User Manual


Users Manual

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               Prestige 314
         P314 Broadband Access Gateway With Hub

                  User‘s Guide
                           Version 3.20
                            June 2000

                   TOTAL INTERNET Access SOLUTION

P314 Broadband Access Gateway With Hub

Prestige 314
P314 Broadband Access Gateway With Hub
Copyright © 2000 by ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any part or as a whole, transcribed, stored in a
retrieval system, translated into any language, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, photocopying, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Published by ZyXEL Communications Corporation. All rights reserved.

ZyXEL does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any products, or software
described herein. Neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the patent rights of others.
ZyXEL further reserves the right to make changes in any products described herein without notice. This
publication is subject to change without notice.

Trademarks mentioned in this publication are used for identification purposes only and may be properties of
their respective owners.

i                                                                                                    Copyright

                                                        P314 Broadband Access Gateway With Hub

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Interference Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
This device may not cause harmful interference.
This devicé must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a CLASS B digital device pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio/television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of
the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuiit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Notice 1
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
Notice 2
Shielded RS—232 cables are required to be used to ensure compliance with FCC Part 15, and it is the
responsibility of the user to provide and use shielded RS—232 cables.

FCC Statement                                                                                                  it

P314 Broadband Access Gateway With Hub

Information for Canadian Users

The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets
certain telecommunications network protective, operation, and safety requirements. The Industry Canada
does not guarantee that the equipment will operate to a user‘s satisfaction.
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of
the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method
of connection. In some cases, the company‘s inside wiring associated with a single line individual service
may be extended by means of a certified connector assembly. The customer should be aware that the
compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations.
Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian maintenance facility designated
by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions,
may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.
For their own protection, users should ensure that the electrical ground connections of the power utility,
telephone lines, and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution
may be particularly important in rural areas.
Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate
electrical inspection authority or electrician, as appropriate.

This digital apparatus does not exceed the class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set
out in the radio interference regulations of Industry Canada.

Iv                                                                                            Canadian Users

                                                                               P314 Broadband Access Gateway with Hub

                                                                                                Table of Contents
   CUStOMAF SUDDOTE ......2.0.020000esesrervrrversevevirerrerertrrrerrerirerrerrereaererreaeresesersse es rres iess eeesreesresrerereerereeeee vili
   TAbIQ Of CONIQNS .............20200 se se es everererrerrrrerrereserrererrrerresierererreseresrersirerrrererrarececeeserererseererrrereeserreee ix
   LiSt Of FIQUF@S...2.2.0202000sevevrvrerersrresrrerevresrassresrsresirservessisirissiessieriesetisecseereiesseesirereresrrrererseressecserreres xvi
   LiSt Of TADIQ@S 1220222000202 0eeevesrertevrerterereserirererreeseeretesereretsersecestrrrssererrresrrersrris iess rersrers iess iess reserereee xxi
   PY@TfAC@....20.0020eseeseseererervseereserrreerestrersrerrsrrerrerrrererrerireterricisresertsrerirtsrerrreestereriesse es tss ssraksrearerre en e ne XXV
Getting StAFtQ@Q .........0.0.—sserseerserseresersisscrcrerssscsersstrersertstssersersersestseorssensessasesisscrssecsesinsccsrecrsscsserecsstssseee I
   Chapter 1 G@ttiNg t0 KNOW YOUF PF@SHG@®...................eses css se serrerererreserrerenerrertrserrsserrerreerresres ces reess 1—1
       1.1        The Prestige 314 BrO@dband ACC@S$ GAI@EWAY HUBD............1220022222aererevssrrverernrrereverersrercereerererens 1—1
       1,2        Features Of Th@ PF@StiG@ 314 ...22.00020020002eeerreveeeerverrreesreerrrrerrererrrererrarreesseraseresersersseereressrerererserre 1—1
       1.3        Broadband Internet Acces$ via C@bI@ OF XDSL MOGENM.....,.....22.2000200e29seerereerrererersrrrererescreecrees 1—3
   Chapter 2 Hardware Installation & INiti@l S@tUP ........22222000000e0errererverererererceresrerrererrrrerrersrererrresrerees 2—1
       2.1        Front Panel LEDS @Nd BACK PAN@l POPYS...,...2.0.002222000000 css 2e vevrereres se es es rrersrssererverreresersseerscerserenes 2—1
          2.1.1          FIONt PAN@l LEDS..200002000200ee22eerseeveev is evvsrerserrerrvertever enc cce recerrsecrersveereeserrreerrerseerreerreecrrecreciree 2—1
       2.2         Prestige 314 Re@r PANEl QNQ CONN@CHORS.........220.00.00002000240reesrarverresveerresererreserreerererereaernraverrrerees 2—2
       2.3        AdditiON@l INSt@lI@tiON REQUIT@M@NES ................0.cseascverrverrersrrrreeererrrerrrerrrerasrrrerseee en se erseeerrersreees 2—3

       2.A        POWEL UP YOUT PTESHG@ ....2........0..00sese se es e rveevreerrsreverrrerereaererecerrasseeabrererevsererrerereceerrrreerreenrreanees 2—4
       2.5        NaVvigating the SMT INt@TFACE ...........000000200eeesveavrearserrrerereerrreeeereerrrrarensrerreveneesreeeeseeerreverrererereees 2—4
         2.5.1           MIM MENUL:..220000000reerrresesserssrereerrevirerirevirererererserersererseerrreerererererrer iss sseerseerrseeerrerer ies srernrers 2—5
         2.5.2           System Management TEermin@l INterfAC@ SUMMATY ......2.2000200200e2 00200¥ eereeer es erereerrseererverecenees 2—6
       2.6        ChANGING the SYSt@M PASSWOTO ....2...2.0020 0020002000 eeeeerereverrrrerreerrerrerreseereereerrerreerrecereererereerrescrrerreree 2—6
         2.6.1           RESCttING th@ PFESH&E........00. 000000220008 re»verravrravrrrsrerrrarrrarreverereerrrerererereerrerraeererererererrevrerarres 2—7
       2.7        GENETAL SEEUP...........scceeevvvveerevrarrevrrrerrrarrrarrrerererressicaverereeervesrrerernrerererrrerreseereeerrreserrerereversrerinees 2—7
         2.7.1    DYNAMIG DNS...0220200000+merererrrrrrererererreerssessetrsrererrersrerrererbereresssecissesesreerrrrserrbeerrers se ces se css eee 2—8
         2.7.2    CONfiguring DYN@MIC DNS 1.222.20022000220020rverterrrrereverseerererrerererrerrerreerrrarseeerseerrrrerrevirernerreners 2—9
       2.8     WAN S@HUP.......00..00cssreeevverrvrarverrrrrrersrrrrerrerererrrerrerrerreersrersrerrerseerrerreerrerrrerseersrer iess eersrerrreerrece 2—10
       2.9        LAN S@MUP ....02..002000eeevvevverrrernaversrerrerrrerererarersrernrrerrecrrereressrrererarrerererrerteesrersvessrerererrerreenrerrenrene 2—11
         2.9.1           LAN POIt Filt@® S@bUP ...2..202.220022022eva0ereerervsrerrevsrrarserreeerrersersrerererrerrreesreasersreenrerrcreerererernee 2—11
   Chapter 3 INt@N@t ACC@SS ..............sc0ceseververereerreeeerrrererrieerssreereesrerser nsb en en cssn t sre es rrer en ce rrnerer se sn en ee 3—2

Table Of Contents                                                                                                                                           ix

         P314 Broadband Access Gateway with Hub

              3.1       TCP/IP and DHCP for LAN.................u......
                3.1.1          FACtOTY LAN D@FAUIAS 12222222222 002020eeneerveerreersearrerrrerreesrrerserserrrrerserreserrsrees
                3.1.2          IP Addres$ @Nd SUDNEt MASK............22022020ce¥¥22rsasrevrrerrrrrrrserrersearesrererreress
                3.1.3          PFiVAte IP AQGGUIESS@S....,..2220220020000000e09e 20094 +s evsverrererresssrssereserssrersrverrcrreeea
                3.1.4          RIP SENUP..2022200000222eesrvvevereeerrrsrserseerseerseeerressserscerseeerseriseccessceersecsetseersecersssecrerseerrerersecrrrereee 3—3
                3.1.5          DHCP CONfIGUPANION ...22..0200000ees0s240s se se ersrerverrirreeserrererererereeretrrescsrererereeereeesrerserseererereera ienss 3—4
                3.1.6          IP MUItICASE 1.22.022000ve2se22erseerreererrsavaresereeererrrerereseareetrsersserrererreseersseceresserreeserseseeserseersserreccees 3—4
              3.2       TCP/IP and DHCP EthEMNE@t S@AUP ............22.22000se00e es es erveerersreereasereerserrerseerserserseerrverrerrereresccreaves 3—5
              3.3       INt@MNEt ACC@SS SEAUP .........0.0.002ss es se svvearvevrerreerrserverreerrireeaveresseeerirerveresesssecersseesirereerseresserreaers 3—7
                3.3.1          EtR@NEt ENC@DSUIAtION ;..222.22002020 2200220 esseervererererererressserreeer iess ierrertrersrearersrersrerversecerreesrrrieres 3—7
                3.3.2          PPPOFE ENC@PSUIAHON 22220220022 0020002 20020060 erevererrsrerressserreverererreesrerererrrererreeerrersersrererrerrererrrrees 3—9
              3.4       INt@FNEt SEEUP TESt.....02...0...002s00eseeearererevvvrveerrarareresveerserenesrersierserrieerrerisecrecsserseeerrrecerseecrsecersreers 3—10
             3.5        BASiC SE@tUP COMPIGt@............0...00ssseeevvevrererrearsrareesrersrresrrenrsrersseessrererrrerrerserreseerereerrererreerrereenss 3—11
     Advanced ADPPIICATIONS........:ses2ersserecsesisiascrertsvsscrssistascrsstrsertorstasccrssirrstsscstsevessasssesscsssrerssecsesssenserres II
          Chapter 4 R@MOtG NOQUQ S@AUP........2..20202.002ev es verererrererrrerrerirerrerrrsrresrrereerrrrasrrrarseereerrrseererererreseves 4—1
~            41         REMOLG NOGG PFOFiIG .....comeseeenmeemmemenmenmmemmeeneemeenemeeeenmerenenmenmeeenmnenmnreeenmenmenneenemenneneeeen 4—1
               4.1.1      Ethernet ENC@PSUIAtON ......2.. 000.
               4.1.2      PPPOE ENCADSUIAHION 12,222222200022000200e2 002206220 ee se se e reereees bes iss r es eb esn rrrv enc nsser se erevecerrreesecri en rere 4—3
             4.2     Editing TCP/IP OPtOMS...2..22..2000200s26erevveerversserrsrervessseerserrereriversseererseerrrrseetrerccrrserreererrrrereerreeres 4—4
             4.3        REMOtE NOGG@ FiIt@P ..........10..0002s0seerveersserseersrereerreeerererssersserisrrerrecarecerisererrrerrerrecerserserseerrerereeserees 4—5
          Chapter 5 IP StaticROUt@ S@UUP ..........220002000es se vevvesesereveerererietererrecrererseciereteerreeerercrsrerrenrerneerenereere 5—1
             5.1        IP StAtit ROUNG S@LUP.........2..02.cc00esvrearreveersrererrrerresrerrerersrerrerrererserrrrsrerireeerrrererrersrecenersseresrrrenees 5—2
          Chapter 6 SUA SB@IV&F S@UUP ..............0.00sevesserereverrerererssrerirersesrrererresrrresrrerreresrasrrerrrrercenerees is rervcees 6—1
             6.1        Single USEL ACCOUNt (SUA) ,.2020002000220s 22202 veverrverrrrrrrrerrrererrercrsrnrrrerereeerrerresareeeerserecrevesereerreerverees 6—1
                6.1.1          Single USEF ACCOUNt CONFIGUTAHONM...22..2202222 22200002209 eerrevrevarrreerrrrreerrreerreeerreeeerrersereerrersernes 6—2
                6.1.2          SUA CONANECtiONS @Nd Idl@ THM@OU...2..222022002000220220ee0rvevevev e re es e rrereesrrserrarseerseeererereereesrserees 6—3
             6.2        Multiple Servers BERIMG SUA.......2.0220.0020000vervrermerrevsrrrrrrrarrrerrerrererresrrerseerrererrarersreerereerereesrecenes 6—3
                6.2.1          Configuring @ SErver DERIAG SUA.s.s200000me00mveveverrreereerererersrersreeerererererreensereerreceeerererersrevernes 6—4
     Adv@nced MANAG@MBNT ...........s.ssssversevaveseasersersserersensctrecsesiretasecteerssrssscrrseserevsrestsrestnevevesasecrsercerses4 Iil
          Chapter 7 Filt@r CONfIQGUFATION .........2.0222 02022¥ rereverrervrersersrrrrreerereserresrreesiretrsrerrenrecrerserrerrresererrenrvanes 7—1
m~           7.1     ADOUt FiIt@TIMG .........0..seeeeerrerveeerrrarverrrrreresrrerrererrtrresarerereerrecerseesrrreerreersersesererrersrrennarereseerrsrenarnes 7—1
               7.1.1     The Filter StrUCtUIE Of the P@SHGE..,.....2002020020020eeeerevrr e ve se eerrersreree ces eerrrssrreeeereerrerererbecees 7—2
             7.2        CONDfigUIING @ Filt@® S@t,.......2..0000000e06eeaevvvrvevrrrererserrrarrarrersrerseesresrrrarrreresesrrarernrerersserrarersrerrercrrees 7—4

     x                                                                                                                                 Table Of Contents

                                                                             P314 Broadband Access Gateway with Hub

        7.2.1          Filter RUI@$ SUMM@TY MEMU .2.00220000000000»veeereerererreserrsreerrreerrererererrerrererersreerersrererereerrererseees 7—6
        7.2.2          CONfigUTING @ Filt@® RUIG .2000000200000009eerverveevveevtevereerrresrerrersecerirtrersrareesrrererssresseeeererererrerseers 7—7
        7.2.3          yoiis ailcl o e 7—7
        7.2.4          GeNE@TIC FiIt@® RUIG....12220000000020020022e¥+eervertreereverereeserrrerrerrerreerrarererseererererereeerrerereererseerserrves 7—12
     7.3        EX@MDIG Fil{ET ....2.0.20002.00000e 000000 evevrverrevereeeessceververrrerresstrareerreerrrerrerrrerserseerrrerrerrresseserrerrerrervees 7—14
     7.4        Filter TYPES @MNO SUA ..222.220.000000eesevv e vevrvesererrisrerererieearererscessreessreerrsciverecerrsecscrererrerserreserreecrereee 7—16
     7.5     Applying @ Filter @Ad FACtOTY D@FAUIES.....2.22000200200002sse0rssrrvv es se rsvevessrrerssererrererreressaseeersrersrersseees 7—17
       7.5.1     LAN HTAFFIC 22222000000 0e0eeree0 es rrevrverrverrrerterrrseerseeeseersereterrerreseresecessverererseereeerierserrrerrrrerersreraee 7—17
       7.5.2     REMOtG NOGG Filt@TS .......2000220020202seeeserrrsereessrrrrersrersessecereresieeereeverserssserrersrerreessecsevecscrecreee 7—18
  Chapter 8 SyStem InfOFMAtiON & DI@AGMOSIS...............2.0.000000everrvrrrrrerrereerererserianesrerrserersesersererrerraees 8—1
     8.1        SYSt@M SHAEUS,.22..220.0000s0ssssvearvrsrevereseerverrrerarsraversreereserrerrercreeseevesseresreevererseereseceserserserereesereceserecres 8—2
     8.2        System InfOrMatiOn @Nd CONSOIG@ POPt SD@@Q ..,......2.2000200020000000 000 eevesrververrrrrrerreesreerreerrererecrerraeees 8—4
        8.2.1          SYStEM INFOTMANOM...2220200000see2e0eserv es er se se evssrvssereeerertresscerverererversreescesseecesseerrreeriecererscerererees 8—4
        8.2.2          CONSOIG POIt SP@@Q ,.....220220vssasseeveerseerererteverrerereeeeserrsessessrerrreernreseesersservecerstrecrirecseeerererrsersee 8—5
     8.3        LOG @M@ TFACE..,....0.0000000ssvvseeveeerrsrerrererrreerrreerreciverirerrrarerereceriserrersseersreeerresereeesrereerersecvsserirerscene 8—5
        8.3.1          ViEWING EJTOT LOG .2,.2020002se2rv e es se rveverrerrrrreracerrrecrrversrerrreesrerrreeessisrrrsessesererensecerececreesrreersereee 8—6
        8.3.2          UNIKX SYSIOG..202222020vs2rrsererreeveerersseretersesrseecarsrerserteseriverserscerseersertresieeesereseersecerersreersreecrrerees 8—6
        8.3.3          CaIl—Trigg@TINQZ PACK@L.......2..002200eveveeereersersreesrerrrevireserreerrrereerverserererserseeerrereereserererreeereereres 8—9
     8.A     DiANOSHG ...........002000sssvevvevverresrrsserverrererreerirersseersrerseersereersceceseseersserreresebeecesiserersereecerreesreeves 8—10
       8.4.1     yAuin)soo 8—11
  Chapter 9 TFANSf@NTING FI@S ...............0202scevevevrerererrtsrrerererseriretrsrererrerereererersrerrerrererrrreserarerrerneereaes 9—1
     9.1     FilENAME@ COAVEMHOMS ......22..02000000ea00evessvarrarverreeerberreerreeerseererirerareeerreserrresressereeereversreererereeerererves 9—1
       9.1.1      FiFMWAIG DEVEIODM@NE ... se sevesrrerarresrererrrserereerirrrecesrererersersrersssererresrrrerrersnees 9—2
     9.2       BACKUP CONIGUTAUIOM..............000 020002 evveevvvarrervevereerverrrrrrarerrreerrrerrersressesseeneererertreerseerrererereerseess 9—2
     9.3        ReStOT@ CONIGUIAMOM............2..00000000ss0serverrresrrverrerrerrrersererererrreneareeesrereveerreeraveeesrec esc enc ererreraenee 9—4
     9.4     UpIOAG FITMWATE ...........0..000cssveavvvarvevreerrvrrrrearverresarrerrerrrrerersrsersrareersreeerereerrrersrrreserreserererernrerrnees 9—5
       9.4.1     UplO@ding the ROUtEL FiFMWATE ...........000200e000ee6e es rerereerrrerrsrrrererereerrrevirerrersresrreesrerererrersreees 9—5
       9.4.2     Uploading ROUter CONfi&GUIAtION FiG ,......2..2020002eeseersseeresresrerrrrersreererrererrerrvrerrrerersernrenreeees 9—6
     9.5     TFTP Fil@ TFANSfELT .......0...00.000ee09ee e vevvrarvevrerererasrarresrererererrerirerrerreerrrerrerseeerreerertverseersverrerssersiens 9—7
       9.5.1          EXaMpPle TFTP COMMANG 21..222.0000220000eeereveev e rrrarrearererreeerareeerrerererer en e eeerrerreerereanererseererenees 9—8
     9.6       FTP Fil@ TTAMSF@T.............0000ssvervrresssersrerernrrrrrseerserirerrrserrrerirreas ies erereserresersseerrerrrerseeseserrersrerneess 9—9
       9.6.1          Using the FTP command from the DOS PFOMPE ......2.....2100000c00e e es es errrevererrsereererearerrrerrees 9—10
  Chapter 10 System Maint@Nn@NC@ & MFOTMAtION ...............0.sese enc esrerererereererrersrrerereesirerrererrrccarenes 10—1

Table Of Contents                                                                                                                                        xi

 P314 Broadband Access Gateway with Hub

          10.1      COMMANG INtErPFEt@® MOGG ....,..220020022000 0002002 aree e es e rerreverererseeersrseerrsecrerssecersreersreservreercerseaseees 10—1
          10.2      Call COMfLOL SUPDOPLb....2..2200000000000seessevveerveerveerrrer iess bveriverirrerereeeerseriseeseerereceesseccersseesrscersrerrerreeee 10—2
             10,.2.1       BUdg@t MANAGEM@NMt....,,....2..000,000e e erese es sreserrseriverieerverevereeeserieviiseccereseersecersseerrrererecerees 10—2
             10.2.2        CAIl HASEOFY .....00..00..020sssvessevssrvserverrverrverirsrirrreserriseressevarscerseeerseceerserererreerecesrerreeereesrrrererree 10—3
          10.3     BOOt COMIM@MNGS .........2020000s0v22esvvvsvvvervrrverrervseererersserrresererrreverererererererecenereesenseeerresserrerererecn ces 10—4
      Chapter 11 Telnet COnfiguratiO @nd CAPAbDiIiti@§ ...............2200022eeeerererrerirrerererrersrerereesrerrrserrerr es 11—1
          11.1     About TeINet CONfIGUTANOM....22......20002000eeveserssereserveerrrerrarrrrerrerseerereresreerrreereresserrrresrernerererrenres 11—1
          11.2     —TeIN@t UNG@F SUA...2...2..00000000svavrvsrevrvrrrerrreererereerresereserrerrrverevesrveseniresrrsreearersreaseer se es erseereverere 11—1
          11.3     TeIMNEt CAPADIIAH@S......0...00000000000e00eervrrerrrarerrrrrerrrreerrereerrereernsrereseesseerreerererenerrererrrenesrerearrensrecnres 11—1
             11.3.1       Singl@ AGIMRISHTANOT....02.2020.0000000000seevesvvevvevrvesrvreverrrerrerverrerreerrseeeereseerssseeressecersererecereseees 11—1
             11,3.2       SYSt@NM THM@OUb....00.0000000000202ev se evervvrrvsvererersrrrrrerareerrrerarererreererererevenrenereeeersserevsererrsereceenes 11—2
             11.3.3       TeIN@t BIOCKING ....2..00.20002sssesseevsssvrveresrecererevereracesvrearsrerserersrecerrsecrersererseesersrecsesesresrerseeriee 11—2
Troubleshooting, Appendices, GIOSS@ry ANG INUQ@X ...........022002»sersssrrsecersccrtrrersrecerserercerissrvessevsres IV
      Chapter 12 TFOUDI@SROONIMNG........020022202020 6022 eerer e reererververrerv ieb se es se resrreerecerererererre e ererererreee se cer en en 12—1
          12.1     PrObIEMS StaIting UP th@ PTESHG@..........2...20 0202 ereeereearreerrernrrrreerrrerrrerrerreesrererarrererrrrerreerressrenes 12—1
          12.2     PrODIl@MS With the LAN IME@TFACE...20..20.200.200ee00eeeveerverrreerrertresrernrrersrerrrreerreererrrverrrererrcrrresareees 12—2
          12.3     Problems$ with the WAN iMEETFACE.......0..2000000e000earevevverrverrisrrsverrrerserrrarerereerreererseerresererrenerveenees 12—3
          12.4     PrObIEeMS with INt@FN@t ACCESS ..22.,22...000000s2eveeereverveerrererarrrersrareerreerrrsererresrersrvenrerrerereerirerersavenes 12—4
          12.5     PIODIGNMS With T@IMEt..0.020002002200200s 0s e ces se rvrerserrererresirerirertrsrerarerersereresererstaverrerrrrerrerrecerrerervereves 12—4
      App@NQIX A            PPPOE.,.0..0002000220s2sessvereverrvrrsrtesrerresivereriasiricieirsenrersesrressersireeererereenreasias sn es iesns en se e en ene A
      Appendix B            HArdW@re SDE@CIfIGANONS .................vcccevevevevserererrerrrrreerererrrrerrrrereerireererererererrersrereer es C
      Appendix C            Important Saf@tY INStrUCGtIONS .................2ls2seveervrererrerererrersreeerrserreseeeeerrererererrnerecsreeee E
      Appendix D               POWE@I AUADt@F SPBGCS.................slsevevrererersererrrerresrrerrererersererrirerearrrerreesrerererrercreree F
      GIOSSArY Of T@MS ............clssssesrrresserrererrererrssseerrerrerseererisrereretereererebserreereeserreeererrererrereres ie nsb es ies se ns H
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xil                                                                                                                                Table Of Contents

                                        Getting Started

                                    Part I:

                                 Getting Started
Chapters 1—3 are structured as a step—by—step guide to help you connect, install and setup your
                Prestige to operate on your network and access the Internet.

                                                                P314 Broadband Access Gateway With Hub

                                                                                     Chapter 1
                                     Getting to Know Your Prestige
                            This chapter introduces the main features and applications of the Prestige.

1.1      The Prestige 314 Broadband Access Gateway With Hub
The Prestige 314 is a dual Ethernet Broadband Access Gateway with an integrated 4—port hub and advanced
network management features. It is designed for home offices and small businesses to easily and quickly
access the Internet via Cable/ADSL modem or broadband router. ZyXEL‘s Prestige 314 provides not only
ease of installation and Internet access, but also a complete solution to efficiently manage data traffic on your
network. The embedded web configurator is a breeze to operate and totally independent of the operating
system platform you use.

1.2        Features of The Prestige 314
The following are the essential features of the Prestige 314.
Broadband WAN Connection with integrated Four Port Hub
The P314 sports a 10Mbps Ethernet port for a cable or xDSL modem connection as well as an integrated hub
allowing up to 4 computers on your network to enjoy super—fast Internet access without the need for an
additional hub.
Dynamic DNS Support
With Dynamic DNS support, you can have a static hostname alias for a dynamic IP address, allowing the
host to be more easily accessible from various locations on the Internet. You must register for this service
with a Dynamic DNS client to use this service.
IP Multicast
Traditionally, IP packets are transmitted in two ways — unicast or broadcast. Multicast is a third way to
deliver IP packets to a group of hosts. IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) is the protocol used to
support multicast groups. The latest version is version 2 (see RFC2236). Both versions 1 and 2 are supported
by the Prestige.
Packet Filtering
The Packet Filtering mechanism blocks unwanted traffic from entering/leaving your network.
PPPoE facilitates the interaction of a host with a broadband modem to achieve access to high—speed data
networks via a familiar "dial—up networking" user interface.

Getting to Know Your Prestige                                                                              1—1

P314_Broadband Access Gateway With Hub

Dynamic DNS Support
With Dynamic DNS support, you can have a static hostname alias for a dynamic IP address, allowing the
host to be more easily accessible from various locations on the Internet.
If you want to utilize this service, you must register for this service with a Dynamic DNS client.
PPTP Support
Point—to—Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is a network protocol that enables secure transfer of data from a
remote client to a private server, creating a Virtual Private Network (VPN) using TCP/IP—based networks
PPTP supports on—demand, multi—protocol, and virtual private networking over public networks, such as the
Full Network Management
Your Prestige offers you a variety of options for network management. It supports password protected local
and remote network management via the console port or a telnet connection using SMT (System
Management Interface) or the Embedded Web Configurator. It also supports FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
server for remote management, TFTP (Trivial FTP), SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) and CI
(Command Interpreter) mode.
Auto—negotiating 10/100Mbps Ethernet
The LAN interface automatically detects if it‘s on a 10 or a 100 Mbps Ethernet.
Single User Account (SUA)
SUA is ZyXEL‘s version of NAT (Network Address Translation) which enables multiple users to share a
single ISP account, thereby accessing the Internet for the cost of a single IP address.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
The Prestige supports DHCP Server and Client (RFC 2131 and RFC 2132). The Prestige‘s DHCP server
capability allows you to automatically assign TCP/IP settings to a workstation on your LAN. The Prestige‘s
DHCP client capability allows it to get automatically its IP address from the ISP on the WAN.
RoadRunner Support
In addition to standard cable modem services, the Prestige supports Time Warner‘s RoadRunner Service.
Logging and Tracing
The Prestige has the following features:
* Built—in message logging and packet tracing.
4     Unix syslog facility support.
Upgrade Prestige Firmware via LAN
The firmware of the Prestige 314 can be upgraded via the LAN.
Embedded FTP and TFTP Servers
The Prestige‘s embedded FTP and TFTP servers enable faster firmware upgrade as well as configuration file
backup and restoration.

1—2                                                                       Getting to Know Your Prestige

                                                             P314 Broadband Access Gateway With Hub

1.3      Broadband Iinternet Access via Cable or xDSL Modem
A cable modem or xDSL modem can be connected to the Prestige 10M WAN Ethernet port and up to four
computers can be connected to the four Prestige 10/100M LAN Ethernet ports for super—fast broadband
Internet access. The Prestige provides not only the high speed Internet access but also a complete solution to
efficiently manage data traffic on your network.

                           Prestige For Super—fast Internet Access

                                                             _                        INTERNE

                                     Figure 1—1        Internet Access

Getting to Know Your Prestige

                                                                P314 Broadband Access Gateway With Hub

                                                                                        Chapter 2
                         Hardware Installation & Initial Setup
                   This chapter shows you how to connect the hardware and perform the initial setup.

2.1      Front Panel LEDs and Back Panel Ports

2.1.1    Front Panel LEDs
The LEDs on the front panel indicate the operational status of the Prestige.

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                                        Figure 2—1           Front Panel
The following table describes the LED functions:
                                      Table 2—1            LED functions
        LEDs       Function Indicator|          Active                      Description
      PWR         Power      Green       On              The power adapter is connected to the Prestige.
      SYS         System                 Off             The system is not ready or failed.
                                         On              The system is ready and running.
                                         Flashing        |The system is rebooting.
      10M LAN     (LAN       Green       Off             The 10M LAN is not connected.
                                         On              The Prestige is connected to a 10M LAN.
                                         Flashing        |The 10M LAN is sending/receiving packets.

      100M LAN               Orange      jOff            The 100M LAN is not connected.
                                         On              The Prestige is connected to a 100Mbps LAN.

                                         Flashing        (The 100M LAN is sending/receiving packets.

Hardware Installation and Setup                                                                            2—1

P314 Broadband Access Gateway With Hub

         LEDs      Function Indicator|         Active                              Description
      WAN         WAN         Green      Off            The WAN Link is not ready, or has failed.
                                         On             The WAN Link is ok.
                                         Flashing       |The 10M WAN link is sending/receiving packets.

2.2        Prestige 314 Rear Panel and Connections
The following figure shows the rear panel of your Prestige 314 and the connection diagram.

                                        Hub 10/100M

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                        Figure 2—2        Prestige Rear Panel and Connections
This section outlines how to connect your Prestige 314 to the LAN and the WAN. In the case of connecting a
Cable Modem you must connect the coaxial cable from your cable service to the threaded coaxial cable
connector on the back of the cable modem. Connect an xDSL Modem to the xDSL Wall Jack. Please also see
Appendix C for important safety instructions on making connections to the Prestige.
Step 1.    Connecting the Console Port
For the initial configuration of your Prestige, you need to use terminal emulator software on a workstation
and connect it to the Prestige through the console port. Connect the 9—pin (smaller) end of the console cable
to the console port of the Prestige and the 25—pin (bigger) end to a serial port (COM1, COM2 or other COM

2—2                                                                            Hardware Installation and Setup

                                                      P314 Broadband Access QGateway With Hub

                                                          Appendix B
                                                  Hardware Specifications
       Power Specification          I/P AC 120V / 60Hz ; O/P DC 12V 1200 mA
       MTBF                         100000 hrs
       Operation Temperature            0° C ~40° C
       Ethernet Specification for   10Mbit Half Duplex
       Ethernet Specification for   10/100 Mbit Half / Full Auto—negotiation
       Console Port RS — 232        Pin 1 = NON ; Pin 2 = DTE—RXD; Pin 3 = DTE—TXD; Pin 4 =
                                    DTE—DTR; Pin 5 = GND; Pin 6 = DTE—DSR; Pin 7 = DTE—RTS;
                                    Pin 8 = DTE—CTS; PIN 9 = NON. See Figure below


                             _no o o o &/L
                                        0 O       O

                Pin 9                                                          Pin 6

 WAN/LAN Cable Pin Layout:
 Straight—Through                                      Crossover
 (Switch)                           (Adapter)          (Switch)                        (Switch)
 1   IRD +          Tot——————       1     OTD +        1   IRD +                          1   IRD +
 2   IRD —          _______         2     OTD —        2   IRD —                          2   IRD —
 3   OTD +          ————————        3     IRD +        3   OTD +                           3 OTD+
 6   OTD —          Tt              6     IRD —        6   OTD—                            6 OTD —

Hardware Specifications                                                                               C

                                                           P314_Broadband Access Gateway With Hub

                                                          Appendix C
                                            Important Safety Instructions
 The following safety instructions apply to the Prestige:
 1. Be sure to read and follow all warning notices and instructions.
 2. The maximum recommended ambient temperature for the Prestige is 40°C (104°F). Care must be taken
     to allow sufficient air circulation or space between units when the Prestige is installed inside a closed
     rack assembly. The operating ambient temperature of the rack environment might be greater than room
        Installation in a rack without sufficient airflow can be unsafe.
i £ w

        Racks should safely support the combined weight of all equipment.
        The connections and equipment that supply power to the Prestige should be capable of operating safely
        with the maximum power requirements of the Prestige. In case of a power overload, the supply circuits
        and supply wiring should not become hazardous. The input rating of the Prestige is printed on the
        The AC adapter must plug in to the right supply voltage, i.e. 120VAC adapter for North America and
        230VAC adapter for Europe. Make sure that the supplied AC voltage is correct and stable. If the input
        AC voltage is over 10% lower than the standard may cause the Prestige to malfunction.
        Installation in restricted access areas must comply with Articles 110—16, 110—17, and 110—18 of the
     National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.
     Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord of the AC adapter, and do not locate the product where
     anyone can walk on the power cord.
     Do not service the product by yourself. Opening or removing covers can expose you to dangerous high
     voltage points or other risks. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
 10. Generally, when installed after the final configuration, the product must comply with the applicable
     safety standards and regulatory requirements of the country in which it is installed. If necessary, consult
     the appropriate regulatory agencies and inspection authorities to ensure compliance,
 11. A rare condition can create a voltage potential between the earth grounds of two or more buildings. If
     products installed in separate building are interconnected, the voltage potential can cause a hazardous
     condition. Consult a qualified electrical consultant to determine whether or not this phenomenon exists
     and, if necessary, implement corrective action before interconnecting the products. If the equipment is to
     be used with telecommunications circuit, take the following precautions:
     e Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
     e Never install telephone jacks in a wet location unless the jack is specially designed for wet
        e   Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been
            disconnected at the network interface.
        e   Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines (other than a cordless telephone) during an
            electrical storm. There is a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.

Important Safety Instructions                                                                                 E

P314 Broadband Access Gateway With Hub

                                                       Appendix D
                                                 Power Adapter Specs
                               AC Power Adapter Specifications
               North America
               AC Power Adapter model MW48—1201200
               Input power: AC120Volts/60Hz
               Output power: DC12Volts/1.2A
               Power consumption: 9 W
               Plug: North American standards
               Safety standards: UL, CUL (UL 1310, CSA C22.2 No.233—M91)
               AC Power Adapter model AD48—1201200DUY
               Input power: AC120Volts/60Hz
               Output power: DC12Volts/1.2A
               Power consumption: 9 W
               Plug: North American standards
               Safety standards: UL, CUL (UL1950, CSA C22.2 NO. 234—M90)
               European Union
               AC Power Adapter model AD—1201200DV
               Input power: AC230Volts/50Hz,
               Output power: DC12Volts/1.2A
               Power consumption: 9 W
               Plug: European Union standards
               Safety standards: TUV, CE (EN 60950)
               AC Power Adapter model JAD—121200E
               Input power: AC230Volts/50Hz,
               Output power: DC12Volts/1.2A
               Power consumption: 9 W
               Plug: European Union standards
               Safety standards: TUV, CE(EN 60950)
               AC Power Adapter model AD—1201200DK
               Input power: AC230Volts/50Hz,
               Output power: DC12Volts/1.2A
               Power consumption: 9 W
               Plug: United Kingdom standards
               Safety standards: TUV, CE (EN 60950, BS70O02)

F                                                                Power Adapter Specifications

                                                P314 Broadband Access Gateway With Hub

                 AC Power Adapter model JOD—48—1124
                 Input power: AC100Volts/ 50/60Hz/ 27VA
                 Output power: DC12Volts/1.2A
                 Power consumption: 9 W
                 Plug: Japan standards
                 Safety standards: T—Mark
                 Australia and New Zealand
                 AC Power Adapter model AD—1201200DS
                 Input power: AC240Volts/50H2/0.2A
                 Output power: DC12Volts/1.2A
                 Power consumption: 9 W
                 Plug: Australia and New Zealand standards
                 Safety standards: NATA (AS 3260)

Power Adapter Specifications

Document Created: 2000-08-04 16:51:19
Document Modified: 2000-08-04 16:51:19

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