Label Sample


ID Label/Location Info

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                                                  Th derm arin t o talrrcchas
                                                  Ovennisaie owo crjue
                                                  en nromrawinaiem
                                                  welne ennaannmy
                                             it ntaryrutooy            mtc
                                                                 cam vammeen

                   Acutay sra Lepot 102002 Larate)ty     @Bluetooth

                    Contains FCC ID: HLZ—T77H389
                    ContainsIC: 1754F—T77H360

© +/—0.2
                    @Bluetooth® c Eosso@

           15 MM
                    hcer tay sLepelt, 40, 20020 Lanate (M) tay

                   acer                          Thsderm arin n o talrrcchas
                   Model No: wst0                Ovennisaie tw o crjue
                                                 hi nnc iasainiee
                                                 welne ennaannmy
                                            t nvaryratoohy            mtc
                                                                cam vammequaen

                   Acatay sra Lepot 102002 Larate)ty    @Bluetooth

                    Gontains ECC ID: HLZ—T77H389
                    Contains IC: 1754F—T77H380

© +/—0.2
                    @Bluetooth® c €0560®

           15 MM
                    ontaly s ei¥a Leont 40, 20000 Lanats) ty

            acer                       Thsderm arin n o talrrcchas
            Model No: wstx             Ovennisaie tw o crjue
                                       hi nnc iasainiee
            Fee ID: HaWsto             welne ennaannmy mtc
            1: 1754r—w5t0          w roirgrecte tm aae nse
            CNC: C1

           c ?0560@                                        O
            Acatay sra Leut 102000 Larate (M)ty 9 Bluetooth

           " Gois reo b m m
             Gaminsic rrsirauras
             Conlains ECC ID: HLZ—T77H389
             Contains IC: 1764F—T77H380

             C Bluetooth® C €o5eo®
© +/—0.2     hcer ol M Lepet 4020020 Laiate () aiy

                   acer                              Thsderm arin n o talrrcchas
                   Model No: wsizp                   Ovennisaie tw o crjue
                                                     hi nnc iasainiee
                                                     welne ennaannmy
                                                t nvaryratoohy            mtc
                                                                    cam vammequaen

                   Acatay sra Lepot 102002 Larate)ty          @Bluetooth
                   "teancen naum
                    Cnsic irsimaiurm
                    Gontains FCG ID: HLZ—T77H389
                    Contains IC: 1754F—T77H380

© +/—0.2
                    C Bluetooth® c Eoseo@

           15 MM
                    holay se NMa LepeSt 40, 20020 Lainals (1) taly

                                                Thsderm arin n o talrrcchas
                                                Ovennisaie tw o crjue
                                                hi nnc iasainiee
                                                welne ennaannmy
                                           t nvaryratoohy            mtc
                                                               cam vammequaen

                   Acatay sra Lepot 102002 Larate)ty   @Bluetooth

                    Contains FCC ID: HLZ—T77H389
                    Contains IC: 1754F—T77H380

© +/—0.2
                    @Bluetooth® C €oseo®

           15 MM
                    hco tat s MLesett 40,20020 Lirae (11) ty

Document Created: 2019-10-17 22:15:25
Document Modified: 2019-10-17 22:15:25

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC