User Manual_20190304_v1 - LANCER RECEIVER EXHIBIT 7-1 Install Guide


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Controller Kit Installation Manual
Installation guide for:
* Wireless Receiver and Cable
*« Remote Controller

          Can cause electrical shock or equipment damage.
9        Must be installed by a trained, experienced technician.
         Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow these instructions can damage the
         product or cause a hazardous condition.

Installation at a glance
                                                                        This document covers linking
                                                                        and installation procedures for
                       Wireless                                         the Mitsubishi Ducted Systems‘
                        receiver                                        RedLINK*Y* control devices.

                                                                        Before you begin, you must attach
                                                                        the cable to the CN105 connector
                                                                        on the indoor unit control board,
                                                                        then follow the steps in this
                                                                        fl       Remote controllers are
                                                                                linked to specific indoor
                                                                                units. Each indoor unit must
                                                                                have a dedicated remote
                                                                                controller and wireless
                                                          .        &            receiver.

                                                          §   M32300A

     © 2019 Mitsubishi Electric & Electronics USA, Inc.
         Suwanee, GA 30024 All Rights Reserved.
     The three diamond logo is a registered trademark
             of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Mounting Wall Plate
1. Open package to find the Wall Plate. See Figure 1.          1     2
2. Position the Wall Plate on the wall. Level and mark
   hole positions. See Figure 2.
    Drill holes at marked positions, and then lightly tap
    supplied wall anchors into wall using a hammer.
    ‒‒ Drill 7/32” holes for drywall.                          3
                                                                   Use 3x supplied
3. Place the Wall Plate over the wall anchors. Insert and          screws #8 1-1/2”
   tighten mounting screws supplied with the Wall Plate.
   Do not overtighten. Tighten until the Wall Plate no
   longer moves. See Figure 3.

Install batteries

                                         Insert AA batteries

Mounting MHK2 Controller
1    Align the Wall Plate with the MHK2 Controller and
     push gently until the MHK2 snaps in place.
2    If needed, gently pull to remove the MHK2 Controller
     from the Wall Plate.


Optional Decorative Cover Plate installation
Use the Optional Cover Plate when you need to cover                   @                        in
paint gap from the old control.
4.   Separate the Junction Box Adapter from the Cover
     Plate. See Figure 4.                                                                 ind =)
5.   Mount the Junction Box Adapter to the wall or an
     electrical box using any of the eight screw holes.
     Insert and tighten mounting screws supplied with                                                    *A
     Cover Plate Kit. Do not overtighten. Make sure the               ©        B                ©             t
     Adapter Plate is level. See Figure 5.                                                          \\
6.   Attach the Wall Plate by hanging it on the top hook              O —Pgeio—te .(                 ”,
     of the Junetion Box Adapter and then snapping the              Use 2X     e                          *nnen
     bottom of the Wall Plate in place. See Figure 6.              supplied
                                                                   screws #6
7.   Snap the Cover Plate onto the Junction Box Adapter.              5/8"
     See Figure 7.

Install cable and receiver
1.   Before mounting indoor unit, connect cable to the
     5—pin CN105 connector on the control board in the
     indoor unit.
2.   Mount indoor unit. Route cable to preferred location of
     the wireless receiver.
3.   Attach the 5 pin connector to the receiver.
4.   Push the excess cable back through the indoor unit or
     behind the wireless receiver. Do not cut or modify the
     cable. Use zip tie connections on back of receiver if
5.   Mount wireless receiver next to the indoor unit (see
     below) or in a remote location.

     Mount in the orientations shown. Do not block vents.

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Link all devices to wireless network
1.   Press and release the CONNECT button.
2.   If CONNECT light does not flash, another receiver or
     RedLINK wireless adapter may be in wireless setup
     mode. Exit wireless setup at the other device.
 *   Flashing Green: in wireless setup mode.
 *   Solid Green: At least one Redlink device is enrolled
     onto the receiver.
 *   Yellow: Please wait.
 *   Red: RedLINK device is not communicating.
 *   Off: No RedLINK devices are enrolled onto the
fi Flashing status light times out after 15 minutes of
  inactivity. Press CONNECT again if necessary.

Link remote controller to wireless network
1.   Press CONNECT to establish a link to the wireless
2.   After a brief pause, the confirmation screen at
     right should be displayed to verify that the wireless
     connection has been established.
3.   Press DONE to display the home screen.                          @
4.   The MHK2 Controller will display a "WAIT" screen
     while it receives data from the air conditioner. While on
     the "WAIT" screen:                                                         SsuUcCE55
       *   If the controller shows the RedLINK disconnected
           icon @, at the top—right, the controller has lost
           connection with the receiver.
       *   If the controller shows the RedLINK connected
           icon ®@, the controller is waiting for the air
           conditioning to connect.
       *   To unenroll the receiver, press and hold the
           bottom—center of the controller‘s screen for
           5 seconds. The controller will then be unenrolled
           regardless if the receiver is on or off.

Exit wireless setup
Press and release the CONNECT button at the wireless receiver to exit wireless setup (light should
stop flashing and remain solid). Replace cover on wireless receiver.
0        Note: The wireless receiver will automatically exit wireless setup after 15 minutes of
fi        Note: If installing more than one receiver, you must exit wireless setup on previous receiver
         before attempting wireless setup of subsequent controllers/receivers.

Initial installer setup
After the MHK2 Controller has communicated with
the A/C correctly, MHK2 Controller will change
from the "Wait" screen to the "Initial Installer
Setup" screen and show START SETUP.
1. The MHK2 will search for A/C support. If it                                       View ISU
   finds A/C support, the controller will load the      ISU option and                                     Arrow buttons
   Function Code setup. See page 6 for a full           name (scrolling)                                   used to scroll
                                                                                                           through ISUs
   list of Function Codes options. If the controller
   does not find A/C support, the controller will
   load the Installer Set Up (ISU). See page 7
   for a full list of ISU options.
2. Touch   or    to toggle between Function
   Code/ISU options.
3. Touch Edit or touch text area, and then touch                                 Edit ISU
      or   to edit default setup option.
                                                        ISU option blinking           ISU #                Arrow buttons
4. Touch Done or touch text area to confirm the                                                            used to scroll
                                                                                                           through ISU
   setting or press Cancel.                                                                                options
5. Touch    or      to continue to setup another
   ISU option.
6. To finish setup and save your settings, scroll
   to the FINISH SETUP screen at the end of the
   ISU list.
Note: To see a list of all setup parameters, go to         Saves selected ISU               Cancels ISU option
"Installer setup options (ISU) – advanced menu"            option moves on to               selection, go back to
on page 7. The MHK2 Controller displays the                the next ISU screen              view ISU
ISU name and the ISU number.

Installer setup – advanced menu (after initial installation)
To access the advanced menu, press and hold the Menu button for 5 seconds.
Touch    or    to go through the options in the advanced menu.
Advanced menu options
Function Codes: This is used to access the                                           Heat           Auto

device Function Code settings.

Device Setup: This is used to access the device                               Vane

ISU settings.
Screen Lock: The thermostat touch screen can be               Reset: Access all reset options
set to fully lock.                                            on the MHK2 Controller. This is
System Test: Test the wireless communication or               the only place to access factory
heating and cooling equipment.                                reset.
Unenroll Device: Remove a connected receiver or

    Note: Default settings for Function Codes 1-28 are automatically determined by the HVAC equipment. It may take up to 40 seconds to enter

                                                                                                                                                                                         Function Code options – advanced menu
    setup, and 30 seconds to exit setup.
     Function #   Name                     Options                                                      Notes
     1            Power Failure            1 = Disabled
                  Automatic Recovery       2 = Enabled
                                           3 =Not supported
     2            Temperature Sensing      1 = Average
                  Location                 2 = Sense at Indoor Unit
                                           3 = Not supported
     3            Ventilation Air          1 = Not supported
                                           2 = Indoor Unit doesn’t intake outdoor air through LOSSNAY
                                           3 = Indoor Unit does intake outdoor air through LOSSNAY
     4            Power Voltage            1 = 230V
                                           2 = 208V
                                           3 = not supported
     5            Indoor Unit Automatic    1 = On
                  Operation                2 = Off
                                           3 = Not supported
     7            Change Filter Duration   1 = 100 Hours                                              Unit Function Option defaulted to most common setting at power up by
                                           2 = 2500 Hours                                             Gateway (via Indoor Unit)
                                           3 = Not Used
     8            Auto Fan (Speed          1 = Quiet
                  Setting)                 2 = Standard
                                           3 = High Ceiling

     9            Number of Air Outlets    1 = 4 directions
                  (PLA Only)               2 = 3 directions
                                           3 = 2 directions
     10           High Performance         1 = Not Supported                                          Either setting 1 or 3 could be used when the unit does not support this feature.
                  Filter Installed         2 = Supported
                                           3 = Not Supported
     11           Airflow Direction        1 = No Vanes (or Vane # 3 for PLA)
                  Settings                 2 = Vane # 1 setting
                                           3 = Van # 2 setting
     15           Frost Prevention         1 = 36°F (2°C)
                  Temperature Offset       2 = 37°F (3°C)
                                           3 = Not Supported
     23           Airflow Oscillate Mode   1 = Not Available
                                           2 = Available
                                           3 = Not Supported
     24           Heat Mode                1 = On
                  Temperature Offset       2 = Off
                                           3 = Not Supported
     25           Heat Mode Fan Option     1 = Extra Low
                                           2 = Stop
                                           3 = Selectable Fan Speed
     27           Cooling Mode Fan         1 = Selectable Fan Speed
                  Option                   2 = Stop
                                           3 = Not Supported
     28           Display System Error     1 = Enable
                                           2 = Disable
                                           3 = Not Supported

                                                                                                                                                            Installer Setup options (ISU) – advanced menu
    ISU #   ISU Name             ISU Options (defaults in bold)        Notes
    134     Central Controller   0 = Not installed                     The control determines the correct setting based on whether the central
            Present              1 = Installed                         controller was linked to the system. If the central controller is Installed in the
                                                                       system, then the device will function as a non-programmable device and only
                                                                       single setpoint will be supported. When the central control is not installed the
                                                                       ISU options for "Schedule Format", "Scheduled Off", "Power Off Timer" and
                                                                       "Perm Hold Lock" are displayed in the ISU menu.
    136     Residential/         0 = Residential                       When set for residential there is an option for permanent hold and the
            Commercial           1 = Commercial                        Schedule periods are wake, away, home, sleep.
                                                                       When set for commercial, we have a limited override duration and the sched-
                                                                       ule options are for occupied and unoccupied.
    139     Fahrenheit           0 = Fahrenheit
            Celsius              1 = Celsius
    142     System Type          0 = Heat & Cool (heat pump)           The control determines the correct setting based on the equipment the
                                 1 = Cool only                         receiver is plugged into.
    144     Auto Changeover      0 = Manual Changeover                 If Auto Changeover is selected, system mode options will be heat, off, cool,
                                 1 = Auto Changeover                   and auto.
                                 3 = Auto changeover Single Setpoint   This ISU setting is not shown when ISU 134 is set to 1 or ISU 142 is set to 1.
                                                                       Settings 0 or 1 are shown if ISU 134 is set to 0. Setting 3 is shown if ISU 134
                                                                       is set to 1.
    145     Deadband           3 to 8°F (in 1°F increments)            This ISU is shown if dual auto changeover is selected.
                               2.0 to 4.5° C (in .5°C increments)

    146     Drying Mode        0 = Disabled                            This ISU is shown if dry mode is supported.
                               1 = Enabled
    150     Schedule Owner     0 = Controller                          Not shown if wireless interface is NOT present.
                               1 = Kumo Cloud
    151     Schedule Type      0 = No Schedule
                               1 = Mo-Su
                               2 = Mo-Fr/Sa-Su
                               3 = Mo-Fr/Sa/Su
                               4 = M/T/W/T/F/S/S
    152     Schedule Off       0 = Disabled                            If disabled, Schedule Power Off in schedule mode cannot be used.
            Periods            1 = Enabled
    160     Full Lockout       0 = Disabled                            If full lockout is configured the display will not allow user to adjust mode,
                               1 = Enabled                             temperature setpoints, etc.
    161     Lockout System On 0 = Disabled                             If enabled the display will not allow user to adjust mode from off to on.
                               1 = Enabled
    162     Lockout System Off 0 = Disabled                            If enabled the display will not allow user to adjust mode from on to off.
                               1 = Enabled
    163     Lockout Mode       0 = Disabled                            If enabled the display will not allow user to adjust mode from current mode to
                               1 = Enabled                             any other mode.
    164     Lockout Fan Speed 0 = Disabled                             If user attempts to modify the fan setting, flash Locked segment and revert to
                               1 = Enabled                             current mode if lockout is enabled.

                                                                                                                                                   Installer Setup options (ISU) – advanced menu
    ISU #   ISU Name             ISU Options (defaults in bold)   Notes
    165     Lockout Setpoint     0 = Disabled                     If user attempts to modify the setpoint, flash Locked segment and revert to
                                 1 = Enabled                      current setpoint if lockout is enabled.
    167     Lockout Vane         0 = Disabled                     If user attempts to modify the vane direction, flash Locked segment if lockout
            Direction            1 = Enabled                      is enabled.
    170     Hide Indoor          0 = Disabled                     If enabled, indoor temperature is not shown in the display.
            Temperature          1 = Enabled
    171     Hide Indoor          0 = Disabled                     If enabled, indoor humidity is not shown in the display.
            Humidity Display     1 = Enabled
    172     Hide Outdoor         0 = Disabled                     If enabled, outdoor temperature is not shown in the display.
            Temperature          1 = Enabled
    173     Hide Outdoor       0 = Disabled                       If enabled, outdoor humidity is not shown in the display.
            Humidity Display   1 = Enabled
    180     Max Heat Setpoint  40 to 90°F (4.5 to 32°C)
    181     Min Cool Setpoint  50 to 99°F (10 to 37°C)
    190     Indoor Temperature 0 = Thermostat                     Options 2 and 3 not shown if the IAS is not enrolled.
            Source             1 = Wall Unit
                               2 = Sensor
                               3 = Average
    191     Indoor Temperature -5°F to 5°F (-2.5°C to 2.5°C)
            Display Offset

    195     Indoor Humidity    0 = Thermostat                     Options 1 and 2 will not be shown if the IAS is not enrolled.
            Source             1 = Sensor
                               2 = Average
    196     Indoor Humidity    -10 % RH to 10% RH
            Display Offset

Performing a system test
You can test the system setup in ADVANCED MENU
under SYSTEM TEST option.
1     Press and hold Menu on the controller for 5
      seconds to access ADVANCED MENU options.
2     Touch      or     to go to SYSTEM TEST.
3     Touch Select or touch text area.
4     Touch      or     to select system test type. Touch
      Select or touch text area.
5     For the heat test, cool test, and fan test use
         or     to activate equipment.
Note: The clock is used as a timer while heat or cool
is running. The Heat and Cool indicators are displayed
when the system test is running.

Special functions
Schedule Off Periods (Setup Function 152): Allows the user to schedule a period where the
split-zoning system is completely off and resumes operation at the next scheduled period.


Key features
System status                      Time, ISU #, or               RedLINK wireless
information                        Alert #                       communication status
  Cool On, Heat On, Standby.                                        Indicates if the controller is
                                                                    connected to the RedLINK
Schedule information                                                interface and communicating
  Following time-based                                              correctly.
  temperature control.
                                                                 Connection status
Desired Temperature                                              information
  Displays the current desired                                      Indicates if the wireless
  temperature setting.                             72               interface is used on the
                                            Heat        Auto        Mitsubishi unit.
Indoor Temperature
  Displays the current indoor                                    Messaging
  temperature.                                                      Shows device setup options,
                                                                    menu options, reminders,
Vane                                 Vane
                                                                    schedule overrides.
  Touch to select air direction:
  Auto, Swing, Ceiling, High,                                    Schedule period
  Middle, Low, Floor.                                               Shows schedule period:
                                                                    Wake, Leave, Return, Sleep.
  Select system Mode: Heat,                                      Fan
  Cool, Dry, Fan, Auto, Off.                                        Select Fan speed.

                                     Touch to display options. Start here to
                                     set a program schedule.
                                     Note: Long press of Menu button
                                     for 5 seconds to access Advanced
                                     Menu options.
The screen will wake up by pressing the center area of the displayed temperature. The screen
will stay lit for 8 seconds.


RedLINK™ error codes
128    Duplicate ID
129    Invalid device type
130    Invalid instance
134    Weak signial. Move wireless device to a different location and try again.
137    Maximum number of clients reached.
138    No response
152    Out of order
153    Timeout
For full list of error codes, please refer to your equipment's technical service manual.

Replacing system components
NOTE: Only use Mitsubishi Electric components or other designated components for installation.
Failure to comply may damage the product or cause a hazardous condition.

Remote controller
To replace a remote controller, install batteries and follow the procedures on page 4 to link it to
the wireless network. If necessary, modify settings as needed (see tables on pages 7–8).

Wireless receiver
After installing a new wireless receiver, you must unenroll the remote controller so it can
communicate with the new equipment, as described below.
There are three ways to unenroll the controller from the old receiver:
• Press and hold the Menu button for 5 seconds to enter the Advanced Menu. Touch               or     to
  select UNENROLL DEVICE. Touch Select. Connect the new receiver.
• Enter the Advanced Menu. Touch    or     to select RESET. Touch Select. Touch               or    to
  select FACTORY. Touch Select. Touch Yes to confirm. Connect the new receiver.
• If the remote controller is on the "Wait" screen, press and hold the bottom-center of the
  screen for 5 seconds. Connect the new receiver.

To remove all wireless devices:
1. Press and hold the CONNECT button on the wireless receiver for 10 seconds.
2. To reconnect, see procedure on page 4.


Regulatory information
FCC Compliance Statement (Part 15.19) (USA only)
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1 This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2 This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
FCC Warning (Part 15.21) (USA only)
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate
the equipment.
FCC Interference Statement (Part 15.105 (b)) (USA only)
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following
•   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
•   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
•   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
•   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Wireless Receiver and MHK2 Remote Control
To comply with FCC and Industry Canada RF exposure limits for general population/ uncontrolled exposure, the antenna(s)
used for these transmitters must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be
co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Section 7.1.3 of RSS-GEN
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1 This device may not cause interference, and
2 This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Section 7.1.2 of RSS-GEN
Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of type and maximum (or lesser)
gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and
its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent istropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful

Specifications & replacement parts
Operating Ambient Temperature                                        Physical Dimensions (height, width, depth)
• Remote Controller: 32 to 120 °F (0 to 48.9 °C)                     • Remote Controller: 4-5/64" x 4-5/64" x 1-1/16"
• Wireless Receiver: -40 to 165 °F (-40 to 73.9 °C)                     (104 mm x 104 mm x 27 mm)
                                                                     • Wireless Receiver: 3-3/32 x 1-3/4 x 39/64 inches
Operating Relative Humidity                                             (74.8 x 44.4 x 15.4 mm)
• Remote Controller: 5% to 90% (non-condensing)
• Wireless Receiver: 5% to 95% (non-condensing)                       Accessories & Replacement Parts
                                                                      Item                                            Part Number
                                                                      Remote Controller                               MRCH2
                                                                      Receiver and Cable                              MIFH2
                                                                      Cable                                           MRC2

© 2019 Mitsubishi Electric & Electronics USA, Inc.
Suwanee, GA 30024 All Rights Reserved.
33-00446EFS—01 M.S. 01-19
Printed in U.S.A.

Document Created: 2019-09-19 19:21:43
Document Modified: 2019-09-19 19:21:43

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