Descriptive information


Operational Description

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The Information in this exhibit is in accordance with the FCC Rules and Regulations,
Vol. II, Part 2, Subpart J. Sections 2.1033 through 2.1055 are addressed.

Section 2.1033 (a)        Name of Applicant and Manufacturer: MOTOROLA

Section 2. 1033 (b) Identification of Equipment: IHET6ER1

Section 2. 1033 (c)       Quantity Production: Quantity Production is planned.

Section 2. 1033 (d)       Technical Description

This Transmitter is intended for use in the Public Cellular Radio Telecommunications
Service and is designed in compliance with the FCC Rules and Regulations Title 47, Part
24. This transmitter is capable of spread spectrum (CDMA) operation, and allows up to
128 Walsh codes to support Pilot, Sync, Paging, Supplemental, and Traffic channels.

 (1)    Types of Emissions
        This equipment will be capable of operation using wide band spread spectrum
        techniques employing Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-
        CDMA) digital communication techniques.

        For this transmitter, the emission designator is 1M30F9W (per FCC Part 2.201,
        subpart C).

(2)     Frequency Range
        This transmitter operates within the 1931.25-1988.75 MHz Band for 1X/
        EVDO operation. (per FCC Part 24). This base station will support CDMA
        operations on channel numbers 25 through 1175 inclusive for 1X/EVDO

(3)     Range of Operating Power
        The rated maximum average power out of the SC4812ETLite 1X/EVDO @ 1.9
        GHz CDMA BTS is 40 W (46.00 dBm) per RF carrier. However, in CDMA the
        actual power output is based on the number of traffic channels in operation. The
        minimum power occurs when only a pilot signal is present. The maximum power
        occurs when a pilot along with synchronization, paging, and traffic channels are
        present. For a typical system setup, the theoretical difference between minimum

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        power and maximum power is about 8 dB. The output power is variable in 0.25
        dB steps.

(3)     Range of Operating Power (cont.)

        In addition, the dynamics of a CDMA system allow for what is called “cell
        breathing”. This allows an operator to vary the range of a cell by controlling the
        power of the pilot signal.

(4)     Maximum Power Limits
        The peak output power of a base station transmitter may not exceed 100 Watts as
        defined in Part 24.232.

(5)    Applied voltages and currents into the final transistor elements of the
       transmitter output:

       The applied voltages and currents into each of the Linear Power Amplifier’s final
       transistor elements are as follows:
       Drain                            27.0 VDC
       Drain Current                    1.0 AMPS
       Gate Voltage                     4 VDC

(6)      Function of Each Active Device

        Refer to the Operational Description Exhibit.

(7)     Complete Circuit Diagrams

        Refer to the Schematics Exhibit.

(8)     Instruction/Installation Manual

        Refer to the Installation Manual Exhibit.

(9)     Tune-Up/Optimization Procedure

        Refer to the Users Manual Exhibit.

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(10)     Means for Frequency Stabilization

         Refer to the Test Report Exhibit.

        The Clock Synchronization Module (CSM2) provides clock and time signals for
        an SC4812ETLite 1X/EVDO @ 1.9 GHz CDMA BTS. In addition, it provides the
        primary source, a 3 MHz clock, for the transmit synthesizer in the Broadband
        Transceiver. The CSM2 relies on a GPS receiver, either riding piggyback onto the
        CSM2 card or remotely located in an integrated package with the GPS antenna as
        the primary time reference for the ovenized oscillator. Two types of redundancy
        are provided:

        1)       Dual CSM2 cards provide redundancy in case of primary CSM2 failure.

        2) Redundancy is also provided by either a High Stability Oscillator (HSO) or a
              Low Frequency Reference (LFR), such as a Loran C receiver, residing in a
              separate slot. The HSO is provided in case of GPS system failure.

        The CSM2 uses the received signals as a reference to provide the required clock
        for the site. The CSM2 distributes CDMA time, a 19.6608 MHz clock, and a two
        second synchronization pulse every even second of universal time to the CDMA
        Clock Distribution (CCD) Cards.

        The CSM2 is also responsible for configuration and management of the GPS and
        LFR systems. CSM2 software determines on a site basis what the GPS and LFR
        configurations should be. For future Commercial CDMA systems, GPS and LFR
        configuration information could optionally be downloaded to the CSM2 from the
        GLI2. The CSM2 is managed by the GLI2.

        The High Stability Oscillator (HSO) or Low Frequency Time Reference (LFR) is
        used to provide a stable time reference in case of a GPS system failure or
        shutdown. The output of the LFR card is routed to the CSM2 cards, which derive
        the appropriate time references for the RF section. The current LFR is a LoranC
        receiver. In areas where LoranC is unavailable, the HSO may be used.

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(11)     Means for Attenuation of Spurious Emissions

        Refer to the Test Report Exhibit.

        Band pass filters are employed in the transmit RF circuit to attenuate far out
        spurious emissions. The filter used here is of an air dielectric cavity resonator
        In addition to the digital filters described below, the baseband also employs a
        discrete anti-alias filter that attenuates signals greater than 2MHz. Out of band
        emissions are also attenuated by ceramic filters in the transmit RF lineup.

        In addition, suppression of spurious radiation is obtained by proper shielding

        Means for Limiting Modulation
        Refer to the Test Report Exhibit.

        In a CDMA system, the input signal (voice for example) is sampled and coded in
        a vocoder. This signal is then spread to approximately 1.28 MHz by a pseudo-
        random spreading code. This spreading code sets the bandwidth of the spread-
        spectrum signal. If more than one signal is in operation (i.e. more than one
        channel), then the two signals are simply layered one atop the other within the 1.3
        MHz band. So, to some extent, the bandwidth of the transmitted signal is limited
        by the chip rate of the PN spreading code.

        Primary limiting of the CDMA signal bandwidth is accomplished by the use of a
        programmable digital Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters in the BBX1X. There
        are two such filters, the short filter (33 tap) and the long filter (43 tap), both of
        which operate at 2x the CDMA chip rate. Following the FIR filters are two half
        band filters, which each double the sample rate to procuce an 8x output rate. The
        digital filtering exceeds the requirements of the 48 tap CDMA specification.
        Output I and Q data streams from the filters are guaranteed to be 54 dBc below the
        carrier at 885 kHz offset. After conversion to analog, further filtering of the signal
        in order to prevent aliasing and further reduce emissions is accomplished with 5-
        pole analog filters.

        A more detailed description of the typical FIR filter response is given in the
        following graph.
        The baseband filters have a linear phase. In addition, they have a frequency
        response S (f) that satisfies the limits shown in the figure below.

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                        20 (log|S(f)|) base 10


                    0                   fp           fs                         f


        The normalized frequency response of either filter shall be contained within plus
        or minus error (e1) in the passband and shall be less than or equal to error (e2) in
        the stop band (f>fs). The numerical values for the parameters are:
        e1=1.5dB, e2=-40dB, fp=590kHz, and fs=740kHz.

        Means for Limiting Power
        The power output will be controlled by the 1X or 1X-EVDO Multi-Channel
        CDMA (MCC) cards and the Base Band Transceiver (BBX-1X). The Base Band
        Transceiver card (BBX-1X) has an automatic gain control around the transmitter
        lineup to maintain an output power that is within +1dB of the input power plus
        required gain on the BBX-1X.

(12)    Description of Digital Modulation Techniques

        Refer to the Test Report Exhibit.
        The Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) system uses only a digital
        transmission mode for both the voice and data transmission. The voice vocoder
        rate is variable and ranges from 0.8 to 8.6 KBPS in a Rate Set 1 system, and from
        1.05 to 13.35 KBPS in a Rate Set 2 system. The exact data rate chosen is based on
        the voice activity factor or the data rate requested by the AT. Regardless of
        vocoder rate and system type, the modulation symbol rate is always 19.2 KBPS
        into the block interleaver and walsh function modulator on all paging and traffic
        channels. Encoding at 9600 bps results in a set forward traffic channel power, and
        at a sub-rate of 4800 bps approximately half of the forward power is effectively

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        The CDMA waveform is a combination of frequency division, code division, and
        signal multiple access techniques. Frequency division is employed by dividing the
        available spectrum into nominal 1.25 MHz bandwidth channels. Code division is
        employed by “mixing” the data with a pseudorandom noise binary code at a rate
        of 1.2888 MHz. This spreads the signal over a 1.28 MHz bandwidth.

        The spread signal is then encoded into two parallel bit streams referred to as I(t)
        and Q(t). At any time (t), the vector form of I(t) and Q(t) forms a vector, which
        can be plotted as a constellation on a graph whose abscissa and ordinate axes are
        scaled in terms of the magnitude of I(t) and Q(t) respectively.

        Only four differential changes between any two sequential vectors are permitted.
        For 1X, the digitally encoded I and Q waveforms from the pilot, paging,
        synchronizing, and traffic signals are then digitally combined and digitally
        filtered. For 1X-EVDO, the digitally encoded I and Q waveforms from the pilot,
        MAC, and data signals are then digitally combined and digitally filtered. These
        signals are then passed through a Digital to Analog converter and filtered using a
        7-pole Elliptic filter with a 3 dB cutoff frequency of 630 KHz. This encoding
        scheme is referred to as Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK). These I(t) and Q(t)
        signals are then applied to the modulator.

Section 2.925 (f) Equipment Identification

       A drawing of the equipment identification nameplate appears in the ID
       Label/Location Info Exhibit.

Section 2.925        Photographs

        The photographs showing external construction are in the External Photos
        Exhibit. The photographs showing internal construction are in the Internal Photos

Section 2.925         Description of Various BTS Configurations

        The 1.9GHz cabinet is powered with 240VAC power source (208-240 VAC is
        acceptable). Battery backup consists of up to 12 optional batteries that fit inside
        the cabinet. Up to two carriers are supported in a 3 sector configuration. (Six
        sector configurations are not available. A future feature will add the capability of transmit
        diversity. In such a configuration, the cabinet will be able to support one carrier only (3
        sector configuration). An air to air heat exchanger is used for cooling each cabinet,
        except in the LPA area, which uses blower fans.

         The cabinet contains one Small CDMA Channel Processing (SCCP) shelf, capable of
         supporting up to 4 MCC cards. The MCC provides signal processing functions

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        necessary to implement various channel functions specified in the CDMA Common Air
        Interface specification.
        The MCC-DO (Multi-Channel CDMA Data Only) card is a MODEM (Modulator/
         Demodulator) card designed for the HRPD (High Rate Packet Data) system. By
         mounting MCC-DO cards into a base station for the 1x system (BTS: Base Station
         Transceiver System), 1xEV-DO services can be provided. 1X-EVDO channel types
         include synch channels, paging channels, access channels, and traffic channels.
         The MCC converts between CDMA STRAU traffic and control format to CDMA
         baseband format. The SCCP also contains control, clock, and alarm functions
         as required.

        A fully loaded cabinet supports one complete SCCP shelf. Up to two (2) CDMA
        Carriers for 3 sectors will provide transmission. Again, the cabinet is configurable in an
        omni or three-sector arrangement, with a transmit diversity (one carrier only) option
        being available in future.

Section 2.925       Use with Various Power Supplies

        The cabinet is run using AC power. A single-phase 240 VAC power source (208-
        240 VAC is acceptable) may be connected via the Hubbel connector. The AC power
        is then rectified and sent to the Power Distribution Assembly (PDA). There, relays are
        used to select an AC or DC input source for system power. The breakers are also
        located in the PDA. The rectifiers may supply a fully loaded and configured system.
        Three rectifiers are required to run the cabinet. The fourth rectifier provides redundancy
        and sharing.

        Circuit breakers are provided for each feed to the SCCP shelf. Additionally, circuit
        breakers are provided for fans and other components requiring direct primary input

        Two Power Supply Cards installed in the SCCP Shelf convert the input DC voltage to
        the necessary voltages required to power the cards in the shelf.

        The power supply cards are in a N+1 redundant, load sharing configuration. This means
        all supplies are on line at all times. Two supplies have the capacity to power an entire
        shelf. With this scheme, one supply is not designated as primary or redundant, all are on
        line and circuitry between the supplies assures load sharing equality to within
        approximately 15%. Each supply has an LED to alarm a detected failure.

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Section 2.1047(d) Measurements Required:             Modulation Characteristics

         Refer to the Test Report Exhibit.           Waveform Quality (ρ)


         Transmit waveform quality is the normalized correlated power between the
         actual waveform and the ideal waveform. The range of values for the transmit
         waveform quality is from 1.0, a perfect CDMA waveform, to 0.0, a non-CDMA
         signal. As an example, a base station with a -0.4 dB degradation in its transmit
         waveform would have a quality (ρ) of 10^(-0.4/10) = 0.912.


         The minimum waveform quality figure for a spread-spectrum 1X CDMA signal
         is -0.4 dB or 0.912 and for a spread spectrum EVDO CDMA signal is -0.13 dB
         or 0.970 as measured with a Rho meter.


         Set the pilot level to 20% of the CDMA Avg. power, and transmit the pilot signal
         only. Connect the Rho meter directly to the transmit port. On the CDMA Rho
         Meter, disable the RF generator and set the tuning mode to manual. Enter the
         base station’s RF transmit frequency and set the input attenuation to hold. Set the
         input attenuation to 20 dB. Now, set the DSP Analyzer test mode to continuous
         and chose the Rho measurement as the measurement type. Set the channel to
         forward and choose amplitude middle as the trigger qualifier. Set the gain to 0
         dB. Set the reference frequency to 19.6608 MHz. Select internal to lock-on to the
         CDMA time base reference. Read the measured value for Rho on the Rho meter.

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Section 2.1049(c) Measurement Required:              Occupied Bandwidth

          Refer to the Test Report Exhibit.


         The measured spectral width of an emission. The measurement determines
         occupied bandwidth as the difference between upper and lower frequencies
         where 0.5% of the emission power is above the upper frequency and 0.5% of the
         emission power is below the lower frequency at rated power, with Pilot, Page,
         Sync, and Traffic Channel modulation.

         Data to show the bandwidth occupied by this transmitter and output power is
         presented in the form of Channel Power Measurement plots from a spectrum
         analyzer. The Channel Power Measurement divides the Channel Power
         Bandwidth into increments (defined by the Resolution Bandwidth Setting
         selected), then sums the energy contained in each of those increments to provide
         an integrated measurement of the power in the Channel Power Bandwidth.


         Connect a spectrum analyzer to the BTS RF Transmit Port. Set the CDMA
         signal power to maximum. Setup the spectrum analyzer to make the following
         integrated Channel Power Measurements:

         1. Channel Power Measurement of the CDMA Carrier Centered at 1931.25
            MHz (Ch. 25) for 1X/EVDO.

                     Channel Power Bandwidth:                1.30 MHz

                     Resolution Bandwidth:                     30 KHz

         2. Channel Power Measurement of the CDMA Carrier Centered at 1988.75
            MHz      (Ch. 1175) for 1X/EVDO.

                     Channel Power Bandwidth:                1.30 MHz

                     Resolution Bandwidth:                     30 KHz

         Record the Channel Power Measurements.

         Repeat the procedure with the CDMA signal power set to Minimum level.

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Section 2.1051       Measurement Required:           Spurious & Harmonic Emissions at
                                                     the Antenna Terminals

         Refer to the Test Report Exhibit.


         Conducted spurious emissions are emissions at the antenna terminals on a
         frequency or frequencies that are outside the authorized bandwidth of the
         transmitter at rated power, with Pilot, Page, Sync, and Traffic Channel
         modulation. Reduction in the level of these spurious emissions will not affect
         the quality of the information being transmitted.


         Per CFR 47 Part 24 the minimum standards for Transmit Port Conducted
         Spurious Emissions are as follows:

Section 24.238 (a)        Emission Limits

         On any frequency outside a licensee’s frequency block, the power of any
         emission shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) by at least 43+10
         log (P) dB.

         Connect a spectrum analyzer to the BTS RF Transmit Port. Measure the power
         level at the carrier frequency. Now, sweep the spectrum analyzer over a
         frequency range from 1MHz to tenth harmonic of the carrier frequency, recording
         all spurious emissions.

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Section 2.1053       Measurement Required:           Field Strength of    Spurious      &
                                                     Harmonic Radiation

        Refer to the Test Report Exhibit.


        Radiated spurious and harmonic emissions are emissions from the equipment
        when loaded into a non-radiating load on a frequency or frequencies that are
        outside an occupied band sufficient to assure transmission of information with
        required quality for the class of communications desired at rated power, with
        Pilot, Page, Sync, and Traffic Channel modulation. The reduction in the level of
        these spurious emissions will not affect the quality of the information being


        The magnitude of each spurious and harmonic emission that can be detected when
        the equipment is operated under the conditions specified in the alignment
        procedure, shall not be less than 43 + 10*log(mean output power in Watts) dB
        below the mean power output. Necessary measurements were made at Motorola
        Inc., located at 1475 W Shure Dr, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 or at Underwriters’
        Laboratories’ EMI facility located at 333 Pfingsten Road. Northbrook, IL 60062-


        The equipment under test is placed on a turntable, connected to a dummy RF load,
        and placed in normal operation. A receiving antenna located 3 meters from the
        turntable picks up any signal radiated from the transmitter and its operating
        accessories. The antenna is adjustable in height from 1 to 4 meters and can be
        horizontally or vertically polarized.


        The equipment is adjusted to obtain peak readings of received signals wherever
        they occur in the spectrum by:

                     1. Rotating the transmitter under test.

                     2. Adjusting the antenna height.

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        The testing procedure is repeated for both horizontal and vertical polarization of
        the receiving antenna. Relative signal strength is indicated on meters built into
        the receiver. To obtain an actual radiated signal strength, the meter reading is
        adjusted to correct for all affecting factors, such as antenna gain, RF gain, and
        cable loss. A table of correction factors vs. frequency is then used to convert a
        signal level measured at the receiver to the value that would be measured at the
        device (assuming an isotropic radiator).

Section 2.1055       Measurement Required:           Frequency Stability

        Refer to the Test Report Exhibit.


        The carrier frequency stability is the ability of the transmitter to maintain an
        assigned carrier frequency.


        The frequency stability shall be sufficient to ensure that the fundamental emission
        stays within the authorized frequency block (per CFR47 Part 24.235)


        Frequency measurements shall be made at the extremes of the temperature range -
        30 to 50 degrees Celsius and at intervals of not more than 10 degrees throughout
        the range. A period of time sufficient to stabilize all of the components in the
        equipment shall be allowed prior to each frequency measurement. Only the
        portion or portions of the transmitter containing the frequency determining and
        stabilizing circuitry need to be subjected to the temperature variation test.

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Document Created: 2004-12-02 18:28:50
Document Modified: 2004-12-02 18:28:50

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