Test report


Test Report

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                                      TEST REPORT
                                             Report number : JPD—TR—17123—0
                                                 Issue date : May 23, 2017
     The device, as described herewith, was tested pursuant to applicable test procedure and complies with
     the requirements of;

                                                      FCC Part15 Subpart C

     The test results are traceable to the international or national standards.

               Applicant                                    : _Wacom Co., Ltd.

                Equipment under test (EUT)                  :      Pen Tablet

                Model number                                :      CTL—472

                FCC ID                                      :      HVA4CTL4T2

               Date of test           :     May 11, 12, 13, 2017
               Test place             :    TUV SUD Zacta Ltd. Yonezawa Testing Center
                                           5—4149—7, Hachimanpara, Yonezawa—shi,
                                           Yamagata, 992—1128 Japan
                                           Phone: +81—238—28—2881 Fax: +81—238—28—2888
               Test results           :    Complied

     The results in this report are applicable only to the equipment tested.              l     L.
     This report shall not be re—produced except in full without the written approval of TUV SUD Zacta Ltd.
     This test report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement
     by NVLAP, NIST, ILAC—MRA or any agency of the federal government.

            Tested by             : %N Y\/}\mimv,’u&                           bakoins Abhuts
                                          Taiki Watanabe                       Hikaru Shibata

            Approved by           :               esn       /QW,\
                                          Hiroaki Suzuki
                                          Lab Manager of RF Lab

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        NVLAP LAB CODE 200306—0              ts

TUV SUD Zacta Ltd.                                                                              Report number: JPD—TR—17123—0
Test Report Rev.FCC—C3.1                                                                                 FCC ID: HV4ACTL472

                                                                          Page 2 of 16

Table of contents

1. Summary of Test .................................................................................................................3
   1.1 Purpose of test ....................................................................................................................................... 3
   1.2 Standards ............................................................................................................................................... 3
   1.3 List of applied test to the EUT .............................................................................................................. 3
   1.4 Modification to the EUT by laboratory................................................................................................. 3
2. Equipment Under Test ........................................................................................................4
   2.1 General Description of equipment ....................................................................................................... 4
   2.2 EUT information ..................................................................................................................................... 4
   2.3 Variation of the family model(s)............................................................................................................ 4
   2.4 Operating mode ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Configuration of equipment ...............................................................................................5
   3.1 Equipment(s) used................................................................................................................................. 5
   3.2 Cable(s) used ......................................................................................................................................... 5
   3.3 System configuration ............................................................................................................................ 6
4. Radiated Emissions ............................................................................................................7
   4.1 Measurement procedure ....................................................................................................................... 7
   4.2 Calculation method................................................................................................................................ 8
   4.3 Limit......................................................................................................................................................... 9
   4.4 Test data................................................................................................................................................ 10
5. AC Power Line Conducted Emissions.............................................................................12
   5.1 Measurement procedure ..................................................................................................................... 12
   5.2 Calculation method.............................................................................................................................. 12
   5.3 Limit....................................................................................................................................................... 13
   5.4 Test data................................................................................................................................................ 13
6. Uncertainty of measurement ............................................................................................14
7. Laboratory description .....................................................................................................15
Appendix A. Test equipment ................................................................................................16

TÜV SÜD Zacta Ltd.                                                                                                                       Report number: JPD-TR-17123-0
Test Report Rev.FCC-C3.1                                                                                                                           FCC ID: HV4CTL472

                                                  Page 3 of 16

1. Summary of Test
1.1 Purpose of test

   It is the original test in order to verify conformance to FCC Part 15 Subpart C.

1.2 Standards

   CFR47 FCC Part 15 Subpart C

 1.2.1 Test Methods

   ANSI C63.10-2013

 1.2.2 Deviation from standards


1.3 List of applied test to the EUT

              Test items
                                            Classification of EUT                 Condition          Result
15.209                           Radiated Emissions                                Radiated           PASS
15.207                           AC Power Line Conducted Emissions                Conducted           PASS

 1.3.1 Test set up


1.4 Modification to the EUT by laboratory


TÜV SÜD Zacta Ltd.                                                                        Report number: JPD-TR-17123-0
Test Report Rev.FCC-C3.1                                                                            FCC ID: HV4CTL472

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2. Equipment Under Test
2.1 General Description of equipment

  EUT is the Pen Tablet.

2.2 EUT information

  Applicant                :   Wacom Co., Ltd.
                               2-510-1, Toyonodai, Kazo-shi, Saitama, 349-1148 Japan
                               Phone: +81-480-78-1211 Fax: +81-480-78-1404
  Equipment under test     :   Pen tablet

  Trade name               :   Wacom

  Model number             :   CTL-472

  Serial number            :   N/A

  EUT condition            :   Pre-Production

  Power ratings            :   DC 5V (USB)

  Size                     :   (W) 210 × (D) 145.7 × (H) 7.5 mm

  Environment              :   Indoor use

  Terminal limitation      :   -20˚C to 60˚C

  RF Specification
  Frequency range          :   667kHz

  Modulation method        :   OOK (On-Off Keying)

2.3 Variation of the family model(s)

        Not applicable

2.4 Operating mode

    [Normal Operation]
     i) Tablet test setup
     ii) Select a Packet measurement
     iii) Start test mode

TÜV SÜD Zacta Ltd.                                                                     Report number: JPD-TR-17123-0
Test Report Rev.FCC-C3.1                                                                         FCC ID: HV4CTL472

                                                     Page 5 of 16

3. Configuration of equipment
3.1 Equipment(s) used

No.              Equipment           Company        Model No.         Serial No.     FCC ID / DoC              Comment
  1      Pen Tablet                  Wacom        CTL-472           N/A             HV4CTL472                 EUT
  2      Pen                         Wacom        LP-190            N/A                        -              Accessory
  3      Personal Computer           DELL         DMC               H6P61BX         DoC                               -
  4      PS/2 Mouse                  DELL         M071KC            407019830       DoC                               -
  5      Keyboard                    DELL         SK-8110           N/A             DoC                               -
  6      Display                     LG           W1946TW           111NDLSAE064    BEJW1946TW                        -
  7      Printer                     SII          DPU-414           1000169C        DoC                               -
  8      AC Adaptor for Printer      SII          PW-4007-JU1-E     0948            N/A                               -

3.2 Cable(s) used

 No.                         Cable                   Length[m]       Shield        Connector                Comment
   a       USB cable                                       1.0            Yes        Metal              Accessory
   b       Mouse cable                                     1.8            No         Metal                     -
   c       Keyboard cable                                  2.0            Yes        Metal                     -
   d       RGB cable                                       1.8            Yes        Metal                     -
   e       AC Power cord for Display                       2.0            No         Plastic                   -
   f       Serial cable                                    1.8            Yes        Metal                     -
   g       Parallel cable                                  2.0            Yes        Metal                     -
   h       DC cable for Printer AC adapter                 2.0            No         Metal                     -
   i       AC Power cord for Printer AC adapter            2.0            No         Plastic                   -
   j       AC Power cord for PC                            2.5            No         Plastic                   -

TÜV SÜD Zacta Ltd.                                                                                 Report number: JPD-TR-17123-0
Test Report Rev.FCC-C3.1                                                                                     FCC ID: HV4CTL472

                                                               Page 6 of 16

3.3 System configuration

    3. Personal Computer                                                                        1. Pen Tablet, (EUT)

                                                               a.                               use
                                                                                                                              2. Pen

                                                               b.                           #
                             PS/2                                                               4. Mouse

                                                               C.                           #
                             PS/2                                                               5. Keyboard

                                                       6. 6. Displ                                                       e.             AC 1200
                             ReB |—B———————————————F—|
                                                                                                      EPCY                               60Hz

                             Serial          £*
                                                                                                8. AC Adaptor            4               AC 1200
                                                         7. Printer                  "__|
                                             *             |

                                                                                                                                         Ac 1200
                            hen                                                                                                          60Hz

                                                                                                         #: Un—detachable cable
                                                                                                           N : Ferrite core
                                                                                                         * : Bundled excess cable

Note1: Numbers assigned to equipment or cables on this diagram correspond to the list in "3.1 Equipment(s) used" and "3.2 Cable(s) used".
Note2: Two ferrite cores of RGB cable (No. d) are not an accessory of EUT.

TUV SUD Zacta Ltd                                                                                                    Report number: JPD—TR—17123—0
Test Report RevFCC—C3.1                                                                                                        FCC ID: HV4CTL472

                                                        Page 7 of 16

4. Radiated Emissions

4.1 Measurement procedure
 [FCC 15.209]

   Test was applied by following conditions.

  Test method                             :   ANSLC63.10
  Frequency range                         :   9kKHz to 30MHz
  Test place                              :   __10m Semi—anechoic chamber No.1
  EUT was placed on                       :   __FRP table / (W)2.0m * (D)1.0m x (H)0.8m
  Antenna distance                        :   3m

  Test receiver setting
   — Detector                             :   Average (OkHz—90kHz, 110kHz—490kHz), Quasi—peak
   — Bandwidth                            :   200H2z, 120kHz

 Although these tests were performed other than open area test site, adequate comparison measurements
 were confirmed against 30 m open are test site.
 Therefore sufficient tests were made to demonstrate that the alternative site produces results that
 correlate with the ones of tests made in an open field based on KDB 414788.

  EUT operating mode is selected to emit the maximum noise. Overall frequency range is investigated with
  spectrum analyzer using peak detector. Then, emission measurements up to 30MHz were performed with
  test receiver in above setting. The turntable and the Loop antenna are rotated by 360 degrees and stopped
  at azimuth of producing the maximum emission. Sufficient time for EUT, peripherals and test equipment is
  provided in order for them to warm up to their normal operating condition.

  — Test configuration

                            Test room          §   Measurement room

                                                                                          Spectrumanalyzer /
              Antenna                          :        Preamplifier                          Receiver
                           Cable system

TUV SUD Zacta Ltd.                                                                                  Report number: JPD—TR—17123—0
Test Report Rev.FCC—C3.1                                                                                     FCC ID: HV4CTL472

                                                         Page 8 of 16

   Test was applied by following conditions.

  Test method                             :    ANSLC63.10
  Frequency range                         :    30MHz to 1000MHz
  Test place                              :    __10m Semi—anechoic chamber No.1
  EUT was placed on                       :    __FRP table / (W)2.0m * (D)1.0m x (H)0.8m
  Antenna distance                        :    3m

  Test receiver setting
   — Detector                             :    Quasi—peak
   — Bandwidth                            :o   120kHz

  EUT operating mode is selected to emit the maximum noise. Overall frequency range is investigated with
  spectrum analyzer using peak detector. Then, emission measurements up to 1000MHz were performed
  with test receiver in above setting. In order to find the maximum emissions, antenna is adjusted between 1m
  and 4m in height and varied its polarization (horizontal and vertical), and EUT azimuth was also varied by
  rotating turntable 0 to 360 degrees. Sufficient time for EUT, peripherals and test equipment is provided in
  order for them to warm up to their normal operating condition.

  — Test configuration

                            Test room           §   Measurement room

                                                                                           Spectrumanalyzer /
              Antenna                           :        Preamplifier                          Receiver
                           Cable system

4.2 Calculation method

[OkHz to 150kHz]
Emission level = Reading + (Ant. factor + Cable system loss )
Margin = Limit — Emission level

[150kHz to 1000MHz]
Emission level = Reading + (Ant. factor + Cable system loss—Amp. Gain)
Margin = Limit — Emission level

   Limit     @ 350.0MHz : 37.0dBu\V/m
   Reading =41.1dBuV         c.f=—11.8dB/im
   Emission level = 41.1 — 11.8 = 29.3dBu\V//m
   Margin = 37.0 — 39.3 = 7.70dB

TUV SUD Zacta Ltd.                                                                                   Report number: JPD—TR—17123—0
Test Report Rev.FCC—C3.1                                                                                      FCC ID: HV4CTL472

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4.3 Limit

          Frequency                         Field strength                             Distance
            [MHz]                  [uV/m]                        [dBuV/m]                 [m]
          0.009-0.490          2400 / F [kHz]                   20logE [uV/m]              300
          0.490-1.705          24000 / F [kHz]                  20logE [uV/m]               30
            1.705-30                30                              29.5                    30
              30-88                100                              40.0                    3
             88-216                150                              43.5                    3
            216-960                200                              46.0                    3
          Above 960                300                              54.0                    3

                 Frequency                          Limit                         Distance
                   [MHz]                          [dBuV/m]                           [m]
                    30-300                              30                            10
                   300-1000                             37                            10

 1. The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
 2. Emission level [dBuV/m] = 20log Emission [uV/m]
 3. Measurements were corrected to 30m using 40log (3/30) = -40.0dB
 4. CISPR 22 limit was applied radiated emission measurements as prescribed in FCC Part 15 section

TÜV SÜD Zacta Ltd.                                                                   Report number: JPD-TR-17123-0
Test Report Rev.FCC-C3.1                                                                       FCC ID: HV4CTL472

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4.4 Test data
Date                       :     May 13, 2017
Temperature                :     24.1 [˚C]
Humidity                   :     42.8 [%]                             Test engineer   :
Test place                 :     10m Semi-anechoic chamber No.1                             Taiki Watanabe

[9kHz to 30MHz]
Pen: LP-190
                           Reading                        Result            Result         Limit
   Frequency                                 c.f                                                      Margin
                           [dBuV]                        [dBuV/m]          [dBuV/m]       [dBuV/m]                     Result
      [MHz]                               [dB(1/m)]                                                     [dB]
                               At 3m                      At 3m             At 30m         At 30m

       0.667                   49.6          -4.3          45.3              5.3            31.1        25.8            PASS
       1.254                   34.7          -4.3          30.4              -9.6           25.6        35.2            PASS
       1.334                   28.5          -4.3          24.2              -15.8          25.1        40.9            PASS
       2.001                   33.7          -4.3          29.4              -10.6          29.5        40.1            PASS
       2.710                   28.2          -4.2          24.0              -16.0          29.5        45.5            PASS
      22.280                   32.5          -2.7          29.8              -10.2          29.5        39.7            PASS

TÜV SÜD Zacta Ltd.                                                                                    Report number: JPD-TR-17123-0
Test Report Rev.FCC-C3.1                                                                                        FCC ID: HV4CTL472

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[30MHz to 1000MHz]
Pen: LP-190

TÜV SÜD Zacta Ltd.                         Report number: JPD-TR-17123-0
Test Report Rev.FCC-C3.1                             FCC ID: HV4CTL472

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5. AC Power Line Conducted Emissions
5.1 Measurement procedure
 [FCC 15.207]

  Test was applied by following conditions.

  Test method                                           :      ANSI C63.10
  Frequency range                                       :      0.15MHz to 30MHz
  Test place                                            :      10m Semi-anechoic chamber No.1
  EUT was placed on                                     :      FRP table / (W)2.0m × (D)1.0m × (H)0.8m
  Vertical Metal Reference Plane                        :      (W)2.0m × (H)2.0m 0.4m away from EUT
  Test receiver setting
   - Detector                                           :      Quasi-peak, Average
   - Bandwidth                                          :      9kHz

  EUT and peripherals are connected to 50Ω/50μH Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN) which are
  connected to reference ground plane, and are placed 80cm away from EUT. Excess of AC power cable is
  bundled in center.
  LISN for peripheral is terminated in 50Ω.
  EUT operating mode is selected to emit the maximum noise. Overall frequency range is investigated with
  spectrum analyzer using peak detector. Maximum emission configuration is determined by manipulating the
  EUT, peripherals, interconnecting cables. Then, emission measurements are performed with test receiver in
  above setting to each current-carrying conductor of the mains port. Sufficient time for EUT, peripherals and
  test equipment is provided in order for them to warm up to their normal operating condition. If the average
  limit is met when using a quasi-peak detector receiver, the EUT shall be deemed to meet both limits.

  - Test configuration

                                                                Test room              Measurement room
                           Vertical metal reference plane

                                                                                                Spectrumanalyzer /
                                   LISN                                                             Receiver
                                                            Cable system

5.2 Calculation method

  Emission level = Reading + (LISN. factor + Cable system loss)
  Margin = Limit – Emission level

   Limit      @ 6.770MHz : 60.0dBμV(Quasi-peak)
                             : 50.0dBμV(Average)
    (Quasi peak) Reading = 41.2dBμV           c.f = 10.3dB
    Emission level = 41.2 + 10.3 = 51.5dBμV
    Margin = 60.0 – 51.5 = 8.5dB
    (Average)       Reading = 35.0dBμV        c.f = 10.3dB
    Emission level = 35.0 + 10.3 = 45.3dBμV
    Margin = 50.0 – 45.3 = 4.7dB

TÜV SÜD Zacta Ltd.                                                                                                   Report number: JPD-TR-17123-0
Test Report Rev.FCC-C3.1                                                                                                       FCC ID: HV4CTL472

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5.3 Limit

             Frequency                                                    Limit
                [MHz]                              QP [dBuV]                           AV [dBuV]
               0.15-0.5                                66-56*                             56-46*
                 0.5-5                                   56                                 46
                 5-30                                    60                                 50
*: The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0.15MHz to 0.5MHz.

5.4 Test data

TÜV SÜD Zacta Ltd.                                                                        Report number: JPD-TR-17123-0
Test Report Rev.FCC-C3.1                                                                            FCC ID: HV4CTL472

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6. Uncertainty of measurement
Expanded uncertainties stated are calculated with a coverage Factor k=2.
Please note that these results are not taken into account when measurement uncertainty considerations
contained in ETSI TR 100 028-0011 determining compliance or non-compliance with test result.

                              Test item                                   Measurement uncertainty

Conducted emission at mains port                                                   ±3.0dB

Radiated emission (9kHz – 30MHz)                                                   ±4.4dB

Radiated emission (30MHz – 1000MHz)                                                ±4.5dB

Radiated emission (1000MHz – 26GHz)                                                ±3.9dB

TÜV SÜD Zacta Ltd.                                                                 Report number: JPD-TR-17123-0
Test Report Rev.FCC-C3.1                                                                     FCC ID: HV4CTL472

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7. Laboratory description
1.    Location
      Name:               Yonezawa Testing Center
      Address:            5—4149—7, Hachimanpara, Yonezawa—shi, Yamagata, 992—1128 Japan
      Phone:              +81—238—28—2881
      Fax:                +81—238—28—2888

2.    Accreditation and Registration
      1)     NVLAP
             LAB CODE: 200306—0

      2)     VLAC
             Accreditation No.: VLAC—013

      3)     BSMI
             Laboratory Code: SL2—IN—E—6018, SL2—A1—E—6018

      4)     _Industry Canada
                   Site number                              Facility               Expiration date
                          4224A—4           3m Semi—anechoic chamber                2017—12—03
                          4224A—5           10m Semi—anechoic chamber No.1          2017—12—03
                          4224A—6           10m Semi—anechoic chamber No.2          2019—12—14

      5)     VCClCouncil
              Registration number              Expiration date
                          A—0166                2017—07—03

TUV SUD Zacta Ltd                                                                            Report number: JPD—TR—17123—0
Test Report RevFCC—C3.1                                                                                FCC ID: HV4CTL472

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Appendix A. Test equipment
Radiated emission
         Equipment                   Company               Model No.           Serial No.          Cal. due            Cal. date
EMI receiver                   ROHDE&SCHWARZ         ESR7                  101742                Dec. 31, 2017       Dec. 21, 2016
Preamplifier                   ANRITSU               MH648A                M08067                Feb. 28, 2018        Feb. 2, 2017
Loop antenna                   R&S                   HFH2-Z2               100515                Feb. 28, 2018       Feb. 17, 2017
Attenuator                     TDC                   TAT-43B-06            N/A(S209)              May 31, 2017       May 10, 2016
Biconical antenna              Schwarzbeck           VHA9103/BBA9106       2850                   Jul. 31, 2017       Jul. 14, 2016
Log periodic antenna           Schwarzbeck           UHALP9108A            0991                   Jul. 31, 2017       Jul. 14, 2016
Attenuator                     TME                   CFA-01NPJ-6           N/A(S273)              May 31, 2017       May 25, 2016
Attenuator                     TME                   CFA-01NPJ-3           N/A(S270)             Feb. 28, 2018        Feb. 2, 2017
                                                     SUCOFLEX104/9m        346315/4              Feb. 28, 2018        Feb. 2, 2017
                                                     SUCOFLEX104/1m        MY24628/4             Feb. 28, 2018        Feb. 3, 2017
Microwave cable                SUHNER
                                                     SUCOFLEX104/2m        SN MY28398/4          Feb. 28, 2018        Feb. 2, 2017
                                                     SUCOFLEX106/12m       MY1159/6               Nov. 30, 2017       Nov. 7, 2016
PC                             HP                    dc7800small           JPA7450FPJ            N/A                       N/A
Software                       TOYO Corporation      EP5/RE-AJ             0611193/V5.6.0        N/A                       N/A
10m Semi an-echoic
                               TOKIN                 N/A                   N/A(9001-NSA3m)        Oct. 31, 2017       Oct. 3, 2016

Conducted emission at mains port
         Equipment                   Company               Model No.           Serial No.          Cal. due            Cal. date
EMI receiver                   ROHDE&SCHWARZ         ESR7                  101742                Dec. 31, 2017       Dec. 21, 2016
Attenuator                     TYC                   BA-PJ-10              N/A(S344)             Feb. 28, 2018        Feb. 2, 2017
Line impedance stabilization   Kyoritsu Electrical
                                                     KNW-407F              8-2003-1              Mar. 31, 2018       Mar. 13, 2017
network for EUT                Works, Ltd.
Line impedance stabilization   Kyoritsu Electrical
                                                     KNW-242C              8-1096-3              Mar. 31, 2018       Mar. 13, 2017
network for EUT                Works, Ltd.
Coaxial cable                  FUJIKURA              5D-2W/4m              N/A(S349)             Feb. 28, 2018        Feb. 2, 2017
Microwave cable                SUHNER                SUCOFLEX104/2m        317672/4              Feb. 28, 2018        Feb. 2, 2017
Coaxial cable                  SUHNER                RG214/U/25m           N/A(S191)             Feb. 28, 2018        Feb. 3, 2017
50Ω terminator                 RS                    090-0510              N/A(S058)             Jan. 31, 2018       Jan. 19, 2017
PC                             HP                    dc7800small           JPA7450FPJ            N/A                       N/A
Software                       TOYO Corporation      EP5/CE-AJ             0611193/V5.4.11       N/A                       N/A
10m Semi an-echoic
                               TOKIN                 N/A                   N/A(9001-NSA3m)        Oct. 31, 2017       Oct. 3, 2016

*: The calibrations of the above equipment are traceable to NIST or equivalent standards of the reference organizations.

TÜV SÜD Zacta Ltd.                                                                                        Report number: JPD-TR-17123-0
Test Report Rev.FCC-C3.1                                                                                            FCC ID: HV4CTL472

Document Created: 2017-07-03 11:03:17
Document Modified: 2017-07-03 11:03:17

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