RF Exposure 4


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                                   61 oi atea                     evtenism on emumd

  sez      se         oman           Inyous=n e m aos mosseroosan |_ow                    |_seen
  %s6+    is         ESET              Geao ns en on vwosost orary              |_aw      |_aecor
  296r     iws       coarain          Gew zin or en sor masas) ons211           |_ow      |_deens
  weer    arei      soomas                 15e mew wan tos Tow OooevMias        _avy      Seeb
  weer     ons      —|_cosemad                   wen ing"wos ‘rou ‘oocevinas |_ew         |ceent
  wee+     ons      —|_oovemiad                 sinaina eeos ‘eau ‘coceinad |—ewv         |_coon
  woes     ove     |_ooven                      siming "ewos ‘eam ‘ooveviiao     |_awy   |__incor
  2907     ie                                   simiing ‘esos ‘rou ‘oonevinao    |_evv‘|_oecor
  woor    aret               Sid            Weo oiTamro ma Sed0)sid             w         _oreol
 wesr     inis          Em                 ©oimio ies nm weao! sia ww                     |_erzot
 woe?     ol            Snd                                  biswo) sn w                  _z
 wa67     soe         wiaom           Trav agne simins vansid ooin |_mwo                  |srzot
  weo5|_wy            widon           Totw aaoe irmans vanenl aa.rsinn          "wo       |_veear
  o6%      Eul        daraln         Gswo "m s ‘an sn \masse)aara11|_avo                  |_orent
 wos7     siou—|—aoran             Tivarre zww s‘aw koo. vida—55)aai—317 ava              |cocot
 weer     soor   |—cocan           Tives. mm s‘ow sool ymce—asaal—211 |avo                |onent
 weer      oc         aoran         Gedo ‘mwiol m wou mosos) ooirai1            avo       _zarol
 o6:      foor        goran        Tive—e wv ol ‘ay sow vmas—as) aai—a11        |_avo     |_ivcnt
 eer       as         coan         Wive. n 0. on oo vmica aal—a11 |awo                    |soent
 kee:      io         corain          be.o "oms m onmasss) carain |_avo                   |_roed!
 woer                 caran         Tnvore m s‘ sootvas aat—a13 |_av>                     |cecor
 EB                   ogran         (wowss "=avs m won vwassstaairaln|_avo                eieol
 wes:                 caran           Gevo m e m soot vmas aai—211 "ova                   |—raens
 oo                   caran         Tivore =n c an soot vias297aai—ata |—3va              |—oscnt
 wse?                 aorain        Invoat "ve m oo vmazasfaai—a1 ovo                     |_eszor
 weer                 caran          Geeo mm >i en woo. vica9 aar311 |—wo                 —neeot
 woer                 ogkain       two‘s wavr on soo wworse) oarain|_wo                  zic
 weer                 oorain       is# ‘mino! vworas) oalrain |_wo                       |_ovebl
 wose                                 Bezo svsl oi wos vmosSe)oarard   |_ava             |_azol
 woer     wol                       (ivore Zh st m sn vwasse¥ aor—a11 |_ava              |_sszor
 wosr     oo                        tivoss "=msl ow sos vwasse)ooi—ai1 |_avo             |_escor
   wer     reo                       Uisen‘man o1 ‘aa ts vwiaa5eaoi:211 |ave              |event
 woos     Hor                       Tive "Z t ‘aw hos \wad onaai—arn            avo       istor
 %osr      ins                      hvoar "an 0. on hos vmazaar—ann             |_avo    |_own;
 wosr     |_teo                       es "mis en sos vnaa aal—a11 |v>                    |_orent
 wess     |soo                       Tivarre wn‘ ‘an mos wiaeros) aairaln |_avo          |ereat
 xo6+      iss                       Invos)zw s on es vwosr98) a11 avo                   en
 weer oo                               beao mt n onvwas50aai—al|3va                      |srea
 wae: wor                            Tivore sn n o5 vwasro6l aa—111 |—3vo                |srent
 weer                                nvost n e on x0s vnos—96) aa—a11 |_ovo              |_renr
 667                                 bean miny 1 on sos mosrae) carain          |_wo     |_Ereol
 %95+                              tio‘e mm yi on sos vwos oai—aln              |_wo     |_eredt
 %907                              (ivos: "ny on on vmosSe)ooi—ary              |_wa     trew
|ker |—ize                              bedo sns ‘on i wau—e) aaicart |—awo              |—orent
 weet seor                            Tivoe zim s ‘ow 1 ‘vmaa2eaai—311 |_avo             |cecot
 EECH     we                          Wwos wavs ‘ovl mosssioora11|              w91      _wcen
 wosr      |_iss                       beao Sval wl ‘morostoarati]_a¥o                   |_ieo.
 woer |sear                           Thvo n or‘on i wios07 ooaln                |avo |—secor
 wosr |_ore                           Wive—at in o. 1 viidaonaai—ar1            |avo |stcot
 oer    ie                               Gedo n s ow i vmowsstoai—an1           |_ava |__reeot
 woes sear                              To Tw s ‘an i vworr9eoi211|             avo|—seenr
 sosr   ie                             twowl "NWT&UWQS’UQ}.‘SH                  Frolmen
 woor|—are                               bego sn e e 1 viaw 29) col—            5va |—iscor
 s06+ |scor                            Tivorre "sam on 1 wfi;m‘t                 5vs) ooo
 weer |_we                             invowi"sve on i viar20) aol—ary          |—ova |_sccar
 woer   is                              Gego y on i waass) oarain               |_wo  ie
 wosr acor                           Tivene w io i sos) dals1|                  w zen
 weer     ore                        invoss en‘ en‘ ‘vos—as) oat—211            |_wwo    |sexot
 Xo6+     w5                                     Cvasid dassimn   |_ava                  |_Secnt
 %Se+     wou                         Tivo w on Pm inlulsen asal|_ovo                    recot
 weer |~we                              veas hi0s ‘neans i ukscon 29 |_ova |_ceeut
 ser        se                            bean whn‘es ow td uit con saa ova ezent
 weer ine                             Wivo sn e2 bemn 1nd uit eon anal ava |reen.
 wesr ce                              invoussn‘or sun infuile0n ana ovo oc
cioc‘ve fow                                                            wens—mone

excov—susssr                                                                            May27,20t0
 man_| wo_| trcroo scroussc no sesromg                                      eroo      se assx
  foadt     W       ie ioz16e Wihban t ans. hi. Grerc PuSC)                 wiow      Tos     +088 |
 Tasr       ana     iE€E 60e 16e WtX (216. Snw, roine, rSic, Puse. 3 CTRL   winik     tear|   £36%
  1o50s     wha.| 12E ane 160 Wiaac G1 15. Sme. Yob. BdGAb, PUSC)           whks      1252    a96%
 Tosor      ww ieE a0o10eWika @910. ons owGromit Pusc)                      wavne     1e rao%
 10305      w     TEEE 002100 WX 115. fome, folne. GLOAML PUSC. 16          wimane    1620    au0%
 osos       MX      e noz—i6e WX o . tome, tol, GeoAi, PUSC, 18             winew     mar     s06%
 wosor      wna.    TeE 60216e WA 29018tome, touiz OPSc PuSc. tn            viwex     mab     £00%
 Tosoe      ws| Te io io Wb eo—t, tone, Tols, onl PuSC)                     wnuts     fas     «o6%
 oso—|      w\ iee a0z 16e W 2s16. toms: tolliz. 16cAAM axd, 15|            WhGK      fise    soo%
 wosto      wha TeE s0zio WihW 2018. tome, oulie, GPSAlG 29. 16             Wws       mar     r08%
 on         mb      ctiFo0 (Gc—romn. rovs ho. ts mz opsi)                   uTEFDD    «06     an6%
 foss_|     am      o13                                                     ben       1951    a96%
Llowe       [A      |i66w1e                                                 DN        msas    190%
 Tosis_|    Mnb     ieee noo 1ib Wiri 22 Gie (DSSS 1ipsSipeuterde)          ww        in      «06%
 1ost6_|    anb ieE 60109 Wir 24 oi (ERP—OFDi 6 Vips,aipe uty ce            WLAN      836     +98%
 wosr_|     who_| EeE 60o—iiawiei8 ont (OFon6 Meps: bpe uy ice)             wan       836     208%
 T06z       AMA Puise Wavelom(20die, to%                                    Genene    1000    £06%
 1035       MV\     Puis Waveam(roov2o                                      Ganerc    aw      wass
 1035¢      MA      Fuise Wavefom (200e 0%)                                 Genore    EComircrs
|oass       J¥      use Wavelonn oo con)                                    Geneic    22| wees
 1oass      M       FuinWwlomm(aooee aoi)                                   Geneic    asr—| «oo
 10307      AW_|    OPSK Wavetom, 1 Mite                                    Generc    $10   298%
 Juses      A%—|    OPSiWavetom: 10 ie                                      Generc    s22—| zoom
 10e        A\_|    6OA Waveom, Tooite                                      Genene    s2r   198%
 10300—|    AMA_|   61—OAM Wavetorn, 10 Mite                                Geneic    a2r—| 2008
| toioa     Mn      i€Fe 0s tmein (r0ime. 8: ORtipe uy rae)                 woan      a5r     +808
 1010_      AND_|   lE 600.1tae WiF tobnz.6t—GAM, Sipe duty orde}.          wan       wco     198%
 Tows       wno_|   e mnortae wir oib S—GAM, iipe duy oyde)                 wian      853     2909%
 ioi        Ann     comrzion E.50 Rev 0)                                    commzon   576     200%
 on         ana     courzns (ev—00, Rew. A)                                 comenn |_a77      96%
 1olns      wa commsonrea sose. soneFuram                                   comsnns   522|    »e6%
 Tom        Mir. Eretoo (Gc—rows1 Re. to mtz orak, .                        uEoo      Lo      200%
                 Subltane—254.789, Subtame Cont=a
 ror_|      wut| wuwe copr, er—onm soiee                                    Ganare    as|     ssa% )
|oms—|      ww icee w0 1 m wir 2 4 Gie 5561 is Sipe ag.erde)                ww        1st     s06%
 foir       w       16E 60z119 wir 24 o« (ERP—OFon Mps,Obpedity xc_         WLAN      82      a80%
 10017      ANB_|   EEE 009tta W5 Gite (OFDM Mopw Shpe dut crde)            ww        $%_|    100%
 oi|        w       ie w0zi1 Wini 24 oite (0SS:—Oroit o Mps, Sovedutr eyde, WLAN      an|     an0%
                    Long prownbie)
 oi         wa      IE€E 6019 wiri 24 Gie (DBSS—OFDi Meps Biveduty eide.    WAN       a10     +90%
                    Short pmombui}
 1062z      AR_|    EeE 600—1i (T Groontld 72 Meps. SPSR)                   wan       i8      son%
 10823      ANB_|   iEEE 602111t Greontld435 Mipe TBGA)                     wuan      sar     298%
 o          M EEE 600711i1 Gmonteit 722 WopeStoAt)                          wow       sa0~|   x05%
 10125      AAB_|   EEE 600.11n T Gmentald 15 s BFSQ                        wan       sa1     200%
 Toizs      Ate     i6ee 00% 1t iT Gmentalt, 90 hoos, 16OAW)                wian      845     190%
 To_|       Ahb_|   ihee @211(if Greontals, 150 Mbps. 60M                   wia       aan     298%
 Torso      wio     LTe—Fo0 (oroimh 5 mtz E—Tis i)                          UEFDD     a2      290%
 To_|       mb      LreFpo (orpih 10 Mc E1051                               LTEFDD    83      298%
 forse_|    wG      LTEFuo (orbin 15 hi ET30                                LiEFDG    a31     298%
 Tess       wne.    Lroo (oromn, 20 mz E—m050)                              UTEFDG    $4      200%
 Toise      Avi_|   WrCbi (bG Test Meada1, 61 DeC)                          weomn     am      s96%
 Yorss      wir.    LiE—00 (GC—roi i ha,20 wine Grow, 0.                    UiETDD    Tse     296%
 es         Kb      Lrerno (oroun.swz E51 Glang ang                         terbo     7se     zons
 fores_|    Ano     CreFno (OrM, to iz ETi 31. Gion ad)                     LEFDD     75      208%
 Toeie      An      Loo (orbi, is h. E—TMS1 Gng i%)                         LTEFDD    To      zou%
 ioiso__|   anc:    Lre—roo (orpwn, 20b E—TM 31 Glosng i)                   UTEFOD    248     r98%

Coniate No: Exx3067_Mayto                         pase tsot to

 ecovi—susssr                                                                                                     May 2r.2010
  misi                                           wepime ramean 1 o peon,Caand                     weoun      rse Tsson
  orse                                           igcE oo1 10e win (Toubiie. 6d—GAN, Sope deyoa)   wow       sai|xsen
  foasr                                          umts—roo (pcxsomn                                weour     —|~aer~| «a0%
  roise                                          comraate (mev.00 hy B Zcaman)                    comena    |_oss +o8% |
  To                                             CD1R2000 (t¥—00, es6.3 camen)                    comsons   a25~| »sa%
  oico                                           uits—ru0 weows mury                              weoun     250| 126%
  To                                             uTeto0 (Sc—rown. i Re. va ie onsut               tmb       ra2~| «20%
                                                  Subtanee234 700
  voree                                           tTe—o Gocrow, 1Re1 wnz. reorut                  temo|     s3       sa0%
  vorms                                           vTe—t (Sorown, i ne: i Mz 6tonDc                temo|     iss      saa%
                                                  Suitome23.47 00
  rois                                            tTe—T00 (Gc—roin, 1 RB3 wiiz GrS°uC                       Tea      s5a%
  oses                                            ETETDb (Gc—rblew 1 8.3 ht 10—uC                           sa      sso%
 yorme                                            ETeT00 (sc.rom, i naa inz ocomuC                tremo     asr      son%
 rorer                                            ETEr00 (Sc—Foitk 1 Re s Mz arse uC              temo      Te       sonk
 Tess                                             LTe—o0 (Gc—roi1 he; yz w—omuC                   teme      as       ssa%
rome                                              uTE—D0 (Sc—ro Ra; 5 iz oouC                     ts        ase
 rove                                             uTeT00 (6c—roi Re. 10 Niz GPSC U                teme      Te       s50%
in                                                tE0 (Gc—ronR o wine. tono.                      teme      as       ssas
                                                  Suitemes2a47 0 0)
To                                                TTe—o 6cronk rRe: o z: sroutuC                  teme      a57      ss5%
moars                                             vTE—T00 (Gc—roms i h: is ie apaic on            tremo     Taa      ss6%
                                                  Strme—2547 80
d                                                 tre—to0 (Go.rom e is yz 16— 000C                teme    an s50%
                                                  Subtume=        80)
Toirs                                             uTeTo (Gc—roi. i Reis imz sa—oimue              temo    asr soan
Toarr                                             LtET00 (oc—romn.1 R&20 ie16—00iU                wemo    aa son%
Toare                                            tTe—mmo ooi he: snz oiront uC                    tems~|  asr | sa0%
og                                               uTe—top (6c—rows Si% Re:ta hiie: rS U            temo   771| s00%
rosmo                                            vTe—o0 Gc—rolSo% Re: ra ie reonm. un             wemo   in ssa%
Te                                               TTe—Top seroiw,S Rerarnine, Gronmt uC            temo   is 105%
 Tome                                            Ere—to0 (Gc—row Son Rese Grscut                  teme   mc| sia%
 es                                              vTe—ro0 (so—roink sov R, s ike 16—ahik ut        teme   |an con%
 Tor                                             vTe—on scoisor ho s imz Gr—onit ut               teme   aa sea%
 Toms                                            TTe—mo (sc—roim, sov hssmz arsc ut               temo   Tss sa0%
 Tess                                            TTE—ron (oo—ron sox na. Snz 16@i, Ot             temo|  ass s00%
 Tesr                                            ETeTon (Go.rbi S0% RS hk Gr—ari; it              temo   se sse%
                                                 Suvtame=2347.59) _
 orse                                            Te—too (Gc—oi sn Re; io mie, arsic ut            tems   m saaes
 roame                                           LTe—mo (scroi sone, ro me. reonlt ut             temo~|an| ssa%
 roamo                                           TTe—ron scoi sonc na, io yz sronit ut            memo~| s ssw
                                                 Sutemes2347 80
 ow                                              tTe—To0(Gc—roi. SReis ¥iz, arsc 0t               temo   m ssm

CorticaNo: EX3—3057.Mayto                                                     Page t« to

                                         stjost ateg                     sifenrsee mc on esd

  omm        wa         ww              wais o se nson mnoen sere se                   |_ovy   |_rooor
Luser        weo        recm            (omle finn sdes ‘usom Temoe) xam eur eon aaal|_owy     |_ecvor
 wose        se         hevm            mtfistes sson ‘ranoe cam ons 1 con aaal|ovv             |exsot
 wosr        |sre       wom             Toals frostes ‘oson anoe) camsevseon 2t ow              |—icsor
 wos+        |_oee      wem             olsfi stes soon inod cam sevt eon l ow                  |ecsar
 woor        |—weo      wvim            Tsl ro ates eson—aimon) cam nevseon aaal |"ovy         |ersor
 woor         |_its     havin           e hi isses io wam sevseon aaal|_cv                     |_aviot
 w903        |—are      mm              Conls tine atce "ssom ‘rrine) am sets ean2341 |_ewy    |acsor
 woss        |_seo      ww              Toole tne ates ‘osan eriae) ram sevrenn 222| avy‘      |sreur
 woor        |—ite      ww      TsJn se «tm se wasoleno a tam imireon 234. ow¥                 |vewor
woes         |aoe       rerm    olfi adge se ue waso) mn o uim tcon 341| ow                     |crvor
 woor        |_ore      wvim    Te in iss w vs woso!ao s ram wetsen aal|_avy                   |_2rsor
 woss        |_t04      ream    TomoJimm ades wan e waosol es s mm wesseon 22|_ovv             |_tesor
 wesr        )ns        recm    olsfi ades se ntwoso)mms im es con 213 |awy                     |_orsor
 weor        ons        recm    sls in adeo sdaw a1 wasolo s im wost con s|— ow                |orsor
 woer        ies        hm       Tt haiss wenwaso) o s sim it eon 222 |_ovv                    |—nisor
 woer        iss        ww       Tals fi atan w us senal o e wam aut200 aaa |_vwv              |risor
 weer        i9         recim   Tess Iva ades wan os sesal mo # ui atsen s1 |_vwv              |_olsor
 weer        ie         weim      ols Jin ades ‘san e sesal m‘¢ cam aCoo 2|— www               |—sioot
 weer|       se       corsn            in vvo4o maw oz ‘en woot vwosros) oi avy                eisot
                                                                   Te Lve ccomine
 uoss        io       aorain           inwoss riwoe ewoo veosos)oaiann|                aw|     cisor
                                                                 h evecommie
 es          wy       corin              in yswo mmor‘mi oo vwasosiami—an |_aw                  cisor
                                                                ©aive comie
 osr)         iss     corsn            in mwo+s mwsi ‘ewsoo vasosoora|_aw                       |_iisol
 wmoss       sre      ooran            mnwwossmwsi‘swsoo vwasasiooian)_aw                       oiso.
 woes        sz       coran              in wsao miws ‘ansoor vasas)ai—an |_aw                  sosor
 es          se       corsn            n o0 ww o1 ‘aw scoor veas—os)aai—a1 |_awy                eosot
 woer        see      coian            anwoas mutot io vaos09) oat—ain                          z050.
                                                               Te vecomine
 weer|       we       coran              in j9z0 zo. ‘msioo vias39cor—an                       sosnt
 wees        ie       |_ooan            on wwons zns ‘an oo vmas3s)aoi—a|_aw                   sooot
 se )        iss      coran             an vvornswaavs en woot vmou—as) aavary |_avy           |_rosot
 uoer|       w        aman                in veao wvs ‘ow woor voras)aniun|_awy                cosor
|xser|       ae       corn              anwo zm ‘on soos vos—as)aieart |_avy                   cosor|
 assr        we       caran             in w00ww e on soor vmourostai—ar|_aw                    tosot
 woer        zor      on                  n yeworriw e en woot vos99) aoi—s17 |_aw             ooo
 wser        se       coran           mnwoss mm +\ ‘eison viososioaian) vw                     |_croi
                                                               Tou £veccoumimns
 xssez       ore      ookan           mn o mm‘ ‘onoot veasashor—a7 |_voy                       oovot
 xeer|       w04      aoran             in 2sao sir 1 ‘aw oo vida9s) agrearn |_vwv             tovot
                                                               tov 2ecomims
 wses        ie       coran             in wvose m or es wos vwouos) oarar1 |_aw               |_ooves
 wser        ie       coran             in wyo—as in 0e ‘an wie moaros) aareart |_aw           |_soros
 woes        we       coran               an vego zm or on sos vas—os) aavarn avy              |_rovot
 xoer        se       goran            n wvo—se ww o ‘ow oo vitarns) anican2          avv      |_covot
 weer|       ie       coman            1n wwost mm t ‘e oo viceros) aai—sirn |_aw              |_covot
sio iz fom                                                                          imens—move

  rosss e          ies nonrtaewin idowie NGST: Bopeauy e               wow    ro
  Tosse  Mn       iece ana riae W owbz. MGS Sopeout orte)              won    5
  tossr Ahn        ieE 000 Tnc Wirob MGSS 90peduy orde}                waww   aas
  dosse whn        ie 60e 1 ocWF ioh MGSA. S cuy orte)                 wan    as
  tosto m          ieee 002 t ne w on WGSo, cuy oroe)                  wow    a%
  on man           iee 6001 oe wiF iob WGSr, topecuy onte)             wow    aas
 Tosts—| Ana|      icE nos tWin (dowe: MGSe thpe dut orde}             woan   ses
 Tosas—| an        inee nootc We uk. MGSO90pedut orde}                 wow    805
 Tosea wna_|       inee nostWe (Boube: MGSOSopeduy erde}               wow    nar
 Tosis| ann        in005tW(l0uit: MGS Stpe dutorde)                    wow    ass
 Tosis An@          iE w02 TeW (0Me: MCS2 topeduy opde}                now    az
 1oser wan         ieee aosTmew on mos®.o0peduy orde)                  ww     a«o
 Tosie Ain         ieE 6021 iewir ob MGSA, topeduyorde)                Wt     aar
 fasso wan         ce 6no Tee wir (b0be, MCSS, Sope duty cl)           w      a3%
 tosst sn          ieee io t toe w(ouc we5r, Oecuy gle)                wan    uso
 fossa Mn         e 600. ae Wit (hobic: mGS: opecuy ecte)              ww     a«z
 Tossa wna         i€ee 6021c Win u:: MGS topeduy orie}                ww     aas
 sosse wC         ie a00e wir (iootin, MGSo, topedut orde}             woaw   aas
 Tosss anG        ie          ne Wir (foouit: MGS1 Sipe duty orde)     wow    aar
 Tosse MNG_|      iece        mc wes (roowntc.                         wow    aso
 tassr MhG        IEEE 600—t nc W¥ (160Wbe: MGSa Sipe ut orae}         won    ase
 Hossa whG        ieee Ado tae wF (1oouit. MGSe Sopedat orde}          wan    cra
 Tasso MhG        ce600—t oc wir (1oouit, MGS® Gops durorde}           ww     an
 Hose1 MhG|       ee 600°1 toewir (1ootwitz MGSr. #ops dutyorde}       ww     as
 Toses—| anG—|    ince aoot oc W oomite, MGSe o0peautyorde}            ww     wes
 1o5es—| MG—|     ce a0e1ne wir (10ouitc MGSo: #onecuy ordn—           wow    art
 Tasea am         iece ade1t» win 24 onz (Dass—orie o ies, ape caly    wow    a2s
 oses w           ies iozvig wi 22 on (DSSs—oroit 12 Naps: sape oay    WUW    wis
 moses w          ieee onaria W 22 on tsSE—Orbit io Nors: se oay       WLXN   ais
 ieser w          ieee bezng wir22 one ess—orpit2s Mepe, sape dn       WUW    soo
 oses      w      fi sor i1 wir 22 on: tess—oront36 Mivs: tve cuy       w      asr
 Tosee     w\     ieee sar iig win22 onz (DeSS—oron s Veve, ie any     wiw    io
 Nesm      aw     fim.nuwmnmmflmummm                                     wow    aso
 Toary     ut     inee o0rn w20 on (DSSS 1 es Sope ouy c               mon    E4
 Tosre—|   Ann    icee aoe110 wir 24 one 09552 Mos. tveouy cci         wow    190
 Tosrs     h0     ieee ane 1wir 2 4 on 956 55 Mss 0e duycrcel          wow    19e
 esn       h)     icee ane 1t wiri 2.4 Gie 555. 11 Mps, opedutyorae)   wow    se
 osrs      ani|   ieE a0e 119 wir24 oite (D6s5—OrVeps. ope ouy         ww     ase
 osre      ani    iee nar i13wiri 22 Git (DSGS—Or9 Wips.S0pe oay       ww     weo
 foarr     mc     ie sarmig win 22 Gnt (DSSS—Orpit 12 Mips, Sope any   ww     o
 Toare     ww     eniemmons ceni w hies: wige m                        w      sas
 Tosre     w      iiee ane v1g wi22 onz Dess—orbim heps: Sipe caly     Ww     ase
 weses     w      1555)192 To wis22 ore (DSSS—Orpiris hips:Sope any    wDW    a7e
 ESmE             u:%flbzi‘uwrl 24 Gil (nsS5—orbitas MSope oo           wow    aas
 es        w      es seie wisi 2onl (DeSS—orpar$ Wips: atpe aay        ww     sar
 foses     we     iee nor t tam W s Git (OFDWN 6 Wgs.Stpe uy cyol      wont   A%
 foses     mo     ie so2‘1tamWi s Gte (OrDM 9 Maps Sopeduty ce         wow    coa
 fosms     m      iE a0e1 tw s Gte (OEDW 12 Mbvs,S0pe uty cce          ww     aro
 Tases     An6    ieee adetw 5 Gre EOM 18 teos. Sope dut ordn)         ww     aas
 Toser     ana    ieee ano tm iin 5 Gie (OFW 24 egs, tge ul ental      ww     a3e

centicae No Ex3—3057.Mayt                      Page teat to

exove. suarsr
  osss     hn eE sortian We on iOFDNL 36 uaps Sope any aico)          wow
  Yoses    m ieE a02 i tat Win 5 Gte {OFDM 8 Vps.O0peduty cral)       ow
 Tosso     MA icee ane1 tan Vn 5 art PM 5t vnpe,S0pc uy ercl)         ww
 oser—|    hb ce ade 1t(1T Ms, 20M0i, MGSO 90pc uy exte}              ww
 osns      wan ie 600‘in T Mued. 20. MGST,Stpe ty ote)                ww                   —
 foswa     Wan eee 602t(1T Maoe, 20uit: MGSo:aove duy yc              wow        aor—|   roon
 fosne     hn 6e 6021in (fT Maed. 2ob MGS® 90pe ty ote)               wow        ar—|    z00%
 oune      wan ie602 1t(Mmed. 2obiicMGSA,90pecutyie                   ww         an—|    xoom
 Yosse     Mn iEEE 6001 (HT M Rtbe: NGSS,oupe uty x)                  ww         ari—|   zn0%
 fosar     Wnn 16e won11 (Mn 2ob MGSG Sope uy exce)                   wow        a72—|   eoa%
 toume     wan~| i6 O0€ 1i (T Mmed: Poui: MCST supe uty erde)         wow
 sosen     wan —|ieee ooi (T Mand,douinc. MGS0 o0pe oi)               ww
 fosme     w icE onfi (T Mvna: dotnc MGS1. t0pe ut orde}               wire
 Hosor     hn ie 6021t (RTMc atult: MCSP 0pe uty ce                   wow
 foous     w itc 0021in(iT Mvnd d0ic MGS3 90peutyorde—                wan
 Joons_|   hn iEE Sn1t(fT Mn abuvie WGSA Supe uty xc                  wow
 Tosos     an iE hoz1( Manaathi, WGSS Sope auy orce                   ww
 Toeas     t EeE o 11 (RT Mn d0hine.GSG sope uty exc)                 ww
 oane      han —|ieee 60811(hMned.d0bine mGST,oone avyoxde}           wow
 foeee       hndHieee fuettve tm Gthesio9h se dht crct                won
 Tan—|     w 1EEaot Ts win faower Mewn: ooreol sc                     woe
 1os0n     Mn —|ic€e n02Ftas Wir (20uits MGS2t0pe dut orde}           ww
 1osr0     w i6 0sFac We oo MGSS S0peduty orae}                       wow
 iosns     AG i6 o2HaeWie (e0hes.MGSA Soge duly ore)                  wow
 tosrs     in ieFe ontineWir(Goute, MGSS Sope dutcvao}                wow
 fosra     hn e non‘ttaeWir o0bMGSO o0ve dutycrae)                    wow
 oove      n ince a0%twin (roite. MGSroveorin)                        ww
 fosrs|    w iE E n021 toe Wie 20Mz MGSH: S0ge duty orde}             wow
 Josre     wn ie snsriee wis iouine MGSo ouve uty srael               ww
 Toorr     hn ie SoaTe Wir oi MGS1t0pe out orie}                      wow
 oo—|      hn —i€eE ioeWis doibs MGSa_ooge cyoe)—                     ww
[Josie     Ann   iece h0otee W(lowi MGSS t ouy arte)                  ww
 formn     in    ieE on Hac W(dOWHs MGSA S0ge dut cyel                wan
 foee1     wA    16e o2tmaewis (dobiee, MGSStop dutyl                 on
  oses     wan   iE nos toe WiF(dobnc, MGSa, 90e uty crde)            ww
 tores     Ane   ieceaosic in (dointe MGSr. Sopeduy orie)             waw
 ocas      Ae    icee a0% t c We (d0iMic MGS® Sopeuty arte)           wow
 osas      w     i€ce002tee W (dobe: MCS® 00ouy orde}                 wow
 Hosee     Ae    icE 6021c W (doui: MGS0: 0e utyxc                    waw
 Tover     M     ic o2Tc Win (AouHe MGS1.O0peduty orda)               wow
 Hosrn     Ane   ie a0e1eW (dow: MGSo:Sopc uty ce                     wow
 fosen     M     i2Ea0ThacWin (BoMt MGS® S0p dulycrde)                wow
 Toesn     wA    ieFE o2ttaeW(dou, MGS4 Oe duty i)                    ww
 is1       w     ieana 1e W(ouit, MGSo. 05e uty ic                    wow
 iss       win    ieee a00t oc win(oouitWGSo,Sovc uty cyol)           wow
 focas     in    ieFea0st nc Win (dob:MGST, to duy c                  ww
 wosae     w     icee 0s tae Win (tovite MGS® Sope uy oie)            ww
 iosas     ane   ie6001tae wi B0 GSoa0ge c efi                         wow
 Hosas     Mc    itE 802tW (100Ms MGS0Otv dutcrde}                    wow
 Hovar     MG    icE 602thee W (16owe. MGS1 Btpe dut cvan)            won
 fosas     n     i€Fea0e1e W (1oowe. MGSe Otv cuy oi)                 ww
 osan      Ane   itEE 002 TacW dowite MGS®Stv cuy oi)                 ww
 oo        Ane   ince80tneWir oole. MGSL Stve duy oi)                 ww
 oser      An    inee 000 1 mwir itoumeeMGSS t ouy cn)                wow
 oo_|      mc    eee oo tae W (idoii, MGSe, ce ouy crcl)              ww
 osrs      Ane   ieee aoo1 ae wi(1ooie. MGSr, Bdduy ycl)              wow
 Hosea     wC    igtetstae w(idobite MGSn oweoun y"                   ww
 Hoses     wne   ieve ana riae W ooube, MSS, e duty idle)             wan
 inss      anr   Lre—t0cFoiin 1 RB. s         oS utSubtenen7)         Meura
 oser      ane   cre—roo (Gc—roun 1 hB 20 MeG. arew, Ut Subtame=®7]   UTETDD
 insd      0|    ContReun (1x Advances)                               commzoon
 osse      M     cre—tmo (ooi. s unc ETi 37, Cioang080                were
 1aiss     ano   Lre—Too(Ortn 10 NeE—th 31, Gioing c                  teme
 iosse     o     Lre—ro0 (OrpW 16 M E—7M3 1. Gioonead%)               temo

Catfcate: EX3—2057_Mayto                      Pase tr o to

exaove— sansr
  mss e            EnEto jorpun 2 iz E031. Gepnga0%)         temo
  10658 M          FuseWaretom(@ot, 10%)                     Tes
  10650 AMA_|     PuiseWavetom (ro0 20%)                     Ts
  10000 AM—|       PuiseWavetom (roots ans)                  Test
  10661 AMA—|     Puise Wvefom (ztoe 0)                      Test
  10002 AMA|      FuisWivetom (2o0ic b0%)                    Test
  10670—| AAA_|   Blitcatn Low Ene                           Emm
  1oeri w         ie aoe1 m oo NESD Sope uy syol)            ww
  1072 MA         Te 60e 1aeGolic. MGS1 Sope utysye)         ww
  1ours| AA_|     TeE 602tas Gonite MGS2 Sope uty cyon)      ww
  1ourd| AMA_|    Te a0e ns Gouite, MGS3 aone c orae)        ww
  Yours hA        TeE a021tax (20uite MGSe. Sopecuy sye)     wuse
  foars AM        ie 602m 20e MGSS.00peuty orde}             wow
  Yourr hi        iE n00°tax Goomite MGSe t0pe auymron}      ww
  Yours| MA       Te 602To (ooute, MGST.O0pec orde}          wow
 Toere w¥\        ieE a0e 1xonz MGSA‘oope ouy oc             w
 oate w           e a0o1x oi MGSn.anpe uy orde)              ww
  foont nA        i6 sosstmx Goliie MGS10 Sope ul exde)      wow
 Toees—| Ah¥._|   ie 600‘t as Goutic MGS11,90pe duycicte)    ww
 1oats—|.AM~|     EeE 6021 as 20e MGSO, bope duy rae)        wow
  Yoond 0w        i6Sonnstrome, MGS, ood ol                  ww
 1oees—| _        e 60e im (e0Mie, MGS2: tope uty )          wow
 Hosas W          TeE 6021taxoc MGSa aupe uty ce             wow
|ooer—| w¥        inee hosts oniic weSa,sape duyyc           ww
 Josee ww         ie 602ttax (@oMHe MGSS         uty crde)   wow
 foseo MAW        ieE 602o (oouite MGSe sope chty rde}       wow
 10000 hi         6e e001tax Gouite, MGST oupechty erae}     wow
 Toces ww         ieE n00—rtmx eolie MGSHoipe uty crde)      wl
 1oege—| hi       1E 600‘on (eouiec. MGSn aopedutyerde)      wow
 Yosin w          Te #00—1tax (20lie. MGS10,oapeuy xc        ww
 foune w¥         Te 602‘m ooMGST1oupeutycrde)               ww
 Youse w0         16E 602toxtiovite MGS0,dope uty erae)      wow
 Todos h¥         teee ansrias (otns MGS1oove uyo)           ww
 Tosor wwA        ie nnottaw ons teSa:oape y rcl)            wow
 Tom~| wnn        t a0e1ta« douinc MGSS Sope duy erc)—       woaw
 10e hi           ce anot im (dotinc MGSeo0pe uty )          ww
   areo An¥       iE a0e 1tox ob MGSS sope uy ecde           wow
 oro1 hi          16eE a0ens dobic MGSn S0pe uty crde}       wow
 toree_| un       ie nne 1tax dobis MGS7 oope uty eote)      ww
 sores uhA        e w001tax (rotes MGSH oopecuty oot)        wow
 oros MA          1€E 6001mCdowiie MGSn: oopecuty ce}        wow
 ores Jn          Te 605fax(dotiMGS10,sopechty xd            w
 Yoron MA         1E 602ta (doWHe MGS11;t0pe utyxd           wow
 toror w          iE€E 600Tiax (dobs, MGSO,Save duy ic       wow
 oros ww          icE 602 tm (douc GSH, tpeduy erce)         wow
   oros s         icE 602Tiex 0: MGS2, ove dut ecin          wow
   aro w          1EEE 802ie fOt, MGSS,ope dutr ol           wow
   or ww          ie€e poaTtex(d0ii: MESA, 0pe duby c        wow
 o wa             icE 805tex dowite MGSS, ope arin)          waw
 ors ww           i€e 002i tax owe, NGSG, gove dut cre)      wow
 torie w          i€e 802Te(t0ubt MGSr: oveduty sc           wow
 toris ww         ieFe a02tiax(l0uite: MCSH: 9ve aut ce      wow
 orie ww          icE 05tm fltns MGSo, ie dutorin)            wow
 forir wa         iCce802ttext MCS10 tipe dutycrae)          wow
 iorie ww         ieE o0Ties mt MGS11,wipe dutycpae}         ww
 worie w          inee noots itc w50, bove duy oi)           wow
 orze wa          ieve w05tsuBs HES1,vope cut orie)          wow
 wore Ma          ieE0s Tias (nB, MGSD, fope uy ecl)         ww
 ura w            ieE h05Ti(Ohis,NGS>, dope duty cle)        wow
 ors MA           ieE 602tm oob‘ WGSA,ope duly acl)          wan
 wrae ww          iEeew0trae (ohbe, WGSs,o0pe duty ic        wow
 tors ww          166E02tm (R0Wit, MCS6, ope cuty cle        ww
 fore ww          icE 80time (bowte MGST, Spe dutonl         ww
 torer Ana        it€Eo2Ttax(BoiRi: MGSH: Oe duty eril       wow

Cortte No: EK.057Mayto                       Page teotto

exsovs— suaosr                                                                       May 27,2019
  roree wC TeE aoe—iies ons Mess Sope aay cyanl                     wow          s5—|2us%
torbn w tete 02Te (doi: MGS10t0pe dorde)                            wow          aor comm
  orso_| i eE noe‘1 t(Gonite MGSHH, o0pe ty evcn)                   wow          aor
  torss hi ien0€i tm (dowite MGSo,iopeduy orae}                     wan          aa2
|orae wan ic o2 tiae (B0We: MCS1, ope duycrel                       wan          aso
  faras_| w e non‘tinx (OoviteMGSa oove dhy orde}                   wow          aio
  aras—| hi e non 1(BoliteMGsa_oope dht crde}                       wow          u2e
  orss w ~|1EEE B0 tox(BoM: MGSA. Oipe cliy cyce}                   wow          as
  aras w ieE 602 ttox (Bone: MGSS tope duy o)                       wow          a2r
  Torar ww ies a0e tm Gounc esn oupe hycyan)                        ww           ase
  rors hn iecd02 tiax (OoWi, MGr Sopedut crin)                      wowe         aa7
  zore w iea0e 1t (houieMGSe oope uycyce                            ww           a20
  1oreo_| w ie ane1nc GGobicMess oope co)                           wow          aas
  tore w i6 602x (Aouine MGS10. ouve avy ce                         wow          a40
(Froree—| wiv.—| iete ooTiex (dowis MGST1ope        ordo)           ww           i5
  Toras Av\—| ie 0otm (100Me, MGSO: 0pe culy ce                     wow          ao
  Tares ww icee a0o im (ro0ub: wesn,vove wejcl)                     wow          aie
  Toras—| Ani| inee ane1 tax (Pooui: woSa:aope ty erce)             wow          ans
 Torie     ww    se nstrae(i0tMie, WGS3, wayercle)                  wow          ain
 dori      wX    T6E 600.1tos(160bNe,MGSA,Sope yexce)               ww           sor
 1orae_|   w     ie ane1o Creotins: Mess sope uy exc)               wow          was
 1oris—|   MV    ce a00‘ tm (leauine: MG90,o0ve uty erae)           wow          as0
 arso      w00   TeE noe1tm (160bie MGS7,S0pe ty cxce)              wowe         are
 ors       w     e a0e1t (ieoumc esn oopeday eyol)                  wow          see
 arse      hi    ie s00tmCie0bne, MeSnd0pe ty x)                    wow          sat
 orss|     w     inee sontm (roowie MGS10,oope cuy cve)             wow          s00
 arse      hA    ie noa0x (1oobiee MGSt1,a0pc uy evcl)              wow          ast
 Horss     hhA   ie son‘rex (ieotc MesdSupe uy cyce)                wow          ase
 Torse     w     icee 6001 m (Toovin. WGS1,sope ty ecle)            wow          ar
 sorer     Aan   _|tEee ioatin (ieotine MGSaSipe dcyae}             woan         ar
 rorse     wan   ieee son troe (roomine MGSa onpe uty crae)         wow          se
 arsa      w     ie a00‘1to(160bc: WGSA, ave uyexce)                wow          ase
 oreo      whn   Te aon1o (ieonins mss aape duy exce)               wow          aa
 orer      W     Te 60o1tox (1eotc Sn aupe uy orcle)                ww           ase
"rorea_|   wan   ieE 0s Ti C160bMGST Sope diy onl                   woan         Eo
 ores      w     ce noe‘ n (160Mie MGSnaope uy oyae)                wow          ass
 Tores     ana   iece oootm (1novitc WGSo,Gope duy eycl)            wow          as
 sores     hA    EEE togttox (ie0tns MGS10,a05e cvt.cycn)           www          as
 ore       wha   hE nonies (100MiMe: MGS11, 90pe y efce)            wow          aa

© Urevinty deernined wingth man: atonrantoo esprseagaig recanyardaivton an i nprmn o the se of e

Cortha NoEX33857Mayto                          Page thot to

Calibration Laboratory of                                                                                    Schweizerischer Kalibrierdienst
                                                                                                        S    Service suisse d'etalonnage
Schmid & Partner                                                                                        c    Servizio svizzero ditaratura
 Engineering AG                                                                                         S    Swiss Calibration Service
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland

                                                                                                        Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one ofthe signatories to the EA
Multilateral Agreementforthe recognition of calibration certificates
                                                                                             Certificate No: EX3-3935_Nov18
client      Sporton

1 阳彩缉- 一£¬"¡£一7一""" 虏一 "¡£" ¡£ 一 "" -- ¡£

 Object                               EX3DV4 - SN:3935

                                      QA CAL.-01.v9, QA CAL-23.v5, QA CAL-25.V6
 Calibration procedure(s)
                                      Calibration procedure for dosimetric E-field probes

  Calibration date
                                       November 26, 2018

  This calibration cer
                     tificate documents the traceability to national standards, which realize the physical units of measurements (SI).
  The measurements and the uncer
                               tainties with confidence probability are given on the following pages and are par
                                                                                                               t ofthe cer

  All calibrations have been conducted in the closed laboratory facility: environmenttemperature (22 + 3) C and humidity < 70%

  Calibration Equipment used (M&TE criticalfor calibration)

                                                                        Cal Date (Cer
                                                                                    tificate No.)                  Scheduled Calibration
   Primary Standards                  ID
                                                                        04-Apr-18 (No. 217-02672/02673)            Apr-19
   Power meter NRP                    SN:104778
                                                                        04-Apr-18 (No. 217-02672)                  Apr-19
   Power sensor NRP-Z91               SN: 103244
                                                                        04-Apr-18 (No. 217-02673)                  Apr-19
   Power sensor NRP-Z91               SN: 103245
                                                                        04-Apr-18 (No, 217-02682)                  Apr-19
   Reference 20 dB At
                    tenuator          SN: S5277 (20x)
                                                                        30-Dec-17 (No. ES3-3013_Dec17)             Dec-18
   Reference Probe ES3DV2             SN:3013
                                                                        21-Dec-17 (No. DAE4-660_Dec17)             Dec-18
   DAE4                               SN: 660

                                                                        Check Date (in house)                       Scheduled Check
    Secondary Standards                ID
                                                                        06-Apr-16 (in house check Jun-18)           In house check: Jun-20
    Power meter E4419B                 SN: GB41293874
                                                                        06-Apr-16 (in house check Jun-18)           In house check: Jun-20
    Power sensor E4412A                SN: MY41498087
                                                                        O6-Apr-16 (in house check Jun-18)           In house check: Jun-20
    Power sensor E4412A                SN: 000110210
                                                                        O4-Aug-99 (in house check Jun-18)           In house check: Jun-20
    RF generator HP 8648C              SN: US3642U01700
                                                                        31-Mar-14 (in house check Oct-18)           In house check: Oct-19
    Network Analyzer E8358A            SN: US41080477

    Calibrated by

    Approved by

                                                                                                                      Issued: November 27, 2018

    This calibration cer
                       tificate shall not be reproduced exceptin full without written approval ofthe laborat

   Certificate No: EX3-3935_Nov18                                      Page 1 of11

Calibration Laboratory of                                                                   Schweizerischer Kalibrierdienst
                                                                                       S    Service suisse d'etalonnage
Schmid & Partner                                                                       C    Servizio svizzero ditaratura
 Engineering AG                                                                        S    Swiss Calibration Service
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland

                                                                                         Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one ofthe signatories to the EA
Multilateral Agreementforthe recognition of calibration certificates

                            tissue simulating liquid
NORMx,y,z                   sensitivity in free space
ConvF                       sensitivity in TSL / NORMx,y,z
DCP                         diode compression point
                            crestfactor(1/duty_cycle) ofthe RF signal
                             modulation dependentlinearization parameters
A, B, C, D
Polarization cp              (p rotation around probe axis
                             S rotation around an axis thatis in the plane normalto probe axis (at measurement center),
Polarization 9
              i.e., 9 = 0 is normalto probe axis
              information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot coordinate system
Connector Angle
 Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
    a) IEEE Std 1528-2013, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Averaged Specific
          Absorption Rate (SAR)in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement

          Techniques", June 2013
      b) IEC 62209-1,", "Measurement procedure forthe assessment of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)from hand
      b£© held and body-mounted devices used nextto the ear(frequency range of 300 MHz to 6 GHz)", July 2016
      c) IEC 62209-2, "Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)for wireless communication devices
   C£© used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)", March 2010
   d^ KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for100 MHz to 6 GHz"
 Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
      @ NORMx,y,z: Assessed for E-field polarization ^
                                                     ^ = 0 (f < 900 MHz in TEM-cell;f > 1800 MHz: R22 waveguide).
        NORMx.y.z are only intermediate values, i.e.,the uncertainties of NORMx.y.z does not affectthe E2-field

        uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvF).
      @ NORM(f)x,y,z = NORMx,y,z * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Chart). This linearization is
        implemented in DASY4 software versions laterthan 4.2. The uncertainty ofthe frequency response is included

           in the stated uncertainty of ConvF.
                                                                 ssessed based on the data of power sweep with CW
           DCPx,y,z: DCP are numericallinearization parameters a
           signal(no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend o
                                                                oin frequency nor media.
                                                                  ated but determined based on the signal
           PAR: PAR is the Peak to Average Ratio thatis not calibra
           Ax,y,z; Bx,y,z; Cx,y,z; Dx,y,z; VRx,y,z: A, B, C, D are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on
           Ax,y,z; Bx,y,z; Cx,y,z; Dx,y,z; VRx,y,z: A, B, C, D are nu
           the data
           the  data of power sweep
                     of power  sweep for
                                     for specific
                                         specific modulation
                                                  modulation signal.
                                                              signal.1The parameters do not depend on frequency nor
           media. VR is the maximum calibration range expressed in RMS voltage across the diode.
           media.  VR   is the maximum  calibration range expressed
           ConvF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in flat phantom using E-field (or Temperature Transfer
           ConvF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in flc
           Standard forf < 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analyticalfield distributions based on power
           measurements forf > 800 MHz. The same setups are used for assessment ofthe parameters applied for
           boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are
           used in DASY4 software to improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitivity in TSL corresponds
           to NORMx,y,z * ConvF whereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF. A frequency dependent
             ConvF is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending the validity from 50 MHz to + 100

             Sphericalisotropy (3D deviation from isotropy):in a field oflow gradients realized using a flat phantom
             exposed by a patch antenna.
             Sensor Offset: The sensor offset corresponds to the offset of virtual measurement centerfrom the probe tip

             (on probe axis). No tolerance required.
             ConnectorAngle: The angle is assessed using the information gained by determining the NORMx (no
             uncertainty required).

     tificate No: EX3-3935_Nov18                                 Page 2 of11

                                                                      November 26, 2018
EX3DV4 - SN:3935

              Probe EX3DV4


                       Manufactured             July 24, 2013
                       Calibrated:               November 26, 2018

                     Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                          (Note: non-compatible with DASY2 system!)

Certificate No: EX3-3935_Nov18           Page 3 of11

                                                                                                                      November 26, 2018
EX3DV4- SN:3935

DASY/EASY - Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 - SN:3935
Basic Calibration Parameters
                                              Sensor X                       Sensor Y                     Sensor Z             Unc (k=2)
                                                 0.48                          0.52                         0.47                 10.1 %
 Norm 卜V V/m^
                                                107.8                          103.4                        叮08 亏

Modulation Calibration Parameters
               Communication System Name                                 A   B                    c                    VR
                                                                                                            dB         mV
                                                                         B dBVuV
                                                                                                 1.0        0.00      184.3         3.0 %
               cw                                               X        0.0         0.0
                                                                         0.0         0.0         1.0                   192.9
                                                                         0.0         0.0         1.0                   188.3

 The reported uncertainty of measurementis stated as the standard uncertaint
 multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a norma distribution correspo
 probability of approximately 95%.

A The uncertainties of Norm X,Y,Z do not affectthe E2-field uncer
                                                                tainty inside TSL (see Pages 5 and 6).
B Numericallinearization parameter: uncertainty notrequired.
E Uncertainty is determined using the max. deviation from linearresponse applying rectangular distribution and is expressed forthe square ofthe

field value.

  Certificate No: EX3-3935_Nov18                                    Page 4 of 口口

                                                                                                                     November 26, 2018
EX3DV4- SN.3935

DASY/EASY - Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 - SN:3935

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
                                                                                                                  Depth "          Unc
              Relative    Conductivity                                            Alpha6                           (mm)           (k=2)
    f(MHz)c PermittivityF   (S/m)F                        ConvF X ConvF Y ConvF Z

                                                            10.83          10.83         10.83         0.54         0.80          12.0%
       750              44 9                0.89

                                                                           10.48         10.48         0.50         0.80           12.0%
       835              4叮 5                0.90            10.48

                                                                           10.38         10.38         0.50         0.85           12.0%
                         4叮 5               0.97             10.38
                                                             8.91           8.91          8.91         0.39         0.85           12.0%
       1750              40.1                叮 37

                                                              8.50          8.50          8.50          0.28        0.85           12.0%
       1900              40.0                4 40

                                                                                          8.33          0.32        0.84           12.0%
                         40.0                1.40             8.33          8.33
                                                              7.99          7.99          7.99          0.26        0.96           12.0%
       2300              39.5                叮 67

                                                                                          7.69          0.39         0.82          12.0 %
                         39.2                1.80             7.69          7.69
                                                              7.38          7.38          7.38          0.32         0.98          12.0%
       2600              39.0                1.96

c Frequency validity above 300 MHz of + 100 MHz only applies for DASY v4.4 and higher(see Page 2), else itis restricted to + 50 MHz. The
uncertainty is the RSS ofthe ConvF uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncer
                                                                                    tainty forthe indicated frequency band. Frequency validity
below 300 MHz is lo, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for ConvF assessments at 30, 64,128,150 and 220 MHz respectively. Above 5 GHz frequency

validity can be extended
F Atfrequencies   below 3to 110 MHz.
                         GHz,the validity oftissue parameters (e and o) can be relaxed to lo% ifliquid compensation formula is applied to
measured SAR values. Atfrequencies above 3 GHz,the validity oftissue parameters (e and a)is restricted to 5%. The uncer  tainty is the RSS of

the ConvF uncertainty
G Alpha/Depth         forindicated
              are determined       targettissue
                              during calibration.parameters.
                                                 SPEAG warrants thatthe remaining deviation due to the boundary effect after compensation is
always less than + 1 % forfrequencies below 3 GHz and below + 2% forfrequencies between 3-6 GHz at any distance largerthan halfthe probe tip

 diameterfrom the boundary.

  Certificate No: EX3-3935_Nov18                                    Page 5 of11

                                                                                                                      November 26, 2018
EX3DV4- SN:3935

DASY/EASY - Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 - SN:3935

Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
                                                                                                                  Depth            Unc
              Relative    Conductivity
                            (S/m)F                         ConvF X ConvF Y ConvF Z
                                                                                   Alpha6                          (mm)            (k=2)
    f(MHzl0 PermittivityF

                                                                           10.72         10.72         0.53         0.81           12.0%
                         55.5               0.96             10.72
                                                                           10.41         10.41         0.49         0.80           12.0%
                         55.2                0.97            10.41
                                                              8.45          8.45          8.45          0.41        0.80           12.0 %
                         53.4                1.49
                                                              8.07          8.07          8.07          0.41        0.81           12.0%
                         53.3                1.52
                                                              7.86          7.86          7.86          0.35        0.86           12.0%
       2300              52.9                叮 8@

                                                              7.68          7.68          7.68          0.35         0.89          12.0%
       2450              52.7                叮 95

                                                              7.52          7.52           7.52         0.29         0.99          12.0%
       2600              52.5                2 叮6

c Frequency validity above 300 MHz of 100 MHz only applies for DASY v4.4 and higher(see Page 2), else itis restricted to 50 MHz. The
uncertainty is the RSS ofthe ConvF uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncer
                                                                                    tainty forthe indicated frequency band. Frequency validity
below 300 MHz is + lo, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for ConvF assessments at 30, 64,128,150 and 220 MHz respectively. Above 5 GHz frequency

validity can be extended
F Atfrequencies   below 3to 110 MHz.
                         GHz,the validity oftissue parameters (e and a) can be relaxed to + lo% ifliquid compensation formula is applied to
measured SAR values. Atfrequencies above 3 GHz,the validity oftissue parameters (e and ct)is restricted to + 5%. The uncer tainty is the RSS of
the ConvF uncer
G Alpha/Depth  tainty
              are     forindicated
                  determined       targettissue
                              during calibration.parameters.
                                                 SPEAG warrants thatthe remaining deviation due to the boundary effect after compensation is
always less than 1% forfrequencies below 3 GHz and below + 2% forfrequencies between 3-6 GHz at any distance largerthan halfthe probe tip

diameterfrom the boundary.

    tificate No: EX3-3935_Nov18                                     Page 6 of11

                                                                                       November 26, 2018

                            Frequency Response of E-Field
                                (TEM-Cell:ifill0 EXX, Waveguide: R22)










      u         0-
       庄 帅O



       o仁 O 巳


       叟 止





                            Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E-field: 6.3% (k=2)

  tificate No: EX3-3935_Nov18                      Page 7 of11

                          Receiving Pattern ((|>), ^ = 0

                                                                                                November 26, 2018
EX3DV4- SN:3935

              @@!             \               j-              i           i              t@



                : i i i   i     : i i i   i     ; i i i   i i i i i   i    i i i i   i    :

              -150            -100            -50           0             50             100         0
                                               蕊 MHz      Ron n
                                                              [l      回                        2500
                  rsn                         m                       rri
                100 MHz                   600 MHz                 1800 MHz

                      Uncertainty of AxialIsotropy Assessment: 0.5% (k=2)

   tificate No: EX3-3935_Nov18                      Page 8 of11

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   November 26, 2018
EX3DV4- SN:3935

                                                     Dynamic Range f(SARhead
                                                                             (TEN! cell ,feVai= 1900 MHz)



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                                                                                                                                       @l                                                                                                      @0





                              @0                                 @0                                          @0
                                                                                                                                 S A R mW m 3
                                                                                 m                                                                                                                  m

                                                                             compensated                                                                                                         compensated

                     山口一 二

                    L 0



                                                                         lo-2                                        lo-1                                   lo                              lo'                  lo^
                                                                                                                                 SAR [mW/cm3]
                                                                                     m                                                                                                              m
                                                                         not compensated                                                                                                        compensated

                                                         Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment:                                                                                                       0.6% (k=2)

  tificate No: EX3-3935_Nov18                                                                                                       Page 9 of11

                                                                                                                  November 26, 2018
EX3DV4- SN:3935

                                          Conversion Factor Assessment
                       f = 835 MHz.WGLS R9 (H_convF)                                     f = 1900 MHz.WGLS R22 (H_convF)
   木工包 亏]色了




              0.0··一-LL;曰-"                            - ¡¹
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                                                       @                           0       5   1U                            0

                  0              @0 15                 £¬ ¡£



                              analytical                        i
                                          Deviation from isotropy
                                                                    Error(^^),f = 900 MHz
                                          田 抽
                                           帕 叫

                                           已 山 屯


                                   玉 OO


                                           山 巧


                                       广·0      -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2      0.0  0.2  0.4   0·6 OB 4·0
                                             Uncertainty of SphericalIsotropy Assessment: 土 2.6% (k寺幼

  tificate No: EX3-3935_Nov18                                             Page lo of11

                                                                November 26, 2018
EX3DV4- SN:3935

DASY/EASY - Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 - SN:3935

Other Probe Parameters


                 etection Mode
                tion Mode
                                                                         337 mm
                                                                          lo mm
                                                                           9 mm
                                                                         2.5 mm

                                                                           1 mm
                  Calibration Point
                                                                           1 mm
                  Calibration Point
                                                                           1 mm
                  Calibration Point
                                                                          1.4 mm
                 urement Distance from Surface

  Certificate No: EX3-3935_Nov18                 Page 11 of11

Document Created: 2019-11-05 16:54:56
Document Modified: 2019-11-05 16:54:56

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