RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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                             INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES

For Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) evaluation of the Walkie Talkie, with reference to
Mobile and Portable Device RF Exposure Procedures and Equipment Authorization
Policies, portable transmitter with output power less than Power Thresholds for PTT
devices, and operating greater than that distance which show in the table 1
(>=1.0cm) from person’s body can be exempt from SAR test. The output power for
portable transmitters is defined as emission radiated power (ERP) with 50% duty

For the portable transmitter of the tested model of CR-210, the measured maximum
effective radiated power was 0.133(mW). From these data, the radiated power with
50 % duty cycle is :

                            The radiated power = 0.133(mW)*50%
                                               = 0.0665(mW)

From the above calculation, output power obtained in method is less than low
threshold , it is concluded that the device can be exempt from SAR test.

        Table 1- SAR Evaluation Power Thresholds for PTT devices, f ≤ 0.5 GHz

                   Exposure Conditions                      mW
                   Held to face >= 2.5cm                     250
                    Body-worn >= 1.5cm                       200
                    Body-worn >= 1.0cm                       150
               1. The time-averaged output power, corresponding to the
               required PTT duty factor, is compared with these thresholds.
               2. The closest distance between the user and the device or its
               antenna is used to determine the power thresholds.

                                                                     RF exposure info- 1 of 1

Document Created: 2011-03-21 19:36:20
Document Modified: 2011-03-21 19:36:20

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