FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

FCC ID: IPH-03070

Test Report

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                                                   Test Report
                                      Prepared for: Garmin International, Inc.

                                               Model: A03070/A03071

                                       Description: Short Range Transceiver

                                                 Serial Number: N/A

                                      FCC ID: IPH-03070 & FCC ID: IPH-03071
                                        IC: 1792A-03070 & IC: 1792A-03071


                                                   FCC Part 15.247
                                                     IC RSS-247

                                          Date of Issue: December 12, 2017

On the behalf of the applicant:           Garmin International, Inc.
                                          1705 S. Research Loop
                                          Tucson, AZ 85710

Attention of:                             Rick Waybright, Regulatory Manager
                                          Ph: (520)290-6000
                                          E-Mail: Rick.Waybright@garmin.com

                                                   Prepared By
                                             Compliance Testing, LLC
                                                1724 S. Nevada Way
                                                  Mesa, AZ 85204
                                     (480) 926-3100 phone / (480) 926-3598 fax
                                               Project No: p1780018

                                                                         Alex Macon
                                                                         Project Test Engineer

         This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Compliance Testing.
                              All results contained herein relate only to the sample tested.

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Test Report Revision History

Revision        Date                 Revised By   Reason for Revision

1.0             September 29, 2017   Alex Macon   Original Document
                                                  Included 10dB attenuator into setup diagram on
                                                  page 9 and 11
                                                  Updated additional information section with
2.0             December 11, 2017    Alex Macon
                                                  antenna gain statement.
                                                  Updated 99% BW table.
                                                  Updated AC power line section with tabular data

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                                                            Table of Contents

Description                                                                                                                                  Page

 Standard Test Conditions Engineering Practices ............................................................................... 6
 Conducted Output Power .................................................................................................................... 9
 Conducted RF Measurements (15.209) ............................................................................................ 10
 Radiated Spurious Emissions ........................................................................................................... 11
 15.247 Spurious Emissions ............................................................................................................... 12
 DTS Bandwidth ................................................................................................................................. 13
 Transmitter Power Spectral Density (PSD) ....................................................................................... 15
 A/C Powerline Conducted Emission ................................................................................................. 16
 Test Equipment Utilized .................................................................................................................... 18

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                                                         ILAC / A2LA

Compliance Testing, LLC, has been accredited in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC
17025:2005. This accreditation demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a laboratory
quality management system (refer to the joint ISO-ILAC-IAF Communiqué dated January 2009).

The tests results contained within this test report all fall within our scope of accreditation, unless noted below.

Please refer to http://www.compliancetesting.com/labscope.html for current scope of accreditation.

Testing Certificate Number: 2152.01

FCC Site Reg. #349717

IC Site Reg. #2044A-2

       Non-accredited tests contained in this report:


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The applicant has been cautioned as to the following

15.21 - Information to User

The user’s manual or instruction manual for an intentional radiator shall caution the user that changes or modifications not
expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

15.27(a) - Special Accessories

Equipment marked to a consumer must be capable of complying with the necessary regulations in the configuration in
which the equipment is marketed. Where special accessories, such as shielded cables and/or special connectors are
required to enable an unintentional or intentional radiator to comply with the emission limits in this part, the equipment
must be marketed with, i.e. shipped and sold with, those special accessories. However, in lieu of shipping or packaging
the special accessories with the unintentional or intentional radiator, the responsible party may employ other methods of
ensuring that the special accessories are provided to the consumer without an additional charge.

Information detailing any alternative method used to supply the special accessories for a grant of equipment authorization
or retained in the verification records, as appropriate. The party responsible for the equipment, as detailed in § 2.909 of
this chapter, shall ensure that these special accessories are provided with the equipment. The instruction manual for such
devices shall include appropriate instructions on the first page of text concerned with the installation of the device that
these special accessories must be used with the device. It is the responsibility of the user to use the needed special
accessories supplied with the equipment.

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Standard Test Conditions Engineering Practices

Except as noted herein, the following conditions and procedures were observed during the testing:

In accordance with ANSI C63.10-2013 and unless otherwise indicated in the specific measurement results, the ambient
temperature of the actual EUT was maintained within the range of 10° to 40°C (50° to 104°F) unless the particular
equipment requirements specified testing over a different temperature range. Also, unless otherwise indicated, the
humidity levels were in the range of 10% to 90% relative humidity.

Measurement results, unless otherwise noted, are worst-case measurements.

                                                  Environmental Conditions
                               Temperature              Humidity                Pressure
                                  (ºC)                    (%)                    (mbar)
                                23.4 – 24.5             32.1 – 35.8             966 - 968

EUT Description
Model: A03070/A03071
Description: Short Range Transceiver
Firmware: N/A
Software: N/A
Serial Number: N/A
Additional Information:
The system consists of a base unit intended to be operated by the end user and a roaming device which is intended to be
moving at various locations near the base unit. These devices are described as Base Unit (A03070) and Roaming Device
(A03071). The devices utilize Zigbee, ANT, and BLE protocols for communication. The ANT and BLE emissions are
identical so only one emission is included within the report. The Base Unit incorporates a MIMO configuration for the
Zigbee communication. Both ports have been measured and the data is included below.
An antenna gain of 2dBi is used throughout the testing of each modulation.

EUT Operation during Tests
The devices were placed into test modes using manufacturer supplied software. Continuous output in both CW and
modulated tones were possible for high mid and low channels.

             Accessories: None

             Cables: None

             Modifications: None

15.203: Antenna Requirement:

                                              X      The antenna is permanently attached to the EUT

                                                     The antenna uses a unique coupling

                                                     The EUT must be professionally installed

                                                     The antenna requirement does not apply

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           _ Compliance Testing, LLC
‘v.‘ Testing since 1963

Test Results Summary

            FCC 15.247                                                 Pass,
                                            Test Name                                    Comments
           Specification                                              Fail, N/A
         15.247(b)              Peak Output Power                       Pass

         15.247(b)              Conducted Spurious Emissions            Pass
                                Radiated Spurious Emissions             Pass
         15.209(a), 15.205
                                Emissions At Band Edges                 Pass
         15.209(a), 15.205
         15.247(a)(2)           Occupied Bandwidth                      Pass

         15.247(e)              Transmitter Power Spectral Density      Pass

         15.207                 A/C Powerline Conducted Emissions       Pass

    References                        Description

    CFR47, Part 15, Subpart B         Unintentional Radiators

    CFR47, Part 15, Subpart C         Intentional Radiators

    ANSI C63.10-2013                  American National standard for testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices
                                      Method and Measurements of Radio-Noise Emissions from low-Voltage
    ANSI C63.4-2014
                                      Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the range 9kHz to 40GHz.
                                      General requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibrations
    ISO/IEC 17025:2005
                                      Guidance for Performing Compliance Measurements on Digital Transmission
    KDB 558074 D01 v04
                                      Systems (DTS) Operating under §15.247

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Conducted Output Power
Engineer: Alex Macon
Test Date: 9/13/17

                                                     Test Procedure

The EUT was connected directly to a spectrum analyzer. For BLE and ANT emissions, section 9.1.1 of KDB 558074 was
followed. For the Zigbee emission, section a) of KDB 558074 was followed.

The EUT was set to transmit on the lowest, middle and highest frequencies at the maximum power level.

                                                       Test Setup


                                              Transmitter Output Power

                                                       Base Unit

     Tuned Frequency                                     Measured Value
                                Modulation                                       Specification Limit     Result
          (MHz)                                              (dBm)
            2402                     BLE                      4.22                 1 W (30 dBm)          Pass

            2441                     BLE                       4.3                 1 W (30 dBm)          Pass

            2480                     BLE                       4.2                 1 W (30 dBm)          Pass

         Tuned                                                         Total Summer
                                             Port 0        Port 1                        Specification
       Frequency        Modulation                                        Power                           Result
                                             (dBm)         (dBm)                            Limit
         (MHz)                                                             (dBm)
          2405             Zigbee             19.8          19.6            22.7         1 W (30 dBm)      Pass

          2445             Zigbee             19.0          18.8            21.9         1 W (30 dBm)      Pass

          2470             Zigbee             18.4          17.9            21.2         1 W (30 dBm)      Pass

                                                     Roaming Device

     Tuned Frequency                                     Measured Value
                                Modulation                                       Specification Limit     Result
          (MHz)                                              (dBm)
            2405                    Zigbee                    2.47                 1 W (30 dBm)          Pass

            2445                    Zigbee                    2.13                 1 W (30 dBm)          Pass

            2470                    Zigbee                    1.46                 1 W (30 dBm)          Pass

            2402                     BLE                      1.24                 1 W (30 dBm)          Pass

            2441                     BLE                      2.05                 1 W (30 dBm)          Pass

            2480                     BLE                      -1.7                 1 W (30 dBm)          Pass

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Conducted RF Measurements (15.209)
Engineer: Alex Macon
Test Date: 9/18/17

                                                    Test Procedure

Antenna-port conducted measurements were performed as an alternative to radiated measurements for demonstrating
compliance in the restricted frequency bands for 15.209.

The following offsets were added to the measurements:
The maximum transmit antenna gain (in dBi) to the measured output power level to determine the EIRP level
A maximum ground reflection factor to the EIRP level, 6 dB for frequencies ≤ 30 MHz, 4.7 dB for frequencies between 30
MHz and 1000 MHz, inclusive and 0 dB for frequencies > 1000MHz.

The following equations were used to determine the field strength from the conducted values.
E[dBμV/m] = EIRP[dBm] - 20 log(d[meters]) + 104.77, where E = field strength and d = 3m
E[dBμV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2, for d = 3 meters.

The Spectrum Analyzer was set to the following:

The Spectrum Analyzer was set to the following for emissions > 1000MHz:
   a. RBW = 1 MHz
   b. VBW ≥ 3 MHz
   c. Detector = Peak.
   d. Sweep time = auto
   e. Trace mode = max hold
      1. Note: For emissions where the peak exceeded that of the average 15.209 emission limit the following was
   f. RBW = 1 MHz
   g. VBW ≤ RBW/100 (i.e., 10 kHz) but not less than 10 Hz

For emissions below 1000MHz the Spectrum Analyzer settings were as follows:
    a. RBW = 100 kHz
    b. VBW ≥ 300 kHz
    c. Detector = Peak
    d. Sweep time = auto
    e. Trace mode = max hold

The EUT was connected to a spectrum analyzer to verify that the EUT met the requirements for spurious emissions. The
EUT was set to transmit on the lowest, middle and highest frequencies at the maximum power level. The frequency
range from 30 MHz to the 10th harmonic of the fundamental transmitter was investigated. Only noise floor was observed
past 18GHz

                                                      Test Setup

                                                        10dB                   Spectrum
                                                     attenuator                Analyzer

See Annex A1 and A2 for test data

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Radiated Spurious Emissions
Engineer: Alex Macon
Test Date: 8/30/17

                                                    Test Procedure
                                      Radiated Spurious Emissions: 30 – 1000 MHz

The EUT was setup in a semi-anechoic test chamber set 3m from the receiving antenna. The output of the transmitter was
connected to a non-radiating balance load. The EUT was set to transmit on the lowest, middle and highest frequencies at the
maximum power level. A spectrum analyzer was used to verify that the EUT met the requirements for Radiated Emissions.
The EUT was tested by rotating it 360 with the antennas in both the vertical and horizontal orientation and was raised from 1
to 4 meters to ensure the TX signal levels were maximized.

All emissions from 30 MHz to 1 GHz were examined.
Measured Level includes antenna and receiver cable correction factors.
Correction factors were input into the spectrum analyzer before recording “Measured Level”.

RBW = 100 KHz
VBW = 300 KHz
Detector – Quasi Peak

                                                         Test Setup

                              EUT                          Antenna                   Spectrum

                                                  Test Procedure for
                                       Radiated Spurious Emissions above 1 GHz

The EUT was setup in a semi-anechoic test chamber set 3m from the receiving antenna. The output of the transmitter was
connected to a non-radiating balance load. The EUT was set to transmit on the lowest, middle and highest frequencies at the
maximum power level. A spectrum analyzer was used to verify that the EUT met the requirements for Radiated Emissions.
The EUT was tested by rotating it 360 with the antennas in both the vertical and horizontal orientation and was raised from 1
to 4 meters to ensure the TX signal levels were maximized. Only noise floor was observed past 18GHz

                                                         Test Setup

                                                          Band Reject
              EUT                     Antenna                Filter               Amplifier            Spectrum
                                                          (if necessary

See Annex B1 and B2 for Test Data

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15.247 Spurious Emissions
Engineer: Alex Macon
Test Date: 8/28/17

                                                      Test Procedure

For the Base Unit, The EUT was connected directly to a spectrum analyzer. The Spectrum Analyzer was set to the

RBW = 100 kHz
VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
Peak Detector
Trace mode = max hold
Sweep = auto couple
Frequency Range = 30MHz – 10th Harmonic of the fundamental

The EUT was set to transmit on the lowest, middle and highest frequencies at the maximum power level. The trace was
allowed to stabilize. All emissions were investigated to insure they were attenuated from the peak fundamental by at least
20dB. If the average power levels were measured then the out-of-band emissions needed to be attenuated by 30dB. In
addition emissions were investigated at the band edges to insure all out-of-band emissions were attenuated 20 or 30dB
as necessary.

                                                         Test Setup

                                                           10dB                    Spectrum
                                                        attenuator                 Analyzer

                                                    Test Procedure for
                                                   the Roaming Device

The EUT was setup in a semi-anechoic test chamber set 3m from the receiving antenna. The output of the transmitter was
connected to a non-radiating balance load. The EUT was set to transmit on the lowest, middle and highest frequencies at the
maximum power level. A spectrum analyzer was used to verify that the EUT met the requirements for Radiated Emissions.
The EUT was tested by rotating it 360 with the antennas in both the vertical and horizontal orientation and was raised from 1
to 4 meters to ensure the TX signal levels were maximized. Only noise floor was observed past 18GHz

                                                         Test Setup

                                                          Band Reject
              EUT                     Antenna                Filter               Amplifier            Spectrum
IPH                                                                                                    Analyzer
                                                          (if necessary

See Annex A2 and B1 for test data

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DTS Bandwidth
Engineer: Alex Macon
Test Date: 9/11/17

                                                    Test Procedure

The EUT was connected directly to a spectrum analyzer. The Spectrum Analyzer was set to the following:

RBW = 100 kHz
VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
Peak Detector
Trace mode = max hold
Sweep = auto couple
Span = 1.5 x EBW

The EUT was set to transmit at the lowest, middle and highest channels of the band at the maximum power levels. The
maximum width of the emission that was determined by the frequencies associated with the two outermost amplitude
points (upper and lower frequencies) that were attenuated by 6db and this value was used to determine the width of the
carrier. Alternatively the spectrum analyzer’s automatic bandwidth capability was used.

                                                      Test Setup

                                             EUT                     Spectrum

                                                   Roaming Device

                                         6 dB Occupied Bandwidth Summary

              Frequency                         Measured Bandwidth         Specification Limit
                                Modulation                                                         Result
                (MHz)                                 (MHz)                       (kHz)
                 2405             Zigbee               1.48                       ≥ 500             Pass
                 2445             Zigbee               1.49                       ≥ 500             Pass
                 2470             Zigbee               1.47                       ≥ 500             Pass
                 2402            BLE/ANT                   0.5                    ≥ 500             Pass
                 2441            BLE/ANT                   0.5                    ≥ 500             Pass
                 2480            BLE/ANT                   0.5                    ≥ 500             Pass

                                              99% Bandwidth Summary

                               Frequency                         Measured Bandwidth
                                 (MHz)                                 (MHz)
                                  2405          Zigbee                  2.35
                                  2445          Zigbee                  2.42
                                  2470          Zigbee                  2.40
                                  2402         BLE/ANT                 0.999
                                  2441         BLE/ANT                 0.995
                                  2480         BLE/ANT                 0.995

See Annex C1 and C2 for Test Data

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                                               Base Unit

                                    6 dB Occupied Bandwidth Summary

             Frequency                     Measured Bandwidth       Specification Limit
                            Modulation                                                    Result
               (MHz)                             (MHz)                     (kHz)
                2405          Zigbee              1.56                     ≥ 500          Pass
                2445          Zigbee              1.58                     ≥ 500          Pass
                2470          Zigbee              1.55                     ≥ 500          Pass
               2402          BLE/ANT                0.516                 ≥ 500           Pass
               2441          BLE/ANT                0.513                 ≥ 500           Pass
               2480          BLE/ANT                0.515                 ≥ 500           Pass

                                         99% Bandwidth Summary

                           Frequency                        Measured Bandwidth
                             (MHz)                                (MHz)
                              2405         Zigbee                  2.34
                              2445         Zigbee                  2.38
                              2470         Zigbee                  2.39
                              2402        BLE/ANT                 0.990
                              2441        BLE/ANT                 0.991
                              2480        BLE/ANT                 0.992

See Annex C1 and C2 for Test Data

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Transmitter Power Spectral Density (PSD)
Engineer: Alex Macon
Test Date: 9/13/17

                                                  Test Procedure

The EUT was connected directly to a spectrum analyzer. The Spectrum Analyzer was set to the following:

DTS channel center frequency
Span 1.5 x DTS bandwidth
RBW =3 kHz
VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
Peak Detector
Sweep time = auto couple
Trace mode = max hold

The EUT was set to transmit at the lowest, middle and highest channels of the band at the maximum power levels. Once
the trace has stabilize the peak marker was used to determine the peak power spectral density.

                                                     Test Setup

                                                          10 dB
                          EUT                                                         Spectrum
                                                     (if necessary)

                                                     Base Unit

     Tuned Frequency                                   Measured Value
                                Modulation                                    Specification Limit        Result
          (MHz)                                            (dBm)
           2402                      BLE                    -5.56                   8 dBm                Pass
           2441                      BLE                    -5.99                   8 dBm                Pass
           2480                      BLE                    -5.56                   8 dBm                Pass

   Tuned Frequency                      Port 0    Port 1      Total Summer Power         Specification
                        Modulation                                                                          Result
        (MHz)                           (dBm)     (dBm)              (dBm)                  Limit
         2405              Zigbee         3.5       4.2                6.9                  8 dBm            Pass
         2445              Zigbee         2.0       1.1                4.6                  8 dBm            Pass
         2470              Zigbee         1.3       1.3                4.3                  8 dBm            Pass

                                                  Roaming Device

     Tuned Frequency                                   Measured Value
                                Modulation                                    Specification Limit        Result
          (MHz)                                            (dBm)
           2405                     Zigbee                  -14.1                   8 dBm                Pass
           2445                     Zigbee                 -14.29                   8 dBm                Pass
           2470                     Zigbee                 -15.75                   8 dBm                Pass
           2402                      BLE                    -8.54                   8 dBm                Pass
            2441                     BLE                      -7.74                 8 dBm                Pass
            2480                     BLE                     -11.87                 8 dBm                Pass

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A/C Powerline Conducted Emission
Engineer: Alex Macon
Test Date: 9/20/17

                                                    Test Procedure

The EUT power cable was connected to a LISN and the monitored output of the LISN was connected to a transient limiter,
which then connected directly to a spectrum analyzer. The conducted emissions from 150 kHz to 30 MHz were measured
and compared to the specification limits.

                                                      Test Setup

                  EUT                                                Transient              Spectrum
               Power Cable                                            Limiter               Analyzer

                                                        Line 1

                                                        Line 2

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                                        Line 1 Neutral Avg Detector
             Measured         LISN                            Transient                                Avg
                                             Cable Loss                        Final Data    Limit
Frequency      Value    Correction Factor                      Limiter                               Margin
                                                 (dB)                            (dBuV)     (dBuV)
              (dBuV)          (dB)                              (dB)                                   (dB)
392.11 KHz     18.74          0.10              0.030          10.100            28.977     49.083   -20.106
469.64 KHz     23.00          0.10              0.030          10.100            33.227     46.867   -13.641
513.0 KHz       9.28          0.10              0.030          10.100            19.510     46.000   -26.490
526.81 KHz    11.10           0.10                0.030          10.100          21.330     46.000   -24.670
528.42 KHz    11.77           0.10                0.030          10.100          22.000     46.000   -24.000
752.13 KHz    14.34           0.02                0.038          10.100          24.502     46.000   -21.498

                                     Line 2 Phase Avg Detector
             Measured         LISN                           Transient                                 Avg
                                             Cable Loss                        Final Data    Limit
Frequency      Value    Correction Factor                      Limiter                               Margin
                                                (dB)                             (dBuV)     (dBuV)
              (dBuV)          (dB)                              (dB)                                   (dB)
461.67 KHz     15.00          0.10              0.030          10.100            25.227     47.095   -21.868
536.92 KHz    14.23           0.10                0.030          10.100          24.457     46.000   -21.543
542.04 KHz    13.38           0.10                0.030          10.100          23.610     46.000   -22.390
551.98 KHz    15.30           0.10                0.030          10.100          25.533     46.000   -20.467
554.65 KHz    12.49           0.10                0.030          10.100          22.720     46.000   -23.280
581.34 KHz    16.46           0.10                0.030          10.100          26.693     46.000   -19.307

                                         Line 1 Neutral QP Detector
             Measured         LISN                            Transient                                 QP
                                              Cable Loss                       Final Data    Limit
Frequency      Value    Correction Factor                      Limiter                               Margin
                                                 (dB)                            (dBuV)     (dBuV)
              (dBuV)          (dB)                               (dB)                                  (dB)
392.11 KHz    23.870          0.104              0.030          10.100           34.104     59.083   -24.979
469.64 KHz    27.610          0.100              0.030          10.100           37.840     56.867   -19.027
513.0 KHz     18.030          0.100              0.030          10.100           28.260     56.000   -27.740
526.81 KHz    18.930          0.100              0.030          10.100           29.160     56.000   -26.840
528.42 KHz    18.260         0.100                0.030          10.100          28.490     56.000   -27.510
752.13 KHz    20.170         0.024                0.038          10.100          30.332     56.000   -25.668

                                            Line 2 Phase QP Detector
             Measured         LISN                              Transient                               QP
                                                Cable Loss                     Final Data    Limit
Frequency      Value    Correction Factor                        Limiter                             Margin
                                                    (dB)                         (dBuV)     (dBuV)
              (dBuV)          (dB)                                (dB)                                 (dB)
461.67 KHz     29.30          0.10                 0.030         10.100          39.530     57.095   -17.565
536.92 KHz    25.25           0.10                0.030          10.100          35.480     56.000   -20.520
542.04 KHz    24.30           0.10                0.030          10.100          34.530     56.000   -21.470
551.98 KHz    25.34           0.10                0.030          10.100          35.570     56.000   -20.430
554.65 KHz    24.44           0.10                0.030          10.100          34.670     56.000   -21.330
581.34 KHz    26.31           0.10                0.030          10.100          36.540     56.000   -19.460

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 Test Equipment Utilized

      Description           Manufacturer               Model #              CT Asset #      Last Cal Date     Cal Due Date

EMI Receiver               HP                8546A                          i00033         3/28/17           3/28/18

Preamplifier               HP                8447D                          i00055         Verified on:9/20/17

Horn Antenna               ARA               DRG-118/A                      i00271         6/16/16           6/16/18

Horn Antenna, Amplified    ARA               MWH-1826/B                     i00273         4/22/15           4/22/18

Humidity / Temp Meter      Newport           IBTHX-W-5                      i00282         6/9/17            6/9/18

Spectrum Analyzer          Agilent           E4407B                         i00331         10/19/16          10/19/17

Data Logger                Fluke             Hydra Data Bucket              i00343         5/25/17           5/25/18

Vector Signal Generator    Agilent           E4438C                         i00348         5/5/17            5/5/18

Bi-Log Antenna             Schaffner         CBL 6111D                      i00349         8/3/16            8/3/18

AC Power Source            Behlman           BL 6000                        i00362         Verified on:9/20/17

EMI Analyzer               Agilent           E7405A                         i00379         2/22/17           2/22/18
3 Meter Semi-Anechoic                        3 Meter Semi-Anechoic
                           Panashield                                       i00428         8/15/16           8/15/19
Chamber                                      Chamber
PSA Spectrum Analyzer      Agilent           E4445A                         i00471         9/6/17            9/6/19

Voltmeter                  Fluke             179                            i00488         3/1/17            3/1/18

Signal Generator           Agilent           E4437B                         i00489         5/5/17            5/5/18

                           Rohde &
Spectrum Analyzer                            FSU26                          i00501         3/27/17           3/27/18

Network Analyzer           HP                8753D                          i00505         6/8/17            6/8/18

Audio Analyzing DMM        Keithley          2015-P                         i00506         5/26/17           5/26/18
                                             AFS44 00101 400 23-10P-
Preamplifier               Miteq                                            i00509         N/A               N/A

 In addition to the above listed equipment standard RF connectors and cables were utilized in the testing of the described
 equipment. Prior to testing these components were tested to verify proper operation.


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Document Created: 2017-12-12 15:22:21
Document Modified: 2017-12-12 15:22:21

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