User Manual


Users Manual

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Feer D* 188 Prestt 6€ 160V

                    PRESTIGE 760Vv
                           HDSL2 DSU

                   User‘s Guide
                              Version 0.2

                              July, 2000

                     TOTAL INTERNET Access Sotution

  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                         ’

  This equipment has bean tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
  digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
  provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and. if not
  installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
  to radio communications. However, there is no guarantes that interference will not
  occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful intertference to
  radio or television reception. which can be determined by turning the equipment off
Dand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of
— the following measures:

   —— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

   —— Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

 ~ —— Connect the euipment into an cutlet on a circuir different from that to
      which the receiver is connected.
               1   1
   —— Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/T Vtechnician for help


   To assure continued FCC compliance:
   (1) Any changes or modifications not expressiy approved by the grantes of
       this device could void the user‘s authority to operate the suipment.

   FCC Label Complianes Statement:
    This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
     the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference,
     and (2) this devics must accept any interference received, including interference
     that may cause undesired operation.

                                                                                                                                                  P760V HDSL2 DSU

                                                                                                       Table of Contents
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PV@FAGE@® .......20.00c2eseveverseenresrrererravesesasersresirsersrrasisesasrererresrasresren en esreries Error! Bookmark not defined.
DSU and HDSL2 BASICS...............s.s.scssssssrsesvavevscerssertrsrsvesvrcsscersrrassccsserrecerersessseressrecerers cesc areseaees xil
Chapter 1 Getting to Know YOur HDSL2 DSU ......2222222222020e922¥eevesreereerrresereresersresrerersrereresens esn anes 1—1
   1.1           Fe@tUures Of th@ PZOOV ....222202200020002ers2errverrrerrrrerrrer es rerreserssereererereererrrerer es se se iess ie errrerereeee} 1—1
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   1.4        APPIICAAIONS .....2.22222222000000222vvvvrrvrrererereverrrerererrrrsrerersrrserrrrsrrrrer se errre s rereaere es rerre6rbreea e en ek 1—2
         1.4.1         High Spe@d INtEMMEt ACCE@E$$ .....02..00020000 00220 9e e ererrrrvrvrererserrrrrrreesrsesiriserrrrrererrrrererererrrrrrerereres 1—2
         1.4.2         LaA—tO—LAN COMMECHVIEY .2.220200000000000 0002z avrererrrererservrererererrererererersrererrrerererervere ie rrerrereresae n ces 1—2
Chapter 2 HardWware INMSt@NAtIONM ............2.0.000200esssersssesessesserrerseresrrressssessereserissrsaserersnersenssasaaseaaaek 2—1
   2.1           UNP&CKING YOUF PZOOV...22.222222000222002vvvvrrrvrrrererrtrrvusrareseesrerer ie rrrsererererserererrecererr es errrer e e es 2—1
   2.2        Additiona@l Installation R@QUIF@M@NTS ............2..2..20000022vvrrrrrvverrevrrrerrrrrrrerrrrrrrerevererrrrerae e k. 2—1
   2.3        FrONt PAN@I ...........0..000e ccee va ns eevesresrterbhrrrsrreesrerrrsrrrerresrrererrrerresisereerrrererrernearrre es 2—1
   2.A        BACK PAM@I.........2000220000002srrverererrrrrverrrrrarrserersersrrecrersrrserrerrrirsseserrererrrrreare se e rereeerr es es erraaaks 2—2
   2.5            Connect YOUr HDSL2 DSU ....,.02.22.0002000000vrrvevrrrravravirrrrrererrrrrere e ie e rrerrrererer esns rerrrerererrern0 2—2
   2.6        Execute and Setup Terminal Emulation SOFtWAF® ..............2....0.iireeerrerrverrrrerrererrerrarereees 2—3
   2.7        POWB ON.....0.2020202varrerevrtrrrvrrrerrrerrresrrrrrrrrerrrrseesserirsrrrrrrrrerrirrrrarereserrrreresrerbrerrrererserr en en es 2—3
Chapter 3 Configuration and MAN@AG@M@NA..,..........0.012.02000022seses6eessersrecerrereesessrecrecerr es crsreerrerseces 3—1
   3.1        IMFOUGUCHON ....22.220200002200vevvvvvvrrrerrrrerervrerrrerrrrevrre es es rererrerrerrarraseresrrernsrrreseseererrrenee se ce e e e e e ee4 3—1
      3.1.1            DefaUlt S@HHIMGS .....0.0000200060606eevvrvrvrvvvv es es rareverrvrrecrebrrererer isb en ervevrerr ce errererrredere ie rerearae re d e ces e en e ne s 3—1
   3.2       COMMANG—LIN@ INt@FAGC® .........2.0.000200022evvevevrerrrrerrrrrrsrrrersrrrrrrrarrrerrrrrrrrrrrrrer e reer i rer e en e e en es 3—1
      3.2.1           UnderstaNding the COMIMAMGS ...... es es evervrvrersrrraverevrrrrrrrerrrrrrrrrrsrrerrrernesrarerserseees 3—2

Table ofContents

                                                                                          P7Z60VYV HDSL2 DSU

                                                                                         Chapter 1
                             Getting to Know Your HDSL2 DSU
 The P760V is a HDSL2 (High—bit—rate Digital Subscriber Line — 2"" Generation) Data Service Unit (DSU),
 designed for small offices and branch offices to provide cost—effective access to high speed HDSL2 service.
 The P760V will interoperate with a frame relay router via V.35 and X.21 interface, enabling Internet access
 through HDSL2 connection over the exisiting phone line.

  1.1          Features of the P760V
            Power Requirement: 16VAC @ 1A
            Operating Requirements:
                        Temperature: 0°C to 45°C
                         Humidity: 5%to 90% (Non—condensing)
            Standard compliant HDSL2 WAN Interface.
            V.35 and X.21 synchronous serial interface in DCE (Data Communication Euipment) mode.
            2—wire Tl transport 1.544 Mbps speed Internet Access.
            Interoperable with Frame Relay and ATM networks.
            Complies with FRF.8 — "Frame Relay / ATM PVC Service Interworking Implementation Agreement".
            Transparent support for PPP over ATM and others protocols over ATM.
            External clock support.
            Self—diagnostic tests performance. These tests check the integrity of the FLASH memory, HDSL2
            circuitry and RAM.
            FLASH dowload capability enables future upgrades via console port. You need not open the unit or
            change memory chips in order to upgrade your software.
            System Management via Command Line Interface (CLI).

       .2        Key Benefits

            High Speed Internet Access
            Frame Relay and ATM Interworking Services support.
            PPP over ATM and ATM over HDSL2 support.
            Ease of use and configuration

1.3              P760V Management
The P760V is managed through command line interface, which is accessible via serial connection.

Getting to Know Your HDSL2 DSU                                                                          1—1

                                                                                          P7Z60Y HDSL2 DSU

                                                                                         Chapter 3
                                    Configuration and Management
3.1       Introduction
The P760V is shipped with certain set values. If you do not need to change the default settings, just make
the various connections and the unit is ready for use. To change the configuration you must use the
command line interface. The following sections list the default settings and explain how to configure and
manage your DSU.

3.1.1     Default Settings
Your HDSL2 DSU is shipped with the following default settings:
      VPI:O0, VCI: 35
      DLCI: 16
      RFC—1483 LLC mode at the WAN interface
      RFC—1490 at V.35 interface
      DCE mode at V.35 interface
      Console port speed: 9600 bps
      V.35 Clock Rate: 1.544 Mbps

3.2          Command—Line Interface
Two sets of Terminal Server commands are provided in P760V. The first one is ‘show‘, and the second one
is ‘set‘. The next table lists all the commands.

             atm stats chan [chan—index]             Displays the status of virtual channel.

             hdsl2 stats                             Displays the HDSL2 line status.
             tr stats                                Displays frame relay information
             fr chan [chan—index]                    Displays channel information

             v35 stats                               Displays v35 information
             frf8 stats chan (chan—inex]             Displays FRF8 information

Configuration and Management                                                                            3—1

                                                           P760V HDSL2 DSU

                                                  Appendix B
                                             Pin Assignments

        PIN NUMBER             SIGNAL           SsouURCE

            1        Cable Shield
            2        Transmit Data            DTE
            3        Receive Data             DCE

            4        Request To Send          DTE
            5        Clear To Send            DCE
            6        Data Set Ready           DCE
            7        Signal Ground

            8        Data Carrier Detect      DCE
            9*       Receive Clock Return     DCE
           10        Unassigned
           11*       External Clock Return    DTE
           12*       Transmit Clock Return    DCE
           13        Unassigned

           14        Transmit Data Return     DTE
           15        Transmit Clock           DCE
           16        Receive Data Return      DCE
           17        Receive Clock            DCE

Document Created: 2000-08-10 20:12:40
Document Modified: 2000-08-10 20:12:40

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