LP297 antenna spec 1to30

FCC ID: I4L-MS6820

Operational Description

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Antenna Testing Repor t

         CLEVO LP297

                  Prepared by           Approved by

                   Charles Teng                David Su

REV. A                            2003/04/30      page:0


                                         General Information

z    Measurement Resume

    Date          Engineer              2.4~2.5 GHz      5.15~5.35 GHz    5.47~5.725 GHz    5.725~5,825 GHz
92/04/30         Charles Teng               ●

z    Antenna specifications: maximum size, unit: mm

     PIFA Type               Length                   Width              Height            Cable length
    Right Side                  70.0                   5.5                4.8                   246
     Left Side                  70.0                   5.5                4.8                   462

z    Measurement Setup & Environment

    Temp.    Humidity                  Instrument                   System                   Entry
                               VNA HP8753ES,          NSI antenna
    20℃          50%                                                                     Return,
                          7x4x4 m anechoic chamber measurement system
                                                                                    Radiation pattern

    REV. A                                                                   2003/04/30       page:1

roue armore



         Antenna Drawing

REV. A                     2003/04/30   page:3


             Spectrum Allocation in worldwide WLAN

                                 Hyperlan/2     Hyperlan/2
Europe                          5.15~5.35GHz   5.47~5.725GH

                            MMAC HiSWANa

                                    U-NII                  U-NII
US                              5.15~5.35GHz          5.725~5.825GHz

Global   2.4~2.5GHz

         2             3    5                                     6
             802.11b                   802.11a+Hyperlan/2
              band                            band

REV. A                                             2003/04/30   page:4


                                   Typical Performance of Antenna
                                            I. Typical Performance Table
                             2.4~2.5GHz                 5.15~5.25GHz          5.15~5.35GHz             5.47~5.825GHz
        VSWR                       1.72
   Peak Gain                   0.47 dBi
 Average Gain                  -2.03 dBi

                                                        II. Antenna Type
                                       Main Antenna                                 Aux Antenna
                                    (Right-side Antenna)                         (Left-side Antenna)
                                                 PIFA                                     PIFA

          Material                         Metal sheet                                 Metal sheet

                                                          III. VSWR
                   2.4GHz ISM                       JAPAN            U-NII,Hyperlan/2           U-NII+HiperLAN/2
                   2.4~2.5GHz                    5.15~5.25GHz         5.150~5.35GHz              5.47~5.825GHz
   Freq (GHz)
                 2.40       2.45    2.50         5.15       5.25     5.15     5.25     5.35     5.47      5.6       5.825

    MAIN         1.35       1.31    1.72

       AUX       1.20       1.01    1.31

                                           IV. Peak Gain and Average Gain
          Freq              2.4GHz ISM                JAPAN             U-NII,Hyperlan/2          U-NII+HiperLAN/2
         (GHz)              2.4~2.5GHz             5.15~5.25GHz         5.150~5.350GHz             5.470~5.825GHz
                   2.40        2.45       2.50      5.15      5.25     5.15     5.25     5.35    5.47      5.6       5.825
          Peak     0.47        0.05       0.18
          Avg      -2.44 -3.10 -3.35
          Peak          0     -0.00       0.05
          Avg      -2.03 -2.45 -3.04

 REV. A                                                                                  2003/04/30        page:5


                                                         Return Loss & VSWR


                                                                                      2.4~2.5 GHz Center freq.       2450
                                                                                         Beam Width @MHz              120

                                                                                        freq.     Return Loss(dB)    VSWR

                                                                                       2.4 GHz         -21.1         1.35
Return Loss (dB)

                                                                                      2.45 GHz         -15.9         1.31

                                                                             V SW R
                                                                                       2.5 GHz         -11.4         1.72




                          2.0   2.2   2.4          2.6     2.8    3.0
                                      Frequency (GHz)


                                                                                      2.4~2.5 GHz Center freq.        2450
                                                                                         Beam Width @MHz               120

                                                                                        freq.     Return Loss(dB)     VSWR

                                                                                       2.4 GHz         -21.0          1.20
Return Loss ( dB)

                                                                                      2.45 GHz         -47.8          1.01
                                                                             V SW R

                                                                                       2.5 GHz         -17.2          1.31




                          2.0   2.2   2.4          2.6      2.8   3.0
                                      Frequency (GHz)

                    REV. A                                                                        2003/04/30        page:6


                                                                Radiation Pattern I
Left-antenna(2.4~2.5 GHz)
                                                                                        Note: horizontal polarization plots in the red line
                                                                                              and vertical polarization in the blue one

              Far-field amplitude of XZ-2.45 H&V
                    Hcut                                   Vcut
                            345               15

                      330                                 30

              315                                                     45
                                                                                            Average Gain And Peak Gain (On Azimuth Plane)

        300                                                                 60
                                                                                                                       XZ- Plane
  285                                                                             75
                                                                                                     Avg. Gain (dBi)                  -8.83
 270                                                                               90
                                        -30         -20         -10         0dB

                                                                                                     Avg. Gain (dBi)                  -4.66
  255                                                                             105

        240                                                                 120
                                                                                                    Peak Gain (dBi)                   -1.35
              225                                                     135

                      210                                 150

                            195               165

              Far-field amplitude of YZ-2.45 H&V
                    Hcut                                   Vcut
                            345               15

                      330                                 30

              315                                                     45
                                                                                            Average Gain And Peak Gain (On Azimuth Plane)

        300                                                                 60
                                                                                                                       YZ- Plane
  285                                                                             75
                                                                                                     Avg. Gain (dBi)                  -4.50
 270                                                                               90
                                        -30         -20         -10         0dB

                                                                                                     Avg. Gain (dBi)                  -4.62
  255                                                                             105

        240                                                                 120
                                                                                                    Peak Gain (dBi)                   -0.04
              225                                                     135

                      210                                 150

                            195               165

  REV. A                                                                                                          2003/04/30          page:7


                                                                Radiation Pattern II
Right-antenna(2.4~2.5 GHz)
                                                                                        Note: horizontal polarization plots in the red line
                                                                                              and vertical polarization in the blue one

              Far-field amplitude of XZ-2.45 H&V
                    Hcut                                   Vcut
                            345               15

                      330                                 30

              315                                                     45
                                                                                            Average Gain And Peak Gain (On Azimuth Plane)

        300                                                                 60
                                                                                                                       XZ- Plane
  285                                                                             75
                                                                                                     Avg. Gain (dBi)                  -8.78
 270                                                                               90
                                        -30         -20         -10         0dB

                                                                                                     Avg. Gain (dBi)                  -3.13
  255                                                                             105

        240                                                                 120
                                                                                                    Peak Gain (dBi)                   -0.05
              225                                                     135

                      210                                 150

                            195               165

              Far-field amplitude of YZ-2.45 H&V
                    Hcut                                   Vcut
                                                                                             Average Gain And Peak Gain (On Azimuth Plane)
                            345               15

                      330                                 30                                                            YZ- Plane
              315                                                     45

        300                                                                 60
                                                                                                      Avg. Gain (dBi)                  -3.61

  285                                                                             75
                                                                                                      Avg. Gain (dBi)                  -4.33
 270                                                                               90
                                        -30         -20         -10         0dB
                                                                                                     Peak Gain (dBi)                      0.05
  255                                                                             105

        240                                                                 120

              225                                                     135

                      210                                 150

                            195               165

  REV. A                                                                                                          2003/04/30          page:8



VSWR :              Voltage   standing wave ratio on a transmission line in an antenna
                    system.   The ratio of the forward to reflected voltage on the line,
                    and not   a power ratio. A VSWR of 1:1 occurs when all parts of the
                    antenna   system are matched correctly.

Return Loss :       When the load is mismatched, then, not all of the available power
                    from the generator is delivered to the load. This ‘loss ’is called
                    return loss(RL).

Radiation pattern : The radiation characteristics of an antenna as a function of spatial
                    coordinates. Normally, the pattern is measured in the far-field
                    region and is represented graphically.

Polarization :       The sense of the wave radiated by an antenna. This can be horizontal,
                     vertical, elliptical , or circular (left or right hand circularity),
                     depending on the design and application. The polarization of the
                     antenna is based on the orientation of the electric or E field
                     component. The polarization must be matched between two antennas
                     to receive the maximum field intensity. Dependent on the antenna
                     type, it is possible to radiate linear, elliptical and circular

Gain value :         The increase in effective radiated power in the desired direction
                     of the major lobe.

Peak gain :          The highest gain value in 360 degrees, which means the antenna
                     efficiency at this angle is the best.

Cable loss :         When RF signal transmitting in the coaxial cable, due to the material
                     of the cable, the power may dissipate into to the air in the form
                     of heat. So when we try to measure the gain of an antenna, we have
                     to offset the cable loss. The power loss of coaxial cable(Φ=1.13
                     mm) at 2.4~2.5 GHz is 3dB per 1000 mm and 5dB per 1000 mm at 5.15~5.35
                     GHz. In this case, the cable length of the right antenna is about
                     246 mm , so the cable loss when RF signal transmitting at 2.4~2.5
                     GHz is about 0.75 dB .For the same reason , the cable length of the
                     left antenna is about 462 mm , so the cable loss when RF signal
   REV. A                                                      2003/04/30    page:9

         transmitting at 2.4~2.5 GHz is about 1.4 dB. Which means we have
         to offset the cable loss to the gain value that we measure from the
         radiation pattern and that is the true antenna gain (Ga) we want .

REV. A                                           2003/04/30    page:10


         Material Specification
                z   Connector (I-PEX)

                z   Coaxial Cable (HITACHI & SUMITOMO)

                z   TUBE

                z   MYLAR

                z   PORON

                z   T4000

                z   Metal

                z   ET-CH

REV. A                                     2003/04/30    page:11

                                                                     Ground contact

                                                              jaic p|_,   _YC      Housin
                                                        g,;               L       Contact
                                                        \C                         2.4


                               C L

                                                        Connector end                               Connector end

                                                              Part No.20278—101R—*                      Part No.20278—1iR—x
                                                              Eo;;P?mdttg())l                           ior s,emtguto y
                                                              with     notc                                  ermina tion machine
                                                                                                        (without notch)

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                                                                                                 (1) in case of unmating by                                 (1) LA77%Mn3%8
                                                                                                     pulting tool.      i                                       FHOok3kTEAXRY
                                                                                                    Please use the p\ illing                                   EElo|#fbTFa&n,
                                                                                                   tool as the %@%i@ g dri
                                                                                                   M please pull plug to
                                                                                                   ertical direction as direcily
                                                                                                   GS possible.

                                                                                                                                                                                Pulling tool

                                                                                                                                                                                P/N 90192—001

                                                                                                 (2) In case of unma ting directly                           (2) FPTtEsl®s <i§
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                                                                                                   Please catch the catching area                              FUEEKs!# k.3
   3. Sugges tions for mating & unma ting                                                          of plug , and please pull plug
                                                           9.       JiI9IPAA§BEEURKRENORNE         to vertical direction as directly
      operation.                                                                                   as possible.
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     possible, adjusting the mating axis                        1J%299IBBORMeLkV0V%70T. Akrct)
     of plug and receptucle                                     SEllfDRLDTTELW,
     As excessive slant angle mating may
     break the connector , please don‘t
     do it.

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 FORM REV.4                                                                           WAS T

                              I—PEX CO.,LTD                           sheet   1    of     10

                        PRODUCT          SPECIFICATION
                                  L L HA &

                                  No. PRS—1176

                      MHF series micro coaxial connector

                        Qualification Test Report No. TR—1021

                                           Prepared by     Reviewed by        Approved by
 1     $1053   K.O   Nov/14/701   KK                  .                                  .
 0     S1025   KO    Jun/2s"01             K.Ohbayashi      E,Kawabe          K.Katabuchi

REV.   ECN     BY      DATE       APP.    JUN / 25 / 01    Jun / 25 / 01      Jun / 29 / 01

                                                                                  Form Rev. 0

                                              I—PEX CO.,LTD                             sheet     2      of   10

DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION              TITLE                                        No.

   Product Specification                     MHF series micro coaxial                   PRS—1176
       BJ in t                            connector

1. Scope / FFZ
    MHF series micro coaxial connector is a wire to board connector for AWG#36,32,30 coaxial cable .
    MHF series micro coaxial connector |%, AWG #36,32,30f#g+—7mi1OEkkxt214¥»—= z.74 C

2. Objectives / AH
    This specification covers the requirements for product performance and test methods of MHF
    series microcoaxial connector
    AKKt&!i, MHF series micro coaxial connector OMfE—R®R#K{F| L ovbvCHET%,

3. Part No. , construction , material and finish / t#xmkt, HHLR UE kELif
     (1) Part No. Plug : 20278—001R—08,—13,—18 , Receptacle : 20279—001E—01
    (2) Construction, material and finish of the connector are covered as each drawings.
        firk, HELR OIt Liflt, #MRCfffEsnCUAiBVETYT 4,

4. Applicable cable / MA *~—Z7/L
   4—1     Part No. 20278—001R—08
   (1) Description
        Inner conductor : AWG#36(7/0.05)
                           Silver plating annealed copper wire or silver plating tin—copper alloy
        Dielectric core _: Fluoro—plastics ,diameter 0.4(+0.04,—0.02)mm , nominal thickness 0.12 5mm
        Outer conductor : 8/5/0.05 , nominal diameter 0.65mm , silver plating annealed copper wire
        Jacket             : Fluoro—plastics , diameter 0.81(+0.04,—0.02)mm , nominal thickness 0.08mm
   (2) Requirements
        Characteristic impedance : 50(+3,—3)ohm by TDR method (raise time 40ps)
        Nominal capacitance: 96 pF/m
        Conductor resistance of inner conductor at 293K (20°C) : 1400 ohm/km MAX.
        Insulation resistance : 1000 mega—ohm.km MIN.
         Dielectric withstand voltage : no breakdown at AC1000V for 1 minutes.
   (1) t#ak
        pp¥(k : AWGR36(7T/0.05) ##v~*+RKEHRE—HNER#AvA+1 4 AYSMH
       Klk           : 7vERHMEAfEO.4(+0. 04,—0. 02) @4E EO. 125mm
       MmMEVEH(K : 8/5/0. 05G@EMARO. 65mm, #&#~*#m@#
        Zx¥4*yb : 7vERREAHEO. 81(+0. 04,—O0. 02)mm, E440. O8mm
   (2) 1tR
       4#MAVE—H¥YVA : 50+3Q (TDR,7414#X#414440ps)
       BREF &                 : 96pF/ m
        293K (20C)BROFLEAEREKHA : 1400Q /kmkATF
        #H#EH          : 1000MQ +<kmk k
        fotE)4        : AC1000V 14| TH{M#BMREoRV $

  4—2    Part No. 20278—001R—13
  (1) Description
       Inner conductor : AWG#32(7/0.08)
                         Silver plating annealed copper wire or silver plating tin—copper alloy
       Dielectric core   _: Fluoro—plastics , diameter 0.68(+0.04,—0.02)mm , nominal thickness 0.22mm
       Outer conductor : 16/4/0.05 , nominal diameter 0.93mm , silver plating annealed copper wire
       Jacket           : Fluoro—plastics , diameter 1.13(+0.08,—0.05)mm , nominal thickness 0.1 mm


                                        I—PEX CO.,LTD                            sheet     3      of    10

DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION             TITLE                                        No.

  Product Specification                     MHF series micro coaxial                   PRS—1176
       EJ 5 tA                               connector

 (2) Requirements
      Characteristic impedance : 50(+2,—2)ohm by TDR method (raise time 40ps)
      Nomuinal capacitance: 97 pF/m
      Conductor resistance of inner conductor at 293K (20°C ) : 520 ohm/km MAX.
      Insulation resistance : 1500 mega—ohm.km MIN.
      Dielectric withstand voltage : no breakdown at AC1000V for 1 minutes.
 (1) f#hk
      LX : AWGR32(7T/0.08) ,&##v~*ERIHRE—INERAVA+TIT TAE
     t €{4       0o 7yvyERME,ABRO. 68 (+0. 04,—0. 02)HMHEEEO. 22mm
    EM(E : 16/4/0. 05§AAMEO. 93mm, 4*#
     IxIvh : 7vyRBMEMHE1. 13(+0. 08,—0. 05)mm, #§4/4&0. 1 mm
 (2) t
     TEA WLC—¥Z WA : 50+20 (TDR,74141#A#1M440ps)
     B AEpPEF &     : 97pF/ m
     293K (20C)BROFLRAEIAEKEA : 5200 /kmLF
     KH#HEA    : 1500MQ +kmHM k
     fotE.)+  : AC1000V 14M ~CféRiME@okERs$

 4—3    Part No. 20278—001R—32
 (1) Description
     Inner conductor : AWG#32(7/0.08)
                       Silver plating annealed copper wire or silver plating tin—copper alloy
     Dielectric core   _: Fluoro—plastics , diameter 0.66(+0.05,—0.05)mm , nominal thickness 0.2 1 mm
     First outer conductor : 16/5/0.05, tin plating annealed copper wire
     Second outer conductor :16/6/0.05, nominal diameter 1.12mm , tin plating annealed copper wire
      Jacket           : Fluoro—plastics , diameter 1.32(+0.1,—0.1)\mm , nominal thickness 0. 1 mm
 (2) Requirements
      Characteristic impedance : 50(+2,—2)ohm by TDR method (raise time 40ps)
     Nominal capacitance: 95 pF/m
      Conductor resistance of inner conductor at 293K (20°C) : 520 ohm/km MAX.
      Insulation resistance : 1500 mega—ohm.km MIN.
      Dielectric withstand voltage : no breakdown at AC1000V for 1 minutes.
 (1) t#mk
     uLk : AWGR#32(7T/0. 08) ##~*HKMET—HERA~A4T 474 A)EH
     is €/*      o 7vERMIEAMARO. 66 (+0. 05,—0. 05) MHKEEO. 21mm
     AHEIK(MBI) : 16/5/0. 05,47 477#v~*4 $A#
     MEHVPEIXC(MA) : 16 /6 /0. 05@EMEAHEI1. 1 2mm, 174#v~*+#A#
     Y¥7vb : 7yvyERME,MABRI. 32(+0. 1,—0. 1)mm, {§#/40. 1 mm
 (2) {tFk
     #MEAw/EkE—¥WVA : 50+20 (TDR,714##1M40ps)
     GHEtpEF &      : 95pF/ m
     293K (20°C)BOFLMIKEIAXHKHA : 5200 /kmELT
     H#EHEHt   : 1500MQ <kmk k
     itE/T    : AC1000V 19—fioV ~$


                                        I—PEX CO.,LTD                             sheet     4      of    10

DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION             TITLE                                         No.

   Product Specification                    MHF series micro coaxial                    PRS—1176
        Ein Hité                             connector

 4—4 Part No. 20278—001R—18
    RG178 B/U
 (1) Description
      Inner conductor : AWG#30(7/0.102) , silver plating copper clad steel wire
      Dielectric core   _: Fluoro—plastics , diameter 0.84(+0.03,—0.03)mm , nominal thickness 0.268mm
      Outer conductor : 16/3/0.1 , nominal diameter 1.35mm , silver plating copper wire
      Jacket            : Fluoro—plastics , diameter 1.8(+0.1,—0.1)mm , nominal thickness 0.23mm
 (2) Requirements
      Characteristic impedance : 50(+2,—2)ohm by TDR method (raise time 40ps)
      Nominal capacitance: 95 pF/m
      Conductor resistance of inner conductor at 293K (20°C) : 805 ohm/km MAX.
      Insulation resistance : 1500 mega—ohm.km MIN.
      Dielectric withstand voltage : no breakdown at AC2000V for 1 minutes.
 (1) t#rk
      PiuH(Kk : AWGR#30(7/0. 102) ##~*HHHKMH
     s €EIt      0o 7vERMEMABRO. 84(+0. 03) HHFEO. 268mm
     EDEX : 16 /3/0. 1 MMSRL1. 35mm, #&#~*E@#
      x¥ yb : 7vERMEMERE1L. 8(+#+0. 1)mm, tE 450. 23mm
 (2) TBR
     HTEA/E—Z VA : 50+2Q (TDR,741A#41L40ps)
     B EfpfEF &            : 95pF/ m
     293K (20C)BROFLHMIAESIXHKEH : 805Q /kmETF
     K#        : 1500MQ +<kmll k
     tfiE/4    : AC2000V 14Mz— CREoOo®R +E

5. Ratings / EH
    (1) Rated voltage / &/F : AC60Vrms
    (2) Nominal characteristic impedance/ AH#fTMAwE—#YWA : 500
    (3) Frequency / MKK : DC~3GHz
    (4) VSWR        : 1. 3 MAX.
    (5) Service Temperature / EMK# : 233~363K (—40~+90°C)

6. Test methods and performance / §#A O‘TERE

6—1 Test condition / #§##{F
    Unless otherwise specified, all tests and measurements shall be performed under the following
    conditions in accordance with MIL—STD—202
    Temperature / ifiX : 288~308K (15~35°C)
Humidity / 1#¥EK    _: 45~75%6RH


                                                I—PEX CO.,LTD                              sheet     5      of     10

DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION                 TITLE                                            No.

   Product Specification                        MHF series micro coaxial                       PRS—1176
      El tE                                    connector

6—2 Sample quantity / *#

   (1) Insulation resistance / ####HEKHt : 10pes.
   (2) Dielectric withstanding voltage / MtE/F : 10pes.
   (3) VSWR : Spes.
   (4) Mating & unmating force / fhfk/)             : 10pes
    (5) Durability / MHARE : 10pes.
   (6) Cable retention force / +—7/M{4%f##7)            : 10pes.
   (7) Vibration / #R#)    : 10pes.
    (8) Shock / @7# : 10pes.
    (9) Thermal shock / IM&KEYA1#%/L : 10pces.
    (10) Humidity / K : 10pcs.
    (11) Salt water spray / M# : 10pces.
    (12) Solderability / +ME             _:   10pes.
    (13) Reflow soldering heat resistance / ¥MMIPWE                    _: 10pes.

6—3—1 Electrical / EKRHINMERE
(1) Contact Resistance / tE##EKht

 A.Testing:Solder the receptacle connector to the test board and mate the plug connector together,
           then measure the contact resistance as shown in Fig.1 by the four terminal method.
           Apply the low level condition in accordance with MIL—STD—202, Method 307.
             Open circuit voltage : 20mV MAX
              Circuit current    _: 10mA¥A MAX. (DC or AC1kHz)
              Contact resistance of inner contact : <resistance of A—E> — <resistance of B—E>
              Contact resistance of ground contact : <resistance of A—D> — <resistance of B—D>
                                                    Plug                 Cable
                                    A           &                      %\% NA


                                                           \PCB                    D C


  B.Requirements :
         Contact resistance of inner contact           initial 20 milli—ohm MAX. after testing 2 5milli—ohm MAX.
          Contact resistance of ground contact         initial 10 milli—ohm MAX. after testing 15milli—ohm MAX.

  Ao KR&Rik: FAMKItKicV+7##nm44.44tR¥MHITL 797 =4@¥4EREAREH, Fig. 10£K5124%4— 1#
            LCTFEORIHCBIETA, MIL—STD—202 & 307 icR
                MHEREE: 20mVLT
                KREM : 10mA(DCtGLGIEACIkHz)
                flM       : <A—EMOERHEA>—<B—EHOEESHKHA>
                Mui/k    : <A—DMOESHSKE>—<B—DROERKEA>
  BHE&(t:      P li4{k VUH 20mQ LTF, K# 25mQ HF
                M(E YIH 10mQ MT, MBR15mQ T


                                            I—PEX CO.,LTD                          sheet       6    of    10

DOCUMENT     CLASSIFICATION            TITLE                                     No.

   Product Specification                       MHF series micro coaxial                PRS—1176
       $J 5. htE                               connector

(2) Insulation resistance / #H#@#HEKHT
  A. Testing : Mate the plug and receptacle connector together, then apply DC 100 V between the
               inner contact and the ground contact in accordance with MIL—STD—202, Method 302.
  B.Requirements : Initial 500 Mohm MIN. after testing 100 Mohm MIN.
          BJE3, MIL—STD—202 ##Ri 302 iz #,
  B»#E#KIF WJH 5O0MQ M k mK#Rté 100MQ L k

(3) Dielectric withstanding voltage / MHHE/E
 A. Testing : Mate the receptacle and plug connector together, then apply AC 200 Vrms between the
              inner contact and the ground contact for a minute in accordance with MIL—STD—202,
              Method 301.
 B.Requirements : No creeping discharge, flashover, nor insulator breakdown shall occur.
              *—IHEIMFYA, MIL—STD—202 R§#RIE 301 12 4H,

(4) VSWR
  A. Testing : Measure the VSWR as shown in Fig.3 by the network analyzer.
  Frequency :100M~3GHz
                              Network analyzer                 Receptacle
                                                                            Network analyzer





  B.Requirements : 1.3 MAX.
              RMKK :       100M~3GHz
  B.b4)E#RI¢F: 1. 3ILT

6—3—2   Mechanical / BhthytkfE
(1) Mating & unmating force / f{ifk /
  A. Testing : Mate and unmate the receptacle connector ( soldered to the test board) and plug at a speed
               25 + 3mm/minutes along the mating by the push—on/pull—off machine .
  B.Requirements :
      Total mating force : Initial 20N MAX.       after 30 cycles 15N MAX.
      Total unmating force : Initial 5N MIN.         after 30 cycles 3N MIN.
      Unmating force of inner contact:     Initial 0.15N MIN. after 30 cycles 0.1N MIN


                                          I—PEX CO.,LTD                                   sheet     7      of     10

DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION               TITLE                                              No.

   Product Specification                      MHF series micro coaxial                          PRS—1176
       BJ 5 BR                             connector

             DikE Ctfitk:d2,
      RAfftk»:UileltfA} 20NLMT 30GI®R&15NLT .MUlelfkE 5N k ,306IRkEHK 3NH k
      Dlb¥IX :UeltkEh 0. 15NM L ,300IR%fkE» 0. 1N k

(2) Durability / fit/A\ME
  A. Testing : Mate and umate the receptacle connector ( soldered to the test board) and plug 30 cycles
              at a speed 25 + 3mm/minutes along the mating by the push—on/pull—off machine .
  B.Requirements :
          Contact resistance of inner contact       initial 20 milli—ohm MAX. after testing 2 5milli—ohm MAX.
            Contact resistance of ground contact     initial 10 milli—ohm MAX. after testing 1 Smilli—ohm MAX.
           EK C3OEIHifk:4.
                  MHVEAREAREEHT :        WH 1l0mQ LT, KR 15mQ L.T
(3) Cable retention force / #+—7M{k##7]
  A. Testing : Apply force on the cable as shown in Fig.2.
               During the testing, run 100mA¥ DC to check electrical discontinuity.

                                  ‘!—KQ                     Cable     Plug
                                                                w             ca



         Appearance : Looseness between the parts, chipping, breakage or other abnormality shall not occur.
          Electrical discontinuity : No electrical discontinuity grater than 1 micro—sec. shall occur.
          Contact resistance of inner contact initial 20 milli—ohm MAX. after testing 2 5milli—ohm MAX.
          Contact resistance of ground contact     initial 10 milli—ohm MAX. after testing 15milli—ohm MAX.
  AMRERRIE:Fig. 20k5i2¢—7ZMLAI*MRA, i , mARBRPLZDC 1 0OmA® tE th *tm L C tEhbY M4me 28
          4 2,
  Bb)E#RI# M# : BA0W44, ‘®it. Hln, ZLOItMKMIMERLoR ORLE,
                Elt :H&kt 17—71/0Bt@HziIBERMRIORULE,
                HOSIAREAEA : VIH 20mQ LT, MBR25mQ T
                MHESAHEBAMIEKA : VIH 10mQ LT, *#H 15mQ T


                                             I—PEX CO.,LTD                             sheet   _8     of     10

DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION                TITLE                                         No.

   Product Specification                       MHEF series micro coaxial                   PRS—1176
        B .tE                                  connector

(4) Vibration / te$)
  A. Testing : Apply the following vibration to the mating connector .
               During the testing, run 100mA DC to check electrical discontinuity.
                   Frequency : 10Hz — 100Hz — 10Hz / approx 15 minutes.
                   Half amplitude ,Peak value of acceleration: 1.5mm or 59m/s" {6G)
                   Directions , cycle : 3 mutually perpendicular direction ,
                                        5 cycles(approx 75min )Jabout each direction
        Appearance : Looseness between the parts, chipping, breakage or other abnormality shall not occur.
        Electrical discontinuity : No electrical discontinuity grater than Imicro—sec. shall occur.
        Contact resistance of inner contact initial 20 milli—ohm MAX. after testing 25milli—ohm MAX.
        Contact resistance of ground contact     initial 10 milli—ohm MAX. after testing 1 Smilli—ohm MAX.
            * Tess 4,
                MARKRK :10Hz—100Hz—10Hz / #$15598
                FARHE,JIMEA:1. 5mm or 59m/‘s‘ (6G)
                #M,417)2:3 ~OLWNLERAAFMZLONTESYAY ((§754)) Eha
  BLHEK(F       M# : HAOd#®AL, it #lin, ZLOMMBR ELoREOR LE
                EmnRK : RBRt 17170 *k§ziAEROAWRIETOMEULE,
                PUSIkEREA : VIH 20mQ LMT, X#H 25mQ T
                AHYMRAEKRKREKEA : VIH 10mQ@ MT, X#% 15mQ HLT

(5) Shock / ©##
  A. Testing : Apply the following vibration to the mating connector in accordance with MIL—STD—202,
               Method 213, Condition B. During the testing, run 100mA¥A DC to check electrical
                 Peak value of acceleration: 735m/s‘ (75G)
                 Duration : 11msec
                 Wave Form : half sinusoidal
                 Directions , cycle : 6 mutually perpendicular direction , 3 cycles about each direction
        Appearance : Looseness between the parts, chipping, breakage or other abnormality shall not occur.
        Electrical discontinuity : No electrical discontinuity grater than 1 micro—sec. shall occur.
        Contact resistance of inner contact initial 20 milli—ohm MAX. after testing 2 5milli—ohm MAX.
        Contact resistance of ground contact initial 10 milli—ohm MAX. after testing 1 Smilli—ohm MAX.
  ARRIE RAKREO=— 17# #, MRRARRILCIONIT, Fico#Re+nnzi4. 1. R&RTILDC100mAO
            EmeimlCEROMEARMIETA, MIN—STD—202 K#ik2I3 k#B iz 44#
                ME EFEARENTTH] : 1 1 msec.
                K: FRiEIXKXK
                FHm : iEx*14 46¢#m, #3l8]
  BbEKRIt       MR : HAOW4L, it #Slinh, +0OiMMERELoRERORELE,
                EmKK : MB 1 7~1/0fHD#ti 21BR MMHNOMLE,
                PDEHARAREEKEA : VH 20mQ LT, MR 25m0Q ET
                MEHVEAXRREEKA : VW 10mQ LLT, RR#RH 15mQ T


                                          I—PEX CO.,LTD                            sheet     9      of      10

DOCUMENT —CLASSIFICATION             TITLE                                         No.

   Product Specification                     MHF series micro coaxial                    PRS—1176
       B 5 tE                                connector

6—3—3 Environmental / MR
(1) Thermal shock/ MK¥#¥1#%/
 A. Testing : Apply the following environment to the mating connector .
              Temperature ,duration
            :233K/30minutes—>278~308K/5minutes MAX.—363K/30minutes—278~308K/5minutes MAX.
            (—40°C)            (5~35°C)                        (90°C)           (5~35°C)
            No. of cycles : 5 cycles
         Appearance : Looseness between the parts, chipping, breakage or other abnormality shall not occur.
         Contact resistance of inner contact     initial 20 milli—ohm MAX. after testing 25milli—ohm MAX.
         Contact resistance of ground contact    initial 10 milli—ohm MAX. after testing 15milli—ohm MAX.
         Insulation resistance : initial 500 mega—ohm MIN. after testing 100 mega—ohm MIN.
      1494171 0I#1
       :233K / 3047—278~308K/ 5@E TFT—363K/ 30@#—278~308K/ 54GBLT
                 (—40°C)    (5~35°C)        (90°C)     (5~35°C)
           EKa441#/1 :5444
 BkE#RI#t #AKH : HAow#AL it Eln, +0AE LFoREOERNLE,
               DLiMIkERMEKA : VH 20mQ LLT, #$#%% 25mQ                         T
               MuEIiAEAMEA : VIH 1l0mQ HMT,#K§&#% 15mQ T
               tEIEET      : WIH 500MQ HMk K#100MQ k

(2) Humidity / #/¥
  A. Testing : Apply the following environment to the mating connector in accordance with MIL—STD—202,
             Method 103, Condition B .
             Temperature : 313 +2 K (40+2°C)
             Humidity      : 90~95%RH
             Duration       : 96 hours
         Appearance : Looseness between the parts, chipping, breakage or other abnormality shall not occur.
         Contact resistance of inner contact     initial 20 milli—ohm MAX. after testing 2 5milli—ohm MAX.
         Contact resistance of ground contact    initial 10 milli—ohm MAX. after testing 15milli—ohm MAX.
         Insulation resistance : initial 500 mega—ohm MIN. after testing 100 mega—ohm MIN.
  ARRRIE: tkAXKfEo=—#7##,. FiORFMKRICHKiE:4. MIL—STD—202                       kiE 103 #{t B i— 4R
             AA:313+2K (40+#2°C)
             i©@ k :90~95%RH
         FH :9609         ,
          PDEAERAIEKEA : VIHW 20mQ LLT, MR 25mQ T
          MHEEIAXERELEKEA : VW 10mQ LUT,B4 15mQ T
               teHIEET              : HIW] 500MQ HMk#H% 100MQ Lk
(3) Salt water spray / * CHF
                                                                    tor in accordance with MIL—STD—202,
  A. Testing : Apply the following environment to the mating connec
               Method 101, Condition B.
             Temperature : 308 +2 K (35 + 2°C)
             Salt water density by weight : 5+ 1%
             Duration     : 48 hours
  B.Requirements : Appearance     no abnormality adversely affecting the performance shall occur.


                                         I—PEX CO.,LTD                                 sheet      10      of   10

DOCUMENT —CLASSIFICATION             TITLE                                            No.

   Product Specification                     MHF series micro coaxial                        PRS—1176
      BJ . HFe                            connector

        ME      :308+2K (35+2°C)
        HAkBREKE:5+1% (EEH)
        #HJ    :48}#Rf

6—3—4 Solder / +M M#

(1) Solderability / ¥MfHIHE
 A. Testing : Dip the solder tine of the contact in the solder bath at 518 + 5(245 +5°C ) for 5 +0.5 sece.
              After immersing the tine in the flux of RMA or R type for 5 to 10 seconds in accordance
              with MIL—STD—202, Method 208.
 B.Requirements : More than 95% of the dipped surface shall be evenly wet.
 AR&RIE: 2v—4#7DO¥MHIYEHI#518+5K (245+5°C)O¥MEIML5+0. 5PBR4, 79y7Al%k, RMA
        XITRZHHIEML 5~10 PHHRIJtOE44, MIL—STD—202, iAR#RIE 208 ic HML,
 BME#KIF: RLiff#O® 95%M LIL¥HAAtrSfe<ftEFTALE,

 (2) Reflow soldering heat resistance / *# MtZWE
 A. Testing : Put on the receptacle connector to PCB , apply the heat 2 cycles as shown in Fig. 4

                                                                10+0.5 sec.

                                             Ciracient          ——)IJ(——-—-
                                             1 ~4 Kisec.

                                                           n                      Gradient

                                                                              / ~3 ~—6 K/sec.



                                               1~2 miunutes



  B.Requirements : Appearance no abnormality adversely affecting the performance shall occur.
  AMRRIE: KAMKILVt74»t=4.7#tEE, Fig. 40# C2IEY70—#175,
  BAE #1F RMfe*#§ m ZPR UKNMAOLEV\$,


                                     [—PEX CO.,LTD.                    sheet   1   of   10

                      QUALIFICATION_ TEST REPORT

                                      No. TR—1021

                       MHF series micro coaxial connector

                          Product Specification No. PRS—1176

                                           Prepared by   Reviewed by   Approved by

  1    T201 1   K.O   MAR/05/702   K.K     K.Ohbayashi     E.Kawabe     K.Katabuchi
  0    T1028    K.O   OCT/05701             OCT/O5/01     OCT/05/01     OCT/05/01
REV.    ECN     BY      DATE       APP.
                                                                               Fomm Rev. 0

                                                I—PEX CO.,LTD.                                 sheet 2 of   10
DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION |TITLE                                                        No.

 Qualification Test Report        MHF series micro coaxial connector                        TR—1021

 1. Purpose / BA
      Testing was performed on the MHF series micro coaxial connector to determine meets the
      requirement of [—PEX specfication,PRS—1 176
      MHF series micro coaxial connector ONMkfEA*BRA KHRREPRS—1 1761I& 3v~0CTaHMT3.
 2. Conclusion / &#
      All the specimen met the requirements of PRS—1 176.
      &£TOREMH m RIR(PRS—1 17600 #tt#TEU/,
 3. Sample / &#}
      (1)     Plug : part No.20278—001R—13
              Receptacle : part No.20279—001E—01
              Cable : AWG#32 coaxial cable (jacket diameter 1.13mm)]
      (2)     Plug : part No.20278—001R—32
              Receptacle : part No.20279—001E—01
              Cable : AWG#32 coaxial cable (jacket diameter 1.32mm)
 4. Method / iE
      Refer to product specfication,PRS—1 176
 5. Results / &#Z
 (1) Dielectric withstanding voltage(iM}/4 )
              Results($)                   No abnormality(%#,.EL)
              Sample quantity(>.f)2K)                1Opes.
              Judge(FHJE)                                 OK
 (2) VSWR
                                                          uU              eceptacle
                                                 1.284           1.260      1.120
                                                  1.29             1.27      1.13
                                                  1.28             1.25      1.11
                                               1.3 MAX.        1.3        1.3 MAX.
                                                  5 .                        5
                                                   OK             OK        OK
                                         Plug 20278—001R—13 + AWG#32(OD1.13)

                                          Plug 20278—001R—32 + AWG#(OD1.32)

                                                                                                   Form Rev. 0

                                              I—PEX CO.,LTD.                                          sheet 3    of     10
DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION |TITLE                                                       No.

 Qualification Test Report           MHF series micro coaxial connector                        TR—1021


 (3) Mating & unmating force(ffifk/)                                                                            i Chve |
              Total mating force                                                                                     —MIN.
              (RAftfAZF)                      Initial      [After 3Ocycles
                                              (WH)            (301211%)
              AVE.                             15.3              6.5
              MAX.                              16                7
              MIN.                              15                6
              S                                0.5               0.4
              Specification(KHté)            20 MAX.          15 MAX.
              Units(HfYZ)                        N                 N
              Sample quantity(@E})            1 Opes.           1 Opes.
              Judge(H] E)                       OK                OK

              Total unmating force
              (RAtkEq))                       Initial      |After 30cycles
                                              (WIHR)          (30211%)
              AVE.                             12.6              6.2
              MAX.                              14                7
              MIN.                              12                5
              S                                0.8               0.6
              Specification(KR)               5 MIN.           3 MIN.
              Units(EZ{Z)                        Nn               N                  1               10         34
              Sample quantity(#\¢+)            1 Opes.          1Opes.
              Judge(H] E)                        OK              OK

              Unmating force of inner contact                                                                         *or
              (PLEIEHKkE7)                    Initial       |After 3Ocycles   0.50                                    ..Mm.
                                              (CJES))          (30(211%)      0.40
              AVE                             0.372             0.233         0.30
               MAX.                            0.39              0.25         0.20
               MIN.                             0.35             0.22         0.10
               S                               0.015            0.012         0.00
               Specification(HRté)           0.15 MIN.         0.1 MIN.        '
               Units(CRTF)                       N                n                      10—   100        3
               Sample quantity(@\f}#)          1O0pes.          1O0pes.
               Judge(H) E)                      OK                OK

                                                                                                              Form Rev. 0

                                               I—PEX CO.,LTD.                                             sheet 4 of         10
DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION |TITLE                                                          No.

 Qualification Test Report          MHF series micro coaxial connector                                  TR—1021

 (4) Durability(R@A4E)
      4—1 20278—001R—13 +AWG#32 (OD1.13) coaxial cable
             Appearance(*M#l) : No abnommality(F# #EL)
             Contact resistance of inner contact                                                                         }’:fig
             (PLUE¥EERREET)                    Initial After testing       20                                              Lim
                                               (DRR)     AMABRR)
             AVE.                               1.42          1.80         15
              MAX                               2.0            3.4         10
              MIN,                              0.9            1.2
              s              _                  0.36          0.68          5
              Specification(HfZ)              20 MAX.       25 MAX.                      a————&
              Units(Hfi)                     mille—ohm     mille—ohm        0                       ‘                ‘
              Sample quantity(#.E}&)           1 Opes.        10pes.                    Intial           after       |
              Judge(H E)                         OK            OK                                                    |
              Contact resistance of ground contact                                                                       §;‘C§
              (MEHEERRREEDT)                    Initial    After testing   20                                              ..MN.
                                               (H)          MARTR)
              AVE.                              1.54          2.74          15
              MAX                                1.9           4.6
              MIN.                               1.0           1.3          10
              s              sz                 0.31           1.07             5
              Specification(HKt8)             10 MAX.        15 MAX.
              Units(H{Y.)                     mille—ohm     mille—ohm           0          "’—’—;
              Sample quantity(#\QF+K)           10pcs.        10pcs.                     Intial after
              Judge(H) E)                        OK            OK

      4—2 20278—001R—32 +AWG#32 (OD1.32) coaxial cable
             Appearance(4}#) : No abnommality(L# L)
             Contact resistance of inner contact                       |                                                 }'No
              (PLERERHEAKET)                    Initial    After testing    20                                             _.MIN.
                                                (CubsS)      MART%R)
              AVE.                               1.71          2.32             15
              MAX.                               2.0            3.1             10
              MIN.                                1.2           1.8
              S                                  0.24          0.43                 5
              Specification(Bf8)              20 MAX.        25 MAX.                        a————i
              Units(H{T)                      mille—ohm     mille—ohm               0
              Sample quantity(#\$})             1O0pes.       1O0pes.                    Initial         After
              Judge(H] E)                        OK            OK
              Contact resistance of ground contact                                                                         Thkes
              (MRHERERRREET)                   Initial     After testing        20                                          ..MIN:
                                                (DIHR)       (MRBRT%)
              AVE.                               1.96          2.48             15
               MAX.                               2.5           3.6             10
               MIN.                               1.6           2.0
               S                                 0.32          0.55                 5
               Specification(Rt8)              10 MAX.       15 MAX.                          a———&
               Units(H{T)                     mille—cohm     mille—ohm              0
               Sample quantity(@wF}2X)          1 Opces.       1Opes.                     Initial         After
               Judge(H) E)                        OK            OK                                                   |

                                                                                                                  Form Rev. 0

                                                  I—PEX CO.,LTD.                                                  sheet 5    of 10
DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION |TITLE                                                               No.

 Qualification Test Report               MHF series micro coaxial connector                                  TR—1021
      7 AMRBR—b

 (5) Cable retention force(*—7 Mk##7])
      5—1 20278—001R—13 +AWG#32 (OD1.13) coaxial cable
             Appearance(M#) : No abnormality(LH EU
             Electrical discontinuity(EZBEW?7) : No abnormality(RL# #EU)
             Contact resistance of inner contact                                                                              e
                 (PLEHARRARIELET)              Initial After testing     20                                                   _ mm
                                               (WIH)     (ABR1TE)
              AVE.                                 1.18         1.31            15
              MAX.                                 1.7           2.0            10
              MIN.                                 0.8           0.9
              S                                   0.34          0.36             5
              Specification(HKIR)                20 MAX.      25 MAX.                         us                  e
              Units(H{Z)                        mille—ohm     mille—ohm          0                       *
              Sample quantity(@\A!&)              1O0pes.       1Opes.                       Intial              after
              JudgeCH) 2)                          OK            OK
              Contact resistance of ground contact                                                                           i;‘f};
                   (MHERERRHEEC)                  Initial    After testing      20                                             LMm
                                                  (D)EZR)      (RBR1E)
              AVE.                                 1.33          1,.52           15
              MAX.                                  1.7          2.7
              MIN.                                 0.7           0.9             10
              S                  x                 0.32          0.51                5
              Specification(t#       )           10 MAX.       15 MAX.
              Units(¥#fiz)                       mille—ohm    mille—ohm              0          a———6
              Sample quantity(@\¢L#)               1 Opes.      1Opes.                        Intial after
              Judge(4HJIE)                           OK          OK

      5—2 20278—001R—32 +AWG#32 (OD1.32) coaxial cable
              Appearance(M) : No abnommality(K@HEU)
              Electrical discontinuity(ESauB¥KW#t) : No abnommality(RL# #EUL)
              Contact resistance of inner contact                                                                            §f\‘(’,‘§
              (PU¥RERREET)                         Initial   After testing       20                                             ._MMN.
                                                  E)           (ARBZRT%)
              AVE.                                 L.31          1.62            15
              MAX.                                  1.8           2.3            10
              MIN.,                                 0.9           1.2
              S                                    0.33          0.39                5
              Specification(Hté)                 20 MAX.       25 MAX.                          ————&€
              Units(H{Y)                         mille—ohm    mille—ohm              0                       ‘
              Sample quantity(*}&)             1O0pes.           1O0pes.                      Initial            After
              Judge(HJ/IE)                      OK                OK
              Contact resistance of ground contact                                                                           Ei on
              (MHVEHKERERARHEKET)                  Initial   After testing           20                                         .. M
                                                   (AEKR)      (ME§RT%)
               AVE.                                 1.85         2.05                15
               MAX.                                 24            2.7                10
               MIN.                                 1.4           1.5
               s             _                     0.37          0.42                    5
               Specification(BEfE)                10 MAX.      15 MAX.                             m————8
               Units(E{P)                        mille—ohm     mille—ohm                 0
               Sample quantity(AF—#)               1O0pes.       1Opes.                        Initial           After
               Judge(F):2)                          OK            OK

                                                                                                                         Form Rev. 0

Document Created: 2003-08-19 15:05:59
Document Modified: 2003-08-19 15:05:59

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