PD Simulation report_Appendix


RF Exposure Info

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Motorola Model: MD1005G

Appendix for 39 GHz Power Density Simulation
and Measurement Report

February 2019
Rev. 1.2


1.     Table of Contents
Table of Contents                                                                       2

Appendix A: Block Diagram, Sensor-Based Measurement Planes, and 3D Simulation Models    3

Appendix B: Detailed Strategy for Finding Worst Case Beams                             11

Appendix B1: Port Excitations in HFSS                                                  12

Appendix B2: Material Properties in HFSS                                               14

Appendix C: Power Density and EiRP Results                                             15


Note on Right-Left Convention: Throughout this Simulation Appendix document, references to “right” or
“left” side of the Mod device are given from the perspective of viewing the device from the back.

2.   Appendix A: Block Diagram, Sensor-Based Measurement
Planes, and 3D Simulation Models

Block Diagram

The RF block diagram of the device is shown in Figure 5.1.1, below.

Figure 5.1.1: RF block diagram of the device.

Measurement Planes
In the following group of figures, the reduced measurement planes for each of the four mm-wave array
modules, for each of the 5 mm-spaced or 2 mm-spaced overall measurement planes on the six sides of the
device, are shown. These reduced measurement planes are the regions in which power density measurements
are performed for each individual module, based on the operational characteristics of the proximity detection
system, as described in the main report and Appendix B.
The overall measurement planes are at a test separation distance of 5 mm on the six surfaces of the device, and
at a 2 mm test separation distance (relative the host phone device) on the front surface. As discussed in the
previous lab KDB inquiry, the 5 mm overall measurement planes are relevant to body-worn conditions, while
the front-only 2 mm overall measurement plane is relevant to the at-head talk mode condition. As described in
the main report, each module’s power density is measured in the applicable portions of those overall
measurement planes, which are not excluded by the operation of the proximity sensor and power management
system. For some modules (back, left, and right modules), the front surface measurements were performed only


on the 2 mm-spaced plane, since meeting the requirement at 2 mm implies also meeting the requirement at a
larger spacing of 5 mm.
For the back, left, and right modules, one respective 5mm-spaced overall measurement plane directly in front of
the module, was excluded entirely from measurement, due to broad coverage of the proximity detection system
in this “principal plane.” That is, the back 5 mm plane is excluded for the back module, left 5 mm plane is
excluded for the left module, and right 5 mm plane is excluded for the right module. For the front-facing
module, the 5 mm overall measurement plane is included in the measurement, since the detector cone for this
module is not as broad due to partial blocking by the host phone device. However, for the front module, the
plane at 2 mm spacing was excluded entirely, because the power management algorithm (as explained in
Section and Figure 1-4-10 of the Operational Description) entirely disables the front-facing module
whenever the phone is operational in a talk-mode condition at the head (which is the use condition that the 2
mm-spaced front plane represents).
Other than these excluded-per-module principal planes each module is measured in the non-excluded portions
of the other overall measurement planes as shown in the figures below.
In addition to the measurements on these 2mm- and 5mm-spaced planes, each module is measured in an entire
plane at 70 mm spacing in its broadside direction, demonstrating compliance at a conservative distance
representing the non-detect threshold distance of the proximity detector.


Figure Measurement planes for Module 0.


Figure Measurement planes for Module 1.


Figure Measurement planes for Module 2.


Figure Measurement planes for Module 3.


Simulation Models
In the following group of figures, the detailed simulation models employed for each module’s analysis are

Figure 6.3.4-1: 3D model used for Module 0 (Right Array), the antenna array is highlighted

Figure 6.3.4-2: 3D model used for Module 1 (Left Array), the antenna array is highlighted


Figure 6.3.4-3: 3D model used for Module 2 (Front Array), the antenna array is highlighted

Figure 6.3.4-4: 3D model used for Module 3 (Back Array), the antenna array is highlighted



3.        Appendix B: Detailed Strategy for Finding Worst Case Beams
More details of finding the worst-case near field results are described below:
Full-power beams are beams in which all four antenna array elements are excited with the full available power
from their respective PAs. The simulations excluded those few beams that are not full-power; these are beams
where less than all four (generally only one or two) of the antenna array elements are excited. Since the PA
power per antenna port is limited to the same nominal value regardless of how many ports/elements are excited,
these beams have substantially lower total power and hence lower emissions. Typically, excluding these beams
with fewer than four elements excited results in around 9 beam pairs per module instead of 15.

The detailed step-by-step process to accomplish this search is as follows:
     1.   For each full-power beam pair for each module, simulate in HFSS that beam pair’s power density at
          each x-y-z point in each of the reduced measurement planes for that module (i.e. the planes defined in
          Figures 5.2.4 for the modules, which exclude those regions which are within the proximity detector
          system’s effective region of operation for the module in question).
               a. The phase weights applied to each antenna element’s port for the simulation of each beam
                   pair are taken from the codebook defined in the modem, wherein the beam pair was originally
                   defined at design time.
               b. The magnitude weights applied to each antenna element’s port for the simulation of each
                   individual beam comprising the beam pair are back-calculated from the measured EiRP
                   pattern of that beam. This is necessary because there is no means to perform a conducted
                   power measurement of these port powers on the module. The only means to perform an
                   amplitude normalization of the simulated result is via normalization to the measured EiRP
                   pattern. Essentially, this step calibrates the amplitude of the power applied in the simulation
                   such that the simulated far-field EiRP is forced to correspond to the measured one.
     2.   For each of the reduced measurement planes for each module, identify from Step 1 the beam pair
          having the worst-case power density in that plane.
     3.   Measure the power density in each of the reduced measurement planes for each module, for the
          respective worst-case beam pair identified via simulation in Step 21.
     4.                     ​ easurement plane defined around the device (for example, the entire measurement
          For each ​overall m
          plane at 5 mm spacing from the “back” side of the device), considering all of the results from Step 3
          for reduced measurement planes that fall within that ​overall m   ​ easurement plane, select the highest
                                                                                      ​ easurement plane.
          power density value. This is the worst-case power density for that ​overall m
     5.   Considering all of the ​overall ​measurement planes comprising a use condition (for example,
          body-worn accessory condition is comprised of the planes 5 mm from the front and rear surfaces of the
          device), select for those planes the worst-case power density value found in Step 4. This is the
          reported power density value for the use case in question.

The above steps are repeated for each of the two mm-wave frequency bands (n261 and n260, i.e. 28 GHz and 39
GHz) that the device supports.

One exception to the above process is for the selection of worst case beam pair at 70 mm distance (i.e. at the
conservative transition distance of sensor’s detect/undetect distance). For the 70 mm distance, we use the
measured EIRP and pick the highest EIRP beam pair and the beam pair with highest total radiated power to do
the power density measurements.

  In practice, for most module/plane combinations, the worst two or three beam pairs were measured (rather
than only one), particularly when simulated PD results for the worst beam pairs were close in values, e.g.
comparable to measurement tolerance, and of significant magnitude. In this way, the search outcomes were
made more conservative.

4.       Appendix B1: Port Excitations in HFSS
The encrypted array module has the predefined 8 ports for horizontal and vertical feed excitations. These ports
are shown in Figure 7.1.1-1 below. The locations of these ports can not be modified by the OEM. Although it is
not possible to display the internal feeding structure of the module in the figure below, a representation of the
locations of all eight feed points on the antennas is provided in the Operational Description document. The
excitation magnitudes and phases for these ports can be loaded from a csv file using the “Edit Sources” option
in HFSS. An example of the edited sources (loaded magnitudes & phases) is shown in Figure 7.1.1-2. Note that
since HFSS is a frequency-domain finite element method solver, the excitation waveform can be considered as

Figure 7.1.1-1: All 8 ports and the highlighted H1 port (Horizontal) in HFSS.


Figure 7.1.1-2: Magnitudes and phases of a beam pair are loaded in HFSS.


5.       Appendix B2: Material Properties in HFSS

Figure 8.1.1-1: Parts/materials near an array module (Module 0).

                   Parts                        Material           Dielectric    Loss     Conductivity
                                                                   Constant     Tangent      (S/m)

 Housing of Mod, Array Housing, Liner            Plastic              2.7        0.007

                 Adhesive                       Adhesive              3.2        0.04

                Glass Inlay                       Glass               7.3        0.015

                PCB (FR4)                         FR4                 3.5        0.02

        Housing of phone, Battery              Aluminum                                    33000000

     PCB (Cu), Heat Spreader, 4G LTE             Copper                                    40000000
Table 5.1.1-1 Parts and material properties around Module 0.


6.        Appendix C: Power Density and EiRP Results

Power Density Simulated and Measured Results

The simulated average power density at 38.5 GHz for all the beampairs in each of the modules is in the tables

                                            Simulated        Simulated         Simulated        Simulated
            N260 (38.5 GHz)                   Avg Pd           Avg Pd            Avg Pd           Avg Pd
          Module 0 (Right Array)             (W/m²)           (W/m²)            (W/m²)           (W/m²)
               Beam                           Left            Bottom             Back              Front
     #          Pair       Ant Group         @5 mm            @5 mm             @5 mm             @2 mm
     1         29-161     AG0 + AG1            0.11             0.27              3.55              1.07
     2         30-160     AG0 + AG1            0.09             0.32              4.19              1.53
     3         31-159     AG0 + AG1            0.13             0.62              3.99              1.07
     4         32-158     AG0 + AG1            0.12             0.56              4.32              0.89
     5         33-157     AG0 + AG1            0.11             0.27              3.25              1.33
     6         48-179     AG0 + AG1            0.08             0.25              3.85              1.51
     7         49-177     AG0 + AG1            0.10             0.14              3.11              1.20
     8         50-178     AG0 + AG1            0.10             0.42              3.77              1.59
     9         51-176     AG0 + AG1            0.15             0.58              4.02              0.79
     10        1-129      AG0 + AG1
     11        7-135      AG0 + AG1       The simulations excluded these beams that are not full-power; these
                                          are beams where less than all four (generally only one or two) of the
     12        8-136      AG0 + AG1       antenna array elements are excited. Since the PA power per antenna
                                            port is limited to the same nominal value regardless of how many
     13        9-137      AG0 + AG1         ports/elements are excited, these beams have substantially lower
     14        18-146     AG0 + AG1         total power and hence lower emissions. Typically, excluding these
                                           beams with fewer than four elements excited results in the above 9
     15        19-147     AG0 + AG1                        beam pairs per module instead of 15.
Table 6.3.5-1 Simulated avg. power density data at ​38.5 GHz​ for ​Module 0​ (Right Array).


                                            Simulated         Simulated         Simulated         Simulated
          N260 (38.5 GHz)                     Avg Pd            Avg Pd            Avg Pd            Avg Pd
         Module 1 (Left Array)               (W/m²)            (W/m²)            (W/m²)            (W/m²)
             Beam                              Right             Top              Back              Front
    #         Pair        Ant Group           @5 mm             @5 mm            @5 mm             @2 mm
    1        24-152       AG0 + AG1             0.10              0.48             4.39              0.79
    2        25-153       AG0 + AG1             0.08              0.08             3.62              1.46
    3        26-154       AG0 + AG1             0.11              0.53             2.98              0.98
    4        27-156       AG0 + AG1             0.25              0.28             4.74              1.46
    5        28-155       AG0 + AG1             0.10              0.53             3.87              1.25
    6        44-173       AG0 + AG1             0.11              0.19             4.10              1.23
    7        45-172       AG0 + AG1             0.13              0.11             2.44              1.09
    8        46-174       AG0 + AG1             0.10              0.33             3.84              1.75
    9        47-175       AG0 + AG1             0.11              0.62             3.77              0.95
    10       0-128        AG0 + AG1
    11       4-133        AG0 + AG1        The simulations excluded these beams that are not full-power; these
                                           are beams where less than all four (generally only one or two) of the
    12       5-132        AG0 + AG1        antenna array elements are excited. Since the PA power per antenna
                                             port is limited to the same nominal value regardless of how many
    13       6-134        AG0 + AG1          ports/elements are excited, these beams have substantially lower
    14       16-144       AG0 + AG1          total power and hence lower emissions. Typically, excluding these
                                            beams with fewer than four elements excited results in the above 9
    15       17-145       AG0 + AG1                         beam pairs per module instead of 15.
Table 6.3.5-2 Simulated avg. power density data at ​38.5 GHz​ for ​Module 1​ (Left Array).


                                         Simulated        Simulated       Simulated       Simulated Simulated
          N260 (38.5 GHz)                  Avg Pd           Avg Pd          Avg Pd          Avg Pd    Avg Pd
        Module 2 (Front Array)            (W/m²)           (W/m²)          (W/m²)          (W/m²)    (W/m²)
             Beam                          Top                Back          Left            Right         Front
    #         Pair      Ant Group         @5 mm              @ 5 mm        @5 mm           @5 mm         @5 mm
    1       39-168      AG0 + AG1           3.63              2.66            2.99           0.35           2.45
    2       40-167      AG0 + AG1           4.16              2.91            1.94           0.14           2.56
    3       41-171      AG0 + AG1           4.04              2.49            1.27           0.39           3.11
    4       42-170      AG0 + AG1           3.56              2.67            1.31           0.36           2.38
    5       43-169      AG0 + AG1           3.84              2.40            1.76           0.14           3.07
    6       56-185      AG0 + AG1           3.92              2.70            1.72           0.45           2.71
    7       57-184      AG0 + AG1           4.92              2.85            2.53           0.08           2.22
    8       58-186      AG0 + AG1           5.13              3.65            0.64           0.16           2.97
    9       59-187      AG0 + AG1           4.85              3.99            1.91           0.47           2.23
   10        3-131      AG0 + AG1
                                          The simulations excluded these beams that are not full-power; these are
   11       13-142      AG0 + AG1         beams where less than all four (generally only one or two) of the antenna
   12       14-141      AG0 + AG1       array elements are excited. Since the PA power per antenna port is limited to
                                        the same nominal value regardless of how many ports/elements are excited,
   13       15-143      AG0 + AG1            these beams have substantially lower total power and hence lower
                                         emissions. Typically, excluding these beams with fewer than four elements
   14       22-150      AG0 + AG1
                                             excited results in the above 9 beam pairs per module instead of 15.
   15       23-151      AG0 + AG1
Table 6.3.5-3 Simulated avg. power density data at ​38.5 GHz​ for ​Module 2​ (Front Array).


                                            Simulated        Simulated         Simulated         Simulated
           N260 (38.5 GHz)                    Avg Pd           Avg Pd            Avg Pd            Avg Pd
         Module 3 (Back Array)               (W/m²)           (W/m²)            (W/m²)            (W/m²)
              Beam                            Right            Left               Top               Front
     #         Pair        Ant Group         @ 5 mm           @5 mm              @5 mm             @2 mm
     1       34-163       AG0 + AG1            0.59             0.89               1.32              0.90
     2       35-162       AG0 + AG1            0.68             1.02               2.03              0.66
     3       36-165       AG0 + AG1            0.57             0.84               1.78              0.77
     4       37-166       AG0 + AG1            0.61             1.28               1.69              0.60
     5       38-164       AG0 + AG1            0.58             0.79               1.33              0.68
     6       52-180       AG0 + AG1            0.81             1.08               2.01              1.08
     7       53-182       AG0 + AG1            0.58             0.84               1.07              0.36
     8       54-183       AG0 + AG1            0.61             0.37               1.52              0.87
     9       55-181       AG0 + AG1            0.57             0.65               1.38              0.94
    10        2-130       AG0 + AG1
    11       10-140       AG0 + AG1        The simulations excluded these beams that are not full-power; these
                                           are beams where less than all four (generally only one or two) of the
    12       11-139       AG0 + AG1        antenna array elements are excited. Since the PA power per antenna
                                             port is limited to the same nominal value regardless of how many
    13       12-138       AG0 + AG1          ports/elements are excited, these beams have substantially lower
    14       20-148       AG0 + AG1          total power and hence lower emissions. Typically, excluding these
                                            beams with fewer than four elements excited results in the above 9
    15       21-149       AG0 + AG1                         beam pairs per module instead of 15.
Table 6.3.5-4 Simulated avg. power density data at ​38.5 GHz​ for ​Module 3​ (Back Array).


A comparison between the simulated and measured average power density for the worst beam pair of each
surface is tabulated below. The worst beam pair here refers to the measured worst beam pair at each surface for
each module.

                                                                 Measured          Simulated
                                                                   Avg.              Avg.
                  Beam Beam           Exposure           Test
  Test Config                                                    PD (W/m²)         PD (W/m²)
                   ID 1 ID 2          Conditions      separation
                                                                 avg. area:        avg. area:
                                                                   4 cm²             4 cm²
                    30     160      Front Surface          2 mm         0.49           1.53
   Module 0
                    32     158      Back Surface           5 mm         4.28           4.32
 (Right Array)
Freq: 38.5 GHz      51     176      Left Surface           5 mm         0.38           0.15
                    31     159     Bottom Surface          5 mm         0.43           0.62
Table 6.3.5-9 Simulated and measured avg. power density data for Module 0 (Right Array).

                                                                 Measured           Simulated
                                                                   Avg.               Avg.
                  Beam      Beam       Exposure          Test
  Test Config                                                    PD (W/m²)          PD (W/m²)
                   ID 1      ID 2      Conditions     separation
                                                                 avg. area:         avg. area:
                                                                   4 cm²              4 cm²
                    46       174     Front Surface         2 mm         0.55           1.75
   Module 1
                    27       156     Back Surface          5 mm         4.17           4.74
  (Left Array)
Freq: 38.5 GHz      27       156     Right Surface         5 mm         0.19           0.25
                    47       175     Top Surface           5 mm         0.27           0.62
Table 6.3.5-10 Simulated and measured avg. power density data for Module 1 (Left Array).

                                                                 Measured          Simulated
                                                                   Avg.              Avg.
                  Beam Beam           Exposure           Test
  Test Config                                                    PD (W/m²)         PD (W/m²)
                   ID 1 ID 2          Conditions      separation
                                                                 avg. area:        avg. area:
                                                                   4 cm²             4 cm²
                    59     187      Back Surface           5 mm         2.55           3.99
   Module 2         59     187      Right Surface          5 mm        0.727           0.47
 (Front Array)      39     168      Left Surface           5 mm         3.01           2.99
Freq: 38.5 GHz      59     187      Top Surface            5 mm         5.2            4.85
                    41     171      Front Surface          5 mm         1.63           3.11
Table 6.3.5-11 Simulated and measured avg. power density data for Module 2 (Front Array).


                                                                   Measured           Simulated
                                                                     Avg.               Avg.
                  Beam Beam            Exposure            Test
  Test Config                                                      PD (W/m²)          PD (W/m²)
                   ID 1 ID 2           Conditions       separation
                                                                   avg. area:         avg. area:
                                                                     4 cm²              4 cm²
                    52      180     Front Surface           2 mm         0.68            1.08
   Module 3
                    52      180     Right Surface           5 mm         0.67            0.81
 (Back Array)
Freq: 38.5 GHz      37      166      Left Surface           5 mm         0.93            1.28
                    52      180      Top Surface            5 mm         3.11            2.01
Table 6.3.5-12 Simulated and measured avg. power density data for Module 3 (Back Array).

The measurement vs. simulation agreement for power density is very good. In 12 of the 17 cases presented, the
disagreement is 2 dB or less. The remaining five cases, where the delta exceeds 2 dB, are cases where the
power density value is insignificant (low relative the limit, in fact < 1.6 W/m^2 in all of these cases).
Furthermore, in all cases with the highest power density values (values of 4 W/m^2 or greater, which determine
the compliance level of the device), the agreement is within 0.6 dB. The increased delta for the very low field
value regions is speculated to be due to the combined impacts of uncertainty in the measurement and less mesh
refinement in the simulation (in these areas of lower energy). In any case, the validity of the simulation for
rank-ordering the beam pairs is well demonstrated.

Measured EiRP Results

The table 7.1 below summarizes the EIRP of all beam pairs measured in Motorola’s development labs utilizing
Keysight CATR (Compact Antenna Test Range) Model 230. This testing is done at NR - ARFCN ​2254166​,
Frequency: 38500.02 MHz for the 100 MHz Bandwidth with 66 RB starting @0 for QPSK CP-OFDM
Modulation. The highlighted rows correspond to beampairs with maximum EIRP for each of the modules and
are used to determine the beampair for PD measurement at 70 mm distance (threshold of sensor detection
distance) in the principal plane direction for each module.

Note that these EiRP data are measured in a different test environment than are the official reported EiRP
results measured at Sporton’s lab for Part 2/Part 30 compliance. It can be expected that these results will differ
from each other. The results presented in this section are non-official and are not reported for Part 2/Part 30
compliance. They are presented here because they are representative of the results used in the worst-case-beam
selection process as described in this appendix and the accompanying reports.


Antenna                              EIRP Total
Module    Beam ID1   Beam ID2          (dBm)
   0         31        159              21.9
   0         49        177             21.44
   0         51        176             20.71
   0         50        178             20.67
   0         32        158             20.46
   0         48        179             19.69
   0         33        157             19.16
   0         18        146             18.81
   0         30        160             18.57
   0         29        161             18.04
   0         8         136             17.52
   0         7         135             16.73
   0         19        147             16.67
   0         9         137             16.01
   0         1         129             13.96
   1         45        172             21.96
   1         47        175              21.3
   1         27        156             21.18
   1         44        173             21.09
   1         46        174             20.36
   1         26        154             20.33
   1         25        153             20.17
   1         28        155             20.12
   1         24        152             19.27
   1         4         133             18.72
   1         6         134              17.9
   1         5         132             17.71
   1         17        145             17.62
   1         16        144             17.58
   1         0         128             13.36


        2                59                 187        21.71
        2                56                 185        21.59
        2                43                 169        21.51
        2                58                 186        21.47
        2                57                 184        20.86
        2                42                 170        20.67
        2                39                 168        20.57
        2                40                 167        20.22
        2                41                 171        18.88
        2                23                 151        18.03
        2                15                 143        17.83
        2                14                 141        17.04
        2                22                 150        16.86
        2                13                 142        16.51
        2                 3                 131        12.81
        3                53                 182        23.11
        3                52                 180        22.83
        3                55                 181        22.67
        3                36                 165        22.57
        3                38                 164        21.88
        3                37                 166        20.94
        3                34                 163        20.9
        3                35                 162        20.84
        3                54                 183        20.73
        3                20                 148        18.85
        3                21                 149        18.34
        3                11                 139        17.82
        3                12                 138        17.44
        3                10                 140        16.84
        3                 2                 130        13.09
Table 7.1 Measured EIRP for all beampairs


Document Created: 2019-03-23 15:01:07
Document Modified: 2019-03-23 15:01:07

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