User manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                       WACOM does not warrant to repair or replace the product if: (a) the damage to            Pressure Levels             1024 levels                                            - Pour garantir une utilisation sûre de l’appareil, respectez les avertissements et      - El contacto con el dispositivo (paneles LCD y otras zonas) repetidamente
                                                                                       the product results from accident, misuse, improper use, negligence or                                                                                                      les instructions contenus dans ce document. Le non-respect de ces indications            durante periodos de tiempo prolongados puede causar quemaduras leves.
                                                                                       unauthorised alteration or repair; (b) the product was not handled or stored             Communication Interface     USB                                                    pourrait entraîner l’annulation de votre garantie. Si cela se produit, Wacom ne          - Deseche los dispositivos correctamente, de acuerdo con las ordenanzas
                                                                                       according to the instructions provided by WACOM; (c) the damage resulted from                                                                                               sera en aucun cas tenue de réparer ou de remplacer l’appareil.                           y leyes locales.
                                                                                       normal wear and tear of product parts; or d) the serial number affixed by
                                                                                                                                                                                Power Adapter                                                                      - L’appareil doit être utilisé dans un environnement de bureau normal. Il peut
                                                                                       WACOM has been removed or rendered unintelligible.                                       Input Voltage               100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz                               également être utilisé en tant que console centrale dans des environnements              Especificaciones
                                                                                       Any descriptions, drawings, specifications, samples, models, notifications or                                                                                               climatisés. Cet appareil a été testé par Wacom pour une utilisation dans un
                                                                                                                                                                                Output Voltage              12 VDC, 3 A (max)
                                                                                       similar material provided in connection with the purchase of the product cannot                                                                                             environnement de bureau normal uniquement. Aucun test n’a été mené quant                 Especificaciones generales
EN:                                                                                    be taken as an explicit guarantee that the product corresponds to or fulfils your        Pen                                                                                à son compatibilité aux environnements médicaux ou militaires.
                                                                                       requirements.                                                                                                                                                               - N’utilisez que les câbles spécifiés pour l’utilisation avec cet appareil. Si vous      Dimensiones (An. x Al. x Pr.)    210 × 210 × 16 mm
                                                                                                                                                                                Physical Size (L × D)       141.5 × 9 mm
Important Product Information – Limited Version                                        The warranty guaranteed by law remains unaffected. You can claim defects of                                                                                                 ignorez cet avertissement, vous risquez de causer un incendie, de subir une              Peso                             1,0 kg
                                                                                       the product in accordance with the relevant legal provisions.                            Weight                      7.0 g, approximate                                     décharge électrique ou d’occasionner une panne du dispositif. Ce faisant, vous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Consumo de energía               10 W (carga completa)
Warranty statement                                                                     WACOM shall only be liable for itself and its vicarious agents if a material                                                                                                perdriez votre droit à la garantie.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (con adaptador de CA)            0,5 W o menos en modo inactivo
Warranty: 3 years in USA, Canada, Central America, South America, the                  contractual obligation has been culpably breached in a manner jeopardising the                                                                                              - Pour protéger vos yeux lors de l’utilisation de l’appareil :
                                                                                       purpose of the contract or the damage is due to intentional acts or omissions or                                                                                              • Manipulez l’appareil dans une pièce bien éclairée uniquement. Évitez de vous                                          (USB no conectado)
Caribbean, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. 1 year in Asia Pacific.
                                                                                       gross negligence. A material contractual obligation is an obligation which is            DE:                                                                                  asseoir trop près de l’écran.                                                                                           0,5 W o menos en modo OFF
                                                                                       essential to the proper performance of the contract on which the other party will                                                                                             • Faites régulièrement des pauses lorsque vous utilisez l’appareil de manière          Pantalla
                                                                                       typically rely. In case that the culpable infringement of such a material
                                                                                       contractual obligation is not due to intention or gross negligence, the liability of a
                                                                                                                                                                                Wichtige Produktinformationen – Kurzversion                                          prolongée.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - N’ouvrez et ne démontez en aucun cas l’appareil. Si vous ignorez cet                   Tamaño de pantalla               10,1 pulg. (223,2 × 125,55 mm)
Valid for and only applies to products purchased and used inside the United            party shall be limited to such damages being typical for the contract and which                                                                                             avertissement, vous risquez de subir une décharge électrique quand le boîtier
States and its territories and in Canada.                                              were reasonably foreseeable at the time of the closure of the contract. Where
                                                                                                                                                                                Garantieerklärung                                                                  est ouvert, auquel cas vous perdrez votre droit à la garantie. Si cela se produit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Número de píxeles                1920 × 1080
                                                                                       these Terms and Conditions preclude or limit liability, this also applies to the         Garantie: 3 Jahre in Europa, Afrika und im Nahen Osten.                            Wacom ne sera en aucun cas tenue de réparer ou de remplacer l’appareil.                  Resolución admitida              1920 × 1080, 1680 × 1050, 1366 × 768,
WHO MAY USE THIS WARRANTY?                                                                                                                                                      Für Garantieinformationen für den DTH-1152 gehen Sie zu
Wacom Co., Ltd. (“Wacom”) extends this limited warranty to the original                personal liability of the executive officers of the party concerned, its employees,                                                                                         - Risque d’étouffement. Veillez à ce que les enfants n’avalent pas la pointe du                                           1280 × 1024, 1280 × 800, 800 × 600,
                                                                                       agents and subcontractors. The provisions of the product liability law                   und klicken auf Support.                                                           stylet. Veillez à ce que les enfants ne jouent pas avec l’emballage, car ils risquent                                     640 × 480 píxeles
consumer purchaser only. It does not extend to any subsequent owner or other
transferee of the product.                                                             (Produkthaftungsgesetz) remain unaffected.                                                                                                                                  de s’étouffer.                                                                           Colores de pantalla              16,7 M colores
                                                                                       If, when a claim made under this warranty is checked, it emerges that it is              Vorsichtsmaßnahme                                                                  - Le contact avec l’appareil (panneaux LCD et autres parties) de manière prolongée                                        (en función de la tarjeta de vídeo utilizada).
                                                                                       outside the permitted time period or is not covered by the warranty or that the          Für die vollständige Version des Dokuments „Wichtige Produktinformationen”         peut entraîner des brûlures à basse température.
This limited warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship of Wacom             product is not defective, the customer will reimburse WACOM for associated                                                                                                  - Éliminez les appareils conformément aux lois et règlements locaux en vigueur.          Relación de contraste            800:1 (mín.)
products, except for excluded products described below, for a period of three (3)                                                                                               für den DTH-1152 gehen Sie zu und klicken auf Support.
                                                                                       costs.                                                                                   - Beachten Sie alle Anweisungen, Vorsichtshinweise und Warnungen in diesem                                                                                                  Luminancia                       200 cd/m2
years from the date of original retail purchase (the “Warranty Period”), as            This limited warranty shall apply if the registered office of the vendor is situated
evidenced by a copy of the receipt and registration with Wacom within 30 days          in the EU or Iceland, Norway, Jersey, Switzerland, Russia, the Ukraine, Croatia,
                                                                                                                                                                                Dokument, damit der sichere Betrieb des Geräts gewährleistet ist. Bei Nicht­       Caractéristiques                                                                         Tableta
of purchase.                                                                                                                                                                    beachtung erlischt Ihr Garantieanspruch und Wacom übernimmt keine Verant-
                                                                                       Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, the United Arab          wortung für die Reparatur oder den Ersatz des Geräts.                              Spécifications générales                                                                 Resolución                       0,01 mm/punto
WHAT IS EXCLUDED FROM THIS WARRANTY?                                                   Emirates, Iran or South Africa.                                                          - Das Gerät ist für den Gebrauch in einer normalen Büroumgebung konzipiert.
Software and consumable items such as the battery, pen cartridges, tablet              This warranty is subject to German law. However, the applicability of the United                                                                                            Dimensions (l × H × P)            210 × 210 × 16 mm                                      Velocidad máxima de lectura      200 puntos/seg.
                                                                                                                                                                                Es kann aber auch als Mittelkonsole in klimatisierten Umgebungen verwendet
surface sheet and nibs are excluded from this limited warranty. In addition, this      Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is explicitly        werden. Das Gerät wurde von Wacom nur für den Gebrauch in einer normalen           Poids                             1,0 kg                                                 Niveles de presión               1024 niveles
limited warranty does not cover any damage due to accident, abuse, misuse,             excluded. The city of Düsseldorf, Germany, is the sole place of jurisdiction for all     Büroumgebung getestet und es wurde keine Überprüfung hinsichtlich des
negligence, or unauthorized modification or repair of the product, or if it has been   claims arising from this contractual relationship and all disputes between the                                                                                              Consommation électrique           10 W (chargement complet)                              Interfaz de comunicaciones       USB
                                                                                                                                                                                Gebrauchs in medizinischen und militärischen Einrichtungen durchgeführt.           (avec adaptateur secteur)         0,5 W max. en mode veille (USB non connecté)
handled or stored other than in accordance with Wacom’s storage instructions.          parties resulting from the formation, handling or termination of the contractual         - Verwenden Sie nur die für dieses Gerät angegebenen Kabel. Wenn Sie diese
                                                                                       relationship, provided that the customer is a trader, a legal entity or fund under                                                                                                                            0,5 W ou moins à l’arrêt                               Adaptador de corriente
WHAT ARE THE REMEDIES UNDER THIS WARRANTY?                                                                                                                                      Warnung ignorieren, besteht die Gefahr eines Brands, eines Stromschlags
Wacom’s sole obligation and entire liability under this limited warranty shall be,     public law. The jurisdiction agreement shall also apply for customers who do not         oder eines Gerätefehlers. Wenn Sie ein anderes Kabel verwenden, erlischt der       Écran                                                                                    Tensión de entrada               De 100 a 240 V CA, 50/60 Hz
at Wacom’s option, either the repair or replacement of the defective product or        have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany. The jurisdiction agreement shall        Garantieanspruch.
                                                                                       not apply if, due to legal provisions, a different sole place of jurisdiction must be                                                                                       Dimensions de l’écran             10,1 pouces (223,2 × 125,55 mm)                        Tensión de salida                12 V CC, 3 A (máx.)
parts thereof of which Wacom is notified during the Warranty Period; provided,                                                                                                  - So schonen Sie Ihre Augen bei Verwendung des Geräts:
however, that you are responsible for (i) the cost of transportation of the product    established for the case.                                                                  • Verwenden Sie das Gerät nur in einem gut beleuchteten Raum und setzen          Nombre de pixels                  1920 × 1080                                            Lápiz
to the designated service location and (ii) any loss or damage to the product          Furthermore, WACOM is authorised to file a lawsuit against the headquarters of             Sie sich nicht zu nah an den Bildschirm.
                                                                                       the customer. Should one of the provisions of this limited warranty be or become                                                                                            Résolutions prises en charge      1920 × 1080, 1680 × 1050, 1366 × 768,                  Dimensiones (L × D)              141,5 × 9 mm
resulting from such transportation. Wacom will pay for return shipping by United                                                                                                  • Machen Sie regelmäßige Pausen, wenn Sie das Gerät länger verwenden.
                                                                                       void, the validity of the other provisions shall not be affected, in full or in part.                                                                                                                         1280 × 1024, 1280 × 800, 800 × 600,                    Peso                             7,0 g, aproximado
Parcel Service or by an equivalent service as chosen by Wacom.                                                                                                                  - Öffnen bzw. zerlegen Sie das Gerät nicht. Wenn Sie diese Warnung ignorieren,
                                                                                       Should a provision be invalid, the legally permissible regulation most closely                                                                                                                                640 × 480 pixels
HOW CAN YOU OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICES?                                                                                                                                           besteht die Gefahr eines Stromschlags. Ihr Garantieanspruch erlischt und
                                                                                       resembling the invalid regulation shall apply in its place. If you have any              Wacom übernimmt keine Verantwortung für die Reparatur oder den Ersatz des          Couleurs d’affichage              16,7 millions de couleurs
Upon discovery of a defect in a covered product within the Warranty Period, you        questions about this agreement, or would like to contact WACOM for another               Geräts.                                                                                                              (selon la carte graphique utilisée.)
should contact Wacom Technical Support via telephone, email, or fax to obtain
an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number and instructions for shipping
                                                                                       reason, please write to us at this address:                                              - Erstickungsgefahr. Bewahren Sie die Stiftspitze außerhalb der Reichweite von
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Rapport de contraste              800:1 (min)
                                                                                       WACOM Europe GmbH                                                                        Kindern auf. Halten Sie Verpackungsmaterial und Umhüllungen von Kindern fern,
the product to a service location designated by Wacom.                                 Völklinger Straße 1
To obtain Warranty service, contact:                                                   40219 Düsseldorf
                                                                                                                                                                                da sie ein Erstickungsrisiko darstellen.
                                                                                                                                                                                - Wenn das Gerät (LCD-Bildschirm und andere Teile) über einen längeren Zeit-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Luminosité                        200 cd/m2                                              Informações importantes sobre o produto –
Wacom Customer Care Center
                                                                                       Germany                                                                                  raum wiederholt berührt wird, können Verbrennungen die Folge sein.                 Tablette à stylet                                                                        Versão resumida
                                                                                                                                                                                - Entsorgen Sie Geräte ordnungsgemäß entsprechend den lokalen Bestimmungen         Résolution                        0,01 mm/point
                                                                                       LIMITED WARRANTY                                                                         und Gesetzen.                                                                                                                                                               Declaração de garantia
You should send the product, shipping charges prepaid, to the designated                                                                                                                                                                                           Vitesse maximale de lecture       200 points/s
                                                                                       (ASIA PACIFIC REGION)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Garantia: 3 anos na Europa, África e Oriente Médio.
service location, accompanied by the RMA, your name, address and telephone
number, proof of purchase date, and a description of the defect.                       Wacom Co., Ltd. warrants the product, to the original consumer purchaser, to be          Technische Daten                                                                   Niveaux de pression               1 024 niveaux                                          Para informações sobre a garantia DTH-1152 vá para e clique
                                                                                       free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for                                                                                                                                                                                      em Suporte.
DISCLAIMER; LIMITATION OF LIABILITY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Interface de communication        USB
                                                                                       a period of one year, from the date of original retail purchase, as evidenced by a       Allgemeine technische Daten
Any descriptions, drawings, specifications, samples, models, bulletins, or similar
material, used in connection with the sale of the product shall not be construed
                                                                                       copy of the receipt (proof of purchase).
                                                                                                                                                                                Abmessungen (B × H × T)             210 × 210 × 16 mm                              Adaptateur secteur                                                                       Precaução
                                                                                       The Software is licensed “as is.” Wacom makes no warranty with respect to its
as an express warranty that the product will conform or comply with your                                                                                                                                                                                           Tension d’entrée                  De 100 à 240 V CA, 50/60 Hz                            Para a versão completa do com as Informações importantes sobre o produto
                                                                                       quality or performance or others. Wacom cannot guarantee you uninterrupted               Gewicht                             1,0 kg
requirements.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DTH-1152, vá para e clique em Suporte.
                                                                                       service or the correction of any errors. Wacom also makes no warranty for                                                                                                   Tension de sortie                 12 VCC, 3 A (max)
EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY DESCRIBED ABOVE, THERE ARE NO                                                                                                                   Leistungsaufnahme                   10 W (volle Belastung)                                                                                                                  - Para garantir a operação segura do dispositivo, siga todas as instruções,
                                                                                       consumable items such as pen cartridges, glass panel and nibs.
OTHER WARRANTIES MADE BY WACOM ON ANY COVERED PRODUCT. NO                                                                                                                       (mit Netzadapter)                   maximal 0,5 W im Standby-Modus                 Stylet                                                                                   cuidados e avisos encontrados neste documento. O descumprimento dessas
                                                                                       Upon discovery of a defect in the product, except in the Software, within the
ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY WACOM, ITS                                                                                                                                                           (USB nicht angeschlossen)                                                                                                               recomendações pode anular a garantia; nesse caso, a Wacom não se
                                                                                       Warranty Period, the warranty holder must contact the original place of purchase                                                                                            Dimensions physiques (L x D)      141,5 × 9 mm
DEALERS, DISTRIBUTORS, AGENTS, OR EMPLOYEES SHALL CREATE A                                                                                                                                                          maximal 0,5 W im AUS-Modus                                                                                                              responsabilizará pelo reparo ou substituição do dispositivo.
                                                                                       to obtain instructions for returning the product for repair or replacement. Wacom
WARRANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY,                                                                                                                                                                                                        Poids                             7,0 g, environ                                         - O dispositivo deve ser usado em ambientes de escritório padrão. Ele também
                                                                                       and its partners are not obligated to reimburse unauthorized prepaid shipment.           Display                                                                                                                                                                     pode ser usado como console central em ambientes climatizados. Este dispositivo
                                                                                       The warranty holder is under no obligation to pay for shipment charges between
WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO                                                                                                                      Bildschirmgröße                     10,1 Zoll (223,2 × 125,55 mm)                                                                                                           foi testado pela Wacom para uso somente em ambientes de escritório padrão
                                                                                       the original place of purchase and the place of repair or replacement.
HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE AND COUNTRY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                e não foi testado quanto à sua compatibilidade em ambientes de aplicações
                                                                                       Wacom’s sole obligation and entire liability under this warranty shall be, at            Anzahl der Pixel                    1920 × 1080
TO COUNTRY. WACOM LIMITS THE DURATION OF ANY LEGALLY IMPLIED                           Wacom’s option, either the repair or replacement of the defective product or                                                                                                IT:                                                                                      médicas e militares.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - Utilize somente cabos especificados para uso com o dispositivo. Ignorar esta
WARRANTIES INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR                          parts thereof of which Wacom is notified during the Warranty Period.                     Unterstützte Auflösungen            1920 × 1080, 1680 × 1050, 1366 × 768,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            advertência pode criar um perigo de incêndio, choque elétrico ou causar uma
                                                                                       Wacom shall have no responsibility to repair or replace the product if the failure                                           1280 × 1024, 1280 × 800, 800 × 600,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    640 × 480 Pixel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Importanti informazioni sul prodotto –                                                   falha no dispositivo. O uso de outro cabo anulará a garantia.
                                                                                       of the product has resulted from force majeure including but not limited to fire,
LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE                              natural disasters, accident, and act of God; intentional or accidental abuse,            Anzeigefarben                       16,7 Mio. Farben (in Abhängigkeit von der      Versione breve                                                                           - Para proteger a saúde dos seus olhos ao utilizar o dispositivo:
ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. NEITHER WACOM NOR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Use o dispositivo somente em uma sala bem iluminada e não se sente muito
                                                                                       misuse, negligence, unauthorized modification or repair, usage of this product in                                            verwendeten Display-Karte.)
ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION,                         a fashion other than as explained in the document, or if the product has been                                                                                               Dichiarazione di garanzia                                                                  próximo à tela do monitor.
OR DELIVERY OF THIS PRODUCT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT,                                                                                                                     Kontrastverhältnis                  800:1 (min.)                                   Garanzia: 3 anni in Europa, Africa, e Medio Oriente.                                       • Faça intervalos regulares ao usar o dispositivo por períodos longos.
                                                                                       handled or stored other than in accordance with Wacom’s storage instructions.
CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR                                                                                                                                                                                                        Per informazioni sulla garanzia di DTH-1152 accedere a e fare              - Não abra nem desmonte o dispositivo. Se ignorar esta advertência, poderá
                                                                                       Any descriptions, drawings, specifications, samples, models, bulletins, or similar       Helligkeit                          200 cd/m2
LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF                                                                                                                                                                                                           clic su Assistenza.                                                                      ocorrer choque elétrico quando a carcaça for aberta, a garantia será anulada
                                                                                       material, used in connection with the sale of the product, shall not be construed
BUSINESS INFORMATION AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR                                                                                                                 Stifttablett                                                                                                                                                                e a Wacom não será responsável por consertar ou substituir o dispositivo.
                                                                                       as an express warranty that the product will conform or comply with your
INABILITY TO USE SUCH PRODUCT, EVEN IF WACOM HAS BEEN ADVISED                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               - Risco de asfixia. Tome cuidado para não deixar que crianças engulam a ponta
                                                                                       requirements.                                                                            Auflösung                           0,01 mm/Punkt                                  Precauzioni                                                                              da caneta. Evite que as crianças brinquem com partes de embalagem, já que
                                                                                       EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY DESCRIBED ABOVE, THERE ARE NO
DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR                                                                                                                       Maximale Übertragungsrate           200 Punkte/s                                   Per la versione completa della documentazione riguardante le importanti                  podem existir riscos de choques ou sufocamento.
                                                                                       OTHER WARRANTIES MADE BY WACOM ON THIS PRODUCT. NO ORAL OR
CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION                                                                                                                                                                                                        informazioni sul prodotto DTH-1152 accedere a e fare clic su               - Encostar no dispositivo (telas LCD ou outras áreas) repetidamente por períodos
                                                                                       WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY WACOM, ITS DEALERS,                               Druckstufen                         1024 Stufen
MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Assistenza.                                                                              longos pode causar queimaduras por baixa temperatura.
                                                                                       DISTRIBUTORS, AGENTS, OR EMPLOYEES SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY OR
In the event that any of the above limitations are held unenforceable, Wacom’s                                                                                                  Kommunikationsschnittstelle         USB                                            - Per garantire un funzionamento sicuro del dispositivo, seguire le istruzioni, le       - Descarte os dispositivos corretamente, de acordo com as normas e leis locais.
                                                                                       IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY, AND YOU MAY
liability for any damages to you or any party shall not exceed the purchase price                                                                                                                                                                                  avvertenze e gli avvertimenti riportati nel presente documento. In caso contrario,
                                                                                       NOT RELY ON ANY SUCH INFORMATION OR ADVICE.                                              Netzadapter
you paid, regardless of the form of any claim. This limited warranty is governed                                                                                                                                                                                   la garanzia perderebbe validità e Wacom non si assume alcuna responsabilità              Especificações
                                                                                       THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO
by the laws of the United States of America and the State of Oregon. This limited                                                                                               Eingangsspannung                    100 bis 240 V Wechselstrom, 50/60 Hz           relativa alla riparazione o sostituzione del dispositivo.
                                                                                       HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM COUNTRY TO COUNTRY. WACOM
warranty is valid for and only applies to products purchased and used inside the       LIMITS THE DURATION OF ANY LEGALLY IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Il dispositivo deve essere utilizzato in normali ambienti di ufficio. Può inoltre      Especificações gerais
United States (and its territories or possessions) or Canada.                                                                                                                   Ausgangsspannung                    12 V Gleichspannung, max. 3 A                  essere utilizzato come console centrale in ambienti a temperatura controllata.
                                                                                       IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A                                                                                                                                                                                                               Dimensões (L × A × P)           210 × 210 × 16 mm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Il dispositivo è stato testato da Wacom per essere utilizzato solo in normali
CONTACT US                                                                             PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TO THE DURATION OF WACOM’S EXPRESS                                   Stift                                                                              ambienti di ufficio e non sono stati eseguiti controlli specifici relativamente alla
Should you have any questions about this limited warranty, or if you desire to         WARRANTY.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Peso                            1,0 kg
                                                                                                                                                                                Abmessungen (L × D)                 141,5 × 9 mm                                   sua conformità alle attrezzature mediche e militari.
contact Wacom for any reason, please contact us in writing at:                         SOME COUNTRIES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN                                                                                                                                                                                                               Consumo                         10 W (carga plena)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Utilizzare esclusivamente i cavi specificati per l’utilizzo con il dispositivo.
Wacom Technology Corporation                                                           IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY                            Gewicht                             ca. 7,0 g                                                                                                                               de energia (com adaptador       0,5 W ou menos no modo de hibernação
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   La mancata osservanza di questa avvertenza potrebbe essere causa di incendi,
1455 NW Irving Street, Suite 800                                                       TO YOU. NEITHER WACOM NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED                                                                                                                                                                                                          CA)                             (USB não conectado)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   scosse elettriche, oppure guasti al dispositivo. L’utilizzo di un cavo diverso
Portland OR 97209                                                                      IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS PRODUCT SHALL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       0,5 W ou menos no modo DESLIGADO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   rende non valida la garanzia.
USA                                                                                    BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Per proteggere la salute degli occhi durante l’uso del dispositivo:
                                                                                       (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS                                NL:                                                                                   • Utilizzare il dispositivo solamente in un ambiente bene illuminato, e non
LIMITED WARRANTY                                                                       INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION AND THE LIKE) ARISING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      sedere troppo vicino allo schermo del display.                                        Tamanho da tela                 10,1 polegadas (223,2 × 125,55 mm)
                                                                                       WACOM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.
                                                                                                                                                                                Belangrijke productinformatie – korte versie                                          • Effettuare pause regolari quando si utilizza il dispositivo per lunghi periodi.     Número de pixels                1920 × 1080
Wacom warrants the product, to the original consumer purchaser, except for the                                                                                                                                                                                     - Non aprire o smontare il dispositivo. La mancata osservanza di questa
Software and consumable items such as the battery, pen cartridges, tablet              SOME COUNTRIES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF                               Garantieverklaring                                                                 avvertenza può essere causa di scosse elettriche quando il corpo del dispositivo         Resolução                       1920 × 1080, 1680 × 1050, 1366 × 768,
surface sheet and nibs, to be free from defects in materials and workmanship           INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION                                                                                                                                                                                                         das coordenadas                 1280 × 1024, 1280 × 800, 800 × 600,
                                                                                                                                                                                Garantie: 3 jaar in Europa, Afrika en het Midden-Oosten.                           è aperto, la garanzia perderebbe validità e Wacom non si assume alcuna
under normal use and service for a period of three (3) years, from the date of         OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   640 × 480 pixels
                                                                                                                                                                                Voor informatie over garantie voor DTH-1152, ga naar                 responsabilità relativa alla riparazione o sostituzione del dispositivo.
original retail purchase, as evidenced by a copy of the receipt and registration       In the event that any of the above limitations are held unenforceable, Wacom’s
                                                                                                                                                                                en klik op Support.                                                                - Pericolo di soffocamento. Impedire ai bambini di ingerire la punta della penna.        Cores exibidas                  16,7 M cores (Depende do cartão de tela usado.)
with Wacom within 30 days of purchase.                                                 liability for any damages to you or any party shall not exceed the purchase price
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Impedire ai bambini di giocare con i materiali utilizzati per l’imballaggio al fine di
The Software is licensed “as is.” Wacom makes no warranty with respect to its          you paid, regardless of the form of any claim.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Relação de contraste            800:1 (mín)
                                                                                                                                                                                Voorzorgsmaatregel                                                                 scongiurare il pericolo di soffocamento.
quality or performance. Wacom cannot guarantee you uninterrupted service or            This Limited Warranty is valid for and only applies to products purchased and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Toccare a lungo e ripetutamente il dispositivo (pannelli LCD e altre aree) può         Brilho                          200 cd/m2
the correction of any errors.                                                          used inside the countries and territories of Asia Pacific excluding Japan, the           Voor de volledige versie van het document Belangrijke productinformatie over de    essere causa di ustioni da bassa temperatura.
Upon discovery of a defect in the product, except in the Software, within the          People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, and countries in the Middle East.                 DTH-1152, ga naar en klik op Support.                                                                                                                         Mesa gráfica
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Smaltire i dispositivi correttamente secondo i regolamenti e le normative vigenti.
Warranty Period, you should contact Wacom Technical Support via telephone,             This Limited Warranty is a statement of the current warranty policy of the Asia          - Voor een veilig gebruik van het apparaat moet u alle instructies,
                                                                                       Pacific Division of Wacom Co., Ltd. and takes precedent over all other warranty          voorzorgsmaatregelen en waarschuwingen in dit document volgen. Als dit wordt                                                                                                Resolução                       0,01 mm/ponto
email, or fax to obtain an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number and                                                                                                                                                                                       Specifiche                                                                               das coordenadas
instructions for shipping the product to a service location designated by Wacom.       statements contained in packaging, brochures, manuals, etc.                              nagelaten kan het recht op garantie vervallen. In dat geval is Wacom niet
You should send the product, shipping charges prepaid, to the designated               This Limited Warranty is governed by the laws of Japan and is subject to change          verplicht het apparaat te vervangen of te repareren.                                                                                                                        Velocidade de leitura máxima    200 pontos/s
                                                                                       without prior notice.                                                                    - Het apparaat is bestemd voor gebruik in normale kantooromgevingen. Het kan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Specifiche generali
service location, accompanied by the return authorization number, your name,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Níveis de pressão               1.024 níveis
address and telephone number, proof of purchase date, and a description of the                                                                                                  ook worden gebruikt als centrale console in omgevingen met klimaatbeheersing.      Dimensioni (L x A x P)                210 × 210 × 16 mm
                                                                                       Australian Consumer law                                                                  Het apparaat is door Wacom alleen getest voor gebruik in een normale
defect. Wacom will pay for return shipping by United Parcel Service or by an                                                                                                                                                                                       Peso                                  1,0 kg                                             Interface de comunicação        USB
                                                                                       Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian              kantooromgeving en er is niet getest op de toepasbaarheid in medische en
equivalent service as chosen by Wacom.
Wacom’s sole obligation and entire liability under this warranty shall be, at
                                                                                       Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure            militaire omgevingen.                                                              Consumo energetico                    10 W (pieno carico)                                Adaptador de energia
                                                                                       and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You            - Gebruik alleen de kabels die worden aangegeven voor gebruik met het              (con adattatore CA)                   0,5 W o inferiore in modalità Standby
Wacom’s option, either the repair or replacement of the defective product or           are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of                                                                                                                                                                                  Tensão de entrada               100 a 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
parts thereof of which Wacom is notified during the Warranty Period; provided,                                                                                                  apparaat. Als u deze waarschuwing negeert, kunt u brandgevaar veroorzaken,                                               (non connesso via USB)
                                                                                       acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. Our               een elektrische schok krijgen of een storing in het apparaat veroorzaken.                                                0,5 W massimi a dispositivo spento                 Tensão de saída                 12 Vcc, 3 A (máx.)
however, that you are responsible for (i) the cost of transportation of the product    hardware products come with a one year warranty given by Wacom Co., Ltd.
to the designated service location and (ii) any loss or damage to the product                                                                                                   Als u een andere kabel gebruikt, vervalt uw recht op garantie.
                                                                                       with a subsidiary located at Wacom Australia Pty. Ltd. Ground Floor, Building 1,         - Ter bescherming van de gezondheid van uw ogen bij het gebruik van het            Display                                                                                  Caneta
resulting from such transportation.                                                    3 Richardson Place, North Ryde, NSW, 2113, Australia. If your products do not
Wacom shall have no responsibility to repair or replace the product if the failure                                                                                              apparaat:                                                                          Dimensioni schermo                    10,1 pollici (223,2 × 125,55 mm)                   Dimensões (C x D)               141,5 × 9 mm
                                                                                       provide the general features and functions described in the User Documentation             • Gebruik het apparaat uitsluitend in een goed verlichte kamer en ga niet te
of the product has resulted from accident, abuse, misuse, negligence, or               in the one (1) year period after delivery to you please contact Wacom Australia                                                                                             Numero di pixel                       1920 × 1080                                        Peso                            7,0 g, aproximadamente
unauthorized modification or repair, or if it has been handled or stored other than                                                                                               dicht bij het scherm zitten.
                                                                                       Pty. Ltd. Contact us via with details of           • Neem regelmatig pauze wanneer u het apparaat langere tijd achtereen            Risoluzione supportata                1920 × 1080, 1680 × 1050, 1366 × 768,
in accordance with Wacom’s storage instructions. Any descriptions, drawings,           your product, serial number, and proof of purchase. You may be required to
specifications, samples, models, bulletins, or similar material, used in connection                                                                                               gebruikt.                                                                                                              1280 × 1024, 1280 × 800, 800 × 600,
                                                                                       return the hardware product to the address we provide to you at the time. The
with the sale of the product, shall not be construed as an express warranty that       benefits under this warranty are in addition to other rights and remedies that you
                                                                                                                                                                                - Open of demonteer het apparaat niet. Als u deze waarschuwing negeert, kunt
                                                                                                                                                                                u een elektrische schok krijgen als de behuizing open is, vervalt uw recht op
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         640 × 480 pixel                                    RU:
the product will conform or comply with your requirements.                             may have at law.                                                                                                                                                            Colori del display                    16,7 milioni di colori
EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY DESCRIBED ABOVE, THERE ARE NO                                                                                                                   garantie en is Wacom niet verplicht het apparaat te repareren of te vervangen.
                                                                                       Warranty Service/Wacom Technical Support in Asia Pacific (except Japan, the              - Verstikkingsgevaar. Let erop dat kinderen de penpunt niet in de mond nemen.                                            (a seconda della scheda video utilizzata.)         Важная информация о продукте –
                                                                                       People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, and countries in the Middle East), the
WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY WACOM, ITS DEALERS,                             detailed Asia Pacific Limited Warranty policy and product registration may be
                                                                                                                                                                                Zorg dat kinderen niet met verpakkingsmateriaal kunnen spelen. Dit met het
                                                                                                                                                                                oog op verstikkingsgevaar.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Rapporto contrasto                    800:1 (min.)                                       Краткая версия
DISTRIBUTORS, AGENTS, OR EMPLOYEES SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY OR                          found online at                                                                                                                                 Luminosità                            200   cd/m2
IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY, AND YOU MAY                            To obtain technical support or Warranty service within Southeast and South Asia,
                                                                                                                                                                                - Als een lichaamsdeel vaker langere tijd met het apparaat (LCD-scherm of ander                                                                                             Гарантийные обязательства
NOT RELY ON ANY SUCH INFORMATION OR ADVICE. THIS WARRANTY                                                                                                                       onderdeel) in aanraking komt, kan dit tot eerstegraads brandwonden leiden.         Tavoletta con penna
                                                                                       Oceania and Taiwan, please contact the Wacom Customer Support Service via                - Gooi dit product op de juiste wijze weg en houd u bij het weggooien aan de                                                                                                Гарантия: 3 года в странах Европы, Африки и Ближнего Востока.
GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER                  Should you have any questions about this                                                                                                       Risoluzione                           0,01 mm/punto                                      Для получения гарантийной информации по DTH-1152,
RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM COUNTRY TO COUNTRY.                                                                                                                                      lokale regel- en wetgeving.
                                                                                       Agreement, or if you desire to contact Wacom for any reason, please contact                                                                                                                                                                                          перейдите по ссылке и нажмите «Поддержка».
WACOM LIMITS THE DURATION OF ANY LEGALLY IMPLIED WARRANTIES                                                                                                                                                                                                        Velocità massima di trasmissione      200 punti/sec.
                                                                                       through this website :
INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR                                                                                                                  Specificaties                                                                      Livelli di pressione                  1024 livelli                                       Меры предосторожности
WARRANTY. SOME COUNTRIES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW                               Precaution                                                                               Algemene specificaties                                                             Interfaccia di comunicazione          USB                                                Для получения полной версии документа «Важная информация о продукте»
LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT                        For the full version of the DTH-1152 Important Product Information document, go          Afmetingen (B × H × D)     210 × 210 × 16 mm                                                                                                                                DTH-1152 пройдите по ссылке и нажмите «Поддержка».
APPLY TO YOU.                                                                          to and click on Support.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Adattatore di alimentazione                                                              - Для безопасного использования данного устройства рекомендуется сле-
NEITHER WACOM NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE                             - To ensure the safe operation of the device, be sure to follow all instructions,        Gewicht                    1,0 kg                                                  Tensione di ingresso                  Da 100 a 240 VCA, 50/60 Hz                         довать всем инструкциям, мерам предосторожности и предупреждениям,
CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS PRODUCT SHALL BE                             cautions, and warnings found within this document. Failure to do so could void           Stroomverbruik             10 W (volledig gebruik)                                                                                                                          приведенным в настоящем документе. Неисполнение данных требований
LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tensione di uscita                    12 VCC, 3 A (max)                                  может привести к аннулированию гарантии, а компания Wacom не будет
                                                                                       your warranty, in which case Wacom shall have no responsibility to repair or             (met AC-adapter)           0,5 W of minder in slaapstand (USB niet aangesloten);
(INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS                              replace the device.                                                                                                 0,5 W of minder indien uitgeschakeld                    Penna                                                                                    нести ответственности за ремонт или замену устройства.
INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION AND THE LIKE) ARISING                       - The device should be used in normal office environments. It can also be used                                                                                                                                                                                       - Устройство следует использовать в обычных офисных условиях. Его также
OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH PRODUCT, EVEN IF                            as a center console in climate-controlled environments. The device was tested            Display                                                                            Dimensioni (L × D)                    141,5 × 9 mm                                       можно использовать как центральную консоль в помещениях с климат-­
WACOM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.                             by Wacom for usage in a normal office environment only and was not tested for                                                                                               Peso                                  7,0 g, circa                                       контролем. Данное устройство было протестировано компанией Wacom
                                                                                                                                                                                Beeldschermgrootte         10,1 inch (223,2 × 125,55 mm)                                                                                                                    для использования только в обычных офисных условиях, но не проходило
SOME COUNTRIES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF                             compatibility in medical and military environments.
INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION                           - Only use the cables specified for use with the device. If you ignore this warning,     Aantal pixels              1920 × 1080                                                                                                                                      тестирования на совместимость с медицинским и военным оборудованием.
OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.                                                     you might create a fire hazard, experience electrical shock, or cause device                                                                                                                                                                                         - Используйте только кабели, предназначенные для данного устройства.
                                                                                                                                                                                Ondersteunde resolutie     1920 × 1080, 1680 × 1050, 1366 × 768, 1280 × 1024,
In the event that any of the above limitations are held unenforceable, Wacom’s         failure. If you use a different cable, you will void your warranty.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           1280 × 800, 800 × 600, 640 × 480 pixels                 ES:                                                                                      Неисполнение данного требования может привести к возникновению
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            пожара, поражению электрическим током или вызвать отказ устройства.
liability for any damages to you or any party shall not exceed the purchase price      - To protect the health of your eyes when using the device:
you paid, regardless of the form of any claim. This Limited Warranty is governed                                                                                                Weergavekleuren            16,7 M kleuren (hangt af van gebruikte videokaart.)                                                                                              Использование кабелей другого типа приведет к аннулированию гарантии.
by the laws of the United States of America and the state of Oregon. This Limited
                                                                                         • Use the device in a well-lit room only, and do not sit too close to the display
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Información importante sobre el producto –                                               - Во избежание повреждения глаз при работе с устройством:
                                                                                                                                                                                Contrastverhouding         800:1 (min)
Warranty is valid for and only applies to products purchased and used inside             • Take regular breaks when using the device for extended periods of time.                                                                                                 Versión breve                                                                              • Используйте устройство только в хорошо освещенном помещении.
Central America, South America or the Caribbean.                                       - Do not open or disassemble the device. If you ignore this warning, you might           Helderheid                 200 cd/m2                                                                                                                                          Не сидите слишком близко к экрану дисплея.
                                                                                       experience electrical shock when the casing is open, you will void your warranty,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Condiciones de la garantía                                                                 • При продолжительной работе с устройством периодически делайте
WARRANTY SERVICE                                                                       and Wacom shall have no responsibility to repair or replace the device.                                                                                                                                                                                                перерывы.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Garantía: 3 años en Europa, África y Oriente Medio.
To obtain Warranty service within Central America, South America or the                - Choking hazard. Prevent children from swallowing the pen tip. Prevent children         Resolutie                  0,01 mm/punt                                            Para ver la información sobre la garantía de DTH-1152,                                   - Не открывайте и не разбирайте устройство. Неисполнение данного требо-
Caribbean contact your local dealer or distributor.                                    from playing with any packing materials or wrapping, as a choking or suffocation                                                                                            vaya a y haga clic en Soporte.                                             вания может привести к поражению электрическим током при открытом
Wacom Customer Care Center                                                             hazard may exist.                                                                        Maximale                   200 punten/s                                                                                                                                     корпусе, что приведет к аннулированию гарантии, а компания Wacom не
Spanish:                              - Touching the device (LCD panels and other areas) repeatedly for extended               overdrachtsnelheid                                                                                                                                                          будет нести ответственности за ремонт или замену устройства.
Portuguese:                           periods of time may cause low temperature burns.                                         Drukniveaus                1024 niveaus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Precaución                                                                               - Риск удушья. Не допускайте ситуаций, в которых дети могут проглотить
Should you have any questions about this Agreement, or if you desire to contact        - Dispose of devices properly, according to your local ordinances and laws.                                                                                                 Para ver la versión completa del documento Información importante sobre el               наконечник пера. Не позволяйте детям играть с упаковочными или оберточ-
Wacom for any reason, please contact in writing:                                                                                                                                Communicatie-interface     USB                                                     producto de DTH-1152, vaya a y haga clic en Soporte.                       ными материалами, так как это может привести к удушью.
Wacom Technology Corporation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       - Para garantizar el uso seguro del dispositivo, asegúrese de respetar todas las         - Длительный непосредственный контакт с устройством (ЖК-панелями
1455 NW Irving Street Suite 800                                                        Specifications                                                                           Stroomadapter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   instrucciones, precauciones y advertencias del presente documento. Si no las             и другими областями) может вызвать низкотемпературные ожоги.
Portland OR 97209                                                                      General Specifications                                                                   Ingangsspanning            100 tot 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz                               respeta, podría anularse la garantía, en cuyo caso Wacom no asumirá                      - Утилизируйте устройство в соответствии и с соблюдением требований
USA                                                                                                                                                                             Uitgangsspanning           12 V DC, 3 A (max.)                                     responsabilidad alguna sobre la reparación o sustitución del dispositivo.                законодательства страны, в которой осуществляется реализация.
                                                                                       Dimensions (W × H × D)       210 × 210 × 16 mm                                                                                                                              - El dispositivo debe utilizarse en entornos de oficina habituales. También se puede
LIMITED WARRANTY                                                                       Weight                       1.0 kg                                                      Pen                                                                                utilizar a modo de consola central en entornos de temperatura controlada. Wacom          Технические характеристики
(EUROPE, AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ha probado el dispositivo únicamente para su uso en un entorno de oficina
                                                                                       Power Consumption            10 W (full loading)                                         Afmetingen (l x d)         141,5 × 9 mm
WACOM warrants to you, as the initial purchaser, (hereinafter referred to as                                                                                                                                                                                       habitual, y no ha probado su compatibilidad en entornos médicos y militares.             Общие технические характеристики
                                                                                       (with AC adaptor)            0.5 W or less in sleep mode (USB non-connected)             Gewicht                    Ca. 7,0 g                                               - Utilice solamente los cables especificados para el uso con el dispositivo. Si pasa
“you” or “the customer”) that the product hardware will remain free from defects                                    0.5 W or less in OFF mode                                                                                                                                                                                                               Размеры (Ш x В x Г)             210 × 210 × 16 мм
in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a warranty                                                                                                                                                                                           por alto esta advertencia, podría originar un riesgo de incendio, sufrir descargas
period of THREE (3) YEARS, commencing from the purchase date and provided              Display                                                                                                                                                                     eléctricas o provocar fallos en el dispositivo. Si utiliza un cable diferente, anulará   Вес                             1,0 кг
that the product was unused at the time of purchase. Defects in wear parts (e.g.,                                                                                                                                                                                  su garantía.
pen nibs, tablet surfaces and batteries) resulting from normal wear and tear are
                                                                                       Screen Size                  10.1 inch (223.2 × 125.55 mm)                               FR :                                                                               - Para proteger su salud visual cuando utilice el dispositivo:                           Потребляемая мощность
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (с адаптером переменного
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            10 Вт (макс.)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            0,5 Вт или менее в спящем режиме
exempt from the warranty. Furthermore, WACOM warrants that the data carriers           Number of Pixels             1920 × 1080                                                                                                                                      • Utilice el dispositivo únicamente en una habitación bien iluminada y no se
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            тока)                           (без подключения USB)
delivered with the product are free from defects in materials and workmanship
                                                                                       Supported Resolution         1920 × 1080, 1680 × 1050, 1366 × 768, 1280 × 1024,
                                                                                                                                                                                Informations importantes sur le produit –                                            siente demasiado cerca de la pantalla.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • Realice pausas con regularidad cuando utilice el dispositivo durante largos                                          0,5 Вт или менее в выключенном состоянии
under normal use for a period of SIX (6) MONTHS from the date of purchase.
If during the applicable warranty period the product, excluding any software, is
                                                                                                                    1280 × 800, 800 × 600, 640 × 480 pixels                     Version abrégée                                                                      periodos de tiempo.                                                                    Дисплей
discovered to be defective, it should be returned immediately to the place of          Display Colors               16.7 M colors (Depends on display card used.)                                                                                                  - No abra ni desmonte el dispositivo. Si pasa por alto esta advertencia, podría
purchase in its original packaging together with your name, address, and
                                                                                                                                                                                Déclaration de garantie                                                            sufrir una descarga eléctrica cuando la carcasa esté abierta; esto anulará               Размер экрана                   10,1 дюйма (223,2 × 125,55 мм)
telephone number, a description of the problem, and a copy of the original             Contrast Ratio               800:1 (min)                                                 Garantie : 3 ans en Europe, en Afrique et au Moyen-orient.                         su garantía y Wacom no tendrá responsabilidad alguna sobre la reparación                 Число пикселей                  1920 × 1080
receipt. The customer shall be liable for any possible damage or loss of the           Luminance                    200 cd/m2                                                   Pour tout renseignement sur la garantie du produit DTH-1152,                       o sustitución del dispositivo.
                                                                                                                                                                                rendez-vous sur, puis cliquez sur Support.                           - Peligro de asfixia. No permita que los niños se traguen la punta del lápiz.            Поддерживаемое                  1920 × 1080, 1680 × 1050, 1366 × 768,
product during transit to the place of purchase for this purpose.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           разрешение                      1280 × 1024, 1280 × 800, 800 × 600,
WACOM’s sole obligation and entire liability under this warranty shall be, at          Pen Tablet                                                                                                                                                                  No permita que los niños jueguen con los materiales del embalaje, ya que puede
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   existir riesgo de asfixia.                                                                                               640 × 480 пикселей
WACOM’s option, either the repair or the replacement of the product or parts           Resolution                   0.01 mm/point                                               Précautions
thereof that prove defective and that were returned within the applicable                                                                                                       Pour obtenir la version complète du document « Informations importantes sur le                                                                                              Количество отображаемых         16,7 млн цветов
warranty period.                                                                       Maximum Report Rate          200 points/sec                                                                                                                                                                                                                          цветов                          (в зависимости от используемой видеокарты.)
                                                                                                                                                                                produit » DTH-1152, rendez-vous sur, puis cliquez sur Support.

Контрастность                  800:1 (мин.)                                        KR:                                                        - 长时间重复接触设备(LCD 面板或其他区域)                                                             EINHALTUNG VON UMWELTSTANDARDS                                                          ES:
                                                                                   중요한 제품 정보 – 요약 버전
Яркость                        200 кд/м2                                                                                                                                                                                           WEEE-RICHTLINIE
                                                                                                                                              可能会导致低温灼伤。                                                                                   Wiederverwendung, Recycling und Reparatur. Wenn Sie das Gerät durch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           DECLARACIÓNES REGLAMENTARIAS
Графический планшет
Координатное разрешение        0,01 мм/тч                                          보증 정보                                                      - 请依照当地法令法规正确处置设备。                                                                           ein neueres ersetzen oder die Nutzungsdauer des Geräts abgelaufen ist,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           sollten Sie das Produkt bei einer Recycling-Sammelstelle in Ihrer Nähe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           INFORMACIÓN DE CONFORMIDAD UE
                                                                                   보증: 아시아 태평양 지역 1년
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          El producto corresponde a las exigencias de las directivas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           abgeben. Sie leisten dadurch einen aktiven Beitrag zum Umweltschutz
                                                                                   DTH-1152 보증 정보를 보려면 www.wacom.com으로 가서 지원을 클릭하십시오.
Максимальная частота           200 точек/сек                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              europeas EMC, ErP y RoHS.
опроса                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     in Ihrer Gemeinde und tragen dazu bei, dass keinerlei in dem Gerät                             Véase:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   vorhandene Schadstoffe bei der Entsorgung in die Umwelt gelangen.
Уровни давления                1024 уровня                                                                                                                                                                                         Gemäß der WEEE-Richtlinie und laut Vorschriften in den einzelnen
                                                                                   DTH-1152 중요한 제품 정보 자료의 정식 버전을 보려면 www.wacom.com으로 가서
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mitgliedsstaaten ist die Entsorgung von Elektro- und Elektronikschrott im
Коммуникационный               USB
                                                                                                                                              一般规格                                                                                                                                                                         CONFORMIDAD MEDIOAMBIENTAL
                                                                                   지원을 클릭하십시오.
интерфейс                                                                                                                                                                                                                          normalen Hausmüll untersagt. Produkte, auf die diese Richtlinie zutreffen, sind
                                                                                   - 기기를 안전하게 사용할 수 있도록 본 문서의 모든 지시, 주의 및 경고를 따르십시오.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   mit dem Symbol zur Kennzeichnung von Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten am                  WEEE
Сетевой адаптер
                                                                                   그렇게 하지 않으면 보증이 무효로 되며, Wacom은 기기의 수리 또는 교체에 대한              尺寸                            210 × 210 × 16 毫米                                     Anfang dieses Hinweises versehen, es sei denn, diese Kennzeichnung ist                           Reutilización, reciclado y recuperación. Le recomendamos que recycle
                                                                                   책임을 갖지 않습니다.
Входное напряжение             100 - 240 В пер. тока, 50/60 Гц                                                                                                                                                                     aufgrund des Formats oder der Funktion des Produkts nicht möglich. Produkte                      este producto cuando lo sustituya por uno nuevo o cuando haya pasado
Выходное напряжение            12 В пост. тока, 3 A (макс.)                        - 본 기기는 일반적인 사무실 환경에서 사용해야 합니다. 또한 공조 시스템이 설치된             (长 × 高 × 宽)                                                                          von Wacom unterliegen der WEEE-Richtlinie. Die Geräte sollten daher stets                        su periodo de vida útil. Para ello, llevelo a un punto de recogida de
                                                                                   환경에서 중앙 콘솔로도 사용할 수 있습니다. Wacom은 일반적인 사무실 환경에서의
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   getrennt gesammelt und der entsprechenden Entsorgungsstelle in Ihrer Region                      materiales para reciclaje de su localidad o comarca. Al hacerlo, ayudará
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   oder Gemeinde zugeführt werden.
Перо                                                                               기기 사용을 테스트했으며, 의료 및 군사 분야에서의 호환성에 관한 테스트는 실시하지              重量                           1.0 千克                                                                                                                                                  a mejorar el medioambiente de su localidad, así como a reducir los
                                                                                   않았습니다.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  posibles efectos negativos que se produzcan por cualquier sustancia presente
                                                                                   - 기기 전용 케이블만 사용하십시오. 이 경고를 무시하면 화재가 발생하거나 감전되거나
Физические размеры             141,5 × 9 мм                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                en los materiales de desecho que entre en contacto con el medioambiente
(длина × диаметр)
                                                                                   기기가 고장날 수 있습니다. 다른 케이블을 사용하면 보증이 무효로 됩니다.                   功耗                           10 W(满载)                                               NL:                                                                                     durante el proceso de eliminación. En la Unión Europea, los usuarios no deben
                                                                                   - 기기 사용 시 시력 보호를 위해 다음과 같은 조치를 취하십시오.
Вес                            0,7 г, приблизительно                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       desechar equipos electrónicos y eléctricos como un vertido municipal, según lo
                                                                                     • 환한 곳에서만 기기를 사용하고, 디스플레이 화면에 너무 가까이 앉지 마십시오.
                                                                                                                                              (使用交流                         睡眠模式为0.5 W 或更低                                         WETTELIJKE VERKLARING                                                                   estipulado en la directiva WEEE, o en las leyes locales correspondientes de cada
                                                                                     • 기기를 일정 시간 사용한 후 정기적으로 휴식을 취하십시오.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           estado miembro.
                                                                                   - 기기를 열거나 분해하지 마십시오. 이 경고를 무시하면 케이스가 열렸을 때 감전될 수
                                                                                                                                               适配器)                        (未连接USB)                                                INFORMATIE OVER DE EU-CONFORMITEIT                                                      Los productos a los que se les aplica esta instrucción están marcados con el
PL:                                                                                있고, 보증이 무효로 되며, Wacom은 기기의 수리 또는 교체에 대한 책임을 갖지                                           关机模式为0.5 W 或更低                                                         Het product voldoet aan de voorschriften van de europese EMC-,          simbolo WEEE que aparece al principio de esta nota, a menos que no sea
                                                                                   않습니다.                                                                                                                                                           ErP- alsook de europese RoHS-richtlijnen.                               posible por el tamaño o la función del producto. Los productos Wacom están
                                                                                   - 질식 위험이 있습니다. 어린이가 펜심을 삼키지 않도록 주의하십시오. 어린이가 포장
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           sujetos a la directiva WEEE y, por tanto, deberá separarlos y llevarlos al punto de
Ważne informacje o produkcie – wersja skrócona                                                                                                显示器
                                                                                   재료나 포장지를 가지고 놀지 않도록 하십시오. 삼키거나 질식할 위험이 있습니다.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           recogida adecuado de su localidad o provincia.
Oświadczenie gwarancyjne                                                           - 기기(LCD 패널 및 기타 부분)를 장기간 반복해서 만지면 저온 화상을 입을 수 있습니다.
Gwarancja: 3 lata w Europie, Afryce, i na Bliskim Wschodzie.                       - 현지 법규에 따라 기기를 적절히 폐기하십시오.                                屏幕尺寸                          10.1 英寸                                                MILIEURICHTLIJN
W celu uzyskania informacji o gwarancji DTH-1152 należy przejść na stronę i kliknąć Wsparcie.                                                                                                                                          (223.2 × 125.55 毫米)                                     WEEE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Het tablet hergebruiken, recyclen en opslaan. U wordt verzocht dit             НОРМАТИВНЫЙ АКТ
                                                                                   일반 사양
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            product te recyclen wanneer u het vervangt door een nieuwer product of
Środki ostrożności                                                                                                                            像素数                           1920 × 1080                                                     wanneer het product het einde van zijn levensduur heeft bereikt.
W celu uzyskania pełnej wersji dokumentu Ważne informacje o produkcie              크기(W × H × D)      210 × 210 × 16 mm                                                                                                                     Breng het naar een recyclingpunt in uw buurt. Op die manier levert u uw
                                                                                                                                              支持的分辨率                        1920 × 1080、1680 × 1050、                                        bijdrage aan een schonere omgeving en voorkomt u dat mogelijk                  PL:
                                                                                   중량                 1.0 kg
DTH-1152 należy przejść na stronę i kliknąć Wsparcie.
Aby zagwarantować bezpieczne korzystanie z posiadanego urządzenia, należy                                                                                                                                                          gevaarlijke bestanddelen die verwerkt zijn in het afvalmateriaal in het milieu
postępować zgodnie z wszelkimi instrukcjami, ostrzeżeniami i uwagami zawartymi     소비 전력              10 W(전부하)                                                             1366 × 768、1280 × 1024、                                terechtkomen.                                                                           DEKLARACJE WYMAGANE PRZEZ ORGAN NADZORU
w niniejszym dokumencie. Niezastosowanie się do tych zapisów może spowodo-         (AC 어댑터 사용 시)      절전 모드에서 0.5 W 이하(USB 연결 안 된 경우)                                                                                              Overeenkomstig de WEEE-Richtlijn alsmede plaatselijke wetten van de lidstaten
wać unieważnienie gwarancji; w takim przypadku firma Wacom nie ponosi odpo-                           오프 모드에서 0.5 W 이하                                                      1280 × 800、800 × 600、                                  is het aan inwoners van de Europese Unie niet toegestaan om elektrische en              INFORMACJA O ZGODNOŚCI UE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   elektronische apparatuur als ongesorteerd huishoudelijk afval aan te bieden.                           Produkt jest zgodny z dyrektywami EMC, ErP i RoHS.
wiedzialności za naprawę lub wymianę urządzenia.
- Urządzenie powinno być użytkowane w normalnych warunkach biurowych.                                                                                                       640 × 480 像素                                           Producten waarvoor deze regels gelden, dragen bovenstaand WEEE-symbool,                                Zobacz:
                                                                                   화면 크기              10.1인치(223.2 × 125.55 mm)
Może również służyć jako konsola centralna w środowisku o kontrolowanym                                                                                                                                                            tenzij de omvang of de functie van het product dit niet toelaat. Producten van
klimacie. Urządzenie to zostało przetestowane przez firmę Wacom w standardo-                                                                  显示颜色                          1670 万色                                                Wacom vallen onder de bepalingen van de WEEE-Richtlijn en dienen apart naar
wych warunkach biurowych. Nie przeprowadzano badań zgodności w warunkach           화소 수               1920 × 1080                                                                                                                  het desbetreffende verzamelpunt in uw buurt te worden gebracht.
medycznych i wojskowych.
                                                                                   지원 해상도             1920 × 1080, 1680 × 1050, 1366 × 768,
                                                                                                                                                                           (取决于所使用的显卡。        )                                                                                                                            ZGODNOŚĆ ŚRODOWISKOWA
- Należy stosować wyłącznie kable przeznaczone do używania z urządzeniem.
                                                                                                      1280 × 1024, 1280 × 800, 800 × 600,                                                                                                                                                                                  WEEE
Zignorowanie tego ostrzeżenia może prowadzić do powstania zagrożenia pożarem,
porażenia prądem lub awarii urządzenia. Użycie kabla innego typu spowoduje                            640 × 480 화소                            对比率                           800:1(最小)                                              FR:                                                                                              Ponowne użycie, recykling oraz odzyskiwanie. Użytkownik jest
unieważnienie gwarancji.                                                           디스플레이 색            16.7 M 색(디스플레이 카드에 따라 다름)                                                                                                    AVIS DE CONFORMITÉ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    zobowiązany do przetworzenia produktu poprzez przekazanie go do
- Aby chronić wzrok podczas korzystania z urządzenia:                                                                                         照度                            200 cd/m2                                                                                                                                               odpowiedniego lokalnego punktu skupu materiałow pr zetwar zalnych w
  • Należy korzystać z urządzenia wyłącznie w odpowiednio oświetlonych             명암비                800:1(최소)                                                                                                                    DÉCLARATIONS DE CONFORMITÉ CONFORMITÉ FCC                                                        momencie zastąpienia go nowszym egzemplarzem lub po upływie czasu
                                                                                   휘도                 200 cd/m2                               数位板
  pomieszczeniach i nie siadać zbyt blisko ekranu.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  jego użyteczności. Przysłuży się to do poprawy środowiska naturalnego
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cet appareil est conforme à la section 15 de la réglementation FCC. Son
  • Należy robić regularne przerwy podczas długotrwałej pracy z urządzeniem.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               oraz zminimalizuje potencjalne negatywne skutki w pr zypadku kontaktu
                                                                                   펜 태블릿
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne
- Nie wolno otwierać ani rozkładać urządzenia. Zignorowanie tego ostrzeżenia                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               substancji niebezpiecznych obecnych w odpadach ze środowiskiem naturalnym.
może prowadzić do porażenia prądem, kiedy obudowa jest otwarta. Spowoduje
                                                                                   해상도                0.01 mm/포인트
                                                                                                                                              分辨率                            0.01 毫米/点                                             peut causer d’interférences néfastes, et (2) il doit accepter la réception de toutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   interférences, y compris celles susceptibles de perturber son fonctionnement.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Zgodnie z opracowaną przez Parlament Europejski oraz Radę Europejską
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Dyrektywą WEEE, lub odpowiadającymi jej lokalnymi przepisami krajow
to unieważnienie gwarancji; w takim przypadku firma Wacom nie ponosi odpo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ce produit a été vérifié et réceptionné conformément aux prescriptions relatives
                                                                                   최대 데이터 전송률         200포인트/초                                                               200 点/秒
wiedzialności za naprawę lub wymianę wadliwego produktu.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   członkowskich, zabrania się usuwania zużytego sprzętu elektrycznego oraz
- Niebezpieczeństwo połknięcia. Należy uważać, aby dzieci nie połknęły końcówki                                                               最高报告速率                                                                               aux appareils numériques de classe B, selon la section 15 de la réglementation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           elektronicznego wraz z nie sortowanymi odpadami komunalnymi.
                                                                                   필압 레벨              1024개 레벨
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FCC. Ces prescriptions sont destinées à fournir, dans le cas d’une installation
pióra. Nie należy pozwalać, aby dzieci bawiły się materiałami i taśmami pakunko-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Produkty podlegające powyższym przepisom są oznaczone symbolem WEEE
wymi, ponieważ może to stwarzać niebezpieczeństwo udławienia lub uduszenia.
                                                                                   통신 인터페이스           USB
                                                                                                                                              压力级别                           1024 级                                                domestique, un niveau de protection approprié contre de telles interférences.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           widocznym na początku tej uwagi. Powyższe nie ma zastosowania, gdy rozmiar
- Wielokrotne dotykanie urządzenia (paneli LCD lub innych miejsc) przez dłuższy                                                                                                                                                    INDUSTRIE CANADA (CANADA UNIQUEMENT)                                                    lub funkcja produktu to uniemożliwiają. Produkty firmy Wacom podlegają
czas może spowodować oparzenia niskotemperaturowe.                                 전원 어댑터                                                     通信接口                           USB                                                   Industrie Canada, classe B:                                                             Dyrektywie WEEE, tak więc należy oddzielać je od innych odpadow i dostarczać
- Urządzenie należy odpowiednio zutylizować, zgodnie z lokalnymi rozporządze-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              do lokalnego punktu skupu materiałow przetwarzalnych.
                                                                                   입력 전압              100 ~ 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B)
niami i przepisami.
                                                                                   출력 전압              12 VDC, 3 A(최대)                         电源适配器                                                                                Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux
Dane techniczne
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   conditions suivantes :                                                                  TR:
Ogólne dane techniczne                                                                                                                        输入电压                           100 ~ 240 VAC,50/60 Hz                                (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
                                                                                   크기(L × D)          141.5 × 9 mm                                                                                                                 (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,     Turkey RoHS
Wymiary (szer. × wys. × głęb.) 210 × 210 × 16 mm
                                                                                   중량                 약 7.0 g                                 输出电压                           12 VDC,3 A(最大)                                        même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Informations concernant l’exposition aux fréquences radio (RF)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Türkiye Cumhuriyeti: EEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur
Waga                           1,0 kg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Le produit est conforme aux limites d’exposition pour les appareils portables RF
Pobór mocy
(z uwzględnieniem zasilacza
                               10 W (pełne obciążenie)
                               Do 0,5 W w trybie uśpienia (USB niepodłączone)
                                                                                                                                              笔                                                                                    pour les Etats-Unis et le Canada établies pour un environnement non contrôlé.
                                                                                   TC:                                                                                                                                             Le produit est sûr pour un fonctionnement tel que décrit dans ce manuel.
AC)                            Do 0,5 W w trybie wyłączenia
                                                                                                                                               物理尺寸                          141.5 × 9 毫米                                          INFORMATION DE CONFORMITÉ UE                                                            電波障害自主規制等について
Wyświetlacz                                                                        重要產品資訊 ─ 限定版本                                              (长 × 深)                                                                                              Le produit est conforme aux exigences des directives                                         この装置は、クラスB 報装置です。この装置は、家庭環境で
Rozmiary ekranu                10,1 cala (223,2 x 125,55 mm)                                                                                                                                                                                       européennes EMC, ErP et RoHS.                                                                使用されていることを目的としていますが、この装置がラジオ
                                                                                   保固聲明                                                                                                                                                            Voir :                                                             やテレビジョン受信機に近接して使用されると、受信障害を起
Liczba pikseli                 1920 x 1080
                                                                                   保固:亞太地區 1 年                                                 重量                            约7.0 克                                                                                                                                                             こすことがあります。
Obsługiwana rozdzielczość      1920 × 1080, 1680 × 1050, 1366 × 768,               有關 DTH-1152 的保固資訊,請至 並按一下「支援」
                                                                                                                         。                                                                                                                                                                                                                      取扱説明書にしたがって正しい取り扱いをしてください。
                               1280 × 1024, 1280 × 800, 800 × 600,                                                                                                                                                                 CONFORMITÉ AVEC LES NORMES                                                                                                            VCCI-B

Głębia kolorów wyświetlacza
                               640 × 480 pikseli
                               16,7 M kolorów
                                                                                   安全措施                                                       产品用途 :                                                                               ENVIRONNEMENTALES
                                                                                   有關 DTH-1152 重要產品資訊文件的完整版本,請至 並按一下「支援」                                                                                                 DEEE
                               (w zależności od użytej karty graficznej)
                                                                                   - 為了確保安全使用裝置,請務必遵循本文件的所有說明、注意及警告事項。若未確
                                                                                                                                              DTH-1152 可以用来显示电子文档并在电子文                                                                      Réutilisation, recyclage et récupération. Une fois en fin de vie ou après
Współczynnik kontrastu         800:1 (min.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                レットの回収・リサイクル活動を行っています。
Luminancja                     200   cd/m2
                                                                                   實遵守會使保固無效,不論發生哪一種情況,Wacom 均無需負擔維修或更換裝置的
                                                                                                                                              档上进行电子签名,同时,还可以作为扩展显                                                                          son remplacement par un produit plus recent, il est fortement conseillé
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            de récycler ce produit en le deposant dans un point de collecte de             液晶ペンタブレットのリサイクルのお問い合わせについては、以下のインターネット
Tablet piórkowy
                                                                                   - 本裝置適用於一般辦公室環境。亦可在空調環境下作為中央主控台。本裝置僅通過
                                                                                   Wacom 於一般辦公室環境中的測試,並未特別針對其在醫療及軍事環境的相容性進
                                                                                                                                              示器来进行使用。                                                                                      materiaux récyclables de votre région. Ce faisant, vous aiderez a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            protéger l’environnement et minimiserez les effets negatifs causés par
Rozdzielczość                  0,01 mm/punkt                                       行檢測。                                                                                                                                            d’eventuels ecoulements de substances dangereuses lors de la mise au rebut.
                                                                                   - 僅能使用裝置專用的連接線。若忽視此警告,可能會導致起火、觸電或造成裝置故                     请保留此文件以便将来查看。                                                                        Au sein de l’Union Européenne, il est interdit aux utilisateurs de jeter les déchets
Maksymalna szybkość
                               200 punktów/s.                                      障。若使用不同的連接線,將使您的保固失效。                                                                                                                           d’équipements électriques et électroniques avec les ordures menagères non               TC:
                                                                                   - 使用裝置時,為保護您的眼晴健康:                                                                                                                              triées, conformément a la Directive WEEE, ou aux lois équivalentes des Etats
Poziomy nacisku                1024 poziomy                                         • 務必在照明充足的環境下使用裝置,坐的位置不要距離顯示器螢幕太近。                        和冠科技(北京)有限公司                                                                         membres. Les produits concernés sont dotés du symbole WEEE illustre au début
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   de cette remarque, sauf impossibilité due a la taille ou a la fonction du produit.      注意:使用 30 分鐘請休息 10 分鐘
                                                                                    • 長時間使用本裝置時,請務必定時休息。                                                                                                                                                                                                                   未滿 2 歲幼兒不看螢幕,2 歲以上每天看螢幕不要超過 1 小時
Interfejs komunikacyjny        USB
                                                                                   - 請勿拆開或拆解本裝置。若忽視此警告,在拆開外殼時可能會觸電,同時造成保固                     中国北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1 号中国国                                                                 Les produits Wacom sont soumis à la Directive WEEE et doivent donc être mis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   au rebut separément, dans un point de collecte de votre région.
Napięcie wejściowe             100–240 V prądu przemiennego, 50/60 Hz
                                                                                   失效,在此情況下,Wacom 毋須負責維修或更換產品。
                                                                                   - 吞食危險。避免孩童吞下筆尖。請避免孩童戲玩包裝材料或包裝紙,可能會導致窒                     际贸易中心国贸西楼518 室 ;邮编 :100004                                                                                                                                                   台灣危害物質限用指令(RoHS)資訊
                                                                                   息的危險。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   各產品限用有害物質(RoHS)含有情況標示於官方網站
Napięcie wyjściowe             12 V prądu stałego, 3 A (maks.)                     - 裝置若多次長時間接觸身體的相同部位(LCD 面板和其他部份)可能會導致低溫灼                                                                                                        IT:                                                                                     請見

Pióro                                                                              傷。
                                                                                   - 請依照當地規範或法令,以適當的方式丟棄本產品。                                                                                                                       DICHIARAZIONE DI LEGGE
Wymiary (dł. x śr.)            141,5 × 9 mm                                                                                                   EN:                                                                                  INFORMAZIONI DI CONFORMITÀ UE
Waga                           około 7,0 g                                         規格                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Wacom products comply with Vietnam’s legislation
                                                                                                                                              REGULATORY STATEMENT                                                                                 Il prodotto corrisponde alle esigenze delle direttive europee EMC,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ErP e RoHS.                                                             “THÔNG TƯ 30/2011/TT-BCT:Quy định tạm thời về giới hạn hàm lượng cho phép
                                                                                   一般規格                                                       FCC notice                                                                                           Vedi:                                         của một số hóa chất độc hại trong sản phẩm điện, điện tử” which came into effect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           on December 1, 2012.
JP:                                                                                尺寸(寬 × 高 × 長)        210 × 210 × 16 公釐                     This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
                                                                                                                                              following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
                                                                                   重量                   1.0 公斤                                                                                                                     INFORMAZIONI SULLO SMALTIMENTO E SUL
重要な製品情報 – 限定版
                                                                                                                                              (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
                                                                                   耗電量(使用 AC 電源變壓器)     10 W(滿載時)                             may cause undesired operation.                                                       RICICLAGGIO
                                                                                                                                              This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
ご注意                                                                                                     睡眠模式:0.5 W 或以下(未連接 USB)
                                                                                                                                              B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to     WEEE
                                                                                                        關機模式:0.5 W 或以下
DTH-1152 の重要な製品情報の全文を参照するには、 のサイトの                                                                                               provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential                    Riutilizzo, riciclaggio e recupero. In caso di sostituzione del presente
「サポート」をクリックしてください。                                                                 顯示器                                                        installation.                                                                                  prodotto con una versione piu recente o al termine della durata di
- 本機を安全に使用するために、本マニュアルに記載されている指示や注意事項、                                                                                                        This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if                  utilizzo del prodotto stesso, siete pregati di riciclarlo smaltendolo in un
警告をよくお読みのうえ、記載事項を守ってお使いください。また、記載事項を無視                                             螢幕尺寸                 10.1 吋(223.2 × 125.55 公釐)             not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful                  centro di raccolta per materiali riciclabili presente nel vostro comune o
したことで生じた損害は、当社の保証の対象外となることがあります。その場合は、                                                                                                        interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that                      nella vostra regione. Cosi facendo, contribuirete al miglioramento
                                                                                   像素                   1920 × 1080
当社は本機の修理または交換を含む一切の責任を負いません。                                                                                                                  interference will not occur in a particular installation.                            dell’ambiente, riducendo al minimo i potenziali effetti negativi causati da
- 本機は通常のオフィス環境でご使用ください。空調制御された環境では、センター                                            支援的解析度               1920 × 1080、1680 × 1050、1366 × 768、   You can determine whether the equipment is causing interference by                   sostanze pericolose che potrebbero essere presenti nei materiali di scarto e che
コンソールとしてご使用いただくことも可能です。ワコムは本機の通常のオフィス環                                                                  1280 × 1024、1280 × 800、800 × 600、     disconnecting it from your computer. If the interference stops, it was probably      potrebbero andare disperse nell’ambiente durante il processo di smaltimento.
                                                                                                                                              caused by the equipment.                                                             All’interno dell’Unione Europea, gli utenti non possono smaltire rifiuti di
境での使用を対象としたテストのみを行っており、医療および軍事環境での互換性                                                                   640 × 480 像素
                                                                                                                                              If the equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, you       apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche come rifiuti comunali non differenziati,
テストは行っておりません。                                                                      顯示器色彩                16.7M 色(依顯示卡而定。
                                                                                                                      )                       may be able to correct the interference by using one or more of the following        come indicato nella Direttiva WEEE, o dalla legislazione corrispondente nei
- 本機を使用する際は、指定されたケーブルのみをご使用ください。この警告を無                                                                                                        measures:
視すると、火災、感電、または機器の故障を招く恐れがあります。付属するケーブル                                             對比率                  800:1(最小)                                                                                                                  singoli Stati Membri. I prodotti per cui e applicabile tale direttiva saranno
                                                                                                                                              • Rotate the television or radio antenna until the interference stops.               contrassegnati con il simbolo WEEE, mostrato all’inizio della presente nota, fatta
以外を使用した場合、本機の保証は無効になります。                                                                                                                      • Move the equipment farther away from the television or radio.
                                                                                   亮度                   200 cd/m2                                                                                                                  eccezione per i prodotti le cui dimensioni e/o funzioni non siano compatibili con
- 本機使用時にお客様の目を守るために:                                                                                                                          • Plug the equipment and computer into an outlet that is on a different circuit      suddetto simbolo. I prodotti Wacom sono soggetti alla Direttiva WEEE, e
  • 本機は明るい室内でのみ使用し、液晶画面から十分に離れて座ってください。                                            數位板                                                        from the television or radio.                                                        pertanto devono sempre essere smaltiti separatamente e portati in un centro di
  • 本機を長時間ご使用になる場合は、定期的に休憩をお取りください。                                                                                                           If necessary, consult your Wacom dealer or an experienced radio/television           raccolta idoneo presente nel vostro comune o nella vostra regione.
- 本機のケースを開けたり、分解したりしないでください。この警告を無視してケー                                            解析度                  0.01 公釐/點                             technician for help.
スを開けると、感電の恐れがあります。また、ケースを開けた場合は本機の保証は                                              最大讀取速率               200 點/秒                               Changes or modifications to this product not authorized by Wacom could void
無効になり、当社は本機の修理または交換を含む一切の責任を負いません。                                                                                                            the FCC Certification and negate your authority to operate the product.
- 誤飲の危険性 小さなお子様が電子ペンやペン先などを口の中に入れないようにご                                            壓力感應級數               1024 級                                FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
注意ください。包装袋は、お子様が誤って飲み込んだり、かぶって遊ぶことのないよ                                             通訊介面                 USB                                   This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an
うご注意ください。                                                                                                                                     uncontrolled environment.
- 身体に本機(液晶パネルなど)が長時間触れると、低温やけどするおそれがあり                                             電源變壓器
                                                                                                                                              INDUSTRY CANADA (CANADA ONLY)                                                        SC:
- 本機は、お住まいの地域の条例や法律に従って適切に廃棄してください。                                                輸入電壓                 100 到 240 VAC,50/60 Hz                Industry Canada, Class B:
                                                                                   輸出電壓                 12 VDC,3 A(最大)                        CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B)                                                              符合中国国家标准
仕様                                                                                 數位筆                                                        Canada (IC) notice                                                                   GB4943.1-2011; GB17625.1-2012; GB9254-2008
                                                                                                                                              This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is
一般仕様                                                                               實際大小(長 × 直徑)         141.5 × 9 公釐                          subject to the following two conditions:
外形寸法(W × H × D)                210 × 210 × 16mm                                    重量                   7.0 公克,約略值
                                                                                                                                              (1) This device may not cause interference; and
                                                                                                                                              (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may
重さ                             1.0kg                                                                                                          cause undesired operation of the device.                                             China RoHS
消費電力(AC アダプタ使用)                10W(最大負荷時)
                                                                                                                                              Radiation Exposure Statement:                                                                                                                          产品中有害物质的名称及含量
                               スリープモードでは0.5W 以下(USB 未接続時)                          SC:                                                        The product comply with the Canada portable RF exposure limit set forth for an
                                                                                                                                              uncontrolled environment and are safe for intended operation as described in
                               オフモードでは0.5W 以下                                                                                                 this manual.                                                                                                                                                                         10   有害物质
ディスプレイ                                                                             预防措施                                                       EU CONFORMITY INFORMATION
表示サイズ                          10.1インチ(223.2 × 125.55mm)                           如需查看DTH-1152 重要产品信息完整版、请                                                  The product complies with European EMC, ErP and
                                                                                                                                                             RoHS Directive.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           铅    汞    镉   六价铬      多溴联苯 多溴二苯醚
最大表示解像度                        1920 × 1080
                                                                                                          。                                                  See :                                                              (Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr(VI)) (PBBs) (PBDEs)
対応解像度                          1920 × 1080、1680 × 1050、1366 × 768、
                               1280 × 1024、1280 × 800、800 × 600、                   - 为确保安全使用设备、请务必遵循本文档所含                                     ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE                                                                Plastic Parts 塑料机构件  ○    ○    ○     ○        ○       ○
                               640 × 480ピクセル
                                                                                   的所有指导说明、注意及警告。否则会导致保                                       E-Waste                                                                                  Metal Parts  金属机构件  ○    ○    ○     ○        ○       ○
最大表示色                          1677 万色(グラフィックカードによって異なる)
                                                                                   修失效、在这种情况下、Wacom 将不负责维修                                    Wacom Technology, as a manufacturer of electronic products, is subject to and
コントラスト比                        800:1(最小)
                                                                                                                                              fully compliant with eWaste legislation in various states. For more information on
                                                                                                                                              the collection sites and statewide eWaste recycling programs in the United
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          PCBA      电路板组件  ×    ○    ○     ○        ○       ○
最大輝度                           200   cd/m2                                                                                                    States, please visit or call 1-800-922-6613.
                                                                                   - 本设备应在普通办公环境中使用。不过也可以                                                                                                                              LCD Panel     液晶面板  ×    ○    ○     ○        ○       ○
ペンタブレット                                                                                                                                       WEEE
読取分解能                          0.01 mm/ ポイント
                                                                                   在气候可控的环境中作为主控台使用。Wacom                                              Reuse, recycling, and recovery. You are urged to recycle this product          Touch Panel    触摸屏   ○    ○    ○     ○        ○       ○
                                                                                                                                                       when replacing it with a newer product or when it has outlived its useful
読取速度                           200 ポイント/ 秒
                                                                                   仅针对本设备在普通办公环境中的使用进行过                                                life by bringing it to an appropriate collection point for recyclable
                                                                                   测试、未在医疗或军事环境中测试使用。                                                  materials in your community or region.                                            Adapter    电源适配器  ×    ○    ○     ○        ○       ○
筆圧レベル                          1024レベル                                                                                                                 By doing this, you can help improve the environment of your community
通信インタフェース                      USB                                                 - 仅限使用本设备专用的电线。如果您忽视本警                                     as well as minimize the potential negative effects created should any hazardous
                                                                                                                                              substance that may possibly be present within waste material reach the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Power Cord    电源线   ○    ○    ○     ○        ○       ○
AC アダプタ                                                                            告、可能会导致火灾危险、触电或设备故障。                                       environment during the disposal process.
                                                                                                                                              Within the European Union, users are required not to dispose of Waste Electrical        Internal Wire 内部连接线  ○    ○    ○     ○        ○       ○
入力電圧                           AC100 ~ 240 V、50/60 Hz                              如果您使用其他电线、将导致保修失效。                                         and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) as unsorted municipal waste, according to the
出力電圧                           DC12 V、3 A(最大)                                      - 为了在使用设备时保护眼睛、请注意以下几点:
                                                                                                                                              WEEE Directive or the corresponding local laws of the Member States. Products          External Cable 外部连接线  ×    ○    ○     ○        ○       ○
                                                                                                                                              for which this is applicable will be marked with the WEEE symbol shown at the
ペン                                                                                   • 仅在光线好的房间内使用设备、距离显示屏                                    beginning of this note unless this is not feasible because of the size or the
                                                                                                                                              function of the product. Wacom products are subject to the Directive WEEE and                Pen       压感笔   ○    ○    ○     ○        ○       ○
                                                                                                                                              therefore you should always collect them separately and bring them to the
サイズ( )                         141.5 × 9mm                                           不要过近。                                                    appropriate collection point in your community or region.                                  Manual      说明书   ○    ○    ○     ○        ○       ○
重さ                             約 7.0 g
                                                                                     • 长时间使用设备时要定时休息。
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     本表格依据SJ/T 11364的规定编制。
                                                                                   - 请勿开启或拆解设备。如果您忽视本警告,可                                     DE:                                                                                    ○ :表示该有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在GB/T 26572规定的限量要求以下。
                                                                                   能会在机壳打开时触电、导致保修失效、而                                        RECHTLICHE HINWEISE                                                                    × :表示该有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出GB/T 26572规定的限量要求。
                                                                                   Wacom 将不负责维修或更换设备。                                         EU-KONFORMITÄTSINFORMATION
                                                                                   - 窒息危险。防止儿童吞服笔尖。不要让儿童玩                                                    Das Produkt erfüllt die Anforderungen der europäischen
                                                                                                                                                             Richtlinien EMV, ErP sowie RoHS.
                                                                                   耍包装材料或包装纸、这存在着窒息危险。                                                       Siehe:                                                                                                                              © 2017 Wacom Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Wacom and their respective logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           or Wacom Co., Ltd.

Document Created: 2017-05-17 11:38:03
Document Modified: 2017-05-17 11:38:03

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