Test Report

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Mustek       (hometb—ecrmspin
             No, 25, R&D Rd., TH Science—Based Industrial Park, Hsin—Chu, Taiwan.R.O.C.
             Tel: 886—3—577—9373 Fax: 886—3—578—4139

                                                                           FCC ID.: HWEFFST

             EXHILIBIT 3

   Test Report With Eut Photograph

                                                                                              P amwrers

Model Number : 1200 FS                                                       Report #:       QTK—98CO08F
                                                                             FCCID.:          HWFFST

                                                                                          QTk44. fuu)}

                                      FCC Test Report
                                Application for Certification
                                           On Behalf Of
                                        Mustek Systems Inc.
                                          Model # : 1200 FS

                                         FCC ID : HWFFST

                                       Project Name: C6S12F

                                             Prepared For:
                                     Mustek Systems Inc.
                             No. 25, R&D Road II, Science—Based
                        Industrial Park, Hsin—Chu, Taiwan, R.O.C.

                Report By :         QuieTek Corporation
                                    No.75—1, Wang—Yeh Valley, Yung—Hsing
                                    Tsuen, Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County,
                                    Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                    Tel : (03) 592—8858
                                    Fax : (03) 592—8859

                         The test results are traceable to the national or international standards
                   Test results given in this report only relate to the specimen(s) tested or measured.
             This report shall not be reproduced excepted in full, without the written consentof QuieTek.
     This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by NVLAP any agency of the U.S. Government

QuieTek Corporation                              Page 1 of 34

Model Number : 1200 FS                                                                               Report #:           QTK—98C0O08F
                                                                                                     FCCID.:               HWFFST

                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS

          Description                                                                                                                   Page

1.        TEST REPORT CERTIFICATION::«1222002:000000080r200e00r0e800000008sesee0r0ese00ee80vseeeseereseerersserseerseessver3

2.        GENERAL INFORMATION ..22200200000000000002000e0reerse0ree0eeerers05essee0ese8veeceree80eserseeveseeeveesvesscersccerves4
2.1              PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION :0020 00000000000 vrrvvrrrvrrrevanrerrererrnerarrnnseereeereerreevrerneeserennncenes 4
2.2              TESTED SYSTEM DETAILS.:..000000000000m»vrverrrrrrvererrerrrrrerereveesrrerererserrerereneresereserecrrerrresnrcces 5
2.3              TEST METHODOLOGY .000000 000000 eerrerrarrersrerrerrerversrenrerresnensernesserseresserrsreereevnrnnennernn en rncene 7
2.4              TEST FACILAITY 110000000000 n0erreerrrrersrenrreererrrernserererreeererreerervererererverererenr snn en ennnrenerenernnerner en 7

3.        CONDUCTED POWER LINE TEST ...00000000000000000000000000000re0eeeseereserervers8rseseers0 es 8 reseseeeeerseese0e0 8

3.1              TEST EQUIPMENTS 1220000000000 60e vervverrrrrererrevrerererrenrerrereveerenererreereveneesrerereresererecrrenvernvenncennee 8
3.2              BLOCK DIAGRAM OF TEST SETUP ...                                                                                             «.8
3.3              CONDUCTED POWERLINE EMISSION LIMIT 11.002200 00020000 esveesrerssrerserresrersresresrensnerener 9
3.4             EUT CONFIGURATION ON MEASUREMENT .................0000a000eerevverenernersversereseneeenccne9
3.5             EUT EXERCISE SOFTWARE...........c...c..ccck                                                                                  .9
3.6             TEST PROCEDURE ; 2000000000 ever o revrerrerrerorirersrerrrerrrrerirersreversrersererereesrenverennerveenrennersnnrncree 10
3.7             CONDUCTED EMISSION DATA ... 12000000 eevrrerrrerrerrererrrrerererrrescerserserereresrcennesnrennees 10
4.        RADIATION EMISSION TEST .22.m0000000000000e0se0e080erseets8rre8eersse8seseersetsss0cesseres8treereeresesesesecor0e 13

4.1             TEST EQUIPMENT .222 2000000200000 2erierrerrrrvererrerserrerreerserrerresee sesevseersevcavessaeereererereeeseerseareees 13
4.2             TEST SETUP ...22200000000eesveemevrernrernererrereersrerreesrernernerseessersernneveerscerescreresrevreenneren en erverveenneen 13
4.3             RADIATED EMISSION LIMIT...... 22022000000ee0eermrerverrerrerrrerreveretereverrerserrenernersersirensenereereces 14
4.4             EUT CONFIGURATION ; 0200000000000 eeeevevvrvererearrereeerrerernverneesresseeverbereesvereeverneesrecnnesenennnenn 14
4.5             OPERATING CONDITION OF EUT 2202000000006 revrrrerrnrrerrrersareesrevesseerervessenrerrrenrersceneens 15
4.6             TEST PROCEDURE .1.... 020022000 0eem0emerrevrrrvverrrenrenreerrerrenverrensreseesernerrerseneserenr esn rrernrcnnernneen 15
4.7             RADIATED EMISSION DATA ..,......2..000000000rererrreerrerveseenresresernerneserrereennennnenserssenrrennees 15

5.        SUMMARIZATION OF TEST RESULTS 222000000svessveseveerccrsceee

6.        EMI REDUCTION METHOD DURING COMPLIANCE TESTING rs2s02eeseermeeresereverecees. 19

7.        TEST PHOTOGRAPEHS...2.,0000000200s8se0esse0ssesesesess80es80ese0ce0eeeee0ee000e80000000ee80te0r0ee80tse 00 cececeserecese004 20

8.        EUT DETAIL PHOTOGRAPHS 1..222000000000000008ereseessereseersrersseresseresreersstersceresreeressectscerseesscersees 22

QuieTek Corporation                                              Page 2 of 34                                                         Rev. 1
No.75—1, Wang—Yeh Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                                                  Accrediated Lab. Of BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCILTUV

                                                                                    FCCID.:              HWFFST

            Test Report Certification                                                                 @Tk49—Fooj
            Applicant                  : Mustek Systems Inc.
            Manufacturer               : Mustek Systems Inc.
            EUT Description

            Model Name                        : Scanner
            Model No.                         : 1200 FS

            Serial Number                     : N/A
            FCC ID.                           : HWFFST

            Power                             : 120V/60Hz AC


            CFR 47, Part 15          Radio Frequency Device Subpart B Unintentional Radiators Class B :1996

            ANSI C63.4               Methods of Measurements of Radio—Noise Emissions from Low—Voltage
                                     Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the range of IkHz to 40GHz. :1992
            The device described above was tested by QuieTek Corporation to determine the maximum
            emission levels emanating from the device. The maximum emission levels were compared to
            the FCC Part 15 Subpart B limits for both radiated and conducted emissions.
            The measurement results are contained in this test report and QuieTek Corporation is assumed
            full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these measurements. Also, this report
            shows that the EUT to be technically compliant with the FCC Part 15 Subpart B limits.
            And there are no deviation from the above measurement process.

            Sample Received Date               : December 15, 1998
            Test Date                          :   December 28, 1998                   NV[L&z@@

            Documented by                      :   Kathy Lee

            Test Engineer:                                      Approve & Authorized Signer:

            Jack Wu                                             Gene Chang

QuieTek Corporation                                       Page 3 of 34                                           Rev. 1
No.75—1, Wang—Yeh Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                                  Accrediated Lab. Of   BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCI TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                         NVLAP Lab. Code :     200347—0

                                                                             ECC 1D. ;         HAWEEAST

2.           General Information

2.1          Production Description
             Description                      : Scanner

            Model Number                      : 1200 FS
             Serial Number                    : N/A

            FCC ID.                           : HWFFST
            Applicant                         : Mustek Systems Inc.

            Address                           : No. 25, R&D Road II, Science—Based

                                                Industrial Park, Hsin—Chu, Taiwan, R.O.C.

            Manufacturer                      : Mustek Systems Inc.
            Address                           : No. 25, R&D Road II, Science—Based

                                                Industrial Park, Hsin—Chu, Taiwan, R.O.C.

            Data Cable                        : Shielded, Detectable, Im

                                                Bonded two ferrite cores

            Power Cord                        : Non—shielded, Detectable, 1.5m

      Note: The data show in this test report reflects the worst—case data for each operation mode.

QuieTek Corporation                                 Page 4 of 34                                        Rev. 1
No.75—1, Wang—Ych Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                            Accrediated Lab. Of BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCL TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                   NVLAP Lab, Code :   200347—0

                                                                             ECC ID.:          HWEFFST

2.2         Tested System Details
            The types for all equipment, plus descriptions ofall cables used in the tested system
            (including inserted cards, which have grants) are:

            C Host Personal Computerwith SCSI Card
              Model Number              VE 5/200 SERIES 4
              Manufacturer              HP
              Serial Number             $G80700310
                 FCC ID                       DoC
                 Power Cord                   Non—Shielded, Detachable, 1.8m
                                              SCSI Card          : Model Number: 3181LE
                                                                   Manufacturer: DOMEX
                                                                   Serial Number: 3191D—004A8600100
                                                                   FCC ID: KQ53191D—1
                 Model Number                 CM752ET—311
                 Serial Number                T8FO06364
                 FCC ID                       DoC
                 Manufacturer                 HITACHI
                 Data Cable                   Shielded, Undetachable, 1.5m
                 Power Cord                   Shtelded, Detachable, 1.8m

                 Model Number                 6311—TW2C
                 Serial Number                N/A
                 FCC ID                       DoC
                 Manufacturer                 ACER
                 Data Cable                   Shielded, Undetachable, 1.8m

            [X]) Mouse
                 Model Number                 M—S34
                 Serial Number                LZB75078428
                 FCC ID                       DZL211029
                 Manufacturer                 HP
                 Data Cable                   Shielded, Undetachable, 1.8m

                 Model Number                 1414
                 Serial Number                980033039
                 FCC ID                       IFAXDM1414
                 Manufacturer                 ACEEX
                 Data Cable                   Shielded, Detachable, 1m
                 Power Adapter                ACCEX, M/N: SCP41—91000A
                                              Cable Output : Shielded, Undetachable, 1m

QuieTek Corporation                               Page 5 of 34                                           Rev. 1
No.75—1, Wang—Ych Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                            Accrediated Lab. Of BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCI, TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.0.C.
Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                   NVLAP Lab. Code :   200347—0

                                                                           FCCID.:            HWEFFST

                  Model Number                €2642A
                  Serial Number               MY75J1D1D0
                  FCC ID                      B94C2642X
                  Manufacturer                HP
                  Data Cable                  Shielded, Detachable, 1.5m
                  Power Adapter               NMB. M/N: C2175A
                                              Cable for AC IN: Non—shielded, Undetachable, 0.7m
                                              Cable for AC Out: Non—shielded, Undetachable, 1.5m

                  USB Mouse
                  Model Number                M—UB48
                  Serial Number               LTC74800118
                  FCC ID                      DZL211137
                  Manufacturer                Logitech
                  Data Cable                  Shielded, Undetachable, 1 .&m

                  USB Joystick
                  Model Number                JPD110
                  Serial Number               9814415646
                  FCC ID                      DoC
                  Manufacturer                Maxxtro
                  Data Cable                  Shielded, Undetachable, 1.7m

                  Model Number                CS—640
                  Serial Number               N/A
                  FCC ID                      DoC
                  Manufacturer                Fujitsu

QuieTek Corporation                                Page 6 of 34                                       Rev. 1
No.75—1, Wang—Yeh Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                          Accrediated Lab. Of BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCI TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C
Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                 NVLAP Lab. Code :   200347—0

                                                                                    FCCID.:           HWFFST

2.3           Test Methodology
             Both conducted and radiated testing were performed according to the procedures in
            ANSI €63.4—1992.
             Radiated testing was performed at an antenna to EUT distance of                __3___meters.

2.4         Test Facility
            Ambient conditions in the laborato
                          Items                     Required (IEC 68—1)           Actual

                              C                 15—35
                          %                        175
                        ic              mbar)   {860—1060

            Site Description: November 3, 1998 File on
                                         Federal Communications Commission
                                         FCC Engineering Laboratory
                                         7435 Oakland Mills Road
                                         Columbia, MD 21046
                                         Reference 31040/SIT1300F2

                                         September 30, 1998 Accreditation on NVLAP
                                         NVLAP Lab Code: 200347—0

                                         December 8, 1998 Registration on VCCI
                                         Registration No. for Conducted Emission C—858

                                         Registration No. for Radiated Emission R—823

            Name of firm               : QuieTek Corporation

            Site location          : No.75—1, Wang—Yeh Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,
                                         Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.

QuieTek Corporation                                          Page 7 of 34                                       Rev. 1
No.75—1, Wang—Yeh Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                                   Accrediated Lab. Of BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCI, TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.0.C.
Tel ; 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                          NVLAP Lab. Code :   200347—0

                                                                                             FCCID.:          HWFFST

3.          Conducted Power Line Test

3.1         Test Equipments
            The following test equipments are used during the conducted power line tests:
             Item          Instrument           Manufacturer      Type No./Serial No             Last Cal..        Remark

               1     Test Receiver             R&S             ESCS 30/825442/17                 May, 1998

               2     LLSN.                     R&S             ESH3—Z5/825016/6                  May, 1998           EUT

               3     LLSN.                     Kyoritsu        KNW—407/8—1420—3                  May, 1998        Peripherals
               4     Pulse Limiter             R&S             ESH3—Z2                             N/A

               5     NO.2 Shielded Room                                                            N/A

          Note: All equipment upon which need to calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year.

3.2           Block Diagram of Test Setup


         Shielded Room
                                                                     EUT                           Load

                                                          fi{ Non—conducted table


                                                                     Metal Ground Plane

                        Filter Filter                      Transformer/ Converter

                   Pulse Limiter                 Test Receiver              Plotter/Printer

QuieTek Corporation                                          Page 8 of 34                                                Rev. 1
No.75—1, Wang—¥Yeh Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsucn,                                        Accrediated Lab. Of BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCL TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                                NVLAP Lab. Code :   2003470

                                                                                                      C o0 >

                                                                                   FCC ID. :         HWEFFST

3.3         Conducted Powerline Emission Limit

             >FCC Part 15 Subpart B Limits

                                                               Maximum RF Line Voltage
                                                     Class A                             Class B
                     MHz                      UV               DBuV             uV                    dBuV
                0.45 — 1.705                  1000              60.0           250                     48.0

                  1.705 — 30                  3000              69.5           250                     48.0

            Remarks : 1. RF Line Voltage (dBuV) = 20 log RF Line Voltage (uV)
                      2. In the Above Table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.

3.4         EUT Configuration on Measurement
            The equipments which is listed 3.2 are installed on Conducted Power Line Test to meet the
            Commission requirement and operating in a manner which tends to maximize its emission
            characteristics in a normal application.

3.5         EUT Exercise Software
            The EUT exercise program used during conducted testing was designed to exercise the EUT
            in a manner similar to a typical use. The exercise sequence is listed as below:

            3.5.1      Setup the EUT and simulators as shown on 3.2
            3.5.2      Turn on the power of all equipment.
            3.5.3      Boot the PC from Hard Disk .
            3.5.4      PC reads test software from disk and then sent to scanner..
            3.5.5      The Scanner (EUT) will start to operate and scan the video figure into PC.
            3.5.6      PC will display "video figure" on monitor.
            3.5.7      Printer and modem will keep at standby mode during Scanner operation.
            3.5.8      Repeat the above procedure 3.5.4 to 3.5.7

QuieTek Corporation                                        Page 9 of 34                                        Rev. 1
No.75—1, Wang—Ych Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                                  Accrediated Lab, Of BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCI, TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel : 03—502—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                         NVLAP Lab. Code :   200347—0

                                                                                     FCCID.:             HWFFST

3.6         Test Procedure

            The EUT is connected to the main power through a line impedance stabilization network
            (LLS.N.). This provides a 50 ohm /50uH coupling impedance for the measuring equipment.
            The peripheral devices are also connected to the main power through a LISN that provides a
            50ohm/50uH coupling impedance with 50ohm termination. (Please refer to the block diagram
            of the test setup and photographs.)
            Both sides of A.C. line are checked for maximum conducted interference. In order to find the
            maximum emission, the relative positions of equipments and all of the interface cables must
            be changed according to ANSI €63.4—1992 on conducted measurement.
            The bandwidth of the field strength meter (R & S Test Receiver ESCS 30) is set at 10Khz.
            The frequency range from 0.45 MHz to 30 MHz is checked.

3.7         Conducted Emission Data
            The initial step in collecting conducted data is a spectrum analyzer peak scan of the
            measurement range for all the test modes. Then the worst modes were reported the following
            data pages.

   The uncertainty is calculated in accordance with NAMAS NIS 81. The total uncertainty for this test is as follows:
   * Uncertainty in the field strength measured:    <+2.0 dB

QuieTek Corporation                                    Page 10 of 34                                             Rev. 1
No.75—1, Wang—¥ch Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                                    Accrediated Lab. Of BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCI TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                           NVLAP Lab. Code :   200347—0

                                                                                        FCC ID. :          HWEFEST

                                     CONDUCTED EMISSION DATA
   Date of Test                       December 28, 1998            Temperature                           23 CC
   EUT                     :                   Scanner             Humidity                               61 %

    Test Mode                                  Normal             Detector Mode                        Quasi—Peak

   Frequency           Cable           LISN        Reading Level            Measurement Level             Limits
                         Loss       Factor                Linel                   Linel
             MHz               dB         dB              dBu¥y                   dBuV                      dBu¥

          0.536          0.07          0.10              29.13                   29 .30                   48.00
          3.388          0.18          0.15              33.20                   33.53                    48.00
         11.235          0.29          0 .24             34 .99                  35.52                    48.00
         16.001          0.33          0.37              33.53                   34 .23                   48.00

            Remarks :
                           1. " * " means that this data is the worse emission level.
                           2. All readings are Quasi—peak and average values.

           Attached individual pages of peak scan curve data sheets.

QuieTek Corporation                                         Page 11 of 34                                           Rev. 1
No.75—1, Wang—¥ch Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                                      Accrediated Lab. Of   BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCI TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                             NVLAP Lab. Code :     200347—0

Manuf :            MUSTEKCORPORATION
Operator:          Jeff
Test Spec:         AC 120V/60Hz
Comment:           M/N: 1200FS
                   LINE 1
File name:         FCC15B. SPC
Date:              24. Dec 98         13:39

Overview Scan Settings (1 Range)
|+==~~~~——— Frequencies ——————————— [|—=——~———~ Receiver Settings ————————— |
   Start        Stop        Step      IF BW Detector M—Time Atten Preamp
 450k          30M         3. IK        9k      PK     Q.10ms   OdBLN   OFF

Final Measurement: x QP
                   Meas Time:                   1 s
                            Subranges :         8
                            Acc Margin:         608

 dBuy        4 Mkr          :0   $35.94       kHz          29.4 cBu¥
               t    t   t                 t            1

                                          W M!:

                                                                                        PFLLID.}__       AWEPOL

                                       CONDUCTED EMISSION DATA
    Date of Test             :         December 28, 1998          Temperature           :              23 CC
    EUT                      :                Scanner             Humidity              :               61 %

    Test Mode                :                Normal             Detector Mode      ;                Quasi—Peak

   Frequency            Cable          LISN       Reading Level            Measurement Level            Limits
                          Loss Factor                    Line2                   Line2
              MHz           dB     dB                    dBu¥y                   dBu¥y                    dBuV

          0.536           0.07         0.10             29.85                   30.02                   48.00
          1,130           0.11         0.11             27 .56                  27.17                   48 .00
          3.282           0.17         0.15             35.05                   35.38                   48 .00
         10.602           0.28         0.22             33.93                   34. 43                  48 .00
         16.003           0.33         0.37             29.67                   30. 37
*~~30.0050 0.35. 0.45°                              w¥W.or        [              37.88

            Remarks :
                            1. " * * means that this data is the worse emission level.
                            2. All readings are Quasi—peak and average values.

            Attached individual pages of peak scan curve data sheets.

QuieTek Corporation                                        Page 12 of 34                                          Rev. )
No.75—1, Wang—¥eh Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                                     Accrediated Lab. Of BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCI, TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                            NVLAP Lab. Code :    200347—0

                     Lo. suinr urAEAUN
vperdLor :      Jeff
Test Spec:      AC 120V/60Hz
Comment :       M/N: 1200FS
                LINE 2
File name:      FCC15B . SPC
Date:           24. Dec 98 13:30
Overview Scan Settings (1 Range)                           .   .
[——z—~~——~ Frequencies ———————~——— [J>=—~~~—~—— Receiver Settings ———~———~—— [
   Start       Stop        Step      IF BW Detector M—Time Atten Preamp
 450k         30M         3. 3k        9k       PK     0.10ms   OdBLN OFF
Final Measurement: x QP
                     Meas Time:          1 s
                     Subranges :         8
                     Acc Margin:         6dB

 dBu¥        4 Mkr   :0   535.94    kHz        30.3 dBuV


4.          Radiation Emission Test                                                                            &Tk 11 —Foo!1

4.1         Test Equipment
            The following test equipments are used during the radiated emission tests:
             Test Site               Equipment           Manufacturer        Model No./Serial No.              Last Cal.
            SITE# 1          x       Test Receiver     R&S                  ESCS 30 / 825442714             May, 1998
                                     Spectrum Analyzer Advantest            R3261C / 71720140               May, 1998
                                     Pre—Amplifier     HP                   8447D/3307A018 12               May, 1998

                             y       Bilog Antenna     Chase                CBL6112B / 12452                Sep., 1998
                             y       Horn Antenna      EM                   EM6917 / 103325                 May, 1998
            SITE#2           x       Test Receiver     R&S                  ESCS 30 / 825442/17             May, 1998

                                     Spectrum Analyzer Advantest            R3261C / 71720609               May, 1998

                                     Pre—Amplifier     HP                   8447D/3307A01814                May, 1998
                             y       Bilog Antenna     Chase                CBL6112B / 2455                 Sep., 1998
                             y       Homn Antenna      EM                   EM6917 / 103325                 May, 1998

           Note: 1. All equipment upon which need to calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year.
                     2. Mark "X" test instruments are used to measure the final test results.
                     2. Test Site :           Site #1 + C Site #2

4.2         Test Setup

4.2.1        Block Diagram of Connections between EUT and simulators

                                                        HHHHHHHHH                                        EUT
                                                                 —S             sear


                   Printer       B

                         ooo                                                                  I\E[JSB

QuieTek Corporation                                         Page 13 of 34                                                  Rev. 1
No.75—1, Wang—Yeh Valiey, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                                        Accrediated Lab. Of   BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCI, TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.0.C.
Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                               NVLAP Lab. Code :     200347—0

                                                                                                FCCID.:                  HWFFST

4.2.2       Open Test Site Setup Diagram

                                                            |+                   3m or 10m                          »|

                             FRP Dome                                                                                                T
                                                                                                                                   im to 4m

                                                                                                           Ff            L—LT
                                                                                         Antenna Mast
                                                                                         Broadband or
                                                                                         Dipole Antenna
                                                                                         Antenna height can
                                           Ts                                            be moved from Im
                                            or                      ;                    to 4m, Antenna and
                             Non—      c          EUT                                    turntable distance 3m
                             Conducted                          1                        or 10m
                             Table                          S0cm

                                              |   |     4               Mctal Fult Soldered Ground Flanc                 TO controller
                      Test                                                                                                   To Receiver

4.3         Radiated Emission Limit
            >»FCC part 15 Subpart B Limits:
                    Frequency                         Distance                                   Field Strength

                        MHz                            Meter                           uV/M                              dBuV/M

                      30 — 88                               3                            100                                40.0

                      88 —216                               3                            150                                43.5

                     216 —960                               3                           200                                 46.0

                    960 — 2000                              3                           500                                 54.0
            Remarks : 1. RF Line Voltage (dBuV) = 20 log RF Line Voltage (uV)
                             2. In the Above Table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
                             3. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument
                                 antenna and the closed point of any part of the device or system.

4.4         EUT Configuration
            The equipments which is listed 4.2.1 are instailed on Radiated Emission Test to meet the
            Commission requirement and operating in a manner which tends to maximize its emission
            characteristics in a normal application.

QuieTek Corporation                                              Page 14 of 34                                                      Rev. 1
No.75—4, Wang—Ych Valtey, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                                              Accrediated Lab. Of BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCL TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                                     NVLAP Lab. Code :       200347—0

                                                                                       FCCID.:            HWFFST

4.5         Operating Condition of EUT
            Same as Conducted Power Line Test which is listed in 3.5.

4.6         Test Procedure

            The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter above ground. The
            turn table can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level.
            EUT is set 3 meters away from the receiving antenna which is mounted on a antenna tower.
            The antenna can move up and down between 1 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum
            emission level.
            Broadband antenna (calibrated bi—log and horn antenna) are used as a eceiving antenna.
            Both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna are set on measurement. In order to
            find the maximum emission, all of the interface cables must be manipulated according to
            ANSI C63.4—1992 on radiated measurement.
            The bandwidth below 1Ghz setting on the field strength meter (R&S Test Receiver ESCS 30 )
             is 120 KHz, above 1Ghz are 1 MHz.
            The frequency range from 30MHz to 1000MHz is checked.

4.7         Radiated Emission Data
            The initial step in collecting radiated data is a spectrum analyzer peak scan of the
            measurement range for all the test modes. Then the worst modes were reported the following
            data pages.

  The uncertainty is calculated in accordance with Namas NIS 81.The total uncertainty for this test is as follows:
  * Uncertainty in the field strength measured:     <+4.0 dB

QuieTek Corporation                                     Page 15 of 34                                                Rev. 1
No.75—L, Wang—Yeh Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                                     Accrediated Lab. Of BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCI TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                            NVLAP Lab. Code :   200347—0

                                                                                       FCCID.:              HWFFST

                                            RADIATED EMISSION DATA

        Date of Test            :         December 28. 1998        Temperature        :                 23 CC
        EUT                     :                 Scanner          Humidity           :                 61 %

        Test Mode               :                 Normal

        Frequency        Cable           Ant      Reading Level   Emission Level          Limits Ant Table
                           Loss Factor              Horizontal       Horizontal                      Pos    Pos
                 MHz            dB     dB/m            dBu¥/m         dBuV/m              dBu¥/m      ocm   deg

    *       31966               .                       14.63                                4,00 400           0
_           32.005          1.17      18.46             10. 56                             40.00 400            0
~           32.048          1.17      18.46             11.02                              40.00     400         0
            66.820          1.50        6.31            17.65                              40.00     400         0
           120.000         2.02       12.81             16.32                              43.50     400        23
           132.300          2.13      12.64             15.96                              43.50     400        29

            Remarks :
                           1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi—Peak, above are average value.
                           2. " * ", means this data is the worse emission level.
                           3.       Emission Level = Reading Level + Antenna Factor + Cable loss

    QuieTek Corporation                                     Page 16 of 34                                            Rev. 1
    No.75—1, Wang—¥eh Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                                  Accrediated Lab. Of BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCI TUV
    Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
    Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                         NVLAP Lab. Code :   200347—0

& zum      2ouogs.snt — J                       Discrete      Date : 12—28,1998 MNon Time: 05:12:31 pm
Site :     Quiefek                                            Probe : QIKANT—O1A Horizontal
Limit:     FCC CLASS—B Im                                     Margin: 6 dB
EUT :      SCANNER 1200FS                                     Std    :
Power:     AC 1200/60tz                                       Trace :
Note :
              B0                                                                                               DoP   |

(dBuU/m)      40

               0         DO    P     ob   giP    iob   _:              :          i        PO0    P0     cP    P   P
               30             50                       100             200                       500                 1000
                                                              Frequency (MHz)
File#:       98CO08.EMI — 9                                 Piscrete       Date       :   12—28,1998 Mon                   Time:05:12:31 pm
Site : QuieTek                                                             Probe : QTKANT—O1A Horizontal
Limit: FCC CLASS—B 3m                                                      Margin: 6 dB
Power: AC 120V/60Hz
                         Measure Reading                       Over                   Probe            Cable             Amp Ant Tabl
          Frequency           Level              Level        Limit    Limit Factor                     Loss Factor Pos              Pos

                   MHz             aB                  dB        dB          oB           ds                  dB          dB    cm   deg

      I      31.966           34   .26           14.63  —5.74          40.00          18.46             1.17         0.00      400     0
             32 .005          30   .19           10.56  —9.81          40.00          18.46             1.17         0.00      400     0
 _           32.048           30   .65           11.02  —~9.35         40.00          18 .46            1.17         0.00      400     0
             66.820           25   .47           17.65 —14.53          40.00           6.31             1.50         0.00      400     0
            120.000           31   .14           16.32 —12.36          43.50          12.81             2.02         0.00      400    23
            132.300           30   .73           15.96 —~12.77         43.50          12.64             2.13         0.00      400    29

                                                                                   FCCID.:             HWFFST

                                        RADIATED EMISSION DATA

    Date of Test           :          December 28, 1998        Temperature         :               23 CC

    EUT                    :                  Scanner          Humidity            :                61 %
    Test Mode              :                  Normal

    Frequency         Cable          Ant      Reading Level   Emission Level           Limits Ant Table
                       Loss Factor              Vertical          Vertical                   Pos         Pos
             MHz         dB   dB/m                 dBu¥V/m         dBu¥/m              dBu¥/m cm        deg

        31.966           1.17     18.34             16. 56          36.07               40.00 100            0
*       32.006         1.4            4             18.32           37.83     ©>>40,00           100         0
        32.047          1.17      18.34             16.32           35.83         40,00          100         0
        33.410          1.19      18.09             17.32           36. 59        40,00          100        15
        66.820         1.50        8.15             19.65           29.30         40.00          100        36
       119.998         2.02       11.85             15.64           29. 50        43.50          100        74
       132.304          2.13      11.50             15.97           29.60         43,50          100        98

        Remarks :
                        1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi—Peak, above are average value.
                       4. " * ", means this data is the worse emission level.
                       5. Emission Level = Reading Level + Antenna Factor + Cable loss

QuieTek Corporation                                     Page 17 of 34                                            Rev. 1
No.75—1, Wang—Yeh Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                                  Accrediated Lab. Of BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCI TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                         NVLAP Lab. Code :   200347—0

                                         wicuercec      Da&tE : 12—20,1390 fon Llime: Y5:14:41 pm
site : QuicTek                                          Probe : QIKANMT—O1A Vertical
Limit: FCC CLASS—B 3m                                   Margin: 6 4B
EUT : SCANNER 1200FS                                    Std   :
Power: AC 1200/60tz                                     Trace :
Note :
             80                                                                                        10fi

(dBuU/m)}    40

              0         |    i    POpP    P   P   o      I        :           :         :     7     Poij   ioi
              30            50                    100             200                        500             1000
                                                        Frequency (MHz)
File#: 98C008.EMI — 10                                Discrete        Date        : 12—28,1998 Mon                Time:05:14:41 pm
Site     : QuieTek                                                    Probe       :    QTKANT—OLA Vertical
Limit: FCC CLASS—B 3m                                                 Margin: 6 dB
Power: AC 120V/60Hz
                  Measure Reading                        Over            Probe                    Cable    Amp Ant Tabl
        Frequency   Level   Level                       Limit     Limit Factor                     Loss Factor Pos  Pos

                  MHz            dB               aB         aB         dB              dB           aB          dB   cm   deg

    1       31.966          36.07         16.56         —3.93     40.00           18.34            1.17      0.00 100        0
    1       32.006          37.83         18.32         —2.17     40.00           18.34            1.17      0.00 100        0
    1       32.047          35 .83        16.32         —4.17     40.00           18.34            1.17      0.00 100        0
 To         33 .410         36.59         17.32         —3.41     40.00           18.09            1.19      0.00 100       15
            66.820          29.30         19.65 —10.70            40.00               8.15         1.50      0.00 100       36
          119.998           29 .50        15.64 —14.00            43.50           11.85            2 .02     0.00 100       74
          132.304           29 .60        15.97 —13.90            43.50           11.50            2.13      0.00 100       98

                                                                            PE CC

                                                                            FCC ID. :          HWFFST

5.          Summarization of Test Results

            The test results in the conducted and radiated emission were performed according to the
           requirements of measurement standard and process. QuieTek Corporation is assumed full
            responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these measurements, The summarization
            of the worst value of conducted and radiated emission test is described as below:

            > The worse value of Conducted Emission Test

             Frequency                .        Measurement Level    Limit Level
               (MHz)                 Line                                                   Comment
                                                    dB(uV)            dB(uV)

                20.005                 L1            37.88              48.00                  Pass

                20,005                 L2            37.88              48.00                  Pass

            > The worse value of Radiated Emission Test

             Frequency                  2.     Measurement Level    Limit Level
                (MHz)           Polarization                                                Comment
                                                    dB(uV)            dB(uV)

                31.966                 H             34.26              40.00                  Pass

                32.006                 v             37.83              40.00                  Pass

QuieTek Corporation                                 Page 18 of 34                                        Rev. 1
No.75—1, Wang—Yeh Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                          Accrediated Lab. Of   BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCL TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                                  NVLAP Lab. Code      200347—0

                                                                       FCC ID.:             HWFFST

 6.          EMI Reduction Method During Compliance Testing

             No modification was made during testing.

QuieTek Corporation                             Page 19 of 34                                      Rev. 1
No.75—1, Wang—Yeh Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,                     Accrediated Lab. Of   BCIQ, NVLAP, VCCI TUV
Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.0.C.
Tel : 03—592—8858, Fax : 03—592—8859                            NVLAP Lab. Code :     200347—0

Document Created: 2001-07-01 12:49:32
Document Modified: 2001-07-01 12:49:32

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