Test Report


Test Report

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                                 Test Report


          Applicant               : Mustek Systems Inc.

          Equipment Type          _: Scanner

          Model                   : BearPaw 1200, 7600B USB

          FCC ID                  : HWFBEARPAW

          Project Name            : CoUI4K

                                 Report No. : 9BHO013F

FCC Report No.: 99BHO013F
Accredited Lab. of NVLAP(NIST)   -'R
                                       QuieTek Corporation    Page: 1 of 16
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0             EMC Test Laboratory    Rev.1

                                 Test Report Certification

                             QuieTek Corporation
                                No.75—1, Wang—Yeh Valley, Yung—Hsing, Chiung—Lin,
                                          Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.0.C.
                                     Tel : 886—3—592—8858, Fax: 886—3—592—8859
                                           E—Mail : quietek@ms24.hinet.net
                        Accredited by NIST(NVLAP), VCCI, BSMI, DNV, TUV

      Applicant                      : Mustek Systems Inc.

      Address                        : No. 25, R&D Road II, Science—Based Industrial Park,
                                      Hsin—Chu, Taiwan, R.O.C.

      Equipment Type                 : Scanner

      Model                          : BearPaw 1200, 7600B USB

      FCC ID.                        : HWFBEARPAW

      Measurement Standard           ; CISPR 22/1994

      Measurement Procedure : ANSI C63.4 /1992

      Operation Voltage              : 110VAC/60Hz

      Classification                 : Class B

      Test Result                    : Complied                                            [L             ®

      Test Date                      : November 17, 1999                       Nv               @@

      Report No.                     : 99BHO13F

  The Test Results relate only to the samples tested.
  The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of QuieTek Corporation.
  ‘This report must not be used to claim product endorsementby NVLAP any agency of the U.S. Government
  Documented by: Shelly Fun              Test Engineer: Chun Huang             }Approved: Gene Chang

                     %W"                       Chen Huanqg
                                                                   U                             /

FCC Report No.: 99BHO13F                            R                      &
Accredited Lab. ofNVLAP(NIST)          _R. QuieTek Corporation                                      Page: 2 of 16
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                       EMC Test Laboratory                                Rev.I

                                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
                 Description                                                                                                                                                                       Page
1.      GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                                                                                                                                    4
1.1     EUT DESCFIPMOM ...2.2.2020.0,sesrs2sesssesersesveeereverseveseesessenereressecersseesesserecerersteveceseeseririrsesesessssecerersrrccesteceserse es erereesereererarers 4
1.2     TeSsted SYSt@M DEtAAIS ...........s02s02s02reeresserseesseveeserseerreressersersrarirtesrerserseebereverescerretseersterereverereceserserereesireereerress issc se cnirves 5
1.3     EUT CONFIGUTAtIOM............020202000es2esererssecrererecsrecessssrterererererretsacassssesererrrrsesreresestecsessreserererererresrereserrerererrerererererrecraees 6
1.4     EUT EXGICIS@ SOFEWAT@......0.0.0200s2sssssverserssaesesseseresserersisecssecesersreresesenesecevececesesetsserevererecesesecccsestrecer en es sesrescceceseeserencrnes 7
1.5    TESt PEFFOIM@GU....020202000eseseseeeeverereserrsesenesececrerereresecestesesererseeseerecensstscesesesesercrsesestereserererererereresceceeerresesiererrererersessreneanes 7
1.6    TESt FACIMEY ....020.0.000022s0202errevesesssrsressesessesescerserevivessesesessesesessecerssesessesrerscecscscsvercesricseseerecessceseseresserrsesessreeene nsc ce cce reccenes 8

2.      CONDUCTED EMISSION                                                                                                                                                                                     9
2.1     TESt EQUIPMEAt LiASt .........00002seseese2ressveerersererrererreressescevererrerecerrerseeteeeiserererereciveestrisesresesererereceresrenesseser ie esns e serre se se nes 9
2.2     T@St SOHIP ...s2v20202seseseseseseceresrsresescersrsesesesesecscscrerestsietesesiscsvecceetsretsbebebesesecreesceceretbessserererescersrereverecetstreserseseeress es ie se renes 9
2.3     LNE c.2.20202s2ssssesevseveceveseceseeserercsrersesivisisssevetsesesescesverersvecsivscestsersesescscerererebstsvesersisrerevereresererereceseres se seb reseresecrer ie cessenn e 9
2.4     y yoln e 10
2.5     TESt R@SUINS ,.......02020202revevevevesseverererersceseseseesesrctsssesisesseresereerereeresesssessesesersecereseceebebereserecerereseseeeererseresescecercerererresenee e 10

3.      RADIATED EMISSION                                                                                                                                                                                    11

3.1     TeSt EQUIDMENME....2.222020000000e0eseseseere ce se es es eveserteserererecesesresercscsrecsereceresssesssesesesssesace sb eb cceb cesb srsesseeccerereessersenerererrererenceees 11
3.2     TESt SEUUP ......2sscseseseseveseverececseterererereresisestescescscteeresberererescscressesscseciesesecerererererercccsseseccecesecesererereecebecesseccecereerecccecenees 11
3.3     LATMIES 2202020002000 eveveseveeseserveerer en en eveseceveseeseareeeetesieseserereerersesevecesecreresereecerererser en es reen en tss s tss rerarersreeseessrererer es bes ces rereree es 12
34      TeSt PFOC@UUTE...2020202020200000e0e e se veveverserrervvrevesrereres ie ra ies es ic resesee ces ie be ieb seseseeer en ree enb rr i enb ea e rsee n en se se eb en es en ies en se br en en e rrrnee 12
3.5     y on e 12

4.      EMI REDUCTION METHOD DURING COMPLIANCE TESTING                                                                                                                                                       13

5.      ATTACHMENT                                                                                                                                                                                           14

                  ATTACHMENT 1:                          SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS
                  ATTACHMENT 2:                          EUT TEST PHOTOGRAPHS
                  ATTACHMENT 3:                            EUT DETAIL PHOTOGRAPHS

FCC Report No.: I9BHO13F                                                                e                                       &
                                                                                                                                                                             Page: 3 of 16
Accredited Lab. ofNVLAP(NIST)                                  ‘—RZ QuieTek Corporation
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                                                     EMC Test Laboratory                                                                           Rev.1l

1.        General Information

1.1       EUT Description

          Applicant                        : Mustek Systems Inc.

          Address                          : No. 25, R&D Road II, Science—Based Industrial
                                             Park, Hsin—Chu, Taiwan, R.O.C.

          Equipment Type                   : Scanner

          Model                            : BearPaw 1200, 7600B USB

          FCC ID                           : HWFBEARPAW

          Operation Voltage                : 110VAC/60Hz

         Data Cable                        : Shielded, 1.4m

         Power Adapter                     . Mode 1: YHI, YS—1015—U12
                                             S/N: 00000043
                                             BSMI ID: 4872A185
                                             Cable out: Non—Shielded, 1.5m    ¢/Fere—re e
                                             Mode 2: SIRTEC, HPW—1512A REV: C1
                                            BSMI ID: 3872B620
                                            Cable out: Non—Shielded, 1.8m ‘“/Fe-/zmre Conrv

                  1. This EUT is a Scanner with 600dpi and two type of power adapters. Both power
                     adapters were test individually.
                  2. This EUT have two models, the different of then is only the package.
                  3. QuieTek had verified the construction and function of the above model in typical
                     operation, then shown in the test report.

FCC Report No.: 99BHO13F                        e                  e                         .
Accredited Lab, ofNVLAP(NIST)       —-RI QuieTek Corporation                         Page: 4 of 16
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                  EMC Test Laboratory                       Rev.1

1.2      Tested System Details

         The types for all equipment, plus descriptions of all cables used in the tested system
         (including inserted cards ) are:
1.2.1    Host Personal Computer
         Model Number                  : DESKPRO
         Manufacturer                  : Compaq
         Serial Number                 : N/A
         FCC ID                        : DoC
         Power Cord                    : Non—Shielded,1.8m

1.2.2    Monitor
         Model Number                  : CMT752ET—311
         Serial Number                 : T8D003312
         FCC ID                        : DoC
         Manufacturer                  : HITACHI
         Data Cable                    : Shielded, 1.6m
         Power Cord                    : Shielded, 1.8m

1.2.3   Keyboard
         Model Number                  : 6311—TW2C
         Serial Number                 : N/A
         FCC ID                        : DoC
         Manufacturer                  : ACER
         Data Cable                    : Shielded, 1.8m

1.2.4    Modem
         Model Number                  :1414
         Serial Number                 : 980033041
         FCC ID                        : IFAXDM1414
         Manufacturer                  : ACEEX
         Data Cable                    : Shielded, 1. 5m
         Power Adapter                 : ACCEX, M/N: SCP41—91000A
                                         Cable Output : Shielded, 1.5m

FCC Report No.: 99BHO013F
                                          QuieTek Corporation                          Page: 5 of 16
Accredited Lab. of NVLAP(NIST)
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0        (K      EMC Test Laboratory                          Rev.1

1,.2.5     Printer
          Model Number               : C2642A
          Serial Number              : MY75N1D2XN
          FCC ID                     : B94C2642X
          Manufacturer               : HP
          Data Cable                 : Shielded, 1.2m
          Power Adapter              : NMB, M/N: C2175A
                                         Cable for AC IN: Non—Shielded, 0.7m
                                         Cable for AC Out: Non—Shielded, 1.5m

1.2.6    Mouse
         Model Number                : M—S34
          Serial Number              : LZB75078428
         FCC ID                      : DZL211029
         Manufacturer                : HP
         Data Cable                  : Shielded, 1.8m

1.2.7    Video Camera
         Model Number                : Weam 3X
         Serial Number               : N/A
         FCC ID                      : DoC
         Manufacturer                : Mustek
         Data Cable (USB)            : Shielded, 1.5m

1.3      EUT Configuration

                                                                                    Ao Avoagidr

           00000000 0O Keyboard

                                                Video Camera

FCC Report No.: 99BHO013F
Accredited Lab, of NVLAP(NIST)    -'R'    QuieTek Corporation                   Page: 6 of 16
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                EMC Test Laboratory                   Rev.1

1.4      EUT Exercise Software

         The EUT exercise program used during conducted testing was designed to exercise the EUT
         in a manner similar to a typical use. The exercise sequence is listed as below:
          1.4.1   Setup the EUT and simulators as shown on 1.3
          1.4.2   Turn on the power of all equipment.
          1.4.3   Boot the PC from Hard Disk.
          1.4.4   PC reads test software from the control BIOS of scanner and then sent to scanner.
          1.4.5   The Scanner (EUT) will start to operate and scan the video figure into PC.
          1.4.6   PC will display "video figure" on monitor.
          1.4.7   Printer and modem will keep at standby mode during Scanner operation.
          1.4.8   Repeat the above procedure 1.4.4 to 1.4.7

1.5     Test performed

         Conducted emissions were invested over the frequency range from 0.15MHz to 30MHz
         using a receiver bandwidth of 9kHz.
         Radiated emissions were invested over the frequency range from 30MHz to 1000MHz
         using a receiver bandwidth of 120kHz. Radiated testing was performed at an antenna to EUT
         distance of 10 meters .

FCC Report No.: I9BHO13F
Accredited Lab, of NVLAP(NIST)
                                   _R QuieTek Corporation                              Page: 7 of 16
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                EMC Test Laboratory                          Rev.1

1.6     Test Facility

         Ambient conditions in the laboratory:
                    Items                  Required (IEC 68—1)               Actual

         Temperature (°C)              15—35                      20—35
         Humidity (C6RH)               25—75                      50—65
         Barometric pressure (mbar)    |860—1060                  950—1000

         Site Description: November 3, 1998 File on
                                 Federal Communications Commission             @
                                 FCC Engineering Laboratory
                                 7435 Oakland Mills Road
                                 Columbia, MD 21046                              [L       e        A
                                 Reference 31040/SIT1300F2                NV          [&%Dp      AUSTEL

                                 September 30, 1998 Accreditation on NVLAP
                                 NVLAP Lab Code: 200347—0

                                 February 23, 1999 Accreditation on DNV               i&
                                 Statement No. : 413—99—LAB11                            o
                                 December 8, 1998 Registration on VCCI
                                 Registration No. for No.2 Shielded Room C—858
                                 Registration No. for No.1 Open Area Test Site R—823              V@'
                                 Registration No. for No.2 Open Area Test Site R—835

                                 January 04, 1999 Accreditation on TUV Rheinland              é
                                 Certificate No.: 19865712—9901                                TUOVv

         Name of firm        : QuieTek Corporation

         Site location       : No.75—1, Wang—Yeh Valley, Yung—Hsing Tsuen,
                                 Chiung—Lin, Hsin—Chu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.

FCC Report No.: 99BHO13F
Accredited Lab. of NVLAP(NIST)
                                       _R. QuieTek Corporation                                Page: 8 of 16
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                     EMC Test Laboratory                            Rev.1

2.        Conducted Emission

2.1       Test Equipment List

          The following test equipment are used during the conducted emission test:

          Item Instrument                      Manufacturer Type No./Serial No                             Last Cal..        Remark
          1       Test Receiver                R&S                       ESCS 30/825442/17                 May, 1999
          2       LLS.N.                       R&S                       ESH3—Z5/825016/6                 May,1999           EUT
          3       LLS.N.                       Kyoritsu                 KNW—407/8—1420—3                    May, 1999        Peripherals
         4        Pulse Limiter                R&S                      ESH3—Z2                           N/A
          5        NO.2 Shielded Room                                                                     N/A
         Note: All equipment upon which need to calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year.

2.2      Test Setup

                                                                                       Reference Plane                  2

                            Test Receiver                                                                               /

                  [y]_ 000                                              A{Load[
                                                                                                            40cm        /

                        8o                                      U                                 AX__J                 /

                                                                _\                                                      f

                                    hD__             LISN           @                                        N          ;
              1111111141 4{144                   o
                          ~                                                              LIsN____/
                                            Ground Plane

2.3      Limits

                      CISPR 22 Limits (dBuV)                                       FCC Part 15 Subpart B (dBuv)
              Frequency              Class A                Class B           Frequency                   Class A           Class B

                MHz               QP          av      MHz           AV            MHz                uV       |dBuV| uV            |dBuV

              0.15 — 0.50          79         66      |66—56 56—46|          0.45—1.705             1000         60.0   250        48.0

               0.50—5.0            73         60           56           46    1.705—30              3000         69.5   250        48.0

               5.0 — 30            73         60           60           50         .

         Remarks :           In the above table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.

FCC Report No.: 99BHO013F                                       e                           s                                  .
Asstediied Leb, ofNVLAPCRIST                   -R QuieTek Corporation                                                   Page: 9 of 16
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                                 EMC Test Laboratory                                          Rev.1

2.4      Test Procedure

         The EUT and simulators are connected to the main power through a line impedance
         stabilization network (L.LS.N.).     This provides a 50 ohm /50uH coupling impedance for the
         measuring equipment. The peripheral devices are also connected to the main power through a
         LISN that provides a 50ohm/50uH coupling impedance with 50ohm termination. (Please
         refers to the block diagram of the test setup and photographs.)
         Both sides of A.C. line are checked for maximum conducted interference. In order to find the
         maximum emission, the relative positions of equipment and all of the interface cables must be
         changed according to ANSI C63.4 /1992 on conducted measurement.
         The bandwidth of the field strength meter (R & S Test Receiver ESCS 30) is set at IkHz.

2.5      Test Results

         The conducted emission from the EUT is measured and shown in attachment 1 of test report.
         The acceptance criterion was met and the EUT passed the test.

FCC  Report No.: OBHOISE
Accredited Lab. of NVLAP(NIST)
                                            QuieTek Corporation                      Page: 10 of 16
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0           R.     EMC Test Laboratory                      Rev.1

         Radiated Emission

3.1      Test Equipment

         The following test equipment are used during the radiated emission test:

          Test Site              Equipment           Manufacturer             Model No./Serial No.         Last Cal.

         Site # 1        x       Test Receiver     R&S                      ESCS 30 / 825442/14            May, 1999
                                 Spectrum Analyzer Advantest                R3261C / 71720140              May, 1999
                                 Pre—Amplifier     HP                       8447D/3307A01812               May, 1999
                         x       Bilog Antenna     Chase                    CBL6112B / 12452               Sep., 1999
                         x       Horn Antenna      EM                       EM6917 / 103325                May, 1999
         Site # 2        x       Test Receiver     R&S                      ESCS 30 / §25442/17            May, 1999
                                 Spectrum Analyzer Advantest                R3261C / 71720609              May, 1999
                                 Pre—Amplifier     HP                       8447D/3307A01814               May, 1999
                         x       Bilog Antenna     Chase                    CBL6112B / 2455                Sep., 1999
                         x       Horn Antenna      EM                       EM6917 / 103325                May, 1999
            Note:       1. All equipment upon which need to calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year.
                       2.. Mark "X" test instruments are used to measure the final test results.

3.2      Test Setup

                             FRP Dome                                                                                   1
                                                                                                                    1m to 4m

                                                                                      Antenna Mast
                                                                                      Broadband or
                                                                                      Dipole Antenna
                                                                                      Antenna height can
                                                                                      be moved from 1m
                                             EUT                                      to 4m, Antenna and
                             Non—Condyu                                               turntable distance
                             cted Table                                               3m or 10m
                                                        |80cm I

                                                                  Fully Soldered Metal Ground Plane
                        Test                                                                                    To Receiver

FCC Report No.: 99BHO013F
Accredited Lab. of NVLAP(NIST)             T
                                                   QuieTek Corporation                                      Page: 11 of 16
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                         EMC Test Laboratory                                      Rev.1

3.3      Limits

                    CISPR 22 Limits (dBuV)                    FCC Part 15 Subpart B (dBuV)

          Frequency           Class A        Class B    Frequency       Class A            Class B

             MHz        0|95|
                              gouvim """°
                                          aBuy/m                      uy |dBuy| uV |dBuV
           s0—230            10     40      10     30     30—88%       90      39     199       49.0
          230—1000           10     47      10     37    88—216       150     43.5    159       435
                                                         216—960      3219    46.5    200       46.0
                                                        960 —2000|    300     49.5    5990         54.0
         Remark: 1. The tighter limit shall apply at the edge between two frequency bands.

                    2. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument
                       antenna and the closed point of any part of the device or system.
                    3. RF Line Voltage (dBuV) = 20 log RF Line Voltage (uV)

3.4      Test Procedure

         The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter above ground. The
         turn table can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level.
         The EUT was positioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 10 meters .
         The antenna can move up and down between 1 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum
         emission level.
         Both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna are set on measurement. In order to
         find the maximum emission, all of the interface cables must be manipulated according to
         ANSI C63.4 /1992 on radiated measurement.
         The bandwidth below 1GHz setting on the field strength meter (R&S Test Receiver ESCS 30 )
          is 120 kHz.

3.5      Test Results

         The radiated emission from the EUT is measured and shown in attachment 1 of test report.
         The acceptance criterion was met and the EUT passed the test.

FCC Report No.: I9BHO13F
Accredited Lab. ofNVLAP(NIST)              2 QuieTek Corporation
                                        _R.C                                           _Page: 12 of 16
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                   EMC Test Laboratory                           Rev.1

4.       EMI Reduction Method During Compliance Testing

         No modification was made during testing.

FCC Report No.: 99BHO013F
                                        QuieTek Corporation   Page: 13 of 16
Accredited Lab. of NVLAP(NIST)
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0              EMC Test Laboratory   Rev.1

5.       Attachment

         Attachment 1: Summary of Test Results         Number of Pages: 5

         Attachment 2: EUT Test Photographs            Number of Pages: 4

         Attachment 3: EUT detailed photographs        Number of Pages: 11

FCC Report No.: 99BH013F
                                       QuieTek Corporation                   Page: 14 of 16
Accredited Lab. of NVLAP(NIST)
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0       (K.   TMC Test Laboratorv                   Rev.l

Attachment 1 : Summary of Test Results
         The test results in the emission were performed according to the requirements of
         measurement standard and process. QuieTek Corporation is assumed full responsibility for the
         accuracy and completeness of these measurements. The test data of the emission are listed as
         the attached data.
         All the tests were carried out with the EUT in normal operation, which was defined as:
         (1) Mode 1: YHI Adapter
         (2) Mode 2: SIRTEC Adapter

         The EUT passed all the tests.

         The uncertainty is calculated in accordance with NAMAS NIS 81, The total uncertainty for
         this test is as follows:
         > Emission Test
             * Uncertainty in the Conducted Emission Test:                   <+ 2.0 dB
             * Uncertainty in the field strength measured:                   <+ 4.0 dB

FCC Report No.: 99BHO13F                       s                   A                      .
Accredited Lab. ofNVLAP(NIST)              QuieTek Corporation                       Page: 1 of 9
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                 EMC Tect TL ahnratory                     Rev ]

                                CONDUCTED EMISSION DATA
    Date of Test       :            Nov. 17, 1999           EUT               :           Scanner

    Test Mode          :                  Mode 1            Detect Mode       :     Quasi—Peak & Average

    Frequency      Cable          LISN       Reading Level        Measurement Level        Limits
                     Loss       Factor              Linel                  Linel
           MHz             dB       dB              dBuV                   dBuV              dBuV

*       0.151        0.00         0.10             51.08                  51.18             65.95
        0 .227       0.02         0.10             41 ,52                 41 .64            62.57
        0 .397       0.05         0 .10            30 .21                 30. 36            57.92
        0 . 541      0 .07        0.10             26.92                  27.09             56.00
        1.652        0.13         0.12             22 .57                 22 .82            56.00
       17.779        0 .34        0 .41            22 .04                 22 .19            60.00


        0.151        0.00         0 .10            32.90                  33.00             55.94
        0 .227       0.02         0.10             25.20                  25.32             52.56
        0 .397       0.05         0.10             11.40                  11.55             47,92
        0. 541       0.07         0.10             13.10                  13.27             46 .00
        1.651        0.13         0.12              7.90                   8.15             46.00
       17.780        0 . 34       0 .41            20 .70                 21 .45            50.00

         Remarks :
                       1. " * " means that this data is the worst emission level.

FCC Report No.: I9BHO13F                              s               s                          .
Accredited Lab. ofNVLAP(NIST)             [ K QuieTek Corporation                           Page: 2 of 9
NVT AP T ab Cade + 200347—0                    _ EMTact T abnrataru                         Rev 1

                                 CONDUCTED EMISSION DATA
    Date of Test      :            Nov. 17, 1999           EUT                 :          Scanner

    Test Mode         :                  Mode 1            Detect Mode         :    Quasi—Peak & Average

    Frequency      Cable         LISN       Reading Level        Measurement Level          Limits
                     Loss      Factor              Line2                    Line2
           MHz            dB       dB              dBuV                     dBuV             dBuV

*       0. 156       0.00        0.10             49 .88                   49 .98           65.66
        0.171        0 .01       0.10             47 .22                   47 ,33           64 .89
        0.295        0 .04       0.10             36 .24                   36 .38           60 .37
        0 .358       0.05        0 .10            33.66                    33 .81           58 .78
        2.109        0.15        0 .13            30 .94                   31 .22           56.00
       17.111        0 . 34      0. 39            25 .57                   26 .30           60.00


        0.156        0.00        0.10             30 .30                   30. 40           55.67
        0.171        0 .01       0.10             28 .40                   28 .51           54.91
        0.295        0 .04       0.10             19. 40                   19. 54           50 .38
        0 .358       0.05        0.10             15.90                    16.05           48 .77
        2.109        0.15        0.13             14 .20                   14 .48          46 .00
       17.110        0. 34       0 .39            24. 40                   25.13            50.00

         Remarks :
                      1. "* * " means that this data is the worst emission level.

FCC Report No.: 99BHO13F                             &                 &                         .
Accredited Lab. of NVLAP(NIST)                    QuieTek Corporation                       Page: 3 of 9
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                        EMTect I ahnratoru                        Rev |

                                CONDUCTED EMISSION DATA
    Date of Test      :            Nov. 17, 1999            EUT                  :           Scanner

    Test Mode         :                  Mode 2             Detect Mode          :     Quasi—Peak & Average

    Frequency      Cable         LISN       Reading Level         Measurement Level            Limits
                    Loss       Factor              Linel                      Linel
           MHz            dB       dB              dBuV                       dBuV              dBuV

*       0.151       0.00         0.10             51 .54                     51.64             65 .94
        0 .201      0.02         0.10             47,93                      48 .05            63.55
        0 . 340     0 .04        0.10             40 .29                     40 .43            59. 21
        0 .742      0.08         0.10             36.16                      36 . 34           56.00
        2.613       0.16         0.14             37.66                      37.96             56.00
       17. 554      0 .34        0 .40            26 . 44                    27 .18            60.00


        0 .151      0 .00        0.10             29.10                      29 .20            55.94
        0.201       0.02         0 .10            33.60                      33 .72            53.57
        0 . 340     0 .04        0.10             31 .90                     32 .04            49 .20
        0. 742      0.08         0.10             23.90                      24 .08            46 .00
        2.613       0.16         0.14             24 .90                     25.20             46 .00
       17. 553      0 . 34       0 .40            25.10                      25 .84            50.00

         Remarks :
                      1. * * " means that this data is the worst emission level.

FCC Report No.: 99BH013F                             &                   &
Accredited Lab. ofNVLAP(NIST)                     QuieTek Corporation                          Page: : 4 0 of 9
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                        CMC Tect I abnratorv                         Rev 1

                                CONDUCTED EMISSION DATA
    Date of Test      :            Nov. 17, 1999             EUT                  :           Scanner

    Test Mode         :                   Mode 2             Detect Mode          :     Quasi—Peak & Average

    Frequency      Cable         LISN        Reading Level         Measurement Level            Limits
                    Loss       Factor               Line2                      Line2
           MHz            dB        dB              dBuV                       dBuV              dBuV

*       0.161       0.00         0.10              51.99                      52.09             65.42
        0.272 .     0.03         0.10              41 .13                     41 ,26            61 .06
        0 .336      0 .04        0 .10             42 .51                     42,.65            59 .31
        0. 529      0.07         0.10              34, 22                     34 , 39           56.00
        2.614       0.16         0.14              36. 34                     36 .64            56.00
       14 .890      0 .32        0. 34             30. 45                     31 .12            60.00


        0.161       0.00         0.10              32 .50                     32.60             55. 41
        0 .272      0.03         0.10              29.20                      29 .33            51.06
        0 .335      0 .04        0.10              34 .20                     34 . 34           49 .33
        0. 529      0.07         0.10              21 .30                     21 .47            46 .00
        2.613       0.16         0 .14             22. 50                     22 .80            46 .00
       14.890       0 .32        0 . 34            27 .90                     28 .57            50.00

         Remarks :
                      1. " * " means that this data is the worst emission level.

FCC Report No.: I9BHO13F                              s                   &                           .
Accredited Lab. ofNVLAP(NIST)              K       QuieTek Corporation                           Page: 5 of 9
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                         EMC Test T ahnratorv                          Rev.l

                                  RADIATED EMISSION DATA

    Date of Test       :              Nov. 17, 1999        EUT               :            Scanner

    Test Mode          :                 Mode 1

       Freq.    Cable         Probe PreAMP Reading Measurement Margin Limit Ant Turn
                   Loss Factor                    Level   Horizontal
         MHz         dB        dB/m        dB      dBuV     dBuV/m          dB dBuV/m     cm    deg

*   151.337        2.32       10.90     0.00      14.76      27.98       2.02    30.00   401     19
    167.339        2.47        9.59     0.00      11.89      23.94       6.06    30.00   401     19
    199.249        2.78        9.30     0.00      12.71      24.179      5.21    30.00   331    194
    212.006        2.91        9.13     0.00      12.76      24.80       5.20    30.00   401    182
    254.000        3.31       13.06     0.00      11.75      28.12       8.88    37.00   401     87
    260.670        3.37       13.95     0.00      10.94      28.27       8.73    37.00   401     79
    262.000        3.38       14.08     0.00       9.53      26.99      10.01    37.00   401     87
    266.670        3.43       13.64     0.00       8.95      26.02      10.98    37.00   401     88
    302.000        3.77       13.18     0.00       6.03      22.98      14.02    37.00   401     48
    357.323        4.05       14.45     0.00       4.35      22.86       14.14   37.00   401     67
    370.672        4.12       14.84     0.00      10.57      29.53       7.47    37.00   401    128
    378.003        4.16       14.85     0.00       9.21      28.22        8.78   37.00   401     86

       Remarks :
                   1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi—Peak, above are average value.
                   2. " * ", means this data is the worst emission level.
                   3. Emission Level = Reading Level + Antenna Factor + Cable loss

FCC Report No.: 9I9BHO13F                             e                 &                           .
Accredited Lab. ofNVLAP(NIST)            'R' QuieTek Corporation                               Page: 6 of 9
NVL AP T ab Code + 200347—0                     _ BMTaat T abnrataruy                          Rav 1

                                 RADIATED EMISSION DATA

    Date of Test       :             Nov. 17, 1999          EUT               :            Scanner

    Test Mode          :                Mode 1

       Freq.    Cable        Probe PreAMP Reading Measurement Margin Limit Ant Turn
                   Loss Factor                   Level    Vertical
         MHz         dB       dB/m        dB      dBuV      dBuV/m          dB dBuV/m      cm    deg

*   132.046         2.13     11.49     0.00      11.72        25.35        4.65   30.00    99    162
    158.666         2.39     10.38     0.00       5.68        18.45       11.55   30.00   105    151
    178.000        2.58       9.18     0.00       3.38        15.14       14.86   30.00   105    194
    198.070         2.77      8.97     0.00      10.32        22.06        7.94   30.00    99    122
    207.360        2.86       9.42      0.00      4.26        16.54       13.46   30.00   105     80
    229.337        —3.06     10.13     0.00       5.56        18.76       11.24   30.00   105    170
    253.590         3.31     13.01     0.00       3.20        19.52       17.48   37.00   105     35
    274.668        3.50      12.74     0.00       7.99        24.23       12.77   37.00   105     43

       Remarks :
                    1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi—Peak, above are average value.
                    2. " * ", means this data is the worst emission level.
                    3. Emission Level = Reading Level + Antenna Factor + Cable loss

FCC Report No.: I9BHO13F                            .            .                                   ,
Accredited Lab. ofNVLAP(NIST)                    QuieTek Corporation                            Page: 7 of 9
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                       CMCOC Tact T ahnrataru                         D aw 1

                                 RADIATED EMISSION DATA

    Date of Test       :             Nov. 17, 1999         EUT               :            Scanner

    Test Mode          :                Mode 2

       Freq.    Cable        Probe PreAMP Reading Measurement Margin Limit Ant Turn
                   Loss Factor                   Level   Horizontal
         MHz         dB       dB/m        dB      dBuV      dBu¥V/m        dB dBuV/m      cm    deg

*   151.339        2.32      10.90     0.00      14.33       27.55       2.45    30.00   401     44
    181.995        2.62       9.27     0.00       4.46       16.34      13.66    30.00   401     98
    196.006        2.75       9.05     0.00      15.55       27.35       2.65    30.00   401    199
    253.997        3.31      13.06     0.00       7.09       23.46       13.54   37.00   401    106
    266.668        3.43      13.64     0.00       9.19       26.26       10.74   37.00   401     62
    274,.665       3.50      12.98     0.00      10.58       27.06       9.94    37.00   401    107
    322.668         3.87     13.62     0.00      10.12       27 .61      9.39    37.00   401    199
    351,.340       4.02      14.37     0.00       8.38       26.77      10.23    37.00   401     78
    378.003        4.16      14.85     0.00       4.69       23.70      13.30    37.00   401     92

       Remarks :
                   1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi—Peak, above are average value.
                   2. " * ", means this data is the worst emission level.
                   3. Emission Level = Reading Level + Antenna Factor + Cable loss

FCC Report No.: 99BHO13F                            .            .                                  ,
Accredited Lab. ofNVLAP(NIST)                    QuieTek Corporation                           Page: 8 of 9
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                       EMC Tect T ahnratory                          Rav 1

                                 RADIATED EMISSION DATA

    Date of Test       :             Nov. 17, 1999        EUT              :            Scanner

    Test Mode          :                Mode 2

       Freq.    Cable        Probe PreAMP Reading Measurement Margin Limit Ant Turn
                   Loss Factor                   Level   Vertical
         MHz         dB       dB/m        dB      dBuV     dBuV /m        dB dBuV/m     cm    deg

     48.415         1.33      8.03     0.00       8.96      18.32      11.68   30.00   105    128
*   132.045        2.13      11.49     0.00      10.47      24.10      5.90    30.00    99    139
    158.015        2.38      10.33     0.00       9.50      22.22      7.18    30.00   105     43
    302.000        3.77      13.69     0.00       5.65      23.10     13.90    37.00   105     15
    350.000        4.01      14.80     0.00       6.48      25.29     11.71    37.00   105     47
    356.668        4.05      15.32     0.00       6.53      25.90     11.10    37.00   105     45
    377.337        4.15      15.31     0.00       4.29      23.176    13.24    37.00   105     61

       Remarks :
                    1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi—Peak, above are average value.
                    2. " * ", means this data is the worst emission level.
                    3. Emission Level = Reading Level + Antenna Factor + Cable loss

FCC Report No.: 99BHO13F                             s                s                           .
Accredited Lab. ofNVLAP(NIST)                  QuieTek Corporation                           Page: 9 of 9
NVLAP Lab. Code : 200347—0                     TMC Toot T abnratoru                          Rev 1

Document Created: 1999-12-17 16:59:21
Document Modified: 1999-12-17 16:59:21

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