RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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Compliance with 47 CFR 15.247(i)
                 “Systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated in a manner that ensures
                 that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy levels in excess of the Commission's
                 guidelines. See § 1.1307(b)(1) of this chapter.”

The EUT will only be used with a separation distance of 20 centimeters or greater between the antenna and the body of the user or
nearby persons and can therefore be considered a mobile transmitter per 47 CFR 2.1091 (b). The EUT is categorically excluded from
routine environmental evaluation per 47 CFR 2.1091(c).

The MPE estimates are as follows:

Table 1 in 47 CFR 1.1310 defines the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) for the general population as 1mW/cm2. The exposure
level at a 20 cm distance from the EUT’s transmitting antenna is calculated using the general equation:

                 S = (PG)/4πR2
                 Where: S = power density (mW/cm2)
                 P = power input to the antenna (mW)
                 G = numeric power gain relative to an isotropic radiator
                 R = distance to the center of the radiation of the antenna (20 cm = limit for MPE estimates)
                 PG = EIRP

Solving for S, the maximum power densities 20 cm from the transmitting antennas are summarized in the following tables:

MPE Estimates for Self Co-located Device

FCC ID: EHABTS080-1 (PW40 Printer with Bluetooth Radio)
Bluetooth Radio

                                                                                 Max Peak                       Minimum      Power                        Ratio of Power
      Antenna Type             Antenna Part No.        Transmit Frequency        Conducted      Antenna Gain    Antenna     Density @                     Density to the
                                                                                                                                         Exposure Limit
                                                                                Output Power                   Cable Loss     20 cm                       Exposure Limit
                                                                                                                                          from 1.1310
                                                                                                                                     2             2
                                                              (MHz)                (mW)            (dBi)          (dB)      (mW/cm )       (mW/cm )
Internal Integral Antenna     PCB Trace Antenna                2400                13.86           -1.23            0        0.00208           1             0.00208

Worst Case Ratio of Power Density to the Exposure Limit = 0.00208 (Internal Integral Antenna)

Exposure Scenarios for PW40 Printer co-located with 700C

Per Note 24 shown below, the Sum of Worst Case Power Ratios cannot exceed 1.0

 700C co-located radios
                             PW40 Printer Worst Case
Sum of Worst Case Ratios                                 Sum of Worst Case      FCC Limit for
                             Ratio of Power Density to
    (Power Density to the                              Ratios (Power Density    Sum of Worst
                             the Exposure Limit (FCC
     Exposure Limit) (see                              to the Exposure Limit)    Case Ratios
                                 ID: EHABTS080-1)
following pages for details)

          0.47068                   0.00208                  0.47276                 1.0           PASS

The results shown in the above table are equivalent to the Sum of the EIRP of the Co-located Transmitters (EIRP TX1 + EIRP TX2 + EIRP TX3)
compared to the exposure limit. The benefit of this method, is that accounts for transmitters operating at different frequencies against different
exposure limits.

Please note that each radio transmits through its own antenna.

Please note that EIRP = ERP x 1.64, so EIRP is worst case. However, because some parties would prefer to see the calculation as the Sum of the
ERP of the Two Co-located Transmitters, the table below shows compliance with ERP TX1 + ERP TX2 + ERP TX3

                                                                             PW40 Printer
  GSM Radio (FCC ID:        802.11b Radio (FCC ID:     Bluetooth Radio (FCC                              Power              Population
                                                                               (FCC ID:    Sum of Worst
EHA700C-SMC45-1) Worst      HN2011B-2) Worst Case     ID: EHABTS080) Worst                              Density @           Exposure
                                                                            EHABTS080-1)    Case ERPs
      Case ERP                       ERP                    Case ERP                                      20 cm             Limit from
                                                                            Worst Case ERP
           (mW)                      (mW)                      (mW)                 (mW)           (mW)        (mW/cm2)     (mW/cm )

          1364.70                    34.24                      6.37                 6.37         1411.68       0.28084         1.0          PASS

Exposure Scenarios for PW40 Printer co-located with 730

Per Note 24 shown below, the Sum of Worst Case Power Ratios cannot exceed 1.0

  730 co-located radios
                             PW40 Printer Worst Case
Sum of Worst Case Ratios                                 Sum of Worst Case      FCC Limit for
                             Ratio of Power Density to
    (Power Density to the                              Ratios (Power Density    Sum of Worst
                             the Exposure Limit (FCC
     Exposure Limit) (see                              to the Exposure Limit)    Case Ratios
                                 ID: EHABTS080-1)
following pages for details)

          0.03623                   0.00208                  0.03831                 1.0           PASS

The results shown in the above table are equivalent to the Sum of the EIRP of the Co-located Transmitters (EIRP TX1 + EIRP TX2 + EIRP TX3)
compared to the exposure limit. The benefit of this method, is that accounts for transmitters operating at different frequencies against different
exposure limits.

Please note that each radio transmits through its own antenna.

Please note that EIRP = ERP x 1.64, so EIRP is worst case. However, because some parties would prefer to see the calculation as the Sum of the
ERP of the Two Co-located Transmitters, the table below shows compliance with ERP TX1 + ERP TX2 + ERP TX3

 802.11b Radio (FCC ID: Bluetooth Radio (FCC ID: PW40 Printer (FCC ID:                             Power     Population
                                                                                Sum of Worst
EHA-802CFI3) Worst Case EHABTM210) Worst Case EHABTS080-1) Worst                                Density @ 20 Exposure
                                                                                 Case ERPs
          ERP                     ERP                Case ERP                                       cm       Limit from
           (mW)                      (mW)                      (mW)                (mW)          (mW/cm2)      (mW/cm2)
           63.34                      0.31                      6.37               70.02          0.01393        1.0          PASS

MPE Estimates for Self Co-located Device

Radios in 700C Handheld Computer

FCC ID: EHAEM3420 (either one CDMA or one GSM radio is installed in the 700C - never both)
New CDMA Radio (Replacement for HN2SB555-2)

                                                                            Max Peak                      Minimum      Power                       Ratio of Power
         Antenna Type         Antenna Part No.      Transmit Frequency      Conducted     Antenna Gain    Antenna     Density @                    Density to the
                                                                                                                                  Exposure Limit
                                                                           Output Power                  Cable Loss     20 cm                      Exposure Limit
                                                                                                                                   from 1.1310
                                                           (MHz)               (mW)           (dBi)         (dB)      (mW/cm2)      (mW/cm2)
Dipole                          805-606-204                 1850                447                4         0            0.223          1             0.223
Dipole                          805-606-102                  824                480                3         0            0.191        0.55            0.347
Dipole                          805-606-102                 1850                447                3         0            0.177          1             0.177

Worst Case Ratio of Power Density to the Exposure Limit = 0.347

FCC ID: HN2SB555-2 (either one CDMA or one GSM radio is installed in the 700C - never both)
Old CDMA Radio

                                                                            Max Peak                      Minimum      Power                       Ratio of Power
         Antenna Type         Antenna Part No.      Transmit Frequency      Conducted     Antenna Gain    Antenna     Density @                    Density to the
                                                                                                                                  Exposure Limit
                                                                           Output Power                  Cable Loss     20 cm                      Exposure Limit
                                                                                                                                   from 1.1310
                                                           (MHz)               (mW)           (dBi)         (dB)      (mW/cm2)      (mW/cm2)

External tuned dipole (dual
band 800 / 1900 MHz)            805-606-202                 824                 224                3         0            0.089        0.55            0.1619

External tuned dipole (dual
band 800 / 1900 MHz)            805-606-202                 1850                224                3         0            0.089         1              0.0889
External tuned dipole
(single band 1900 MHz)          805-606-204                 1850                224                4         0            0.112         1              0.1119

Worst Case Ratio of Power Density to the Exposure Limit = 0.1619 (External Tuned Dipole Antenna - Dual Band at 824 MHz)

FCC ID: EHA700C-SMC45-1 (either one CDMA or one GSM radio is installed in the 700C - never both)

                                                                            Max Peak                      Minimum      Power                       Ratio of Power
         Antenna Type         Antenna Part No.      Transmit Frequency      Conducted     Antenna Gain    Antenna     Density @                    Density to the
                                                                                                                                  Exposure Limit
                                                                           Output Power                  Cable Loss     20 cm                      Exposure Limit
                                                                                                                                   from 1.1310
                                                           (MHz)               (mW)           (dBi)         (dB)      (mW/cm2)      (mW/cm2)

External tuned dipole (dual
band 900 / 1900 MHz)            805-606-202                 1850                891                3         0            0.354         1              0.3537
External tuned dipole
(single band 1900 MHz)          805-606-204                 1850                891                4         0            0.445         1              0.4453

Worst Case Ratio of Power Density to the Exposure Limit = 0.4453 (External Tuned Dipole Antenna)

FCC ID: HN22011B-2
802.11 (b) Radio

                                                                            Max Peak                      Minimum      Power                       Ratio of Power
         Antenna Type         Antenna Part No.      Transmit Frequency      Conducted     Antenna Gain    Antenna     Density @                    Density to the
                                                                                                                                  Exposure Limit
                                                                           Output Power                  Cable Loss     20 cm                      Exposure Limit
                                                                                                                                   from 1.1310
                                                           (MHz)               (mW)           (dBi)         (dB)      (mW/cm2)      (mW/cm2)
Internal slot F                 805-625-001                 2400                89             1.2           0            0.023         1              0.0233
Internal folded monopole        805-608-003                 2400                89             -2            0            0.011         1              0.0112

Worst Case Ratio of Power Density to the Exposure Limit (when co-located with CDMA Radio) = 0.0233 ( Internal slot F Antenna)

Old Bluetooth Radio (Will become obsolete, will be replaced by EHABTS080)

                                                                             Max Peak                       Minimum       Power                       Ratio of Power
      Antenna Type            Antenna Part No.       Transmit Frequency      Conducted      Antenna Gain    Antenna      Density @                    Density to the
                                                                                                                                     Exposure Limit
                                                                            Output Power                   Cable Loss      20 cm                      Exposure Limit
                                                                                                                                      from 1.1310
                                                            (MHz)                (mW)             (dBi)       (dB)       (mW/cm2)      (mW/cm2)
Internal Integral Antenna          ABTM3                     2400                 3.78            -5.77         0         0.00020          1             0.00020

Worst Case Ratio of Power Density to the Exposure Limit = 0.00020 (Internal Integral Antenna)

New Bluetooth Radio (Replacement for HN2ABTM3-3)

                                                                             Max Peak                    Minimum          Power                       Ratio of Power
      Antenna Type            Antenna Part No.       Transmit Frequency      Conducted      Antenna Gain Antenna         Density @                    Density to the
                                                                                                                                     Exposure Limit
                                                                            Output Power                Cable Loss         20 cm                      Exposure Limit
                                                                                                                                      from 1.1310
                                                            (MHz)               (mW)              (dBi)       (dB)       (mW/cm2)      (mW/cm2)
Internal Integral Antenna    PCB Trace Antenna               2400               13.86             -1.23         0         0.00208          1             0.00208

Worst Case Ratio of Power Density to the Exposure Limit = 0.00208 (Internal Integral Antenna)

Exposure Scenarios for 700C

Per Note 24 shown below, the Sum of Worst Case Power Ratios cannot exceed 1.0

                                                   Bluetooth Radio Worst Sum of Worst
  GSM Radio Worst Case      802.11b Radio Worst
                                                    Case Ratio of Power      Case Ratios   FCC Limit for
 Ratio of Power Density to  Case Ratio of Power
                                                   Density to the Exposure (Power Density Sum of Worst
 the Exposure Limit (FCC   Density to the Exposure
                                                       Limit (FCC ID:      to the Exposure Case Ratios
 ID: EHA700C-SMC45-1) Limit (FCC ID: HN2011B-2)
                                                       EHABTS080)               Limit)

         0.44530                   0.02330                 0.00208             0.47068            1.0        PASS

The results shown in the above table are equivalent to the Sum of the EIRP of the threeCo-located Transmitters (EIRP TX1 + EIRP TX2 + EIRP TX3)
compared to the exposure limit. The benefit of this method, is that accounts for transmitters operating at different frequencies against different
exposure limits.

Please note that each radio transmits through its own antenna.

Please note that EIRP = ERP x 1.64, so EIRP is worst case. However, because some parties would prefer to see the calculation as the Sum of the
ERP of the Two Co-located Transmitters, the table below shows compliance with ERP TX1 + ERP TX2 + ERP TX3

  GSM Radio (FCC ID:   802.11b Radio (FCC ID: Bluetooth Radio (FCC                             Power     Population
                                                                   Sum of Worst
EHA700C-SMC45-1) Worst HN2011B-2) Worst Case ID: EHABTS080) Worst                           Density @ 20 Exposure
                                                                    Case ERPs
      Case ERP                  ERP                Case ERP                                     cm       Limit from
          (mW)                      (mW)                     (mW)               (mW)            (mW/cm2)   (mW/cm )

         1364.70                    34.24                     6.37             1405.31          0.27958       1.0          PASS

MPE Estimates for Self Co-located Device

Radios in 730 Handheld Computer

802.11 (b) Radio

                                                                             Max Peak                        Minimum      Power                       Ratio of Power
      Antenna Type            Antenna Part No.        Transmit Frequency     Conducted      Antenna Gain     Antenna     Density @                    Density to the
                                                                                                                                     Exposure Limit
                                                                            Output Power                    Cable Loss     20 cm                      Exposure Limit
                                                                                                                                      from 1.1310
                                                            (MHz)               (mW)             (dBi)         (dB)      (mW/cm2)      (mW/cm2)
Internal Diversity Patch         805-617-001                2400                104.7             2.4           0          0.036           1              0.0362

Worst Case Ratio of Power Density to the Exposure Limit = 0.0362 (Internal Diversity Patch Antenna)

Bluetooth Radio

                                                                             Max Peak                        Minimum      Power                       Ratio of Power
      Antenna Type            Antenna Part No.        Transmit Frequency     Conducted      Antenna Gain     Antenna     Density @                    Density to the
                                                                                                                                     Exposure Limit
                                                                            Output Power                    Cable Loss     20 cm                      Exposure Limit
                                                                                                                                      from 1.1310
                                                            (MHz)               (mW)             (dBi)         (dB)      (mW/cm2)      (mW/cm2)
Integral Ceramic Antenna         104F2450S1                  2400               0.549              -5            0        0.00003          1             0.00003

Worst Case Ratio of Power Density to the Exposure Limit = 0.00003 (Integral Ceramic Antenna)

Exposure Scenarios for 730

Per Note 24 shown below, the Sum of Worst Case Power Ratios cannot exceed 1.0

 802.11b Radio Worst
                          Bluetooth Radio Worst
 Case Ratio of Power                                Sum of Worst Case       FCC Limit for
                           Case Ratio of Power
Density to the Exposure                           Ratios (Power Density     Sum of Worst
                          Density to the Exposure
  Limit (FCC ID: EHA-                             to the Exposure Limit)     Case Ratios
                        Limit (FCC ID: EHABM210)

          0.03620                  0.00003                 0.03623               1.0             PASS

The results shown in the above table are equivalent to the Sum of the EIRP of the Two Co-located Transmitters (EIRP TX1 + EIRP TX2) compared to
the exposure limit. The benefit of this method, is that it accounts for transmitters operating at different frequencies against different exposure limits.

Please note that each radio transmits through its own antenna.

Please note that EIRP = ERP x 1.64, so EIRP is worst case. However, because some parties would prefer to see the calculation as the Sum of the
ERP of the Two Co-located Transmitters, the table below shows compliance with ERP TX1 + ERP TX2

 802.11b Radio (FCC ID:    Bluetooth Radio (FCC ID:                                            Population
                                                      Sum of Worst Case    Power Density
  EHA-802CF13) Worst       EHABTM210) Worst Case                                               Exposure
                                                            ERPs             @ 20 cm
       Case ERP                      ERP                                                       Limit from
           (mW)                     (mW)                    (mW)              (mW/cm2)         (mW/cm2)
           63.34                     0.31                   63.65              0.01266            1.0         PASS

Excerpts from TCB Training, April 3, 2002, “Mobile Transmitters”, Slide 6:

        “Devices operating in multiple frequency bands

                 When RF exposure evaluation is required for TCB approval
                    o Separate antennas – estimated minimum separation distances may be considered for the frequency bands
                        that do not require evaluation or TCB approval, however, the estimated distance should take into account
                        the effect of co-located transmitters. (Note 24)

                          Note 24 According to multiple frequency exposure criteria, the ratio of field strength or power density to
                          the applicable exposure limit at the exposure location should be determined for each transmitter and the
                          sum of these ratios must not exceed 1.0 for the location to be compliant.”

The sum of the worst-case power ratios in any scenario does not exceed 1.0 (see Note 24 above); therefore, the exposure condition is
compliant with FCC rules.

Document Created: 2004-12-10 14:23:27
Document Modified: 2004-12-10 14:23:27

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