RF Exposure Information


RF Exposure Info

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                Maximum Permissible Exposure                                                 Report No. : FA891009

         Maximum Permissible Exposure
          FCC ID                     : HV4DTK1660
          Equipment                  : LCD TABLET
          Brand Name                 : Wacom
          Model Name                 : DTK-1660 , DTK-1661
          Applicant                  : Wacom Co., Ltd.
                                       2-510-1, Toyonodai, Kazo-shi, Saitama, 349-1148
          Manufacturer               : Wacom Co., Ltd.
                                       2-510-1, Toyonodai, Kazo-shi, Saitama, 349-1148
          Standard                   : 47 CFR Part 2.1091

 The product was received on Sep. 13, 2018, and testing was started from Sep. 18, 2018 and
 completed on Sep. 18, 2018. We, SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC. EMC & Wireless Communications
 Laboratory, would like to declare that the tested sample has been evaluated in accordance with the
 procedures given in KDB680106 D01 RF Exposure Wireless Charging Apps v03 and shown
 compliance with the applicable technical standards.

 The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by
 TAF or any agency of United States government.

 The test results in this report apply exclusively to the tested model / sample. Without written
 approval of SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC. EMC & Wireless Communications Laboratory, the test
 report shall not be reproduced except in full.

   ___________________________________________                 __________________________________________
                       Approved by: Allen Lin                                   SDoC by: XXXXX

        SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC. EMC & Wireless Communications Laboratory
                            No. 52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

TEL : 886-3-327-3456                                                                  Page Number      : 1 of 9
FAX : 886-3-327-0973                                                                  Issued Date      : Oct. 09, 2018
Report Template No.: HE1-A2 Ver2.1                                                    Report Version   : 01

                    Maximum Permissible Exposure                                                                                       Report No. : FA891009

                                                             Table of Contents
HISTORY OF THIS TEST REPORT .................................................................................................................. 3
1         HUMAN EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................... 4
1.1       Maximum Permissible Exposure ............................................................................................................ 4
1.2       Testing Applied Standards ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.3       Testing Location Information .................................................................................................................. 5
1.4       Accessories ............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.5       Support Equipment ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.6       The Worst Condition ............................................................................................................................... 6
1.7       Test Setup .............................................................................................................................................. 7
2         TEST EQUIPMENT AND CALIBRATION DATA .................................................................................. 9
 Photographs of EUT V01

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973                                                                                                          Issued Date           : Oct. 09, 2018
Report Template No.: HE1-A2 Ver2.1                                                                                            Report Version        : 01

                Maximum Permissible Exposure                                          Report No. : FA891009

                                           History of this test report

       Report No.                Version                 Description                    Issued Date

        FA891009                     01              Initial issue of report            Oct. 09, 2018

Reviewed by: Sam Tsai

Report Producer: Debby Hung

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973                                                           Issued Date      : Oct. 09, 2018
Report Template No.: HE1-A2 Ver2.1                                             Report Version   : 01

                Maximum Permissible Exposure                                                            Report No. : FA891009

1         Human Exposure Assessment
1.1       Maximum Permissible Exposure
1.1.1     Limit of Maximum Permissible Exposure
                                     Limits for Occupational / Controlled Exposure
                                                                                                           Averaging Time
     Frequency Range           Electric Field            Magnetic Field      Power Density (S)
                                                                                                            |E|²,|H|² or S
          (MHz)              Strength (E) (V/m)        Strength (H) (A/m)       (mW/ cm²)
           0.3-3.0                    614                     1.63                  (100)*                           6
           3.0-30                    1842 / f                4.89 / f             (900 / f )*                        6
           30-300                     61.4                    0.163                    1.0                           6
         300-1500                       -                       -                   F/300                            6
        1500-100,000                    -                       -                      5                             6
                               Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
                                                                                                           Averaging Time
     Frequency Range           Electric Field            Magnetic Field      Power Density (S)
                                                                                                            |E|²,|H|² or S
          (MHz)              Strength (E) (V/m)        Strength (H) (A/m)       (mW/ cm²)
          0.3-1.34                    614                     1.63                  (100)*                          30
          1.34-30                     824/f                   2.19/f               (180/f )*                        30
           30-300                     27.5                    0.073                    0.2                          30
         300-1500                       -                       -                   F/1500                          30
        1500-100,000                    -                       -                      1.0                          30
    Note 1: f = frequency in MHz ; *Plane-wave equivalent power density
    Note 2: For the applicable limit, see FCC 1.1310

1.1.2     Table for Multiple Listing
The brand/model names in the following table are all refer to the identical product.
    Brand Name         Model Name                                        Description
      Wacom             DTK-1660            All the models are identical, the difference model for difference brand
      Wacom             DTK-1661            served as marketing strategy.

1.2       Testing Applied Standards
 According to the specifications of the manufacturer, the EUT must comply with the requirements of the
 following standards:
  47 CFR Part 2.1091
  KDB680106 D01 RF Exposure Wireless Charging Apps v03

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Report Template No.: HE1-A2 Ver2.1                                                               Report Version   : 01

 seonron cas.     Maximum Permissible Exposure                                                      Report No. : FA891009

1.3          Testing Location Information
                                                     Testing Location
 KX        |HWAYA        |ADD     : No. 52, Hwa Ya 1st Rd., Hwa Ya Technology Park, Kwei—Shan District,
                                    Tao Yuan City, Taiwan, R.0.C.
                         TEL      : 886—3—327—3456         FAX       886—3—327—0973
                                         Test site Designation No. TW1190 with FCC.

      Test Condition             Test Site No.         Test Engineer        Test Environment                  Test Date
          RF Conducted               THO1—HY                Barry             25.4°C / 62.4%               18/Sep/2018

1.4          Accessories
                         Brand Name        ADAPTER TECH              Model Name       |ATSO36T—P120

                         Power Rating      VP: 100—240Vac, 1A, O/P: 12Vde, 3A
AC Adapter
                         AC Power Cord     [1.8meter, non—shielded cable, w/o ferrite core
                         DC Power Cord |1.5meter, B—shielded cable, with ferrite core
DC+USB+HDMI              [Brand Name       —                         Model Name       |—
composite cable          |Signal Line      1.8meter, D—shielded cable, with ferrite core
Digital Pen              Brand Name        Wacom                     Model Name       |KP—504E—00B
Note: Regarding to more detail and other information, please refer to user manual.

1.5          Support Equipment
                                         Support Equipment — RF Conducted
  No.                    Equipment                        Brand Name                           Model Name
      1                   Notebook                            DELL                                 E5410
      2                 Adapter for NB                        DELL                              HAGSNM130
      3             AC Power Source                            Gw                                APS—9102

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FAX : 886—3—327—09783                                                                        issued Date       : Oct. 09, 2018
Report Template No.: HE1—A2 Ver2.1                                                           Report Version    _: 01

                Maximum Permissible Exposure                                              Report No. : FA891009

1.6       The Worst Condition
          Ancillary Equipment                 Charging Condition                Worst Charging Condition
               Touch Pen                        Operating Mode                        Operating Mode

1.6.1     Test Method
                                                  Test Method
      Performed aggregate both leakage E-field and H-field at surrounding the device from all simultaneous
      transmitting coils.
      During testing, the EUT was placed on a non-conductive table top and the ancillary equipment (e.g., mobile
      phone) was placed on the EUT for charging. Maximum E-field and H-field measurements were tested 10cm
      from each side of the EUT. Along the side of the EUT to center of E-field probe and H-field probe were
      positioned at the location to search maximum field strength.
      E-field transfer to H-field
      -   E-field = Z0 × H-field
          H-field = E-field ÷ Z0
          Where Z0 = Free Space Impedance = 377Ω

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973                                                               Issued Date      : Oct. 09, 2018
Report Template No.: HE1-A2 Ver2.1                                                 Report Version   : 01

                Maximum Permissible Exposure                                      Report No. : FA891009

1.7       Test Setup

                                         E-field and H-field Measurement

Note1 : find worst position for each axis.

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Report Template No.: HE1-A2 Ver2.1                                         Report Version   : 01

                Maximum Permissible Exposure                                                Report No. : FA891009

1.7.1     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure
                                              Maximum Permissible Exposure
   Charging Condition                Separation          Axis          E-field (V/m)             H-field (A/m)
         Operating                      0cm               Left               2.51                     0.007
         Operating                      0cm              Right               2.13                     0.006
         Operating                      0cm               Top                1.76                     0.005
         Operating                      0cm             Bottom               1.81                     0.005
         Operating                      0cm         Y-axis above EUT         1.75                     0.005
                                     Limit                                    614                     1.63
                            Margin Limit (%)                                 0.41%                    0.41%

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973                                                                 Issued Date      : Oct. 09, 2018
Report Template No.: HE1-A2 Ver2.1                                                   Report Version   : 01

                 Maximum Permissible Exposure                                             Report No. : FA891009

2         Test Equipment and Calibration Data
Instrument for Conducted Test
                                                                                                    Calibration Due
    Instrument         Manufacturer   Model No.   Serial No.        Spec.        Calibration Date

      Probe        ETS-LINDGREN        HI-6005    00052473     0.1 MHz - 6 GHz     23/Apr/2018       22/Apr/2019

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973                                                               Issued Date      : Oct. 09, 2018
Report Template No.: HE1-A2 Ver2.1                                                 Report Version   : 01

Document Created: 2019-03-23 01:37:12
Document Modified: 2019-03-23 01:37:12

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