test report adendum

FCC ID: HN21555-900

Test Report

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                                ROGERS LABS, INC.
                                4405 West 259 Terrace
                                Louisburg, KS 66053
                                Phone / Fax (913) 837-3214

                            TEST REPORT ADENDUM

                                 INTERMEC TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION
                                       6001 36th Avenue West
                                       Everett, WA 98203-9280
                                       Phone: (505) 856-8054

                                                     Jerry Johnson,
                                                    Project Manager

                                                 MODEL: 1555
                                               Hand Held Reader
                                           Frequency 902 – 928 MHz
                                             FCC ID: HN21555-900

Test Date:November 9, 2000

Certification Date: November 9, 2000

Certifying Engineer:
                                         Scot D. Rogers
                                         ROGERS LABS, INC.
                                         4405 West 259th Terrace
                                         Louisburg, KS 66053
                                         Phone: (913) 837-3214
                                         FAX:    (913) 837-3214
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. This report must not be used by the
client to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government.

NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                                                                           NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0

                                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS
1) APPLICABLE STANDARDS & TEST PROCEDURES ............................................3
2) APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION PER 2.1033(B)............................................4
3) EQUIPMENT TESTED..............................................................................................5
4) EQUIPMENT FUNCTION AND TESTING PROCEDURES ......................................5
5) EQUIPMENT AND CABLE CONFIGURATIONS......................................................5
     Radiated Emission Test Procedure ................................................................................................................... 5
6) LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................6
7) UNITS OF MEASUREMENTS ..................................................................................7
8) SUBPART C - INTENTIONAL RADIATORS ............................................................7
     15.205 Restricted Bands of Operation.............................................................................................................. 7
      Data 15.205:........................................................................................................................................................ 8
     15.209 Radiated Emissions Limits; General Requirements............................................................................ 8
      Radiated EMI...................................................................................................................................................... 8
      Data 15.209:...................................................................................................................................................... 10
      Data: EUT and System Radiated Emissions (7 Highest) : ................................................................................ 10
      Summary of Results for Radiated Emissions: ................................................................................................... 10
     15.247 Operation in the Band 902-928 MHz ................................................................................................. 10
      Summary of Results for Radiated Emissions of Intentional Radiator: .............................................................. 12
      Statement of Modifications:.............................................................................................................................. 13

4405 W. 259th Terrace                             MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053                               Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214                         Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                                                            Page 2 of 17
                                                                                                                  CERTIFICATION\INTERMEC1555ReportAdendum 11/14/2000

NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                  NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0


The following is submitted for consideration in obtaining a Grant

of Certification for low power intentional radiators operated

under CFR 47, paragraph 15.247.

      Name of Applicant:

      6001 36th Avenue West
      Everett, WA 98203-9280

      Model:     1555 Hand Held Reader

      FCC I.D.:      HN21555-900

      Frequency Range: 902 MHz to 928 MHz

      Operating Power: 1 Watt

1)    Applicable Standards & Test Procedures

      a)     In accordance with the Federal Communications Code of

      Federal Regulations, dated October 1, 1999, Part 2,

      Subpart J, Paragraphs 2.907, 2.911, 2.913, 2.925, 2.926,

      2.1031 through 2.1057, Part 15C Paragraph 15.247 the

      following is submitted:

      b)     Test procedures used are the established Methods of

      Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions as described in the

      ANSI 63.4-1992 Document.

4405 W. 259th Terrace       MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214   Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                      Page 3 of 17
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NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                   NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0

2)    Application for Certification per 2.1033(b)
      (1)    Manufacturer:
             6001 36th Avenue West
             Everett, WA 98203-9280

      (2)    Identification: Model: 1555 Hand Held Reader
                             FCC I.D.: HN21555-900

      (3)    Instruction Book:

             Refer to Exhibit for Instruction Manual (files:

             1555_gs.pdf and 1555_ops_guide.pdf).

      (4)    Description of Circuit Functions

             Refer to Exhibit for Circuit Description (file

             operational description.doc).

      (5)    Block Diagram with Frequencies:

             Refer to Exhibit for Block Diagram (file: Hand


      (6)    Report of Measurements:

             Follows in this Report.

      (7)    Photos:        Construction, Component Placement, etc.:

             Refer to original application of equipment.

      (8)    Brief description of peripheral equipment used with EUT.

             The EUT has provision to interface with a computer, which
             uses the RS232 communications protocol. The support
             equipment used for testing was a Sharp laptop computer
             and a Hewlett Packard printer. The communications cable
             was permanently attached to the EUT as manufactured and
             utilized the RS232 serial communication port of the

      (9)    Transition Provisions of 15.37 are not being requested.

4405 W. 259th Terrace        MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053          Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214    Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                      Page 4 of 17
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NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                  NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0

     (10)    Frequency Hopping Spectrum:

             Applications for the certification of frequency hopping
             transmitters under Part 15 shall be accompanied by an
             exhibit describing compliance of the associated
             receiver or receivers with Section 15.247(a)(1) of this
             chapter. Refer to exhibit for operational description.
             (file: opdesc1555.pdf)

     (11)    Not Applicable.        The EUT is not a Scanning Receiver.

3)    Equipment Tested

      EQUIPMENT             MODEL/PART#               FCC I.D.

      EUT                   1555                      HN21555-900

      CPU                   Sharp PC9000              FKG PC9000

      Printer               H.P. C2168A               B94C2121X

4)    Equipment Function and Testing Procedures

      The EUT is a hand held laser and radio frequency tag reader

      used for bar code label and RF tag identification.                                  The unit

      is designed to interface to a computer utilizing the RS232

      communications protocol.            A laptop computer was used to

      communicate with the EUT over the RS232 cable.                             A printer

      was also connected to the laptop through a standard parallel

      printer cable.

5)    Equipment and Cable Configurations

      Radiated Emission Test Procedure

      The EUT was placed on a rotatable 1 x 1.5-meter wooden

      platform, 0.8 meters above the ground plane at a distance of
4405 W. 259th Terrace       MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214   Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                      Page 5 of 17
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NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                   NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0

      3 meters from the FSM antenna.               EMI energy was maximized by

      equipment placement, raising and lowering the FSM antenna,

      changing the antenna polarization, and by rotating the

      turntable.       Each emission was maximized before data was

      taken using a spectrum analyzer.

6)    List of Test Equipment

      A Hewlett Packard 8591EM Spectrum Analyzer was used as the

      measuring device for the emissions testing of frequencies

      below 1 GHz.          A Hewlett Packard 8562A Spectrum Analyzer was

      used as the measuring device for testing the emissions at

      frequencies above 1 GHz.             The analyzer settings used are

      described in the following table.               Refer to the Appendix for

      a complete list of Test Equipment.

                              HP 8591 EM ANALYZER SETTINGS
                                   CONDUCTED EMISSIONS:
                 RBW                        AVG. BW               DETECTOR FUNCTION
                9 kHz                        30 kHz               Peak / Quasi Peak
                                    RADIATED EMISSIONS:
                 RBW                        AVG. BW               DETECTOR FUNCTION
               120 kHz                      300 kHz               Peak / Quasi Peak
                               HP 8562A ANALYZER SETTINGS
                 RBW                       VIDEO BW               DETECTOR FUNCTION
               100 kHz                      100 kHz                               PEAK
                1 MHz                        1 MHz                    Peak / Average

4405 W. 259th Terrace        MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053          Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214    Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                      Page 6 of 17
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NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                  NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0

      EQUIPMENT    MFG.                  MODEL                           CAL. DATES              DUE.

      LISN         Comp. Design          1762                            10/00                   10/01
      Antenna      ARA                   BCD-235-B                       10/00                   10/01
      Antenna      EMCO                  3147                            10/00                   10/01
      Antenna      EMCO                  3143                            4/00                    4/01
      Analyzer     HP                    8591EM                          7/00                    7/01

7)    Units of Measurements

      Radiated EMI:         Data is in dBµV/m; dB/m referenced to one

                            microvolt per meter.

      Radiated EMI:         The radiated emissions tests were performed

      at Rogers Labs, Inc. 3 meters Open Area Test Site (OATS)

      located at Rogers Labs, Inc., 4405 W. 259th Terrace,

      Louisburg, KS.

      Site Approval: Refer to Appendix for FCC Site Approval

      Letter, Reference 31040/SIT 1300F2, Dated February 6, 1998.

8)    Subpart C - Intentional Radiators

      15.205 Restricted Bands of Operation

      Spurious emissions falling in the restricted frequency bands

      of operation were measured at the OATS.                 The EUT utilizes

      frequency, determining circuitry, which generates harmonics

      falling in the restricted bands.               Emissions were checked at

      the OATS, using appropriate notch filters, antennas or

      pyramidal horns, amplification stages, and a spectrum

      analyzer.      No other significant emission was observed which

      fell into the restricted bands of operation.
4405 W. 259th Terrace       MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214   Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                      Page 7 of 17
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NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                  NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0

      Sample Calculations:
      Computed Quasi-Peak (dBµV/m @ 3m) = FSM(dBµV) + A.F.(dB) - Gain(dB)
                                          = 47.4 + 8.4 - 35
                                          = 20.8

      Data 15.205:
      Radiated Emissions in Restricted Bands:
      Frequency    FSM Hor.    FSM Vert.     Ant.   Amp.    Comp. Hor.            Comp. Vert.               FCC
          In        (dBµV)       (dBµV)     Fact.   Gain    (dBµV/m) @             (dBµV/m) @              Limit
         MHz      Quasi-Peak   Quasi-Peak    (dB)   (dB)        3m                     3 m                (dBµV)

        131.8        47.4         45.2       8.4     35         20.8                    18.6               43.5
        165.1        45.3         43.0       9.0     35         19.3                    17.0               43.5
        168.8        45.2         44.4       9.1     35         19.3                    18.5               43.5
        240.0        60.5         53.9      11.4     35         36.9                    30.3               46.0
        249.6        53.7         49.0      11.4     35         30.1                    25.4               46.0
        264.0        47.0         50.8      12.8     35         24.8                    28.6               46.0
        265.6        48.9         49.0      12.8     35         26.7                    26.8               46.0
        273.2        40.2         36.1      12.7     35         17.9                    13.8               46.0
        280.0        49.9         52.0      12.9     35         27.8                    29.9               46.0
        297.0        47.2         40.4      13.8     35         26.0                    19.2               46.0
        400.0        54.3         47.5      16.4     35         35.7                    28.9               46.0
       2710.2        32.6         23.0      32.6     25         40.2                    30.6               54.0
       2767.7        35.6         24.6      32.6     25         43.2                    32.2               54.0
       2782.2        33.5         28.3      32.6     25         41.1                    35.9               54.0
       3613.6        24.8         23.6      37.1     25         36.9                    35.7               54.0
       3690.3        25.3         24.3      37.1     25         37.4                    36.4               54.0
       3709.6        27.3         25.0      37.1     25         39.4                    37.1               54.0
    No other emissions found in the restricted bands.

      15.209 Radiated Emissions Limits; General Requirements

      Radiated EMI

      The EUT was arranged in a typical equipment configuration and

      operated in a standard mode.             Radiated emissions measurements

      were performed to identify the frequencies, which produced

      the highest emissions.             The highest radiated emission was

4405 W. 259th Terrace       MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214   Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                      Page 8 of 17
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NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                  NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0

      maximized at the OATS location before final radiated

      emissions measurements were performed. Final data was taken

      with the EUT located at the open field test site at a

      distance of 3 meters between the EUT and the receiving

      antenna.     The frequency spectrum from 30 MHz to 10 GHz was

      searched for radiated emissions.              Measured emission levels

      were maximized by EUT placement on the table, changing cable

      location, rotating the turntable through 360 degrees, varying

      the antenna height between 1 and 4 meters above the ground

      plane and changing antenna polarization between horizontal

      and vertical.         Antennas used were Broadband Biconical from 30

      MHz to 200 MHz, Log Periodic from 200 MHz to 5 GHz and/or

      Biconilog from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz; and pyramidal horns and or

      mixers from 4 GHz to 10 GHz, notch filters and appropriate


      Sample Calculations:
                     RFS =            Radiated Field Strength

                            dBµV/m @ 3m      = dBµV + A.F. - Amplifier Gain

                            dBµV/m @ 3m      = 57.2 + 7.9 - 35

                                             = 30.1

4405 W. 259th Terrace       MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214   Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                      Page 9 of 17
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NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                   NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0

      Data 15.209:

      Data: EUT and System Radiated Emissions (7 Highest) :
      Frequency    FSM Hor.    FSM Vert.     Ant.   Amp.    Comp. Hor.             Comp. Vert.               FCC
          In      Quasi-Peak   Quasi-Peak   Fact.   Gain       µV/m) @
                                                            (dBµ                       µV/m) @
                                                                                    (dBµ                    Limit
         MHz        (dBµV)       (dBµV)      (dB)   (dB)        3m                      3 m                (dBµV)

        80.0         57.2         62.3      7.9     35         30.1                     35.8               40.0
        90.0         49.0         47.1      7.9     35         21.9                     20.0               43.5
        95.9         49.8         47.5      7.7     35         22.5                     20.2               43.5
       160.0         51.3         51.2      8.9     35         25.2                     25.1               43.5
       208.7         41.5         44.8      11.5    35         18.0                     21.3               43.5
       280.0         49.9         52.0      12.9    35         27.8                     29.9               46.0
       297.0         47.2         40.4      13.8    35         26.0                     19.2               46.0
      Other emissions present had amplitudes at least 10 dB below the limit.

      Summary of Results for Radiated Emissions:

      The radiated emissions for the EUT meet the requirements for

      FCC Part 15C Intentional Radiators. The EUT had a minimum

      margin of 4.8 dB below the limits.                 Other emissions were

      present with amplitudes at least 10 dB below the FCC Limits.

      15.247 Operation in the Band 902-928 MHz

      Operation under the provisions of this section is limited to

      frequency hopping and direct sequence spread spectrum

      intentional radiators.             The EUT utilizes frequency hopping

      and complies with the regulations as stated. Preliminary

      testing was performed in a screen room with the EUT

      positioned 1 meter from the FSM.               Radiated emissions

      measurements were performed to identify the frequencies,

4405 W. 259th Terrace       MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214   Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                       Page 10 of 17
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NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                  NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0

      which produced the highest emissions.                The frequencies of

      operation ensure the frequency band edges are protected.

      For final test data the output power was measured on an open

      field test site at 3 meters distance. Data was taken per

      Paragraph 2.1046(a) and 15.247.              The EUT was placed on a

      wooden turntable 0.8 meters above the ground plane and at a

      distance of 3 meters from the FSM antenna.                       The amplitude of

      the carrier frequency was measured using a spectrum analyzer

      and appropriate antenna.            The amplitude of the emission was

      then recorded from the analyzer display.                    The amplitudes of

      each spurious emission were measured at a distance of 3

      meters from the FSM antenna at the OATS.                    The harmonic

      frequency amplitudes were measured using a spectrum

      analyzer, appropriate antenna, notch filter and

      amplification.         The amplitude of each spurious emission was

      maximized by varying the FSM antenna height, polarization,

      and by rotating the turntable.              A Biconilog Antenna was used

      for measuring emissions from 30 to 1000 MHz, a Log Periodic

      Antenna for 200 to 5000 MHz; and/or Pyramidal Horn Antenna

      and/or mixers from 4 to 10 GHz, notch filters and

      appropriate amplifiers.

      Emissions were measured in dBµV and converted to dBµV/m at 3

      meters using the following equation.

4405 W. 259th Terrace       MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214   Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                      Page 11 of 17
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NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                  NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0

             dBµv/m@ 3m = FSM + A.F. – AMP. GAIN
                             = 104.3 + 23.7 - 0.0
                             = 128.0

  Data: Intentional Radiated Emissions:
     FREQ.      FSM IN        FSM IN     ANT.     AMP.     LEVEL IN                  LEVEL IN
                 HOR.          VERT.     FACT.    GAIN    dBµV/m @ 3m               dBµV/m @ 3m
                 dBµV           dBµV      DB       dB     Horizontal                 Vertical

    903.38      104.3         94.5       23.7      0         128.0                       118.2
    922.60      100.0         91.8       23.7      0         123.7                       115.5
    927.40       99.2         87.5       23.7      0         122.9                       111.2
    1806.8       27.2         26.3       29.4      21         35.6                        34.7
    1845.3       30.0         30.1       29.4      21         38.4                        38.5
    1854.8       28.2         25.1       29.4      21         36.6                        33.5
    2710.2       32.6         23.0       32.6      20         45.2                        35.6
    2767.7       35.6         24.6       32.6      20         48.2                        37.2
    2782.2       33.5         28.3       32.6      20         46.1                        40.9
    3613.6       24.8         23.6       37.1      20         41.9                        40.7
    3690.3       25.3         24.3       37.1      20         42.4                        41.4
    3709.6       27.3         25.0       37.1      20         44.4                        42.1

      Summary of Results for Radiated Emissions of Intentional Radiator:

      The radiated emissions for the EUT meet the requirements for

      FCC Part 15C Intentional Radiators.                There are no measurable

      emissions in the restricted bands other than those recorded

      in this report.         Other emissions were present with amplitudes

      at least 10 dB below the FCC Limits.               The specification of

      15.247 are met, there are no deviations or exceptions to the

4405 W. 259th Terrace       MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214   Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                      Page 12 of 17
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NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                  NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0

      Statement of Modifications:

      No modifications to the EUT were required for the unit to

      meet the FCC Part 15B CLASS B emissions standards or the

      requirements of Part 15C paragraph 15.247. There were no

      deviations to the specifications.

4405 W. 259th Terrace       MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214   Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                      Page 13 of 17
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NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                  NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0

             1.   Rogers Qualifications

             2.   Test Equipment List

             3.   FCC Site Approval Letter

4405 W. 259th Terrace       MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214   Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                      Page 14 of 17
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NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                  NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0

   The test equipment used is maintained in calibration and good operating
   condition. Use of this calibrated equipment ensures measurements are
   traceable to national standards.

   List of Test Equipment:                                   Calibration                         Date:
   Scope: Tektronix 2230                                                                         2/00
   Wattmeter: Bird 43 with Load Bird 8085                                                        2/00
   Power Supplies: Sorensen SRL 20-25, SRL 40-25, DCR 150, DCR 140                               2/00
   H/V Power Supply: Fluke Model: 408B (SN: 573)                                                 2/00
   R.F. Generator: HP 606A                                                                       2/00
   R.F. Generator: HP 8614A                                                                      2/00
   R.F. Generator: HP 8640B                                                                      2/00
   Spectrum Analyzer: HP 8562A,                                                                  2/00
      Mixers: 11517A, 11970A, 11970K, 11970U, 11970V, 11970W
      HP Adapters: 11518, 11519, 11520
   Spectrum Analyzer: HP 8591 EM                                                                 7/00
   Frequency Counter: Leader LDC 825                                                             2/00
   Antenna: EMCO Biconilog Model: 3143                                                           4/00
   Antenna: EMCO Log Periodic Model: 3147                                                        10/00
   Antenna: Antenna Research Biconical Model: BCD 235                                            10/00
   Antenna: EMCO Dipole Set 3121C                                                                2/00
   Antenna: C.D. B-100                                                                           2/00
   Antenna: Solar 9229-1 & 9230-1                                                                2/00
   Antenna: EMCO 6509                                                                            2/00
   Audio Oscillator: H.P. 200CD                                                                  2/00
   R.F. Power Amp 65W Model: 470-A-1000                                                          2/00
   R.F. Power Amp 50W M185- 10-500                                                               2/00
   R.F. PreAmp CPPA-102                                                                          2/00
   Shielded Room 5 M x 3 M x 3.0 M (100 dB Integrity)
   LISN 50 µHy/50 ohm/0.1 µf                                                                     10/00
   LISN Compliance Eng. 240/20                                                                   2/00
   Peavey Power Amp Model: IPS 800                                                               2/00
   Power Amp A.R. Model: 10W 1000M7                                                              2/00
   Power Amp EIN Model: A300                                                                     2/00
   ELGAR Model: 1751                                                                             2/00
   ELGAR Model: TG 704A-3D                                                                       2/00
   ESD Test Set 2000i                                                                            10/95
   Fast Transient Burst Generator Model: EFT/B-100                                               10/95
   Current Probe: Singer CP-105                                                                  2/00
   Current Probe: Solar 9108-1N                                                                  2/00
   Field Intensity Meter: EFM-018                                                                10/95
   KETEK Ecat Surge Generator                                                                    10/99

4405 W. 259th Terrace       MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214   Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                      Page 15 of 17
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NVLAP Accredited Laboratory                                  NVLAP Lab Code: 200087-0



                            SCOT D. ROGERS, ENGINEER

                                 ROGERS LABS, INC.

Mr. Rogers has approximately 13 years experience in the field of
electronics. Six years working in the automated controls industry
and 6 years working with the design, development and testing of
radio communications and electronic equipment.


          Systems Engineer:              A/C Controls Mfg. Co., Inc.
                                         6 Years

          Electrical Engineer:           Rogers Consulting Labs, Inc.
                                         5 Years

          Electrical Engineer:           Rogers Labs, Inc.


          1)   Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering
               from Kansas State University.

          2)   Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration
               Kansas State University.

          3)   Several Specialized Training courses and seminars
               pertaining to Microprocessors and Software programming.

                                                Scot D. Rogers

                                                November 9, 2000

4405 W. 259th Terrace       MODEL: 1555 Hand Held Reader
Louisburg, KS 66053         Test #: 001109      FCCID#: HN21555-900
Phone/Fax: (913) 837-3214   Test to: FCC Parts 2 and 15c 15.247                      Page 16 of 17
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                                     7435 Oakland Mils Road
                                       Columbia, MD 21046
                                Telephone: 301—725—1585. (ext+218)
                                     Facsimile: 301—344—2050

                                       February 6, 1998
                                                                                 in nepuy rerer To

Rogers Labs, Inc.
4405 West 259th Terrace
Louisburg, KS 66053

Afttention:   Scot D. Rogers

               Re: Measurement facility located at above address
                    (3 and 10 meter site)


Your submission of the description of the subject measurement facility has been reviewed
and found to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.948 of the FCC Rules. The
description has, therefore, been placed on file and the name of your organization added to
the Commission‘s list of facilities whose measurement data will be accepted in conjunction
with applications for certification or notification under Parts 15 or 18 of the Commission‘s
Rules. Our list will also indicate that the facility complies with the radiated and AC line
conducted test site criteria in ANSI C63.4—1992. Please note that this filing must be updated
for any changes made to the facility, and at least every three years the data on file must be
certified as current.

Per your request, the above mentioned facility has been also added to our list of those who
perform these measurement services for the public on a fee basis. This list is updated
monthly and is available on the Laboratory‘s Public Access Link (PAL) at 301—725—1072, and
also on the Internet at the FCC Website www.fce.gov/oetfinfoldatabase/testsite/.


                                                  gh. unlt
                                                  Thomas W. Phillips
                                                  Electronics Engineer
                                                  Customer Service Branch

Document Created: 2019-11-10 05:48:29
Document Modified: 2019-11-10 05:48:29

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