03 FCC Test Report_15B


Test Report

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                                                                                         Test report No.     : 12598914H-A
                                                                                         Page                : 1 of 14
                                                                                         Issued date         : December 26, 2018
                                                                                         FCCID               : HYQAD-BC03

                                   EMI TEST REPORT
                               Test Report No. : 12598914H-A
        Applicant                            :     DENSO CORPORATION

        Type of Equipment                    :     Remote Keyless Entry System (Receiver)

        Model No.                            :     AD-BC03

        FCC ID                               :     HYQAD-BC03

        Test regulation                      :     FCC Part 15 Subpart B: 2018

        Test Result                          :     Complied
     1. This test report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of UL Japan, Inc.
     2. The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.
     3. This sample tested is in compliance with the limits of the above regulation.
     4. The test results in this test report are traceable to the national or international standards.
     5. This test report covers EMC technical requirements. It does not cover administrative issues such as
        Manual or non-EMC test related Requirements. (if applicable)
     6. The all test items in this test report are conducted by UL Japan, Inc. Ise EMC Lab.
     7. This test report must not be used by the customer to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement
        by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the Federal Government.

                         Date of test:                          December 11, 2018

                         Representative test
                                                              Shinya Watanabe
                                                         Consumer Technology Division

                         Approved by:
                                                               Motoya Imura
                                                         Consumer Technology Division

                                                          This laboratory is accredited by the NVLAP LAB CODE
                                                          200572-0, U.S.A. The tests reported herein have been
                                                          performed in accordance with its terms of accreditation.
                                                          *As for the range of Accreditation in NVLAP, you may
                                                          refer to the WEB address,

      NVLAP LAB CODE: 200572-0

   The testing in which "Non-accreditation" is displayed is outside the accreditation scopes in UL Japan.
   There is no testing item of "Non-accreditation".

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone        : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile        : +81 596 24 8124                                                                          13-EM-F0429

                                                                       Test report No.   : 12598914H-A
                                                                       Page              : 2 of 14
                                                                       Issued date       : December 26, 2018
                                                                       FCCID             : HYQAD-BC03

                                   REVISION HISTORY
                               Original Test Report No.: 12598914H-A

Revision     Test report No.          Date            Page      Contents
-            12598914H-A              December 26,    -         -
(Original)                            2018

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone        : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile        : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                          Test report No.         : 12598914H-A
                                                                                                          Page                    : 3 of 14
                                                                                                          Issued date             : December 26, 2018
                                                                                                          FCCID                   : HYQAD-BC03

CONTENTS                                                                                                                                     PAGE

SECTION 1: Customer information ...................................................................................... 4
SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.) ........................................................................ 4
SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures & results ......................................................... 5
SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing ................................................................. 7
SECTION 5: Radiated Emission ............................................................................................ 8
APPENDIX 1: Test data .......................................................................................................... 9
Radiated Emission ................................................................................................................................. 9
APPENDIX 2: Test instruments ........................................................................................... 11
APPENDIX 3: Photographs of test setup............................................................................. 12
Radiated Emission ............................................................................................................................... 12
Worst Case Position ............................................................................................................................ 14

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone        : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile        : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                               Test report No.   : 12598914H-A
                                                                               Page              : 4 of 14
                                                                               Issued date       : December 26, 2018
                                                                               FCCID             : HYQAD-BC03

SECTION 1: Customer information
Company Name                           :    DENSO CORPORATION
Address                                :    1-1, Showa-cho, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, 448-8661, Japan
Telephone Number                       :    +81-566-73-0133
Facsimile Number                       :    +81-566-73-0229
Contact Person                         :    TAKASHI TAKAHAGI

SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.)
2.1     Identification of E.U.T.

Type of Equipment                      :    Remote Keyless Entry System (Receiver)
Model No.                              :    AD-BC03
Serial No.                             :    Refer to Section 4, Clause 4.2
Receipt Date of Sample                 :    December 4, 2018
Country of Mass-production             :    Japan
Condition of EUT                       :    Engineering prototype
                                            (Not for Sale: This sample is equivalent to mass-produced items.)
Modification of EUT                    :    No Modification by the test lab

2.2     Product Description

Model No: AD-BC03 (referred to as the EUT in this report) is the Remote Keyless Entry System (Receiver).

Type of receiving system               :    Super-heterodyne
Frequency of Operation                 :    433.92 MHz
Oscillator Frequency                   :    21.948717 MHz Crystal
Type of Modulation                     :    ASK (A1D)
Power Supply                           :    DC 12.0 V
Antenna Type                           :    Internal antenna (Inverse F antenna)
Mixer Input Frequency                  :    444.62 MHz

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone        : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile        : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                           Test report No.      : 12598914H-A
                                                                                           Page                 : 5 of 14
                                                                                           Issued date          : December 26, 2018
                                                                                           FCCID                : HYQAD-BC03

SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures & results
3.1      Test specification

Test Specification                :     FCC Part 15 Subpart B
                                        FCC Part 15 final revised on March 12, 2018 and effective April 11, 2018

Title                             :     FCC 47CFR Part15 Radio Frequency Device
                                        Subpart B Unintentional Radiators

3.2      Procedures and results

 Item                       Test Procedure                Limits                      Deviation Worst margin                 Result
                            FCC: ANSI C63.4: 2014
                            7. AC power - line            FCC:Part 15 Subpart B
 Conducted emission         conducted emission            15.107(a)                   N/A *1)       N/A                      N/A
                            IC: RSS-Gen 8.8               IC: RSS-Gen 8.8
                            FCC: ANSI C63.4: 2014
                                                          FCC: Part 15 Subpart B                    26.1 dB
                            8. Radiated
 Radiated emission                                        15.109(a)                   N/A           1333.860 MHz, AV Complied
                            emission measurements
                                                                                                    Horizontal / Vertical
                            IC: RSS-Gen 7                 IC: RSS-Gen 7.1.2
 *Note: UL Japan, Inc’s EMI Work Procedure 13-EM-W0420.
 *1) The test is not applicable since the EUT is not the device that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line.
  Complied            The data of this test item has enough margin, more than the measurement uncertainty.
  Complied#           The data of this test item meets the limits unless the measurement uncertainty is taken into consideration.

3.3        Addition to standard

No addition, exclusion nor deviation has been made from the standard.

3.4        Uncertainty

The following uncertainties have been calculated to provide a confidence level of 95 % using a coverage factor k = 2.

                                               Radiated emission (Below 1 GHz)
        Polarity                   (3 m*)(+/-)                                 (10 m*)(+/-)
                    30 MHz to 200 MHz    200 MHz to 1000 MHz    30 MHz to 200 MHz    200 MHz to 1000 MHz
      Horizontal         4.8 dB                5.2 dB                  4.8 dB               5.0 dB
       Vertical          5.0 dB                6.3 dB                  4.9 dB               5.0 dB

                                              Radiated emission (Above 1 GHz)
                 (3 m*)(+/-)                                      (1 m*)(+/-)                              (10 m*)(+/-)
    1 GHz to 6 GHz      6 GHz to 18 GHz         10 GHz to 26.5 GHz      26.5 GHz to 40 GHz               1 GHz to 18 GHz
         5.0 dB              5.3 dB                    5.8 dB                 5.8 dB                          5.2 dB
* Measurement distance

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone        : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile        : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                Test report No.          : 12598914H-A
                                                                                                Page                     : 6 of 14
                                                                                                Issued date              : December 26, 2018
                                                                                                FCCID                    : HYQAD-BC03

3.5         Test Location

UL Japan, Inc. Ise EM C Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, M ie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 596 24 8999, Facsimile: +81 596 24 8124
NVLAP Lab. code: 200572-0 / FCC Test Firm Registration Number: 199967
                                                                                                                               M aximum
                        IC Registration   Width x Depth x       Size of reference ground plane (m) /
Test site                                                                                               Other rooms            measurement
                        Number            Height (m)            horizontal conducting plane
No.1 semi-anechoic                                                                                      No.1 Power source
                        2973C-1           19.2 x 11.2 x 7.7     7.0 x 6.0                                                 10 m
chamber                                                                                                 room
No.2 semi-anechoic
                        2973C-2           7.5 x 5.8 x 5.2       4.0 x 4.0                               -                      3m
No.3 semi-anechoic                                                                                      No.3 Preparation
                        2973C-3           12.0 x 8.5 x 5.9      6.8 x 5.75                                                     3m
chamber                                                                                                 room
No.3 shielded room      -                 4.0 x 6.0 x 2.7       N/A                                     -                      -
No.4 semi-anechoic                                                                                      No.4 Preparation
                        2973C-4           12.0 x 8.5 x 5.9      6.8 x 5.75                                                     3m
chamber                                                                                                 room
No.4 shielded room      -                 4.0 x 6.0 x 2.7       N/A                                     -                      -
No.5 semi-anechoic
                        -                 6.0 x 6.0 x 3.9       6.0 x 6.0                               -                      -
No.6 shielded room      -                 4.0 x 4.5 x 2.7       4.0 x 4.5                               -                      -
No.6 measurement
                        -                 4.75 x 5.4 x 3.0      4.75 x 4.15                             -                      -
No.7 shielded room      -                 4.7 x 7.5 x 2.7       4.7 x 7.5                               -                      -
No.8 measurement
                        -                 3.1 x 5.0 x 2.7       N/A                                     -                      -
No.9 measurement
                        -                 8.8 x 4.6 x 2.8       2.4 x 2.4                               -                      -
No.11 measurement
                        -                 6.2 x 4.7 x 3.0       4.8 x 4.6                               -                      -
* Size of vertical conducting plane (for Conducted Emission test) : 2.0 m x 2.0 m for No.1, No.2, No.3, and No.4 semi-
anechoic chambers and No.3 and No.4 shielded rooms.

3.6         Test data, Test instruments, and Test set up

Refer to APPENDIX.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone        : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile        : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                 Test report No.   : 12598914H-A
                                                                                 Page              : 7 of 14
                                                                                 Issued date       : December 26, 2018
                                                                                 FCCID             : HYQAD-BC03

SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing

4.1     Operating modes

The mode used: 1. Receiving mode (433.92 MHz)
* It was confirmed by using checker that the EUT receives the signal from the transmitter (pair of EUT).

4.2     Configuration and peripherals

                                            A             2                               1

                                                                                      DC 12.0 V

        *Cabling and setup were taken into consideration and test data was taken under worse case conditions.

Description of EUT and Support equipment
 No. Item                     Model number            Serial number      Manufacturer                   Remarks
  A Remote Keyless Entry      AD-BC03                 001                DENSO CORPORATION              EUT
       System (Receiver)
  B Key                       -                       -                  -                              -
  C Checker Box               -                       -                  -                              -

List of cables used
 No.            Name                  Length (m)                       Shield                          Remarks
                                                            Cable                Connector
  1    DC Cable                 2.0                       Unshielded             Unshielded        -
  2    DC and Signal Cable      1.5                       Unshielded             Unshielded        -

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone        : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile        : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                 Test report No.      : 12598914H-A
                                                                                 Page                 : 8 of 14
                                                                                 Issued date          : December 26, 2018
                                                                                 FCCID                : HYQAD-BC03

SECTION 5: Radiated Emission
5.1     Operating environment

Test place                    : No.4 semi anechoic chamber
Temperature                   : See data
Humidity                      : See data

5.2     Test configuration

EUT was placed on a urethane platform of nominal size, 1.0 m by 1.5 m, raised 0.8 m above the conducting ground
The EUT was set on the edge of the tabletop.
The checkerbox was placed at 0.7 m height so it was not become obstacles.

Test was made with the antenna positioned in both the horizontal and vertical planes of polarization. The measurement
antenna was varied in height above the conducting ground plane to obtain the maximum signal strength.
Photographs of the set up are shown in Appendix 3.

5.3     Test conditions

Frequency range           :     30 MHz - 200 MHz (Biconical antenna) / 200 MHz - 1000 MHz (Logperiodic antenna)
                                1000 MHz - 2000 MHz (Horn antenna)
Test distance             :     3m
EUT position              :     Table top
EUT operation mode        :     See Clause 4.1

5.4     Test procedure

The height of the measuring antenna varied between 1 and 4 m and EUT was rotated a full revolution in order to obtain
the maximum value of the electric field intensity.
The measurements were performed for both vertical and horizontal antenna polarization with the Test Receiver.
The radiated emission measurements were made with the following detector function of the Test Receiver.

   Frequency              Below 1 GHz                  Above 1 GHz *1)
   Instrument used        Test Receiver                Spectrum Analyzer
   IF Bandwidth           QP: BW 120 kHz               PK: RBW: 1 MHz / VBW: 3 MHz
                                                       AV *2): RBW: 1 MHz / VBW: 10 Hz
*1) The measurement data was adjusted to a 3 m distance using the following Distance Factor.
 Distance Factor: 20 x log (3.7 m / 3 m) = 1.83 dB
*2) When using Spectrum analyzer, the test was made with adjusting span to zero by using peak hold.

- The noise levels were confirmed at each position of X, Y and Z axes of EUT to see the position of maximum noise,
  and the test was made at representative X-axis since no difference was found among each position.

5.5     Test result

Summary of the test results: Pass

The limit is rounded down to one decimal place.
The test result is rounded off to one or two decimal places, so some differences might be observed.

Date:         December 11, 2018               Test engineer:            Shinya Watanabe

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone        : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile        : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                                     Test report No.          : 12598914H-A
                                                                                                                     Page                     : 9 of 14
                                                                                                                     Issued date              : December 26, 2018
                                                                                                                     FCCID                    : HYQAD-BC03

APPENDIX 1: Test data

                                                                  Radiated Emission

             Report No.                               12598914H
             Test place                               Ise EMC Lab.
             Semi Anechoic Chamber                    No.4
             Date                                     December 11, 2018
             Temperature / Humidity                   23 deg. C / 34 % RH
             Engineer                                 Shinya Watanabe
                                                      (Below 1GHz)
             Mode                                     Mode 1

                 LIMIT : FCC15.109(a) 3m, below 1GHz:QP, above 1GHz:PK
                         FCC15.109(a) 3m, below 1GHz:QP, above 1GHz:AV                                                                     Horizontal
                     [dBuV/m]           << QP DATA >>                                                                                      Vertical








                  30M                 50M           70M          100M                     200M             300M                500M      700M        1G

                                                      Antenna     Loss&
                      Frequency     Reading                                  Level      Angle    Height             Limit      Margin
                                              DET      Factor      Gain                                   Polar.
                        [MHz]       [dBuV]             [dB/m]      [dB]     [dBuV/m]    [Deg]    [cm]              [dBuV/m]     [dB]
                           53.500      21.3   QP           9.8      -24.5         6.6        0      300   Hori.         40.0      33.4
                           53.500      21.0   QP           9.8      -24.5         6.3        0      100   Vert.         40.0      33.7
                           65.846      21.0   QP           7.0      -24.3         3.7        0      300   Hori.         40.0      36.3
                           65.846      21.5   QP           7.0      -24.3         4.2        0      100   Vert.         40.0      35.8
                           74.900      21.2   QP           6.2      -24.2         3.2        0      300   Hori.         40.0      36.8
                           74.900      21.3   QP           6.2      -24.2         3.3        0      100   Vert.         40.0      36.7
                          153.641      21.0   QP          15.1      -23.2        12.9        0      300   Hori.         43.5      30.6
                          153.641      21.0   QP          15.1      -23.2        12.9        0      100   Vert.         43.5      30.6
                          241.436      20.5   QP          11.6      -22.5         9.6        0      100   Hori.         46.0      36.4
                          241.436      20.5   QP          11.6      -22.5         9.6        0      100   Vert.         46.0      36.4
                          444.620      20.4   QP          16.7      -21.1        16.0        0      100   Hori.         46.0      30.0
                          444.620      20.5   QP          16.7      -21.1        16.1        0      100   Vert.         46.0      29.9

  ANT TYPE: - 30 MHz: LOOP, 30 MHz - 200 MHz: BICONICAL, 200 MHz - 1000 MHz: LOGPERIODIC, 1000 MHz -: HORN

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone        : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile        : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                                      Test report No.         : 12598914H-A
                                                                                                                      Page                    : 10 of 14
                                                                                                                      Issued date             : December 26, 2018
                                                                                                                      FCCID                   : HYQAD-BC03

                                                                   Radiated Emission

             Report No.                                 12598914H
             Test place                                 Ise EMC Lab.
             Semi Anechoic Chamber                      No.4
             Date                                       December 11, 2018
             Temperature / Humidity                     23 deg. C / 34 % RH
             Engineer                                   Shinya Watanabe
                                                        (Above 1GHz)
             Mode                                       Mode 1

                 LIMIT : FCC15.109(a) 3m, below 1GHz:QP, above 1GHz:PK
                         FCC15.109(a) 3m, below 1GHz:QP, above 1GHz:AV                                                                     Horizontal
                      [dBuV/m]              << AV/PEAK DATA >>                                                                             Vertical








                     1G                                                                                                                              2G

                                                        Antenna    Loss&
                          Frequency     Reading                               Level      Angle    Height             Limit      Margin
                                                  DET    Factor     Gain                                   Polar.
                            [MHz]       [dBuV]           [dB/m]     [dB]     [dBuV/m]    [Deg]    [cm]              [dBuV/m]    [dB]
                             1333.860      45.6   PK        25.6     -29.2        42.0        0      100   Hori.         73.9     31.9
                             1333.860      44.6   PK        25.6     -29.2        41.0        0      100   Vert.         73.9     32.9
                             1333.860      31.4   AV        25.6     -29.2        27.8        0      100   Hori.         53.9     26.1
                             1333.860      31.4   AV        25.6     -29.2        27.8        0      100   Vert.         53.9     26.1

  ANT TYPE: - 30 MHz: LOOP, 30 MHz - 200 MHz: BICONICAL, 200 MHz - 1000 MHz: LOGPERIODIC, 1000 MHz -: HORN

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone        : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile        : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                Test report No.     : 12598914H-A
                                                                                Page                : 11 of 14
                                                                                Issued date         : December 26, 2018
                                                                                FCCID               : HYQAD-BC03

APPENDIX 2: Test instruments
Test equipment
 Test   LIMS ID   Description         Manufacturer    Model        Serial             Last           Calibration     Cal
 Item                                                                                 Calibration    Due Date        Int
 RE     141562    Thermo-Hygrometer   CUSTOM          CTH-180      1501               1/24/2018      1/31/2019       12
 RE     141152    EMI measurement     TSJ             TEPTO-DV     -                  -              -               -
 RE     141885    Spectrum Analyzer   AGILENT         E4448A       US44300523         11/7/2018      11/30/2019      12
 RE     141508    Horn Antenna 1-     Schwarzbeck     BBHA9120D    9120D-557          6/8/2018       6/30/2019       12
 RE     141581    MicroWave System    AGILENT         83017A       650                10/4/2018      10/31/2019      12
 RE     141583    Pre Amplifier       SONOMA          310          260833             2/27/2018      2/28/2019       12
 RE     148898    Attenuator          KEYSIGHT        8491A        MY52462282         10/3/2018      10/31/2019      12
 RE     141267    Logperiodic         Schwarzbeck     VUSLP9111B   911B-192           6/1/2018       6/30/2019       12
 RE     141425    Biconical Antenna   Schwarzbeck     BBA9106      1302               6/1/2018       6/30/2019       12
 RE     141397    Coaxial Cable       UL Japan        -            -                  6/13/2018      6/30/2019       12
 RE     141412    Microwave Cable     Junkosha        MWX221       1305S002R(1m) /    6/14/2018      6/30/2019       12

*Hyphens for Last Calibration Date, Calibration Due Date and Cal Int (month) are instruments that Calibration
is not required (e.g. software), or instruments checked in advance before use.

The expiration date of the calibration is the end of the expired month.
All equipment is calibrated with valid calibrations. Each measurement data is traceable to the national or
international standards.

As for some calibrations performed after the tested dates, those test equipment have been controlled by means of
an unbroken chains of calibrations.

Test Item:
        RE: Radiated emission

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone        : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile        : +81 596 24 8124

Document Created: 2019-03-21 21:14:01
Document Modified: 2019-03-21 21:14:01

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