RF Exposure Part 5


RF Exposure Info

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 Essovs— sNiser0                                                                                                    March 4, 2019

 DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: ES3DV3 — SN:3279

 Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
                Relative  Conductivity                                                                    Dopth®           Tne
     £(Miiz)®       |_Pormittvity"       (Sim)"        ConvEX        ConvEY       ConvEZ         Aipha®|__(mm)            (kea)
        750             a10               ose            as8          ase           ese          oso        119        £120%
        sas             BB                0.90           s38          638           ess          oso        121        +120%
       1750             40.1              137            sso          5.50          sse          os         137        +120%
       1900             400               140            535          sas           sas          osr        i4s        +120%
       2000             400               140            sas          s25           sas          oso        122        £120%
       2300             sas               167            502          5.02          sor          ors        130        £120%
       2450             so2               1.80           agt          477           a7r          oer        144        £120%
       2600             so0               195            4ss          4se           ass          or         130        +120%

©Frequeney valdty above 300 NHz o s 100 itz on                                               .
uncertaintis the RSS ofthe Con: uncertalny t calbraion requeney and thuncetainty t tha ncicatd fequency band Frecuney valdity
below 300 Mi x 10, 25 40, 50 and 70 NEtzfor Conve assassmantsat $0, 64, 128, 150 and 220 Mz respectvaly. Valdty of Conv® ausessed at
8e is 4.9 MHz, and Conve assessed at 13 Ms 9—19 Mz. Above 5 Giiz ucuency valty can be extended o 2 110 MItz
* Atrequencies blow 3 GHt, the valdtyof issue parametar (and o) can be rlaxed o 2 10% i lquid compansatonformula s appled to
measured SAR values. A recuencios above 3 GHthe valdy fue parameters(sand o) is restited o + $%. The uncerainy is the RSS of
the GornP uncertint orndleated targttssue porameters
* AbtalDapth aredetermined during calbraton SPEAG warrants tht the remaining deviaton dueto the boundany effctaftercomponsaton is
always lessthan 2 1% fo requencies below 3 Gitz and below 2 2% for requencies botween 316 Gitzat any dstance larger than halthe robe tp
ciameterrom the boundary.

Cortficate No: ES3—3270_Martd                              Page 5 of 10

 esspvs— svszro                                                                                                        March 4, 2019

 DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: ES3DV3 — SN:3279

 Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media

     1 (mite)      p-l:r:.'kautni\‘:n.ny &   Cnr(l;,u':;t=   ConvEX    ConvEY    ConvEZ_|     Aipha®     D(’,:::.’)G        (;::;)

        zso               555                    086          640        640       640         oss_|       12             £120%
        835               552                    0.97         623        623       623         0.70        122            £12.0%

       1750               5o4                    149          508        508       508         061         142_|         2120%
       1900               ses                    182          485        485       485         oa1         18            +120%
       2300               s29                    181          466        466       466         o80         12            £120%
       2450               52.7                   195          4.50       4.50      4.50        0.80        125           £12.0%

       2600               s25                   216           434       434        434         080         125           £120%

© Frequeney valdy above 300 itz of :190 NHz onl applesfor DASY vé.¢ and igher (sePage 2)isiis esticteto x 50 Mitz The
uncertaintyis the RSS ofthe Con: uncertainy t calraton requency and the uncartaintfor th ncleatd requency band. Frequency valdity
below 300 MEtz is 2 10 2540 50 and 70 MEtzfor Conv? assessmantsat30,64, 12, 190 and 220 Mrespectval. Valdly of Conve assessad at
6 Mi 4.NiHe, and ComvF assonsed at13 Mc is 9—19 ts Above 5 GHtz frequency valdty can be eatended to # 110 Ni.
* Atfrequencies elow 3 GHie, th valty ofssue perameters(c and a) can berelased to * 10% if lavid compensationfomuta is appled to
measured SAR values. Atrequencies above 3 GHz,the valdly oftssue narameler s and a)is restreled to + 5%., The uncertainty s the RSS of
the CorvE uncetaintyfor ndlated trgettssue porametors
" AbhaDonth are detormined duringcalbraton, SPEAG wartanls that th remaining deviaton due t he boundary ffec after componsatiois
atways less than 19 folreauencias beo 3 GHtz and below 2% forroauenciesbewreen26 GHz t any istnce larger han hall theprobe t
diameterom the baundary

Gertficate No: ES3—3270_ Marto                                 Page 6 of 10

essove— sNiser                                                                                                March 4, 2019

                                                   Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                        (TEM—Cell:ifi110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)
          Frequency response {normalized)




                                                  Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—field: £6.3% (k=2)

Certiicate No: ES3—3279_Martd                                           Page 7 of 10

essove— sN.s2r0                                                                                                   March 4, 2010

                                   Receiving Pattern (¢), 9 = 0°

                         1600 MHz,TEM                                                 1=1800 MHz,R22

                  w«                                                    w         s
                   \ 1                                                      &             4                   +    /
                     y                 ;                                                  a>              &

                               nrige       +                                                      —
                  &        *               *         +                   #                    *           *           s
                  To       x               v         2                  To                    x           v           2
     Eirer {dB]

                                                     paoga h            ul gg bg l ud
                                                 &               1                    &               h           o
                                               sibtth                           retthe                    xttke

                                 Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: £ 0.5% (k=2)

Certficate No: ES3—3279_ Martd                           Page 8 of 10

Essove— sh—3270                                                                                               March 4, 2019

                                               Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                                         (TEM cell , fur= 1900 MHz)


                   Input Signal [uV)


                              Eror (dB]

                                                                                    }          }
                                                   to:        ul           10      101             1os   10
                                                                    SAR {mWomd]
                                                  not compansated
                                              Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment: £0.6% (k=2)

Certficate No: ES3—3270. Martd                                      Page 9 of 10

Essove— sN:s2re                                                                               March 4, 2010

                               Conversion Factor Assessment
               1= 835 MHz.WGLS RO (H_comve)                       1= 1900 MHz.WGLS R22 (H_conve)

                   wohie                  wl                            »ote             ns

                           Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                           Error (§, 8), £=900 MHz

                       —10     —08   06   04          oo     o2    o4     os   o8   1.
                           Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assessment: £2.6% (k=2)
Cortficate No: ES3—3270_Mart                     Page 10 of 10

Calibration Laboratory of                                   «\U»s
Schmid & Partner                                           ies                                  $ Seniemaitsesnionmge
                                                           a                                        Schwlzerlschor Kallbrerdionst

   Engineering AG                                         i s                                   . Sorvitl sviczero dtaratura
Zoughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Swtzeriand                 A"‘m‘                                   Swiss Callation Service

Accredted by the Swiss Accredtation Senvice (SAS)                                              Accredtation No.: SCS 0108
The Swiss Acereditaion Service is one ofthe signatories to the EA
Multiateral Agroomentfrthe recognition o callbration cortficatos

ciem       Sporton                                                                   Cortficate No: EX3—3954_Apr19

 Object                           EXSDV4 — SN:3054

 Calbeaton procedure(s)           OA CAL—01.49, OA CAL—14.v5, QA CAL—23.v5, OA CAL—25./7
                                  Calibration procedure for dosimetric E—feld probes

 Cattraton date                   April 25, 2019

 This ealbeaton certfcate documents th traceabiity to national standards, whch reaize th physical uns of measurements (S)
 "The measurements and th unceraintes w confidence probabity aregven on the folowing pages and are par ofthe certicate
Allcalteations have been canducted in the closed laboratory facity ervironmenttemporature (22 + 3)°C and hamidty <70%

Calbcaion Eupmant used (MATE ertica tor calbraton)

 Prmary Standards               io                              Cal Date (Geriicate No                Scheduled Calbeation
 Power meter NRP                sn rowre                        o5—Aoe—19 (No. 217—apmanze00)         Apezo
 Power sensor NRP—291           sn rosars                       05A0r10 (ho. 217—02000)               Aoezo
 Power sensor NRP291            sh: roams                       05—A0r10 (ho 217—02009)               Aprzo
 Reference 20 dB Attenuator     S 55277 (20x)                   o—0cte io. 217.0m00                   Apezo
 oaee                           sNc eco                         18:Doe—18 No: DAEA000_Doci)           Dec—t9
 Reference Probe ES3DV2         sw sors                         31—Dec—18 o. Es3—3013_Dect8)          beeio
 Secondary Standards            B                               Check Date (in house)                 Scheduled Check
 Power meter E44198             sn corrzsoora                   06—Apr—18 in house chack Jun—18)      in house chece Jun—20
 Power sensor E4412A            Shc anvaraonosr                 06—Age—18 in house chack Jun—18)      in house chece Jun—20
 Power sensor E4412A            sht ooonozto                    06—Apr—16 t house check Jun—18)       in house chede Jun—20
 RF generaterHP 648C            sh: usserzuorr00                4—Aug—99 (n house check Jun—18)       n house chackc Jn20
 Network Anoiyzer EB3SeA        sn useron0u77                   31Mer—14 n house check Oct18)         In house check Oct—19
                                  Name                               Functon                            Sgraue
Calbrated by                      Lof Kyaner                         Laborator Technican                W%_

Approved ty                       Ks Pobovie                         Technical Manager             /Mé

                                                                                                        issuect Apat 25, 2019
This altraton corticate shal no be reproduiced exceptn fut wihout witten approvalof e aboratory

Certficate No: EX3—3084_Apri9                                  Page 1 of9

 Calibration Laboratory of                                  «o                                Sctwelzorichor Kallbriordionst
 Schmid & Partner                                          %                             g    Service sulsse cfotalonnage
   Engineering AG                                          s                             g    Servidosviczero di taatura
Zoughausstrasse 43, 0004 Zurich, Switzerland                 /,,,Afi_\‘.\                      Swiss Callbration Service

 Accredted by the Swiss Accrodtaton Servce (SAS)                                          Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
 The Swiss Aceredtation Sorviceis one of the signatoriest the EA
 Mulllatoral Agrooment for the recognition of allbration cortficates

TSL                         tissue simulating liquid
NORMx.y,z                   sensitivity in free space
Conv®                       sensitivity in TSL / NORMxy,z
poP                         diode compression point
cr                          crest factor (1/duty_cycle) of the RF signal
A B, C, D                   modulation dependent Incarization parameters
Polarization o              «p rotation around probe axis
Polarization 8              8 rotation around an axis that is in the plane normal to probe axis (at measurement center),
                            Le., 8 = 0 is normal to probe axis
Connector Angle             information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot coordinate system
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
     a)   IEEE Std 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Poak Spatial—Averaged Specific
          Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement
          Techniques®, June 2013
     ©)   IEC 62209—1, ‘Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) from hand—
          held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 6 GHz)°, July 2016
    0)    EC 62200—2, "Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices
          used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)*, March 2010
    d     KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz®
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
          NORMx,y.z: Assessed for E—field polarization 8 = 0 (f s 900 MHz in TEM—celt 1 > 1800 MHz: R22 wavogume)
          NORMcy,z are only intermediate values, Le., the uncertainties of NORMx,y.z does not affect the E—field
          uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvF).
          NORM()x,y.z = NORMxy.z * frequency..response (see Frequency Response Chart}. This Iincarization is
          implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of the frequency response is included
          in the stated uncertainty of ConvF,
          DCPxy.z: DCP are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on the data of power sweep with CW
          signal (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media,
          PAR: PAR is the Peak to Average Ratlo that is not callbrated but determined based on the signal
          Auyie Buye: Coyz; Dayiz; VRxyiz: A, B, C, D are numerical Inearization parameters assessed based on
          the data of power sweep for specific modulation signal. The parameters do not depend on frequency nor
          media, VR is the maximum calloration range expressed in RMS voltage across the diode.
          ConvF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in fat phantom using E—field (or Temperature Transfer
          Standard for { s 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analyticalfeld distrbutions based on power
          measurements for 1 > 800 MHz. The same setups are used for assessment of the parameters applied for
          boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are
          used in DASY4 software to improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitivity in TSL corresponds
          to NORMy.z * Convwhereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF. A frequency dependent
          Convis used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending the validity from : 50 MHz to : 100
          Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isotropy); in a Held of low gradients realized using a flat phantom
          exposed by a patch antenna,
          Sensor Offset: The sensor offset corresponds to the offset of viual measurement center from the probe tip
          (on probe axis). No tolerance required.
          Connector Angle: The angle is assessed using the information gained by determining the NORMs (no
          uncertainty required).

Certficate No: EX3—3054_Apri9                                 Page 2 ot 9

Exove — sN:3os¢                                                                                                           Apri 25, 2010

 DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3954
Basic Calibration Parameters
                                              SensorX                      Sensory                      SensorZ               Une (ea)
  Norm {uVi(Vim)")"                             056                          o43                          o53                 £10.1%
  DGP (my)                                      EX)                         106.6                         957

Calibration Results for Modulation Response
 uio      Communication System Name      A                                    8          c          o         ve         Max         Une"
                                                                as        aBvpy                    as         my         dew.        (ke2)
 o            ow                                       x        |_00         o0          10       on0        Tost       22%        247%
                                                       y        |_o0         o0          10                  was
                                                       v|_      o0           o0          10                  Teoa

 The reported uncertainty of measurementis stated as thestandard uncertainty of measurement
 multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
 probability of approximately 95%.

" The urcerainioso NoXY.Z do not ifec the E*fld unceraint inside TSL (sen Pago 5)
* NumercalInsarization paramter uncertainty not requred
* Uncetainy is determined using the max. devation fom linear response applying rectingular dstibuton and is expressed fo the square of the
feld value

Cortficate No: EX3—3054_Apri9                                  Page 3 of 9

Exsova— shr3094                                            Apai 25, 2019

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3954

Other Probe Parameters
 Sensor Arrangement                                        Triangular
 Connector Angle (*)                                              684
 Mechanical Surface Detection Mode                            enabled
 Optical Surface Detection Mode                               disabled
 Probe Overall Length                                         337 mm
 Probe Body Diameter                                           10 mm
 Tip Lengh                                                      9mm
 Tip Diameter                                                 2. mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor X Callbration Point                        1 mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor Y Calloration Point                        1 mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor Z Gallbration Point                        T mm
 Recommended Measurement Distance from Surtace                14 mm

Certficate No: EX3—3054_Aprid                Page 4 of 9

Expvi— sN3o54                                                                                                          Apri 25, 2019

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3954

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media

     1 uha          u.?:.'.fi'v'fif     cm(.;u;;a;ny      ConvEX_|      ConvE¥       |_ConvZ_|     Aipha®      n(mu           (:::z:)
        750             410                o.%9           ios?         fos?          iosr         osr         oso         £120%
        sas             415                0.00           iose         fose          iose         ost         080         +120%
        soo             41s                oor            1015         fois          i01s         om          100         +120%
       1750             40.                137            a61          s61           so1          ose         oss         +120%
       1900             400                140            827          827           s2r          ose         omm         £120%
       2000             400                1.40           825          825           sas          oss         o8s         £120%
       2300             sos                167            zo1          zo1           7e           oss         o8s         £120%
       2450             so2                1.80           7ee          z62           ree          oss         oss         +120%
       2600             300                196            730          7.30          7s3o         o«s         oss         +120%
       s2so             350                m              408          408           ass          o40         180         £140%
       seo0             355                5o7            a51          451           451          o40_|_      180         £14.0%
       srso             as4                s22            465          465           ass          o40         180         r140%

©Frequency valdty above 300 MHz o : 100 Mitz ony aplis for DAGY v4 and higher (see Page 2), lse t s resrted to # 50 Mitz. The
uncerainy is the RSS of the ComF uncertainty atcalbration requency and the uncerinyfothe inicated hecuancy band. Frequency valdty
below 00 it i 2 10,25,40, 50 and 70 Ne or Conv® assessiments at 30 64, 128,180 and 220 Miterespocivaly. Vallty of Conv assossed at
6 Mite is 4.0 NHz. and ComE assessed at 13 Mitz is 9—19 NHe. Above5 GHtz fequency valdty can be extended o :110 NHtz
* Atfequencies un to 6 GHts the valdty o fssue perameters(eand o) can b relaned to * 10% if uid compansation fornula is appled to
easured SAR values. The unceriainty is he RSS o he ComF uncetainy fo incicated targt ssue paremeters
® Abpha(Depth are deternined during calbraton SPEAG warrants atthe remaining deviaton due to the baundary effect after compensaton is
always es than 2 1% for Irequencias below 3 GHte and below a 2% foIrequencies between 36 GHtz at any istance large than alf the probe to
diametehm the boundary

Certficate No: EX3—3954_Aprid                                 Page 5 of 9

Exapve— sN.3os4                                                                                             Apri 25, 2019

                                                 Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                      (TEM—Cell:ifi110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)


         Frequency response (normalized)


                                                Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—field: # 6.3%(k=2)

Cortficate No: EX3—3054_Aprid                                          Page 6 of 0

EX3DV4— SN3954                                                                                                     Aprl 25, 2019

                                        Receiving Pattern (¢), 9 = 0°

                      1=600 MHz,TEM                                                     £=1800 MHz,R22

                +                                                              e          .

                       *%                                                                 l
                                                                                    \                      s
                                   m—                                                         ~ w nC
             &                *              #             +                  x           *           &              +
             t«               x              v             2                  Ta          x           v              2

            086 mmmmformmmmmmhrmnmen .
       2z   0
                s         s         s            is        se     g ue bocg gg d ogaca               acpcraahoa
                    aho                 ho            4o               0       t                io           tho
                      mfiv                             shite                        1t                  ssbfihe

                                  Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: £ 0.5% (k=2)

Certficate No: EX3—3954_Aprid                                   Page 7 ot 0

 Exsova— snsost                                                                                        Apri 25, 2019

                                      Dynamic Range f(SARnea4)
                                               (TEM cell , fovar= 1900 MHz)



                   3 i0
                   § 104


                       10                                               W                j
                                                                10       10             19        10
                                                           SAR {mWiems]

                              109        To:         101         100
                                                                          101      1:        10
                                               _           SAR fmWiemd]
                                        not compensated                   compensated

                                    Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment: 0.6% (k=2)

Gertficate No: EX3—3054_Aprid                              Page 8 of 9

Exapve— sN:3ose                                                                                   Apnl 25, 2019

                                Conversion Factor Assessment
                1= 835 MHz.WGLS RO (H._comvF)                        1 = 1900 MHzWGLS R22 (H_conve)

                            Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                          Error (§, 9), £= 900 MHz

                         «10    o8   0s   co%   cor   oo        or   o4    os    08    10
                           Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assessmont:+ 2.6% (k=2)
Certficate No: EX3—3954_Apri9                     Page 9 of 9

Document Created: 2019-09-12 01:06:42
Document Modified: 2019-09-12 01:06:42

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