Users Manual Part 1


Users Manual

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                T9 THERMOSTAT
                Installation Guide

Online Guides

Included in your box:

Installation Guide                                       Screws and

                                                         T9 Wi-Fi

Wireless                                                 UWP
room sensor                                              Wallplate

C-Wire                                                   Wire labels

Tools you will need:              You may need:

Phillips screwdriver              Wire Stripper

Small flat head screwdriver
                                  Needle-nose pliers



Home Wi-Fi Password               Drill and drill bit (7/32in)



                                 Compatibility Section

•   REQUIRED: A C-Wire (common wire) is needed for 24 VAC power. If you do not
    have a C-Wire, then a C-Wire Adapter is provided.
    This guide will help you determine if you have a C-Wire or will need to use the
    included C-Wire Adapter (Step 10). The C-Wire is a wire that originates from your
    heating and cooling system and needs to be connected to the C terminal on your
    thermostat. There is no universal color used to designate this type of wire.


                     Y G C UA

                       C-Wire                                               C-Wire Adapter

•   Compatible with most heating, cooling, and heat pump systems
•   Does not work with electric baseboard heat (120-240V)
•   Does not work with millivolt systems
•   Does not support S terminals for indoor and outdoor sensors
•   Android or iOS smartphone, tablet, or device

        Can cause electrical shock or equipment damage. Disconnect power before beginning installation.

        Compressor protection is bypassed during testing. To prevent equipment damage, avoid cycling the
        compressor quickly.

        If this product is replacing a control that contains mercury in a sealed tube, do not place the old control
        in the trash. Contact your local waste management authority for instructions regarding recycling and
        proper disposal.

For help, see:
SOCIAL Twitter: @Honeywell_Home, Facebook: Honeywell Home

Or contact:
PHONE 1-800-633-3991

               Removing your old thermostat
                    You will need: Screwdriver, needle-nose pliers

1 Turn off power
       To protect your equipment, turn off
       the power at the breaker box or switch
       that controls you heating and cooling                         OR
       equipment.                                                           OFF

       Note: The thermostat off switch
       will not turn off the power to the
       equipment.                                     Breaker box

2 Check that your system is off
   Change the temperature on your old
   thermostat so that your system starts
   heating or cooling.
   If you don’t hear or feel the system turn
   on within 5 minutes, the power is off.
   Note: If you have a digital thermostat that
   has a blank display, skip this step.

3 Remove your existing thermostat from
   the wall plate
   On most thermostats, you can take off
   the thermostat by grasping and gently
   pulling. Some thermostats may have
   screws, buttons, or clasps.
       Do not remove any wires from your
       thermostat at this time!


                              Compatibility Check

4 Do you have a line voltage system?
   Line voltage systems have thick black
   wires with wire nuts or are labeled high
   voltage (120V or higher).

       Your system is not compatible. Call
       1-855-733-5465 to find a pro-                   Wire nut
       installer in your area.
                                                 Thick black wire
       Continue to the next step.

5 Take a picture of your existing wall
   plate’s wiring
   In order to capture all of the letters next
   to the terminals, be sure to take multiple
   pictures from different angles.
   You may need to reference this image

6 Remove any jumpers
                                                    Example       Y R RC
   A jumper is used to connect two               of a jumper
   terminals. It may look like a small
   staple or a colored wire.
   Do not discard.                                                         Terminals
   Keep jumpers with your old wallplate.

7 Label the wires
   Use the stickers provided with your new
   thermostat to label each wire on your
   existing wall plate.
   Do not label jumpers. Your new
   thermostat does not need jumpers.


8 Write down the colors of the wires
    Check the boxes and write down the color of the wires connected to terminals
    that are coming from the wall. Check all that apply (not all will apply).

         Terminal         Wire Color              Terminal          Wire Color

     ¨    A or L/A                            ¨    R
     ¨    C               Required*           ¨    Rc
     ¨    E                                   ¨    Rh
     ¨    G                                   ¨    W
     ¨    K                                   ¨    W2 or Aux
     ¨    O/B                                 ¨    Y
     ¨    U (1 or 2)                          ¨    Y2

    *A C-wire or C-Wire Power Adapter (included) is required.
    If there are wires in terminals that are not listed, you will need additional
    wiring support. Visit to find out more.

9 Disconnect the wires and remove
   the old wall plate
   You may need a screwdriver to
   release wires from terminals.
   Tip: Wrap the wires around a pencil
   to prevent them from falling in the

                              Compatibility Check

10 Do you have a C-Wire?
   Look at the thermostat wiring
   checklist from Step 8, or the photo
   you took. Is the C-Terminal checked?

       This means you will not need             YGC
       to install the included C-Wire
       Adapter. Skip to Installing Your
       New Thermostat (page 9).

                                                Y G C UA
       This means you don’t have
       a C-wire connected to your
       thermostat. Continue to next


           Only complete this section if you answered No to Step 10
               Connecting Your Unused C-Wire
                You will need: Screwdriver, flashlight, wire strippers

                               Compatibility Check

11 Do you have a zoning panel?
   You have a zoning panel if you
   have multiple thermostats and one
   furnace or heating system.                                              Furnace
          YES                                                      Panel
       C-Wire Adapter installation is
       more complicated on zoned
       systems. Call 1-855-733-5465
       to find a pro-installer.

       Proceed to the next step.

12 Do you have an unused wire?
    Look at the bundle of wires coming from the         Example of unused C-wire
    Note: You may have to pull the bundle of
    wires out from the wall find the unused wire.

        Continue to Step 13.

        Open the included C-Wire Adapter box
        and follow the instruction guide.

13 Label unused wire
    Label your unused wire with the
    provided “C” sticker label. You may need
    to use a wire stripper to expose at least
    1/4 inch of the wire.
    Note: If you have multiple unused wires,
    then label only one wire and make note
    of the color here:

    Go to your furnace or heating system
    This system is often located in your basement, attic or garage.
    Bring a flashlight and screwdriver.


14 Remove cover from furnace or heating
    Open the heating and cooling system’s
    cover to find the control board. You
    should see the same terminal labels that
    are on your thermostat.
    Note: You may need to unscrew the cover.             G
    The control board may be at the top or               C
    bottom.                                              R

15 Find the other end of the unused wire
    Locate the bundle of wires that are the                          G
    same as the ones at your thermostat.                             C
    The unused wire should be the same                               W
    color as the one near your existing                              Y
    thermostat. See Step 13 for the color you
    wrote down.

16 Connect the unused wire to the
    C-terminal                                                                  -
    Note: If there are existing wires in the                       C
    C-terminal, make sure they are still                           R
    connected to the C-terminal after                              Y
    connecting this wire.

17 Close the cover to the furnace or
    heating system
    Be sure the cover is completely closed.
    Some systems will not power up if the
    cover isn’t fully closed.
    You’ve connected the C-wire.
    You will NOT need to use the included
    C-Wire Adapter.

    Go back to the wall where you are installing your thermostat and continue
    to “Installing Your New Thermostat” on the next page.


        Installing Your New Thermostat
        You will need: Level, pencil, drill and a 7/32in drill bit

Thermostat          Screws            UWP         Anchors            Wall


18 Position wall plate
    Pull open the wall plate that was included                     -
    with your new thermostat. Insert the
    bundle of wires through the back of the
    wall plate.
    Make sure at least 1/4-inch of each wire
    is exposed for easy insertion into the wire


19 Insert recommended wall anchors
    It is recommended that you use the
    wall anchors included in the box to
    mount your thermostat.
    You can use the wall plate to mark
    where you want to place the wall
    a) Level the wall plate
    b) Mark the location of the wall
       anchors using a pencil
    c) Remove the wall plate
    d) Drill the holes using a 7/32” drill
    e) Insert the wall anchors
    f) Make sure the anchors are flush
       with the wall
    g) Reposition the wall plate on wall

                                                  Anchors   Wall


20 Determine Correct R-Switch Position and Insert R-wire or wires
    Set the R-switch up or down based on your wiring notes in Step 8. Insert wires
    into the inner holes of the terminals on the wall plate. The tabs will stay down
    once the wire is inserted.
    If you have 1 R-Wire (R, RC, RH):

                          1. Ensure the                               2. Insert your
                             right R-switch                              R-wire (R, Rh
                             is in the up                                or Rc) into
                             position.                                   R-terminal.

     If you have 2 R-Wires (R, RC, RH):

                          1. Set right                             2. Insert your Rc
                             R-switch to the                          wire into Rc-
                             down position.                           terminal.
                                                                   3. Insert your R
                                                                      or Rh wire into

21 Connect remaining wires from Step 8                This wiring is just an example,
                                                      actual wiring may vary.
    Push down on the tabs to put the
    wires into the inner holes of their
    corresponding terminals on the wall plate
    (one wire per terminal) until it is firmly in
    Gently tug on the wires to verify they are
    Tip: If you need to release the wires again,
    push down the terminal tabs on the sides
    of the wall plate.


22 Close the door and mount the wall plate
    Mount the wall plate using the provided
    screws. Install all three screws for a
    secure fit on your wall.
    Tip: Prior to tightening the screws, use a
    level to ensure the wall plate is level.

23 Attach your thermostat
    Align the thermostat on the wall plate
    and firmly snap into place.

    Go back to your circuit breaker box.

24 Turn power back on
    Turn on the switch that controls your                            ON
    heating and cooling system.                                ON



                                                 Breaker box

    Go back to your thermostat.

25 Complete setup on the thermostat
    Remove the protective film and confirm               Welcome!
    that your thermostat reads “Welcome.”
    If you do not see this, visit or
    call 1-855-733-5465 for more help.


Getting the most from the T9 Wi-Fi Thermostat
Prioritize Rooms
Prioritize a specific room or multiple rooms, or let comfort follow your move using
built-in motion detection.
Control on the Go
Adjust your thermostat from anywhere using your tablet or smartphone.
Save Energy
With geofencing, you can save money on the most expensive part of your energy bill
while you’re away.
Simple Installation
The thermostat automatically programs itself. Just answer a few simple questions
and you’ll be up and running in no time.
Whole-Home Range
With up to a 200-foot* range, 20 sensors with temperature, humidity, and occupancy
detection can connect to your thermostat from throughout your home.
*Range can vary based on home construction, wireless interference, and other
Know Your Home Is Safe
Get customizable alerts on your mobile device such as when the basement is so cold
a pipe could burst, or if the baby’s room is getting too hot.


Using your thermostat
The screen will wake up by pressing the center area of the displayed temperature.

Indoor Temperature           Current Priority                      Indoor Humidity
Displays the current         Displays the type of priority and     Displays the current
indoor temperature.          number of rooms being prioritized.    indoor humidity.
                             Extend your thermostat’s reach with
                             additional Wireless Room Sensors.



Adjust Temperature               Menu                              Desired Temperature
Touch the up and down            Contains features such            Displays the desired
arrows to set your desired       as mode, fan, schedule,           temperature.
temperature.                     priority, and other
                                 thermostat settings.


Using Priority
Priority creates an average temperature in your home based on specific rooms. This
allows you to prioritize comfort where you want it.

                                             Selected Rooms
                                             Rooms you manually select create an average
                                             temperature in your home.

                                             Unselected Room
                                             Will not contribute to the average temperature.
          72     72
                                             Selected Room
          72     72                          Will contribute to the average temperature.

Active Rooms
Rooms with detected motion are automatically
selected to create an average temperature in
your home..

Room without Activity                                                72    72
No motion is detected. Will not contribute to
the average temperature.                                             72    72

Room with Activity
Motion is detected. Will contribute to the
average temperature.


If you have difficulty with your thermostat, please try the following suggestions. Most
problems can be corrected quickly and easily.

 Display is blank                         •       Check circuit breaker and reset if necessary.
                                          •       Make sure power switch for heating & cooling system is on.
                                          •       Make sure furnace door is closed securely.
                                          •       Make sure the C wire is connected.

 Heating or                               •       Press Menu > System Mode > Heat > Done to set the system
 cooling system                                   to Heat mode. Make sure the desired temperature is higher
 does not                                         than the indoor temperature.
                                          •       Press Menu > System Mode > Cool > Done to set the system
                                                  to Cool mode. Make sure the desired temperature is lower
                                                  than the indoor temperature.
                                          •       Check circuit breaker and reset if necessary.
                                          •       Make sure power switch for heating & cooling system is on.
                                          •       Make sure furnace door is closed securely.
                                          •       Wait 5 minutes for the system to respond.
 Temperature                              Make sure desired temperature is within acceptable ranges:
 settings do not
                                          •       Heat: 40 °F to 90 °F (4.5 °C to 32.0 °C)
                                          •       Cool: 50 °F to 99 °F (10.0 °C to 37.0 °C)

 Aux heat runs in •                               For heat pump systems, verify there is not a wire attached to
 cooling                                          W on the UWP.

 Cool runs with a •                               For heat pump systems, verify there is not a wire attached to
 call for heat                                    W the UWP.

The product should not be disposed of with other household waste. Check
for the nearest authorized collection centers or authorized recyclers.
The correct disposal of end-of-life equipment will help prevent potential
negative consequences for the environment and human health.

                                            Resideo Inc., 1985 Douglas Drive North
                                            Golden Valley, MN 55422
©2018 Resideo Technologies, Inc.
All rights reserved. The Honeywell Home trademark is used under
license from Honeywell International Inc.
Tous droits réservés. La marque de commerce Honeywell Home est
utilisée sous licence avec l’autorisation d’Honeywell International Inc.
Todos los derechos reservados. La marca comercial Honeywell Home se
utiliza en virtud de la licencia emitida por Honeywell International Inc..
33-00421—03 M.S. Rev. 10-18
Printed in U.S.A.                                                                                 33-00421-03

Document Created: 2018-10-10 16:31:30
Document Modified: 2018-10-10 16:31:30

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