TestRpt_Power Density


RF Exposure Info

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                  Report No. : FA890514B


            FCC ID              : IHDT56XL1
            Equipment           : Mobile 5G MOD
            Brand Name          : Motorola
            Applicant    : Motorola Mobility LLC
                           222 W,Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago IL 60654
            Manufacturer : Motorola Mobility LLC
                           222 W,Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago IL 60654
            Standard     : FCC 47 CFR Part 2 (2.1093)

      We, SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC have been evaluated in accordance with 47 CFR Part
      2.1093 for the device and pass the limit.

      The test results in this variant report apply exclusively to the tested model / sample.
      Without     written   approval of     SPORTON      INTERNATIONAL INC.        EMC       &   Wireless
      Communications Laboratory, the test report shall not be reproduced except in full.

      Approved by: Cona Huang / Deputy Manager

SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC. EMC & Wireless Communications Laboratory
                       No. 52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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Form version: 180516

              RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                                                                      Report No. : FA890514B

                                                                 Table of Contents
1. Summary ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Guidance Applied .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) Information ................................................................................................................... 5
    3.1 General Information ............................................................................................................................................... 5
4. RF Exposure Limits....................................................................................................................................................... 6
    4.1 Uncontrolled Environment ...................................................................................................................................... 6
    4.2 Controlled Environment.......................................................................................................................................... 6
5. System Description and Setup .................................................................................................................................... 7
    5.1 EUmmWave Probe / E-Field 5G Probe .................................................................................................................. 8
    5.2 Data Acquisition Electronics (DAE) ........................................................................................................................ 9
    5.3 Scan configuration ................................................................................................................................................. 9
6. Test Equipment List .....................................................................................................................................................10
7. System Verification Source .........................................................................................................................................11
8. Power Density System Verification ............................................................................................................................12
9. System Verification Results ........................................................................................................................................12
10. EIRP Power .................................................................................................................................................................13
11. Sensor Detector Test Procedure ..............................................................................................................................16
12. Power Density Measurement Evaluation .................................................................................................................20
    12.1 Computation of the Electric Field Polarization Ellipse .........................................................................................21
    12.2 Total Field and Power Flux Density Reconstruction ............................................................................................21
    12.3 Test Positions ......................................................................................................................................................22
13. RF Exposure Evaluation Results ..............................................................................................................................23
14. Simultaneous Transmission Analysis ......................................................................................................................25
15. Uncertainty Assessment ...........................................................................................................................................26
16. References ..................................................................................................................................................................27

Appendix A. Plots of System Performance Check
Appendix B. Plots of Power Density Measurement
Appendix C. DASY Calibration Certificate
Appendix D. Simultaneous Transmission analysis
Appendix E. Antenna Location & Test Setup Photos

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                 Report No. : FA890514B

                                 History of this test report
    Report No.         Version                             Description                      Issued Date

    FA890514B            01      Initial issue of report                                    Dec. 28, 2018

    FA890514B            02      Updated sensor verification procedure in section 11        Feb. 01, 2019

    FA890514B            03      added the description for test positions                   Feb. 07, 2019

    FA890514B            04      Revised the unit in the table in section 11                Mar. 02, 2019

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seortrow cas. _RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                     Report No. : FA890514B
  1. Summary

  The maximum measured average power density found during testing for Motorola Mobility LLC, Mobile 5G MOD, are as

                                                 NC                                     Simultaneous transmission with
                               Standalone transmission
                                                                                              other transmitters
                              Highest Total Power Density,    Limit (FCC part 1.310)
                                  averaging over 4cm                     P o i           Summation of Exposure Ratio
                                       (mW/cmZ)                      (mW/cm")

        5GNR n261

  2. Guidance Applied
      The Power Density testing specification, method, and procedure for this device is in accordance with the following
            FCC 47 CFR Part 2.1091
            FCC 47 CFR Part 2.1093
            FCC KDB 865664 D02 SAR Reporting v01r02
            FCC KDB 447498 DO1 General RF Exposure Guidance v06
            FCC KDB 648474 D04 SAR Evaluation Considerations for Wireless Handsets v01r08
            TCBC workshop notes
            IEC Draft TR 63170

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          RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                                     Report No. : FA890514B
3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) Information
3.1 General Information
                                                   Product Feature & Specification
Equipment Name                            Mobile 5G MOD
Brand Name                                Motorola
FCC ID                                    IHDT56XL1
HW Version                                DVT2
SW Version                                PPZ29.67
EUT Stage                                 Identical Prototype
                                  LTE Band 2: 1850.7 MHz ~ 1909.3 MHz
                                  LTE Band 4: 1710.7 MHz ~ 1754.3 MHz
Wireless Technology and Frequency LTE Band 5: 824.7 MHz ~ 848.3 MHz
Range                             LTE Band 13: 779.5 MHz ~ 784.5 MHz
                                  LTE Band 66: 1710.7 MHz ~ 1779.3 MHz
                                  LTE Band 48: 3552.5 MHz ~ 3697.5 MHz
Modulation                        LTE: QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM
Wireless Technology and Frequency
                                  5G NR n261: 27.5GHz~28.35GHz
Modulation                        5GNR n261: QPSK, 16QAM, and 64QAM for CP-OFDM
Supported Channel Bandwidth               50MHz/100MHz
Maximum Number of contiguous CC           4CC
Maximum Aggregated Bandwidth              400MHz
Max. Uplink Transmission Duty Cycle       100%
                                          Supports dual-polarization MIMO (2 × 2 uplink (UL) and 2 × 2 downlink (DL))

Antenna Information
                                          This device has 4 antenna array modules , only one module can be turned on and transmit at
                                          a time.

5GNR Operation                            Non-Standalone (NSA) Mode
EN-DC combination                        DC_2_n261, DC_4_n261, DC_5_n261, DC_13_n261, DC_66_n261
1.   The MOD is snapped onto the smartphone IHDT56XJ1, and supports multiple antenna transmission, therefore need to consider
     simultaneous transmission analysis for SAR and PD, the WWAN and WLAN SAR test results were referring to the report of FCC
     ID: IHDT56XL1 (Sporton SAR Report No. FA851503). Power density is evaluated with the MOD attached on the phone.
2.   For 5G n261 operation, the device has 4 array modules and only one will transmit at a time. The device has implements the sensor
     to detect the human proximity, once the sensor detects and is triggered, the associated antenna array module will disable the
     transmission and switch to one of the other 3 array module. Detailed illustration of the sensor implementation is in the operation
3.   For front facing array module (Array Module 2) , when earpiece signal from phone indicates operation at head, this array module
     would be disabled, therefore head exposure condition evaluation is not required.

Reviewed by: Eric Huang
Report Producer: Wan Liu

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                           Report No. : FA890514B
4. RF Exposure Limits
4.1 Uncontrolled Environment
Uncontrolled Environments are defined as locations where there is the exposure of individuals who have no knowledge or
control of their exposure. The general population/uncontrolled exposure limits are applicable to situations in which the
general public may be exposed or in which persons who are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be
made fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. Members of the general
public would come under this category when exposure is not employment-related; for example, in the case of a wireless
transmitter that exposes persons in its vicinity.

4.2 Controlled Environment
Controlled Environments are defined as locations where there is exposure that may be incurred by persons who are
aware of the potential for exposure, (i.e. as a result of employment or occupation). In general, occupational/controlled
exposure limits are applicable to situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment, who
have been made fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure. The exposure
category is also applicable when the exposure is of a transient nature due to incidental passage through a location where
the exposure levels may be higher than the general population/uncontrolled limits, but the exposed person is fully aware
of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over his or her exposure by leaving the area or by some other
appropriate means.

The criteria listed in Table 1 shall be used to evaluate the environmental impact of human exposure above 6GHz to radio
frequency (RF) radiation as specified in §1.1310.
General Population Basic restriction for power density for frequencies between 1.5GHz and 100 GHz is 1.0 mW/cm = 10

                                                           Table 1

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                    Report No. : FA890514B
5. System Description and Setup
The system to be used for the near field power density measurement
    SPEAG DASY6 system
    SPEAG cDASY6 5G module software
    EUmmWVx probe
    5G Phantom cover

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      RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                         Report No. : FA890514B
5.1 EUmmWave Probe / E-Field 5G Probe

The probe design allows measurements at distances as small as 2 mm from the sensors to the surface of
the device under test (DUT). The typical sensor to probe tip distance is 1.5 mm.

Frequency                            750 MHz – 110 GHz
Probe Overall Length                 320 mm
Probe Body Diameter                  8.0 mm
Tip Length                           23.0 mm
Tip Diameter                         8.0 mm
Probe’s two dipoles length           0.9 mm – Diode loaded
Dynamic Range                        < 20 V/m - 10000 V/m with PRE-10 (min < 50 V/m - 3000 V/m)
Position Precision                   < 0.2 mm
Distance between diode sensors and
                                     1.5 mm
probe’s tip
Minimum Mechanical separation
                                     0.5 mm
between probe tip and a Surface
                                     E-field measurements of 5G devices and other mm-wave transmitters
Applications                         operating above 10GHz in < 2 mm distance from device (free-space)
                                     Power density, H-field and far-field analysis using total field reconstruction.
Compatibility                        cDASY6 + 5G-Module SW1.0 and higher

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seonron cas. _RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                       Report No. : FA890514B

 5.2 Data Acquisition Electronics (DAE)
 The data acquisition electronics (DAE) consists of a highly sensitive
 electrometer—grade preamplifier with auto—zeroing, a channel and
 gain—switching multiplexer, a fast 16 bit AD—converter and a command
 decoder and control logic unit. Transmission to the measurement
 server is accomplished through an optical downlink for data and
 status information as well as an optical uplink for commands and the
 The input impedance of the DAE is 200 MOhm; the inputs are
 symmetrical and floating. Common mode rejection is above 80 dB.

 5.3 Scan configuration
 Fine—resolution scans on 2 different planes are performed to reconstruct the E— and H—fields as well as the
 power density; the z—distance between the 2 planes is setto ¥ /4.
 The (x, y) grid step is also set 2 /4, the grid extent is set to sufficiently large to identify the field pattern and the

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                        Report No. : FA890514B
6. Test Equipment List
     Manufacturer          Name of Equipment           Type/Model   Serial Number
                                                                                      Last Cal.        Due Date
        SPEAG             5G Verification Source        30 GHz          1007        Apr. 06, 2018    Apr. 05, 2019
        SPEAG             5G Verification Source        30 GHz          1009        Jun. 29, 2018    Jun. 28, 2019
        SPEAG          EUmmWV Probe Tip Protection     EUmmWV2          9388        Apr. 10, 2018    Apr. 09, 2019
        SPEAG          EUmmWV Probe Tip Protection     EUmmWV3          9390        Jun. 28, 2018    Jun. 27, 2019
        SPEAG           Data Acquisition Electronics     DAE4           918         Jun. 20, 2018    Jun. 19, 2019
        SPEAG           Data Acquisition Electronics     DAE4           778         May. 25, 2018    May. 24, 2019
        SPEAG           Data Acquisition Electronics     DAE4           1326        Sep. 18, 2018    Sep. 17, 2019
        TESTO                  Hygro meter               608-H1       34913631      Aug. 27, 2018    Aug. 26, 2019
   Rohde & Schwarz          Spectrum Analyzer            FSV40         101408       Jul. 30, 2018    Jul. 29, 2019
   Custom Microwave       Standard Horn antenna         M15RH         V91113-A          NCR                 NCR

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seortrow cas. _RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                          Report No. : FA890514B

  7. System Verification Source
  The System Verification sources at 30 GHz and above comprise horn—antennas and very stable signal

  PCAS                                Ka—band horn antenna
  Calibrated frequency:               30 GHz at 10mm from the case surface
  Frequency accuracy                   + 100 MHz
  E—field polarization                linear
  Harmonics                           —20 dBc
 Total radiated power                 14 dBm
 Power stability                      0.05 dB
 Power consumption                    5W
  Size                                00 x 100 x 100 mm
  Weight                              1 kg

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           RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                 Report No. : FA890514B
8. Power Density System Verification
The system performance check verifies that the system operates within its specifications.

The EUT is replaced by a calibrated source, the same spatial resolution, measurement region and the test
separation used in the calibration was applied to system check. Through visual inspection into the measured
power density distribution, both spatially (shape) and numerically (level) have no noticeable difference. The
measured results should be within 10% of the calibrated targets.

                              Settings for measurement of verification sources

                                           Verification Setup photo

9. System Verification Results
                               5G                                          Measured      Targeted
               Frequency                  Probe      DAE       Distance                                Deviation
    Date                   Verification                                      4 cm²         4 cm²
                 (GHz)                     S/N       S/N        (mm)                                     (%)
                             Source                                         (W/m²)        (W/m²)
 2018/12/11      30GHz     30GHz-1007     9388       918          10          36.3          33.6          8.04
 2018/12/16      30GHz     30GHz-1009     9390       778          10         39.9           41.3         -3.39
 2018/12/18      30GHz     30GHz-1007     9388       1326         10         33.4           33.6          -0.6

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seonton cas.   RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                    Report No. : FA890514B

    10. EIRP Power

   The beam configurations for PD measurement are identified from the simulation report, the EIRP reported in
   this section is for reference onl

                                                      uec ols                                       Maximum Average
                              Beam ID 1   Beam ID 2     (GHz)   oeleucl           Modulation
                                                                                                       EIRP [dBm]

                                 33          157       27.925   1RB_O0 offset   QPSK, CP—OFDM              23.54

                                 49          177       27.925   1RB_O offset    QPSK, CP—OFDM              21.67
     100 MHz         0
                                 31          161       27.925   1RB_O offset    QPSK, CP—OFDM              22.35

                                 61          189       27.925   1RB_O offset    QPSK, CP—OFDM              21.28

                 antenna                              ucetco)                                       Euedecrtd
    Bandwidth                 Beam ID 1   Beam ID 2     (GHz)   RB allocation     modulation
                  module                                                                               EIRP [dBm]

                                 26          153       27.925   1RB_0 offset    QPSK, CP—OFDM              22.41

     100 MHz         1           28          155       27.925   1RB_O0 offset   QPSK, CP—OFDM              22.42

                                 44          172       27.925   1RB_0 offset    QPSK, CP—OFDM              22.36

                 antenna                              ucetco)                                       Euedecrtd
    Bandwidth                 Euie        Beam ID 2             RB allocation     Modulation
                  module                                (GHz)                                          EIRP [dBm]

                                 59          186       27.925   1RB_O0 offset   QPSK, CP—OFDM              19.09

                                 43          167       27.925   1RB_0 offset    QPSK, CP—OFDM              18.94

                                 42          169       27.925   1RB_0 offset    QPSK, CP—OFDM              18.21
     100 MHz         2
                                 56          187       27.925   1RB_0 offset    QPSK, CP—OFDM              16.27

                                 41          168       27.925   1RB_0 offset    QPSK, CP—OFDM              15.91

                                 43          167       27.925   1RB_0 offset    QPSK, CP—OFDM              18.94

    Bandwidth    :‘;Z'L'I':   e iepe) F'Tg‘:lez';cy             RB allocation     Modulation        Ma’::;‘;";d‘;'s]age

                                 36          164       27.925   1AB_0 offset    aPSK, CP—OFDM              19.33
                                 62          180       27.925   1AB_0 offset    aPSK, CP—OFDM              19.01
                                 52          180       27.925   1AB_0 offset    aPSK, CP—OFDM              19.86
                                 54          182       27.925   1AB_0 offset    aPSK, CP—OFDM              19.45
     100 MHz         3           53          181       27.925   1AB_0 offset    aPSK, CP—OFDM              1816
                                 38          165       27.925   1AB_0 offset    aPSK, CP—OFDM              18.25
                                 34          162       27.925   1AB_0 offset    aPSK, CP—OFDM              1918
                                 37          166       27.925   1AB_0 offset    aPSK, CP—OFDM              19.08
                                 as          163       27.925   1RB_0 offset    apsk, CP—oFpm              19.72

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          RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                        Report No. : FA890514B
                                      NR Band n261 Module 0 (Beam ID 33, 157)
                                          Maximum Average EIRP [dBm]
                                              Lowest frequency         Middle frequency           Highest frequency
BW [MHz]      RB Size   RB Offset   Mod
                                                 27.525 GHz                27.925 GHz                28.325GHz
    50           1         0                        24.05                     23.51                     23.62
    50          32         0                        24.18                     23.66                      24.07
    50           1         0                         23.12                  22.29                        22.02
    50          32         0                         23.42                  22.81                        22.68
    50           1         0                         21.53                  21.03                        20.10
    50          32         0                        21.27                    20.91                      21.28
                                               Lowest frequency        Middle frequency           Highest frequency
BW [MHz]      RB Size   RB Offset    Mod
                                                  27.55 GHz               27.925 GHz                  28.3 GHz
    100          1         0                        24.78                    23.54                      23.44
    100         66         0                         24.36                  23.88                        23.46
    100          1         0                         23.45                  22.20                        22.40
    100         66         0                         23.24                  22.90                        22.23
    100          1         0                         22.02                  20.51                        20.26
    100         66         0                        21.29                    20.96                      20.37
                                               Lowest frequency        Middle frequency           Highest frequency
BW [MHz]      RB Size   RB Offset    Mod
                                                  27.70 GHz               27.925 GHz                  28.15 GHz
    400         66         0        QPSK            22.63                    22.67                      21.92
    400         66         0        16-QAM           21.52                  21.66                        20.41
    400         66         0        64-QAM           18.99                  19.08                        18.22

                                      NR Band n261 Module 1 (Beam ID 28, 155)
                                          Maximum Average EIRP [dBm]
                                              Lowest frequency         Middle frequency           Highest frequency
BW [MHz]      RB Size   RB Offset   Mod
                                                 27.525 GHz                27.925 GHz                28.325GHz
    50           1         0                        23.18                     21.92                     20.16
    50          32         0                        22.96                     21.86                      20.50
    50           1         0                         22.50                  21.25                        19.53
    50          32         0                         21.75                  20.87                        19.27
    50           1         0                         20.20                  19.00                        17.29
    50          32         0                        19.79                    18.87                      17.39
                                               Lowest frequency        Middle frequency           Highest frequency
BW [MHz]      RB Size   RB Offset    Mod
                                                  27.55 GHz               27.925 GHz                  28.3 GHz
    100          1         0                        22.62                    22.42                      21.30
    100         66         0                         22.37                  22.43                        20.96
    100          1         0                         22.36                  21.43                        20.71
    100         66         0                         21.56                  21.20                        20.25
    100          1         0                         19.97                  18.97                        18.44
    100         66         0                        19.46                    19.18                      18.26
                                               Lowest frequency        Middle frequency           Highest frequency
BW [MHz]      RB Size   RB Offset    Mod
                                                  27.70 GHz               27.925 GHz                  28.15 GHz
    400         66         0        QPSK            19.37                    18.61                      18.46
    400         66         0        16-QAM           18.67                  17.73                        17.25
    400         66         0        64-QAM           16.06                  15.15                        14.85

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          RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                        Report No. : FA890514B

                                      NR Band n261 Module 2 (Beam ID 59, 186)
                                          Maximum Average EIRP [dBm]
                                              Lowest frequency         Middle frequency           Highest frequency
BW [MHz]      RB Size   RB Offset   Mod
                                                 27.525 GHz                27.925 GHz                28.325GHz
    50           1         0                        20.17                     19.31                     16.20
    50          32         0                        20.06                     19.13                      16.37
    50           1         0                         19.90                  18.73                        15.73
    50          32         0                         19.37                  18.17                        15.33
    50           1         0                         17.79                  16.43                        13.48
    50          32         0                        17.71                    16.22                      13.58
                                               Lowest frequency        Middle frequency           Highest frequency
BW [MHz]      RB Size   RB Offset    Mod
                                                  27.55 GHz               27.925 GHz                  28.3 GHz
    100          1         0                        20.34                    19.09                      16.54
    100         66         0                         19.90                  19.03                        16.46
    100          1         0                         19.79                  18.71                        15.92
    100         66         0                         19.10                  17.93                        15.52
    100          1         0                         17.58                  16.41                        13.67
    100         66         0                        17.10                    16.12                      13.56
                                               Lowest frequency        Middle frequency           Highest frequency
BW [MHz]      RB Size   RB Offset    Mod
                                                  27.70 GHz               27.925 GHz                  28.15 GHz
    400         66         0        QPSK            19.73                    18.61                      18.46
    400         66         0        16-QAM           18.67                  17.73                        17.25
    400         66         0        64-QAM           16.06                  15.15                        14.85

                                     NR Band n261 Module 3 (Beam ID 35, 163)
                                          Maximum Average EIRP [dBm]
                                              Lowest frequency       Middle frequency             Highest frequency
BW [MHz]      RB Size   RB Offset   Mod
                                                 27.525 GHz              27.925 GHz                  28.325GHz
    50           1         0                        22.55                   21.41                       18.59
    50          32         0                        22.63                   21.09                        18.09
    50           1         0                         22.01                  20.92                        17.98
    50          32         0                         21.72                  20.08                        16.99
    50           1         0                         19.92                  18.65                        15.72
    50          32         0                        19.89                    18.25                      15.06
                                               Lowest frequency        Middle frequency           Highest frequency
BW [MHz]      RB Size   RB Offset    Mod
                                                  27.55 GHz               27.925 GHz                  28.3 GHz
    100          1         0                        21.79                    19.72                      17.16
    100         66         0                         21.76                  20.19                        17.65
    100          1         0                         21.25                  19.09                        16.66
    100         66         0                         20.83                  19.06                        16.75
    100          1         0                         19.11                  16.80                        14.24
    100         66         0                        18.94                    17.12                      14.84
                                               Lowest frequency        Middle frequency           Highest frequency
BW [MHz]      RB Size   RB Offset    Mod
                                                  27.70 GHz               27.925 GHz                  28.15 GHz
    400         66         0        QPSK            21.26                    19.74                      19.48
    400         66         0        16-QAM           19.72                  18.68                        17.92
    400         66         0        64-QAM           19.67                  15.60                        14.51

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                     Report No. : FA890514B
11. Sensor Detector Test Procedure
1.    The device has implements the sensor to detect the human proximity, once the sensor detects and is
      triggered, the associated antenna array module will disable the transmission and switch to one of the
      other 3 array module. Detailed illustration of the sensor implementation is in the operation description.
2.    The device under test is mounted on a support that can hold it at the desired test orientation and test
      distance, and the device on its mount is then slid under the flat phantom filled with normal temperature
      water, while the control software is monitored to determine if/when the sensor is triggered. The basic
      setup is illustrated in below figure.
3.    All tests are performed with the 5G Mod attached to the host phone device.

The procedure for testing is as follows:
1.   Adjust the height of the 5G Mod on the platform
2.   Place the platform w/ the 5G Mod away from the Flat Phantom
3.   Move the platform w/ 5G Mod under the center of Flat Phantom
4.   Check the sensor state, mmwave array module ON/OFF state
5.   Repeated above procedure in 1 cm steps until the sensor release.
6.   This basic test procedure was applied at multiple spacings, in 1 cm increments, starting from a large
     spacing and reducing to a small spacing, and starting from a small spacing, and increasing to a large
     spacing. In this way the minimum detection distance was established for each module, and any
     hysteresis effects were taken into account. Steps of 1 cm were employed, rather than smaller steps of
     3 or 1 mm as are commonly used to test capacitive proximity sensors, because of the much larger
     operational range of the thermal sensor. Note that using a larger step size of 1 cm produces a more
     conservative result, i.e. the smallest detection distance so found is equal to or less than that which would
     be found if using smaller step sizes like 1 mm.
7.   Additionally, the test procedure was followed at a close distance of 5 mm from the device, to establish
     the extents of the angular cone of detection of each sensor, which was used to establish the
     measurement inclusion and exclusion zones in those measurement planes. Testing at this close
     spacing (corresponding to the actual measurement planes) is a more conservative means of
     establishing these characteristics of the sensor.

Right/Left/Back array module will turn off at detection distance of 12cm, Front array module turns off at
detection distance of 7cm. Test separation of 7cm was chosen conservatively for ALL array module

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                        Report No. : FA890514B
      Sensor Trigger Distance
                                                Sensor Detect Distance       Sensor Undetect Distance
             Sensor                Location
                                                        (cm)                          (cm)
    Sensor 0 (Array Module 0)     Right Side             12                             13
    Sensor 1 (Array Module 1)      Left Side             12                             13
    Sensor 2 (Array Module 2)      Top Front              7                              8
    Sensor 3 (Array Module 3)      Top Rear              12                             13

Note: State 1: Senor Detect, Array module off
     State 0: Senor Undetect, Array module on

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                Report No. : FA890514B
      These angular results are summarized in the table below:

                Measured angular responses of Sensor 0 at the 5 mm test separation distance.

                Measured angular responses of Sensor 1 at the 5 mm test separation distance.

                Measured angular responses of Sensor 2 at the 5 mm test separation distance.

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                Report No. : FA890514B

                Measured angular responses of Sensor 3 at the 5 mm test separation distance.

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                   Report No. : FA890514B
12. Power Density Measurement Evaluation
1.    The 5G NR n261 signal under testing was configured by test Qualcomm software, and the test tool can
      be used and set the relevant 5G radio parameters (e.g. TX carrier, polarization, band, channel,
      bandwidth and output power etc.)
2.    The device was configured to transmit maximum power and at 100% duty cycle, for each RB
      configuration/modulation/bandwidth/channel to be tested
3.    Since the device Supports dual-polarization MIMO (2 × 2 uplink (UL) and 2 × 2 downlink (DL), therefore
      the device under test was configured beam pair testing at a time.
4.    According to manufacturer simulation test results for different antenna modules and exposure planes,
      limited worst cases were selected for power density measurement.
5.    This device support 5GNR n261.The frequency range is 27.5GHz to 28.35GHz. The maximum
      supporting bandwidth is 400MHz for UL. The modulation type is QPSK, 16QAM, and 64QAM for
      CP-OFDM for both of DL and UL and the Subcarrier spacing is120 kHz.
6.    According to TCBC Workshop in October 2018, 4 cm2 averaging area may now be considered.
7.    The power density test separation distance and test conditions were confirmed by FCC in the lab KDB
      inquiry. The device implements the sensor detection, so that for some device orientations the PD test at
      default test separation was skipped and PD was tested at larger distance which represents the sensor
      detection range
8.    Above 6 GHz, Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits apply to portable exposure conditions
      according to 47 CFR §2.1093.

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      RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                                  Report No. : FA890514B
12.1 Computation of the Electric Field Polarization Ellipse
For the numerical description of an arbitrarily oriented ellipse in three-dimensional space, five parameters are
needed: the semi-major axis (a), the semi-minor axis (b), two angles describing the orientation of the normal
vector of the ellipse (∅, θ), and one angle describing the tilt of the semi-major axis (ψ). For the two extreme
cases, i.e., circular and linear polarizations, three parameters only (a, ∅ and θ) are sufficient for the
description of the incident field.

Illustration of the angles used for the numerical description of the sensor and the orientation of an ellipse in 3-D space.

For the reconstruction of the ellipse parameters from measured data, the problem can be reformulated as a
nonlinear search problem. The semi-major and semi-minor axes of an elliptical field can be expressed as
functions of the three angles (∅, θ and ψ). The parameters can be uniquely determined towards minimizing
the error based on least-squares for the given set of angles and the measured data. In this way, the number of
free parameters is reduced from five to three, which means that at least three sensor readings are necessary
to gain sufficient information for the reconstruction of the ellipse parameters. However, to suppress the noise
and increase the reconstruction accuracy, it is desirable that the system of equations be over determined. The
solution to use a probe consisting of two sensors angled by r1 and r2 toward the probe axis and to perform
measurements at three angular positions of the probe, i.e., at β1, β2 and β3, results in over-determinations by
a factor of two. If there is a need for more information or increased accuracy, more rotation angles can be
added. The reconstruction of the ellipse parameters can be separated into linear and non-linear parts that are
best solved by the Givens algorithm combined with a downhill simplex algorithm. To minimize the mutual
coupling, sensor angles are set with a shift of 90 degree (r2 = r1 + 90 degree), and to simplify, the first rotation
angle of the probe (β1) can be set to 0 degree

12.2 Total Field and Power Flux Density Reconstruction
Computation of the power density in general requires knowledge of the electric and magnetic field amplitudes
and phases in the plane of incidence. Reconstruction of these quantities from pseudo-vector E-field
measurements is feasible, as they are constrained by Maxwell's equations. SPEAG have developed a
reconstruction approach based on the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm, which benefits from the availability of the
E-field polarization ellipse information obtained with the EUmmWV2 probe.
The average of the reconstructed power density is evaluated over a circular area in each measurement plane.
Two average power density values can be computed, the average total power density and the average
incident power density, and the average total power density is used to determine compliance.

The software post-processing reports to values, “S avg tot” and “S avg inc”. “S avg tot” represents average
total power density (all three xyz components included), and “S avg inc” represents average normal power
density. The average total power density “S avg tot” is reported to determine the device compliance.

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                               Report No. : FA890514B

12.3 Test Positions

                                    Measurement Plane
Module                                                                                              Comment
         Back @        Left @    Right @      Top @    Bottom @ Front @ Front @
          5 mm         5 mm       5 mm        5 mm       5 mm     5 mm   2 mm
                                                                                       Principal plane excluded by prox
   0       Yes          No        Yes          Yes         Yes         No       Yes
                                                                                       Principal plane excluded by prox
                                                                                       sensor; bottom plane excluded due
   1       Yes          Yes        No          Yes         No          No       Yes
                                                                                       to very low PD due to large
                                                                                       Principal plane excluded by talk
                                                                                       position logic; bottom plane
   2       Yes          Yes       Yes          Yes         No          Yes      No
                                                                                       excluded due to very low PD due to
                                                                                       large distance
                                                                                       Principal plane excluded by prox
                                                                                       sensor; bottom plane excluded due
   3        No          Yes       Yes          Yes         No          No       Yes
                                                                                       to very low PD due to large

                                     Measurement Plane
Module                                                                                              Comment
          Back @        Left @      Right @      Top @          Bottom @     Front @
          70 mm         70 mm       70 mm        70 mm           70 mm       70 mm
   0        No            Yes           No            No          No           No

   1        No            No            Yes           No          No           No      Principle plane is measured at
                                                                                       conservative prox sensor release
   2        No            No            No            No          No          Yes      distance.

   3        Yes           No            No            No          No           No

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                RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                                        Report No. : FA890514B
     13. RF Exposure Evaluation Results
     1. The test position/separation and the area to scan for each test is selected and identified in the simulation
        report, details in illustrated in the simulation report exhibit and the operational description.
     2. For each array module, power density for different combinations of RB/modulation/bandwidth and
        also low/middle/high channel was executed at the worst position.
     3. The test positions are defined per the front view of phone+Mod. Note that for the measurements, "right"
        and "left" are referenced with respect to viewing from the front, display side of the phone+Mod, but it
        contrasts with the reference used in the simulation reports which the reference is from the back view of
        the Mod"
     4. 2 mm “Test separation” means 0.5 mm between probe-housing tip and DUT, with 1.5 mm from
        probe-housing tip to center of sensing elements.
     5. The page 5 and 6 in the appendix is for the measurement which partially overlaps device footprint due to
        sensor cone exclusion, the 4 cm2^ averaging causes a further reduction of the displayed PD area.
                                                                                                                                Measured Measured
                                                                                                                                 4cm^2    4cm^2
                                                                                                              Measured Measured
Plot Bandwidth Carrier Antenna Beam Beam Frequency    Exposure          Test                                                    Average Average
                                                                                  RB allocation    Modulation  E peak   H peak
No. of 1CC aggregation module ID 1 ID 2    (GHz)      Conditions     separation                                                  Normal    Total
                                                                                                                (V/m)    (A/m)
                                                                                                                                  PD        PD
                                                                                                                                (W/m^2) (W/m^2)
     100 MHz      1cc       0   33   157   27.925    Front Surface     2mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK         13.2   0.033    0.068    0.089
     100 MHz      1cc       0   49   177   27.925    Front Surface     2mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        26.8    0.058    0.087     0.115
     100 MHz      1cc       0   49   177   27.925    Back Surface      5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        97.7    0.254     1.65     2.47
     100 MHz      1cc       0   33   157   27.925      Left side       70mm       1RB_0 offset      QPSK        45      0.119     4.77     4.78
     100 MHz      1cc       0   49   177   27.925     Right Side       5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        10.6    0.036    0.089     0.099
     100 MHz      1cc       0   31   161   27.925     Right Side       5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        11       0.03    0.152     0.166
     100 MHz      1cc       0   49   177   27.925      Top side        5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        9.55    0.032    0.098     0.112
     100 MHz      1cc       0   61   189   27.925    Bottom side       5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        15.9    0.052    0.414     0.483
     100 MHz      1cc       0   33   157   27.925      Left side      70 mm       32 RB_0 offset    QPSK        44.8    0.119     4.78     4.82
01   100 MHz      1cc       0   33   157   27.925      Left side      70 mm       66 RB_0 offset    QPSK        45.3     0.12     4.98     4.99
     100 MHz      1cc       0   33   157   27.925      Left side      70 mm       66 RB_0 offset    16QAM       40.9    0.108     4.03     4.04
     100 MHz      1cc       0   33   157   27.925      Left side      70 mm       66 RB_0 offset    64QAM       33       0.09     2.61     2.64
     50MHz       1cc        0   33   157   27.925      Left side      70 mm       32 RB_0 offset    QPSK        45      0.119     4.84     4.87
     100 MHz                0   33   157   27.925      Left side      70 mm       66 RB_0 offset    QPSK        34       0.09     2.78     2.79
     100 MHz     1cc        0   33   157   27.55       Left side      70 mm       66 RB_0 offset    QPSK        45.3    0.119     4.78      4.8
     100 MHz      1cc       0   33   157    28.3       Left side      70 mm       66 RB_0 offset    QPSK        43.9    0.117     4.74     4.79

                                                                                                                                Measured Measured
                                                                                                                                 4cm^2    4cm^2
                                                                                                              Measured Measured
Plot Bandwidth Carrier Antenna Beam Beam Frequency    Exposure          Test                                                    Average Average
                                                                                  RB allocation    Modulation  E peak   H peak
No. of 1CC aggregation module ID 1 ID 2    (GHz)      Conditions     separation                                                  Normal    Total
                                                                                                               (V/m)     (A/m)
                                                                                                                                  PD        PD
                                                                                                                                (W/m^2) (W/m^2)
     100 MHz      1cc       1   26   153   27.925    Front Surface     2mm         1RB_0 offset     QPSK        23.4    0.065     0.24    0.259
     100 MHz      1cc       1   26   153   27.925    Back Surface      5mm         1RB_0 offset      QPSK       61.4     0.15    0.823     1.13
     100 MHz      1cc       1   26   153   27.925      Left side       5mm         1RB_0 offset      QPSK       7.56    0.028    0.050     0.055
     100 MHz      1cc       1   28   155   27.925     Right Side       70mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK       28.2    0.076     1.86     1.87
     100 MHz      1cc       1   44   172   27.925      Top side        5mm         1RB_0 offset      QPSK       16.1    0.045    0.477     0.522
     100 MHz      1cc       1   28   155   27.925     Right Side       70mm       32 RB_0 offset     QPSK       31      0.082     2.18      2.2
     100 MHz      1cc       1   28   155   27.925     Right Side       70mm       66 RB_0 offset     QPSK       29.8    0.081     2.04     2.05
     100 MHz      1cc       1   28   155   27.925     Right Side       70mm       32 RB_0 offset    16QAM       28.1    0.075     1.79      1.8
     100 MHz      1cc       1   28   155   27.925     Right Side       70mm       32 RB_0 offset    64QAM       24.9    0.064     1.13     1.14
      50MHz      1cc        1   28   155   27.925     Right Side       70mm       16 RB_0 offset     QPSK       30.7     0.08     2.14     2.15
     100 MHz                1   28   155   27.925     Right Side       70mm       32 RB_0 offset     QPSK       20.1    0.055    0.962     0.966
02   100 MHz     1cc        1   28   155   27.55      Right Side       70mm       32 RB_0 offset     QPSK       32.6    0.088     2.46     2.48
     100 MHz      1cc       1   28   155    28.3      Right Side       70mm       32 RB_0 offset     QPSK       26      0.071     1.57     1.58

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                RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                                        Report No. : FA890514B

                                                                                                                                Measured Measured
                                                                                                                                 4cm^2    4cm^2
                                                                                                              Measured Measured
Plot Bandwidth Carrier Antenna Beam Beam Frequency    Exposure          Test                                                    Average Average
                                                                                  RB allocation    Modulation  E peak   H peak
No. of 1CC aggregation module ID 1 ID 2    (GHz)      Conditions     separation                                                  Normal    Total
                                                                                                               (V/m)     (A/m)
                                                                                                                                   PD       PD
                                                                                                                                (W/m^2) (W/m^2)
     100 MHz      1cc       2   59   186   27.925    Front Surface     70mm       1RB_0 offset      QPSK        10.8    0.033     0.150   0.157
     100 MHz      1cc       2   41   168   27.925    Front Surface     5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        25.8    0.057    0.117     0.137
     100 MHz      1cc       2   43   167   27.925    Back Surface      5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        28.6    0.078     1.27     1.29
     100 MHz      1cc       2   42   169   27.925      Left side       5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        11.1    0.035    0.141     0.155
     100 MHz      1cc       2   56   187   27.925     Right Side       5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        36.4    0.097     1.37     1.49
     100 MHz      1cc       2   41   168   27.925      Top side        5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        54.9    0.147     1.34     1.67
     100 MHz      1cc       2   43   167   27.925      Top side        5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        56.1    0.141     1.68     1.79
     100 MHz      1cc       2   43   167   27.925      Top side        5mm        32 RB_0 offset    QPSK        59      0.147     1.73     1.91
     100 MHz      1cc       2   43   167   27.925      Top side        5mm        66 RB_0 offset    QPSK        57.7    0.146     1.64     1.84
     100 MHz      1cc       2   43   167   27.925      Top side        5mm        32 RB_0 offset    16QAM       53.5    0.136     1.44     1.61
     100 MHz      1cc       2   43   167   27.925      Top side        5mm        32 RB_0 offset    64QAM       43.2    0.112     1.01     1.11
     50MHz       1cc        2   43   167   27.925      Top side        5mm        16 RB_0 offset    QPSK        62.5    0.155     1.85     2.07
     100 MHz                2   43   167   27.925      Top side        5mm        32 RB_0 offset    QPSK        46.1     0.12     1.12     1.19
03   100 MHz     1cc        2   43   167   27.55       Top side        5mm        32 RB_0 offset    QPSK        70.2    0.173     2.5      2.75
     100 MHz      1cc       2   43   167    28.3       Top side        5mm        32 RB_0 offset    QPSK        50.8    0.128     1.25     1.42

                                                                                                                                Measured Measured
                                                                                                                                 4cm^2    4cm^2
                                                                                                              Measured Measured
Plot Bandwidth Carrier Antenna Beam Beam Frequency    Exposure          Test                                                    Average Average
                                                                                  RB allocation    Modulation  E peak   H peak
No. of 1CC aggregation module ID 1 ID 2    (GHz)      Conditions     separation                                                  Normal    Total
                                                                                                               (V/m)     (A/m)
                                                                                                                                   PD       PD
                                                                                                                                (W/m^2) (W/m^2)
     100 MHz      1cc       3   36   164   27.925    Front Surface     2 mm       1RB_0 offset      QPSK        17.3    0.048     0.319   0.385
     100 MHz      1cc       3   62   190   27.925    Back Surface     70 mm       1RB_0 offset      QPSK        14.9    0.052    0.380     0.408
     100 MHz      1cc       3   52   180   27.925    Back Surface     70 mm       1RB_0 offset      QPSK        21.2    0.057    0.896     0.916
     100 MHz      1cc       3   35   163   27.925    Back Surface     70 mm       1RB_0 offset      QPSK        20.5    0.055    0.824     0.850
     100 MHz      1cc       3   54   182   27.925      Left side       5 mm       1RB_0 offset      QPSK        21.8    0.059    0.880     0.896
     100 MHz      1cc       3   53   181   27.925      Left side       5 mm       1RB_0 offset      QPSK        19.5    0.055    0.510     0.674
     100 MHz      1cc       3   54   182   27.925     Right Side       5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        18      0.058    0.638     0.674
     100 MHz      1cc       3   38   165   27.925     Right Side       5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        19.1    0.056    0.799     0.823
     100 MHz      1cc       3   62   190   27.925      Top side        5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        40.9    0.107     1.93     2.02
     100 MHz      1cc       3   34   162   27.925      Top side        5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        42      0.113     1.95     2.17
     100 MHz      1cc       3   37   166   27.925      Top side        5mm        1RB_0 offset      QPSK        41.3    0.116     2.99     3.23
     100 MHz      1cc       3   37   166   27.925      Top side        5mm        32 RB_0 offset    QPSK        43.9    0.118     3.66     3.99
     100 MHz      1cc       3   37   166   27.925      Top side        5mm        66 RB_0 offset    QPSK        43.1    0.116     3.64      3.9
     100 MHz      1cc       3   37   166   27.925      Top side        5mm        32 RB_0 offset    16QAM       39.5    0.103     2.99     3.23
     100 MHz      1cc       3   37   166   27.925      Top side        5mm        32 RB_0 offset    64QAM       32.3     0.09     1.98     2.11
04   50MHz       1cc        3   37   166   27.925      Top side        5mm        16 RB_0 offset    QPSK        46      0.119     3.68     4.05
     100 MHz                3   37   166   27.925      Top side        5mm        32 RB_0 offset    QPSK        38.5    0.108     1.61     1.81
     100 MHz     1cc        3   37   166   27.55       Top side        5mm        32 RB_0 offset    QPSK        41.4    0.121     1.93     2.42
     100 MHz      1cc       3   37   166    28.3       Top side        5mm        32 RB_0 offset    QPSK        39.7     0.1      2.35     2.63

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seortrow cas. _RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                        Report No. : FA890514B
  14. Simultaneous Transmission Analysis

                                         Mod WWAN LTE Bands+5GNR n261                                               yes
                                Phone WLAN 2.4GHz/5GHz+Mod LTE Bands + 5GNR n261                                    yes
                    Phone WWAN LTE bands+ phone WLAN 2.4GHz/S5GHz+ Mod LTE Bands + SGNR n261                        yes
                   Phone WWAN CDMA bands+ phone WLAN 2.4GHz/5GHz+ Mod LTE Bands + 5GNR n261                         yes

  General Note:
  1.    The WWAN / WLAN and Bluetooth SAR test results were referring the report of FCC ID: IHDTSGXL1 (Sporton SAR
        Report No. FA890514), and phone report of FCC ID: IHDTSGXJ1 (Sporton SAR Report No. FA851503).
  2.    Considering 5G NR n261 with WWAN / WLAN and Bluetooth can transmit simultaneously, the basic restrictions are
        on SAR and power density, and summation of these quantities should follow below formula and the simultaneous
        transmission analysis was following below step and the detail analysis refer to appendix D:
        i) Use the standalone SAR according original report to collocate with 5G NR n261 power density at each exposure
            positions, if the result < 1, additional analysis is not necessary.
        ii) If this ratio is larger than 1, use surface single point SAR measurements and treat as 1—gram measurements with
            1.6 W/kg as the limit. Use these measurementfor the point by point summation and contirm the ratio summation
           does not exceed 1

       The [ of (the highest measured or estimated SAR for each standalone antenna configuration,
            adjusted for maximum tune—up tolerance) / 1.6 W/kg] + [> of MPE ratios] is s 1.0.

          Test Engineer :      Aaron Chen, Tom Jiang, Thomas Wang, Kurt Liu and Nick Yu

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seortrow cas. _RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                                         Report No. : FA890514B
  15. Uncertainty Assessment

  The budget is valid for evaluation distances > A/2m. For specific tests and configurations, the Uncertainty could be
  considerably smaller.

          Probe Calibration


       Hemispherical Isotropy


      System Detection Limits

       Modulation Response
        Readout Electronics

          Response Time
          Integration Time

        RF Ambient Noise
      RF Ambient Reflections
         Probe Positioner
        Probe Positioning

        Savg Reconstruction

             Power Drift
            Input Power

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                                          Report No. : FA890514B
16. References
       [1]   FCC 47 CFR Part 2 “Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters; General Rules and
       [2]   FCC KDB 447498 D01 v06, “Mobile and Portable Device RF Exposure Procedures and
             Equipment Authorization Policies”, Oct 2015
       [3]   FCC KDB 865664 D02 v01r02, “RF Exposure Compliance Reporting and Documentation
             Considerations” Oct 2015.
       [4]   FCC KDB 648474 D04 v01r03, “SAR Evaluation Considerations for Wireless Handsets”, Oct

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                           Report No. : FA890514B

Appendix A.            Plots of System Performance Check

The plots are shown as follows.

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                            Report No. : FA890514B

Appendix B.            Plots of Power Density Measurement

The plots are shown as follows.

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         RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION REPORT                          Report No. : FA890514B

Appendix C.            DASY Calibration Certificate

The DASY calibration certificates are shown as follows.

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Document Created: 2019-03-05 23:46:20
Document Modified: 2019-03-05 23:46:20

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