FCC RFx rev2

FCC ID: IPH-03346

RF Exposure Info

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                                                      RF Exposure

Reference:        CFR 47 FCC Part 2.1093
                  CFR 47 FCC Part 15.245

The user’s manual for this device states:

        “avoid holding the radar unit while the radar is activated and maintain 20 cm from the device”

The user would activate the radar while holding the device in their hand, and then place it on the ground. While the
device is being held, it is considered portable. When it is on the ground and the 20cm separation is maintained, it is
considered mobile.

When device under consideration is considered portable, and is therefore defined under FCC Part 2.1093 (b):

        (b) For purposes of this section, a portable device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used so
        that the radiating structure(s) of the device is/are within 20 centimeters of the body of the user.

And Section (d)

(d) … Portable devices that transmit at frequencies above 6 GHz are to be evaluated in terms of the MPE limits
specified in §1.1310 of this chapter. Measurements and calculations to demonstrate compliance with MPE field
strength or power density limits for devices operating above 6 GHz should be made at a minimum distance of 5 cm
from the radiating source.

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                                                    RF Exposure

The limit for a transmitter operating at 24,110 MHz for general population/uncontrolled exposure is 1 mW/cm 2

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                                                              RF Exposure

Total for mobile (> 20cm) use:

 Occupational/Controlled                   0
 General Population/uncontrolled           1

                                                +10% for
 Transmitte     Frequenc    Antenna             toleranc   Power
 r              y           Gain      Power     e          Density     Limit     % of limit       Highest Total     Type
                            numerica                                   mW/cm^
                MHz         l         mW                   mW/cm^2     2         Percent of limit
            1       2402        0.507    1.91       2.10    0.00021       1.0000            0.02%       1   0.02%   PK/conducted
            1       2440        0.507    1.77       1.94    0.00020       1.0000            0.02%                   PK/conducted
            1       2480        0.507    1.71       1.88    0.00019       1.0000            0.02%                   PK/conducted
            2      24200            1    4.64       5.10    0.00102       1.0000            0.10%       1   0.10%   radiated
                                                                                                  TOTAL     0.12%

 Distance              20 cm                                                                     PASS?    YES

 Occupational/Controlled                    0
 General Population/uncontrolled            1

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                                                     RF Exposure

Although the Field Disturbance Sensor (FDS) is intended to only operate while on the ground and the user is instructed
to maintain 20cm of separation from the device while the FDS is operating, the Bluetooth radio may operate while the
device is hand held or in the pocket, and for Bluetooth operation, the device could be considered as Portable.

Evaluation for portable use with 5mm seperation:

Lowest Channel
f(GHz) = 2.402
Power = 2.80 dBm conducted      Antenna gain = 0.507 dBi        0.41 dB added for 10% power tolerance

EIRP + 10% tolerance = 3.72 dBm = 2.36 mW, round to nearest mW = 2 mW

[2 mW] / [5.00 mm] • [√2.402 ] = 0.62 Limit = 3.0       EXEMPT

Middle Channel
f(GHz) = 2.441
Power = 2.47 dBm conducted      Antenna gain = 0.507 dBi        0.41 dB added for 10% power tolerance

EIRP + 10% tolerance = 3.39 = 2.18 mW, rounded to nearest mW = 2 mW

[2 mW] / [5.00 mm] • [√2.440 ] = 0.62 Limit = 3.0       EXEMPT

Highest Channel
f(GHz) = 2.480
Power = 2.33 dBm conducted      Antenna gain = 0.507 dBi        0.41 dB added for 10% power tolerance

EIRP + 10% tolerance = 3.25 = 2.11 mW, rounded to nearest mW = 2 mW

[2 mW] / [5.00 mm] • [√2.480 ] = 0.63 Limit = 3.0       EXEMPT

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Document Created: 2018-12-06 08:37:14
Document Modified: 2018-12-06 08:37:14

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