E-label Info


ID Label/Location Info

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                                                 FCC E-Label Information

A. Information to be displayed

1. The information that will be displayed on the e-label and information that will remain in the user
manual is shown below:

Information                                                                     on E-label   In Manual
FCC ID number                                                                   Yes          No
FCC logo                                                                        No           No
15.19 statement (“This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.           No           Yes
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.”)

Images of the e-label screen are provided below:


 B. Access to the required information on the e-label
1. Users must be able to access the regulatory        The actual steps to access the e-label information
   information without requiring special access       are,
   codes or permissions, and in all cases the         for this device, on the phone, swipe down Moto
   information must be accessible in no more than     Mods > About this Moto Mod > Regulatory
   three steps from a product’s main or home          information
   menu.                                              No special access codes or permissions are
                                                      required to go through the above steps beyond
                                                      entering a user-defined password to protect
                                                      against unauthorized access to the device.
2. Instructions must be provided with the product     The information to the user is provided in the
   at the time of purchase, in the user manual,       user manual.
   operating instructions, packaging material, quick
   guide pamphlet, etc. Alternatively, a product-
   related website is permitted, if a reference (URL)
   to obtain the website information is provided at
   the time of purchase in the user manual,
   operating instructions, packaging material, quick
   guide pamphlet, etc.
3. Products must not require special accessories or The devices do not require special code, accessories
   supplemental plug-ins (e.g., the installation of a or supplemental plug-ins to access the information.
   SIM/USIM card) to access the information.
   Access to regulatory information must be
   provided without special codes, accessories, or
   permissions beyond the normal security
   protection to unlock the screen, sign-in page, or
   overall product access.
4. The FCC ID, warning statements, or other           Yes, it is clearly legible without the aid of
   information must be displayed electronically in a magnification.
   manner that is clearly legible without the aid of
5. Both regulatory information and dedicated          Yes, it is secured and the user cannot modify it.
   exclusive application(s) or script(s) must be
   secured and implemented in a factory-set-
   unalterable format. The regulatory information
   must be capable of being retrieved and
   displayed locally, and under the control of the
   end user in possession of the product. The
   method must be secure, such that the
   application or script ensures that the regulatory
   information correctly displayed.

 C. Labeling for Importation and Purchasing
1. When e-labeling is used, a physical temporary       The FCC ID, and model number are present on the
   label is also required on the product, or a label   product packaging.
   on the packaging, at the time of importation,
   marketing, and sales.8 The physical label can be
   a summary version of the required regulatory
   information, such that the product can be
   identified as complying with the FCC’s


equipment authorization requirements. The
information may simply be the FCC ID for
products subject to certification.
Products imported that are already
packaged for sale and have a physical
temporary label will satisfy this
requirement. However, for products
imported in bulk and not packaged
individually, it is acceptable to use a
temporary removable adhesive label on
the product, or temporary or
permanent labels on the shipping
packaging or protective bags. Any
removable adhesive label shall be of a
type intended to survive normal
shipping and handling.


Document Created: 2019-03-21 05:33:22
Document Modified: 2019-03-21 05:33:22

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