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Test Report

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                                                                              Test report No.     : 31IE0226-HO-01-A
                                                                              Page                : 14 of 21
                                                                              Issued date         : May 6, 2011
                                                                              FCC ID              : HYQ14AFM

APPENDIX 2: Data of EMI test
                                             Automatically deactivate
                     Test place                 Head Office EMC Lab. No.1 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                     Report No.                 31IE0226-HO-01
                     Date                       04/28/2011
                     Temperature/ Humidity      21 deg.C / 53%RH
                     Engineer                   Tomohisa Nakagawa
                     Mode                       Normal Use mode

                             Time of                      Limit                    Result
                              [sec]                       [sec]
                               0.55                       5.00                      Pass

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                                    Test report No.             : 31IE0226-HO-01-A
                                                                                                                    Page                        : 15 of 21
                                                                                                                    Issued date                 : May 6, 2011
                                                                                                                    FCC ID                      : HYQ14AFM

       Radiated Emission (Electric Field Strength of Fundamental and Spurious Emission)
                              Test place                             Head Office EMC Lab. No.1 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                              Report No.                             31IE0226-HO-01
                              Date                                   04/28/2011
                              Temperature/ Humidity                  21 deg.C / 53%RH
                              Engineer                               Tomohisa Nakagawa
                              Mode                                   Transmitting mode

       Frequency   Detector         Reading          Ant      Loss       Gain     Duty             Result       Limit           Margin                   Remark
                                    [dBuV]          Factor                       Factor         [dBuV/m]                         [dB]               Inside or Outside
        [MHz]                    Hor       Ver     [dB/m]     [dB]       [dB]     [dB]         Hor        Ver [dBuV/m]       Hor      Ver          of Restricted Bands
        314.350 PK                87.3       84.6     15.2      10.5       40.5         -       72.5       69.8   95.5        23.0     25.7     Carrier
        628.700 PK                44.9       44.2     20.5      12.7       40.7         -       37.4       36.7   75.5        38.1     38.8     Outside
        943.050 PK                43.0       42.9     23.0      14.4       40.2         -       40.2       40.1   75.5        35.3     35.4     Outside
       1257.400 PK                47.2       47.1     24.7       1.9       37.0         -       36.8       36.7   75.5        38.7     38.8     Outside
       1571.750 PK                46.8       47.4     25.5       2.1       36.6         -       37.8       38.4   73.9        36.1     35.5     Inside
       1886.100 PK                46.5       46.7     26.5       2.3       36.3         -       39.0       39.2   75.5        36.5     36.3     Outside
       2200.450 PK                46.5       46.6     26.9       2.5       36.2         -       39.7       39.8   73.9        34.2     34.1     Inside
       2514.800 PK                46.1       45.8     27.0       2.7       36.3         -       39.5       39.2   75.5        36.0     36.3     Outside
       2829.150 PK                48.0       46.0     27.2       2.8       36.4         -       41.6       39.6   73.9        32.3     34.3     Inside
       3143.500 PK                47.6       47.2     27.7       3.0       36.4         -       41.9       41.5   75.5        33.6     34.0     Outside
       Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter) - Gain(Amprifier)

       PK with Duty factor
       Frequency Detector           Reading          Ant      Loss       Gain     Duty           Result          Limit           Margin                   Remark
                                    [dBuV]          Factor                       Factor        [dBuV/m]                           [dB]
        [MHz]                    Hor       Ver     [dB/m]     [dB]       [dB]     [dB]       Hor        Ver [dBuV/m] Hor                Ver
        314.350 PK                87.3       84.6     15.2      10.5       40.5      -5.5     67.0       64.3       75.5        8.5      11.2   Carrier
        628.700 PK                44.9       44.2     20.5      12.7       40.7      -5.5     31.9       31.2       55.5       23.6      24.3   Outside
        943.050 PK                43.0       42.9     23.0      14.4       40.2      -5.5     34.7       34.6       55.5       20.8      20.9   Outside
       1257.400 PK                47.2       47.1     24.7       1.9       37.0      -5.5     31.3       31.2       55.5       24.2      24.3   Outside
       1571.750 PK                46.8       47.4     25.5       2.1       36.6      -5.5     32.3       32.9       53.9       21.6      21.0   Inside
       1886.100 PK                46.5       46.7     26.5       2.3       36.3      -5.5     33.5       33.7       55.5       22.0      21.8   Outside
       2200.450 PK                46.5       46.6     26.9       2.5       36.2      -5.5     34.2       34.3       53.9       19.7      19.6   Inside
       2514.800 PK                46.1       45.8     27.0       2.7       36.3      -5.5     34.0       33.7       55.5       21.5      21.8   Outside
       2829.150 PK                48.0       46.0     27.2       2.8       36.4      -5.5     36.1       34.1       53.9       17.8      19.8   Inside
       3143.500 PK                47.6       47.2     27.7       3.0       36.4      -5.5     36.4       36.0       55.5       19.1      19.5   Outside
       Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable+Attenuator+Filter) - Gain(Amprifier) + Duty factor (Refer to Duty factor data sheet)

       *Other frequency noises omitted in this report were not seen or had enough margin (more than 20dB).
       * The test above 1GHz was performed with PK detect. Average emission measurements were calculated with PK detect and Duty cycle factor.
       * Duty Factor was calculated with the assumption of the worst condition in 100msec.
       * The noise measured with PK detect was pulse emission.

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                  Test report No.         : 31IE0226-HO-01-A
                                                                                  Page                    : 16 of 21
                                                                                  Issued date             : May 6, 2011
                                                                                  FCC ID                  : HYQ14AFM

                                     -20dB and 99% Occupied Bandwidth
                     Test place                  Head Office EMC Lab. No.1 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                     Report No.                  31IE0226-HO-01
                     Date                        04/28/2011
                     Temperature/ Humidity       21 deg.C / 53%RH
                     Engineer                    Tomohisa Nakagawa
                     Mode                        Transmitting mode

                    Bandwidth Limit : Fundamental Frequency   314.35 MHz x 0.25% =      785.88      kHz

                         -20dB Bandwidth          Bandwidth Limit        Result
                              [kHz]                    [kHz]
                              59.64                   785.88             Pass

                     99% Occupied Bandwidth       Bandwidth Limit        Result
                             [kHz]                     [kHz]
                            90.49                     785.88             Pass

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                           Test report No.     : 31IE0226-HO-01-A
                                                                                           Page                : 17 of 21
                                                                                           Issued date         : May 6, 2011
                                                                                           FCC ID              : HYQ14AFM

                                                             Duty Cycle
                       Test place                    Head Office EMC Lab. No.1 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                       Report No.                    31IE0226-HO-01
                       Date                          04/28/2011
                       Temperature/ Humidity         21 deg.C / 53%RH
                       Engineer                      Tomohisa Nakagawa
                       Mode                          Transmitting mode

                                               ON time(One pulse)       ON time(in 50ms)
                  Type           Times               [ms]                     [ms]
                   A              4                  1.425                    5.70
                   B              29                 0.717                    20.79
             *1)ON time(in 100ms) = Times * ON time(One pulse)*2
             *2)The train of pulses was exceeding 100msec, and that sampled 100msec was the worst case against the pulse tr

                ON time         Cycle                Duty                  Duty
                  [ms]          [ms]           (On time/Cycle)             [dB]
                 52.98         100.00                0.53                  -5.5
             *3)ON time = Type A's ON time (in 100ms) + Type B's ON time (in 100ms)
             *4)Duty = 20log10(ON time/Cycle)


UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                               Test report No.      : 31IE0226-HO-01-A
                                                               Page                 : 18 of 21
                                                               Issued date          : May 6, 2011
                                                               FCC ID               : HYQ14AFM

                                                 Duty Cycle


                                                                         : Type A
                                                                         : Type B


UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                                               Test report No.                    : 31IE0226-HO-01-A
                                                                                                                               Page                               : 19 of 21
                                                                                                                               Issued date                        : May 6, 2011
                                                                                                                               FCC ID                             : HYQ14AFM

                                                                   Radiated Emission

                                               DATA OF RADIATED EMISSION TEST
                                                                                UL Japan, Inc. Head Office EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                                                                                                                          Date : 2011/04/28

                    Company              : MITSUBISHI ELECTIRIC CORPORATION                   Report No.            :    31GE0071-HO-01
                    Kind of EUT          : Immobilizer                                        Power                 :    DC 13.2V
                    Model No.            : IMB413-01                                          Temp./ Humi.          :    23deg. C / 32% RH
                    Serial No.           :                                                    Engineer              :    Tomohisa Nakagawa
                    Mode / Remarks : Rx 134.2 kHz Hori X_Vert Z 0 to 90 deg

                    LIMIT : FCC15.209(a) 3m, 9-90kHz:PK, 110-490kHz:PK, other:QP
                            FCC15.209(a) 3m, 9-90kHz:AV, 110-490kHz:AV, other:QP                                                                        0 deg     :A
                                                                                                                                                        45 deg    :B
                        [dBuV/m]           << QP/AV/PEAK DATA >>                                                                                        90 deg    :C
                        .01M        .02M .03M     .05M .07M .1M          .2M    .3M        .5M .7M    1M            2M        3M       5M      7M       10M       20M 30M

                         Freq.       Reading           Ant.Fac   Loss    Gain     Result      Limit    Margin       Antenna            Table
                                                DET                                                                                                     Comment
                         [MHz]       [dBuV]            [dB/m]    [dB]    [dB] [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]            [dB]     [deg]              [deg]
                          0.13420       24.0    PEAK      19.9     6.0    32.2    17.7    125.1             107.4     0            A           0   NS
                          0.13420       23.8     AV       19.9     6.0    32.2    17.5    105.1              87.6     0            A           0   NS
                          8.00000       30.0     QP       19.6     6.8    32.2    24.2     69.5              45.3     0            A           0   NS
                         16.00000       30.3     QP       19.4     7.2    32.2    24.7     69.5              44.8     0            A           0   NS
                         24.00000       29.0     QP       20.5     7.6    32.2    24.9     69.5              44.6     0            A           0   NS

                    CHART: WITH FACTOR , ANT TYPE: LOOP   Except for the data below : adequate margin data below the limits.
                    NS : No signal detected

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                                          Test report No.               : 31IE0226-HO-01-A
                                                                                                                          Page                          : 20 of 21
                                                                                                                          Issued date                   : May 6, 2011
                                                                                                                          FCC ID                        : HYQ14AFM

                                                                   Radiated Emission

                                            DATA OF RADIATED EMISSION TEST
                                                                              UL Japan, Inc. Head Office EMC Lab. No.1 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                                                                                                                         Date : 2011/04/28

                    Company             : DENSO CORPORATION                                Report No.            :    31IE0226-HO-01
                    Kind of EUT         : Electrical Key                                   Power                 :    DC 3.0V
                    Model No.           : 14AFM                                            Temp./Humi.           :    21 deg.C / 53% RH
                    Serial No.          :                                                  Engineer              :    Tomohisa Nakagawa
                    Mode / Remarks : Rx 134.2 kHz Hori X_Vert Z MHz

                    LIMIT : FCC15.209 3m, below 1GHz:QP, above 1GHz:PK
                            All other spurious emissions were less than 20dB for the limit.                                                      Horizontal
                       [dBuV/m]           << QP DATA >>                                                                                          Vertical








                    30M                 50M           70M          100M                     200M              300M                  500M       700M        1G

                                                        Antenna     Loss&
                        Frequency     Reading                                  Level      Angle    Height                Limit      Margin
                                                DET      Factor      Gain                                    Polar.                           Comment
                          [MHz]       [dBuV]             [dB/m]      [dB]     [dBuV/m ]   [Deg]     [cm]                [dBuV/m ]    [dB]
                            134.200      37.9   QP          13.3      -31.8        19.4        0       100   Hori.           43.5      24.1 NS
                            134.200      37.9   QP          13.3      -31.8        19.4        0       100   Vert.           43.5      24.1 NS

                    CHART:WITH FACTOR   ANT TYPE: -30MHz:LOOP, 30-300MHz:BICONICAL, 300MHz-1000MHz:LOGPERIODIC, 1000MHz-:HORN
                   NS : No signal detected

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                     Test report No.     : 31IE0226-HO-01-A
                                                                                     Page                : 21 of 21
                                                                                     Issued date         : May 6, 2011
                                                                                     FCC ID              : HYQ14AFM

APPENDIX 3:Test Instruments

EMI test equipment
  Control No.         Instrument             Manufacturer        Model No         Serial No        Test Item    Calibration Date *
   MAEC-01      Semi Anechoic          TDK                   Semi Anechoic    DA-06881            RE           2010/07/02 * 12
                Chamber(NSA)                                 Chamber 10m
   MOS-01       Digital Humidity       N.T                   NT-1800          MOS01               RE           2011/02/23 * 12
   MJM-01       Measure                KDS                   ES19-55          -                   RE           -
 COTS-MEMI      EMI measurement        TSJ                   TEPTO-DV         -                   RE           -
   MTR-01       Test Receiver          Rohde & Schwarz       ESI40            100084              RE           2010/12/07 * 12
    KBA-05      Biconical Antenna      Schwarzbeck           BBA9106          2513                RE           2010/10/15 * 12
    KLA-04      Logperiodic Antenna    Schwarzbeck           USLP9143         361                 RE           2010/10/16 * 12
   MAT-08       Attenuator(6dB)        Weinschel Corp        2                BK7971              RE           2010/11/05 * 12
   MCC-01       Coaxial Cable 0.1-     Suhner/storm/Agilent/T -               -                   RE           2010/10/14 * 12
                3000MHz                SJ
   MPA-20       Pre Amplifier          Elena                  EPA-4020YA      030801              RE           2011/03/27 * 12
   MLPA-01      Loop Antenna           Rohde & Schwarz       HFH2-Z2          100017              RE           2010/10/15 * 12
   MCC-30       Coaxial cable          UL Japan              -                -                   RE           2010/07/20 * 12
   MCC-03       Coaxial Cable          Fujikura/Suhner/TSJ   5D-2W(20m)/3D- -/01068(Switcher)     RE           2011/01/16 * 12
   MPA-13       Pre Amplifier          SONOMA                310              260834              RE           2011/03/04 * 12
   MHA-05       Horn Antenna 1-18GHz   Schwarzbeck           BBHA9120D        253                 RE           2010/06/29 * 12
   MCC-18       Microwave Cable 1G-    Suhner                SUCOFLEX 104     148048-143(1m) /    RE           2010/09/30 * 12
   MPA-01       Pre Amplifier          Agilent               8449B            3008A01671          RE           2011/02/24 * 12
   MSA-05       Spectrum Analyzer      Advantest             R3273            160400285           RE           2010/11/18 * 12

The expiration date of the calibration is the end of the expired month.
All equipment is calibrated with traceable calibrations. Each calibration is traceable to the national or
international standards.
As for some calibrations performed after the tested dates, those test equipment have been controlled by means of
an unbroken chains of calibrations.
Test Item:
RE: Radiated emission, 99% Occupied Bandwidth, -20dB bandwidth , Automatically deactivate and Duty cycle tests

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

Document Created: 2011-05-09 08:13:01
Document Modified: 2011-05-09 08:13:01

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