Users Manual


Users Manual

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 Acer Mixed Reality Headset

Quick Start Guide
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19
                                                  / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25

Overviews                                                         English



              2                                           5


     6                                                        9

     1   Strap hinge           6   Headphone (right)
     2   Optical sensors       7   HDMI / USB cable
     3   Power indicator       8   Kensington lock slot
     4   Speaker               9   Headphone (left)
     5   Display lenses

    10        11



         14                         16                           19


10 Optical portion release latch   15 Headstrap adjusting knob
11 Microphone                      16 Headphone (left)
12 Headphone jack                  17 Headset clips and hinges
13 IPD adjusting knob              18 Volume adjusting knob
14 Cable management grooves        19 Headphone (right)


                                  1                           4


               3                                              5


    7                                                             10

        1   Velcro strap              6   Cable organizer
        2   Power indicator           7   Headphone (right)
        3   Optical sensors           8   HDMI / USB cable
        4   Speaker                   9   Kensington lock slot
        5   Display lenses            10 Headphone (left)

         12     13


                                         17                           20


     11 IPD adjusting knob              16 Headstrap adjusting knob
     12 Optical portion release latch   17 Headphone (left)
     13 Microphone                      18 Headset clips and hinges
     14 Headphone jack                  19 Volume adjusting knob
     15 Cable organizer                 20 Headphone (right)

Getting started
 Note: The headset requires Windows RS4           can set up the controllers with your computer
 Update and an internet connection to             by going to Windows Settings > Devices >
 download updates.                                Add Bluetooth or other devices >
                                                  Bluetooth, then following the instructions in
Connecting your headset                           Controller Quick Start Guide.
Connect the HDMI and USB connectors to             Note: Connections depend on the type of
your computer.                                     controller, please check the Controller
1. After a short delay, the setup app will         Quick Start Guide.
   start automatically.                           After setting up your controllers, choose how
                                                  you will use your headset (with or without a
                                                  boundary) and follow the instructions.

2. Follow the instructions.
   Set up includes a hardware compatibility
   check, connecting your controllers, and        Assembling your headphones
   optionally setting the boundaries of your
   room (if you plan to walk while using the      To use headphones that come with the
   headset).                                      package, please follow the assembling
   If you need some help, select Get help in      instructions and connect them to the
   the bottom-left corner.                        headphone jack before starting the tutorial.
 Note: Do not wear the headset until you            Note: Headphones are recommended for a
 have finished the set up process.                  fully immersive experience.
                                                  1. The headphone with a volume adjusting
Set up your controllers                               wheel is for your left ear. Align the clip on
After finishing setting up your headset, you          the headphone first with the mark on the
will see the Mixed Reality Portal window.             headstrap lower edge then the upper
Refer to the Controller Quick Start Guide to          one. Push them together until you hear a
turn on your controller. The headset and the          click. Repeat to the other side.
controller will be paired automatically. Or you   2. Plug in the headphone jack.

3. To make it easier to put on the headset,
   please pinch at the clip on the top of
   each headphones to extend them until
   you feel them click into place.
4. Put on the headset and adjust the
   headstrap by turning the knob at the
   back of your head until you feel it is
   secured comfortably. Fit the headphone
   against your ears.
Complete the tutorial
The tutorial will instruct you on how to use
the headset and controllers.
Acer IPD Meter and IPD Indicator
For the optimal user experience, please
download the Acer IPD Meter and Acer IPD
Indicator     for    your    computer      and
smartphone. With these two apps you can
measure your interpupillary distance (IPD)
by following the instructions on the screens.
To adjust the headset to fit your IPD
measured by the IPD meter, please turn the
knob at the bottom of the headset. IPD
Indicator will pop-up on the screen and
display the current IPD setting of the device.

Important Healthy and Safety Information                             common in children and young people under the age of 20.
Carefully read the following warnings and information before         Anyone who experiences any of these symptoms should
use of the product and follow all product safety and operating       discontinue use of the headset and see a doctor. Anyone who
instructions. Failure to follow these instructions may cause         previously has had a seizure, loss of awareness, or other
injury and damage to your body, equipment and property.              symptom linked to an epileptic condition should see a doctor
[Warning] Be safe to use this product                                before using the headset.
   • Consult your doctor before using the product if you have        To reduce the likelihood of a seizure, do not use the product if
      pre-existing serious medical conditions (such as a heart       you are tired or need sleep.
      ailment), conditions that affect your ability to safely        [Use only in a safe environment]
      perform physical activities, psychiatric conditions (such as   While wearing the product's headset you are blind to the world
      anxiety disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder), or if    around you. The image displayed in the headset will not match
      you are pregnant or elderly.                                   the real world. Always use the product in a clear and safe area.
   • Do not use the product if you are sick, fatigued, under the     Do not rely on the product's chaperone system for protection.
      influence of intoxicants/drugs, or are not feeling generally   Do not use near stairways, large windows, heat sources, or
      well, as it may exacerbate your condition.                     outdoors. Clear the play area of people, furniture, and other
   • A comfortable virtual reality experience requires an            things that may be obstacles or block you from freely moving
      unimpaired sense of motion and balance. Do not use this        around. For example, if a pet comes into the room while you are
      device when you are tired, need sleep, are under the           using the product, you likely will not be aware of the pet's
      influence of alcohol or drugs, are hung-over, have             presence and you could trip over your pet while moving in the
      digestive problems, are under emotional stress or anxiety,     virtual reality environment.
      or are suffering from cold, flu, headaches, migraines, or         • Be Aware of the Cable and Connections
      earaches, as this can increase your susceptibility to               Keep in mind the location of the cable and connections
      adverse symptoms.                                                   running from the headset so that you are not likely to trip
   • Do not handle sharp or otherwise dangerous objects                   over or pull on them while moving around or walking
      while using this device. Never wear the device in                   around the play area. Move your feet slowly and carefully
      situations that require attention, such as walking,                 to avoid tripping, including on the cable. Make sure to
      bicycling, or driving.                                              maintain good footing. Tripping over the cable or
   • Do not use this device while in a moving vehicle such as a           contacting obstacles could cause injury or damage.
      car, bus, or train, as this can increase your susceptibility      • Take Care of the Controllers
      to adverse symptoms.                                                While using the hand controllers, always check that you
[Warning] Children                                                        have sufficient overhead and surrounding clearance to
   • Adults should make sure children (age 6 and older) use               allow you to fully extend your arms outward and upwards.
      the headset in accordance with these health and safety              Hitting persons or objects may cause injury or damage.
      warnings and instructions and only with age appropriate             Hold the controllers firmly and always use the wrist
      content. Adults should monitor children who are using or            straps. If released while using, it may cause injury or
      have used the headset for any of the symptoms in these              damage.
      instructions, and should limit the time children spend            • It is recommended that the product be used only while
      using the headset and ensure they take frequent breaks              under the supervision of another person who is ready to
      during use. Prolonged use should be avoided, as this                warn of hazards that may arise while the product is being
      could negatively impact hand-eye coordination, balance              used. Examples of hazards that could arise include, but
      and multi-tasking ability. Adults should monitor children           are not limited to, tangling of a cable in a manner that
      closely during and after use of the headset for any                 presents a tripping hazard, pets entering the area where
      decrease in these abilities.                                        the product is being used, and the user walking too close
   • Do not leave the product within the reach of young                   to a wall or another hazard).
      children or allow them to use or play with it. They can hurt   Use Only In A Safe Environment
      themselves or others, or damage the product.                   The headset produces an immersive virtual reality experience
   • The product may contain small parts with sharp edges            that distracts you from and completely blocks your view of your
      that may cause an injury or which could become                 actual surroundings.
      detached and create a choking hazard for young children.          • Always be aware of your surroundings before
      Consult your doctor immediately if any parts of the                 beginning use and while using the headset. Use
      product or accessories are swallowed.                               caution to avoid injury.
[Warning] Seizures:                                                     • Use of the headset may cause loss of balance.
Some people (about 1/4000) may have severe dizziness,                   • Remember that the objects you see in the virtual
seizures, eye or muscles twitching or blackouts triggered by              environment do not exist in the real environment, so don’t
light flashes or patterns, and this may occur while they are              sit or stand on them or use them for support.
watching TV, playing video games or experiencing virtual reality,       • Remain seated unless your game or content experience
even if they have never had a seizure or blackout before, or              requires standing.
have no history of seizures or epilepsy. Such seizures are more

    • Serious injuries can occur from tripping, running into or             skin. If this happens, stop using the device and consult
      striking walls, furniture or other objects, so clear an area          your physician.
      for safe use before using the headset.                           [Warning] Loss of hearing
    • Take special care to ensure that you are not near other             • Do not use the earphones at a high volume for prolonged
      people, objects, stairs, balconies, open doorways,                    periods of time, or permanent hearing loss may occur.
      windows, furniture, open flames, ceiling fans or light              • Listening to sound at high volumes can cause irreparable
      fixtures or other items that you can bump into or knock               damage to your hearing. Background noise, as well as
      down when using - or immediately after using - the                    continued exposure to high volume levels, can make
      headset.                                                              sounds seem quieter than they actually are. Due to the
    • Remove any tripping hazards from the area before using                immersive nature of the virtual reality experience, do not
      the headset.                                                          use the headset with the sound at a high volume so that
    • Remember that while using the headset you may be                      you can maintain awareness of your surroundings and
      unaware that people and pets may enter your immediate                 reduce the risk of hearing damage.
      area.                                                               • Protect your hearing and ears when using a headset.
[Warning] Interference with medical devices                                 - Always turn the volume down before plugging the
The product contains magnets or components that emit radio                    earphones into an audio source, and use only the
waves, which could affect the operation of nearby electronics,                minimum volume setting necessary to hear music.
including cardiac pacemakers, hearing aids and defibrillators. If           - Ensure the headset cable is not twisted around nearby
you have a pacemaker or other implanted medical device, do                    objects.
not use the headset without first consulting your doctor or the         [Warning] Discomfort
manufacturer of your medical device. Maintain a safe distance             • Immediately stop using the headset if any of the following
between the product and your medical devices, and stop using                symptoms are experienced: seizures; loss of awareness;
if you observe a persistent interference with your medical                  eye strain; eye or muscle twitching; involuntary
device.                                                                     movements; altered, blurred, or double vision or other
    • Do not use your device in a hospital, on an aircraft, or in           visual abnormalities; dizziness; disorientation; impaired
      any automobile that can be affected by radio frequencies.             balance; impaired hand-eye coordination; excessive
      Doing so may cause malfunctions of equipment and may                  sweating; increased salivation; nausea; light-
      result in injury or damage to property.                               headedness; discomfort or pain in the head or eyes;
[Precaution when using this device]                                         drowsiness; fatigue; or any symptoms similar to motion
    • Make sure the headset and sensor cables are not                       sickness.
      choking or tripping hazards.                                        • Just as with the symptoms people can experience after
    • Take at least a 10-to-15 minute break every 30 minutes,               they disembark a cruise ship, symptoms of virtual reality
      even if you don't think you need it. Each person is                   exposure can persist and become more apparent hours
      different, so take more frequent and longer breaks if you             after use. These post-use symptoms can include the
      feel discomfort. You should decide what works best.                   symptom above, as well as excessive drowsiness and
    • Ease into the use of this device to allow your body to                decreased ability to multi-task. These symptoms may put
      adjust. Use the device for only a few minutes at a time at            you at an increased risk of injury when engaging in
      first, and only increase the amount of time using this                normal activities in the real world.
      device gradually as you grow accustomed to virtual                  • Do not drive, operate machinery, cutting, cook or engage
      reality. Looking around when first entering virtual reality           in other visually or physically demanding activities that
      can help you adjust to any small differences between your             have potentially serious consequences (i.e., activities in
      real-world movements and the resulting virtual reality                which experiencing any symptoms could lead to death,
      experience.                                                           personal injury or damage to property), or other activities
    • Make sure this device is level and secured comfortably on             that require unimpaired balance and hand-eye
      your head, and make sure that you see a single, clear                 coordination (such as playing sports or riding a bicycle,
      image.                                                                skiing, swimming, skating, etc.) until you have fully
    • Keep the product away from excessive moisture and                     recovered from any symptoms.
      extreme temperatures. Do not leave the product in places            • Do not use the headset until all symptoms have
      such as on a car dashboard, window sill, or behind a                  completely subsided for several hours. Make sure you
      glass that is exposed to direct sunlight or strong                    have properly configured the headset before resuming
      ultraviolet light for extended periods of time. The headset           use.
      contains lenses which may focus and intensify bright light          • Be mindful of the type of content that you were using prior
      sources, causing damage to the hardware.                              to the onset of any symptoms because you may be more
    • Do not use the device if errors occur. Continued use of               prone to symptoms based upon the content being used
      the device after errors occur may result in discomfort or           • See a doctor if you have serious and/or persistent
      personal injury.                                                      symptoms.
    • If you are allergic to the paint or metal parts on the device,   [Warning] Repetitive Stress Injuries
      you may experience itching, eczema, or swelling of the              • Operate the product in a comfortable posture. Do not grip
                                                                            the product too tightly. Press the buttons lightly. If you

      have tingling, numbness, stiffness, throbbing, or other           • Do not use or store your device in areas with high
      discomfort, immediately stop using the product and                  concentrations of dust or airborne materials. Dust or
      consult your doctor.                                                foreign materials can cause your device to malfunction.
    • Prolonged use of this device and input devices (e.g., s)          • Do not allow the device's connector to contact
      can make your muscles, joints, or skin hurt. If any part of         conductors, such as liquid, dust, metal filings, and pencil
      your body becomes tired or sore while playing, or if you            leads. Contact with conductors may cause a short circuit
      feel symptoms such as tingling, numbness, burning, or               or corrosion at the connector and result in explosion, fire,
      stiffness, stop and rest for several hours before playing           or damage to the device.
      again. If you continue to have any of the above symptoms          • Do not bite or suck the device. Children or animals can
      or other discomfort during or after play, stop using this           choke on small parts.
      device and consult a physician.                                   • Do not insert the device or supplied accessories into the
[Physical and Psychological Effects]                                      eyes, ears, or mouth.
Content viewed using the product can be intense, immersive,             • Do not expose the device to heavy smoke or fumes.
and appear very life-like and may cause your brain and body to          • Keep the product dry, humidity and liquids may damage
react accordingly. Certain types of content (e.g. violent, scary,         the parts or short electronic circuits.
emotional, or adrenaline-based content) could trigger increased         • Do not store your device in very hot or very cold areas.
heart rate, spikes in blood pressure, panic attacks, anxiety,             We recommend you use your device at temperatures
PTSD, fainting, and other adverse effects. If you have a history          from 0° C to 35° C.
of negative physical or psychological reactions to certain real         • Do not use this product if it is cracked, broken, or its cable
life circumstances, avoid using the product to view similar               is damaged or wire is exposed.
content. Similarly, it is important to remember that simulated          • Do not attempt to disassemble, modify, or repair this
objects, such as furniture, that may be encountered while using           product by yourself, repairs should be made by an
the product do not exist in the real world, and injuries may result       authorized service agent.
when interacting with those simulated objects as if they were           • When cleaning your device, mind the following:
real, for example, by attempting to sit down on a virtual chair.          - Unplug the product from its power source before
[Avoid Overuse]                                                             cleaning. Use a damp cloth for cleaning, but NEVER
Prolonged, uninterrupted use of the product should be avoided.              use water to clean the product.
It may negatively impact hand-eye coordination, balance, and/             - Wipe the device and its lens with a clean, soft cloth or a
or cause other negative effects. While using the product                    cotton swab.
frequently and for prolonged periods of time, you may                     - Do not use chemicals or detergents. Doing so may
experience tiredness or soreness in your muscles, joints, or                discolor or corrode the outside of the device.
other body parts. Take regular breaks from using the product.             - Do not wash the foam cushioning. Doing so may cause
The length and frequency of necessary breaks may vary from                  the foam cushioning to deteriorate.
person to person.                                                     Environment
[General precautions]                                                 Temperature
    • Protect the product and use only approved accessories.            • Operating: 5 °C to 35 °C
      Non-approved product or accessories may cause injury              • Non-operating: -20 °C to 60 °C
      and damage.                                                     Humidity (non-condensing)
    • Use the device for its intended purpose only.                     • Operating: 20% to 80%
    • Do not paint the product or its accessories.                      • Non-operating: 20% to 60%
    • Avoid using the product after a dramatic change in
      temperature.                                                    Additional important regulatory information for your
      - NOTICE: When taking the product from low-                     health and safety
         temperature conditions into a warmer environment or          You can download more information from the Acer support
         from high-temperature conditions into a cooler               website by going to:
         environment, allow the product to acclimate to room          The using distance of the product
         temperature before turning on power.                         The shortest distance between the antenna and the face is 36.4
    • Do not share the headset with persons with contagious           mm when the user wears the VR.
      conditions, infections or diseases, particularly of the eyes,
      skin or scalp. The headset should be cleaned between
      each use with skin-friendly non-alcoholic antibacterial
      wipes and with a dry micro fiber cloth for the lenses.
    • The headset is worn next to your skin and scalp. Stop
      using the headset if you notice swelling, itchiness, skin
      irritation or other skin reactions. If symptoms persist,
      contact a doctor.
    • Do not drop or cause an impact to the device.

                                                                           exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions
                                                                           suivantes :
                                                                            1. l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et, and
                                                                            2. l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage
                                                                              radioelectrique subi, meme si le brouillage est susceptible d'en
                                                                              compromettre le fonctionnement.
             Federal Communications Commission
                  Declaration of Conformity                                RF Radiation Exposure Statement:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is           For body worn operation, this device has been tested and meets RF
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause     exposure guidelines when used with an accessory that contains no
harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference     metal. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with RF
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.       exposure guidelines.
                                                                           Déclaration d'exposition aux radiations RF:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
                                                                           Pour le fonctionnement du corps, ce téléphone a été testé et répond
a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These
                                                                           aux directives d'exposition RF lorsqu'il est utilisé avec un accessoire
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
                                                                           qui ne contient pas de métal. Utilisation d'autres accessoires peut ne
interference in a residential installation.
                                                                           pas assurer le respect des directives d'exposition RF.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency             The following local Manufacturer / Importer is responsible for this
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a        Product:                      Head-mounted display
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful               Brand:                          acer
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined
                                                                            Regulatory model number         H8001
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:          Sku name                        AH501* (* is "0-9", "a-z", "A-Z", "-" or
  -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.                              Name of responsible party:      Acer America Corporation
  -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that    Address of responsible party: 333 West San Carlos St., Suite 1500
                                                                                                          San Jose, CA 95110, U. S. A.
  to which the receiver is connected.
  -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.       Contact person:                 Acer Representative
                                                                            Phone no.:                      1-254-298-4000
You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly
approved by the part responsible for compliance could void the user’s       Fax no.:                        1-254-298-4147
authority to operate the equipment.                                         October 31, 2018
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:
 1. This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction
                                                                           Disposal instructions
                                                                           Do not throw this electronic device into the trash when
    with any other antenna or transmitter.
                                                                           discarding. Tominimize pollution and ensure utmost
 2. For body worn operation, this device has been tested and meets
    FCC RF exposure guidelines. When used with an accessory that           protection of the global environment, please recycle.
                                                                           For more information on the Waste from Electrical and
    contains metal may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure
                                                                           Electronics Equipment (WEEE) regulations, visit
This device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that
comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development
Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following
two conditions:
  1. This device may not cause interference, and
  2. This device must accept any interference, including interference
    that may cause undesired operation of the device.
L’émetteur/récepteur exempt de licence contenu dans le présent
appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Innovation, Sciences et
Développement économique Canada applicables aux appareils radio

                                                                       This product must be used in strict accordance with the regulations
                                                                       and constraints in the country of use. For further information, contact
                                                                       the local office in the country of use. Please see
                                                                       european-union/about-eu/countries_en for the latest country list.
                      EU Declaration of Conformity                     The device is restricted to indoor use only when operating in the 5120
We,                                                                    to 5350 Mhz frequency range.
  Acer Incorporated
  8F, 88, Sec. 1, Xintai 5th Rd., Xizhi, New Taipei City 221, Taiwan
  Contact Person: Mr. RU Jan,
  Acer Italy s.r.l
  Via Lepetit, 40, 20020 Lainate (MI) Italy                            This device meets the EU requirements on the limitation of exposure
  Tel: +39-02-939-921, Fax: +39-02 9399-2913                           of the general public to electromagnetic fields by way of health                                                          protection. The limits are part of extensive recommendations for the
                                                                       protection of the general public. These recommendations have been
  Product: Head-mounted display                                        developed and checked by independent scientific organizations
  Trade Name: acer                                                     through regular and thorough evaluations of scientific studies. The
  Regulatory model number: H8001                                       unit of measurement for the European Council's recommended limit
  Sku name: AH501*(* is “0-9”, “a-z”, “A-Z”, “-“, or blank)            for mobile devices is the "Specific Absorption Rate" (SAR), and the
                                                                       SAR limit is 2.0 W/kg averaged over 10 grams of body tissue. It
We, Acer Incorporated, hereby declare under our sole responsibility
that the product described above is in conformity with the relevant    meets the requirements of the International Commission on Non-
Union harmonization legislation as following harmonized standards      Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
and/or other relevant standards have been applied:                     For body worn operation, this device has been tested and meets the
   Electromagnetic compatibility (Directive 2014/30/EU)                ICNIRP exposure guidelines and the European Standard, for use with
   • EN 55032:2015+AC:2016-07 Class B                                  dedicated accessories. Use of other accessories which contain
   • EN 61000-3-2:2014 Class D                                         metals may not ensure compliance with ICNIRP exposure guidelines.
   • EN 61000-3-3:2013                                                 This equipment complies with the essential requirements of the
   • EN 55024: 2010+A1:2015                                            European Union directive 2014/53/EU. See Statements of European
   • EN 301 489-1 V2.1.1                                               Union Compliance, and more details refer to the attached Declaration
   • EN 301 489-17 V3.1.1
                                                                       of Conformity.
   Radio frequency spectrum usage (Directive 2014/53/EU)
   • EN 300 328 V2.1.1
   Healthy and Safety (Directive 2014/35/EU)
   • EN 60950-1:2006/A11:2009/A1:2010/A12:2011/A2:2013
   • EN 62479:2010
   RoHS (Directive 2011/65/EU)
   • EN 50581:2012

Operation frequency and radio-frequency power are listed as below:
2402-2480MHz < 10 dBm

Year to begin affixing CE marking 2018.

  RU Jan / Sr. Manager                       09,18, 2018
  Acer Inc. (Taipei, Taiwan)                 Date


Document Created: 2018-10-22 16:15:27
Document Modified: 2018-10-22 16:15:27

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