Test Report

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                      Model: CR210

                         FCC Part 95
                  Measurement and Test Report
                                  KIDDESIGNS INC.
             1299 Main Street, Rahway, NJ 07065-0901, United States

                                    FCC ID: IAJ210A

       Test Standards:                     FCC Part 95

       Product Description:                FRS 2-way Radios (Walkie Talkie)

       Tested Model:                       CR210

       Report No.:                         STR13108299I

       Tested Date:                        2013-11-01 to 2013-11-07

       Issued Date:                        2013-11-11

       Tested By:                          Susan Su / Engineer

       Reviewed By:                        Lahm Peng / EMC Manager

       Approved & Authorized By:           Jandy so / PSQ Manager

       Prepared By:
                             Shenzhen SEM.Test Technology Co., Ltd.
                            1/F, Building A, Hongwei Industrial Park, Liuxian 2nd Road,
                            Bao'an District, Shenzhen, P.R.C (518101)
          Tel.: +86-755-33663308 Fax.: +86-755-33663309 Website: www.semtest.com.cn

   Note: This test report is limited to the above client company and the product model only. It
   may not be duplicated without prior permitted by Shenzhen SEM.Test Technology Co., Ltd.

REPORT NO.: STR13108299I                     PAGE 1 OF 17                            FCC PART 95

KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                                                                                         Model: CR210

1. GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................3
   1.1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ...............................................................................3
   1.2 TEST STANDARDS...................................................................................................................................................4
   1.3 TEST METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................................................4
   1.4 TEST FACILITY .......................................................................................................................................................4
   1.5 EUT SETUP AND TEST MODE .................................................................................................................................5
2. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ...........................................................................................................................6
3. RADIATED OUTPUT POWER (ERP) ...................................................................................................................7
   3.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE.........................................................................................................................................7
   3.2 TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAIL .......................................................................................................................7
   3.3 TEST PROCEDURE ...................................................................................................................................................7
   3.4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ..............................................................................................................................7
   3.5 TEST RESULT..........................................................................................................................................................8
4. OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH OF EMISSION ..........................................................................................................9
   4.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE.........................................................................................................................................9
   4.2 TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .....................................................................................................................9
   4.3 TEST PROCEDURE ...................................................................................................................................................9
   4.4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ..............................................................................................................................9
   4.5 TEST RESULTS/MASKS .........................................................................................................................................10
5. UNWANTED RADIATED EMISSION ................................................................................................................11
   5.1 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ............................................................................................................................11
   5.2 STANDARD APPLICABLE.......................................................................................................................................11
   5.3 TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ...................................................................................................................11
   5.4 TEST PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................11
   5.5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................12
   5.6 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS/PLOTS ....................................................................................................................12
6. FREQUENCY STABILITY ...................................................................................................................................13
   6.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE.......................................................................................................................................13
   6.2 TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ...................................................................................................................13
   6.3 TEST PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................13
   6.4 TEST RESULT........................................................................................................................................................14
7. MODULATION CHARACTERISTICS ...............................................................................................................15
   7.1 STANDARD APPLICABLE.......................................................................................................................................15
   7.2 TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ...................................................................................................................15
   7.3 TEST PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................15
   7.4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................16
   7.5 TEST RESULTS/PLOTS...........................................................................................................................................16

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                                    Model: CR210


1.1 Product Description for Equipment Under Test (EUT)

  Client Information
  Applicant:                                     KIDDESIGNS INC.
  Address of applicant:                          1299 Main Street, Rahway, NJ 07065-0901, United
  Manufacturer:                                  Derek (ShaoGuan) Limited
  Address of manufacturer:                       Gaojiling, Taiping Town, Shixing County, Shao Guan
                                                 City, China

  General Description of EUT
  Product Name:                                  FRS 2-way Radios (Walkie Talkie)
  Trade Name:                                    Disney, Skylanders, Barbie, Marvel
  Model No.:                                     CR210
                                                 MM-220, MK-220, JN-210, PL-210, SK-210, ST-210,
  Adding Models:                                 MU-210, GD-210, SM-210, TD-210, BE-210,
  Rated Voltage:                                 DC 6.0V Battery

  Note: The test data is gathered from a production sample, provided by the manufacturer. The appearance of
  others models listed in the report is different from main-test model CR210, but the circuit and the electronic
  construction do not change, declared by the manufacturer.

  Technical Characteristics of EUT
  Frequency Range:                               462.5625MHz~462.7125MHz
  RF Output Power:                               18.59 dBm (ERP)
  Modulation:                                    FM
  Bandwidth:                                     12.5kHz
  Quantity of Channels:                          7
  Antenna Type:                                  Integral Antenna
  Device Category:                               Portable Device

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                                Model: CR210

1.2 Test Standards

The following report is prepared on behalf of the KIDDESIGNS INC. in accordance with FCC Part 95, Subpart A,
Subpart E, and FCC Part 2 of the Federal Communication Commissions rules.

The objective is to determine compliance with FCC Part 95, Subpart A, Subpart E, and FCC Part 2 of the Federal
Communication Commissions rules.

Maintenance of compliance is the responsibility of the manufacturer. Any modification of the product, which
results in lowering the emission, should be checked to ensure compliance has been maintained.

1.3 Test Methodology

All measurements contained in this report were conducted with TIA-603-D Land Mobile FM or PM
Communications Equipment Measurement and Performance Standards and Performance Standards and ANSI
C63.4-2003, American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from
Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.

1.4 Test Facility

FCC – Registration No.: 934118
Shenzhen SEM.Test Technology Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully described in a report
filed with the (FCC) Federal Communications Commission. The acceptance letter from the FCC is maintained in
our files and the Registration is 934118.

Industry Canada (IC) Registration No.: 11464A
The 3m Semi-anechoic chamber of Shenzhen SEM.Test Technology Co., Ltd. has been registered by Certification
and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada for radio equipment testing with Registration No.: 11464A.

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                                Model: CR210

1.5 EUT Setup and Test Mode

The EUT was operated in continuous transmitting mode that was for the purpose of the measurements. All testing
shall be performed under maximum output power condition, and to measure its highest possible emissions level,
more detailed description as follows:

      Test Mode List
       Test Mode              Description                                  Remark
         TM1                  Transmitting                             462.6625MHz

      EUT Cable List and Details
         Cable Description          Length (m)         Shielded/Unshielded     With / Without Ferrite
                   /                     /                      /                         /

      Special Cable List and Details
         Cable Description          Length (m)         Shielded/Unshielded     With / Without Ferrite
                   /                     /                      /                         /

      Auxiliary Equipment List and Details
            Description            Manufacturer               Model                 Serial Number
                   /                     /                      /                         /

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                             Model: CR210


          FCC Rules           Description of Test Item    Result
           §95.639         Radiated Output Power (ERP)   Compliant
            § 95.633       Occupied Bandwidth Emission   Compliant
           §95.635         Radiated Spurious Emissions   Compliant
        §95.621, 95.627         Frequency Stability      Compliant
            § 95.637        Modulation Characteristics   Compliant

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                                  Model: CR210


3.1 Standard Applicable

According to FCC Part 95.639

(a), 1)No GMRS transmitter, under and condition of modulation, shall exceed: (1) 50W Carrier power (average
TP during one unmodulated RF cycle) when transmitting emission type A1, F1D, G1D, A3E, F3E or G3E.

(d) No FRS unit, under any condition of modulation, shall exceed 0.500 W effective radiated power (ERP).

3.2 Test Equipment List and Detail

     Description           Manufacturer               Model         Serial Number    Cal. Date      Due. Date
 Spectrum Analyzer              R&S                   FSP            836079/035     2013-05-07     2014-05-06
    Pre-amplifier              Agilent               8447F          3113A06717      2013-05-07     2014-05-06
    Pre-amplifier        Compliance Direction       PAP-0118           24002        2013-05-07     2014-05-06
  Trilog Broadband
                           SCHWARZBECK             VULB9163           9163-333      2013-04-20     2014-04-19
    Horn Antenna                ETS                    3117           00086197      2013-04-20     2014-04-19
   Signal Generator        Rohde & Schwarz            SMR20            100047       2013-05-07     2014-05-06

3.3 Test Procedure

According to the TIA/EIA-603-D, the following method of measurement shall be used:

1. The transmitter was placed on a wooden turntable, and it was transmitting into a non-radiating load, which was
also placed on the turntable.

2. The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the EUT. During the tests, the antenna
height and polarization as well as EUT azimuth were varied in order to identify the maximum level of emissions
from the EUT .The test was performed by placing the EUT on 3-orthogonal axis.

3. Remove the EUT and replace it with substitution antenna. A signal generator was connected to the substitution
antenna by a non-radiating cable. The absolute levels of the ERP were measured by the substitution.

4. Absolute level = substituted level + Antenna gain – Cable Loss

3.4 Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:            22 °C
   Relative Humidity:      51%
   ATM Pressure:           1012 mbar

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                     Model: CR210

3.5 Test Result

            Substitude                                           Antenna   Corrected FCC Part 95
Frequency                Height   Table     Polar   Cable loss
               SG                                                 Gain      Ampl.      Limit
   MHz        dBm        Meter    Degree    H/V           dB       dB        dBm         dBm
 462.6625     10.66        1.5      0        H            2        0         8.66         27
 462.6625     20.59        1.5      0        V            2        0        18.59         27

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                                    Model: CR210


4.1 Standard Applicable

According to FCC Part 95.633 (a), The authorized bandwidth for emission type F1D, G1D, F3E or G3E is 20 kHz.
(c) The authorized bandwidth for emission type F3E or F2D transmitted by a FRS unit is 12.5 kHz.

Per FCC §95.635 (b)(1), at least 25 dB (decibels) on any frequency removed from the center of the authorized
bandwidth by more than 50% up to and including 100% of the authorized bandwidth.

Per FCC §95.635 (b)(3), At least 35 dB on any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by
more than 100% up to and including 250% of the authorized bandwidth.

Per FCC §95.635 (b)(7), At least 43 + 10 log10(T) dB on any frequency removed from the center of the
authorized bandwidth by more than 250%.

4.2 Test Equipment List and Details

      Description             Manufacturer               Model        Serial Number   Cal. Date      Due. Date
  Spectrum Analyzer             Agilent                  E4402B         US41192821    2013-05-07    2014-05-06
      Attenuator                ATTEN                 ATS100-4-20             /       2013-05-07    2014-05-06

4.3 Test Procedure

According to Standard TIA-603-D, the method of measurement for occupied bandwidth of emission as follows:

a) The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer through sufficient

b) Turn on the transmitter, and set it to transmit the pulse train continuously.

c) The bandwidth of the carrier with audio modulation signal was measured and recorded.

4.4 Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:              26 °C
   Relative Humidity:        60 %
   ATM Pressure:             1012 mbar

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                                        Model: CR210

4.5 Test Results/Masks

The occupied Bandwidth Emission of all fall in the Mask, full fit the requirements of the standards.

Necessary Bandwidth For FRS Channel Separation 12.5 kHz:

M = 3 kHz
D = 2.5 kHz
Bn = 2M + 2DK = 2*3 + 2*2.5*1 = 11 kHz
Emission Designation=11K0F3E

Please refer to the following test plots:

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                                 Model: CR210


5.1 Measurement Uncertainty

Based on NIS 81, The Treatment of Uncertainty in EMC Measurements, the best estimate of the uncertainty of a
radiation emissions measurement is +5.1 dB.

5.2 Standard Applicable

Per FCC §95.635 (b)(1), at least 25 dB (decibels) on any frequency removed from the center of the authorized
bandwidth by more than 50% up to and including 100% of the authorized bandwidth.

Per FCC §95.635 (b)(3), At least 35 dB on any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by
more than 100% up to and including 250% of the authorized bandwidth.

Per FCC §95.635 (b)(7), At least 43 + 10 log10(T) dB on any frequency removed from the center of the
authorized bandwidth by more than 250%.

5.3 Test Equipment List and Details

     Description          Manufacturer               Model       Serial Number      Cal. Date      Due. Date
 Spectrum Analyzer             R&S                   FSP            836079/035     2013-05-07     2014-05-06
    Pre-amplifier             Agilent               8447F         3113A06717       2013-05-07     2014-05-06
    Pre-amplifier       Compliance Direction       PAP-0118          24002         2013-05-07     2014-05-06
  Trilog Broadband
                          SCHWARZBECK             VULB9163          9163-333       2013-04-20     2014-04-19
   Horn Antenna                ETS                  3117            00086197       2013-04-20     2014-04-19
   Loop Antenna            SCHWARZECK             HFRA 5165           9365         2013-04-20     2014-04-19

5.4 Test Procedure

1. The setup of EUT is according with per TIA-603-D measurement procedure.

2. The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the EUT. During the tests, the antenna
   height and polarization as well as EUT azimuth were varied in order to identify the maximum level of
   emissions from the EUT. The test was performed by placing the EUT on 3-orthogonal axis.

3. The frequency range up to tenth harmonic of the fundamental frequency was investigated.

4. Remove the EUT and replace it with substitution antenna. A signal generator was connected to the substitution
   antenna by a non-radiating cable. The absolute levels of the spurious emissions were measured by the
                    Spurious attenuation limit in dB = 43+10 Log10 (power out in Watts)

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                                    Model: CR210

5.5 Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:             18° C
   Relative Humidity:       53%
   ATM Pressure:            1011 mbar

5.6 Summary of Test Results/Plots

               According to the data below, the FCC Part 95 standards, and had the worst margin of:

        Note: this EUT was tested in 3 orthogonal positions and the worst case position data was reported.

Plots of the spurious emission for below 1GHz:
Test Mode: Transmitting
  No.        Frequency         Result       Fundemantal           Att.      Limit        Margin        Remark
                  (MHz)        (dBm)             (dBm)           (dBc)      (dBc)         (dB)
   1          739.6604         -41.48            18.59          -60.07      -31.57       -28.50          ERP
   2          925.7563         -39.02            18.59          -57.61      -31.57       -26.04          ERP

Plots of the spurious emission for above 1GHz:
  No.         Frequency        Result       Fundemantal          Att.       Limit        Margin        Remark
                  (MHz)        (dBm)             (dBm)           (dBc)      (dBc)          (dB)
   3          1387.9875        -39.45            18.59          -58.04     -31.57         -26.47         ERP
   4          1850.6500        -43.52            18.59          -62.11     -31.57         -30.54         ERP

Note: Testing is carried out with frequency rang 9kHz to the tenth harmonics, which above 4th Harmonics are
attenuated more than 20dB below the permissible limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.
The measurements greater than 20dB below the limit from 9kHz to 30MHz.

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                                     Model: CR210


6.1 Standard Applicable

According to FCC Part 2.1055(a)(1), the frequency stability shall be measure with variation of ambient
temperature from –30ºC to +50ºC, and according to FCC 2.1055(d)(2), the frequency stability shall be measured
with reducing primary supply voltage to the battery operating end point which is specified by the manufacturer.

According to FCC Part 95.621(b), Each GMRS transmitter for mobile station, small base station and control
operation must be maintained within a frequency tolerance of 0.0005%. FCC Part 95.626(b) (b) Each FRS unit
must be maintained within a frequency tolerance of 0.00025%.

6.2 Test Equipment List and Details

      Description             Manufacturer               Model         Serial Number   Cal. Date     Due. Date
  Spectrum Analyzer             Agilent                  E4402B         US41192821     2013-05-07    2013-05-06
       Attenuator               ATTEN                 ATS100-4-20            /         2013-05-07    2013-05-06

6.3 Test Procedure

According to Standard TIA-603-D, the method of measurement for frequency stability as follows:

a) Connect the equipment as illustrated.

b) Operate the equipment in standby conditions for 15 minutes before proceeding.

c) Record the carrier frequency of the transmitter as MCFMHz .

d) Calculate the percent frequency error by the following:

MCFMHz is the Measured Carrier Frequency in MHz
ACFMHz is the Assigned Carrier Frequency in MHz

e) The value recorded in step d) is the carrier frequency stability.

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                           Model: CR210

6.4 Test Result

                         Reference Frequency: 462.6625 MHz, Limit: +/-0.00025%
        Environment                                           Frequency Measure with Time Elapsed
                                   Power Supplied
                                       (VDC)                  MCF (MHz)                 Error %
             50                         6.0                   462.66350                 0.00022
             40                         6.0                   462.66316                 0.00014
             30                         6.0                   462.66220                -0.00006
             20                         6.0                   462.66215                -0.00008
             10                         6.0                   462.66212                -0.00008
             0                          6.0                   462.66203                -0.00010
            -10                         6.0                   462.66187                -0.00014
            -20                         6.0                   462.66173                -0.00017
            -30                         6.0                   462.66164                -0.00019

So, Frequency Stability Versus Input Voltage is:

                         Reference Frequency: 462.6625 MHz, Limit: +/-0.00025%
                  Power Supplied                          Frequency Measure with Time Elapsed
                      (VDC)                           Frequency (MHz)                 Error %
                       4.5                               462.66225                   -0.00005

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                                     Model: CR210


7.1 Standard Applicable

According to FCC Part 95.637:

(a) A GMRS transmitter that transmits emission types F1D, G1D, or G3E must not exceed a peak frequency
    deviation of plus or minus 5 kHz. A GMRS transmitter that transmits emission type F3E must not exceed a
    peak frequency deviation of plus or minus 5 kHz. A FRS unit that transmits emission type F3E must not
    exceed a peak frequency deviation of plus or minus 2.5 kHz, and the audio frequency response must not
    exceed 3.125 kHz .

According to FCC Part 2.1047

(a) Equipment which utilizes voice modulated communication shall show the frequency response of the audio
modulating circuit over a range of 100 to 5000 Hz. for equipment which is required to have a low pass filter, the
frequency response of the filter, or all of the circuitry installed between the modulation limited and the modulated
stage shall be supplied.

(b) Equipment which employs modulation limiting, a curve showing the percentage of modulation versus the
modulation input voltage shall be supplied.

7.2 Test Equipment List and Details

     Description             Manufacturer               Model       Serial Number       Cal. Date     Due. Date
   Cell Site Test Set            HP                     8921A         3524A02414       2013-05-07     2013-05-06
      Attenuator               ATTEN                ATS100-4-20             /          2013-05-07     2013-05-06
   Audio Generator            Good Will               GAG-809           A620083        2013-05-07     2013-05-06

7.3 Test Procedure

According to Standard TIA-603-D, the method of measurement for modulation limiting as follows:

a) Connect the equipment as illustrated.

b) Adjust the transmitter per the manufacturer's procedure for full rated system deviation.

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                                                      Model: CR210

c) Set the test receiver to measure peak positive deviation. Set the audio bandwidth for ≤0.25 Hz to ≥15,000 Hz.
Turn the de-emphasis function off.

d) Apply a 1000 Hz modulating signal to the transmitter from the audio frequency generator, and adjust the level
to obtain 60% of full rated system deviation.

e) Increase the level from the audio frequency generator by 20 dB in one step.

f) Measure both the instantaneous and steady-state deviation at and after the time of increasing the audio input

g) With the level from the audio frequency generator held constant at the level obtained in step e), slowly vary the
audio frequency from 100 Hz to 5000 Hz and observe the steady-state deviation. Record the maximum deviation.

h) Set the test receiver to measure peak negative deviation and repeat steps d) through g).

i) The values recorded in steps g) and h) are the modulation limiting.

7.4 Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:             25 °C
   Relative Humidity:       55%
   ATM Pressure:            1015mbar

7.5 Test Results/Plots

        Audio Frequency (Hz)                     Deviation (kHz)                          Limit (kHz)
                   100                                 0.471                                  2.5
                   300                                 0.634                                  2.5
                   500                                 1.003                                  2.5
                   1000                                1.680                                  2.5
                   3000                                0.043                                  2.5
                   5000                                0.040                                  2.5

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KIDDESIGNS INC.                                                  Model: CR210

Audio Low Pass Filter Characteristic Curve

                                     ***** END OF REPORT *****

REPORT NO.: STR13108299I                      PAGE 17 OF 17      FCC PART 95

Document Created: 2013-11-18 14:33:26
Document Modified: 2013-11-18 14:33:26

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