Modular Approval Request


Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                                                           04 April 16

Modular Approval Request FCC (KDB 996369 D01 & Part 15.212)
FCC ID: ___HPL-DR100SRFID ________________

Items to be covered by Single modular transmitters.                                        Answer from applicant
1. The modular transmitter must have its own RF shielding.                                 Fulfilled, OK

2.    The modular transmitter must have buffered modulation/data inputs (if such inputs    Fulfilled, OK
      are provided) to ensure that the module will comply with Part 15 requirements
      under conditions of excessive data rates or over-modulation.
3.    The modular transmitter must have its own power supply regulation.                   Fulfilled, OK

4.    The modular transmitter must comply with the antenna requirements of Section         Permanent antenna, Fulfilled,
      15.203 and 15.204(b)(c). The antenna must either be permanently attached or           OK
      employ a “unique” antenna coupler (at all connections between the module and the
      antenna, including the cable).

 5.   The modular transmitter must be tested in a stand-alone configuration, i.e., the     Fulfilled, OK
      module must not be inside another device during testing. This is intended to
      demonstrate that the module is capable of complying with Part 15 emission limits
      regardless of the device into which it is eventually installed.

 6. The modular transmitter must be equipped with either a permanently affixed label       Fulfilled, OK
    or must be capable of electronically displaying its FCC identification number in
    accordance with 15.212 (a)(1)(vi)(A) / (B).

7. The modular transmitter must comply with any specific rule or operating                 Fulfilled, OK
   requirements applicable to the transmitter and the manufacturer must provide
   adequate instructions along with the module to explain any such requirements. A
   copy of these instructions must be included in the application for equipment
   authorization. For example, there are very strict operational and timing
   requirements that must be met before a transmitter is authorized for operation under
   Section 15.231. For instance, data transmission is prohibited, except for operation
   under Section 15.231(e), in which case there are separate field strength level and
   timing requirements. Compliance with these requirements must be assured.

8.    The modular transmitter must comply with any applicable RF exposure                  Fulfilled, OK
      requirements. For example, FCC Rules in Sections 1.1310, 2.1091, 2.1093, and
      specific Sections of Part 15, including 15.319(i), 15.407(f), 15.253(f) and
      15.255(g), require that Unlicensed PCS, UNII and millimeter wave devices
      perform routine environmental evaluation for RF Exposure to demonstrate
      compliance. In addition, spread spectrum transmitters operating under Section
      15.247 are required to address RF Exposure compliance. Modular transmitters
      approved under other Sections of Part 15, when necessary, may also need to
      address certain RF Exposure concerns, typically by providing specific
      installation and operating instructions for users, installers and other interested
      parties to ensure compliance.

                                                                                                                04 April 16

 Items to be covered by Split modular transmitters.                                            Answer from applicant
 1. The modular transmitter must comply with all requirements of a single modular              Not applicable
     transmitter except for items (1) & (5) of the above single modular approval

 2.   Only the radio front end must be shielded. The physical crystal and tuning               Not applicable
      capacitors may be located external to the shielded radio elements. The interface
      between the split sections of the modular system must be digital with a minimum
      signalling amplitude of 150 mV peak-to-peak.

 3.   Control information and other data may be exchanged between the transmitter              Not applicable
      control elements and radio front end.

 4.   The sections of a split modular transmitter must be tested installed in a host           Not applicable
      device(s) similar to that which is representative of the platform(s) intended for use.

 5.   Manufacturers must ensure that only transmitter control elements and radio front         Not applicable
      end components that have been approved together are capable of operating together.
      The transmitter module must not operate unless it has verified that the installed
      transmitter control elements and radio front end have been authorized together.
      Manufacturers may use means including, but not limited to, coding in hardware and
      electronic signatures in software to meet these requirements, and must describe the
      methods in their application for equipment authorization.

Note: A limited modular approval (LMA) may be granted for single or split modular transmitters
that comply partially with the requirements above.

Name and surname of applicant (or authorized representative): _

Jan Vercammen – RF hardware designer

Date: __05/07/2019_____________Signature:

Document Created: 2019-07-11 15:15:30
Document Modified: 2019-07-11 15:15:30

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