FCC ID Label


ID Label/Location Info

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                                             Mustek Systems Inc.

  Mustek                                     #rtitrBEindteMX "l 25 t
                                            No. 25, R&D Rd., II Science—Based Industrial Park, Hsin—Chu, Taiwan,R.0.C.
                                            Tel: 886—3—577—9373 Fax: 886—3—578—4139

                                                                                             FCC ID.: HWFBEARPAW


 The FCC ID Label will be placed on the equipment as shown in the photograph below.

                        Model No.: BearPaw 2400, BP 2400, 2400 DU
                                   FCC ID : HWFBEARPAW
                             This device compites with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
                             Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
                           (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and
             (2) this device must accept any interference received, Including interference that
                                       may cause undesired operation.
             $/N:                                                         Made in Talwan

Part Name : Label, FCC, C6U14K, BearPaw 1200F
Part No.: 80—083—04020 (Made in Taiwan)
RT :120 x 30 mm

Scale: 200%

     MODEL NO.: BearPaw 1200
                                                             /A CAUTION A,                                                      [ommneweas
                                                                                                                                This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
        a*9»                                              To prevent electrical shock, do                                       Opergtion ig subject to the following twp conditions:
     Be@-pa W1 200':                                        t                                                                   (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
                                                          no r‘emove COVGF.: NO user                                            (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
                                                          serviceable parts inside.                                                 Interference that may cause undesired operations.
     INPUT: DC 12V =, 1.25 A
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           Mustek Systems Inc.                                                                                                  éJELRSTT”EI.EEBiOO                            C €
           MADE IN TAIWAN                                 i@lk XXXXXXXX                                                         CAN/CSA STD.                   US
                                                                                                                                 C©22.2 NO.950
|_          80—083—04020                                                                                                                                    72133

Scale: 100%
                                                                                                                        Part No: 80—083—04020                                            HB:

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 MODEL NO.: BearPaw 1200      *                               This dovice complius with Part 15 of the FCC Rutes                                      I:J,'!    [lj'l'   19
     sns                   To prevent electrical shock, do     perationis subject to the following two conditions:                                     Am            0   NS        [ T
 Be@rPaw 1200F             not remove cover. No user          (2] this Sevice montsecaptaaynorforencerecevedncluding    A                        A      —                     A     |[&§’J"    A        _
     moemen                                                                                                             a                        n                            a                n
                           serviceable partsinside.                 Interference that may cause undustied operations.                                                                               i
 INPUT: DC 12¥ =, 1.25 A                                                                                                    .                                    .

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Document Created: 2000-09-28 18:13:37
Document Modified: 2000-09-28 18:13:37

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