Auto Scroll.
   NOTE: This feature is not available for all activities.            6 Select a display speed.
4 Select the activity settings.                                       UltraTrac
5 Select Auto Pause.                                                  The UltraTrac feature is a GPS setting that records track points
6 Select an option:                                                   and sensor data less frequently. Enabling the UltraTrac feature
                                                                      increases battery life but decreases the quality of recorded

26                                                                                                               Customizing Your Device

activities. You should use the UltraTrac feature for activities that    Pulse oximeter: Displays your most recent blood oxygen
demand longer battery life and for which frequent sensor data              saturation percentage and a graph of your readings.
updates are less important.                                             Sensor information: Displays information from an internal
Power Save Timeout Settings                                                sensor or a connected ANT+ sensor.
The timeout settings affect how long your device stays in               Steps: Tracks yourdaily step count, step goal, and data for the
training mode, for example, when you are waiting for a race to             last 7 days.
start. Hold MENU, select Settings > Activities & Apps, select           Stress: Displays your stress level and provides a breathing
an activity, and select the activity settings. Select Power Save           activity to help you relax.
Timeout to adjust the timeout settings for the activity.                Sunrise and sunset: Displays sunrise, sunset, and civil twilight
Normal: Sets the device to enterlow—power watch mode after 5               times.
    minutes of inactivity.                                              VIRE controls: Provides camera controls when you have a
Extended: Sets the device to enter low—power watch mode after              VIRB device paired with your fenix device.
    25 minutes of inactivity. The extended mode can result in           Weather: Displays the current temperature and weather
    shorterbattery life between charges.                                   forecast.
                                                                        Xero" bow sight: Displays laser location information when you
Changing the Order of an Activity in the                                   havea Xero bow sight paired with your fenix device.
Apps List
1. Hold MENU                                                            Customizing the Widget Loop
                                                                        You can change the order of widgets in the widget loop, remove
2 Select Settings > Activities    & Apps.                               widgets, and add new widgets.
3 Select an activity.                                                   1. Hold MENU
4   Select Reorder.                                                     2. Select Settings > Widgets.
5 Select UP or DOWN to adjust the position of the activity in           3. Select a widget.
    the apps list.
                                                                        4. Select an option:
Widgets                                                                    * Select Reorder to change the location of the widget in the
Your device comes preloaded with widgets that provide at—a—                   widget loop.
glance information. Some widgets require a Bluetooth                       * Select Removeto remove the widget from the widget
connection to a compatible smartphone.                                        loop.
Some widgets are not visible by default. You can add them to               Select Add Widgets.
                                                                       o a

the widget loop manually.                                                  Select a widget.
ABC: Displays combined altimeter, barometer, and compass                     The widget is added to the widget loop.
Alternate time zones: Displays the current time of day in               VIRB Remote
   additional time zones.                                               The VIRB remote function allows you to control your VIRB
                                                                        action camera using your device. Go to
Calendar: Displays upcoming meetings from your smartphone
                                                                        to purchase a VIRB action camera.
Calories: Displays your calorie information for the current day.        Controlling a VIRB Action Camera
                                                                        Before you can use the VIRB remofe function, you must enable
Dog tracking: Displays your dog‘s location information when
                                                                        the remote setting on your VIRB camera. See the VIRB Series
   you have a compatible dog tracking device paired with your
                                                                        Owner‘s Manual for more information. You must also set the
   fenix device.
                                                                        VIRB widget to be shown in the widget loop (Customizing the
Floors climbed: Tracks your floors climbed and progress                 Widget Loop, page27).
   toward your goal.
                                                                        1. Turn on your VIR8 camera.
Golf: Displays golf information for your last round.
                                                                        2: On your fenix device, select UP or DOWN from the watch
Heart rate: Displays your current heart rate in beats perminute            face to view the VIRB widget.
   (Ppm) and a graph of your heart rate.
                                                                        3. Wait while the device connects to your VIRS camera.
Intensity minutes: Tracks your time spent participating in
   moderate to vigorous activities, your weekly intensity minutes       4 Select@.
   goal, and progress toward your goal.                                      Select an option:

Last activity: Displays a brief summary of your last recorded                * To record video, select Start Recording.
   activity, such as your last run, last ride, or last swim.                    The video counter appears on the fenix screen.
Last sport: Displays a brief summary of your last recorded                   + To take a photo while recording video, select DOWN.
                                                                             + To stop recording video, select @.
Music controls: Provides music player controls for your
                                                                             * To take a photo, select Take Photo.
   smartphone or on—device music.
                                                                             + To change video and photo settings, select Settings.
My day: Displays a dynamic summary of your activity today. The
   metrics include timed activities, intensity minutes, floors          Controlling a VIRB Action Camera During an Activity
   climbed, steps, calories burned, and more.                           Before you can use the VIRB remofe function, you must enable
Notifications: Alerts you to incoming calls, texts, social network      the remote setting on your VIRB camera. See the VIRB Series
   updates, and more, based on your smartphone nofification             Owner‘s Manual for more information. You must also set the
   settings.                                                            VIRB widget to be shown in the widget loop (Customizing the
                                                                        Widget Loop, page27).
Performance: Displays your current training status, training
   load, VO2 max. estimates, recovery time, FTP estimate,               1. Turn on your VIR8 camera.
   lactate threshold, and predicted race times.

Customizing Your Device                                                                                                               27

  2. On your fénix device, select UP or DOWN from the watch             Customizing the Watch Face
     face to view the VIRB widget.                                      Before you can activate a Connect IQ watch face, you must
  3. Wait while the device connects to your VIRB camera.                install a watch face from the Connect IQ store (Connect IQ
     When the camera is connected, a VIRB data screen is                Features, page 8).
     automatically added to the activity apps.                          You can customize the watch face information and appearance,
  4: During an activity, select UP or DOWN to view the VIRB data        or activate an installed Connect IQ watch face.
        screen.                                                         1. From the watch face, hold MENU
        Hold MENU                                                       2. Select Watch Face.
~ o o

        Select VIRB Remote.                                             3. Select UP or DOWN to preview the watch face options.
        Select an option:                                               4 Select Add New to scroll through additional pre—loaded watch
        * To control the camera using the activity timer, select            faces.
            Settings > Timer Start/Stop.                                    Select @ > Apply to activate a pre—loaded watch face or an

            NOTE: Video recording automatically starts and stops            installed Connect IQ watch face.
            when you start and stop an activity.                            If using a pre—loaded watch face, select @ > Customize.

        *   To control the camera using the menu options, select            Select an option:
            Settings > Manual.                                              + To change the style of the numbers for the analog watch
        +   To manually record video, select Start Recording.                   face, select Dial.
            The video counter appears on the fenix screen.                  + To change the style of the hands for the analog watch
        *   To take a photo while recording video, select DOWN.                 face, select Hands.
        +   To manually stop recording video, select @.                     + To change the style of the numbers for the digital watch
                                                                                face, select Layout
        *   To take a photo, select Take Photo.
                                                                            + To change the style of the seconds for the digital watch
  Using the Stress Level Widget                                                 face, select Seconds.
  The stress level widget displays your current stress level and a          * To change the data that appears on the watch face, select
  graph of your stress level for the last several hours. It can also            Data
  quide you through a breathing activity to help you relax.                 + To add or change an accent color for the watch face,
  1. While you are sitting or inactive, select UP or DOWN to view               select Accent Color.
     the stress level widget.                                               + To change the background color, select Bkgd. Color.
     TIP: If you are too active for the watch to determine your             + To save the changes, select Done.
     stress level, a message appears instead of a stress level
     number. You can check your stress level again after several
     minutes of inactivity.                                             Sensors Settings
  2. Select ® to view a graph of your stress level for the last four    Compass Settings
     hours.                                                             Hold MENU, and select Settings > Sensors & Accessories >
     Blue bars indicate periods of rest. Yellow bars indicate           Compass.
     periods of stress. Gray bars indicate times that you were too      Calibrate: Allows you to manually calibrate the compass sensor
     active to determine your stress level.                                (Calibrating the Compass Manually, page 28).
  3. To start a breathing activity, select DOWN > @, and enter a        Display: Sets the directional heading on the compass to letters,
     duration for the breathing activity in minutes.                       degrees, or mill—radians.
                                                                        North Ref.: Sets the north reference of the compass (Setting the
  Customizing the Controls Menu                                            North Reference, page 29).
  You can add, remove, and change the order of the shortout             Mode: Sets the compass to use electronic—sensordata only
  menu options in the controls menu (Viewing the Controls Menu,            (On), a combination of GPS and electronic—sensor data when
  page 1).                                                                 moving (Auto), or GPS data only (Of).
  1. Hold MENU
                                                                        Calibrating the Compass Manually
  2. Select Settings > Controls.
  3. Select a shortcut to customize.                                                                  NOTICE
                                                                        Calbrate the electronic  compass outdoors. To improve heading
  4: Select an option:
                                                                        accuracy, do not stand near objects that     influence magnetic
     * Select Reorder to change the location of the shortcut in         fields, such as vehicles, buildings, and overhead powerlines.
        the controls menu.
     * Select Removeto remove the shortcut from the controls            Your device was already       rated at the factory, and the
            menu.                                                       device uses automatic calibration by default. If you experience
                                                                        irregular compass behavior, for example, after moving long
  5. If necessary, select Add New to add an additional shortcut to      distances or after extreme temperature changes, you can
     the controls menu.                                                 manually calibrate the compass.
                                                                        1. Hold MENU
  Watch Face Settings
  You can customize the appearance of the watch face by                 2: Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories > Compass >
  selecting the layout, colors, and additional data. You can also           Calibrate > Start.
  download custom watch faces from the Connect IQ store.                3. Follow the on—screen instructions.
                                                                            TIP: Moveyour wrist in a small figure eight motion untl a
                                                                            message appears.

  28                                                                                                               Customizing Your Device

Setting the North Reference                                                   * To calibrate automatically from your GPS starting point,
You can set the directional reference used in calculating                       select Use GPS.
heading information.
1. Hold MENU                                                            Map Settings
2: Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories > Compass >                 You can customize how the map appears in the map app and
   North Ref..                                                         data screens.
3: Select an option:                                                    Hold MENU, and select Settings > Map.
   + To set geographic north as the heading reference, select           Orientation: Sets the orientation of the map. The North Up
      True.                                                                option shows north at the top of the screen. The Track Up
                                                                           option shows your current direction of travel at the top of the
   + To set the magnetic declination for yourlocation                         screen.
      automatically, select Magnetic.
                                                                       User Locations: Shows or hides saved locations on the map.
   * To set grid north (000®) as the heading reference, select
      Grid.                                                            Auto Zoom: Automatically selects the 20om level for optimal
                                                                          use of your map. When disabled, you must 2oom in or out
   + To set the magnetic variation value manually, select User,           manually.
      enterthe magnetic variance, and select Done.
                                                                       Lock on Road: Locks the position icon, which represents your
Altimeter Settings                                                        position on the map, onto the nearest road.
Hold MENU, and select Settings > Sensors & Accessories >               Track Log: Shows or hides the track log, or the path you have
Altimeter.                                                                traveled, as a colored line on the map.
Calibrate: Allows you to manually calibrate the altimeter sensor.      Track Color: Changes the track log color.
Auto Cal.: Allows the altimeterto seif—calibrate each time you         Detail: Sets the amount of detail shown on the map. Showing
   turn on GPS tracking.                                                  more detail may cause the map to redraw more slowly.
Elevation: Sets theunits of measure for elevation.                     Marine: Sets the map to display data in marine mode (Marine
Calibrating the Barometric Altimeter                                      Map Settings, page 29).
Your device was already calibrated at the factory, and the             Draw Segments: Shows or hides segments, as a colored line
device uses automatic calibration at your GPS starting point by           on the map.
default. You can manually calibrate the barometric altimeter if        Draw Contours: Shows or hides contour lines on the map.
you know the correct elevation.
1. Hold MENU                                                            Marine Map Settings
                                                                       You can customize how the map appears in marine mode.
2. Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories > Altimeter.
                                                                       Hold MENU, and select Settings > Map > Marine.
3: Select an option:
                                                                       Marine Chart Mode: Enables the nautical chart when displaying
   +. To callbrate automatically from your GPS starting point,            marine data. This option displays various map features in
       select Auto Cal., and select an option.                            different colors so the marine POls are more readable, and
   + To enter the current elevation, select Calibrate.                    so the map reflects the drawing scheme of paper charts.
Barometer Settings                                                     Spot Soundings: Enables depth measurements on the chart.
Hold MENU, and select Settings > Sensors & Accessories >               Light Sectors: Shows and configures the appearance of light
Barometer.                                                                sectors on the chart.
Calibrate: Allows you to manually calibrate the barometer              Symbol Set: Sets the chart symbols in marine mode. The
   sensor.                                                                NOAA option displays the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                                                          Administration chart symbols. The Intenational option
Plot: Sets the time scale for the chart in the barometer widget.
                                                                          displays the International Association of Lighthouse
Storm Alert: Sets the rate of barometric pressure change that             Authorities chart symbols.
   triggers a storm alert.
Watch Mode: Sets the sensor used in watch mode. The Auto                Showing and Hiding Map Data
   option uses both the altimeter and barometer according to            If you have multiple maps installed on your device, you can
   your movement. You can use the Altimeter option when your            choose the map data to show on the map.
   activity involves changes in altitude, or the Barometeroption              Select @> Map.
                                                                    e w n 4

   when your activity does not involve changes in altitude.                   Hold MENU.
Pressure: Sets how the device displays pressure data.                         Select the map settings.
Calibrating the Barometer                                                     Select Map > Configure Maps.
Your device was already calibrated at the factory, and the                    Select a map to activate the toggle switch, which shows or
device uses automatic calibration at your GPS starting point by               hides the map data.
default. You can manually calibrate the barometerif you know
the correct elevation or the correct sea level pressure.
                                                                        GroupTrack Settings
1. Hold MENU
                                                                        Hold MENU, and select Settings > GroupTrack.
2. Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories > Barometer >
                                                                       Show on Map: Enables you to view connections on the map
                                                                          screen during a GroupTrack session.
3: Select an option:
                                                                       Activity Types: Allows you to select which activity types appear
   + To enter the current elevation or sea level pressure, select         on the map screen during a GroupTrack session.
   * To calibrate automatically from the digital elevation model,       Navigation Settings
       select Use DEM.                                                 You can customize the map features and appearance when
                                                                       navigating to a destination.

Customizing Your Device                                                                                                                    20

Customizing Map Features                                             USB Mode: Sets the device to use MTP (media transfer
1 Hold MENU.                                                           protocol) or Garmin mode when connected to a computer.
2 Select Settings > Navigation > Data Screens.                       Reset: Allows you to reset user data and settings (Resetting All
                                                                       Default Settings, page 33).
3 Select an option:
                                                                     Software Update: Allows you to install software updates
     • Select Map to turn on or off the map.
                                                                       downloaded using Garmin Express.
     • Select Guide to turn on or off the guide screen that
       displays the compass bearing or course to follow while        Time Settings
       navigating.                                                   Hold MENU, and select Settings > System > Time.
     • Select Elevation Plot to turn on or off the elevation plot.   Time Format: Sets the device to show time in a 12-hour, 24-
     • Select a screen to add, remove, or customize.                    hour, or military format.
                                                                     Set Time: Sets the time zone for the device. The Auto option
Setting Up a Heading Bug                                                sets the time zone automatically based on your GPS position.
You can set up a heading indicator to display on your data
                                                                     Time: Allows you to adjust the time if it is set to the Manual
pages while navigating. The indicator points to your target
                                                                     Alerts: Allows you to set hourly alerts, as well as sunrise and
1 Hold MENU.                                                            sunset alerts that sound a specific number of minutes or
2 Select Settings > Navigation > Heading Bug.                           hours before the actual sunrise or sunset occurs.
Setting Navigation Alerts                                            Sync With GPS: Allows you to manually sync the time with GPS
You can set alerts to help you navigate to your destination.            when you change time zones, and to update for daylight
                                                                        saving time.
1 Hold MENU.
2 Select Settings > Navigation > Alerts.                             Changing the Backlight Settings
                                                                     1 Hold MENU.
3 Select an option:
  • To set an alert for a specified distance from your final
                                                                     2 Select Settings > System > Backlight.
      destination, select Final Distance.                            3 Select an option:
  • To set an alert for the estimated time remaining until you         • Select During Activity.
      reach your final destination, select Final ETE.                  • Select Not During Activity.
  • To set an alert when you stray from the course, select Off       4 Select an option:
      Course.                                                          • Select Keys to turn on the backlight for key presses.
  • To enable turn-by-turn navigation prompts, select Turn             • Select Alerts to turn on the backlight for alerts.
                                                                       • Select Gesture to turn on the backlight by raising and
4 If necessary, select Status to turn on the alert.                       turning your arm to look at your wrist.
5 If necessary, enter a distance or time value, and select .           • Select Timeout to set the length of time before the
                                                                          backlight turns off.
System Settings                                                        • Select Brightness to set the brightness level of the
Hold MENU, and select Settings > System.                                  backlight.
Language: Sets the language displayed on the device.
                                                                     Customizing the Hot Keys
Time: Adjusts the time settings (Time Settings, page 30).            You can customize the hold function of individual keys and
Backlight: Adjusts the backlight settings (Changing the              combinations of keys.
  Backlight Settings, page 30).
                                                                     1 Hold MENU.
Sounds: Sets the device sounds, such as key tones, alerts, and
                                                                     2 Select Settings > System > Hot Keys.
Do Not Disturb: Turns on or off do not disturb mode. Use the
                                                                     3 Select a key or combination of keys to customize.
  Sleep Time option to turn on do not disturb mode                   4 Select a function.
  automatically during your normal sleep hours. You can set
  your normal sleep hours on your Garmin Connect account.
                                                                     Changing the Units of Measure
                                                                     You can customize units of measure for distance, pace and
Hot Keys: Allows you to assign shortcuts to device keys              speed, elevation, weight, height, and temperature.
  (Customizing the Hot Keys, page 30).
                                                                     1 Hold MENU.
Auto Lock: Allows you to lock the keys automatically to prevent
  accidental key presses. Use the During Activity option to lock     2 Select Settings > System > Units.
  the keys during a timed activity. Use the Not During Activity      3 Select a measurement type.
  option to lock the keys when you are not recording a timed         4 Select a unit of measure.
Units: Sets the units of measure used on the device (Changing        Viewing Device Information
  the Units of Measure, page 30).                                    You can view device information, such as the unit ID, software
Format: Sets general format preferences, such as the pace and        version, regulatory information, and license agreement.
  speed shown during activities, the start of the week, and
                                                                     1 Hold MENU.
  geographical position format and datum options.
Data Recording: Sets how the device records activity data. The
                                                                     2 Select Settings > About.
  Smart recording option (default) allows for longer activity        Viewing E-label Regulatory and Compliance
  recordings. The Every Second recording option provides             Information
  more detailed activity recordings, but may not record entire       The label for this device is provided electronically. The e-label
  activities that last for longer periods of time.                   may provide regulatory information, such as identification

30                                                                                                               Customizing Your Device

numbers provided by the FCC or regional compliance markings,        Situational Awareness
as well as applicable product and licensing information.            Your fēnix device can be used with the Varia Vision™ device,
1 Hold MENU.                                                        Varia™ smart bike lights, and rearview radar to improve
2 From the settings menu, select About.                             situational awareness. See the owner's manual for your Varia
                                                                    device for more information.
                                                                    NOTE: You may need to update the fēnix software before
                   Wireless Sensors                                 pairing Varia devices (Updating the Software Using Garmin
                                                                    Connect Mobile, page 6).
Your device can be used with wireless ANT+ or Bluetooth
sensors. For more information about compatibility and
purchasing optional sensors, go to                  Foot Pod
                                                                    Your device is compatible with the foot pod. You can use the
Pairing Your Wireless Sensors                                       foot pod to record pace and distance instead of using GPS when
                                                                    you are training indoors or when your GPS signal is weak. The
The first time you connect a wireless sensor to your device
                                                                    foot pod is on standby and ready to send data (like the heart
using ANT+ or Bluetooth technology, you must pair the device
                                                                    rate monitor).
and sensor. After they are paired, the device connects to the
sensor automatically when you start an activity and the sensor is   After 30 minutes of inactivity, the foot pod powers off to
active and within range.                                            conserve the battery. When the battery is low, a message
                                                                    appears on your device. Approximately five hours of battery life
1 If you are pairing a heart rate monitor, put on the heart rate
   monitor (Putting On the Heart Rate Monitor, page 10).
   The heart rate monitor does not send or receive data until       Improving Foot Pod Calibration
   you put it on.                                                   Before you can calibrate your device, you must acquire GPS
2 Bring the device within 3 m (10 ft.) of the sensor.               signals and pair your device with the foot pod (Pairing Your
                                                                    Wireless Sensors, page 31).
   NOTE: Stay 10 m (33 ft.) away from other wireless sensors
   while pairing.                                                   The foot pod is self-calibrating, but you can improve the
                                                                    accuracy of the speed and distance data with a few outdoor runs
3 Hold MENU.                                                        using GPS.
4 Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories > Add New.                1 Stand outside for 5 minutes with a clear view of the sky.
5 Select an option:                                                 2 Start a running activity.
   • Select Search All.
                                                                    3 Run on a track without stopping for 10 minutes.
   • Select your sensor type.
                                                                    4 Stop your activity, and save it.
   After the sensor is paired with your device, the sensor status
                                                                       Based on the recorded data, the foot pod calibration value
   changes from Searching to Connected. Sensor data appears
                                                                       changes, if necessary. You should not need to calibrate the
   in the data screen loop or a custom data field.
                                                                       foot pod again unless your running style changes.
Using an Optional Bike Speed or Cadence                             Calibrating Your Foot Pod Manually
Sensor                                                              Before you can calibrate your device, you must pair your device
You can use a compatible bike speed or cadence sensor to            with the foot pod sensor (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors,
send data to your device.                                           page 31).
• Pair the sensor with your device (Pairing Your Wireless           Manual calibration is recommended if you know your calibration
  Sensors, page 31).                                                factor. If you have calibrated a foot pod with another Garmin
                                                                    product, you may know your calibration factor.
• Set your wheel size (Wheel Size and Circumference,
  page 38).                                                         1 Hold MENU.
• Go for a ride (Starting an Activity, page 2).                     2 Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories.
                                                                    3 Select your foot pod.
Training with Power Meters                                          4 Select Cal. Factor > Set Value.
• Go to for a list of ANT+ sensors        5 Adjust the calibration factor:
  that are compatible with your device (such as Vector™).
                                                                       • Increase the calibration factor if your distance is too low.
• For more information, see the owner's manual for your power
                                                                       • Decrease the calibration factor if your distance is too high.
• Adjust your power zones to match your goals and abilities         Setting Foot Pod Speed and Distance
  (Setting Your Power Zones, page 17).                              Before you can customize the foot pod speed and distance, you
• Use range alerts to be notified when you reach a specified        must pair your device with the foot pod sensor (Pairing Your
  power zone (Setting an Alert, page 25).                           Wireless Sensors, page 31).
• Customize the power data fields (Customizing the Data             You can set your device to calculate speed and distance using
  Screens, page 24).                                                your foot pod data instead of GPS data.
                                                                    1 Hold MENU.
Using Electronic Shifters                                           2 Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories.
Before you can use compatible electronic shifters, such as          3 Select your foot pod.
Shimano Di2™ shifters, you must pair them with your device

(Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page 31). You can customize         4 Select Speed or Distance.
the optional data fields (Customizing the Data Screens,             5 Select an option:
page 24). The fēnix 5/5S/5X Plus device displays current               • Select Indoor when you are training with GPS turned off,
adjustment values when the sensor is in adjustment mode.                  usually indoors.

Wireless Sensors                                                                                                                    31

     • Select Always to use your foot pod data regardless of the               • For Apple computers, select the device, and select File >
       GPS setting.                                                               Eject.
                                                                             2 Disconnect the cable from your computer.
The tempe is an ANT+ wireless temperature sensor. You can                    Deleting Files
attach the sensor to a secure strap or loop where it is exposed                                          NOTICE
to ambient air, and therefore, provides a consistent source of
                                                                             If you do not know the purpose of a file, do not delete it. Your
accurate temperature data. You must pair the tempe with your
                                                                             device memory contains important system files that should not
device to display temperature data from the tempe.
                                                                             be deleted.
                                                                             1   Open the Garmin drive or volume.
                     Device Information                                      2   If necessary, open a folder or volume.
fēnix 5/5S/5X Plus Specifications                                            3   Select a file.
                                                                             4   Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Battery type                Rechargeable, built-in lithium-ion battery
                                                                                 NOTE: If you are using an Apple computer, you must empty
fēnix 5S Plus battery       Up to 7 days
                                                                                 the Trash folder to completely remove the files.
fēnix 5 Plus battery life   Up to 12 days
fēnix 5X Plus battery       Up to 20 days                                                    Device Maintenance
Water rating                10 ATM*                                          Device Care
Operating and storage       From -20º to 45ºC (from -4º to 113ºF)
temperature range                                                                                         NOTICE
Charging temperature        From 0º to 45ºC (from 32º to 113ºF)              Do not use a sharp object to clean the device.
range                                                                        Avoid chemical cleaners, solvents, and insect repellents that can
Wireless frequencies/       fēnix 5S Plus: 13 MHz @ -70.53 dBm               damage plastic components and finishes.
protocols                   nominal, 2.4 GHz @ 23.4 dBm nominal; fēnix       Thoroughly rinse the device with fresh water after exposure to
                            5 Plus: 13 MHz @ -69.33 dBm nominal, 2.4
                                                                             chlorine, salt water, sunscreen, cosmetics, alcohol, or other
                            GHz @ 22.9 dBm nominal; fēnix 5X Plus: 13
                            MHz @ -71.23 dBm nominal, 2.4 GHz @ 23.4         harsh chemicals. Prolonged exposure to these substances can
                            dBm nominal                                      damage the case.
                                                                             Avoid pressing the keys under water.
*The device withstands pressure equivalent to a depth of 100 m.              Keep the leather band dry. Avoid swimming or showering with
For more information, go to                      the leather band. Exposure to water can damage the leather
Battery Information
The actual battery life depends on the features enabled on your              Avoid extreme shock and harsh treatment, because it can
device, such as activity tracking, wrist-based heart rate,                   degrade the life of the product.
smartphone notifications, GPS, internal sensors, and connected               Do not store the device where prolonged exposure to extreme
sensors.                                                                     temperatures can occur, because it can cause permanent
fēnix 5S Plus       fēnix 5 Plus   fēnix 5X Plus    Mode
Battery Life        Battery Life   Battery Life                              Cleaning the Device
Up to 7 days        Up to 12 days Up to 20 days     Smartwatch mode
                                                    with activity tracking                                NOTICE
                                                    and 24/7 wrist-based     Even small amounts of sweat or moisture can cause corrosion
                                                    heart rate monitoring    of the electrical contacts when connected to a charger.
Up to 11 hours Up to 19            Up to 33 hours GPS mode with wrist-       Corrosion can prevent charging and data transfer.
               hours                              based heart rate
Up to 4 hours       Up to 8 hours Up to 13 hours GPS mode with wrist-        1 Wipe the device using a cloth dampened with a mild
                                                 based heart rate and           detergent solution.
                                                 streaming music             2  Wipe  it dry.
Up to 25 hours Up to 42            Up to 70 hours UltraTrac GPS mode         After cleaning, allow the device to dry completely.
               hours                              with gyro-based dead
                                                  reckoning                  TIP: For more information, go to
                                                                             Cleaning the Leather Bands
Data Management                                                              1 Wipe the leather bands with a dry cloth.
NOTE: The device is not compatible with Windows 95, 98, Me, ®
                                                                             2 Use a leather conditioner to clean the leather bands.
Windows NT , and Mac OS 10.3 and earlier.
                ®           ®

Disconnecting the USB Cable                                                  Changing the QuickFit™ Bands
If your device is connected to your computer as a removable                  1 Slide the latch on the QuickFit band, and remove the band
drive or volume, you must safely disconnect your device from                     from the watch.
your computer to avoid data loss. If your device is connected to
your Windows computer as a portable device, it is not necessary
to safely disconnect the device.
1 Complete an action:
    • For Windows computers, select the Safely Remove
       Hardware icon in the system tray, and select your device.

32                                                                                                                            Device Information

                                                                       * Select Search All.
                                                                       * Select your sensor type.
                                                                       You can customize the optional data fields (Customizing the
                                                                       Data Screens, page24).

                           i#, 2
                                                                    My headphones will not connect to the
                                                                    If your headphones were previously connected to your
                                                                    smartphone using Bluetooth technology, they may connect to
                                                                    yoursmartphone before connecting to your device. You can try
                                                                    these tips.
                                                                    + Turn off Bluetooth technology on your smartphone.
                                                                        Refer to the owner‘s manualfor your smartphone for more
2. Align the new band with the watch.                                   information.
3. Press the band into place.                                       * Stay 10 m (33 ft.) away from your smartphone while
                                                                        connecting headphones to your device.
   NOTE: Make sure the band is secure. The latch should close
   over the watch pin.                                              + Pair your headphones with your device (Connecting
                                                                        Headphones using Bluetooth Technology, page 9).
4: Repeat steps 1 through 3 to change the other band.
                                                                    My music cuts out or my headphones do not
Metal Watch Band Adjustment
If your watch includes a metal watch band, you should take your     stay connected
watch to a jeweler or other professional to adjust the length of    When using a fenix device connected to headphones using
the metal band.                                                     Bluetooth technology, the signal is strongest when there is a
                                                                    direct line of sight between the device and the antenna on the
                   Troubleshooting                                  +. If the signal passes through your body, you may experience
                                                                       signal loss or your headphones may become disconnected.
My device is in the wrong language                                  +. Itis recommended to wearyour headphones with the
You can change the device language selection if you have               antenna on the same side of your body as your fenix device.
accidently selected the wrong language on the device.
1. Hold MENU                                                        Resetting Your Device
2. Scroll down to the last item in the list, and select @.          1. Hold LIGHT for at least 25 seconds.
3. Scroll down to the second to last item in the list, and select   2. Hold LIGHT for one second to turn on the device.
4 Select@.                                                          Resetting All Default Settings
                                                                    You can reset all of the device settings to the factory default
5. Select yourlanguage.                                             values.
                                                                    1. Hold MENU
is my smartphone compatible with my
device?                                                             2. Select Settings > System > Reset.
The fenix 5/58/5X Plus device is compatible with smartphones        3. Select an option:
using Bluetooth wireless technology.                                   + To reset all of the device settings to the factory default
   Go to for compatibiity information.                 values and delete all user—entered information and activity
                                                                          history, select Delete Data and Reset Settings.
My phone will not connect to the device                                   NOTE: if you have set up a Garmin Pay wallet, this option
+   Enable Bluetooth wireless technology on your smartphone.              deletes the wallet from your device. If you have music
                                                                          stored on your device, this option deletes your stored
+   Bring your phone within 10 m (33 ft.) of the device.                  music.
+   On your smartphone, open the Garmin Connect Mobile app,            + To reset all of the device settings to the factory default
    select MM or «««, and select Garmin Devices > Add Device to           values and save all user—entered information and activity
    enter pairing mode.                                                   history, select Reset Default Settings.
+   On your device, hold LIGHT, and select & to turn on
    Bluetooth technology and enterpairing mode.                     Acquiring Satellite Signals
                                                                    The device may need a clear view of the sky to acquire satellite
Can I use my Bluetooth sensor with my                               signals. The time and date are set automatically based on the
watch?                                                              GPS position.
The device is compatible with some Bluetooth sensors. The first     1. Go outdoors to an open area.
time you connect a sensorto your Garmin device, you must pair          The front of the device should be oriented toward the sky.
the device and sensor. Afterthey are paired, the device
connects to the sensor automatically when you start an activity     2. Wait while the device locates satellites.
and the sensor is active and within range.                             It may take 30—60 seconds to locate satellite signals.
1. Hold MENU
2. Select Settings > Sensors & Accessories > Add New.
3. Select an option:

Troubleshooting                                                                                                                       33

Improving GPS Satellite Reception                                    • Wear the device on your non-dominant wrist.
• Frequently sync the device to your Garmin Connect account:         • Carry the device in your pocket when pushing a stroller or
  ◦ Connect your device to a computer using the USB cable              lawn mower.
     and the Garmin Express application.                             • Carry the device in your pocket when actively using your
  ◦ Sync your device to the Garmin Connect Mobile app using            hands or arms only.
     your Bluetooth enabled smartphone.                                NOTE: The device may interpret some repetitive motions,
  ◦ Connect your device to your Garmin Connect account                 such as washing dishes, folding laundry, or clapping your
     using a Wi‑Fi wireless network.                                   hands, as steps.
  While connected to your Garmin Connect account, the device         The step counts on my device and my Garmin
  downloads several days of satellite data, allowing it to quickly   Connect account don't match
  locate satellite signals.                                          The step count on your Garmin Connect account updates when
• Take your device outside to an open area away from tall            you synchronize your device.
  buildings and trees.                                               1 Select an option:
• Remain stationary for a few minutes.                                 • Synchronize your step count with the Garmin Connect
                                                                           application (Using Garmin Connect on Your Computer,
The temperature reading is not accurate                                    page 7).
Your body temperature affects the temperature reading for the          • Synchronize your step count with the Garmin Connect
internal temperature sensor. To get the most accurate                      Mobile app (Manually Syncing Data with Garmin Connect
temperature reading, you should remove the watch from your                 Mobile, page 7).
wrist and wait 20 to 30 minutes.
                                                                     2 Wait while the device synchronizes your data.
You can also use an optional tempe external temperature
sensor to view accurate ambient temperature readings while             Synchronizing can take several minutes.
wearing the watch.                                                     NOTE: Refreshing the Garmin Connect Mobile app or the
                                                                       Garmin Connect application does not synchronize your data
Maximizing the Battery Life                                            or update your step count.
You can do several things to extend the life of the battery.         The floors climbed amount does not seem accurate
• Reduce the backlight timeout (Changing the Backlight               Your device uses an internal barometer to measure elevation
  Settings, page 30).                                                changes as you climb floors. A floor climbed is equal to 3 m
• Reduce the backlight brightness.                                   (10 ft.).
• Use UltraTrac GPS mode for your activity (UltraTrac,               • Avoid holding handrails or skipping steps while climbing
  page 26).                                                             stairs.
• Turn off Bluetooth wireless technology when you are not            • In windy environments, cover the device with your sleeve or
  using connected features (Connected Features, page 5).                jacket as strong gusts can cause erratic readings.
• When pausing your activity for a longer period of time, use        My intensity minutes are flashing
  the resume later option (Stopping an Activity, page 2).            When you exercise at an intensity level that qualifies toward
• Turn off activity tracking (Turning Off Activity Tracking,         your intensity minutes goal, the intensity minutes flash.
  page 18).                                                             Exercise for at least 10 consecutive minutes at a moderate or
• Use a Connect IQ watch face that is not updated every                 vigorous intensity level.
  For example, use a watch face without a second hand                Getting More Information
  (Customizing the Watch Face, page 28).                             You can find more information about this product on the Garmin
• Limit the smartphone notifications the device displays             website.
  (Managing Notifications, page 6).                                  • Go to for additional manuals, articles,
• Stop broadcasting heart rate data to paired Garmin devices           and software updates.
  (Broadcasting Heart Rate Data to Garmin Devices, page 10).         • Go to
• Turn off wrist-based heart rate monitoring (Turning Off the        • Go to, or contact your Garmin dealer
  Wrist-based Heart Rate Monitor, page 10).                            for information about optional accessories and replacement
  NOTE: Wrist-based heart rate monitoring is used to calculate         parts.
  vigorous intensity minutes and calories burned.
• Turn on manual pulse oximeter readings on the fēnix 5X Plus
  device (Turning On Manual Acclimation Mode, page 16).
                                                                     Data Fields
Activity Tracking                                                    %FTP: The current power output as a percentage of functional
For more information about activity tracking accuracy, go to            threshold power.
                                                                     %HRR: The percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart
My daily step count does not appear                                     rate minus resting heart rate).
The daily step count is reset every night at midnight.               10s Avg. Power: The 10-second moving average of power
  If dashes appear instead of your step count, allow the device         output.
  to acquire satellite signals and set the time automatically.       10s Avg Balance: The 10-second moving average of the left/
                                                                        right power balance.
My step count does not seem accurate
If your step count does not seem accurate, you can try these         24-Hour Max.: The maximum temperature recorded in the last
tips.                                                                   24 hours from a compatible temperature sensor.

34                                                                                                                           Appendix

24-Hour Min.: The minimum temperature recorded in the last         Avg. Strk Rate: Paddle sports. The average number of strokes
   24 hours from a compatible temperature sensor.                     per minute (spm) during the current activity.
30s Avg. Power: The 30-second moving average of power              Avg. Vert. Osc.: The average amount of vertical oscillation for
   output.                                                            the current activity.
30s Avg Balance: The 30-second moving average of the left/         Avg. Vert. Ratio: The average ratio of vertical oscillation to
   right power balance.                                               stride length for the current session.
3s Avg. Balance: The three-second moving average of the left/      Avg Dist Per Stk: Swimming. The average distance traveled
   right power balance.                                               per stroke during the current activity.
3s Avg. Power: The 3-second moving average of power output.        Avg Dist Per Stk: Paddle sports. The average distance traveled
500m Pace: The current rowing pace per 500 meters.                    per stroke during the current activity.
Aerobic TE: The impact of the current activity on your aerobic     Avg GCT: The average amount of ground contact time for the
   fitness level.                                                     current activity.
Anaerobic TE: The impact of the current activity on your           Avg HR %Max.: The average percentage of maximum heart
   anaerobic fitness level.                                           rate for the current activity.
Average HR: The average heart rate for the current activity.       Balance: The current left/right power balance.
Average Pace: The average pace for the current activity.           Battery Level: The remaining battery power.
Average Power: The average power output for the current            Bearing: The direction from your current location to a
   activity.                                                          destination. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Average Swolf: The average swolf score for the current activity.   Cadence: Cycling. The number of revolutions of the crank arm.
   Your swolf score is the sum of the time for one length plus        Your device must be connected to a cadence accessory for
   the number of strokes for that length (Swim Terminology,           this data to appear.
   page 4). In open water swimming, 25 meters is used to           Cadence: Running. The steps per minute (right and left).
   calculate your swolf score.                                     Calories: The amount of total calories burned.
Avg. %HRR: The average percentage of heart rate reserve            Compass Hdg.: The direction you are moving based on the
   (maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate) for the current      compass.
                                                                   Course: The direction from your starting location to a
Avg. 500m Pace: The average rowing pace per 500 meters for            destination. Course can be viewed as a planned or set route.
   the current activity.                                              You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Avg. Ascent: The average vertical distance of ascent since the     Dest. Location: The position of your final destination.
   last reset.
                                                                   Dest. Wpt: The last point on the route to the destination. You
Avg. Balance: The average left/right power balance for the            must be navigating for this data to appear.
   current activity.
                                                                   Di2 Battery: The remaining battery power of a Di2 sensor.
Avg. Cadence: Cycling. The average cadence for the current
   activity.                                                       Dist. Per Stroke: Paddle sports. The distance traveled per
Avg. Cadence: Running. The average cadence for the current
   activity.                                                       Dist. Remaining: The remaining distance to the final
                                                                      destination. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Avg. Descent: The average vertical distance of descent since
   the last reset.                                                 Distance: The distance traveled for the current track or activity.
Avg. GCT Bal.: The average ground contact time balance for         Distance To Next: The remaining distance to the next waypoint
   the current session.                                               on the route. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Avg. L. PP: The average power phase angle for the left leg for     Elapsed Time: The total time recorded. For example, if you start
   the current activity.                                              the timer and run for 10 minutes, then stop the timer for 5
                                                                      minutes, then start the timer and run for 20 minutes, your
Avg. L. PPP: The average power phase peak angle for the left          elapsed time is 35 minutes.
   leg for the current activity.
                                                                   Elevation: The altitude of your current location above or below
Avg. Lap Time: The average lap time for the current activity.         sea level.
Avg. Moving Speed: The average speed when moving for the           Estimated Total Distance: The estimated distance from the
   current activity.                                                  start to the final destination. You must be navigating for this
Avg. Nautical Speed: The average speed in knots for the               data to appear.
   current activity.                                               ETA: The estimated time of day when you will reach the final
Avg. Overall Speed: The average speed for the current activity,       destination (adjusted to the local time of the destination). You
   including both moving and stopped speeds.                          must be navigating for this data to appear.
Avg. PCO: The average platform center offset for the current       ETA at Next: The estimated time of day when you will reach the
   activity.                                                          next waypoint on the route (adjusted to the local time of the
Avg. R. PP: The average power phase angle for the right leg for       waypoint). You must be navigating for this data to appear.
   the current activity.                                           ETE: The estimated time remaining until you reach the final
Avg. R. PPP: The average power phase peak angle for the right         destination. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
   leg for the current activity.                                   Floors Climbed: The total number of floors climbed up for the
Avg. Speed: The average speed for the current activity.               day.
Avg. Stride Len.: The average stride length for the current        Floors Descended: The total number of floors climbed down for
   session.                                                           the day.
Avg. Strk/Len: The average number of strokes per pool length       Floors per Minute: The number of floors climbed up per minute.
   during the current activity.                                    Front: The front bike gear from a gear position sensor.

Appendix                                                                                                                           35

GCT: The amount of time in each step that you spend on the          L. Lap Strokes: Swimming. The total number of strokes for the
   ground while running, measured in milliseconds. Ground              last completed lap.
   contact time is not calculated while walking.                    L. Lap Strokes: Paddle sports. The total number of strokes for
GCT Balance: The left/right balance of ground contact time             the last completed lap.
   while running.                                                   L. Lap Swolf: The swolf score for the last completed lap.
Gear Battery: The battery status of a gear position sensor.         L. Len. Stk. Rate: The average number strokes per minute
Gear Combo: The current gear combination from a gear                   (spm) during the last completed pool length.
   position sensor.                                                 L. Len. Stk. Type: The stroke type used during the last
Gear Ratio: The number of teeth on the front and rear bike             completed pool length.
   gears, as detected by a gear position sensor.                    L. Len. Strokes: The total number of strokes for the last
Gears: The front and rear bike gears from a gear position              completed pool length.
   sensor.                                                          Lap %HRR: The average percentage of heart rate reserve
Glide Ratio: The ratio of horizontal distance traveled to the          (maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate) for the current
   change in vertical distance.                                        lap.
Glide Ratio Dest.: The glide ratio required to descend from your    Lap 500m Pace: The average rowing pace per 500 meters for
   current position to the destination elevation. You must be          the current lap.
   navigating for this data to appear.                              Lap Ascent: The vertical distance of ascent for the current lap.
GPS: The strength of the GPS satellite signal.                      Lap Balance: The average left/right power balance for the
GPS Elevation: The altitude of your current location using GPS.        current lap.
GPS Heading: The direction you are moving based on GPS.             Lap Cadence: Cycling. The average cadence for the current
Grade: The calculation of rise (elevation) over run (distance).        lap.
   For example, if for every 3 m (10 ft.) you climb you travel      Lap Cadence: Running. The average cadence for the current
   60 m (200 ft.), the grade is 5%.                                    lap.
Heading: The direction you are moving.                              Lap Descent: The vertical distance of descent for the current
Heart Rate: Your heart rate in beats per minute (bpm). Your            lap.
   device must be connected to a compatible heart rate monitor.     Lap Distance: The distance traveled for the current lap.
HR %Max.: The percentage of maximum heart rate.                     Lap Dist Per Stk: Swimming. The average distance traveled per
HR Zone: The current range of your heart rate (1 to 5). The            stroke during the current lap.
   default zones are based on your user profile and maximum         Lap Dist Per Stk: Paddle sports. The average distance traveled
   heart rate (220 minus your age).                                    per stroke during the current lap.
Int. Avg. %HRR: The average percentage of heart rate reserve        Lap GCT: The average amount of ground contact time for the
   (maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate) for the current       current lap.
   swim interval.                                                   Lap GCT Bal.: The average ground contact time balance for the
Int. Avg. %Max.: The average percentage of maximum heart               current lap.
   rate for the current swim interval.                              Lap HR: The average heart rate for the current lap.
Int. Avg. HR: The average heart rate for the current swim           Lap HR %Max.: The average percentage of maximum heart
   interval.                                                           rate for the current lap.
Int. Distance: The distance traveled for the current interval.      Lap L. PP: The average power phase angle for the left leg for
Int. Max. %HRR: The maximum percentage of heart rate                   the current lap.
   reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate) for the    Lap L. PPP: The average power phase peak angle for the left
   current swim interval.                                              leg for the current lap.
Int. Max. %Max.: The maximum percentage of maximum heart            Lap NP: The average Normalized Power for the current lap.
   rate for the current swim interval.
                                                                    Lap Pace: The average pace for the current lap.
Int. Max. HR: The maximum heart rate for the current swim
   interval.                                                        Lap PCO: The average platform center offset for the current lap.
Int. Pace: The average pace for the current interval.               Lap Power: The average power output for the current lap.
Int. Swolf: The average swolf score for the current interval.       Lap R. PP: The average power phase angle for the right leg for
                                                                       the current lap.
Intensity Factor: The Intensity Factor™ for the current activity.
                                                                    Lap R. PPP: The average power phase peak angle for the right
Interval Lengths: The number of pool lengths completed during          leg for the current lap.
   the current interval.
                                                                    Laps: The number of laps completed for the current activity.
Interval Time: The stopwatch time for the current interval.
                                                                    Lap Speed: The average speed for the current lap.
Int Strk/Len: The average number of strokes per pool length
   during the current interval.                                     Lap Stride Len.: The average stride length for the current lap.
Int Strk Rate: The average number of strokes per minute (spm)       Lap Strk Rate: Swimming. The average number of strokes per
   during the current interval.                                        minute (spm) during the current lap.
Int Strk Type: The current stroke type for the interval.            Lap Strk Rate: Paddle sports. The average number of strokes
                                                                       per minute (spm) during the current lap.
L. Lap HR %Max.: The average percentage of maximum heart
   rate for the last completed lap.                                 Lap Strokes: Swimming. The total number of strokes for the
                                                                       current lap.
L. Lap Stk. Rate: Swimming. The average number of strokes
   per minute (spm) during the last completed lap.                  Lap Strokes: Paddle sports. The total number of strokes for the
                                                                       current lap.
L. Lap Stk. Rate: Paddle sports. The average number of
   strokes per minute (spm) during the last completed lap.          Lap Swolf: The swolf score for the current lap.

36                                                                                                                         Appendix

Lap Time: The stopwatch time for the current lap.                      Multisport Time: The total time for all sports in a multisport
Lap Vert. Osc.: The average amount of vertical oscillation for            activity, including transitions.
   the current lap.                                                    Muscle O2 Sat. %: The estimated muscle oxygen saturation
Lap Vert. Ratio: The average ratio of vertical oscillation to stride      percentage for the current activity.
   length for the current lap.                                         Nautical Dist: The distance traveled in nautical meters or
Last Lap %HRR: The average percentage of heart rate reserve               nautical feet.
   (maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate) for the last          Nautical Speed: The current speed in knots.
   completed lap.                                                      Next Waypoint: The next point on the route. You must be
Last Lap Ascent: The vertical distance of ascent for the last             navigating for this data to appear.
   completed lap.                                                      NP: The Normalized Power™ for the current activity.
Last Lap Cad.: Cycling. The average cadence for the last               Off Course: The distance to the left or right by which you have
   completed lap.                                                         strayed from the original path of travel. You must be
Last Lap Cad.: Running. The average cadence for the last                  navigating for this data to appear.
   completed lap.                                                      Pace: The current pace.
Last Lap Descent: The vertical distance of descent for the last        PCO: The platform center offset. Platform center offset is the
   completed lap.                                                         location on the pedal platform where force is applied.
Last Lap Dist.: The distance traveled for the last completed lap.      Pedal Smooth.: The measurement of how evenly a rider is
Last Lap HR: The average heart rate for the last completed lap.           applying force to the pedals throughout each pedal stroke.
Last Lap NP: The average Normalized Power for the last                 Perform. Cond.: The performance condition score is a real-time
   completed lap.                                                         assessment of your ability to perform.
Last Lap Pace: The average pace for the last completed lap.            Power: The current power output in watts.
Last Lap Power: The average power output for the last                  Power to Weight: The current power measured in watts per
   completed lap.                                                         kilogram.
Last Lap Speed: The average speed for the last completed lap.          Power Zone: The current range of power output (1 to 7) based
Last Lap Time: The stopwatch time for the last completed lap.             on your FTP or custom settings.
Last Len. Pace: The average pace for your last completed pool          Rear: The rear bike gear from a gear position sensor.
   length.                                                             Repeat On: The timer for the last interval plus the current rest
Last Len. Swolf: The swolf score for the last completed pool              (pool swimming).
   length.                                                             Reps: During a strength training activity, the number of
Lat/Lon: The current position in latitude and longitude                   repetitions in a workout set.
   regardless of the selected position format setting.                 Rest Timer: The timer for the current rest (pool swimming).
Left PP: The current power phase angle for the left leg. Power         Right PP: The current power phase angle for the right leg.
   phase is the pedal stroke region where positive power is               Power phase is the pedal stroke region where positive power
   produced.                                                              is produced.
Left PPP: The current power phase peak angle for the left leg.         Right PPP: The current power phase peak angle for the right
   Power phase peak is the angle range over which the rider               leg. Power phase peak is the angle range over which the
   produces the peak portion of the driving force.                        rider produces the peak portion of the driving force.
Lengths: The number of pool lengths completed during the               Set Timer: During a strength training activity, the amount of time
   current activity.                                                      spent in the current workout set.
LL 500m Pace: The average rowing pace per 500 meters for               Speed: The current rate of travel.
   the last lap.                                                       Stopped Time: The total time stopped for the current activity.
L Lap Dist P Stk: Swimming. The average distance traveled per          Stride Length: The length of your stride from one footfall to the
   stroke during the last completed lap.                                  next, measured in meters.
L Lap Dist P Stk: Paddle sports. The average distance traveled         Stroke Rate: Swimming. The number of strokes per minute
   per stroke during the last completed lap.                              (spm).
Location: The current position using the selected position             Stroke Rate: Paddle sports. The number of strokes per minute
   format setting.                                                        (spm).
Max. Ascent: The maximum rate of ascent in feet per minute or          Strokes: Swimming. The total number of strokes for the current
   meters per minute since the last reset.                                activity.
Max. Descent: The maximum rate of descent in meters per                Strokes: Paddle sports. The total number of strokes for the
   minute or feet per minute since the last reset.                        current activity.
Max. Elevation: The highest elevation reached since the last           Sunrise: The time of sunrise based on your GPS position.
                                                                       Sunset: The time of sunset based on your GPS position.
Max. Lap Power: The top power output for the current lap.
                                                                       Temperature: The temperature of the air. Your body
Max. Nautical Speed: The maximum speed in knots for the                   temperature affects the temperature sensor. You can pair a
   current activity.                                                      tempe sensor with your device to provide a consistent source
Maximum Speed: The top speed for the current activity.                    of accurate temperature data.
Max Power: The top power output for the current activity.              Time in Zone: The time elapsed in each heart rate or power
Min. Elevation: The lowest elevation reached since the last               zone.
   reset.                                                              Time of Day: The time of day based on your current location
Moving Time: The total time moving for the current activity.              and time settings (format, time zone, daylight saving time).
                                                                       Timer: The current time of the countdown timer.

Appendix                                                                                                                              37

Time Seat.: The time spent seated while pedaling for the current    TSS: The Training Stress Score™ for the current activity.
  activity.                                                         V Dist to Dest: The elevation distance between your current
Time Seat. Lap: The time spent seated while pedaling for the           position and the final destination. You must be navigating for
  current lap.                                                         this data to appear.
Time Stand.: The time spent standing while pedaling for the         Vert. Spd.: The rate of ascent or descent over time.
  current activity.                                                 Vertical Osc.: The amount of bounce while you are running.
Time Stand. Lap: The time spent standing while pedaling for            The vertical motion of your torso, measured in centimeters for
  the current lap.                                                     each step.
Time to Next: The estimated time remaining before you reach         Vertical Ratio: The ratio of vertical oscillation to stride length.
  the next waypoint in the route. You must be navigating for        Vert Spd to Tgt: The rate of ascent or descent to a
  this data to appear.                                                 predetermined altitude. You must be navigating for this data
Torque Eff.: The measurement of how efficiently a rider is             to appear.
  pedaling.                                                         VMG: The speed at which you are closing on a destination along
Total Ascent: The total elevation distance ascended since the          a route. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
  last reset.                                                       Work: The accumulated work performed (power output) in
Total Descent: The total elevation distance descended since            kilojoules.
  the last reset.
Total Hemoglobin: The estimated muscle oxygen total for the
  current activity.

VO2 Max. Standard Ratings
These tables include standardized classifications for VO2 max. estimates by age and gender.
Males            Percentile          20–29        30–39            40–49               50–59          60–69           70–79
Superior         95                  55.4         54               52.5                48.9           45.7            42.1
Excellent        80                  51.1         48.3             46.4                43.4           39.5            36.7
Good             60                  45.4         44               42.4                39.2           35.5            32.3
Fair             40                  41.7         40.5             38.5                35.6           32.3            29.4
Poor             0–40                <41.7        <40.5            <38.5               <35.6          <32.3           <29.4

Females          Percentile          20–29        30–39            40–49               50–59          60–69           70–79
Superior         95                  49.6         47.4             45.3                41.1           37.8            36.7
Excellent        80                  43.9         42.4             39.7                36.7           33              30.9
Good             60                  39.5         37.8             36.3                33             30              28.1
Fair             40                  36.1         34.4             33                  30.1           27.5            25.9
Poor             0–40                <36.1        <34.4            <33                 <30.1          <27.5           <25.9

Data reprinted with permission from The Cooper Institute. For more information, go to
FTP Ratings                                                        The tire size is marked on both sides of the tire. This is not a
These tables include classifications for functional threshold      comprehensive list. You can also measure the circumference of
power (FTP) estimates by gender.                                   your wheel or use one of the calculators available on the
Males             Watts per Kilogram (W/kg)
                                                                    Tire Size                  Wheel Circumference (mm)
Superior          5.05 and greater
                                                                    20 × 1.75                  1515
Excellent         From 3.93 to 5.04
                                                                    20 × 1-3/8                 1615
Good              From 2.79 to 3.92
                                                                    22 × 1-3/8                 1770
Fair              From 2.23 to 2.78
                                                                    22 × 1-1/2                 1785
Untrained         Less than 2.23
                                                                    24 × 1                     1753

Females           Watts per Kilogram (W/kg)                         24 × 3/4 Tubular           1785

Superior          4.30 and greater                                  24 × 1-1/8                 1795

Excellent         From 3.33 to 4.29                                 24 × 1.75                  1890

Good              From 2.36 to 3.32                                 24 × 1-1/4                 1905

Fair              From 1.90 to 2.35                                 24 × 2.00                  1925

Untrained         Less than 1.90                                    24 × 2.125                 1965
                                                                    26 × 7/8                   1920
FTP ratings are based on research by Hunter Allen and Andrew        26 × 1-1.0                 1913
Coggan, PhD, Training and Racing with a Power Meter                 26 × 1                     1952
(Boulder, CO: VeloPress, 2010).                                     26 × 1.25                  1953
                                                                    26 × 1-1/8                 1970
Wheel Size and Circumference                                        26 × 1.40                  2005
Your speed sensor automatically detects your wheel size. If
necessary, you can manually enter your wheel circumference in       26 × 1.50                  2010
the speed sensor settings.

38                                                                                                                            Appendix

Tire      Size              Wheel Circumference (mm)
26 x1.75                    2023
26 x1.95                    2050
26 x 2.00                   2055
26 x 1—38                   2068
26 x2.10                    2068
26 x 2.125                  2070
26 x 235                    2083
26 x 142                    2100
26 x 3.00                   2170
27 x4                       2145
27 x 1408                   2155
27 x144                     2161
27 x1—38                    2160
20 x 21                     2208
20 x22                      2208
20x23                       2326
(650 x 200                   1938
(650 x 23C                   1944
(650 x 36A                  2090
650 x 36B                   2105
(650 x 38A                  2125
700 x 18C                   2070
700 x 19C                   2080
700 x 20C                   2086
700 x 23C                   2006
700 x 25C                   2105
700C Tubular                2130
700 x 28C                   2136
700 x 30C                   2146
700 x 32C                   2155
700 x 35C                   2168
700 x 38C                   2180
700 x 40C                   2200
700 x 44C                   2236
700 x 45C                   2242
700 x 47C                   2208

Symbol Defi                 ns
These symbols may appear on the device or accessory labels.
.~ [Altemating current. The device is suitable for altemating current.

=—=[Direct current. The device is suitable for direct current only.

‘«[Fuse. Indicates a fuse specification or location

‘% |WEEE disposal and recycling symbol. The WEEE symbol is
 ~ [attached to the product in compliance with the EU directive
   2012/19/EU on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
       (WEEE), Itisintended to deter the improper disposal ofthis
       product and to promote reuse and recycling.

Appendic                                                                 30

                   Index            F
                                    fitness 14
                                                                               navigation 22, 23, 25, 30
                                    foot pod 31                                   Sight 'N Go 22
A                                                                                 stopping 23
accessories 31, 33, 34              G                                          NFC 8
activities 2, 3, 24, 27             Garmin Connect 1, 5–7, 18, 19              north reference 29
    custom 2, 3                        storing data 7                          notifications 5, 6
    favorites 2                     Garmin Express 2, 7                           phone calls 6
    saving 2                           updating software 1                        text messages 6
    starting 2                      Garmin Pay 8, 9
activity tracking 17, 18            GLONASS 30                                 O
alarms 21, 25                       goals 20                                   odometer 5, 24
alert 3                             GPS 26, 30                                 oxygen saturation 16
alerts 21, 25, 26, 30                  signal 33, 34
altimeter 23, 29                    green view, pin location 4                 P
    calibrating 29                  ground contact time 11, 12                 pairing
ANT+ sensors 31                     GroupTrack 7, 29                              ANT+ sensors 10
applications 5, 7, 8                                                              Bluetooth sensors 33
    smartphone 1                    H                                             sensors 31
auto climb 26                       hazards 5                                     smartphone 1, 33
Auto Lap 26                         heading setting 30                         payments 8, 9
Auto Pause 26                       headphones 33                              performance condition 13, 15
auto scroll 26                          Bluetooth technology 9, 33             personal records 20
                                        connecting 9                              deleting 20, 21
B                                   heart rate 10                              phone calls 6
backlight 1, 30                         alerts 25                              points of interest (POI) 22, 23
bands 32, 33                            monitor 10–14                          power (force) 13
barometer 23, 29                        pairing sensors 10                        alerts 25
   calibrating 29                       zones 13, 17, 24                          meters 14–16, 31, 38
battery 32                          history 23, 24                                zones 17
   charging 1                           deleting 24                            profiles 2
   life 32                              sending to computer 6, 7                  user 17
   maximizing 6, 27, 34                                                        projected finish time 14
bike sensors 31                     I                                          pulse oximeter 10, 16
Bluetooth sensors 31                indoor training 2
Bluetooth technology 3, 5, 6, 33    intensity minutes 18, 34                   R
   headphones 9, 33                 intervals 4                                racing 20
                                        workouts 19                            recovery 12–14
C                                                                              resetting the device 33
cadence 3, 11                       J                                          routes 22
    alerts 25                       jumpmaster 3                                  settings 25
    sensors 31                                                                 running dynamics 11, 12
calendar 19                         K
calibrating                         keys 1, 30                                 S
    altimeter 29                       customizing 26                          satellite signals 33, 34
    compass 28                                                                 saving activities 2
                                    L                                          scorecard 5
calorie, alerts 25                  lactate threshold 13, 15
charging 1                                                                     screen 30
                                    language 30
cleaning the device 11, 32                                                     segments 19, 20
                                    layup 5
clock 21                                                                       settings 18, 24, 25, 27–30, 33
                                    lengths 4
compass 23, 28–30                                                              shortcuts 1, 28
                                    LiveTrack 7
    calibrating 28                                                             Sight 'N Go 22
                                    locations 22
computer 9                                                                     skiing
                                        deleting 21
Connect IQ 8                                                                       alpine 3
                                        editing 21
connecting 6                                                                       snowboarding 3
                                        saving 21, 23
controls menu 1, 28                                                            sleep mode 18
coordinates 22                      M                                          smartphone 7, 8, 27, 33
countdown timer 21                  main menu, customizing 27                      applications 5, 7
courses                             man overboard (MOB) 22                         pairing 1, 33
    creating 22                     map 23, 25, 29                             snowboarding 3
    playing 4                       map points. See points of interest (POI)   software
    selecting 4                     maps 25, 30                                    license 30
customizing the device 24, 28, 30      browsing 23                                 updating 1, 6, 7
                                       navigating 22, 23                           version 30
D                                     updating 1                               specifications 32
data                                marine 29                                  speed 26
     pages 24                       measurements 5                             speed and cadence sensors 31
     storing 6, 7                   measuring a shot 5                         statistics 5
     transferring 6, 7              menu 1                                     stopwatch 21
     uploading 7                                                               storing data 6, 7
                                    metronome 3
data fields 8                                                                  stress level 15, 28
                                    MOB 22
deleting                            multisport 2, 3, 24                        stress score 15
     all user data 32                                                          stride length 11
                                    music 9
     history 24                                                                strokes 4
                                       loading 9
     personal records 20, 21                                                   sunrise and sunset times 21
                                       playing 9
distance 26                                                                    swimming 4
                                       services 9
     alerts 25, 30                  music controls 9                           swing analysis 5
dogleg 5                                                                       swolf score 4
drills 4                                                                       system settings 30

40                                                                                                               Index

target 20
tempe 32, 34
temperature 32, 34
text messages 6
    alerts 25
    settings 30
    zones and formats 30
time zones 21
timer 2, 23
    countdown 21
tones 3, 21
TracBack 2, 22
tracks 22
training 5, 19, 20
    plans 18, 19
Training Effect 13, 14
training load 14
training status 13
triathlon training 3
troubleshooting 10–12, 16, 33, 34
UltraTrac 26
unit ID 30
units of measure 30
updates, software 6, 7
uploading data 7
    disconnecting 32
user data, deleting 32
user profile 17
vertical oscillation 11, 12
vertical ratio 11, 12
VIRB remote 27
Virtual Partner 20
VO2 max. 12–14, 38
wallet 8
watch faces 8, 28
watch mode 27
water resistance 32
waypoints 23
   projecting 21
wheel sizes 38
Wi‑Fi, connecting 7
widgets 1, 8, 10, 16, 27, 28
workouts 18, 19
   loading 18
   heart rate 17
   power 17
   time 21

Index                               41

E     C €                 March 2018
mam         ancs     190—02325—00_0A

Document Created: 2018-04-12 16:59:30
Document Modified: 2018-04-12 16:59:30

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