Users Manual

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CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual

User‘s Manual: CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet
May 15, 1998 — Version 0.1

WACOM Technology Corporation
1311 SE Cardinal Court,Yancouver, WA 98683, U.S.A.
Telephone 1—360—896—9833(General )
FAX       1—360—896—9724

WACOM Computer Systems GmbH:
Hellersbergstrasse 4, D—41460 Neuss, Germany
Telephone 49—2131—12390(General)
FAX      49—2131—101760

WACOM Co., Ltd.
2—510—1 Toyonodai, Otone—machi, Kitasaitama—gun, Saitama, 349—1148,
Telephone 81—480—78—1213(General)
FAX      81 —480—78—1217

WACOM Korea Co., Ltd.
371—36, Kasang—dong, Kumchon—ku, Seoul, 153—023, Korea
Telephone 82—2—869—5595(General)
FAX      82—2—869—1241

 © 1998     WACOM Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.   No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means
without the prior written comsent of WACOM Co., Lid. WACOM Co., Ltd. reserves the right to
revise this publication without obligation to provide notification of such changes. In no
event will WACOM be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages resulting from any defect in the software, the hardware, or documentation.

©T—0405,/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual

FCC Notice

The equipment described in this manual generates, uses, and can radiate radio—
frequency energy. If it is not installed and used properly (that is, in
strict accordance with Wacom instructions) it may cause interference with
radio and television reception.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
B digital device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC
rules. These specifications are designed to provide reasonable protection
against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
    You can determine whether your tablet is causing interference by discon—
necting it from the computer. If the interference stops, it was probably
caused by the tablet.
    If your tablet does cause interference to radio or television reception,
try to correct the interference by using one or more of the following

C Rotate the television or radio antenna until the interference stops.
CJ Move the tablet to either side of the television or radio.
J Move the tablet farther away from the television or radio.
CJ Plug the computer (and serial tablets) into an outlet that is on a differ—
ent circuit   from the television or radio. (That is, make certain the com—
puter equipment, and the television or radio are on circuits controlled by
different circuit breakers or fuses.)

    If necessary, consult your authorized Wacom dealer or an experienced
radio/television technician for additional suggestions. You may find helpful
the following booklet, prepared by the Federal Communications Commission:
Interference Handbook (stock number 004—000—00345—4). This booklet is avail—
able from the U.$. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
    Changes or modifications to this product not authorized by Wacom Technol—
ogy Corporation could void the FCC Certification and negate your authority to
operate the product.
    This product was tested for FCC compliance under conditions that included
the use of shielded cables and connectors between system components. It is
important that you use shielded cables and connectors to reduce the possibil—
ity of causing interference to radios, television sets, and other electronic

CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual

Proper Usage

To ensure the proper usage of your graphics tablet, avoid using or
storing the tablet in places where:

   0 Infants can reach.
   0 Temperatures may exceed the operating temperature range of 41.F
       to 104.F {or 5.C to 40.0).
       A severe temperature change may occur, such as outdoors or in a
       There is high humidity (operating humidity: 20% to 80%).

       There is a lot of dust or moisture.

       There is exposure to direct sunlight or close to a heating de—
       vice such as a heater.

   O There is exposure to strong magnetic fields.
Cautions in Handling

       Avoid intensive shock or vibration.
       Do not hit or drop the graphics tablet or components.

       Do not disassemble the tablet or stylus.

       Do not use thinner, benzene, alcohol or other volatile liquids

       on the tablet or stylus.     Use diluted neutral detergent with a
       soft clean cloth, tightly squeezed out.

CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual


        1. The Wacom Advantage ...............    6

        2. Getting Started ...................    7

        3. Installing the Tablet .............   12

        4. Maintaining the Tablet ............   14

        5. Specifications ....................   16

CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual

                  1. The Wacom Advantage

Congratulations for choosing the "Wacom advantage" and welcome to the
world of cordless digitizing!

Wacom technology provides a set of drawing tools that are ergonomically
designed to be natural extensions of the hand. Cordless and light—
weight, these drawing tools make drawing or writing on a Wacom graphics
tablet feel as comfortable as using a pen on paper.
The Wacom CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual provides a detailed
description of each type of     CT—0405/0608 tablet and its stylus, in—
cluding its installation, use and maintenance.    A description of the
Wacom software driver that is provided with the tablet is included
under separate cover.

Contents of the Package

The Wacom CT—0405/0608—U USB tablet comes equipped with a stylus (pen)
and software in a CD—ROM.

  Note:   Savethe paEEEging materials that came with the WacomCT—
          0405/0608—U tablet. You may need these items to store or
          ship the tabletrin the future.

Technical Support

Contact your local Wacom distributor for technical support.

©T—0405,0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual

                         2. Getting Started

The Wacom   CT—0405/0608—U tablet is sometimes called graphics tablet,
digitizers or tablets. In each case, the CT—0405/0608—U tablet is an
electronic device that transmits coordinate data for graphics and hand—
writing to the software on the host computer.

The   CT—0405/0608—U tablet continuously transmits data to and from a
pointing device, such as a stylus (pen).     When transmitting, the tablet
sends a signal to the pointing device. The pointing device stores en—
ergy from the signal.
When receiving, the pointing device sends a signal that carries coordi—
nate, switch, and pressure data back to the tablet.      The tablet sends
this data to the computer.

                 Figure 2—1.     Wacom CT—0405/0608—U Tablet

CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual

 CT—0405/0608—U USB Graphics Tablet

The   CT—0405/0608—U tablet can be connected to a computer that provides
an interface for a USB port.     The CT—0405/0608—U tablet contains the
following components:

                 Figure 2—2.    Wacom     CT—0405—U USB Tablet

                Figure 2—2.    Wacom      CT—0608—U USB Tablet

CT—0405,0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual

1   USB Connector
    The cable is connected to the tablet and is ready for installation
    to a USB port.

2   Status Light
    When the status light is orange, the tablet is on. When the status
    light is green, a stylus is on the active area of the tablet with a
    switch pressed.

3   Active Area
    A stylus can be used on the active area.

CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual


The CT—0405/0608—U tablet is equipped with a UP—703E stylus.

                         Figure 2—3.        Stylus Parts

1   Tip Switch

    The tip switch is pressure—sensitive and is activated when you press
    it down on the tablet‘s surface. The function of the tip switch is
    defined by the Wacom Tablet driver.

2   Side Switch
    The side switch is activated when pressed.        The function of the side
    switch is defined by the Wacom Tablet driver.
3   Eraser End
    The eraser end is also pressure—sensitive and is activated when you
    press it down on the tablet‘s surface.        The function of the eraser
    end is a pressure sensitive tool that is defined in particular
    application software.


CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual

Holding a Stylus

When you use a stylus, hold the stylus as you would a pencil.   Be sure
to position your fingers to avoid accidental hitting of the side

                       Figure 2—4 . Holding a Stylus


CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual

                      3. Installing the Tablet

The CT—0405/0608—U tablet is connected to a USB port using the USB
cable.To install the CT—0405/0608—U tablet:

1.    Turn off your computer.

2. Plug the USB connector into the USB port of your computer.
                        USB Conmector

                              @                                        z
                to USB Port

     Figure 2—6 . Connecting      the Tablet to your
                       computer    (same way for CT—0608)

 . Turn on your computer.
      Place your stylus on the active area of the tablet and press down.
      The status light should turn green.

      If you encounter problems, refer to the Installation Testing in this
      If the installation is OK, install the compatible Wacom Tablet
      driver using the accompanying software manual.


CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual

Installation Testing

If the CT—0405/0608—U tablet does not work properly after installation,
check connection to be sure you have installed the tablet correctly and
try the following procedures.     If the CT—0405/0608—U tablet continues
to operate improperly, contact your local distributor.

Check if the status light     becomes orange
If your status light does not show orange, the CT—0405/0608—U tablet is
registering that it is not receiving power.
Check that the USB connector is securely connected to the USB port of
your computer.

Check if the status light becomes green

When the tip or side switch of the UP—703E stylus is pressed while the
stylus is on the active area of the tablet, or the eraser of the stylus
comes in the active area, the status light should become green.
If the status light does not show green when either the tip or side
switch is pressed or when the eraser of the stylus comes in the active
area, contact your local distributor.


CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual

                   4. Maintaining the Tablet

Regular maintenance of the tablet helps prolong its life.


Use proper care when working with or storing the tablet and it‘s compo—

  C Avoid extreme heat and cold.      Do not store components outdoors.
  O Do not allow the components to stay in direct sunlight.

  C Do not allow any fluids to come into contact with the components,
       except when cleaning.
  C Keep the tablet surface free of dust.

  O Do not drop or hit the tablet or stylus.

  C Do not let any volatile liquid, like paint thinner, turpentine, or
     benzene touch the tablet. These liquids can damage the plastics
     that are used in the tablet.


CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual


Grit on the tablet may adhere to a pointing device, causing scratches
on your tablet‘s surface.
To clean the tablet:
1.    Unplug the USB cable from your computer.

2.    Dilute a neutral detergent solution, such as dish washing liquid, in
      a bowl of lukewarm water.
3. Dip a soft cotton lint—free cloth in the detergent solution and
      wring it out. The cloth should be damp, not wet enough to drip water
      on the tablet.
4.    Use the cloth to clean the tablet surface and stylus as needed.

     Note:   Do not clean the tablet or stylué with any volatile lififii&i
             like paint thinner, turpentine, or benzene. Such solvents
             _can damage plastics.


CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual

                               5. Specifications

                    CT—0405—U USB Tablet Specifications

       Active area (D x W)           96.0 x 128. 0 mm
       Physical size (D x W x H)     181.0 x 1%.0 x 7.0 mm
       Cable length                  2m

       Weight                        430 g
       Power Supply                  from USB port

       Input voltage                 DC 5 V

       Input current                 100 mA max at DC 5 V

       Resolution                    1000 line / inch
       Accuracy                      +0.5 mm

       Reading height                5 mm or more

       Maximum report rate           100 points / second

       Origin position               Upper left

       Interface                     USB
       Operating temperatuer /       5~40°C (41~104°F) /
       hunidity                      20~80% noncondensing
       Storage temperature /         —10~60°C (14~140°F) /
       bunidity                      20~90% noncondensing


CT—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual

                     CT—0608—U USB Tablet Specifications

        Active area (D x W)           152.4 x 203.2 mm

        Physical size (D x W x H)    263.5 x 330.0 x 22.0 um
        Cable length                 2m
        Weight                       960 g
        Power Supply                 from USB port

        Input voltage                NC 5V

        Input current                 100 mA max at DC 5 V

        Resolution                   1000 Line / inch

        Accuracy                     +0.5 mm

        Reading height               5 mm or more

        Maximum report rate          100 points / second

        Origin position              Upper left

        Interface                    USB
        Operating temperatuer /      §~40°C (41~104°F) /
       bumidity                      20~80% noncondensing
       Storage temperature /         —10~60°C (14~140°F) /
       humidity                      20~80% noncondensing


©T—0405/0608—U USB Tablet User‘s Manual

                      Pin assignments of connector

                 1.       Pin NumberSignal Name
                CJ              1                 vCC(5¥)
                                2                 —DATA
                                3                 +DATA
                                4                 GND


Document Created: 2001-06-04 09:14:12
Document Modified: 2001-06-04 09:14:12

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