

Users Manual

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Thank you for choosing the JTS wireless system. In order to obtain
the best efficiency from the system, you are recommended to take
few minutes to read this instruction manual carefully.

                             TABLE CONTENTS

1. Important Cuations.

 3—1 Overil SY90..conmmmmmmmmmmnmmemmnmmmmmn
 32 Receiver
 33 Transmiter
 3—4 Condenser Mcrophone.
4. Parts Identifiation & Accessoric
 4—1 Receiver
 42 Handheld Transmiter.
 43 Body—pack Transmiter
 4—4 Optional Accessories.
5. Insalition Assignment
 5—1 Preparing Procedures OF US—8000 Series Receiver
 5:2 Preparing Procedures OF Handheld Transmite
 53 Rack Mounting
 5—4 Insallition Of Condenser Mitophot.....csnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmee 12
6. System operato

1. Important Cautions
  1. Alvays make all connections before pluazing the unit io an AC power
 2. Do not leave the devices in a place neither with high temperature nor high
 3. Always do not handle the povrer cord with wet hands!
 4. Keep the devices avay from fire, and heat sources.

2. Features:
 * Operated in UHF band where thre is less RF interference thin the UBE
 * Equipped with a SAW flter can beneBt to reducing spurious RP content
 * Preset 16 UHF selecuble—channels
 * Including balanced XLR outpotand unbalanced 1A" output
 * Incerated antenna ofthe handbeld transmiter benefits ess hindrance for
 * Builsin noise mute and squelch ciait mode can valily resis extrancous
 * Bod—pack transmitr is avalible to work togcther with a lvalier mic. or
    headset mic
 * Space—savinghalbrack housing design

3. Specification
   3—1 Overall system
   InF Frequency Range    s0o~ scontte
   (onetaton typo         PLL Symteizad Cooel O8C
   (channals               16 Cumeis
   ud Frequency Response|_so — siate : 2n
   tandwian               cautte
   (opeation Range         om

3.2 Receiver
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3—3. Transmitter
Inccaino.             mas          merse    rrasso
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3—4. Optional Condenser Microphone
Inodeo.               cusor         cxsor
(vpe                  Ianie         t
Erequency Range ioi imaronie    some— inson ies
olPatarn              Gos           Gtca
e                   on un          romizm
Impedance           am0 # we     s n 2 we
es secierms            tow          om
[comnector se        en            win un
Btadart Recessoreal  vintcres      Witws

4. Parts Identification & Accessories
 4—1 Receiver
  US—8001D UHEF Single Channel PLL Diversity Reeciver
   ® Pover Owor
   ® Channel Sclecor
   ® RF intlcwor
   @ AF intlomor
   ® Volume conto!
   @ Anterna
   ® DCV ut (12—18V/500ma)
   (® Unbalanced #63mm jck socket
   ® Balanced XLR socket

   @ AF ouput cable                 @          ®        o,
      (With unbalanced @63 plug)
   (® ACMC adeptor
   ® Plasti screwdriver

US—8002D UHF Dual Channel PLL Diversity Receiver
® Pover Owoft
® Channel Selctor        @
® RF indiesor
@® AF intlowor
® Volume canto!
@ Antenna                      ;                       6
® DCV ut (12—18V/500ma)            @               &
® Unbalanced @63mm jfack socket
®) Balanced XLR socket

@ AF ouput cable                   ©       ®           @,
  (With unbalanced ©63 plug)
69 ACMC adaptor
@2 Plastserewdiiver

US—8001 UHF Single Channel PLL Receiver
® Pover OO
® Channel Scletor
® AF intlowor
® RF indicator
® Volume contol
@ Anterma                       0
® DCV Input (12—18V/500mA)
® Unbatanced ©63mm jack socket
® Balanced XLR socket


(@ AC ouput cable                         ,
   (With unbalanced @63 plug)
(® ACMDC adaptor
(® Plastic sereniiver

US—8002 UHF Dual Channel PLL Reeeiver
® Pover Owoft
® Chanel Seector
® RF indiesor
@® AF intlowor
® Volume cantrol
® Antemna                    C
® DCV Inpu(12—18V/500mA)         s      ®
® Unbalanced #63mm jack socket
®) Batanced XLR socket

(@ AF ouput cable                           ®
  (With unbatanced @63 plu
® ACMC adapror
®® Plast screwdiiver

4—2 Handheld Transmiter

 D Inerchangesble element(Square grle
 ®Battery tay release
 ®Batery tmy
 ®Channel slector
 ®Power OnOR swich
 @LED Intlcwor
 ®1D houing


 (D Interchangeable element(Round grile)
 @Batery tmy relesss
 @Batey iny
 ©Channel selecior
 ®Power OnOR switch
 @LED Indiowor
 ®1D housing

4—3 Body—pack Transmitter
 Pr—eso8                        a1       0 0
 (DMic.input (Mini XLR socked                  ©
 ® Power OnOff switch
 ® Ancmna
 ®LED intleator for power

   and battery stats
 ®Batey tny                                        ®
 @ AB level contol
 ®Cary case
 ® Belsloop

4—4 Optional accessory
 D CM501 Condenser Lavalier Microphone
 ® CX—504 Condenser Headsct Microphone
 ® DR300 Dual Rack Adaptor
 ® RP:300 Parel Cover

                        @&/'              ®

 ( _/                                     e

5. Installation Assignment
  5—1. Installation of the receiver
  (1.) Power Outpat Connector
       Comnect one end of ACMDC adaptor eable to DC input socketin the rear
       panel of reseiver and. plug another end into an AC outet.
       (Step 1 of Figure 1)
  (2.) Audio Ouipat Comnector
        "The receiver equipped with both belanced XRL outputand Unbalanced
         @63mm jack output, you can choose the proper way for usine.
     1. Conneetone end of. AF outputcableto the AF oupt socket in the rear
        panel of reciver and pluanother end to the "Mic. In * input socket of
        the mier or amplie. (Sep 2 of Figure 1).

5—2. Battery Insertion of the transmitter
(1.) M—850 & Mh—750 Handheld Transmiter
   1. Leasen the microphone element counterclockwise(wep 1 of Figure 2},
      press bth relcase knobs inside to remove the battery tray from the mic.
      housing(vep 2 of Figure 2

   2. setwo 1.5V bateries accorting the corect polaiy, and retim the
      batiry ty back to housing (sep 3 of igure 3). Aim the comnecting
      pins exsetly toward the caviies on the bottom side of detachable mic.
      element (wep 4 of figure 3, and tightit clockwise !

(2.) PT—850B Body—pack Transmiter
   1. Slie the battery tay coverin the dirtion of hearrow to open it
      Inset two 1.5V baterics accortingthe corect polaty, and returm the
      cover (Fiure 4)
 As scon as the bateriesare insaled wel, the LED
 on trsnsmiter will ight up.                                  map


5—3. Rack Mounting
(1.) Before mount receivers onto DR—00 rack adaptor, plese reease any
     cablesfrom the rear ofthe receiver
(2.) um over eceiver and DR.900 rack adaptor simultancouly, here are 4
     threaded holes each in the bottom of receiver and rack adaptor for
     insenting serows.
(3.) Single eceiver
    Insert in a reiver through the font of DR:900 untl t is firmly atiched
    to the ack , then serew on a RP—900 to another side of the rck.
    (Fiaue 5)
(4.) Dual reeivers
    "The same way as above, pat one
    receiver to each ck space.

5—4. Installation of condenser microphones
(1.) CM501 Lavatier microphone
    Atach CM—501 to lothing ieapel, where is sulable for sound piclcup.
     Plus the connector into input socket on the body—pack transmiter.
     (Finure 6)

  (2.) CX—504 Headsct microphone
       Putthe neck—frame behind your head, and fix th temples on your carsas
       (Figure 7),then adst the pooseneck to make microphone aim to the
       sutable placof sound pick—up. Plus the connector into input socket on
       the body—pack trasmiter. (Fire 7)

                               a            s                 6\
6. System operation
  Be sure to mute the audio signal of miter or ampliier before tming on the
   receiver or transmiter.
  (1.) Pover on
       Tum AF level on the receiver completely counter—clockwiset the
       mitimum leve, and press the power ON/OHT switch on thefront panelof
       receiver, As soon as you tum power on ofreciver, the power LED Tihis
       ed, meanhile the RE signal and AF LED Tight up to indicatethe receiver
       is ready for operting. (Figure 8)

   Always its a pood idea to keep "open space" between transmiter and receiver,
   thatis able to improve RE reception.

(2.) Selecting channel for he receiver and tansmiter
  1. Use the supplied plistic stick to select a desied channel for the
      receiver and transmiter. Both receiver and transmiter are
      preprogrammed with 16 channels. Please use the plste sick to
      switchthe channel selctor on receier, handheld trinsmiter and
      body—pack transmiten.(Rare 9)
   2. Make sure the receiver channel matches tht of the trismiter
   3. When 2 or more trinsmiters and receivers are being use in the
       same location, ty must be se up to use different channels. If existing
       chinnel is bing interferd, please change another channel non—inrference.
(3.) Using t P7—8508 Boty—pack trnsminer
   1. On the rear panel of PT—450B bod—back transmiter,
      eqipped the AF levelcontrol. Use the supplied
      plasticstickto adjust a proper level. (Figure 10)
                                                            en io
  2. The cary caseallos the PT—850B to be atached to performer‘s belt, place
     the antenna towards tback of is body. The Velero tag ensures ht
     fixing and less hindrance during performance.
  Wind the Velcro taz around the belt and fix it (Fure 11)

7. Recommendation
   1. In orde to achieve the optimum reception condition and also extend the
       operating ditance, lease leave a "open space btwee the receiver and
     . Keep the devices away from the metal objecs orany inerference sources,
       at least 50 cm.
     . To avoid the fed—back effec, don‘leave the mic,to am at t speakers
   4. For best pict—up pattem, please hold the middle of the mic. body.
     . Remove batriesfrom the battery compurtment when the trasmiter will
       not be used for a long time.
     . When you need to replace the batries, lease replice both bateris at the
      same time with new ones.


    This equipment complies with Part 74 of the FCC Rules.

     A license is required for operation subjective device will be
issued only to the following:

    (1) A licensed of an AM, FM, TV or international broadcast
        station or low power TV station. Low power auxiliary
        stations will be licensed for used with a specific broadcast
        or low power TV station or combination of stations licensed
        to the same licensee within the same community.
    (2) A broadcast network entity.
    (3) A cable television system operator who operates a cable
        system that produces program material for origination or
        access cablecasting as defined in §76.5(r).
    (4) Motion picture producers as defined in §74.801.
    (5) Television program producers as defined in §74.801.
    (6) Licensees an conditional licensees of stations in the
        Multipoint Distribution service and Multichannel
        Multipoint Distribution Service as defined in §21.2 of this
        chapter, or entities that hold an executed lease agreement
        with an MDS or MMDS licensee or conditional licensee or
        with an Instructional Television Fixed service licensee or

Document Created: 2003-07-11 18:54:55
Document Modified: 2003-07-11 18:54:55

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