Test Rpt Spot Check Evaluation for Data Re-Use


Test Report

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                       Spot Check Evaluation

        Reviewed by: Joseph Lin / Supervisor

          Approved by: Jones Tsai / Manager

                              SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC.
                   No. 52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

TEL : 886-3-327-3456                                                  Page Number        : 1 of 8
FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                  Issued Date        : Nov. 13, 2018
                                                                      Report Version     : 01


                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

HISTORY OF THIS TEST REPORT .................................................................................................................. 3

1. INTRODUCTION SECTION ......................................................................................................................... 4

2. DIFFERENCE SECTION ............................................................................................................................. 5

3. SPOT CHECK VERIFICATION DATA SECTION ....................................................................................... 6

4. REFERENCE DETAIL SECTION ................................................................................................................ 8

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FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                                                   Issued Date             : Nov. 13, 2018
                                                                                                       Report Version          : 01


                              History of this test report

             Version                             Description             Issued Date

                 01    Initial issue of report                          Nov. 13, 2018

TEL : 886-3-327-3456                                           Page Number      : 3 of 8
FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                           Issued Date      : Nov. 13, 2018
                                                               Report Version   : 01


1. Introduction Section
The original model (FCC ID: IHDT56XP2) and the variant model (FCC ID: IHDT56XP3) has identical PCB
layout, antenna, SW implementation for Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/GPS/NFC. Based on their similarity, the FCC Part
15C (equipment class: DTS, DSS, DXX) and Part 15E (equipment class: NII) test data issued test data
ofIHDT56XP3 references the test data of IHDT56XP2

The original model (FCC ID: IHDT56XP1) and the variant model (FCC ID: IHDT56XP3) has identical PCB
layout, antenna, SW implementation for GSM/WCDMA/LTE. Based on their similarity, the FCC Part 22, 24
(equipment class: PCE) test data issued test data of IHDT56XP3 references the test data of IHDT56XP1

The applicant takes full responsibility that the test data as referenced in this report represent compliance for
this FCC ID (FCC ID: IHDT56XP3).

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FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                           Issued Date       : Nov. 13, 2018
                                                                               Report Version    : 01


2. Difference Section
The original model (FCC ID: IHDT56XP2) and the variant model (FCC ID:IHDT56XP3) has identical PCB
layout, antenna, SW implementation for Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/NFC/GPS. The details of similarity and difference
can be found in the Operating Description.

The original model (FCC ID: IHDT56XP1) and the variant model (FCC ID: IHDT56XP3) has identical PCB
layout, antenna, SW implementation for GSM/WCDMA/LTE. Based on their similarity, the FCC Part 22, 24
(equipment class: PCE) test data issued test data of IHDT56XP3 references the test data of IHDT56XP1

Cellular transmitter RF components are different inIHDT56XP3, to support capability for different cellular

The product specification is outlined in the following table:
FCC ID                                               IHDT56XP1            IHDT56XP2            IHDT56XP3
Wireless Tech          Mode                          Frequency (MHz)
GSM                    GSM Voice        Multi-Slot   850/1900             850/1900             850/1900
                       GPRS (GMSK)      Class 12
                       EDGE (8PSK)      DTM: No
UMTS                   AMR/RCM12.2Kbps               B5/B4/B2             B5/B4/B2             B5/B2
LTE (FDD)/(TDD)        QPSK                          B2/4/5/7/12/13/17    B2/4/5/7/12/17/66    B2/4/5/7/26/38/41
                       16QAM                         /25/26/38/41/66
CDMA                   RC1/RC3                       BC0/BC1/BC10         -                    -
Wi-Fi                  11b/11g/11n(HT20)             2412-2462
                       11a/11n(HT20)/11n(HT40)       5150~5250
                                                     *5600-5650 notched
Bluetooth              V4.2 LE                       2402-2480 MHz
NFC                    ASK                           -                    -                    13.56MHz

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                                                                              Report Version   : 01


3. Spot Check Verification Data Section
Summary of the spot check:
                                             IHDT56XP2               IHDT56XP3
Test Item         Mode                                                                         Difference (dB)
                                             Worst Result            Worst Result
                  802.11b                    16.49                   16.48                     0.01
                  802.11g                    13.48                   13.41                     0.07
                  11n HT20                   11.97                   11.59                     0.38
                  BT (1Mbps)                 11.26                   11.06                     0.20
                  BT (2Mbps)                 9.15                    9.19                      -0.04
                  BT (3Mbps)                 9.17                    9.19                      -0.02
                  BT-LE                      1.96                    2.43                      -0.47
                  11a, 5.2GHz                14.49                   14.38                     0.11
                  11n HT20, 5.2GHz           14.47                   14.45                     0.02
                  11n HT40, 5.2GHz           14.48                   14.46                     0.02
                  11a, 5.3GHz                14.39                   14.36                     0.03
                  11n HT20, 5.3GHz           14.47                   14.44                     0.03
                  11n HT40, 5.3GHz           14.44                   14.37                     0.07
                  11a, 5.5GHz                14.49                   14.30                     0.20
                  11n HT20, 5.5GHz           14.34                   14.23                     0.11
                  11n HT40, 5.5GHz           14.47                   14.27                     0.20
                  11a, 5.8GHz                14.37                   14.38                     -0.01
                  11n HT20, 5.8GHz           14.49                   14.45                     0.04
Average           11n HT40, 5.8GHz           14.44                   14.42                     0.02
Conducted                                    355570090015416         359505090011474
                  IMEI of test sample
Power                                        355570090015424         359505090011482
(dBm)             Test date                  2018/09/20~2018/10/09   2018/9/21~2018/10/19
                                             IHDT56XP1               IHDT56XP3
                  Mode                                                                         Difference (dB)
                                             Worst Result            Worst Result
                  GSM 850                    33.33                   33.22                     0.11
                  EDGE 850                   26.83                   26.78                     0.05
                  GSM 1900                   29.80                   29.95                     -0.15
                  EDGE 1900                  25.92                   25.92                     0.00
                  UMTS B2 (RMC 12.2Kbps)     23.10                   23.23                     -0.13
                  UMTS B5 (RMC 12.2Kbps)     23.26                   23.40                     -0.14
                  LTE B2 (FDD - QPSK)        22.46                   22.61                     -0.15
                  LTE B4 (FDD - QPSK)        22.95                   22.91                     0.04
                  LTE B5 (FDD - QPSK)        23.19                   23.28                     -0.09
                  LTE B7 (FDD - QPSK)        23.14                   23.05                     0.09
                  LTE B26 (FDD - QPSK)       23.32                   23.24                     0.08
                  LTE B26 (FDD - QPSK) 90s   23.32                   23.10                     0.22
                  LTE B38 (TDD - QPSK)       23.81                   23.20                     0.61
                  IMEI of test sample        355569090014213
                  Test date                  2018/09/21~2018/10/6    2018/9/25~2018/9/26
                                             IHDT56XP2               IHDT56XP3
Test Item         Mode                                                                         Difference (dB)
                                             Worst Result            Worst Result
                  802.11b                    47.03                   48.50                     -1.47
                  11n HT20                   50.85                   50.25                     0.6
                  BT                         46.50                   48.68                     -2.18
Radiated          BT-LE                      43.61                   43.36                     0.25
                  11n HT40, 5.2GHz           50.79                   49.07                     1.72
                  11n HT40, 5.3GHz           50.70                   50.65                     0.05
(Band Edge.
Haromic)          11n HT40, 5.5GHz           64.52                   62.09                     2.43
(dBuV/m)          11n HT20, 5.8GHz           52.04                   51.44                     0.60
                                             355570090016257         359505090017075
                  IMEI of test sample
                                             355570090016265         359505090017083
                  Test date                  2018/10/1~2018/10/15    2018/10/6~2018/10/7

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FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                          Issued Date        : Nov. 13, 2018
                                                                              Report Version     : 01


Radiated spurious emission test against the variant model for non-cellular part based on the worst-case
condition from the original model was performed in this filing to demonstrate the test data from original model
remains representative for the variant model.

Based on the spot check test result (power levels measured are within 1dB, and the worst case of RSE spot
check verification based on the worst condition from the original model is within 3dB, and are compliance with
the limits), the test data from the original model is representative for the variant model.

The unwanted, harmonics, radiated spurious emission is reported peak measurement only due to spurious
lower than 20dB than the limit, 74dBuv/m

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FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                            Issued Date      : Nov. 13, 2018
                                                                                Report Version   : 01

                FCC RADIO TEST REPORT

4. Reference detail Section
                Equipment     Wireless                              Reference                      Reference      Reference           Reference
  Rule Part                                  Frequency Band (MHz)               Grant/Permissive
                  Class      Technology                              FCC ID                        Report Title   Application       Report Sections
                                                                                                                                      Part 15C
                            Bluetooth – LE                                                          FCC RF
                  DTS                            2400~2483.5        IHDT56XP2    Original Grant                   IHDT56XP3        (FR890804-01B,
                                Wii-Fi                                                             Test Report
    15C                                                                                                                            FR890804-01C)
                                                                                                    FCC RF                            Part 15C
                  DSS         Bluetooth          2400~2483.5        IHDT56XP2    Original Grant                   IHDT56XP3
                                                                                                   Test Report                     (FR890804-01A)
                                                                                                                                      Part 15E
                                                 5250~5350                                          FCC RF
                   NII          Wi-Fi                               IHDT56XP2    Original Grant                   IHDT56XP3        (FR890804-01E,
                                                 5470~5725                                         Test Report
    15E                                                                                                                             FR890804-01F)
                                                                                                    FCC RF                              Part 15E
                   NII          DFS              5470~5725          IHDT56XP2    Original Grant                   IHDT56XP3
                                                                                                   Test Report                      (FZ890804-01 )
                                                GSM 850/1900                                        FCC RF                            Part 22.24.27
                            GSM/WCDMA                               IHDT56XP1    Original Grant                   IHDT56XP3
                                                WCDMA B2/5                                         Test Report                       (FG890804A)
Part 22.24.27     PCE
                                                                                                    FCC RF                            Part 22.24.27
                                 LTE          LTE B2/4/5/7/26/38    IHDT56XP1    Original Grant                   IHDT56XP3
                                                                                                   Test Report                       (FG890804C)
                                                                                                    FCC RF                              Part 90s
  Part 90s        PCE            LTE               LTE B26          IHDT56XP1    Original Grant                   IHDT56XP3
                                                                                                   Test Report                       (FG880204D )

End of this report

TEL : 886-3-327-3456                                                                                 Page Number                : 8 of 8
FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                                                 Issued Date                : Nov. 13, 2018
                                                                                                     Report Version             : 01

Document Created: 2019-03-26 08:23:56
Document Modified: 2019-03-26 08:23:56

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